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2011-01-25 00:14:11 -05:00

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Raw Blame History

21Master Ball340In battle: Captures one Pokémon without fail. Has a capture rate of 255.
32Ultra Ball341200In battle: Attempts to capture one Pokémon. Has a capture rate of 2.
43Great Ball34600In battle: Attempts to capture one Pokémon. Has a capture rate of 1.5.
54Poké Ball34200In battle: Attempts to capture one Pokémon. Has a capture rate of 1.
65Safari Ball340In a Great Marsh encounter: Attempts to capture one Pokémon. Has a capture rate of 1.5.
76Net Ball331000In battle: Attempts to capture one Pokémon. Has a capture rate of 3 against Water or Bug Pokémon, but 1 against any others.
87Dive Ball331000In battle: Attempts to capture one Pokémon. Has a capture rate of 3.5 if the trainer is underwater, but 1 otherwise.
98Nest Ball331000In battle: Attempts to capture one Pokémon. Has a capture rate of 3 if the Pokémon is level 19 or below, 2 if the Pokémon is levels 20 through 29, and 1 otherwise.
109Repeat Ball331000In battle: Attempts to capture one Pokémon. Has a capture rate of 3 against Pokémon marked as caught in the trainer's Pokédex, but 1 otherwise.
1110Timer Ball331000In battle: Attempts to capture one Pokémon. Has a capture rate of 1, but increases by 1 after every tenth turn, to a maximum of 4.
1211Luxury Ball331000In battle: Attempts to capture one Pokémon. Has a capture rate of 1. Increases the rate at which the contained Pokémon gains Happiness.
1312Premier Ball33200In battle: Attempts to capture one Pokémon. Has a capture rate of 1.
1413Dusk Ball331000In battle: Attempts to capture one Pokémon. Has a capture rate of 4 in caves or at night, but 1 otherwise.
1514Heal Ball33300In battle: Attempts to capture one Pokémon. Has a capture rate of 1. Captured Pokémon have their HP fully restored and any major status ailments cured.
1615Quick Ball331000In battle: Attempts to capture one Pokémon. Has a capture rate of 4, but decreases by 1 after every fifth turn, to a minimum of 1.
1716Cherish Ball33200In battle: Attempts to capture one Pokémon. Has a capture rate of 1.
1817Potion2730030Heals one Pokémon for 20 HP.
1918Antidote3010030Cures one Pokémon of Poison.
2019Burn Heal3025030Cures one Pokémon of a Burn.
2120Ice Heal3025030Thaws one Pokémon.
2221Awakening3025030Awakens one Pokémon.
2322Parlyz Heal3020030Cures one Pokémon of Paralysis.
2423Full Restore27300030Fully heals one Pokémon and cures it of any major status ailment.
2524Max Potion27250030Fully heals one Pokémon.
2625Hyper Potion27120030Heals one Pokémon for 200 HP.
2726Super Potion2770030Heals one Pokémon for 50 HP.
2827Full Heal3060030Cures one Pokémon of any major status ailment.
2928Revive29150030Revives a Fainted Pokémon and restores half its max HP.
3029Max Revive29400030Revives a Fainted Pokémon and fully restores its HP.
3130Fresh Water2720030Heals one Pokémon for 50 HP.
3231Soda Pop2730030Heals one Pokémon for 60 HP.
3332Lemonade2735030Heals one Pokémon for 80 HP.
3433Moomoo Milk2750030Heals one Pokémon for 100 HP.
3534EnergyPowder2750030Heals one Pokémon for 50 HP. Lowers that Pokémon's Happiness by 5/5/10.
3635Energy Root2780030Heals one Pokémon for 200 HP. Lowers that Pokémon's Happiness by 10/10/15.
3736Heal Powder3045030Cures one Pokémon of any major status ailment. Lowers that Pokémon's Happiness by 5/5/10.
3837Revival Herb29280030Revives a Fainted Pokémon and fully restores its HP. Lowers that Pokémon's Happiness by 10/10/15.
3938Ether28120030Restores the PP for one Pokémon's selected move by 10.
4039Max Ether28200030Fully restores the PP for one Pokémon's selected move.
4140Elixir28300030Restores the PP for each of one Pokémon's moves by 10.
4241Max Elixir28450030Fully restores the PP for each of one Pokémon's moves.
4342Lava Cookie3020030Cures one Pokémon of any major status ailment.
4443Berry Juice2710030Heals one Pokémon for 20 HP.
4544Sacred Ash2920030Revives all Fainted Pokémon in the trainer's party and fully restores their HP.
4645HP Up26980030Increases one Pokémon's HP effort by 10, to a maximum of 100. Raises that Pokémon's Happiness by 5/3/2.
4746Protein26980030Increases one Pokémon's Attack effort by 10, to a maximum of 100. Raises that Pokémon's Happiness by 5/3/2.
4847Iron26980030Increases one Pokémon's Defense effort by 10, to a maximum of 100. Raises that Pokémon's Happiness by 5/3/2.
4948Carbos26980030Increases one Pokémon's Speed effort by 10, to a maximum of 100. Raises that Pokémon's Happiness by 5/3/2.
5049Calcium26980030Increases one Pokémon's Special Attack effort by 10, to a maximum of 100. Raises that Pokémon's Happiness by 5/3/2.
5150Rare Candy26480030Levels up one Pokémon. Raises that Pokémon's Happiness by 5/3/2.
5251PP Up26980030Increases the max PP for one of one Pokémon's moves by 20% its original PP, up to three times. Raises that Pokémon's Happiness by 5/3/2.
5352Zinc26980030Increases one Pokémon's Special Defense effort by 10, to a maximum of 100. Raises that Pokémon's Happiness by 5/3/2.
5453PP Max26980030Increases the max PP for one of one Pokémon's moves to its original PP plus 60%. Raises that Pokémon's Happiness by 5/3/2.
5554Old Gateau3020030Cures one Pokémon of any major status ailment.
5655Guard Spec.170030In battle: Prevents one Pokémon's stats from being lowered for the next five turns. Raises that Pokémon's Happiness by 1/1/0.
5756Dire Hit165030In battle: Raises one Pokémon's critical hit counter by 1. Raises that Pokémon's Happiness by 1/1/0.
5857X Attack150030In battle: Raises one Pokémon's Attack. Raises that Pokémon's Happiness by 1/1/0.
5958X Defend155030In battle: Raises one Pokémon's Defense. Raises that Pokémon's Happiness by 1/1/0.
6059X Speed135030In battle: Raises one Pokémon's Speed. Raises that Pokémon's Happiness by 1/1/0.
6160X Accuracy195030In battle: Raises one Pokémon's Accuracy. Raises that Pokémon's Happiness by 1/1/0.
6261X Special135030In battle: Raises one Pokémon's Special Attack. Raises that Pokémon's Happiness by 1/1/0.
6362X Sp. Def135030In battle: Raises one Pokémon's Special Defense. Raises that Pokémon's Happiness by 1/1/0.
6463Poké Doll11100030In wild battles: Ends the battle.
6564Fluffy Tail11100030In wild battles: Ends the battle.
6665Blue Flute3810030Awakens one Pokémon. Reusable.
6766Yellow Flute3820030Cures one Pokémon of Confusion. Reusable.
6867Red Flute3830030Cures one Pokémon of Attraction. Reusable.
6968Black Flute1140030Makes wild encounters less frequent. Reusable.
7069White Flute1150030Makes wild encounters more frequent. Reusable.
7170Shoal Salt92030No effect.
7271Shoal Shell92030No effect.
7372Red Shard920030Trade 10 for a Sunny Day TM in the house midway along the southern section of Route 212.
7473Blue Shard920030Trade 10 for a Rain Dance TM in the house midway along the southern section of Route 212.
7574Yellow Shard920030Trade 10 for a Sandstorm TM in the house midway along the southern section of Route 212.
7675Green Shard920030Trade 10 for a Hail TM in the house midway along the southern section of Route 212.
7776Super Repel1150030Prevents wild battles with Pokémon that are lower level than the trainer's lead Pokémon for 200 steps.
7877Max Repel1170030Prevents wild battles with Pokémon that are lower level than the trainer's lead Pokémon for 250 steps.
7978Escape Rope1155030Transports the trainer to the entrance of the cave s/he is in. Only usable in caves.
8079Repel1135030Prevents wild battles with Pokémon that are lower level than the trainer's lead Pokémon for 100 steps.
8180Sun Stone10210030Evolves a Gloom into Bellossom or a Sunkern into Sunflora.
8281Moon Stone10210030Evolves a Clefairy into Clefable, Jigglypuff into Wigglytuff, Nidorina into Nidoqueen, Nidorino into Nidoking, or Skitty into Delcatty.
8382Fire Stone10210030Evolves an Eevee into Flareon, a Growlithe into Arcanine, or a Vulpix into Ninetales.
8483Thunderstone10210030Evolves an Eevee into Jolteon or a Pikachu into Raichu.
8584Water Stone10210030Evolves an Eevee into Vaporeon, a Lombre into Ludicolo, a Poliwhirl into Poliwrath, a Shellder into Cloyster, or a Staryu into Starmie.
8685Leaf Stone10210030Evolves an Exeggcute into Exeggutor, a Gloom into Vileplume, a Nuzleaf into Shiftry, or a Weepinbell into Victreebel.
8786TinyMushroom2450030No effect.
8887Big Mushroom24500030No effect.
8988Pearl24140030No effect.
9089Big Pearl24750030No effect.
9190Stardust24200030No effect.
9291Star Piece24980030No effect.
9392Nugget241000030No effect.
9493Heart Scale910030Trade one to the Move Relearner in Pastoria City to teach one Pokémon a prior level-up move.
9594Honey3510030Immediately starts a wild battle if the trainer is standing in grass or in a cave. Can be smeared on sweet-smelling trees to attract tree-dwelling Pokémon after ten hours.
9695Growth Mulch3220030Spread over a planted Berry: Decreases growth time by 25% and speeds up the soil's drying.
9796Damp Mulch3220030Spread over a planted Berry: Increases growth time and slows the soil's drying.
9897Stable Mulch3220030Spread over a planted Berry: Increases the time the grown plant's Berries will stay attached.
9998Gooey Mulch3220030Spread over a planted Berry: Increases the number of times the Berry will regrow after wilting.
10099Root Fossil351000100Contains the fossil of a Lileep, which a Scientist can revive.
101100Claw Fossil351000100Contains the fossil of an Anorith, which a Scientist can revive.
102101Helix Fossil351000100Contains the fossil of an Omanyte, which a Scientist can revive.
103102Dome Fossil351000100Contains the fossil of a Kabuto, which a Scientist can revive.
104103Old Amber351000100Contains the fossil of an Aerodactyl, which a Scientist can revive.
105104Armor Fossil351000100Contains the fossil of a Shieldon, which a Scientist can revive.
106105Skull Fossil351000100Contains the fossil of a Cranidos, which a Scientist can revive.
107106Rare Bone2410000100No effect.
108107Shiny Stone10210080Evolves a Roselia into Roserade or a Togetic into Togekiss.
109108Dusk Stone10210080Evolves a Misdreavus into Mismagius or a Murkrow into Honchkrow.
110109Dawn Stone10210080Evolves a male Kirlia into Gallade or a female Snorunt into Froslass.
111110Oval Stone10210080Held by Happiny: Holder evolves into Chansey when it levels up during the daytime.
112111Odd Keystone35210080Place in the Hallowed Tower, and a Spiritomb will be summoned if the trainer's Underground status card counts at least 32 greetings.
113112Adamant Orb181000060Held by a Dialga: Increases the damage of the holder's Dragon and Steel moves by 20%.
114113Lustrous Orb181000060Held by a Palkia: Increases the damage of the holder's Dragon and Water moves by 20%.
115114Grass Mail2550Used to send short messages to other players via Pokémon trading.
116115Flame Mail2550Used to send short messages to other players via Pokémon trading.
117116Bubble Mail2550Used to send short messages to other players via Pokémon trading.
118117Bloom Mail2550Used to send short messages to other players via Pokémon trading.
119118Tunnel Mail2550Used to send short messages to other players via Pokémon trading.
120119Steel Mail2550Used to send short messages to other players via Pokémon trading.
121120Heart Mail2550Used to send short messages to other players via Pokémon trading.
122121Snow Mail2550Used to send short messages to other players via Pokémon trading.
123122Space Mail2550Used to send short messages to other players via Pokémon trading.
124123Air Mail2550Used to send short messages to other players via Pokémon trading.
125124Mosaic Mail2550Used to send short messages to other players via Pokémon trading.
126125Brick Mail2550Used to send short messages to other players via Pokémon trading.
127126Cheri Berry320103Held: When the holder becomes Paralyzed, this Berry is consumed and cures the Paralysis.
128127Chesto Berry320103Held: When the holder falls asleep, this Berry is consumed and awakens the holder.
129128Pecha Berry320103Held: When the holder becomes Poisoned, this Berry is consumed and cures the Poison.
130129Rawst Berry320103Held: When the holder becomes Burned, this Berry is consumed and cures the Burn.
131130Aspear Berry320103Held: When the holder becomes Frozen, this Berry is consumed and thaws the holder.
132131Leppa Berry320103Held: When one of the holder's moves runs out of PP, this Berry is consumed and restores 10 of the move's PP at the end of the turn.
133132Oran Berry320103Held: When the holder's HP falls to 1/2 or less, this Berry is consumed and heals the holder for 10 HP.
134133Persim Berry320103Held: When the holder becomes Confused, this Berry is consumed and cures the Confusion.
135134Lum Berry320103Held: When the holder gains a major status ailment, this Berry is consumed and cures the holder.
136135Sitrus Berry320103Held: When the holder's HP falls to 1/2 or less, this Berry is consumed and heals the holder for 1/4 its max HP.
137136Figy Berry620103Held: When the holder's HP falls to 1/2 or less, this Berry is consumed and heals the holder for 1/8 its max HP. If the holder dislikes spicy flavors (- Attack nature), it will also become Confused.
138137Wiki Berry620103Held: When the holder's HP falls to 1/2 or less, this Berry is consumed and heals the holder for 1/8 its max HP. If the holder dislikes dry flavors (- Special Attack nature), it will also become Confused.
139138Mago Berry620103Held: When the holder's HP falls to 1/2 or less, this Berry is consumed and heals the holder for 1/8 its max HP. If the holder dislikes sweet flavors (- Speed nature), it will also become Confused.
140139Aguav Berry620103Held: When the holder's HP falls to 1/2 or less, this Berry is consumed and heals the holder for 1/8 its max HP. If the holder dislikes bitter flavors (- Special Defense nature), it will also become Confused.
141140Iapapa Berry620103Held: When the holder's HP falls to 1/2 or less, this Berry is consumed and heals the holder for 1/8 its max HP. If the holder dislikes sour flavors (- Defense nature), it will also become Confused.
142141Razz Berry82010No effect; only useful for planting and cooking.
143142Bluk Berry82010No effect; only useful for planting and cooking.
144143Nanab Berry82010No effect; only useful for planting and cooking.
145144Wepear Berry82010No effect; only useful for planting and cooking.
146145Pinap Berry82010No effect; only useful for planting and cooking.
147146Pomeg Berry22010Raises one Pokémon's Happiness by 10/5/2. Lowers that Pokémon's HP effort by 10.
148147Kelpsy Berry22010Raises one Pokémon's Happiness by 10/5/2. Lowers that Pokémon's Attack effort by 10.
149148Qualot Berry22010Raises one Pokémon's Happiness by 10/5/2. Lowers that Pokémon's Defense effort by 10.
150149Hondew Berry22010Raises one Pokémon's Happiness by 10/5/2. Lowers that Pokémon's Special Attack effort by 10.
151150Grepa Berry22010Raises one Pokémon's Happiness by 10/5/2. Lowers that Pokémon's Special Defense effort by 10.
152151Tamato Berry22010Raises one Pokémon's Happiness by 10/5/2. Lowers that Pokémon's Speed effort by 10.
153152Cornn Berry82010No effect; only useful for planting and cooking.
154153Magost Berry82010No effect; only useful for planting and cooking.
155154Rabuta Berry82010No effect; only useful for planting and cooking.
156155Nomel Berry82010No effect; only useful for planting and cooking.
157156Spelon Berry82010No effect; only useful for planting and cooking.
158157Pamtre Berry82010No effect; only useful for planting and cooking.
159158Watmel Berry82010No effect; only useful for planting and cooking.
160159Durin Berry82010No effect; only useful for planting and cooking.
161160Belue Berry82010No effect; only useful for planting and cooking.
162161Occa Berry72010Held: When the holder is struck by a super-effective Fire move, this Berry is consumed and reduces the damage taken by 50%.
163162Passho Berry72010Held: When the holder is struck by a super-effective Water move, this Berry is consumed and reduces the damage taken by 50%.
164163Wacan Berry72010Held: When the holder is struck by a super-effective Electric move, this Berry is consumed and reduces the damage taken by 50%.
165164Rindo Berry72010Held: When the holder is struck by a super-effective Grass move, this Berry is consumed and reduces the damage taken by 50%.
166165Yache Berry72010Held: When the holder is struck by a super-effective Ice move, this Berry is consumed and reduces the damage taken by 50%.
167166Chople Berry72010Held: When the holder is struck by a super-effective Fighting move, this Berry is consumed and reduces the damage taken by 50%.
168167Kebia Berry72010Held: When the holder is struck by a super-effective Poison move, this Berry is consumed and reduces the damage taken by 50%.
169168Shuca Berry72010Held: When the holder is struck by a super-effective Ground move, this Berry is consumed and reduces the damage taken by 50%.
170169Coba Berry72010Held: When the holder is struck by a super-effective Flying move, this Berry is consumed and reduces the damage taken by 50%.
171170Payapa Berry72010Held: When the holder is struck by a super-effective Psychic move, this Berry is consumed and reduces the damage taken by 50%.
172171Tanga Berry72010Held: When the holder is struck by a super-effective Bug move, this Berry is consumed and reduces the damage taken by 50%.
173172Charti Berry72010Held: When the holder is struck by a super-effective Rock move, this Berry is consumed and reduces the damage taken by 50%.
174173Kasib Berry72010Held: When the holder is struck by a super-effective Ghost move, this Berry is consumed and reduces the damage taken by 50%.
175174Haban Berry72010Held: When the holder is struck by a super-effective Dragon move, this Berry is consumed and reduces the damage taken by 50%.
176175Colbur Berry72010Held: When the holder is struck by a super-effective Dark move, this Berry is consumed and reduces the damage taken by 50%.
177176Babiri Berry72010Held: When the holder is struck by a super-effective Steel move, this Berry is consumed and reduces the damage taken by 50%.
178177Chilan Berry72010Held: When the holder is struck by a Normal move, this Berry is consumed and reduces the damage taken by 50%.
179178Liechi Berry520103Held: When the holder's HP falls to 1/4 or less, this Berry is consumed and raises the holder's Attack.
180179Ganlon Berry520103Held: When the holder's HP falls to 1/4 or less, this Berry is consumed and raises the holder's Defense.
181180Salac Berry520103Held: When the holder's HP falls to 1/4 or less, this Berry is consumed and raises the holder's Speed.
182181Petaya Berry520103Held: When the holder's HP falls to 1/4 or less, this Berry is consumed and raises the holder's Special Attack.
183182Apicot Berry520103Held: When the holder's HP falls to 1/4 or less, this Berry is consumed and raises the holder's Special Defense.
184183Lansat Berry520103Held: When the holder's HP falls to 1/4 or less, this Berry is consumed and raises the holder's critical hit counter by 1.
185184Starf Berry520103Held: When the holder's HP falls to 1/4 or less, this Berry is consumed and raises one of the holder's stats at random by two levels.
186185Enigma Berry42010Held: When the holder is hit by a super-effective move, this Berry is consumed and heals the holder for 1/4 its max HP.
187186Micle Berry520103Held: When the holder's HP falls to 1/4 or less, this Berry is consumed and raises the accuracy of the holder's next used move.
188187Custap Berry52010Held: When the holder's HP falls to 1/4 or less, this Berry is consumed. On the next turn, the holder will move first within its move's priority bracket, regardless of Speed.
189188Jaboca Berry42010Held: When the holder is hit by a physical attack and survives, this Berry is consumed, and the opposing Pokémon takes 1/8 its max HP in damage.
190189Rowap Berry42010Held: When the holder is hit by a special attack and survives, this Berry is consumed, and the opposing Pokémon takes 1/8 its max HP in damage.
191190BrightPowder121010Held: Raises the holder's Evasion 10% (added, not multiplied).
192191White Herb12100104Held: After each move, if any of the holder's stats are below normal, this item is consumed and restores them to normal.
193192Macho Brace14300060Held: Doubles the effort the holder earns. Halves the holder's Speed.
194193Exp. Share16300030Held: The holder counts as having participated in the battle when Exp is distributed, whether or not it actually did.
195194Quick Claw1210080Held: The holder has a 3/16 chance to move first within its move's priority bracket, regardless of Speed.
196195Soothe Bell1610010Held: Doubles any Happiness earned by the holder.
197196Mental Herb12100104Held: When the holder becomes Attracted, this Berry is consumed and cures the Attraction.
198197Choice Band1310010Held: Increases the holder's Attack by 50%, but restricts it to the first move it uses until it leaves battle or loses this item. If this item is swapped for another Choice item via Trick or Switcheroo, the holder's restriction is still lifted, but it will again be restricted to the next move it uses. (Quirk: If the holder is switched in by U-Turn and it also knows U-Turn, U-Turn becomes its restricted move.)
199198King's Rock12100307Held: When the holder attacks with most damaging moves, provides an extra 11.7% (30/256) chance for the target to flinch. Held by Poliwhirl or Slowbro: Evolves the holder into Politoed or Slowking when traded, respectively.
200199SilverPowder1910010Held: Increases the power of the holder's Bug moves by 20%.
201200Amulet Coin1610030Held: Doubles the money the trainer receives after an in-game trainer battle. This effect cannot apply more than once to the same battle.
202201Cleanse Tag1620030Held by lead Pokémon: Prevents wild battles with Pokémon that are lower level than the holder.
203202Soul Dew1820030Held by Latias or Latios: Increases the holder's Special Attack and Special Defense by 50%.
204203DeepSeaTooth1820090Held by Clamperl: Doubles the holder's Special Attack. Evolves the holder into Huntail when traded.
205204DeepSeaScale1820030Held by Clamperl: Doubles the holder's Special Defense. Evolves the holder into Gorebyss when traded.
206205Smoke Ball1220030Held: In wild battles, attempts to run away on the holder's turn will always succeed.
207206Everstone1620030Held: Prevents the holder from evolving naturally. Evolution initiated by the trainer (Stones, etc) will still work.
208207Focus Band1220010Held: If the holder is attacked for regular damage that would faint it, this item has a 10% chance to prevent the holder's HP from lowering below 1.
209208Lucky Egg1620030Held: Increases any Exp the holder gains by 50%.
210209Scope Lens1220030Held: Raises the holder's critical hit counter by 1.
211210Metal Coat1910030Held: Increases the power of the holder's Steel moves by 20%. Held by Onix or Scyther: Evolves the holder into Steelix or Scizor when traded, respectively.
212211Leftovers1220010Held: Heals the holder by 1/16 its max HP at the end of each turn.
213212Dragon Scale10210030Held by Seadra: Evolves the holder into Kingdra when traded.
214213Light Ball18100305Held by Pikachu: Doubles the holder's initial Attack and Special Attack.
215214Soft Sand1910010Held: Increases the power of the holder's Ground moves by 20%.
216215Hard Stone19100100Held: Increases the power of the holder's Rock moves by 20%.
217216Miracle Seed1910030Held: Increases the power of the holder's Grass moves by 20%.
218217BlackGlasses1910030Held: Increases the power of the holder's Dark moves by 20%.
219218Black Belt1910030Held: Increases the power of the holder's Fighting moves by 20%.
220219Magnet1910030Held: Increases the power of the holder's Electric moves by 20%.
221220Mystic Water1910030Held: Increases the power of the holder's Water moves by 20%.
222221Sharp Beak1910050Held: Increases the power of the holder's Flying moves by 20%.
223222Poison Barb19100706Held: Increases the power of the holder's Poison moves by 20%.
224223NeverMeltIce1910030Held: Increases the power of the holder's Ice moves by 20%.
225224Spell Tag1910030Held: Increases the power of the holder's Ghost moves by 20%.
226225TwistedSpoon1910030Held: Increases the power of the holder's Psychic moves by 20%.
227226Charcoal19980030Held: Increases the power of the holder's Fire moves by 20%.
228227Dragon Fang1910070Held: Increases the power of the holder's Dragon moves by 20%.
229228Silk Scarf1910010Held: Increases the power of the holder's Normal moves by 20%.
230229Up-Grade10210030Held by Porygon: Evolves the holder into Porygon2 when traded.
231230Shell Bell1220030Held: Heals the holder by 1/8 of any damage it inflicts.
232231Sea Incense19960010Held: Increases the power of the holder's Water moves by 20%.
233232Lax Incense12960010Held: Increases the holder's Evasion by 5%.
234233Lucky Punch181040Held by Chansey: Raises the holder's critical hit counter by 2.
235234Metal Powder181010Held by Ditto: Increases the holder's initial Defense and Special Defense by 50%.
236235Thick Club1850090Held by Cubone or Marowak: Doubles the holder's Attack.
237236Stick1820060Held by Farfetch'd: Raises the holder's critical hit counter by 2.
238237Red Scarf3610010Held: Increases the holder's Coolness during a Super Contest's Visual Competition.
239238Blue Scarf3610010Held: Increases the holder's Beauty during a Super Contest's Visual Competition.
240239Pink Scarf3610010Held: Increases the holder's Cuteness during a Super Contest's Visual Competition.
241240Green Scarf3610010Held: Increases the holder's Smartness during a Super Contest's Visual Competition.
242241Yellow Scarf3610010Held: Increases the holder's Toughness during a Super Contest's Visual Competition.
243242Wide Lens1220010Held: Increases the accuracy of any move the holder uses by 10% (multiplied; i.e. 70% accuracy is increased to 77%).
244243Muscle Band1220010Held: Increases the power of the holder's physical moves by 10%.
245244Wise Glasses1220010Held: Increases the power of the holder's special moves by 10%.
246245Expert Belt1220010Held: When the holder hits with a super-effective move, its power is raised by 20%.
247246Light Clay1220030Held: The holder's Reflect and Light Screen will create effects lasting for eight turns rather than five. As this item affects the move rather than the barrier itself, the effect is not lost if the holder leaves battle or drops this item.
248247Life Orb1220030Held: Damage from the holder's moves is increased by 30%. On each turn the holder uses a damage-inflicting move, it takes 10% its max HP in damage.
249248Power Herb1210010Held: Whenever the holder uses a move that requires a turn to charge first (Bounce, Dig, Dive, Fly, Razor Wind, Skull Bash, Sky Attack, or Solarbeam), this item is consumed and the charge is skipped. Skull Bash still provides a Defense boost.
250249Toxic Orb15100301Held: Badly poisons the holder at the end of each turn.
251250Flame Orb15100302Held: Burns the holder at the end of each turn.
252251Quick Powder181010Held by Ditto: Doubles the holder's initial Speed.
253252Focus Sash1220010Held: If the holder has full HP and is attacked for regular damage that would faint it, this item is consumed and prevents the holder's HP from lowering below 1. This effect works against multi-hit attacks, but does not work against the effects of Doom Desire or Future Sight.
254253Zoom Lens1220010Held: Raises the holder's Accuracy by 20% when it goes last. Ingame description is incorrect.
255254Metronome1220030Held: Each time the holder uses the same move consecutively, its power is increased by another 10% of its original, to a maximum of 100%.
256255Iron Ball15200130Held: Decreases the holder's Speed by 50%. If the holder is Flying or has Levitate, it takes regular damage from Ground attacks and is suspectible to Spikes and Toxic Spikes.
257256Lagging Tail1520010Held: The holder will go last within its move's priority bracket, regardless of Speed. If multiple Pokémon within the same priority bracket are subject to this effect, the slower Pokémon will go first. The holder will move after Pokémon with Stall. If the holder has Stall, Stall is ignored. This item ignores Trick Room.
258257Destiny Knot1220010Held: When the holder becomes Attracted, the Pokémon it is Attracted to becomes Attracted back.
259258Black Sludge1220030Held: If the holder is Poison-type, restores 1/16 max HP at the end of each turn. Otherwise, damages the holder by 1/16 its max HP at the end of each turn.
260259Icy Rock1220040Held: The holder's Hail will create a hailstorm lasting for eight turns rather than five. As this item affects the move rather than the weather itself, the effect is not lost if the holder leaves battle or drops this item.
261260Smooth Rock1220010Held: The holder's Sandstorm will create a sandstorm lasting for eight turns rather than five. As this item affects the move rather than the weather itself, the effect is not lost if the holder leaves battle or drops this item.
262261Heat Rock1220060Held: The holder's Sunny Day will create sunshine lasting for eight turns rather than five. As this item affects the move rather than the weather itself, the effect is not lost if the holder leaves battle or drops this item.
263262Damp Rock1220060Held: The holder's Rain Dance will create rain lasting for eight turns rather than five. As this item affects the move rather than the weather itself, the effect is not lost if the holder leaves battle or drops this item.
264263Grip Claw1220090Held: Increases the duration of the holder's multiturn (2-5 turn) moves by three turns.
265264Choice Scarf1320010Held: Increases the holder's Speed by 50%, but restricts it to the first move it uses until it leaves battle or loses this item. If this item is swapped for another Choice item via Trick or Switcheroo, the holder's restriction is still lifted, but it will again be restricted to the next move it uses. (Quirk: If the holder is switched in by U-Turn and it also knows U-Turn, U-Turn becomes its restricted move.)
266265Sticky Barb1520080Held: Damaged the holder for 1/8 its max HP. When the holder is struck by a contact move, damages the attacker for 1/8 its max HP; if the attacker is not holding an item, it will take this item.
267266Power Bracer14300070Held: Decreases the holder's Speed by 50%. Whenever the holder gains Attack effort from battle, increases that effort by 4; this applies before the PokéRUS doubling effect.
268267Power Belt14300070Held: Decreases the holder's Speed by 50%. Whenever the holder gains Defense effort from battle, increases that effort by 4; this applies before the PokéRUS doubling effect.
269268Power Lens14300070Held: Decreases the holder's Speed by 50%. Whenever the holder gains Special Attack effort from battle, increases that effort by 4; this applies before the PokéRUS doubling effect.
270269Power Band14300070Held: Decreases the holder's Speed by 50%. Whenever the holder gains Special Defense effort from battle, increases that effort by 4; this applies before the PokéRUS doubling effect.
271270Power Anklet14300070Held: Decreases the holder's Speed by 50%. Whenever the holder gains Speed effort from battle, increases that effort by 4; this applies before the PokéRUS doubling effect.
272271Power Weight14300070Held: Decreases the holder's Speed by 50%. Whenever the holder gains HP effort from battle, increases that effort by 4; this applies before the PokéRUS doubling effect.
273272Shed Shell1210010Held: The holder is unaffected by any moves or abilities that would prevent it from actively leaving battle.
274273Big Root1220010Held: HP restored from Absorb, Aqua Ring, Drain Punch, Dream Eater, Giga Drain, Ingrain, Leech Life, Leech Seed, and Mega Drain is increased by 30%. Damage inflicted is not affected.
275274Choice Specs1320010Held: Increases the holder's Special Attack by 50%, but restricts it to the first move it uses until it leaves battle or loses this item. If this item is swapped for another Choice item via Trick or Switcheroo, the holder's restriction is still lifted, but it will again be restricted to the next move it uses. (Quirk: If the holder is switched in by U-Turn and it also knows U-Turn, U-Turn becomes its restricted move.)
276275Flame Plate17100090Held: Increases the power of the holder's Fire moves by 20%. Held by a Multitype Pokémon: Holder's type becomes Fire.
277276Splash Plate17100090Held: Increases the power of the holder's Water moves by 20%. Held by a Multitype Pokémon: Holder's type becomes Water.
278277Zap Plate17100090Held: Increases the power of the holder's Electric moves by 20%. Held by a Multitype Pokémon: Holder's type becomes Electric.
279278Meadow Plate17100090Held: Increases the power of the holder's Grass moves by 20%. Held by a Multitype Pokémon: Holder's type becomes Grass.
280279Icicle Plate17100090Held: Increases the power of the holder's Ice moves by 20%. Held by a Multitype Pokémon: Holder's type becomes Ice.
281280Fist Plate17100090Held: Increases the power of the holder's Fighting moves by 20%. Held by a Multitype Pokémon: Holder's type becomes Fighting.
282281Toxic Plate17100090Held: Increases the power of the holder's Poison moves by 20%. Held by a Multitype Pokémon: Holder's type becomes Poison.
283282Earth Plate17100090Held: Increases the power of the holder's Ground moves by 20%. Held by a Multitype Pokémon: Holder's type becomes Ground.
284283Sky Plate17100090Held: Increases the power of the holder's Flying moves by 20%. Held by a Multitype Pokémon: Holder's type becomes Flying.
285284Mind Plate17100090Held: Increases the power of the holder's Psychic moves by 20%. Held by a Multitype Pokémon: Holder's type becomes Psychic.
286285Insect Plate17100090Held: Increases the power of the holder's Bug moves by 20%. Held by a Multitype Pokémon: Holder's type becomes Bug.
287286Stone Plate17100090Held: Increases the power of the holder's Rock moves by 20%. Held by a Multitype Pokémon: Holder's type becomes Rock.
288287Spooky Plate17100090Held: Increases the power of the holder's Ghost moves by 20%. Held by a Multitype Pokémon: Holder's type becomes Ghost.
289288Draco Plate17100090Held: Increases the power of the holder's Dragon moves by 20%. Held by a Multitype Pokémon: Holder's type becomes Dragon.
290289Dread Plate17100090Held: Increases the power of the holder's Dark moves by 20%. Held by a Multitype Pokémon: Holder's type becomes Dark.
291290Iron Plate17100090Held: Increases the power of the holder's Steel moves by 20%. Held by a Multitype Pokémon: Holder's type becomes Steel.
292291Odd Incense19960010Held: Increases the power of the holder's Psychic moves by 20%.
293292Rock Incense19960010Held: Increases the power of the holder's Rock moves by 20%.
294293Full Incense15960010Held: The holder will go last within its move's priority bracket, regardless of Speed. If multiple Pokémon within the same priority bracket are subject to this effect, the slower Pokémon will go first. The holder will move after Pokémon with Stall. If the holder has Stall, Stall is ignored. This item ignores Trick Room.
295294Wave Incense19960010Held: Increases the power of the holder's Water moves by 20%.
296295Rose Incense19960010Held: Increases the power of the holder's Grass moves by 20%.
297296Luck Incense16960010Held: Doubles the money the trainer receives after an in-game trainer battle. This effect cannot apply more than once to the same battle.
298297Pure Incense16960010Held by lead Pokémon: Prevents wild battles with Pokémon that are lower level than the holder.
299298Protector10210080Held by Rhydon: Evolves the holder into Rhyperior when traded.
300299Electirizer10210080Held by Electabuzz: Evolves the holder into Electivire when traded.
301300Magmarizer10210080Held by Magmar: Evolves the holder into Magmortar when traded.
302301Dubious Disc10210050Held by Porygon2: Evolves the holder into Porygon-Z when traded.
303302Reaper Cloth10210010Held by Dusclops: Evolves the holder into Dusknoir when traded.
304303Razor Claw12210080Held: Raises the holder's critical hit counter by 1. Held by Sneasel: Evolves the holder into Weavile when it levels up during the night.
305304Razor Fang122100307Held: When the holder attacks with most damaging moves, provides an extra 11.7% (30/256) chance for the target to flinch. Held by Gligar: Evolves the holder into Gliscor when traded.
306305TM01373000Teaches Focus Punch to a compatible Pokémon.
307306TM02373000Teaches Dragon Claw to a compatible Pokémon.
308307TM03373000Teaches Water Pulse to a compatible Pokémon.
309308TM04371500Teaches Calm Mind to a compatible Pokémon.
310309TM05371000Teaches Roar to a compatible Pokémon.
311310TM06373000Teaches Toxic to a compatible Pokémon.
312311TM07372000Teaches Hail to a compatible Pokémon.
313312TM08371500Teaches Bulk Up to a compatible Pokémon.
314313TM09372000Teaches Bullet Seed to a compatible Pokémon.
315314TM10372000Teaches Hidden Power to a compatible Pokémon.
316315TM11372000Teaches Sunny Day to a compatible Pokémon.
317316TM12371500Teaches Taunt to a compatible Pokémon.
318317TM13373000Teaches Ice Beam to a compatible Pokémon.
319318TM14375500Teaches Blizzard to a compatible Pokémon.
320319TM15377500Teaches Hyper Beam to a compatible Pokémon.
321320TM16372000Teaches Light Screen to a compatible Pokémon.
322321TM17372000Teaches Protect to a compatible Pokémon.
323322TM18372000Teaches Rain Dance to a compatible Pokémon.
324323TM19373000Teaches Giga Drain to a compatible Pokémon.
325324TM20372000Teaches Safeguard to a compatible Pokémon.
326325TM21371000Teaches Frustration to a compatible Pokémon.
327326TM22373000Teaches SolarBeam to a compatible Pokémon.
328327TM23373000Teaches Iron Tail to a compatible Pokémon.
329328TM24373000Teaches Thunderbolt to a compatible Pokémon.
330329TM25375500Teaches Thunder to a compatible Pokémon.
331330TM26373000Teaches Earthquake to a compatible Pokémon.
332331TM27371000Teaches Return to a compatible Pokémon.
333332TM28372000Teaches Dig to a compatible Pokémon.
334333TM29373000Teaches Psychic to a compatible Pokémon.
335334TM30373000Teaches Shadow Ball to a compatible Pokémon.
336335TM31373000Teaches Brick Break to a compatible Pokémon.
337336TM32371000Teaches Double Team to a compatible Pokémon.
338337TM33372000Teaches Reflect to a compatible Pokémon.
339338TM34373000Teaches Shock Wave to a compatible Pokémon.
340339TM35373000Teaches Flamethrower to a compatible Pokémon.
341340TM36373000Teaches Sludge Bomb to a compatible Pokémon.
342341TM37372000Teaches Sandstorm to a compatible Pokémon.
343342TM38375500Teaches Fire Blast to a compatible Pokémon.
344343TM39372000Teaches Rock Tomb to a compatible Pokémon.
345344TM40373000Teaches Aerial Ace to a compatible Pokémon.
346345TM41371500Teaches Torment to a compatible Pokémon.
347346TM42373000Teaches Facade to a compatible Pokémon.
348347TM43372000Teaches Secret Power to a compatible Pokémon.
349348TM44373000Teaches Rest to a compatible Pokémon.
350349TM45373000Teaches Attract to a compatible Pokémon.
351350TM46372000Teaches Thief to a compatible Pokémon.
352351TM47373000Teaches Steel Wing to a compatible Pokémon.
353352TM48373000Teaches Skill Swap to a compatible Pokémon.
354353TM49371500Teaches Snatch to a compatible Pokémon.
355354TM50375500Teaches Overheat to a compatible Pokémon.
356355TM51372000Teaches Roost to a compatible Pokémon.
357356TM52375500Teaches Focus Blast to a compatible Pokémon.
358357TM53373000Teaches Energy Ball to a compatible Pokémon.
359358TM54372000Teaches False Swipe to a compatible Pokémon.
360359TM55373000Teaches Brine to a compatible Pokémon.
361360TM56372000Teaches Fling to a compatible Pokémon.
362361TM57373000Teaches Charge Beam to a compatible Pokémon.
363362TM58372000Teaches Endure to a compatible Pokémon.
364363TM59373000Teaches Dragon Pulse to a compatible Pokémon.
365364TM60373000Teaches Drain Punch to a compatible Pokémon.
366365TM61372000Teaches Will-O-Wisp to a compatible Pokémon.
367366TM62373000Teaches Silver Wind to a compatible Pokémon.
368367TM63372000Teaches Embargo to a compatible Pokémon.
369368TM64377500Teaches Explosion to a compatible Pokémon.
370369TM65373000Teaches Shadow Claw to a compatible Pokémon.
371370TM66373000Teaches Payback to a compatible Pokémon.
372371TM67371000Teaches Recycle to a compatible Pokémon.
373372TM68377500Teaches Giga Impact to a compatible Pokémon.
374373TM69371500Teaches Rock Polish to a compatible Pokémon.
375374TM70371000Teaches Flash to a compatible Pokémon.
376375TM71373000Teaches Stone Edge to a compatible Pokémon.
377376TM72373000Teaches Avalanche to a compatible Pokémon.
378377TM73372000Teaches Thunder Wave to a compatible Pokémon.
379378TM74373000Teaches Gyro Ball to a compatible Pokémon.
380379TM75371500Teaches Swords Dance to a compatible Pokémon.
381380TM76372000Teaches Stealth Rock to a compatible Pokémon.
382381TM77371500Teaches Psych Up to a compatible Pokémon.
383382TM78371500Teaches Captivate to a compatible Pokémon.
384383TM79373000Teaches Dark Pulse to a compatible Pokémon.
385384TM80373000Teaches Rock Slide to a compatible Pokémon.
386385TM81373000Teaches X-Scissor to a compatible Pokémon.
387386TM82371000Teaches Sleep Talk to a compatible Pokémon.
388387TM83372000Teaches Natural Gift to a compatible Pokémon.
389388TM84373000Teaches Poison Jab to a compatible Pokémon.
390389TM85373000Teaches Dream Eater to a compatible Pokémon.
391390TM86373000Teaches Grass Knot to a compatible Pokémon.
392391TM87371500Teaches Swagger to a compatible Pokémon.
393392TM88373000Teaches Pluck to a compatible Pokémon.
394393TM89373000Teaches U-Turn to a compatible Pokémon.
395394TM90372000Teaches Substitute to a compatible Pokémon.
396395TM91373000Teaches Flash Cannon to a compatible Pokémon.
397396TM92375500Teaches Trick Room to a compatible Pokémon.
398397HM01370Teaches Cut to a compatible Pokémon.
399398HM02370Teaches Fly to a compatible Pokémon.
400399HM03370Teaches Surf to a compatible Pokémon.
401400HM04370Teaches Strength to a compatible Pokémon.
402401HM05370Teaches Defog to a compatible Pokémon.
403402HM06370Teaches Rock Smash to a compatible Pokémon.
404403HM07370Teaches Waterfall to a compatible Pokémon.
405404HM08370Teaches Rock Climb to a compatible Pokémon.
406405Explorer Kit210Sends the trainer to the Underground. Only usable outside.
407406Loot Sack230Unused.
408407Rule Book230Unused.
409408Poké Radar210Designates several nearby patches of grass as containing Pokémon, some of which may be special radar-only Pokémon. Successive uses in a certain way create chains of encounters with the same species; longer chains increase the chance that a shiny Pokémon of that species will appear.
410409Point Card210Tracks Battle Points.
411410Journal210Records some of the trainer's activities for the day.
412411Seal Case210Contains Seals used for decorating Pokéballs.
413412Fashion Case210Contains Pokémon Accessories.
414413Seal Bag230Unused.
415414Pal Pad210Contains friend codes for up to 32 other players, as well as their sprite, gender, and basic statistics for those that have been seen on WFC.
416415Works Key220Opens the front door of the Valley Windworks. Reusable.
417416Old Charm220Given to Cynthia's grandmother to get the Surf HM.
418417Galactic Key220Grants access to Galactic HQ in Veilstone City.
419418Red Chain230Unused.
420419Town Map210Displays a map of the region including the trainer's position, location names, visited towns, gym locations, and where the trainer has been walking recently.
421420Vs. Seeker210Reveals trainers who want a rematch, by showing !! over their heads. Each use drains the battery; requires 100 steps to charge.
422421Coin Case210Contains the Coins used by the Game Corner, to a maximum of 50,000.
423422Old Rod210Used to find Pokémon on the Old Rod list for an area, which are generally Magikarp or similar.
424423Good Rod210Used to find Pokémon on the Good Rod list for an area, which are generally mediocre.
425424Super Rod210Used to find Pokémon on the Super Rod list for an area, which are generally the best available there.
426425Sprayduck210Waters Berry plants.
427426Poffin Case210Contains up to 100 Poffins.
428427Bicycle210Increases movement speed outside or in caves. In high gear, allows the trainer to hop over some rocks and ascend muddy slopes.
429428Suite Key200Opens the locked building in the lakeside resort.
430429Oak's Letter200Grants access to Flower Paradise and Shaymin.
431430Lunar Wing200Cures the sailor's son of his nightmares; no reward, only a side effect of seeing Cresselia.
432431Member Card200Provides access to Newmoon Island and Darkrai.
433432Azure Flute200Supposedly related to t
434433S.S. Ticket230Unused.
435434Contest Pass210Allows the trainer to enter Contests.
436435Magma Stone230Unused.
437436Parcel220Given to the trainer's rival in Jubilife City. Contains two Town Maps, one of which is given to the trainer upon delivery.
438437Coupon 1220One of three coupons needed to receive a Pokétch.
439438Coupon 2220One of three coupons needed to receive a Pokétch.
440439Coupon 3220One of three coupons needed to receive a Pokétch.
441440Storage Key220Grants access to the Team Galactic warehouse in Veilstone City.
442441SecretPotion220Required to cure the Psyducks blocking Route 210 of their chronic headaches.
443442Griseous Orb1810000Held by :pokemon:`Giratina` Holder's :type:`dragon` and :type:`ghost` moves have 1.2× their base power. Holder is in Origin Forme. This item cannot be held by any Pokémon but Giratina. When you enter the Union Room or connect to Wi-Fi, this item returns to your bag.
444443Vs. Recorder210Optionally records wireless, Wi-Fi, and Battle Frontier battles. Tracks Battle Points earned in the Battle Frontier, and stores commemorative prints.
445444Gracidea200Used by trainer on a :pokemon:`Shaymin` Changes the target Shaymin from Land Forme to Sky Forme. This item cannot be used on a :mechanic:`frozen` Shaymin or at night. Sky Forme Shaymin will revert to Land Forme overnight, when frozen, and upon entering a link battle. This item must be used again to change it back.
446445Secret Key200Used by trainer in the Galactic Eterna Building, on the ground floor, to the left of the TV Unlocks the secret :pokemon:`Rotom` room, in which there are five appliances which can change Rotom's form.
447446Apricorn Box210Stores Apricorns.
448447Berry Pots210Contains four portable pots of soil suitable for growing berries.
449448Squirtbottle220Required to water berries within the :item:`Berry Pots`. Required to battle the :pokemon:`Sudowoodo` on :location:`Route 36`. This item cannot be directly used from the bag.
450449Lure Ball39300Used by trainer in battle Attempts to :mechanic:`catch` a wild Pokémon. If used in a trainer battle, nothing happens and the ball is lost. If the wild Pokémon was encountered by fishing, the wild Pokémon's catch rate is 3× normal.
451450Level Ball39300Used by trainer in battle Attempts to :mechanic:`catch` a wild Pokémon. If used in a trainer battle, nothing happens and the ball is lost. If the trainer's Pokémon's level is higher than: * four times the wild Pokémon's, the wild Pokémon's catch rate is 8× normal. * than twice the wild Pokémon's, the wild Pokémon's catch rate is 4× normal. * the wild Pokémon's, the wild Pokémon's catch rate is 2× normal.
452451Moon Ball39300Used by trainer in battle Attempts to :mechanic:`catch` a wild Pokémon. If used in a trainer battle, nothing happens and the ball is lost. If the wild Pokémon is a :pokemon:`Clefairy`, :pokemon:`Nidoran♂`, :pokemon:`Nidoran♀`, :pokemon:`Jigglypuff`, :pokemon:`Skitty`, or any evolution thereof, the wild Pokémon has 4× its catch rate.
453452Heavy Ball39300Used by a trainer in battle Attempts to :mechanic:`catch` a wild Pokémon. If used in a trainer battle, nothing happens and the ball is lost. If the wild Pokémon weighs: * 409.6 kg (903.0 lb) or more, its catch rate is 40 more than normal. * 307.2 kg (677.3 lb) or more, its catch rate is 30 more than normal. * 204.8 kg (451.5 lb) or more, its catch rate is 20 more than normal. * less than 204.8 kg (451.5 lb), its catch rate is 20 less than normal.
454453Fast Ball39300Used by a trainer in battle Attempts to :mechanic:`catch` a wild Pokémon. If used in a trainer battle, nothing happens and the ball is lost. If the wild Pokémon's base :mechanic:`Speed` is 100 or more, its catch rate is 4× normal.
455454Friend Ball39300Used by a trainer in battle Attempts to :mechanic:`catch` a wild Pokémon. If used in a trainer battle, nothing happens and the ball is lost. If caught, the wild Pokémon's :mechanic:`happiness` starts at 200.
456455Love Ball39300Used by a trainer in battle Attempts to :mechanic:`catch` a wild Pokémon. If used in a trainer battle, nothing happens and the ball is lost. If the trainer's Pokémon and wild Pokémon are of the same species but opposite genders, the wild Pokémon's catch rate is 8× normal.
457456Park Ball340Used by a trainer in battle :mechanic:`Catch`\ es a wild Pokémon. This item can only be used in :location:`Pal Park`.
458457Sport Ball340Used by a trainer in battle Attempts to :mechanic:`catch` a wild Pokémon. The wild Pokémon's catch rate is 1.5× normal.
459458Red Apricorn400May be given to Kurt in :location:`Azalea Town` to produce a :item:`Level Ball`.
460459Blu Apricorn400May be given to Kurt in :location:`Azalea Town` to produce a :item:`Lure Ball`.
461460Ylw Apricorn400May be given to Kurt in :location:`Azalea Town` to produce a :item:`Moon Ball`.
462461Grn Apricorn400May be given to Kurt in :location:`Azalea Town` to produce a :item:`Friend Ball`.
463462Pnk Apricorn400May be given to Kurt in :location:`Azalea Town` to produce a :item:`Love Ball`.
464463Wht Apricorn400May be given to Kurt in :location:`Azalea Town` to produce a :item:`Fast Ball`.
465464Blk Apricorn400May be given to Kurt in :location:`Azalea Town` to produce a :item:`Heavy Ball`.
466465Dowsing MCHN210Used by trainer outside of battle Searches for hidden items.
467466RageCandyBar210May be traded for a :item:`TM64` in the vertical Underground Path.
468467Red Orb220Causes :pokemon:`Groudon` to appear in the :location:`Embedded Tower`.
469468Blue Orb220Causes :pokemon:`Kyogre` to appear in the :location:`Embedded Tower`.
470469Jade Orb220Causes :pokemon:`Rayquaza` to appear in the :location:`Embedded Tower`.
471470Enigma Stone200When taken to the :location:`Pewter City` museum, causes :pokemon:`Latias` or :pokemon:`Latios` to attack the trainer. The Pokémon to appear will be whicher can't be encountered roaming in the wild.
472471Unown Report210Lists which :pokemon:`Unown` forms the trainer has caught.
473472Blue Card210Allows the trainer to answer the daily question on Buena's radio show. Records the points earned for correct answers.
474473Slowpoketail230Does nothing.
475474Clear Bell220May be given to the Kimono Girls to summon :pokemon:`Ho-Oh` to the top of the :location:`Bell Tower`.
476475Card Key220Used by trainer outside of battle Opens doors in the :location:`Goldenrod City` Radio Tower.
477476Basement Key220Used by trainer outside of battle Opens the door to the basement tunnel under :location:`Goldenrod City`.
478477Red Scale220May be traded to Mr. Pokémon for an :item:`Exp. Share`.
479478Lost Item220May be traded to the Copycat for a :item:`Pass`.
480479Pass220Allows the trainer to ride the Magnet Train between :location:`Goldenrod City` and :location:`Saffron City`.
481480Machine Part220Must be replaced in the :location:`Power Plant` to power the Magnet Train.
482481Silver Wing220Causes :pokemon:`Lugia` to appear in the :location:`Whirl Islands`.
483482Rainbow Wing220Causes :pokemon:`Ho-Oh` to appear at the top of :location:`Bell Tower`.
484483Mystery Egg220Must be obtained to trigger the break-in at Professor Elm's lab, the first rival battle, and access to :location:`Route 31`.
485484GB Sounds210Used by trainer outside of battle Changes the background music to the equivalent 8-bit music.
486485Tidal Bell220May be given to the Kimono Girls to summon :pokemon:`Lugia` to the top of the :location:`Bell Tower`.
487486Data Card 01410Records the number of times the trainer has come in first place overall in the Pokéathlon.
488487Data Card 02410Records the number of times the trainer has come in last place overall in the Pokéathlon.
489488Data Card 03410Records the number of times the trainer's Pokémon have dashed in the Pokéathlon.
490489Data Card 04410Records the number of times the trainer's Pokémon have jumped in the Pokéathlon.
491490Data Card 05410Records the number of times the trainer has come in first in the Pokéathlon Hurdle Dash.
492491Data Card 06410Records the number of times the trainer has come in first in the Pokéathlon Relay Run.
493492Data Card 07410Records the number of times the trainer has come in first in the Pokéathlon Pennant Capture.
494493Data Card 08410Records the number of times the trainer has come in first in the Pokéathlon Block Smash.
495494Data Card 09410Records the number of times the trainer has come in first in the Pokéathlon Disc Catch.
496495Data Card 10410Records the number of times the trainer has come in first in the Pokéathlon Snow Throw.
497496Data Card 11410Records the number of points the trainer has earned in the Pokéathlon.
498497Data Card 12410Records the number of times the trainer's Pokémon have messed up in the Pokéathlon.
499498Data Card 13410Records the number of times the trainer's Pokémon have defeated themselves in the Pokéathlon.
500499Data Card 14410Records the number of times the trainer's Pokémon have tackled in the Pokéathlon.
501500Data Card 15410Records the number of times the trainer's Pokémon have fallen in the Pokéathlon.
502501Data Card 16410Records the number of times the trainer has come in first in the Pokéathlon Ring Drop.
503502Data Card 17410Records the number of times the trainer has come in first in the Pokéathlon Lamp Jump.
504503Data Card 18410Records the number of times the trainer has come in first in the Pokéathlon Circle Push.
505504Data Card 19410Records the number of times the trainer has come in first place overall in the Pokéathlon over wirelss.
506505Data Card 20410Records the number of times the trainer has come in last place overall in the Pokéathlon over wireless.
507506Data Card 21410Records the number of times the trainer has come in first across all Pokéathlon events.
508507Data Card 22410Records the number of times the trainer has come in last across all Pokéathlon events.
509508Data Card 23410Records the number of times the trainer has switched Pokémon in the Pokéathlon.
510509Data Card 24410Records the number of times the trainer has come in first in the Pokéathlon Goal Roll.
511510Data Card 25410Records the number of times the trainer's Pokémon received prizes in the Pokéathlon.
512511Data Card 26410Records the number of times the trainer has instructed Pokémon in the Pokéathlon.
513512Data Card 27410Records the total time spent in the Pokéathlon.
514513Lock Capsule230Does nothing.
515514Photo Album230Does nothing.
516515Orange Mail2550Used to send short messages to other players via Pokémon trading.
517516Harbor Mail2550Used to send short messages to other players via Pokémon trading.
518517Glitter Mail2550Used to send short messages to other players via Pokémon trading.
519518Mech Mail2550Used to send short messages to other players via Pokémon trading.
520519Wood Mail2550Used to send short messages to other players via Pokémon trading.
521520Wave Mail2550Used to send short messages to other players via Pokémon trading.
522521Bead Mail2550Used to send short messages to other players via Pokémon trading.
523522Shadow Mail2550Used to send short messages to other players via Pokémon trading.
524523Tropic Mail2550Used to send short messages to other players via Pokémon trading.
525524Dream Mail2550Used to send short messages to other players via Pokémon trading.
526525Fab Mail2550Used to send short messages to other players via Pokémon trading.
527526Retro Mail250Used to send short messages to other players via Pokémon trading.
528527Mach Bike210Increases movement speed outside or in caves. Faster than the :item:`Acro Bike`. Allows the trainer to ascend muddy slopes.
529528Acro Bike210Increases movement speed outside or in caves. Slower than the :item:`Mach Bike`. Can perform various tricks, allowing the trainer to reach certain special areas.
530529Wailmer Pail210Waters Berry plants.
531530Devon Goods220Contains a machine part to be delivered to Captain Stern.
532531Soot Sack210Collects soot when walking through tall grass on :location:`Route 113`.
533532Pokéblock Case210Stores Pokéblocks.
534533Letter220Contains a letter to be delivered to Steven.
535534Eon Ticket200Provides access to :location:`Southern Island` and either :pokemon:`Latias` or :pokemon:`Latios`, whichever is not available roaming around Hoenn.
536535Scanner220May be traded to Captain Stern for a :item:`DeepSeaTooth` or a :item:`DeepSeaScale`.
537536Go-Goggles210Allows the trainer to enter the desert on :location:`Route 111`.
538537Meteorite220RSE: May be traded to Professor Cozmo for :item:`TM27`. FRLG: A meteorite to be delivered to Lostelle's father.
539538Rm. 1 Key220Unlocks room 1 on the :location:`Abandoned Ship`.
540539Rm. 2 Key220Unlocks room 2 on the :location:`Abandoned Ship`.
541540Rm. 4 Key220Unlocks room 4 on the :location:`Abandoned Ship`.
542541Rm. 6 Key220Unlocks room 6 on the :location:`Abandoned Ship`.
543542Devon Scope210Reveals invisble :pokemon:`Kecleon` on the overworld.
544543Oak's Parcel220A parcel to be delivered to Professor Oak for a Pokédex.
545544Poké Flute220Wakes up :mechanic:`sleeping` Pokémon. Required to wake up sleeping :pokemon:`Snorlax` on the overworld.
546545Bike Voucher220May be traded for a :item:`Bicycle`.
547546Gold Teeth220The Safari Zone warden's teeth, to be returned to him for :item:`HM04`.
548547Lift Key220Operates the elevator in the Celadon Rocket Hideout.
549548Silph Scope220Identifies ghosts in :location:`Pokémon Tower`.
550549Fame Checker210Records information on various famous people.
551550TM Case210Stores TMs and HMs.
552551Berry Pouch210Stores Berries.
553552Teachy TV210Teaches beginning trainers basic information.
554553Tri-Pass220Provides access to the first three Sevii Islands.
555554Rainbow Pass220Provides access to the Sevii Islands.
556555Tea220Used to bribe the :location:`Saffron City` guards for entry to the city.
557556MysticTicket200Provides access to :location:`Navel Rock`, :pokemon:`Ho-Oh`, and :pokemon:`Lugia`.
558557AuroraTicket200Provides access to :location:`Birth Island` and :pokemon:`Deoxys`.
559558Powder Jar210Holds Berry Powder from Berry Crushing.
560559Ruby220Deliver to Celio for use in the Network Machine.
561560Sapphire220Deliver to Celio for use in the Network Machine.
562561Magma Emblem220Provides access to the :location:`Team Magma Hideout` in the :location:`Jagged Pass`.
563562Old Sea Map200Provides access to :location:`Faraway Island` and :pokemon:`Mew`.
564563aqua cassette18100070Not yet known. [[B/W item 116]]
565564thunderbolt cassette18100070Not yet known. [[B/W item 117]]
566565blaze cassette18100070Not yet known. [[B/W item 118]]
567566freeze cassette18100070Not yet known. [[B/W item 119]]
568567heart sweets2710030Not yet known. [[B/W item 134]]
569568introduction mail2550Not yet known. [[B/W item 137]]
570569favorite mail2550Not yet known. [[B/W item 138]]
571570invitation mail2550Not yet known. [[B/W item 139]]
572571gratitude mail2550Not yet known. [[B/W item 140]]
573572inquiry mail2550Not yet known. [[B/W item 141]]
574573recommendation mail2550Not yet known. [[B/W item 142]]
575574thank-you mail2550Not yet known. [[B/W item 143]]
576575bridge mail s2550Not yet known. [[B/W item 144]]
577576bridge mail h2550Not yet known. [[B/W item 145]]
578577bridge mail c2550Not yet known. [[B/W item 146]]
579578bridge mail v2550Not yet known. [[B/W item 147]]
580579bridge mail w2550Not yet known. [[B/W item 148]]
581580pretty scale1050030Not yet known. [[B/W item 537]]
582581evolutionary marvel1220040Not yet known. [[B/W item 538]]
583582pumice stone1220030Not yet known. [[B/W item 539]]
584583rugged helmet1220060Not yet known. [[B/W item 540]]
585584balloon1220010Not yet known. [[B/W item 541]]
586585red card1220010Not yet known. [[B/W item 542]]
587586target1220010Not yet known. [[B/W item 543]]
588587pressure band1220030Not yet known. [[B/W item 544]]
589588plant bulb1220030Not yet known. [[B/W item 545]]
590589rechargeable battery1220030Not yet known. [[B/W item 546]]
591590escape button1220030Not yet known. [[B/W item 547]]
592591fire jewel42200Not yet known. [[B/W item 548]]
593592water jewel42200Not yet known. [[B/W item 549]]
594593electric jewel42200Not yet known. [[B/W item 550]]
595594grass jewel42200Not yet known. [[B/W item 551]]
596595ice jewel42200Not yet known. [[B/W item 552]]
597596fighting jewel42200Not yet known. [[B/W item 553]]
598597poison jewel42200Not yet known. [[B/W item 554]]
599598ground jewel42200Not yet known. [[B/W item 555]]
600599flying jewel42200Not yet known. [[B/W item 556]]
601600psychic jewel42200Not yet known. [[B/W item 557]]
602601bug jewel42200Not yet known. [[B/W item 558]]
603602rock jewel42200Not yet known. [[B/W item 559]]
604603ghost jewel42200Not yet known. [[B/W item 560]]
605604dark jewel42200Not yet known. [[B/W item 562]]
606605steel jewel42200Not yet known. [[B/W item 563]]
607606fortitude feather26300020Not yet known. [[B/W item 565]]
608607muscle feather26300020Not yet known. [[B/W item 566]]
609608resistance feather26300020Not yet known. [[B/W item 567]]
610609intelligence feather26300020Not yet known. [[B/W item 568]]
611610mind feather26300020Not yet known. [[B/W item 569]]
612611flash feather26300020Not yet known. [[B/W item 570]]
613612pretty feather2420020Not yet known. [[B/W item 571]]
614613shell fossil351000100Not yet known. [[B/W item 572]]
615614feather fossil351000100Not yet known. [[B/W item 573]]
616615Liberty Pass200Not yet known. [[B/W item 574]]
617616deru-dama1220030Not yet known. [[B/W item 575]]
618617dream ball330Not yet known. [[B/W item 576]]
619618poké-plaything11100030Not yet known. [[B/W item 577]]
620619goods case210Not yet known. [[B/W item 578]]
621620dragon bone440Not yet known. [[B/W item 579]]
622621fragrant mushroom24030Not yet known. [[B/W item 580]]
623622huge nugget24030Not yet known. [[B/W item 581]]
624623pearl links24030Not yet known. [[B/W item 582]]
625624comet shard24030Not yet known. [[B/W item 583]]
626625ancient copper coin24030Not yet known. [[B/W item 584]]
627626ancient silver coin24030Not yet known. [[B/W item 585]]
628627ancient gold coin24030Not yet known. [[B/W item 586]]
629628ancient pot24030Not yet known. [[B/W item 587]]
630629ancient bracelet24030Not yet known. [[B/W item 588]]
631630ancient statue24030Not yet known. [[B/W item 589]]
632631ancient crown24030Not yet known. [[B/W item 590]]
633632hiun ice cream3010030Not yet known. [[B/W item 591]]
634633dire hit 2430Not yet known. [[B/W item 592]]
635634x speed 2430Not yet known. [[B/W item 593]]
636635x special 2430Not yet known. [[B/W item 594]]
637636x sp. def 2430Not yet known. [[B/W item 595]]
638637x defend 2430Not yet known. [[B/W item 596]]
639638x attack 2430Not yet known. [[B/W item 597]]
640639x accuracy 2430Not yet known. [[B/W item 598]]
641640x speed 3430Not yet known. [[B/W item 599]]
642641x special 3430Not yet known. [[B/W item 600]]
643642x sp. def 3430Not yet known. [[B/W item 601]]
644643x defend 3430Not yet known. [[B/W item 602]]
645644x attack 3430Not yet known. [[B/W item 603]]
646645x accuracy 3430Not yet known. [[B/W item 604]]
647646x speed 6430Not yet known. [[B/W item 605]]
648647x special 6430Not yet known. [[B/W item 606]]
649648x sp. def 6430Not yet known. [[B/W item 607]]
650649x defend 6430Not yet known. [[B/W item 608]]
651650x attack 6430Not yet known. [[B/W item 609]]
652651x accuracy 6430Not yet known. [[B/W item 610]]
653652skill call430Not yet known. [[B/W item 611]]
654653item drop430Not yet known. [[B/W item 612]]
655654item call430Not yet known. [[B/W item 613]]
656655flat call430Not yet known. [[B/W item 614]]
657656dire hit 3430Not yet known. [[B/W item 615]]
658657light stone220Not yet known. [[B/W item 616]]
659658dark stone220Not yet known. [[B/W item 617]]
660659tm933710000Not yet known. [[B/W item 618]]
661660tm943710000Not yet known. [[B/W item 619]]
662661tm953710000Not yet known. [[B/W item 620]]
663662live caster210Not yet known. [[B/W item 621]]
664663god stone440Not yet known. [[B/W item 622]]
665664special delivery 1440Not yet known. [[B/W item 623]]
666665special delivery 2440Not yet known. [[B/W item 624]]
667666special delivery 3440Not yet known. [[B/W item 625]]
668668dragon jewel42200Not yet known. [[B/W item 562]]
669669normal jewel42200Not yet known. [[B/W item 563]]