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# encoding: utf8
u"""The Pokédex schema.
Columns have a info dictionary with these keys:
- official: True if the values appear in games or official material; False if
they are fan-created or fan-written. This flag is currently only set for
official text columns.
- format: The format of a text column. Can be one of:
- plaintext: Normal Unicode text (widely used in names)
- markdown: Veekun's Markdown flavor (generally used in effect descriptions)
- gametext: Transcription of in-game text that strives to be both
human-readable and represent the original text exactly.
- identifier: A fan-made identifier in the [-_a-z0-9]* format. Not intended
for translation.
- latex: A formula in LaTeX syntax.
- ripped: True for text that has been ripped from the games, and can be ripped
again for new versions or languages
- string_getter: for translation columns, a function taking (text, session,
language) that is used for properties on the main table. Used for Markdown
See `pokedex.db.multilang` for how localizable text columns work. The session
classes in that module can be used to change the default language.
from pokedex.db.tables.base import (
metadata, TableBase, mapped_classes, Language, create_translation_table)
from pokedex.db.tables.core import (
Ability, AbilityChangelog, AbilityFlavorText, Berry, BerryFirmness,
BerryFlavor, Characteristic, ContestCombo, ContestEffect, ContestType,
EggGroup, Encounter, EncounterCondition, EncounterConditionValue,
EncounterConditionValueMap, EncounterMethod, EncounterSlot, EvolutionChain,
EvolutionTrigger, Experience, Gender, Generation, GrowthRate, Item,
ItemCategory, ItemFlag, ItemFlagMap, ItemFlavorText, ItemFlingEffect,
ItemGameIndex, ItemPocket, Location, LocationArea,
LocationAreaEncounterRate, LocationGameIndex, Machine, Move,
MoveBattleStyle, MoveChangelog, MoveDamageClass, MoveEffect,
MoveEffectChangelog, MoveFlag, MoveFlagMap, MoveFlavorText, MoveMeta,
MoveMetaAilment, MoveMetaCategory, MoveMetaStatChange, MoveTarget, Nature,
NatureBattleStylePreference, NaturePokeathlonStat, PalPark, PalParkArea,
PokeathlonStat, Pokedex, PokedexVersionGroup, Pokemon, PokemonAbility,
PokemonColor, PokemonDexNumber, PokemonEggGroup, PokemonEvolution,
PokemonForm, PokemonFormGeneration, PokemonFormPokeathlonStat,
PokemonGameIndex, PokemonHabitat, PokemonItem, PokemonMove,
PokemonMoveMethod, PokemonShape, PokemonSpecies, PokemonSpeciesFlavorText,
PokemonStat, PokemonType, Region, Stat, SuperContestCombo,
SuperContestEffect, Type, TypeEfficacy, TypeGameIndex, Version,
VersionGroup, VersionGroupPokemonMoveMethod, VersionGroupRegion)
from pokedex.db.tables.conquest import (
ConquestEpisode, ConquestEpisodeWarrior, ConquestKingdom, ConquestMaxLink,
ConquestMoveData, ConquestMoveDisplacement, ConquestMoveEffect,
ConquestMoveRange, ConquestPokemonAbility, ConquestPokemonEvolution,
ConquestPokemonMove, ConquestPokemonStat, ConquestStat,
ConquestTransformationPokemon, ConquestTransformationWarrior,
ConquestWarrior, ConquestWarriorArchetype, ConquestWarriorRank,
ConquestWarriorRankStatMap, ConquestWarriorSkill, ConquestWarriorSpecialty,
ConquestWarriorStat, ConquestWarriorTransformation)