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synced 2024-08-20 18:16:34 +00:00

This commit updates the tests to take advantage of some of py.test's newer features. Requires py.test 2.3 or newer. Tested with 2.3.0 and 2.5.2. Tests which were parametrized now use py.test's built-in parametrization[1]. The session and lookup objects are now implemented as fixtures[2]. The media root is a fixture as well. Fixtures are automatically passed to any function that expects them. Since the session is now created in one place, it is now possible to provide an engine URI on the command line when running py.test. Ditto for the index directory. (But the environment variables still work of course.) Slow tests are now marked as such and not run unless the --all option is given. A couple media tests are marked as xfail (expected to fail) because they are broken. [1]: http://pytest.org/latest/parametrize.html [2]: http://pytest.org/latest/fixture.html
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# Encoding: utf8
import pytest
parametrize = pytest.mark.parametrize
from pokedex.db import connect, tables, util
def test_get_item_identifier(session):
item = util.get(session, tables.Item, identifier='master-ball')
assert item.name == 'Master Ball'
def test_get_item_name(session):
item = util.get(session, tables.Item, name='Awakening')
assert item.name == 'Awakening'
def test_get_english_by_identifier(session):
language = util.get(session, tables.Language, 'en')
assert language.name == 'English'
@parametrize('identifier', ['burmy', 'shaymin', 'unown', 'cresselia'])
def test_get_pokemon_identifier(session, identifier):
poke = util.get(session, tables.PokemonSpecies, identifier=identifier)
assert poke.identifier == identifier
@parametrize('name', ['Burmy', 'Shaymin', 'Unown', 'Cresselia'])
def test_get_pokemon_name(session, name):
poke = util.get(session, tables.PokemonSpecies, name=name)
assert poke.name == name
@parametrize('name', ['Cheniti', 'Shaymin', 'Zarbi', 'Cresselia'])
def test_get_pokemon_name_explicit_language(session, name):
french = util.get(session, tables.Language, 'fr')
poke = util.get(session, tables.PokemonSpecies, name=name, language=french)
assert poke.name_map[french] == name, poke.name_map[french]
def test_types_french_order(session):
french = util.get(session, tables.Language, 'fr')
types = session.query(tables.Type).filter(tables.Type.id < 10000)
types = list(util.order_by_name(types, tables.Type, language=french))
assert types[0].name_map[french] == 'Acier', types[0].name_map[french]
assert types[-1].name_map[french] == 'Vol', types[-1].name_map[french]
@parametrize('id', range(1, 10))
def test_get_pokemon_id(session, id):
result = util.get(session, tables.Pokemon, id=id)
assert result.id == id
assert result.__tablename__ == 'pokemon'