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A few tests of the accessors, along with a very dumb, long-running script to ensure everything is in its proper place, and there's nothing but the proper things. For now it still finds some beta form cruft for Burmy, Pichu and Cherrim.
255 lines
9.8 KiB
255 lines
9.8 KiB
"""Test the media accessors.
If run directly from the command line, also tests the accessors and the names
of all the media by getting just about everything in a naive brute-force way.
This, of course, takes a lot of time to run.
import os
import re
from nose.tools import *
from nose.plugins.skip import SkipTest
import nose
import pkg_resources
from pokedex.db import tables, connect, media
session = connect()
basedir = pkg_resources.resource_filename('pokedex', 'data/media')
path_re = re.compile('^[-a-z0-9./]*$')
def test_totodile():
"""Totodile's female sprite -- same as male"""
totodile = session.query(tables.Pokemon).filter_by(identifier=u'totodile').one()
accessor = media.PokemonMedia(totodile)
assert accessor.sprite() == accessor.sprite(female=True)
def test_chimecho():
"""Chimecho's Platinum female backsprite -- diffeent from male"""
chimecho = session.query(tables.Pokemon).filter_by(identifier=u'chimecho').one()
accessor = media.PokemonMedia(chimecho)
male = accessor.sprite('platinum', back=True, frame=2)
female = accessor.sprite('platinum', back=True, female=True, frame=2)
assert male != female
def test_venonat():
"""Venonat's shiny Yellow sprite -- same as non-shiny"""
venonat = session.query(tables.Pokemon).filter_by(identifier=u'venonat').one()
accessor = media.PokemonMedia(venonat)
assert accessor.sprite('yellow') == accessor.sprite('yellow', shiny=True)
def test_arceus_icon():
"""Arceus fire-form icon -- same as base icon"""
arceus = session.query(tables.Pokemon).filter_by(identifier=u'arceus').one()
accessor = media.PokemonMedia(arceus)
fire_arceus = [f for f in arceus.forms if f.identifier == 'fire'][0]
fire_accessor = media.PokemonFormMedia(fire_arceus)
assert accessor.icon() == fire_accessor.icon()
def test_strict_castform():
"""Castform rainy form overworld with strict -- unavailable"""
castform = session.query(tables.Pokemon).filter_by(identifier=u'castform').first()
rainy_castform = [f for f in castform.forms if f.identifier == 'rainy'][0]
rainy_castform = media.PokemonFormMedia(rainy_castform)
rainy_castform.overworld('up', strict=True)
def test_strict_exeggcute():
"""Exeggcutes's female backsprite, with strict -- unavailable"""
exeggcute = session.query(tables.Pokemon).filter_by(identifier=u'exeggcute').one()
accessor = media.PokemonMedia(exeggcute)
accessor.sprite(female=True, strict=True)
def get_all_filenames():
print 'Reading all filenames...'
all_filenames = set()
for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(basedir):
for filename in filenames:
path = os.path.join(dirpath, filename)
assert path_re.match(path), path
return all_filenames
def hit(filenames, method, *args, **kwargs):
Run the given accessor method with args & kwargs; if found remove the
result path from filenames and return True, else return False.
medium = method(*args, **kwargs)
#print 'Hit', medium.relative_path
assert medium.exists
except ValueError, e:
#print 'DNF', e
return False
print 'Error while processing', method, args, kwargs
except KeyError:
return True
def check_get_everything():
For every the accessor method, loop over the Cartesian products of all
possible values for its arguments.
Make sure we get every file in the repo, and that we get a file whenever
we should.
Well, there are exceptions of course.
versions = list(session.query(tables.Version).all())
black = session.query(tables.Version).filter_by(identifier=u'black').one()
filenames = get_all_filenames()
# Some small stuff first
for damage_class in session.query(tables.MoveDamageClass).all():
assert hit(filenames, media.DamageClassMedia(damage_class).icon)
for habitat in session.query(tables.PokemonHabitat).all():
assert hit(filenames, media.HabitatMedia(habitat).icon)
for shape in session.query(tables.PokemonShape).all():
assert hit(filenames, media.ShapeMedia(shape).icon)
for item_pocket in session.query(tables.ItemPocket).all():
assert hit(filenames, media.ItemPocketMedia(item_pocket).icon)
assert hit(filenames, media.ItemPocketMedia(item_pocket).icon, selected=True)
for contest_type in session.query(tables.ContestType).all():
assert hit(filenames, media.ContestTypeMedia(contest_type).icon)
for elemental_type in session.query(tables.Type).all():
assert hit(filenames, media.TypeMedia(elemental_type).icon)
# Items
versions_for_items = [
for item in session.query(tables.Item).all():
accessor = media.ItemMedia(item)
assert hit(filenames, accessor.berry_image) or not item.berry
for rotation in (0, 90, 180, 270):
assert hit(filenames, accessor.underground, rotation=rotation) or (
not item.appears_underground or rotation)
for version in versions_for_items:
success = hit(filenames, accessor.sprite, version=version)
if version is None:
assert success
for color in 'red green blue pale prism'.split():
for big in (True, False):
accessor = media.UndergroundSphereMedia(color=color, big=big)
assert hit(filenames, accessor.underground)
for rock_type in 'i ii o o-big s t z'.split():
accessor = media.UndergroundRockMedia(rock_type)
for rotation in (0, 90, 180, 270):
success = hit(filenames, accessor.underground, rotation=rotation)
assert success or rotation
# Pokemon!
accessors = []
manaphy = session.query(tables.Pokemon).filter_by(identifier=u'manaphy').one()
print 'Loading pokemon'
for form in session.query(tables.PokemonForm).filter(tables.PokemonForm.identifier != '').all():
for pokemon in session.query(tables.Pokemon).all():
for accessor in accessors:
assert hit(filenames, accessor.footprint) or not accessor.form
assert hit(filenames, accessor.trozei) or not accessor.form or (
accessor.form.pokemon.generation.id > 3)
assert hit(filenames, accessor.cry) or not accessor.form
assert hit(filenames, accessor.cropped_sprite) or not accessor.form
for female in (True, False):
assert hit(filenames, accessor.icon, female=female) or not accessor.form
assert hit(filenames, accessor.sugimori, female=female) or (
not accessor.form or accessor.form.pokemon.id >= 647)
for shiny in (True, False):
for frame in (1, 2):
for direction in 'up down left right'.split():
assert hit(filenames, accessor.overworld,
) or not accessor.form or (
accessor.form.pokemon.generation.id > 4)
for version in versions:
for animated in (True, False):
for back in (True, False):
for color in (None, 'gray', 'gbc'):
success = hit(filenames,
if (version == black and not animated
and not back and not color and not
shiny and not female and
frame == 1):
# All pokemon are in Black
assert success or not accessor.form
if (str(accessor.pokemon_id) == '1'
and not animated and not color and
frame == 1):
# Bulbasaur is in all versions
assert success
# Remove exceptions
exceptions = [os.path.join(basedir, dirname) for dirname in
'chrome fonts ribbons'.split()]
exceptions.append(os.path.join(basedir, 'items', 'hm-'))
exceptions = tuple(exceptions)
for filename in tuple(filenames):
if filename.startswith(exceptions):
if len(filenames):
print '-----------------'
print 'Unaccessed stuff:'
for filename in sorted(filenames):
print filename
print len(filenames), 'unaccessed files :('
return (not filenames)
if __name__ == '__main__':
result = nose.run(defaultTest=__file__)
result = result and check_get_everything()
exit(not result)