1,3,9,"Pounds with fore­
legs or tail."
1,4,9,"Pounds with fore­
legs or tail."
1,5,9,"Pounds the foe with
forelegs or tail."
1,6,9,"Pounds the foe with
forelegs or tail."
1,7,9,"A physical attack
delivered with a
long tail or a
foreleg, etc."
1,8,9,"The foe is physically
pounded with a long
tail or a foreleg,
1,9,9,"The foe is physically
pounded with a long
tail or a foreleg,
1,10,9,"The foe is physically
pounded with a long
tail or a foreleg,
1,11,5,"Écrase l’ennemi avec les pattes
avant, la queue, etc."
1,11,9,"The target is physically pounded with
a long tail or a foreleg, etc."
1,14,9,"The target is physically pounded with
a long tail or a foreleg, etc."
1,15,1,"ながい しっぽや てなどを つかって
あいてを はたいて こうげきする。
1,15,3,"긴 꼬리나 손 등을 사용하여
상대를 때려서 공격한다."
1,15,5,"Écrase l’ennemi avec les pattes avant ou la queue,
par exemple."
1,15,6,Ein Hieb mit den Vorderbeinen oder dem Schweif.
1,15,7,Golpea con las patas o la cola.
1,15,8,"Colpisce il bersaglio con la coda o le zampe
1,15,9,"The target is physically pounded with
a long tail, a foreleg, or the like."
1,15,11,"長い しっぽや 手などを 使って
相手を はたいて 攻撃する。
2,3,9,"Has a high criti­
cal hit ratio."
2,4,9,"Has a high criti­
cal hit ratio."
2,5,9,"A chopping attack with a
high critical-hit ratio."
2,6,9,"A chopping attack with a
high critical-hit ratio."
2,7,9,"The foe is attacked
with a sharp chop.
It has a high
critical-hit ratio."
2,8,9,"The foe is attacked
with a sharp chop.
It has a high
critical-hit ratio.
2,9,9,"The foe is attacked
with a sharp chop.
It has a high
critical-hit ratio.
2,10,9,"The foe is attacked
with a sharp chop.
It has a high
critical-hit ratio.
2,11,5,"L’ennemi est tranché violemment.
Taux de critiques élevé."
2,11,9,"The target is attacked with a sharp chop.
Critical hits land more easily."
2,14,9,"The target is attacked with a sharp chop.
Critical hits land more easily."
2,15,1,"するどい チョップで
あいてを たたいて こうげきする。
きゅうしょに あたりやすい。"
2,15,3,"날카로운 당수로
상대를 때려서 공격한다.
급소에 맞기 쉽다."
2,15,5,"L’ennemi est tranché violemment.
Taux de critiques élevé."
2,15,6,"Gute Möglichkeit, einen Volltreffer zu landen."
2,15,7,Da un golpe cortante. Suele ser crítico.
2,15,8,"Colpisce il bersaglio con un colpo netto.
Probabile brutto colpo."
2,15,9,"The target is attacked with a sharp chop.
Critical hits land more easily."
2,15,11,"鋭い チョップで
相手を たたいて 攻撃する。
急所に 当たりやすい。"
3,3,9,"Repeatedly slaps
2-5 times."
3,4,9,"Repeatedly slaps
2-5 times."
3,5,9,"Repeatedly slaps the foe
2 to 5 times."
3,6,9,"Repeatedly slaps the foe
2 to 5 times."
3,7,9,"The foe is slapped
repeatedly, back
and forth, two to
five times."
3,8,9,"The foe is slapped
repeatedly, back
and forth, two to
five times in a row.
3,9,9,"The foe is slapped
repeatedly, back
and forth, two to
five times in a row.
3,10,9,"The foe is slapped
repeatedly, back
and forth, two to
five times in a row.
3,11,5,"Gifle rapidement l’ennemi
de 2 à 5 fois d’affilée."
3,11,9,"The target is slapped repeatedly, back
and forth, two to five times in a row."
3,14,9,"The target is slapped repeatedly, back
and forth, two to five times in a row."
3,15,1,"おうふく ビンタで
あいてを たたいて こうげきする。
2ー5かいの あいだ れんぞくで だす。"
3,15,3,"연속 뺨치기로
상대를 때려서 공격한다.
2-5회 동안 연속으로 쓴다."
3,15,5,"Gifle rapidement l’ennemi de deux à cinq fois
3,15,6,"Trifft das Ziel zwei- bis fünfmal hintereinander
mit einem Duplexhieb."
3,15,7,Abofetea de dos a cinco veces seguidas.
3,15,8,"Schiaffeggia il bersaglio da due a cinque volte
di fila."
3,15,9,"The target is slapped repeatedly, back
and forth, two to five times in a row."
3,15,11,"おうふく ビンタで
相手を たたいて 攻撃する。
2ー5回の あいだ 連続で だす。"
4,3,9,"Repeatedly punches
2-5 times."
4,4,9,"Repeatedly punches
2-5 times."
4,5,9,"Repeatedly punches the foe
2 to 5 times."
4,6,9,"Repeatedly punches the foe
2 to 5 times."
4,7,9,"The foe is hit with
a flurry of punches
that strike two to
five times."
4,8,9,"The foe is hit with
a flurry of punches
that strike two to
five times in a row.
4,9,9,"The foe is hit with
a flurry of punches
that strike two to
five times in a row.
4,10,9,"The foe is hit with
a flurry of punches
that strike two to
five times in a row.
4,11,5,"Une tornade de coups de poing
qui frappe de 2 à 5 fois d’affilée."
4,11,9,"The target is hit with a flurry of punches
that strike two to five times in a row."
4,14,9,"The target is hit with a flurry of punches
that strike two to five times in a row."
4,15,1,"どとうの パンチで
あいてを なぐりつけて こうげきする。
2ー5かいの あいだ れんぞくで だす。"
4,15,3,"노도 같은 펀치로
상대를 세게 때려서 공격한다.
2-5회 동안 연속으로 쓴다."
4,15,5,"Une tornade de coups de poing qui frappe de
deux à cinq fois d’affilée."
4,15,6,"Trifft das Ziel zwei- bis fünfmal hintereinander
mit kräftigen Hieben."
4,15,7,Pega de dos a cinco veces seguidas.
4,15,8,"Colpisce il bersaglio con una scarica di pugni
da due a cinque volte di fila."
4,15,9,"The target is hit with a flurry of punches
that strike two to five times in a row."
4,15,11,"どとうの パンチで
相手を なぐりつけて 攻撃する。
2ー5回の あいだ 連続で だす。"
5,3,9,"A powerful punch
thrown very hard."
5,4,9,"A powerful punch
thrown very hard."
5,5,9,"A strong punch thrown with
incredible power."
5,6,9,"A strong punch thrown with
incredible power."
5,7,9,"The foe is slugged
by a punch thrown
with muscle-packed
5,8,9,"The foe is slugged
by a punch thrown
with muscle-packed
5,9,9,"The foe is slugged
by a punch thrown
with muscle-packed
5,10,9,"The foe is slugged
by a punch thrown
with muscle-packed
5,11,5,"L’ennemi reçoit un coup de poing
d’une puissance incroyable."
5,11,9,"The target is slugged by a punch thrown
with muscle-packed power."
5,14,9,"The target is slugged by a punch thrown
with muscle-packed power."
5,15,1,"ちからを こめた パンチで
あいてを こうげきする。
5,15,3,"힘을 담은 펀치로
상대를 공격한다."
5,15,5,"L’ennemi reçoit un coup de poing d’une puissance
5,15,6,Ein unglaublich kräftiger Hieb.
5,15,7,Un puñetazo de gran potencia.
5,15,8,Colpisce il bersaglio con un pugno poderoso.
5,15,9,"The target is slugged by a punch thrown
with muscle-packed power."
5,15,11,"力を こめた パンチで
相手を 攻撃する。
6,3,9,"Throws coins. Gets
them back later."
6,4,9,"Throws coins. Gets
them back later."
6,5,9,"Throws coins at the foe.
Money is recovered after."
6,6,9,"Throws coins at the foe.
Money is recovered after."
6,7,9,"Numerous coins are
hurled at the foe.
Money is earned
after battle."
6,8,9,"Numerous coins are
hurled at the foe to
inflict damage.
Money is earned
after battle."
6,9,9,"Numerous coins are
hurled at the foe to
inflict damage.
Money is earned
after battle."
6,10,9,"Numerous coins are
hurled at the foe to
inflict damage.
Money is earned
after battle."
6,11,5,"Des pièces sont lancées sur l’ennemi.
Permet d’obtenir de l’argent à la fin
du combat."
6,11,9,"Numerous coins are hurled at the
target to inflict damage.
Money is earned after the battle."
6,14,9,"Numerous coins are hurled at the
target to inflict damage.
Money is earned after the battle."
6,15,1,"あいての からだに
こばんを なげつけて こうげきする。
せんとうの あとで おかねが もらえる。"
6,15,3,"상대의 몸에
돈을 세게 던져서 공격한다.
배틀 후에 돈을 받을 수 있다."
6,15,5,"Des pièces sont lancées sur l’ennemi.
Permet d’obtenir de l’argent à la fin du combat."
6,15,6,"Das Ziel wird mit Münzen beworfen.
Das Geld wird nach dem Kampf aufgesammelt."
6,15,7,"Arroja monedas al objetivo. Las recupera al final
del combate."
6,15,8,"Colpisce il bersaglio con una gran quantità
di monete recuperabili dopo la lotta."
6,15,9,"Numerous coins are hurled at the
target to inflict damage.
Money is earned after the battle."
6,15,11,"相手の 体に
小判を 投げつけて 攻撃する。
戦闘の あとで お金が もらえる。"
7,3,9,"A fiery punch. May
cause a burn."
7,4,9,"A fiery punch. May
cause a burn."
7,5,9,"A fiery punch that may burn
the foe."
7,6,9,"A fiery punch that may burn
the foe."
7,7,9,"The foe is punched
with a fiery fist.
It may leave the
foe with a burn."
7,8,9,"The foe is punched
with a fiery fist.
It may leave the
target with a burn.
7,9,9,"The foe is punched
with a fiery fist.
It may leave the
target with a burn.
7,10,9,"The foe is punched
with a fiery fist.
It may leave the
target with a burn.
7,11,5,"Un coup de poing enflammé vient
frapper l’ennemi. Peut le brûler."
7,11,9,"The target is punched with a fiery fist.
It may also leave the target with a burn."
7,14,9,"The target is punched with a fiery fist.
It may also leave the target with a burn."
7,15,1,"ほのおを こめた パンチで
あいてを こうげきする。
やけど じょうたいに することが ある。"
7,15,3,"불꽃을 담은 펀치로
상대를 공격한다.
화상 상태로 만들 때가 있다."
7,15,5,"Un coup de poing enflammé vient frapper l’ennemi.
Peut le brûler."
7,15,6,"Feuriger Schlag, der dem Ziel eventuell
Verbrennungen zufügt."
7,15,7,Puñetazo ardiente. Puede quemar.
7,15,8,"Colpisce il bersaglio con un pugno ardente
che può scottarlo."
7,15,9,"The target is punched with a fiery fist.
This may also leave the target with a burn."
7,15,11,"炎を こめた パンチで
相手を 攻撃する。
やけど状態に することが ある。"
8,3,9,"An icy punch. May
cause freezing."
8,4,9,"An icy punch. May
cause freezing."
8,5,9,"An icy punch that may
freeze the foe."
8,6,9,"An icy punch that may
freeze the foe."
8,7,9,"The foe is punched
with an icy fist.
It may leave the
foe frozen."
8,8,9,"The foe is punched
with an icy fist.
It may leave the
target frozen.
8,9,9,"The foe is punched
with an icy fist.
It may leave the
target frozen.
8,10,9,"The foe is punched
with an icy fist.
It may leave the
target frozen.
8,11,5,"Un coup de poing glacé vient
frapper l’ennemi. Peut le geler."
8,11,9,"The target is punched with an icy fist.
It may also leave the target frozen."
8,14,9,"The target is punched with an icy fist.
It may also leave the target frozen."
8,15,1,"れいきを こめた パンチで
あいてを こうげきする。
こおり じょうたいに することが ある。"
8,15,3,"냉기를 담은 펀치로
상대를 공격한다.
얼음 상태로 만들 때가 있다."
8,15,5,"Un coup de poing glacé vient frapper l’ennemi.
Peut le geler."
8,15,6,"Ein eisiger Schlag, der das Ziel eventuell einfriert."
8,15,7,Puñetazo helado. Puede congelar.
8,15,8,"Colpisce il bersaglio con un pugno di ghiaccio
che può congelarlo."
8,15,9,"The target is punched with an icy fist.
This may also leave the target frozen."
8,15,11,"冷気を こめた パンチで
相手を 攻撃する。
こおり状態に することが ある。"
9,3,9,"An electric punch.
It may paralyze."
9,4,9,"An electric punch.
It may paralyze."
9,5,9,"An electrified punch that
may paralyze the foe."
9,6,9,"An electrified punch that
may paralyze the foe."
9,7,9,"The foe is punched
with an electrified
fist. It may leave
the foe paralyzed."
9,8,9,"The foe is punched
with an electrified
fist. It may leave
the target with
9,9,9,"The foe is punched
with an electrified
fist. It may leave
the target with
9,10,9,"The foe is punched
with an electrified
fist. It may leave
the target with
9,11,5,"Un coup de poing électrique vient
frapper l’ennemi. Peut le paralyser."
9,11,9,"The target is punched with an electrified
fist. It may also leave the target
with paralysis."
9,14,9,"The target is punched with an electrified
fist. It may also leave the target
with paralysis."
9,15,1,"でんげきを こめた パンチで
あいてを こうげきする。
まひ じょうたいに することが ある。"
9,15,3,"전격을 담은 펀치로
상대를 공격한다.
마비 상태로 만들 때가 있다."
9,15,5,"Un coup de poing électrique vient frapper l’ennemi.
Peut le paralyser."
9,15,6,"Ein elektrischer Schlag, der das Ziel eventuell
9,15,7,Puñetazo eléctrico. Puede paralizar.
9,15,8,"Colpisce il bersaglio con un pugno elettrico
che può paralizzarlo."
9,15,9,"The target is punched with an electrified
fist. This may also leave the target
with paralysis."
9,15,11,"電撃を こめた パンチで
相手を 攻撃する。
まひ状態に することが ある。"
10,3,9,"Scratches with
sharp claws."
10,4,9,"Scratches with
sharp claws."
10,5,9,"Scratches the foe with
sharp claws."
10,6,9,"Scratches the foe with
sharp claws."
10,7,9,"Hard, pointed, and
sharp claws rake
the foe."
10,8,9,"Hard, pointed, and
sharp claws rake the
foe to inflict damage.

10,9,9,"Hard, pointed, and
sharp claws rake the
foe to inflict damage.

10,10,9,"Hard, pointed, and
sharp claws rake the
foe to inflict damage.

10,11,5,"Lacère l’ennemi avec des griffes acérées
pour lui infliger des dégâts."
10,11,9,"Hard, pointed, and sharp claws rake
the target to inflict damage."
10,14,9,"Hard, pointed, and sharp claws rake
the target to inflict damage."
10,15,1,"かたく とがった するどい ツメで
あいてを ひっかいて こうげきする。
10,15,3,"단단하고 뾰족한 날카로운 손톱으로
상대를 할퀴어서 공격한다."
10,15,5,"Lacère l’ennemi avec des griffes acérées pour lui
infliger des dégâts."
10,15,6,Das Ziel wird mit scharfen Klauen zerkratzt.
10,15,7,Araña con afiladas garras.
10,15,8,"Infligge danni al bersaglio con artigli acuminati,
duri e affilati."
10,15,9,"Hard, pointed, sharp claws rake
the target to inflict damage."
10,15,11,"硬く とがった 鋭い ツメで
相手を ひっかいて 攻撃する。
11,3,9,"Grips with power­
ful pincers."
11,4,9,"Grips with power­
ful pincers."
11,5,9,"Grips the foe with large and
powerful pincers."
11,6,9,"Grips the foe with large and
powerful pincers."
11,7,9,"Huge, impressive
pincers grip and
squeeze the foe."
11,8,9,"Huge, impressive
pincers grip and
squeeze the foe.

11,9,9,"Huge, impressive
pincers grip and
squeeze the foe.

11,10,9,"Huge, impressive
pincers grip and
squeeze the foe.

11,11,5,"L’ennemi est attrapé et compressé
par les côtés."
11,11,9,"The target is gripped and squeezed from
both sides to inflict damage."
11,14,9,"The target is gripped and squeezed from
both sides to inflict damage."
11,15,1,"あいてを りょうがわから はさんで
ダメージを あたえる。
11,15,3,"상대를 양쪽에서 집어서
데미지를 준다."
11,15,5,L’ennemi est attrapé et compressé par les côtés.
11,15,6,"Das Ziel wird umklammert und
11,15,7,Atrapa y atenaza al objetivo.
11,15,8,"Stringe il bersaglio in una morsa usando enormi
e possenti tenaglie."
11,15,9,"The target is gripped and squeezed from
both sides to inflict damage."
11,15,11,"相手を 両側から はさんで
ダメージを あたえる。
12,3,9,"A one-hit KO,
pincer attack."
12,4,9,"A one-hit KO,
pincer attack."
12,5,9,"A powerful pincer attack
that may cause fainting."
12,6,9,"A powerful pincer attack
that may cause fainting."
12,7,9,"A vicious tearing
attack with pincers.
The foe will faint
if it hits."
12,8,9,"A vicious, tearing
attack with pincers.
The foe will faint
instantly if this
attack hits."
12,9,9,"A vicious, tearing
attack with pincers.
The foe will faint
instantly if this
attack hits."
12,10,9,"A vicious, tearing
attack with pincers.
The foe will faint
instantly if this
attack hits."
12,11,5,"De méchantes pinces lacèrent
l’ennemi, le mettant K.O. sur
le coup s’il est touché."
12,11,9,"A vicious, tearing attack with big pincers.
The target will faint instantly
if this attack hits."
12,14,9,"A vicious, tearing attack with big pincers.
The target will faint instantly
if this attack hits."
12,15,1,"おおきな ハサミで
あいてを きりさいて こうげきする。
あたれば いちげきで ひんしに する。"
12,15,3,"큰 집게로
상대를 베어 갈라 공격한다.
맞으면 일격에 기절한다."
12,15,5,"De méchantes pinces lacèrent l’ennemi, le mettant
K.O. sur le coup s’il est touché."
12,15,6,"Kräftige Scheren-Attacke.
Führt beim Ziel sofort zum K.O."
12,15,7,"Ataque con pinzas que debilita al oponente de un
golpe si acierta."
12,15,8,"Attacca il bersaglio con pericolose tenaglie.
Se l’attacco va a segno, il Pokémon colpito
va subito KO."
12,15,9,"A vicious, tearing attack with big pincers.
The target faints instantly if this attack hits."
12,15,11,"大きな ハサミで
相手を 切り裂いて 攻撃する。
当たれば 一撃で ひんしに する。"
13,3,9,"1st turn: Prepare
2nd turn: Attack"
13,4,9,"1st turn: Prepare
2nd turn: Attack"
13,5,9,"A 2-turn move that strikes
the foe on the 2nd turn."
13,6,9,"A 2-turn move that strikes
the foe on the 2nd turn."
13,7,9,"Blades of wind hit
the foe on the 2nd
turn. It has a high
critical-hit ratio."
13,8,9,"A two-turn attack.
Blades of wind hit the
foe on the second
turn. It has a high
critical-hit ratio."
13,9,9,"A two-turn attack.
Blades of wind hit the
foe on the second
turn. It has a high
critical-hit ratio."
13,10,9,"A two-turn attack.
Blades of wind hit the
foe on the second
turn. It has a high
critical-hit ratio."
13,11,5,"Attaque en 2 tours.
Des lames de vent frappent l’ennemi au
2è tour. Taux de critiques élevé."
13,11,9,"A two-turn attack. Blades of wind hit
opposing Pokémon on the second turn.
Critical hits land more easily."
13,14,9,"A two-turn attack. Blades of wind hit
opposing Pokémon on the second turn.
Critical hits land more easily."
13,15,1,"かぜの やいばを つくり
2ターンめに あいてを こうげきする。
きゅうしょに あたりやすい。"
13,15,3,"바람의 칼날을 만들어
2턴째에 상대를 공격한다.
급소에 맞기 쉽다."
13,15,5,"Attaque en deux tours.
Des lames de vent frappent l’ennemi au second
tour. Taux de critiques élevé."
13,15,6,"Eine Attacke, die über zwei Runden geht.
Hohe Volltrefferquote."
13,15,7,"Primero se prepara y en el segundo turno ataca
al oponente con ráfagas de viento cortante. Alta
probabilidad de ser crítico."
13,15,8,"Chi la usa genera un turbine al primo turno
e attacca al secondo. Probabile brutto colpo."
13,15,9,"A two-turn attack. Blades of wind hit
opposing Pokémon on the second turn.
Critical hits land more easily."
13,15,11,"風の 刃を つくり
2ターン目に 相手を 攻撃する。
急所に 当たりやすい。"
14,3,9,"A dance that in­
creases ATTACK."
14,4,9,"A dance that in­
creases ATTACK."
14,5,9,"A fighting dance that
sharply raises ATTACK."
14,6,9,"A fighting dance that
sharply raises ATTACK."
14,7,9,"A frenetic dance of
fighting. It sharply
raises the ATTACK
14,8,9,"A frenetic dance to
uplift the fighting
spirit. It sharply
raises the user’s
Attack stat."
14,9,9,"A frenetic dance to
uplift the fighting
spirit. It sharply
raises the user’s
Attack stat."
14,10,9,"A frenetic dance to
uplift the fighting
spirit. It sharply
raises the user’s
Attack stat."
14,11,5,"Danse frénétique qui exalte l’esprit
combatif. Augmente beaucoup
l’Attaque du lanceur."
14,11,9,"A frenetic dance to uplift the fighting
spirit. It sharply raises the user’s
Attack stat."
14,14,9,"A frenetic dance to uplift the fighting
spirit. It sharply raises the user’s
Attack stat."
14,15,1,"たたかいのまいを はげしく おどって
きあいを たかめる。
じぶんの こうげきを ぐーんと あげる。"
14,15,3,"싸움의 춤을 격렬하게 추며
기세를 높인다.
자신의 공격을 크게 올린다."
14,15,5,"Danse frénétique qui exalte l’esprit combatif.
Augmente beaucoup l’Attaque du lanceur."
14,15,6,"Ein wilder Kampftanz, der den eigenen
Angriffs-Wert stark erhöht."
14,15,7,Baile frenético que aumenta mucho el Ataque.
14,15,8,"Danza frenetica che incrementa lo spirito
combattivo. Chi la usa aumenta di molto
il suo Attacco."
14,15,9,"A frenetic dance to uplift the fighting
spirit. This sharply raises the user’s
Attack stat."
14,15,11,"戦いの舞を 激しく おどって
気合を 高める。
自分の 攻撃を ぐーんと あげる。"
15,3,9,"Cuts using claws,
scythes, etc."
15,4,9,"Cuts using claws,
scythes, etc."
15,5,9,"Cuts the foe with sharp
scythes, claws, etc."
15,6,9,"Cuts the foe with sharp
scythes, claws, etc."
15,7,9,"A basic attack.
It can be used to
cut down thin trees
and grass."
15,8,9,"The foe is cut with a
scythe or a claw.
It can also be used
to cut down thin
15,9,9,"The foe is cut with a
scythe or a claw.
It can also be used
to cut down thin
15,10,9,"The foe is cut with a
scythe or a claw.
It can also be used
to cut down thin
15,11,5,"Coupe l’ennemi avec des lames
ou des griffes. Hors combat,
permet de couper des arbres fins."
15,11,9,"The target is cut with a scythe or a claw.
It can also be used to cut down
thin trees."
15,14,9,"The target is cut with a scythe or a claw.
It can also be used to cut down
thin trees."
15,15,1,"カマや ツメなどで
あいてを きりつけて こうげきする。
ほそいきも きることが できる。"
15,15,3,"낫이나 발톱 등으로
상대를 베어 공격한다.
가느다란 나무도 자를 수 있다."
15,15,5,"Coupe l’ennemi avec des lames ou des griffes.
Hors combat, permet de couper des arbres fins."
15,15,6,"Ein Basisangriff mit Schere oder Klaue.
Damit können kleine Bäume gefällt werden."
15,15,7,"Corta con garras, guadañas, etc. También sirve
para cortar árboles finos."
15,15,8,"Attacca il bersaglio con artigli o falci affilate.
Fuori dalla lotta si usa per tagliare piccoli alberi."
15,15,9,"The target is cut with a scythe or claw.
This can also be used to cut down thin trees."
15,15,11,"カマや ツメなどで
相手を 切りつけて 攻撃する。
細い木も 切ることが できる。"
16,3,9,"Whips up a strong
gust of wind."
16,4,9,"Whips up a strong
gust of wind."
16,5,9,"Strikes the foe with a gust
of wind whipped up by wings."
16,6,9,"Strikes the foe with a gust
of wind whipped up by wings."
16,7,9,"Strikes the foe
with a gust of wind
whipped up by
16,8,9,"A gust of wind is
whipped up by wings
and launched at the
foe to inflict damage.
16,9,9,"A gust of wind is
whipped up by wings
and launched at the
foe to inflict damage.
16,10,9,"A gust of wind is
whipped up by wings
and launched at the
foe to inflict damage.
16,11,5,"Le lanceur bat des ailes pour
générer une bourrasque
qui blesse l’ennemi."
16,11,9,"A gust of wind is whipped up by wings and
launched at the target to inflict damage."
16,14,9,"A gust of wind is whipped up by wings and
launched at the target to inflict damage."
16,15,1,"つばさで おこした はげしい かぜを
あいてに ぶつけて こうげきする。
16,15,3,"날개로 일으킨 격한 바람을
상대에게 부딪쳐서 공격한다."
16,15,5,"Le lanceur bat des ailes pour générer une
bourrasque qui blesse l’ennemi."
16,15,6,"Trifft das Ziel mit einem Windstoß
durch einen Flügelschlag."
16,15,7,"Crea un tornado con las alas y lo lanza contra
el objetivo."
16,15,8,"Infligge danni al bersaglio con una folata
di vento sollevata dalle ali."
16,15,9,"A gust of wind is whipped up by wings and
launched at the target to inflict damage."
16,15,11,"翼で おこした 激しい 風を
相手に ぶつけて 攻撃する。
17,3,9,"Strikes the target
with wings."
17,4,9,"Strikes the target
with wings."
17,5,9,"Strikes the foe with wings
spread wide."
17,6,9,"Strikes the foe with wings
spread wide."
17,7,9,"The foe is struck
with large, imposing
wings spread wide."
17,8,9,"The foe is struck
with large, imposing
wings spread wide
to inflict damage.
17,9,9,"The foe is struck
with large, imposing
wings spread wide
to inflict damage.
17,10,9,"The foe is struck
with large, imposing
wings spread wide
to inflict damage.
17,11,5,"L’ennemi est frappé par de larges ailes
déployées pour infliger des dégâts."
17,11,9,"The target is struck with large, imposing
wings spread wide to inflict damage."
17,14,9,"The target is struck with large, imposing
wings spread wide to inflict damage."
17,15,1,"おおきく ひろげた りっぱな つばさを
あいてに ぶつけて こうげきする。
17,15,3,"크게 펼친 훌륭한 날개를
상대에게 부딪쳐서 공격한다."
17,15,5,"L’ennemi est frappé par de larges ailes déployées
pour infliger des dégâts."
17,15,6,Trifft das Ziel mit ausgebreiteten Flügeln.
17,15,7,Golpea al objetivo con unas grandes alas.
17,15,8,"Infligge danni al bersaglio spiegando delle grandi
ali possenti."
17,15,9,"The target is struck with large, imposing
wings spread wide to inflict damage."
17,15,11,"大きく ひろげた りっぱな 翼を
相手に ぶつけて 攻撃する。
18,3,9,"Blows away the foe
& ends battle."
18,4,9,"Blows away the foe
& ends battle."
18,5,9,"Blows away the foe with
wind and ends the battle."
18,6,9,"Blows away the foe with
wind and ends the battle."
18,7,9,"The foe is made to
switch out with an
ally. In the wild,
the battle ends."
18,8,9,"The foe is blown away,
to be replaced by
another Pokémon
in its party. In the
wild, the battle ends."
18,9,9,"The foe is blown away,
to be replaced by
another Pokémon
in its party. In the
wild, the battle ends."
18,10,9,"The foe is blown away,
to be replaced by
another Pokémon
in its party. In the
wild, the battle ends."
18,11,5,"Éjecte le Pokémon ennemi
et le remplace par un autre.
Dans la nature, met fin au combat."
18,11,9,"The target is blown away, to be replaced
by another Pokémon in its party. In the
wild, the battle ends."
18,14,9,"The target is blown away and switched.
In the wild, a battle against a single
Pokémon ends."
18,15,1,"あいてを ふきとばして
ひかえの ポケモンを ひきずりだす。
やせいの ばあいは せんとうが おわる。"
18,15,3,"상대를 날려버려서
교대할 포켓몬을 끌어낸다.
야생의 경우에는 배틀이 끝난다."
18,15,5,"Éjecte le Pokémon ennemi et le remplace par
un autre. Dans la nature, met fin au combat."
18,15,6,"Weht das Ziel weg und ersetzt es durch ein
anderes Pokémon. In der Wildnis endet der Kampf."
18,15,7,"Se lleva al objetivo, que es cambiado por otro
Pokémon. Si es un Pokémon salvaje, acaba el
18,15,8,"Il bersaglio lascia il campo e viene sostituito.
Mette fine alle lotte contro singoli Pokémon
18,15,9,"The target is blown away, and a different
Pokémon is dragged out. In the wild,
this ends a battle against a single Pokémon."
18,15,11,"相手を 吹きとばして
控えの ポケモンを ひきずりだす。
野生の 場合は 戦闘が 終わる。"
19,3,9,"1st turn: Fly
2nd turn: Attack"
19,4,9,"1st turn: Fly
2nd turn: Attack"
19,5,9,"Flies up on the first turn,
then strikes the next turn."
19,6,9,"Flies up on the first turn,
then strikes the next turn."
19,7,9,"A 2-turn move that
hits on the 2nd
turn. Use it to fly
to any known town."
19,8,9,"The user soars, then
strikes on the second
turn. It can also be
used for flying to
any familiar town."
19,9,9,"The user soars, then
strikes on the second
turn. It can also be
used for flying to
any familiar town."
19,10,9,"The user soars, then
strikes on the second
turn. It can also be
used for flying to
any familiar town."
19,11,5,"Le lanceur s’envole au 1er tour et
frappe au 2è. Permet aussi de voler
jusqu’à une ville déjà visitée."
19,11,9,"The user soars, then strikes its target
on the second turn. It can also be
used for flying to any familiar town."
19,14,9,"The user soars, then strikes its target
on the second turn. It can also be
used for flying to any familiar town."
19,15,1,"1ターンめで そらへ とび
2ターンめに あいてを こうげきする。
しっている まちに とぶことも できる。"
19,15,3,"1턴째에 하늘을 날아
2턴째에 상대를 공격한다.
알고 있는 도시로 날아갈 수 있다."
19,15,5,"Le lanceur s’envole au premier tour et frappe au
second. Permet aussi de voler jusqu’à une ville
déjà visitée."
19,15,6,"Steigt in Runde 1 empor und trifft das Ziel in
Runde 2. Ermöglicht Flug in jede bekannte Stadt."
19,15,7,"Primer turno: vuela. Segundo turno: ataca. Fuera
de combate, permite ir a sitios ya conocidos."
19,15,8,"Chi la usa si alza in volo per attaccare al turno
seguente. Fuori dalla lotta permette di volare
in città già visitate."
19,15,9,"The user soars and then strikes
its target on the next turn. This can
also be used to fly to any familiar town."
19,15,11,"1ターン目で 空へ 飛び
2ターン目に 相手を 攻撃する。
知っている 街に 飛ぶことも できる。"
20,3,9,"Binds the target
for 2-5 turns."
20,4,9,"Binds the target
for 2-5 turns."
20,5,9,"Binds and squeezes the foe
for 2 to 5 turns."
20,6,9,"Binds and squeezes the foe
for 2 to 5 turns."
20,7,9,"A long body or
tentacles are used
to bind the foe for
two to five turns."
20,8,9,"A long body or
tentacles are used
to bind and squeeze
the foe for two to
five turns."
20,9,9,"A long body or
tentacles are used
to bind and squeeze
the foe for two to
five turns."
20,10,9,"A long body or
tentacles are used
to bind and squeeze
the foe for two to
five turns."
20,11,5,"Ligote l’ennemi avec les tentacules
ou le corps pour l’écraser
durant 4 à 5 tours."
20,11,9,"Things such as long bodies or tentacles
are used to bind and squeeze
the target for four to five turns."
20,14,9,"Things such as long bodies or tentacles
are used to bind and squeeze
the target for four to five turns."
20,15,1,"ながい からだや つるなどを つかい
4ー5ターンの あいだ
あいてを しめつけて こうげきする。"
20,15,3,"긴 몸이나 덩굴 등을 써서
4-5턴 동안
상대를 조여 공격한다."
20,15,5,"Ligote l’ennemi avec les tentacules ou le corps
pour l’écraser durant quatre à cinq tours."
20,15,6,"Umklammert und quetscht das Ziel
über vier bis fünf Runden."
20,15,7,Ata y oprime de cuatro a cinco turnos.
20,15,8,"Il lungo corpo o i tentacoli di chi la usa legano e
stritolano il bersaglio per quattro o cinque turni."
20,15,9,"Things such as long bodies or tentacles
are used to bind and squeeze
the target for four to five turns."
20,15,11,"長い 体や つるなどを 使い
4ー5ターンの あいだ
相手を 締めつけて 攻撃する。"
21,3,9,"Slams the foe with
a tail, vine, etc."
21,4,9,"Slams the foe with
a tail, vine, etc."
21,5,9,"Slams the foe with a long
tail, vine, etc."
21,6,9,"Slams the foe with a long
tail, vine, etc."
21,7,9,"The foe is struck
with a long tail,
vines, etc."
21,8,9,"The foe is slammed
with a long tail,
vines, etc., to inflict
21,9,9,"The foe is slammed
with a long tail,
vines, etc., to inflict
21,10,9,"The foe is slammed
with a long tail,
vines, etc., to inflict
21,11,5,"Fouette l’ennemi avec la queue, une
liane, etc. pour infliger des dégâts."
21,11,9,"The target is slammed with a long tail,
vines, etc., to inflict damage."
21,14,9,"The target is slammed with a long tail,
vines, etc., to inflict damage."
21,15,1,"ながい しっぽや つるなどを つかい
あいてを たたきつけて こうげきする。
21,15,3,"긴 꼬리나 덩굴 등을 사용해
상대를 힘껏 쳐서 공격한다."
21,15,5,"Fouette l’ennemi avec la queue ou une liane,
par exemple, pour infliger des dégâts."
21,15,6,"Schlag mit einem langen Schweif, einer Ranke
oder Ähnlichem."
21,15,7,Golpea con las extremidades.
21,15,8,"Infligge danni al bersaglio con la coda, con una
liana o simili."
21,15,9,"The target is slammed with a long tail,
vines, or the like to inflict damage."
21,15,11,"長い しっぽや つるなどを 使い
相手を たたきつけて 攻撃する。
22,3,9,"Whips the foe with
slender vines."
22,4,9,"Whips the foe with
slender vines."
22,5,9,"Strikes the foe with
slender, whiplike vines."
22,6,9,"Strikes the foe with
slender, whiplike vines."
22,7,9,"The foe is struck
with slender, whip­
like vines."
22,8,9,"The foe is struck
with slender, whiplike
vines to inflict
22,9,9,"The foe is struck
with slender, whiplike
vines to inflict
22,10,9,"The foe is struck
with slender, whiplike
vines to inflict
22,11,5,"Fouette l’ennemi avec de fines lianes
pour infliger des dégâts."
22,11,9,"The target is struck with slender,
whiplike vines to inflict damage."
22,14,9,"The target is struck with slender,
whiplike vines to inflict damage."
22,15,1,"ムチのように しなる ほそながい つるで
あいてを たたきつけて こうげきする。
22,15,3,"채찍처럼 휘어지는 가늘고 긴 덩굴로
상대를 힘껏 쳐서 공격한다."
22,15,5,"Fouette l’ennemi avec de fines lianes pour infliger
des dégâts."
22,15,6,Peitschenähnlicher Schlag mit Ranken.
22,15,7,Azota al objetivo con ramas finas.
22,15,8,"Infligge danni al bersaglio con liane sottili
simili a fruste."
22,15,9,"The target is struck with slender,
whiplike vines to inflict damage."
22,15,11,"ムチのように しなる 細長い つるで
相手を たたきつけて 攻撃する。
23,3,9,"An attack that may
cause flinching."
23,4,9,"An attack that may
cause flinching."
23,5,9,"Stomps the enemy with a big
foot. May cause flinching."
23,6,9,"Stomps the enemy with a big
foot. May cause flinching."
23,7,9,"The foe is stomped
with a big foot.
It may make the
foe flinch."
23,8,9,"The foe is stomped
with a big foot.
It may also make the
target flinch.
23,9,9,"The foe is stomped
with a big foot.
It may also make the
target flinch.
23,10,9,"The foe is stomped
with a big foot.
It may also make the
target flinch.
23,11,5,"Écrase l’ennemi avec un énorme pied.
Peut aussi l’apeurer."
23,11,9,"The target is stomped with a big foot.
It may also make the target flinch."
23,14,9,"The target is stomped with a big foot.
It may also make the target flinch."
23,15,1,"おおきな あしで
あいてを ふみつけて こうげきする。
あいてを ひるませる ことが ある。"
23,15,3,"큰 발로
상대를 짓밟아서 공격한다.
상대를 풀죽게 만들 때가 있다."
23,15,5,"Écrase l’ennemi avec un énorme pied.
Peut aussi l’apeurer."
23,15,6,"Stampfen mit dem Fuß. Das Ziel schreckt eventuell
23,15,7,"Tremendo pisotón que puede hacer retroceder
al objetivo."
23,15,8,"Colpisce il bersaglio con un grosso piede
e può anche farlo tentennare."
23,15,9,"The target is stomped with a big foot.
This may also make the target flinch."
23,15,11,"大きな 足で
相手を 踏みつけて 攻撃する。
相手を ひるませることが ある。"
24,3,9,"A double kicking
24,4,9,"A double kicking
24,5,9,"A double-kicking attack
that strikes the foe twice."
24,6,9,"A double-kicking attack
that strikes the foe twice."
24,7,9,"Two legs are used
to quickly kick the
foe twice in one
24,8,9,"The foe is quickly
kicked twice in
succession using both
24,9,9,"The foe is quickly
kicked twice in
succession using both
24,10,9,"The foe is quickly
kicked twice in
succession using both
24,11,5,"Deux coups de pied qui frappent l’ennemi
deux fois d’affilée."
24,11,9,"The target is quickly kicked twice in
succession using both feet."
24,14,9,"The target is quickly kicked twice in
succession using both feet."
24,15,1,"2ほんの あしで あいてを けとばして
こうげきする。2かい れんぞくで
ダメージを あたえる。"
24,15,3,"2개의 다리로 상대를 걷어차서
공격한다. 2회 연속으로
데미지를 준다."
24,15,5,"Deux coups de pied qui frappent l’ennemi deux
fois d’affilée."
24,15,6,"Der Anwender tritt in einer Runde
zweimal schnell zu."
24,15,7,Una patada doble. Golpea dos veces.
24,15,8,"Colpisce il bersaglio due volte con una raffica
di calci inferti con entrambi i piedi."
24,15,9,"The target is quickly kicked twice in
succession using both feet."
24,15,11,"2本の 足で 相手を けとばして
ダメージを 与える。"
25,3,9,"A powerful kicking
25,4,9,"A powerful kicking
25,5,9,"An extremely powerful kick
with intense force."
25,6,9,"An extremely powerful kick
with intense force."
25,7,9,"The foe is attacked
by a kick fired
with muscle-packed
25,8,9,"The foe is attacked
by a kick launched
with muscle-packed
25,9,9,"The foe is attacked
by a kick launched
with muscle-packed
25,10,9,"The foe is attacked
by a kick launched
with muscle-packed
25,11,5,"Un coup de pied superpuissant
et intense qui frappe l’ennemi."
25,11,9,"The target is attacked by a kick launched
with muscle-packed power."
25,14,9,"The target is attacked by a kick launched
with muscle-packed power."
25,15,1,"ものすごい ちからを こめた キックで
あいてを けとばして こうげきする。
25,15,3,"굉장한 힘을 담은 킥으로
상대를 걷어차서 공격한다."
25,15,5,"Un coup de pied superpuissant et intense qui
frappe l’ennemi."
25,15,6,"Das Ziel wird mit einem extrem heftigen Tritt
25,15,7,Patada de extrema fuerza.
25,15,8,"Colpisce il bersaglio con un calcio sferrato
con la forza di muscoli poderosi."
25,15,9,"The target is attacked by a kick launched
with muscle-packed power."
25,15,11,"ものすごい 力を こめた キックで
相手を けとばして 攻撃する。
26,3,9,"May miss, damaging
the user."
26,4,9,"May miss, damaging
the user."
26,5,9,"A strong jumping kick. May
miss and hurt the kicker."
26,6,9,"A strong jumping kick. May
miss and hurt the kicker."
26,7,9,"The user jumps up
high, then kicks.
If it misses, the
user hurts itself."
26,8,9,"The user jumps up
high, then strikes
with a kick. If the
kick misses, the
user hurts itself."
26,9,9,"The user jumps up
high, then strikes
with a kick. If the
kick misses, the
user hurts itself."
26,10,9,"The user jumps up
high, then strikes
with a kick. If the
kick misses, the
user hurts itself."
26,11,5,"Le lanceur s’envole pour décocher
un coup de pied sauté. S’il échoue,
le lanceur se blesse."
26,11,9,"The user jumps up high, then strikes
with a kick. If the kick misses, the
user hurts itself."
26,14,9,"The user jumps up high, then strikes
with a kick. If the kick misses, the
user hurts itself."
26,15,1,"たかい ジャンプからの キックで
あいてを こうげきする。
はずすと じぶんが ダメージを うける。"
26,15,3,"높이 점프해서 킥으로
상대를 공격한다.
빗나가면 자신이 데미지를 입는다."
26,15,5,"Le lanceur s’envole pour décocher un coup de
pied sauté. S’il échoue, le lanceur se blesse."
26,15,6,"Der Angreifer hüpft hoch und tritt zu.
Bei Misserfolg schadet er sich selbst."
26,15,7,"Da un salto y pega una patada. Si falla, se lesiona."
26,15,8,"Permette di saltare in alto per attaccare con un
calcio. Se non va a buon fine, chi la usa si ferisce."
26,15,9,"The user jumps up high, then strikes
with a kick. If the kick misses, the
user hurts itself."
26,15,11,"高い ジャンプからの キックで
相手を 攻撃する。
はずすと 自分が ダメージを 受ける。"
27,3,9,"A fast, spinning
27,4,9,"A fast, spinning
27,5,9,"A fast kick delivered from
a rapid spin."
27,6,9,"A fast kick delivered from
a rapid spin."
27,7,9,"A quick kick from a
rolling spin.
It may make the
foe flinch."
27,8,9,"The user cuts a
quick spin and lashes
out with a sharp
27,9,9,"The user cuts a
quick spin and lashes
out with a sharp
27,10,9,"The user lashes 
out with a quick,
spinning kick. It
may also make the
target flinch."
27,11,5,"Le lanceur effectue un coup de pied
tournoyant et extrêmement rapide.
Peut apeurer l’ennemi."
27,11,9,"The user lashes out with a quick, spinning
kick. It may also make the target flinch."
27,14,9,"The user lashes out with a quick, spinning
kick. It may also make the target flinch."
27,15,1,"からだを すばやく かいてん させながら
けとばして こうげきする。
あいてを ひるませる ことが ある。"
27,15,3,"몸을 재빨리 회전시키며
걷어차서 공격한다.
상대를 풀죽게 만들 때가 있다."
27,15,5,"Le lanceur effectue un coup de pied tournoyant
et extrêmement rapide. Peut apeurer l’ennemi."
27,15,6,"Heftiger Tritt aus einer schnellen Drehbewegung.
Lässt das Ziel eventuell zurückschrecken."
27,15,7,"Da una patada rápida y circular.
Puede hacer retroceder al objetivo."
27,15,8,"Chi la usa infierisce sul bersaglio con un calcio
rotante. Può anche farlo tentennare."
27,15,9,"The user lashes out with a quick, spinning
kick. This may also make the target flinch."
27,15,11,"体を 素早く 回転させながら
けとばして 攻撃する。
相手を ひるませる ことが ある。"
28,3,9,"Reduces accuracy
by throwing sand."
28,4,9,"Reduces accuracy
by throwing sand."
28,5,9,"Reduces the foe’s accuracy
by hurling sand in its face."
28,6,9,"Reduces the foe’s accuracy
by hurling sand in its face."
28,7,9,"A lot of sand is
hurled in the foe’s
face, reducing its
28,8,9,"Sand is hurled in the
foe’s face, reducing
its accuracy.

28,9,9,"Sand is hurled in the
foe’s face, reducing
its accuracy.

28,10,9,"Sand is hurled in the
foe’s face, reducing
its accuracy.

28,11,5,"Lance du sable au visage de l’ennemi
pour baisser sa Précision."
28,11,9,"Sand is hurled in the target’s face,
reducing its accuracy."
28,14,9,"Sand is hurled in the target’s face,
reducing its accuracy."
28,15,1,"あいての かおに すなを かけて
めいちゅうりつを さげる。
28,15,3,"상대의 얼굴에 모래를 뿌려서
명중률을 떨어뜨린다."
28,15,5,"Lance du sable au visage de l’ennemi pour baisser
sa Précision."
28,15,6,"Senkt Genauigkeit des Zieles, indem ihm Sand
ins Gesicht geworfen wird."
28,15,7,Arroja arena a la cara y baja la Precisión.
28,15,8,"Getta sabbia in faccia al bersaglio e ne riduce
la precisione."
28,15,9,"Sand is hurled in the target’s face,
reducing the target’s accuracy."
28,15,11,"相手の 顔に 砂を かけて
命中率を さげる。
29,3,9,"An attack that may
make foe flinch."
29,4,9,"An attack that may
make foe flinch."
29,5,9,"A ramming attack that may
cause flinching."
29,6,9,"A ramming attack that may
cause flinching."
29,7,9,"The user sticks its
head out and rams.
It may make the
foe flinch."
29,8,9,"The user sticks its
head out and rams
straight forward.
It may make the
foe flinch."
29,9,9,"The user sticks its
head out and rams
straight forward.
It may make the
foe flinch."
29,10,9,"The user attacks with
its head. It may make
the foe flinch. To find
Pokémon, hit trees."
29,11,5,"Le lanceur donne un coup de tête.
Peut apeurer l’ennemi.
29,11,9,"The user sticks out its head and attacks
by charging straight into the target.
It may also make the target flinch."
29,14,9,"The user sticks out its head and attacks
by charging straight into the target.
It may also make the target flinch."
29,15,1,"あたまを つきだして
まっすぐ つっこんで こうげきする。
あいてを ひるませる ことが ある。"
29,15,3,"머리를 내밀어
곧장 돌진하여 공격한다.
상대를 풀죽게 만들 때가 있다."
29,15,5,"Le lanceur donne un coup de tête.
Peut apeurer l’ennemi."
29,15,6,"Rammt das Ziel mit einer Kopfnuss.
Ziel schreckt eventuell zurück."
29,15,7,"Lanza un potente cabezazo que puede hacer
retroceder al objetivo."
29,15,8,"Chi la usa si lancia diritto di testa contro
il bersaglio. Può anche farlo tentennare."
29,15,9,"The user sticks out its head and attacks
by charging straight into the target.
This may also make the target flinch."
29,15,11,"頭を 突きだして
まっすぐ つっこんで 攻撃する。
相手を ひるませることが ある。"
30,3,9,"An attack using a
horn to jab."
30,4,9,"An attack using a
horn to jab."
30,5,9,"Jabs the foe with sharp
30,6,9,"Jabs the foe with sharp
30,7,9,"The foe is jabbed
with a sharply
pointed horn to
inflict damage."
30,8,9,"The foe is jabbed
with a sharply
pointed horn to
inflict damage.
30,9,9,"The foe is jabbed
with a sharply
pointed horn to
inflict damage.
30,10,9,"The foe is jabbed
with a sharply
pointed horn to
inflict damage.
30,11,5,"Frappe l’ennemi d’un coup de corne
pointue pour infliger des dégâts."
30,11,9,"The target is jabbed with a sharply
pointed horn to inflict damage."
30,14,9,"The target is jabbed with a sharply
pointed horn to inflict damage."
30,15,1,"するどく とがった つので
あいてを こうげきする。
30,15,3,"날카롭고 뾰족한 뿔로
상대를 공격한다."
30,15,5,"Frappe l’ennemi d’un coup de corne pointue pour
infliger des dégâts."
30,15,6,Spießt das Ziel mit einem spitzen Horn auf.
30,15,7,Ataca al objetivo con una cornada.
30,15,8,"Danneggia il bersaglio infilzandolo con un corno
30,15,9,"The target is jabbed with a sharply
pointed horn to inflict damage."
30,15,11,"鋭く とがった つので
相手を 攻撃する。
31,3,9,"Jabs the target
2-5 times."
31,4,9,"Jabs the target
2-5 times."
31,5,9,"Jabs the foe 2 to 5 times
with sharp horns, etc."
31,6,9,"Jabs the foe 2 to 5 times
with sharp horns, etc."
31,7,9,"The foe is jabbed
repeatedly with a
horn or beak two to
five times."
31,8,9,"The foe is jabbed
repeatedly with a
horn or beak two to
five times in a row.
31,9,9,"The foe is jabbed
repeatedly with a
horn or beak two to
five times in a row.
31,10,9,"The foe is jabbed
repeatedly with a
horn or beak two to
five times in a row.
31,11,5,"Frappe l’ennemi 2 à 5 fois d’affilée
avec un bec ou une corne."
31,11,9,"The target is jabbed repeatedly with a
horn or beak two to five times in a row."
31,14,9,"The target is jabbed repeatedly with a
horn or beak two to five times in a row."
31,15,1,"つのや くちばしで
あいてを つついて こうげきする。
2ー5かいの あいだ れんぞくで だす。"
31,15,3,"뿔이나 부리로
상대를 찔러서 공격한다.
2-5회 동안 연속으로 쓴다."
31,15,5,"Frappe l’ennemi deux à cinq fois d’affilée avec
un bec ou une corne, par exemple."
31,15,6,"Spießt das Ziel zwei- bis fünfmal mit spitzem Horn
oder Schnabel auf."
31,15,7,Cornea al objetivo de dos a cinco veces.
31,15,8,"Infilza il bersaglio con corna affilate o con il becco
da due a cinque volte di fila."
31,15,9,"The target is jabbed repeatedly with a
horn or beak two to five times in a row."
31,15,11,"つのや くちばしで
相手を つついて 攻撃する。
2ー5回の あいだ 連続で だす。"
32,3,9,"A one-hit KO,
drill attack."
32,4,9,"A one-hit KO,
drill attack."
32,5,9,"A one-hit KO attack that
uses a horn like a drill."
32,6,9,"A one-hit KO attack that
uses a horn like a drill."
32,7,9,"The horn is rotated
like a drill to ram.
The foe will faint
if it hits."
32,8,9,"The foe is stabbed
with a horn rotating
like a drill.
The foe instantly
faints if it hits."
32,9,9,"The foe is stabbed
with a horn rotating
like a drill.
The foe instantly
faints if it hits."
32,10,9,"The foe is stabbed
with a horn rotating
like a drill.
The foe instantly
faints if it hits."
32,11,5,"Un coup de corne en vrille qui empale
l’ennemi, le mettant K.O. sur le coup
s’il est touché."
32,11,9,"The user stabs the target with a horn
that rotates like a drill.
If it hits, the target faints instantly."
32,14,9,"The user stabs the target with a horn
that rotates like a drill.
If it hits, the target faints instantly."
32,15,1,"かいてんする つのを
あいてに つきさして こうげきする。
あたれば いちげきで ひんしに する。"
32,15,3,"회전하는 뿔을
상대에게 꿰찔러서 공격한다.
맞으면 일격에 기절한다."
32,15,5,"Un coup de corne en vrille qui empale l’ennemi,
le mettant K.O. sur le coup s’il est touché."
32,15,6,"K.O.-Attacke, bei der ein Horn als Bohrer
eingesetzt wird."
32,15,7,"Ataque con taladro que fulmina en un golpe al
objetivo si le toca."
32,15,8,"Colpisce il bersaglio con un corno perforante come
un trapano. Se il colpo va a segno, il Pokémon
colpito va KO."
32,15,9,"The user stabs the target with a horn
that rotates like a drill. The target
faints instantly if this attack hits."
32,15,11,"回転する つのを
相手に 突き刺して 攻撃する。
当たれば 一撃で ひんしに する。"
33,3,9,"A full-body charge
33,4,9,"A full-body charge
33,5,9,"Charges the foe with a full-
body tackle."
33,6,9,"Charges the foe with a full-
body tackle."
33,7,9,"A physical attack
in which the user
charges, full body,
into the foe."
33,8,9,"A physical attack
in which the user
charges and slams
into the foe with
its whole body."
33,9,9,"A physical attack
in which the user
charges and slams
into the foe with
its whole body."
33,10,9,"A physical attack
in which the user
charges and slams
into the foe with
its whole body."
33,11,5,"Le lanceur charge l’ennemi et
le percute de tout son corps."
33,11,9,"A physical attack in which the user
charges and slams into the target
with its whole body."
33,14,9,"A physical attack in which the user
charges and slams into the target
with its whole body."
33,15,1,"あいてに むかって からだ ぜんたいで
ぶつかって いき こうげきする。
33,15,3,"상대를 향해서 몸 전체를
부딪쳐가며 공격한다."
33,15,5,"Le lanceur charge l’ennemi et le percute de tout
son corps."
33,15,6,Trifft das Ziel mit vollem Körpereinsatz.
33,15,7,Embiste con todo el cuerpo.
33,15,8,"Attacco fisico che colpisce il bersaglio
investendolo con tutto il corpo."
33,15,9,"A physical attack in which the user
charges and slams into the target
with its whole body."
33,15,11,"相手に むかって 全身で
ぶつかっていき 攻撃する。
34,3,9,"An attack that may
cause paralysis."
34,4,9,"An attack that may
cause paralysis."
34,5,9,"A full-body slam that may
cause paralysis."
34,6,9,"A full-body slam that may
cause paralysis."
34,7,9,"The user drops its
full body on the
foe. It may leave
the foe paralyzed."
34,8,9,"The user drops onto
the foe with its full
body weight.
It may leave the foe
34,9,9,"The user drops onto
the foe with its full
body weight.
It may leave the foe
34,10,9,"The user drops onto
the foe with its full
body weight.
It may leave the foe
34,11,5,"Le lanceur se laisse tomber sur l’ennemi
de tout son poids. Peut le paralyser."
34,11,9,"The user drops onto the target
with its full body weight. It may also
leave the target with paralysis."
34,14,9,"The user drops onto the target
with its full body weight. It may also
leave the target with paralysis."
34,15,1,"からだ ぜんたいで
あいてに のしかかり こうげきする。
まひ じょうたいに することが ある。"
34,15,3,"몸 전체로
상대를 덮쳐 눌러 공격한다.
마비 상태로 만들 때가 있다."
34,15,5,"Le lanceur se laisse tomber sur l’ennemi de tout
son poids. Peut aussi le paralyser."
34,15,6,"Trifft das Ziel mit vollem Körpereinsatz.
Bewirkt eventuell Paralyse."
34,15,7,"Salta sobre el objetivo con todo su peso. Puede
34,15,8,"Chi la usa carica il bersaglio con tutto il corpo.
Può causarne anche la paralisi."
34,15,9,"The user drops onto the target
with its full body weight. This may also
leave the target with paralysis."
相手に のしかかり 攻撃する。
まひ状態に することが ある。"
35,3,9,"Squeezes the foe
for 2-5 turns."
35,4,9,"Squeezes the foe
for 2-5 turns."
35,5,9,"Wraps and squeezes the foe
2 to 5 times with vines, etc."
35,6,9,"Wraps and squeezes the foe
2 to 5 times with vines, etc."
35,7,9,"A long body or
vines are used to
wrap the foe for
two to five turns."
35,8,9,"A long body or vines
are used to wrap and
squeeze the foe for
two to five turns.
35,9,9,"A long body or vines
are used to wrap and
squeeze the foe for
two to five turns.
35,10,9,"A long body or vines
are used to wrap and
squeeze the foe for
two to five turns.
35,11,5,"Le lanceur ligote l’ennemi avec des
lianes ou son corps pour l’écraser
durant 4 à 5 tours."
35,11,9,"A long body or vines are used to wrap and
squeeze the target for four to five turns."
35,14,9,"A long body or vines are used to wrap and
squeeze the target for four to five turns."
35,15,1,"ながい からだや つるなどを つかって
4ー5ターンの あいだ
あいてに まきついて こうげきする。"
35,15,3,"긴 몸이나 덩굴 등을 사용해
4-5턴 동안
상대를 휘감아 공격한다."
35,15,5,"Le lanceur ligote l’ennemi avec des lianes ou son
corps pour l’écraser durant quatre à cinq tours."
35,15,6,"Umwickelt das Ziel über vier bis fünf Runden mit
Ranken oder Ähnlichem und fügt ihm Schaden zu."
35,15,7,"Oprime al objetivo de cuatro a cinco turnos con
ramas o con su cuerpo."
35,15,8,"Il lungo corpo o le liane di chi la usa avvolgono
e stritolano il bersaglio per quattro o cinque turni."
35,15,9,"A long body or vines are used to wrap and
squeeze the target for four to five turns."
35,15,11,"長い 体や つるなどを つかって
4ー5ターンの あいだ
相手に まきついて 攻撃する。"
36,3,9,"A tackle that also
hurts the user."
36,4,9,"A tackle that also
hurts the user."
36,5,9,"A reckless charge attack
that also hurts the user."
36,6,9,"A reckless charge attack
that also hurts the user."
36,7,9,"A reckless, full-
body charge attack
that also hurts the
user a little."
36,8,9,"A reckless, full-body
charge attack for
slamming into the foe.
It also damages the
user a little."
36,9,9,"A reckless, full-body
charge attack for
slamming into the foe.
It also damages the
user a little."
36,10,9,"A reckless, full-body
charge attack for
slamming into the foe.
It also damages the
user a little."
36,11,5,"Une charge violente qui blesse aussi
légèrement le lanceur."
36,11,9,"A reckless, full-body charge attack for
slamming into the target.
It also damages the user a little."
36,14,9,"A reckless, full-body charge attack for
slamming into the target.
It also damages the user a little."
36,15,1,"すごい いきおいで
あいてに ぶつかって こうげきする。
じぶんも すこし ダメージを うける。"
36,15,3,"굉장한 기세로
상대에게 부딪쳐 공격한다.
자신도 조금 데미지를 입는다."
36,15,5,"Une charge violente qui blesse aussi légèrement
le lanceur."
36,15,6,"Rücksichtslose Attacke, bei der sich der Angreifer
selbst leicht verletzt."
36,15,7,Carga desmedida que también hiere al agresor.
36,15,8,"Carica spericolata con tutto il corpo contro
il bersaglio. Danneggia un po’ anche chi la usa."
36,15,9,"A reckless, full-body charge attack for
slamming into the target.
This also damages the user a little."
36,15,11,"すごい 勢いで
相手に ぶつかって 攻撃する。
自分も 少し ダメージを 受ける。"
37,3,9,"Works 2-3 turns
and confuses user."
37,4,9,"Works 2-3 turns
and confuses user."
37,5,9,"A rampage of 2 to 3 turns
that confuses the user."
37,6,9,"A rampage of 2 to 3 turns
that confuses the user."
37,7,9,"The user rampages
about for two to
three turns, then
becomes confused."
37,8,9,"The user rampages
and attacks for two
to three turns.
It then becomes
confused, however."
37,9,9,"The user rampages
and attacks for two
to three turns.
It then becomes
confused, however."
37,10,9,"The user rampages
and attacks for two
to three turns.
It then becomes
confused, however."
37,11,5,"Une attaque furieuse qui dure de 2 à 3
tours. Le lanceur devient confus."
37,11,9,"The user rampages and attacks for two
to three turns. It then becomes
confused, however."
37,14,9,"The user rampages and attacks for two
to three turns. It then becomes
confused, however."
37,15,1,"2ー3ターンの あいだ
あばれまくって あいてを こうげきする。
あばれた あとは こんらん する。"
37,15,3,"2-3턴 동안
마구 난동 부려서 상대를 공격한다.
난동 부린 뒤에는 혼란에 빠진다."
37,15,5,"Une attaque furieuse qui dure de deux à
trois tours. Le lanceur devient confus."
37,15,6,"Attacke über zwei bis drei Runden,
die den Angreifer verwirrt."
37,15,7,"Ataca de dos a tres turnos y acaba confundiendo
al agresor."
37,15,8,"Assale e attacca il nemico per due o tre turni,
ma confonde chi la usa."
37,15,9,"The user rampages and attacks
for two to three turns.
The user then becomes confused."
37,15,11,"2ー3ターンの あいだ
暴れまくって 相手を 攻撃する。
暴れたあとは 混乱する。"
38,3,9,"A tackle that also
hurts the user."
38,4,9,"A tackle that also
hurts the user."
38,5,9,"A life-risking tackle that
also hurts the user."
38,6,9,"A life-risking tackle that
also hurts the user."
38,7,9,"A reckless, life-
risking tackle that
also hurts the user
a little."
38,8,9,"A reckless, life-
risking tackle.
It also damages the
user by a fairly large
amount, however."
38,9,9,"A reckless, life-
risking tackle.
It also damages the
user by a fairly large
amount, however."
38,10,9,"A reckless, life-
risking tackle.
It also damages the
user by a fairly large
amount, however."
38,11,5,"Une dangereuse charge. Inflige aussi des
dégâts assez importants au lanceur."
38,11,9,"A reckless, life-risking tackle.
It also damages the user by a fairly large
amount, however."
38,14,9,"A reckless, life-risking tackle.
It also damages the user by a fairly large
amount, however."
38,15,1,"いのちを かけて
あいてに とっしんして こうげきする。
じぶんも かなり ダメージを うける。"
38,15,3,"목숨을 걸고
상대에게 돌진하여 공격을 한다.
자신도 상당한 데미지를 입는다."
38,15,5,"Une charge dangereuse et imprudente.
Blesse aussi gravement le lanceur."
38,15,6,"Lebensgefährlicher Angriff, bei dem
sich der Angreifer selbst verletzt."
38,15,7,Ataque arriesgado que también hiere al agresor.
38,15,8,"Carica spietata e pericolosa che danneggia molto
anche chi la usa."
38,15,9,"A reckless, life-risking tackle.
This also damages the user
quite a lot."
38,15,11,"命を 懸けて
相手に 突進して 攻撃する。
自分も かなり ダメージを 受ける。"
39,3,9,"Lowers the foe's
39,4,9,"Lowers the foe's
39,5,9,"Wags the tail to lower the
foe’s DEFENSE."
39,6,9,"Wags the tail to lower the
foe’s DEFENSE."
39,7,9,"The user wags its
tail cutely, making
the foe lower its
DEFENSE stat."
39,8,9,"The user wags its tail
cutely, making the
foe less wary.
The target’s Defense
stat is lowered."
39,9,9,"The user wags its tail
cutely, making the
foe less wary.
The target’s Defense
stat is lowered."
39,10,9,"The user wags its tail
cutely, making the
foe less wary.
The target’s Defense
stat is lowered."
39,11,5,"Le lanceur remue son adorable queue
pour tromper la vigilance de l’ennemi
et baisser sa Défense."
39,11,9,"The user wags its tail cutely, making
opposing Pokémon less wary and
lowering their Defense stat."
39,14,9,"The user wags its tail cutely, making
opposing Pokémon less wary and
lowering their Defense stat."
39,15,1,"しっぽを さゆうに かわいく ふって
ゆだんを さそう。
あいての ぼうぎょを さげる。"
39,15,3,"꼬리를 좌우로 귀엽게 흔들어
방심을 유도한다.
상대의 방어를 떨어뜨린다."
39,15,5,"Le lanceur remue son adorable queue pour
tromper la vigilance de l’ennemi et baisser
sa Défense."
39,15,6,"Hieb mit dem Schweif. Senkt die Verteidigung
des Zieles."
39,15,7,Agita la cola para bajar la Defensa del equipo rival.
39,15,8,"Chi la usa agita la coda per distrarre i nemici
che ha intorno, riducendone la Difesa."
39,15,9,"The user wags its tail cutely, making
opposing Pokémon less wary and
lowering their Defense stat."
39,15,11,"しっぽを 左右に かわいく ふって
油断を 誘う。
相手の 防御を さげる。"
40,3,9,"An attack that may
poison the target."
40,4,9,"An attack that may
poison the target."
40,5,9,"A toxic attack with barbs,
etc., that may poison."
40,6,9,"A toxic attack with barbs,
etc., that may poison."
40,7,9,"The foe is stabbed
with a toxic barb,
etc. It may poison
the foe."
40,8,9,"The foe is stabbed
with a poisonous
barb of some sort.
It may also poison
the target."
40,9,9,"The foe is stabbed
with a poisonous
barb of some sort.
It may also poison
the target."
40,10,9,"The foe is stabbed
with a poisonous
barb of some sort.
It may also poison
the target."
40,11,5,"Un dard toxique qui transperce l’ennemi.
Peut aussi l’empoisonner."
40,11,9,"The user stabs the target
with a poisonous stinger.
This may also poison the target."
40,14,9,"The user stabs the target
with a poisonous stinger.
This may also poison the target."
40,15,1,"どくの ある ハリを
あいてに つきさして こうげきする。
どく じょうたいに することが ある。"
40,15,3,"독이 있는 침을
상대에게 꿰찔러서 공격한다.
독 상태로 만들 때가 있다."
40,15,5,"Un dard toxique qui transperce l’ennemi.
Peut aussi l’empoisonner."
40,15,6,"Angriff mit Giftstachel. Das Ziel wird eventuell
40,15,7,"Lanza un aguijón tóxico que puede envenenar
al objetivo."
40,15,8,"Colpisce il bersaglio con un aculeo tossico
che può anche avvelenarlo."
40,15,9,"The user stabs the target
with a poisonous stinger.
This may also poison the target."
40,15,11,"毒の ある ハリを
相手に 突き刺して 攻撃する。
毒状態に することが ある。"
41,3,9,"Jabs the foe twice
using stingers."
41,4,9,"Jabs the foe twice
using stingers."
41,5,9,"Stingers on the forelegs
jab the foe twice."
41,6,9,"Stingers on the forelegs
jab the foe twice."
41,7,9,"The foe is stabbed
twice with foreleg
stingers. It may
poison the foe."
41,8,9,"The foe is stabbed
twice by a pair of
It may also poison
the target."
41,9,9,"The foe is stabbed
twice by a pair of
It may also poison
the target."
41,10,9,"The foe is stabbed
twice by a pair of
It may also poison
the target."
41,11,5,"Un double coup de dard qui
transperce l’ennemi 2 fois d’affilée.
Peut aussi l’empoisonner."
41,11,9,"The user damages the target twice in
succession by jabbing it with two spikes.
It may also poison the target."
41,14,9,"The user damages the target twice in
succession by jabbing it with two spikes.
It may also poison the target."
41,15,1,"2ほんの ハリを あいてに つきさし
2かい れんぞくで ダメージ。
どく じょうたいに することが ある。"
41,15,3,"2개의 침을 상대에게 꿰찔러
2회 연속으로 데미지를 준다.
독 상태로 만들 때가 있다."
41,15,5,"Un double coup de dard qui transperce l’ennemi
deux fois d’affilée. Peut aussi l’empoisonner."
41,15,6,"Stacheln an den Vorderbeinen treffen das Ziel
zweimal. Ziel wird eventuell vergiftet."
41,15,7,"Pincha dos veces con dos espinas. Puede
41,15,8,"Colpisce il bersaglio due volte di seguito con
un paio di aghi. Può anche avvelenarlo."
41,15,9,"The user damages the target twice in
succession by jabbing it with two spikes.
This may also poison the target."
41,15,11,"2本の ハリを 相手に 突き刺し
2回連続で ダメージ。
毒状態に することが ある。"
42,3,9,"Fires pins that
strike 2-5 times."
42,4,9,"Fires pins that
strike 2-5 times."
42,5,9,"Sharp pins are fired to
strike 2 to 5 times."
42,6,9,"Sharp pins are fired to
strike 2 to 5 times."
42,7,9,"Sharp pins are shot
at the foe and hit
two to five times
at once."
42,8,9,"Sharp pins are shot
at the foe in rapid
They hit two to five
times in a row."
42,9,9,"Sharp pins are shot
at the foe in rapid
They hit two to five
times in a row."
42,10,9,"Sharp pins are shot
at the foe in rapid
They hit two to five
times in a row."
42,11,5,"Envoie une rafale de dards.
Peut toucher de 2 à 5 fois."
42,11,9,"Sharp spikes are shot at the target
in rapid succession.
They hit two to five times in a row."
42,14,9,"Sharp spikes are shot at the target
in rapid succession.
They hit two to five times in a row."
42,15,1,"するどい ハリを
あいてに はっしゃして こうげきする。
2ー5かいの あいだ れんぞくで だす。"
42,15,3,"날카로운 침을
상대에게 발사해서 공격한다.
2-5회 동안 연속으로 쓴다."
42,15,5,"Envoie une rafale de dards.
Peut toucher de deux à cinq fois."
42,15,6,"Spitze Nadeln treffen das Ziel zwei- bis fünfmal
42,15,7,Lanza finas púas que hieren de dos a cinco veces.
42,15,8,"Il bersaglio viene colpito da due a cinque volte
con spilli appuntiti in rapida successione."
42,15,9,"Sharp spikes are shot at the target
in rapid succession.
They hit two to five times in a row."
42,15,11,"鋭い ハリを
相手に 発射して 攻撃する。
2ー5回の あいだ 連続で だす。"
43,3,9,"Reduces the foe's
43,4,9,"Reduces the foe's
43,5,9,"Frightens the foe with a
leer to lower DEFENSE."
43,6,9,"Frightens the foe with a
leer to lower DEFENSE."
43,7,9,"The foe is given an
intimidating look
that lowers its
DEFENSE stat."
43,8,9,"The foe is given an
intimidating leer with
sharp eyes.
The target’s Defense
stat is reduced."
43,9,9,"The foe is given an
intimidating leer with
sharp eyes.
The target’s Defense
stat is reduced."
43,10,9,"The foe is given an
intimidating leer with
sharp eyes.
The target’s Defense
stat is reduced."
43,11,5,"Le lanceur fait les gros yeux à l’ennemi
pour l’intimider et baisser sa Défense."
43,11,9,"The opposing team gains an intimidating
leer with sharp eyes. The opposing team’s
Defense stats are reduced."
43,14,9,"The user gains an intimidating leer with
sharp eyes. The opposing team’s
Defense stats are reduced."
43,15,1,"するどい めつきで おびえさせて
あいての ぼうぎょを さげる。
43,15,3,"날카로운 눈초리로 겁을 주어
상대의 방어를 떨어뜨린다."
43,15,5,"Le lanceur fait les gros yeux à l’ennemi pour
l’intimider et baisser sa Défense."
43,15,6,"Gegnerischer Verteidigungs-Wert wird
durch angsteinflößenden Blick gesenkt."
43,15,7,Intimida a los rivales para bajar su Defensa.
43,15,8,"Terrorizza i nemici intorno con uno sguardo
fulminante e intimidatorio, riducendone la Difesa."
43,15,9,"The user gives opposing Pokémon
an intimidating leer that lowers the Defense stat."
43,15,11,"鋭い 目つきで おびえさせて
相手の 防御を さげる。
44,3,9,"An attack that may
cause flinching."
44,4,9,"An attack that may
cause flinching."
44,5,9,"Bites with vicious fangs.
May cause flinching."
44,6,9,"Bites with vicious fangs.
May cause flinching."
44,7,9,"The user bites with
vicious fangs.
It may make the
foe flinch."
44,8,9,"The foe is bitten with
viciously sharp fangs.
It may make the
target flinch.
44,9,9,"The foe is bitten with
viciously sharp fangs.
It may make the
target flinch.
44,10,9,"The foe is bitten with
viciously sharp fangs.
It may make the
target flinch.
44,11,5,"L’ennemi est mordu par de tranchantes
canines. Peut l’apeurer."
44,11,9,"The target is bitten
with viciously sharp fangs.
It may make the target flinch."
44,14,9,"The target is bitten
with viciously sharp fangs.
It may make the target flinch."
44,15,1,"するどく とがった はで
かみついて こうげきする。
あいてを ひるませる ことが ある。"
44,15,3,"날카롭고 뾰족한 이빨로
물어서 공격한다.
상대를 풀죽게 만들 때가 있다."
44,15,5,"L’ennemi est mordu par de tranchantes
canines. Peut l’apeurer."
44,15,6,"Beißt zu und lässt das Ziel eventuell
44,15,7,"Un voraz bocado que puede hacer retroceder
al objetivo."
44,15,8,"Il bersaglio viene morso da denti affilatissimi
che possono farlo tentennare."
44,15,9,"The target is bitten
with viciously sharp fangs.
This may also make the target flinch."
44,15,11,"鋭く とがった 歯で
かみついて 攻撃する。
相手を ひるませることが ある。"
45,3,9,"Reduces the foe's
45,4,9,"Reduces the foe's
45,5,9,"Growls cutely to reduce the
foe’s ATTACK."
45,6,9,"Growls cutely to reduce the
foe’s ATTACK."
45,7,9,"The user growls in
a cute way, making
the foe lower its
ATTACK stat."
45,8,9,"The user growls in an
endearing way, making
the foe less wary.
The target’s Attack
stat is lowered."
45,9,9,"The user growls in an
endearing way, making
the foe less wary.
The target’s Attack
stat is lowered."
45,10,9,"The user growls in an
endearing way, making
the foe less wary.
The target’s Attack
stat is lowered."
45,11,5,"Le lanceur pousse un cri tout mimi
pour tromper la vigilance de l’ennemi
et baisser son Attaque."
45,11,9,"The user growls in an endearing way,
making the opposing team less wary.
The foes’ Attack stats are lowered."
45,14,9,"The user growls in an endearing way,
making the opposing team less wary.
The foes’ Attack stats are lowered."
45,15,1,"かわいい なきごえを きかせて
きを ひき ゆだんを させて
あいての こうげきを さげる。"
45,15,3,"귀여운 울음소리를 들려주고
관심을 끌어 방심한 사이에
상대의 공격을 떨어뜨린다."
45,15,5,"Le lanceur pousse un cri tout mimi pour tromper la
vigilance de l’ennemi et baisser son Attaque."
45,15,6,"Der Anwender nimmt das Ziel für sich ein
und senkt dessen Angriffs-Wert."
45,15,7,"Dulce gruñido que reduce el Ataque del
45,15,8,"Distrae i nemici intorno con un ruggito potente
e ne riduce l’Attacco."
45,15,9,"The user growls in an endearing way,
making opposing Pokémon less wary.
This lowers their Attack stats."
45,15,11,"かわいい なきごえを 聞かせて
気を ひき 油断を させて
相手の 攻撃を さげる。"
46,3,9,"Scares wild foes
to end battle."
46,4,9,"Scares wild foes
to end battle."
46,5,9,"Makes the foe flee to end
the battle."
46,6,9,"Makes the foe flee to end
the battle."
46,7,9,"The foe is made to
switch out with an
ally. In the wild,
the battle ends."
46,8,9,"The foe is scared off,
to be replaced by
another Pokémon in
its party. In the
wild, the battle ends."
46,9,9,"The foe is scared off,
to be replaced by
another Pokémon in
its party. In the
wild, the battle ends."
46,10,9,"The foe is scared off,
to be replaced by
another Pokémon in
its party. In the
wild, the battle ends."
46,11,5,"Effraie le Pokémon ennemi et
le remplace par un autre. Dans
la nature, met fin au combat."
46,11,9,"The target is scared off and replaced by
another Pokémon in its party. In the
wild, the battle ends."
46,14,9,"The target is scared off and switched.
In the wild, a battle against a single
Pokémon ends."
46,15,1,"あいてを にがして
ひかえの ポケモンを ひきずりだす。
やせいの ばあいは せんとうが おわる。"
46,15,3,"상대를 도망가게 해서
교대할 포켓몬을 끌어낸다.
야생의 경우에는 배틀이 끝난다."
46,15,5,"Effraie le Pokémon ennemi et le remplace par un
autre. Dans la nature, met fin au combat."
46,15,6,"Verjagt das Ziel und ersetzt es durch ein anderes
Pokémon. Beendet den Kampf in der Wildnis."
46,15,7,"Se lleva al objetivo, que es cambiado por otro
Pokémon. Si es un Pokémon salvaje, acaba el
46,15,8,"Il bersaglio lascia il campo e viene sostituito.
Mette fine alle lotte contro singoli Pokémon
46,15,9,"The target is scared off, and a different
Pokémon is dragged out. In the wild,
this ends a battle against a single Pokémon."
46,15,11,"相手を 逃がして
控えの ポケモンを ひきずりだす。
野生の 場合は 戦闘が 終わる。"
47,3,9,"May cause the foe
to fall asleep."
47,4,9,"May cause the foe
to fall asleep."
47,5,9,"A soothing song lulls the
foe into a deep slumber."
47,6,9,"A soothing song lulls the
foe into a deep slumber."
47,7,9,"A soothing song
in a calming voice
lulls the foe into
a deep slumber."
47,8,9,"A soothing lullaby is
sung in a calming
voice that puts the
foe into a deep
47,9,9,"A soothing lullaby is
sung in a calming
voice that puts the
foe into a deep
47,10,9,"A soothing lullaby is
sung in a calming
voice that puts the
foe into a deep
47,11,5,"Une berceuse plonge l’ennemi
dans un profond sommeil."
47,11,9,"A soothing lullaby is sung in a calming
voice that puts the target into a deep
47,14,9,"A soothing lullaby is sung in a calming
voice that puts the target into a deep
47,15,1,"ここちよい きれいな
うたごえを きかせて
あいてを ねむり じょうたいに する。"
47,15,3,"기분 좋은 예쁜
노랫소리를 들려주고
상대를 잠듦 상태로 만든다."
47,15,5,"Une berceuse plonge l’ennemi dans un profond
47,15,6,"Ein Lied, das das Ziel in tiefen Schlaf versetzt."
47,15,7,"Cancioncilla que hace dormir profundamente al
47,15,8,"Dolce ninnananna, cantata da una voce suadente,
che fa addormentare il bersaglio."
47,15,9,"A soothing lullaby is sung in a calming
voice that puts the target into a
deep slumber."
47,15,11,"心地好い きれいな
歌声を 聞かせて
相手を 眠り状態に する。"
48,3,9,"Sound waves that
cause confusion."
48,4,9,"Sound waves that
cause confusion."
48,5,9,"Emits bizarre sound waves
that may confuse the foe."
48,6,9,"Emits bizarre sound waves
that may confuse the foe."
48,7,9,"The user generates
odd sound waves.
It may confuse the
48,8,9,"The user generates
odd sound waves from
its body.
It may confuse the
48,9,9,"The user generates
odd sound waves from
its body.
It may confuse the
48,10,9,"The user generates
odd sound waves from
its body.
It may confuse the
48,11,5,"Le lanceur produit d’étranges ondes
sonores qui rendent confus."
48,11,9,"The user generates odd sound waves from
its body. It may confuse the target."
48,14,9,"The user generates odd sound waves from
its body. It may confuse the target."
48,15,1,"とくしゅな おんぱを
からだから はっして
あいてを こんらん させる。"
48,15,3,"특수한 음파를
몸에서 발산하여
상대를 혼란시킨다."
48,15,5,"Le lanceur produit d’étranges ondes sonores qui
rendent confus."
48,15,6,Ausstoß bizarrer Schallwellen. Das Ziel wird verwirrt.
48,15,7,Raras ondas sónicas que confunden al objetivo.
48,15,8,"Chi la usa genera dal proprio corpo strane onde
acustiche che possono confondere il bersaglio."
48,15,9,"The user generates odd sound waves from
its body that confuse the target."
48,15,11,"特殊な 音波を
体から 発して
相手を 混乱させる。"
49,3,9,"Always inflicts
20HP damage."
49,4,9,"Always inflicts
20HP damage."
49,5,9,"Launches shock waves that
always inflict 20 HP damage."
49,6,9,"Launches shock waves that
always inflict 20 HP damage."
49,7,9,"The foe is hit with
a shock wave that
always inflicts 20-
HP damage."
49,8,9,"The foe is hit with a
destructive shock
wave that always
inflicts 20 HP damage.
49,9,9,"The foe is hit with a
destructive shock
wave that always
inflicts 20 HP damage.
49,10,9,"The foe is hit with a
destructive shock
wave that always
inflicts 20 HP damage.
49,11,5,"Une onde de choc destructrice qui
inflige toujours 20 PV de dégâts."
49,11,9,"The target is hit with a destructive shock
wave that always inflicts 20 HP damage."
49,14,9,"The target is hit with a destructive shock
wave that always inflicts 20 HP damage."
あいてに ぶつけて こうげきする。
20の ダメージを きまって あたえる。"
상대에 부딪쳐서 공격한다.
언제나 20의 데미지를 준다."
49,15,5,"Une onde de choc destructrice qui inflige toujours
20 PV de dégâts."
49,15,6,"Das Ziel wird von einer Schockwelle getroffen,
die stets 20 KP Schaden anrichtet."
49,15,7,"Lanza ondas de choque que restan 20 PS al
49,15,8,"Il bersaglio viene colpito da onde acustiche
devastanti che gli provocano un danno
pari a 20 PS."
49,15,9,"The target is hit with a destructive shock
wave that always inflicts 20 HP damage."
相手に ぶつけて 攻撃する。
20の ダメージを 決まって 与える。"
50,3,9,"Disables the foe's
most recent move."
50,4,9,"Disables the foe's
most recent move."
50,5,9,"Psychically disables one of
the foe’s moves."
50,6,9,"Psychically disables one of
the foe’s moves."
50,7,9,"For a few turns,
it prevents the foe
from using the move
it last used."
50,8,9,"For several turns,
this move prevents
the foe from using
the move it last
50,9,9,"For several turns,
this move prevents
the foe from using
the move it last
50,10,9,"For several turns,
this move prevents
the foe from using
the move it last
50,11,5,"Empêche l’ennemi d’employer à nouveau
sa dernière attaque. Dure quatre tours."
50,11,9,"For four turns, this move prevents the
target from using the move it last used."
50,14,9,"For four turns, this move prevents the
target from using the move it last used."
50,15,1,"あいての うごきを とめて
ちょくぜんに だしていた わざを
4ターンの あいだ つかえなく する。"
50,15,3,"상대의 움직임을 막아
바로 전에 쓴 기술을
4턴 동안 사용할 수 없게 만든다."
50,15,5,"Empêche l’ennemi d’employer à nouveau
sa dernière attaque. Dure quatre tours."
50,15,6,"Die zuletzt eingesetzte Attacke des Zieles
wird für mehrere Runden blockiert."
50,15,7,"Desactiva el último movimiento del objetivo
durante cuatro turnos."
50,15,8,"Per quattro turni impedisce al bersaglio
di riutilizzare l’ultima mossa usata."
50,15,9,"For four turns, this move prevents the
target from using the move it last used."
50,15,11,"相手の 動きを とめて
直前に だしていた 技を
4ターンの あいだ 使えなくする。"
51,3,9,"An attack that may
lower DEFENSE."
51,4,9,"An attack that may
lower DEFENSE."
51,5,9,"Sprays a hide-melting acid.
May lower DEFENSE."
51,6,9,"Sprays a hide-melting acid.
May lower DEFENSE."
51,7,9,"The foe is sprayed
with a harsh, hide-
melting acid that
may lower DEFENSE."
51,8,9,"The foe is attacked
with a spray of harsh
acid. It may also
lower the target’s
Sp. Def stat."
51,9,9,"The foe is attacked
with a spray of harsh
acid. It may also
lower the target’s
Sp. Def stat."
51,10,9,"The foe is attacked
with a spray of harsh
acid. It may also
lower the target’s
Sp. Def stat."
51,11,5,"Le lanceur attaque l’ennemi avec un jet
d’acide corrosif. Peut aussi baisser
la Défense Spéciale de l’ennemi."
51,11,9,"The opposing team is attacked with a spray
of harsh acid. The acid may also lower
the targets’ Sp. Def stats."
51,14,9,"The opposing team is attacked with a spray
of harsh acid. The acid may also lower
the targets’ Sp. Def stats."
51,15,1,"つよい さんを あいてに かけて
こうげきする。あいての とくぼうを
さげることが ある。"
51,15,3,"강한 산을 상대에게 끼얹어
공격한다. 상대의 특수방어를
떨어뜨릴 때가 있다."
51,15,5,"Le lanceur attaque l’ennemi avec un jet d’acide
corrosif. Peut aussi baisser sa Défense Spéciale."
51,15,6,"Versprüht ätzende Flüssigkeit, die eventuell
die Spezial-Verteidigung der Gegner in der
Nähe des Anwenders senkt."
51,15,7,"Rocía a los enemigos con un ácido corrosivo.
Puede bajar la Defensa Especial."
51,15,8,"Colpisce i nemici intorno spruzzando un acido
corrosivo. Può anche ridurne la Difesa Speciale."
51,15,9,"The opposing Pokémon are attacked
with a spray of harsh acid. This may
also lower their Sp. Def stats."
51,15,11,"強い 酸を 相手に かけて
攻撃する。相手の 特防を
さげることが ある。"
52,3,9,"An attack that may
inflict a burn."
52,4,9,"An attack that may
inflict a burn."
52,5,9,"A weak fire attack that may
inflict a burn."
52,6,9,"A weak fire attack that may
inflict a burn."
52,7,9,"The foe is attacked
with small flames.
The foe may suffer
a burn."
52,8,9,"The foe is attacked
with small flames.
The target may also
be left with a burn.
52,9,9,"The foe is attacked
with small flames.
The target may also
be left with a burn.
52,10,9,"The foe is attacked
with small flames.
The target may also
be left with a burn.
52,11,5,"L’ennemi est attaqué par de faibles
flammes. Peut aussi le brûler."
52,11,9,"The target is attacked with small flames.
It may also leave the target with a burn."
52,14,9,"The target is attacked with small flames.
It may also leave the target with a burn."
52,15,1,"ちいさな ほのおを
あいてに はっしゃして こうげきする。
やけど じょうたいに することが ある。"
52,15,3,"작은 불꽃을
상대에게 발사하여 공격한다.
화상 상태로 만들 때가 있다."
52,15,5,"L’ennemi est attaqué par de faibles flammes.
Peut aussi le brûler."
52,15,6,"Schwache Feuer-Attacke, durch die das Ziel
eventuell Verbrennungen erleidet."
52,15,7,"Ataca con llamas pequeñas que pueden causar
52,15,8,"Il bersaglio viene colpito da fiammelle che possono
anche scottarlo."
52,15,9,"The target is attacked with small flames.
This may also leave the target with a burn."
52,15,11,"小さな 炎を
相手に 発射して 攻撃する。
やけど状態に することが ある。"
53,3,9,"An attack that may
inflict a burn."
53,4,9,"An attack that may
inflict a burn."
53,5,9,"A powerful fire attack that
may inflict a burn."
53,6,9,"A powerful fire attack that
may inflict a burn."
53,7,9,"The foe is scorched
with intense flames.
The foe may suffer
a burn."
53,8,9,"The foe is scorched
with an intense blast
of fire. The target
may also be left with
a burn."
53,9,9,"The foe is scorched
with an intense blast
of fire. The target
may also be left with
a burn."
53,10,9,"The foe is scorched
with an intense blast
of fire. The target
may also be left with
a burn."
53,11,5,"L’ennemi reçoit un torrent de flammes.
Peut aussi le brûler."
53,11,9,"The target is scorched with an intense
blast of fire. It may also leave the target
with a burn."
53,14,9,"The target is scorched with an intense
blast of fire. It may also leave the target
with a burn."
53,15,1,"はげしい ほのおを
あいてに はっしゃして こうげきする。
やけど じょうたいに することが ある。"
53,15,3,"세찬 불꽃을
상대에게 발사하여 공격한다.
화상 상태로 만들 때가 있다."
53,15,5,"L’ennemi reçoit un torrent de flammes.
Peut aussi le brûler."
53,15,6,"Starke Feuer-Attacke, durch die das Ziel eventuell
Verbrennungen erleidet."
53,15,7,"Ataca con una gran ráfaga de fuego que puede
causar quemaduras."
53,15,8,"Il bersaglio viene colpito da intense fiammate
che possono anche scottarlo."
53,15,9,"The target is scorched with an intense
blast of fire. This may also leave the target
with a burn."
53,15,11,"激しい 炎を
相手に 発射して 攻撃する。
やけど状態に することが ある。"
54,3,9,"Prevents stat
54,4,9,"Prevents stat
54,5,9,"Creates a mist that stops
reduction of abilities."
54,6,9,"Creates a mist that stops
reduction of abilities."
54,7,9,"The ally party is
protected by a
mist that prevents
stat reductions."
54,8,9,"The user cloaks its
body with a white mist
that prevents any of
its stats from being
cut for five turns."
54,9,9,"The user cloaks its
body with a white mist
that prevents any of
its stats from being
cut for five turns."
54,10,9,"The user cloaks its
body with a white mist
that prevents any of
its stats from being
cut for five turns."
54,11,5,"Une brume blanche enveloppe l’équipe
du lanceur et empêche la réduction
des stats pour 5 tours."
54,11,9,"The user cloaks its body with a white mist
that prevents any of its stats from being
cut for five turns."
54,14,9,"The user cloaks its body with a white mist
that prevents any of its stats from being
cut for five turns."
54,15,1,"しろいきりで からだを おおう。
5ターンの あいだ あいてに
のうりょくを さげられなく なる。"
54,15,3,"하얀 안개로 몸을 덮는다.
5턴 동안 상대에 의해
능력이 떨어지지 않게 된다."
54,15,5,"Une brume blanche enveloppe l’équipe du lanceur
et empêche la réduction des stats pour cinq tours."
54,15,6,"Anwender schützt das Team mit einem Nebel.
Verhindert Statussenkungen für fünf Runden."
54,15,7,"Rodea de fina niebla al usuario y protege las
características de su equipo durante cinco turnos."
54,15,8,"Chi la usa attira una nebbia che blocca la riduzione
delle statistiche per sé e gli alleati per cinque turni."
54,15,9,"The user cloaks itself and its allies in a
white mist that prevents any of their stats
from being lowered for five turns."
54,15,11,"白い霧で 体を おおう。
5ターンの あいだ 相手に
能力を さげられなく なる。"
55,3,9,"Squirts water to
55,4,9,"Squirts water to
55,5,9,"Squirts water to attack
the foe."
55,6,9,"Squirts water to attack
the foe."
55,7,9,"The foe is struck
with a lot of water
expelled forcibly
from the mouth."
55,8,9,"The foe is blasted
with a forceful shot
of water.

55,9,9,"The foe is blasted
with a forceful shot
of water.

55,10,9,"The foe is blasted
with a forceful shot
of water.

55,11,5,"De l’eau est projetée sur l’ennemi
en arc de cercle."
55,11,9,"The target is blasted with a
forceful shot of water."
55,14,9,"The target is blasted with a
forceful shot of water."
55,15,1,"みずを いきおいよく
あいてに はっしゃして こうげきする。
55,15,3,"물을 기세 좋게
상대에게 발사하여 공격한다."
55,15,5,"De l’eau est projetée en arc de cercle sur
55,15,6,Das Ziel wird mit Wasser bespritzt.
55,15,7,Ataca disparando agua con gran potencia.
55,15,8,Il bersaglio è colpito da un potente getto d’acqua.
55,15,9,"The target is blasted with a
forceful shot of water."
55,15,11,"水を 勢いよく
相手に 発射して 攻撃する。
56,3,9,"A powerful water-
type attack."
56,4,9,"A powerful water-
type attack."
56,5,9,"Blasts water at high power
to strike the foe."
56,6,9,"Blasts water at high power
to strike the foe."
56,7,9,"A high volume of
water is blasted at
the foe under great
56,8,9,"The foe is blasted by
a huge volume of
water launched under
great pressure.
56,9,9,"The foe is blasted by
a huge volume of
water launched under
great pressure.
56,10,9,"The foe is blasted by
a huge volume of
water launched under
great pressure.
56,11,5,"Un puissant jet d’eau est
dirigé sur l’ennemi."
56,11,9,"The target is blasted by a huge volume
of water launched under great pressure."
56,14,9,"The target is blasted by a huge volume
of water launched under great pressure."
56,15,1,"たいりょうの みずを
はげしい いきおいで
あいてに はっしゃして こうげきする。"
56,15,3,"대량의 물을
세찬 기세로
상대에게 발사하여 공격한다."
56,15,5,Un puissant jet d’eau est dirigé sur l’ennemi.
56,15,6,"Spritzt eine Menge Wasser mit Hochdruck
auf das Ziel."
56,15,7,"Lanza una gran masa de agua a presión para
56,15,8,"Il bersaglio è travolto da un potente getto d’acqua
spruzzato ad altissima pressione."
56,15,9,"The target is blasted by a huge volume
of water launched under great pressure."
56,15,11,"大量の 水を
激しい 勢いで
相手に 発射して 攻撃する。"
57,3,9,"A strong water-
type attack."
57,4,9,"A strong water-
type attack."
57,5,9,"Creates a huge wave, then
crashes it down on the foe."
57,6,9,"Creates a huge wave, then
crashes it down on the foe."
57,7,9,"A big wave crashes
down on the foe.
Can also be used
for crossing water."
57,8,9,"It swamps the entire
battlefield with a
giant wave.
It can also be used
for crossing water."
57,9,9,"It swamps the entire
battlefield with a
giant wave.
It can also be used
for crossing water."
57,10,9,"It swamps the entire
battlefield with a
giant wave.
It can also be used
for crossing water."
57,11,5,"Une énorme vague s’abat sur le
champ de bataille. Permet aussi
de voyager sur l’eau."
57,11,9,"It swamps the area around the user
with a giant wave.
It can also be used for crossing water."
57,14,9,"It swamps the area around the user
with a giant wave.
It can also be used for crossing water."
57,15,1,"おおきな なみで じぶんの
まわりに いるものを こうげきする。
みずの うえも およいで すすめる。"
57,15,3,"큰 파도로 자신의
주위에 있는 포켓몬을 공격한다.
물 위도 헤엄쳐서 나아간다."
57,15,5,"Une énorme vague s’abat sur le champ de bataille.
Permet aussi de voyager sur l’eau."
57,15,6,"Eine Welle bricht über alle Pokémon in der Nähe
des Anwenders herein. Macht Surfen möglich."
57,15,7,"Inunda el campo de batalla con una ola gigante.
Fuera de batalla sirve para moverse sobre el agua."
57,15,8,"Un’onda enorme sommerge il campo di lotta,
colpendo tutti i Pokémon intorno a chi la scatena.
Fuori dalla lotta si usa per spostarsi sull’acqua."
57,15,9,"The user attacks everything around it by
swamping its surroundings with a giant wave.
This can also be used for crossing water."
57,15,11,"大きな 波で 自分の
周りに いるものを 攻撃する。
水上も 泳いで 進める。"
58,3,9,"An attack that may
freeze the foe."
58,4,9,"An attack that may
freeze the foe."
58,5,9,"Blasts the foe with an icy
beam that may freeze it."
58,6,9,"Blasts the foe with an icy
beam that may freeze it."
58,7,9,"The foe is struck
with an icy beam.
It may freeze the
foe solid."
58,8,9,"The foe is struck
with an icy-cold
beam of energy.
It may also freeze
the target solid."
58,9,9,"The foe is struck
with an icy-cold
beam of energy.
It may also freeze
the target solid."
58,10,9,"The foe is struck
with an icy-cold
beam of energy.
It may also freeze
the target solid."
58,11,5,"Un rayon de glace frappe l’ennemi.
Peut aussi le geler."
58,11,9,"The target is struck with an icy-cold
beam of energy.
It may also freeze the target solid."
58,14,9,"The target is struck with an icy-cold
beam of energy.
It may also freeze the target solid."
58,15,1,"こごえる ビームを
あいてに はっしゃして こうげきする。
こおり じょうたいに することが ある。"
상대에게 발사하여 공격한다.
얼음 상태로 만들 때가 있다."
58,15,5,"Un rayon de glace frappe l’ennemi.
Peut aussi le geler."
58,15,6,"Das Ziel wird von einem Eisstrahl getroffen
und friert eventuell ein."
58,15,7,Rayo de hielo que puede llegar a congelar.
58,15,8,"Il bersaglio è colpito da un raggio di energia gelida
che può anche congelarlo."
58,15,9,"The target is struck with an icy-cold
beam of energy.
This may also leave the target frozen."
58,15,11,"凍える ビームを
相手に 発射して 攻撃する。
こおり状態に することが ある。"
59,3,9,"An attack that may
freeze the foe."
59,4,9,"An attack that may
freeze the foe."
59,5,9,"Hits the foe with an icy
storm that may freeze it."
59,6,9,"Hits the foe with an icy
storm that may freeze it."
59,7,9,"The foe is blasted
with a blizzard.
It may freeze the
foe solid."
59,8,9,"A howling blizzard is
summoned to strike
the foe.
It may also freeze
the target solid."
59,9,9,"A howling blizzard is
summoned to strike
the foe.
It may also freeze
the target solid."
59,10,9,"A howling blizzard is
summoned to strike
the foe.
It may also freeze
the target solid."
59,11,5,"Une violente tempête de neige
est déclenchée sur l’ennemi.
Peut aussi le geler."
59,11,9,"A howling blizzard is summoned to strike
the opposing team. It may also freeze
them solid."
59,14,9,"A howling blizzard is summoned to strike
the opposing team. It may also freeze
them solid."
59,15,1,"はげしい ふぶきを
あいてに ふきつけて こうげきする。
こおり じょうたいに することが ある。"
59,15,3,"세찬 눈보라를
상대에게 내뿜어 공격한다.
얼음 상태로 만들 때가 있다."
59,15,5,"Une violente tempête de neige est déclenchée
sur l’ennemi. Peut aussi le geler."
59,15,6,"Ein Schneesturm wütet, der das Ziel
einfrieren kann."
59,15,7,Tormenta de hielo que puede llegar a congelar.
59,15,8,"Colpisce i nemici intorno con una tremenda
tempesta di ghiaccio che può anche congelarli."
59,15,9,"A howling blizzard is summoned to strike
opposing Pokémon. This may also leave
the opposing Pokémon frozen."
59,15,11,"激しい 吹雪を
相手に 吹きつけて 攻撃する。
こおり状態に することが ある。"
60,3,9,"An attack that may
confuse the foe."
60,4,9,"An attack that may
confuse the foe."
60,5,9,"Fires a peculiar ray that
may confuse the foe."
60,6,9,"Fires a peculiar ray that
may confuse the foe."
60,7,9,"A peculiar ray is
shot at the foe.
It may leave the
foe confused."
60,8,9,"The foe is attacked
with a peculiar ray.
It may also leave the
target confused.
60,9,9,"The foe is attacked
with a peculiar ray.
It may also leave the
target confused.
60,10,9,"The foe is attacked
with a peculiar ray.
It may also leave the
target confused.
60,11,5,"Un étrange rayon frappe l’ennemi.
Peut aussi le rendre confus."
60,11,9,"The target is attacked with a peculiar ray.
It may also cause confusion."
60,14,9,"The target is attacked with a peculiar ray.
It may also cause confusion."
60,15,1,"ふしぎな こうせんを
あいてに はっしゃして こうげきする。
こんらん させることが ある。"
60,15,3,"이상한 광선을
상대에게 발사하여 공격한다.
혼란시킬 때가 있다."
60,15,5,"Un étrange rayon frappe l’ennemi.
Peut aussi le rendre confus."
60,15,6,"Feuert einen Strahl ab, der das Ziel verwirren kann."
60,15,7,Extraño rayo que puede causar confusión.
60,15,8,"Colpisce il bersaglio con un raggio speciale.
Può anche confonderlo."
60,15,9,"The target is attacked with a peculiar ray.
This may also leave the target confused."
60,15,11,"不思議な 光線を
相手に 発射して 攻撃する。
混乱させることが ある。"
61,3,9,"An attack that may
lower SPEED."
61,4,9,"An attack that may
lower SPEED."
61,5,9,"Forcefully sprays bubbles
that may lower SPEED."
61,6,9,"Forcefully sprays bubbles
that may lower SPEED."
61,7,9,"A spray of bubbles
strikes the foe.
It may lower the
foe’s SPEED stat."
61,8,9,"A spray of bubbles is
forcefully ejected
at the foe.
It may also lower the
target’s Speed stat."
61,9,9,"A spray of bubbles is
forcefully ejected
at the foe.
It may also lower the
target’s Speed stat."
61,10,9,"A spray of bubbles is
forcefully ejected
at the foe.
It may also lower the
target’s Speed stat."
61,11,5,"Des bulles sont envoyées avec
puissance sur l’ennemi. Peut
aussi baisser sa Vitesse."
61,11,9,"A spray of bubbles is forcefully ejected
at the opposing team. It may also lower
their Speed stats."
61,14,9,"A spray of bubbles is forcefully ejected
at the opposing team. It may also lower
their Speed stats."
61,15,1,"あわを いきおいよく
あいてに はっしゃして こうげきする。
すばやさを さげる ことが ある。"
61,15,3,"거품을 기세 좋게
상대에게 발사하여 공격한다.
스피드를 떨어뜨릴 때가 있다."
61,15,5,"Des bulles sont envoyées avec puissance
sur l’ennemi. Peut aussi baisser sa Vitesse."
61,15,6,"Versprüht Blasen, die eventuell den Initiative-Wert
des Zieles senken."
61,15,7,Diluvio de burbujas que puede bajar la Velocidad.
61,15,8,"Colpisce il bersaglio con una forte scarica di bolle.
Può anche ridurne la Velocità."
61,15,9,"A spray of bubbles is forcefully ejected
at the target. This may also lower
its Speed stat."
61,15,11,"泡を 勢いよく
相手に 発射して 攻撃する。
素早さを さげる ことが ある。"
62,3,9,"An attack that may
lower ATTACK."
62,4,9,"An attack that may
lower ATTACK."
62,5,9,"Fires a rainbow-colored
beam that may lower ATTACK."
62,6,9,"Fires a rainbow-colored
beam that may lower ATTACK."
62,7,9,"A rainbow-colored
attack beam.
It may lower the
foe’s ATTACK stat."
62,8,9,"The foe is hit with a
rainbow-colored beam.
It may also lower the
target’s Attack
62,9,9,"The foe is hit with a
rainbow-colored beam.
It may also lower the
target’s Attack
62,10,9,"The foe is hit with a
rainbow-colored beam.
It may also lower the
target’s Attack
62,11,5,"Envoie un rayon arc-en-ciel sur l’ennemi.
Peut aussi baisser son Attaque."
62,11,9,"The target is hit with a rainbow-colored
beam. This may also lower the target’s
Attack stat."
62,14,9,"The target is hit with a rainbow-colored
beam. This may also lower the target’s
Attack stat."
62,15,1,"にじいろの ビームを
あいてに はっしゃして こうげきする。
こうげきを さげる ことが ある。"
62,15,3,"무지개색의 빔을
상대에게 발사하여 공격한다.
공격을 떨어뜨릴 때가 있다."
62,15,5,"Envoie un rayon arc-en-ciel sur l’ennemi.
Peut aussi baisser son Attaque."
62,15,6,"Regenbogenfarbener Strahl, der eventuell
den Angriffs-Wert des Zieles senkt."
62,15,7,Rayo multicolor que puede reducir el Ataque.
62,15,8,"Colpisce il bersaglio con un raggio dai colori
dell’iride. Può anche ridurne l’Attacco."
62,15,9,"The target is hit with a rainbow-colored
beam. This may also lower the target’s
Attack stat."
62,15,11,"にじいろの ビームを
相手に 発射して 攻撃する。
攻撃を さげる ことが ある。"
63,3,9,"1st turn: Attack
2nd turn: Rest"
63,4,9,"1st turn: Attack
2nd turn: Rest"
63,5,9,"Powerful, but leaves the
user immobile the next turn."
63,6,9,"Powerful, but leaves the
user immobile the next turn."
63,7,9,"A severely damaging
attack that makes
the user rest on
the next turn."
63,8,9,"The foe is attacked
with a powerful beam.
The user must rest
on the next turn to
regain its energy."
63,9,9,"The foe is attacked
with a powerful beam.
The user must rest
on the next turn to
regain its energy."
63,10,9,"The foe is attacked
with a powerful beam.
The user must rest
on the next turn to
regain its energy."
63,11,5,"Projette un puissant rayon sur l’ennemi.
Le lanceur doit se reposer
au tour suivant."
63,11,9,"The target is attacked with a powerful
beam. The user must rest on the next
turn to regain its energy."
63,14,9,"The target is attacked with a powerful
beam. The user must rest on the next
turn to regain its energy."
63,15,1,"つよい こうせんを
あいてに はっしゃして こうげきする。
つぎの ターンは うごけなく なる。"
63,15,3,"강한 광선을
상대에게 발사하여 공격한다.
다음 턴은 움직일 수 없다."
63,15,5,"Projette un puissant rayon sur l’ennemi.
Le lanceur doit se reposer au tour suivant."
63,15,6,"Starke Attacke, die den Anwender zwingt,
eine Runde auszusetzen."
63,15,7,"Es eficaz, pero el atacante deberá descansar en
el siguiente turno."
63,15,8,"Colpisce il bersaglio con un potente raggio.
Chi la usa salta il turno successivo per recuperare
63,15,9,"The target is attacked with a powerful
beam. The user can’t move on the next turn."
63,15,11,"強い 光線を
相手に 発射して 攻撃する。
次の ターンは 動けなくなる。"
64,3,9,"Jabs the foe with
a beak, etc."
64,4,9,"Jabs the foe with
a beak, etc."
64,5,9,"Attacks the foe with a
jabbing beak, etc."
64,6,9,"Attacks the foe with a
jabbing beak, etc."
64,7,9,"The foe is jabbed
with a sharply
pointed beak or
64,8,9,"The foe is jabbed
with a sharply
pointed beak or
64,9,9,"The foe is jabbed
with a sharply
pointed beak or
64,10,9,"The foe is jabbed
with a sharply
pointed beak or
64,11,5,"Frappe l’ennemi d’un bec pointu ou
d’une corne pour infliger des dégâts."
64,11,9,"The target is jabbed with a sharply
pointed beak or horn."
64,14,9,"The target is jabbed with a sharply
pointed beak or horn."
64,15,1,"するどく とがった くちばしや つので
あいてを つついて こうげきする。
64,15,3,"날카롭고 뾰족한 부리나 뿔로
상대를 쪼아서 공격한다."
64,15,5,"Frappe l’ennemi d’un bec pointu ou d’une corne
pour infliger des dégâts."
64,15,6,Greift das Ziel mit dem Schnabel oder Horn an.
64,15,7,Ensarta al objetivo con un cuerno o pico punzante.
64,15,8,"Colpisce il bersaglio con il becco appuntito
o con un corno."
64,15,9,"The target is jabbed with a sharply
pointed beak or horn."
64,15,11,"鋭く とがった くちばしや つので
相手を 突いて 攻撃する。
65,3,9,"A strong, spin­
ning-peck attack."
65,4,9,"A strong, spin­
ning-peck attack."
65,5,9,"A corkscrewing attack with
the beak acting as a drill."
65,6,9,"A corkscrewing attack with
the beak acting as a drill."
65,7,9,"A corkscrewing
attack with the
sharp beak acting
as a drill."
65,8,9,"A corkscrewing
attack with the
sharp beak acting
as a drill.
65,9,9,"A corkscrewing
attack with the
sharp beak acting
as a drill.
65,10,9,"A corkscrewing
attack with the
sharp beak acting
as a drill.
65,11,5,"Une attaque utilisant le bec
comme une perceuse."
65,11,9,"A corkscrewing attack with the
sharp beak acting as a drill."
65,14,9,"A corkscrewing attack with the
sharp beak acting as a drill."
65,15,1,"かいてん しながら とがった くちばしを
あいてに つきさして こうげきする。
65,15,3,"회전하면서 뾰족한 부리를
상대에게 꿰찔러 공격한다."
65,15,5,Une attaque utilisant le bec comme une perceuse.
65,15,6,"Korkenzieherangriff, bei dem der Schnabel
als Bohrer dient."
65,15,7,Picotazo giratorio y perforador muy potente.
65,15,8,"Attacco a spirale con un becco aguzzo
che fa da trapano."
65,15,9,"A corkscrewing attack with a
sharp beak acting as a drill."
65,15,11,"回転しながら とがった くちばしを
相手に 突き刺して 攻撃する。
66,3,9,"An attack that al­
so hurts the user."
66,4,9,"An attack that al­
so hurts the user."
66,5,9,"A reckless body slam that
also hurts the user."
66,6,9,"A reckless body slam that
also hurts the user."
66,7,9,"A reckless, full-
body throw attack
that also hurts the
user a little."
66,8,9,"The user grabs the
foe and recklessly
dives for the ground.
It also hurts the
user slightly."
66,9,9,"The user grabs the
foe and recklessly
dives for the ground.
It also hurts the
user slightly."
66,10,9,"The user grabs the
foe and recklessly
dives for the ground.
It also hurts the
user slightly."
66,11,5,"Le lanceur agrippe l’ennemi et
l’écrase au sol. Blesse aussi
légèrement le lanceur."
66,11,9,"The user grabs the target and recklessly
dives for the ground. It also hurts the
user slightly."
66,14,9,"The user grabs the target and recklessly
dives for the ground. It also hurts the
user slightly."
66,15,1,"じめんに じぶんごと
あいてを なげつけて こうげきする。
じぶんも すこし ダメージを うける。"
66,15,3,"땅에 자신과 함께
상대를 내던져 공격한다.
자신도 조금 데미지를 입는다."
66,15,5,"Le lanceur agrippe l’ennemi et l’écrase au sol.
Blesse aussi légèrement le lanceur."
66,15,6,"Harte Körperattacke, bei der sich der Angreifer
selbst leicht verletzt."
66,15,7,Tira al objetivo al suelo. También hiere al agresor.
66,15,8,"Chi la usa carica il bersaglio in modo spericolato,
ma danneggia anche se stesso."
66,15,9,"The user grabs the target and recklessly
dives for the ground. This also damages
the user a little."
66,15,11,"地面に 自分ごと
相手を 投げつけて 攻撃する。
自分も 少し ダメージを 受ける。"
67,3,9,"An attack that may
cause flinching."
67,4,9,"An attack that may
cause flinching."
67,5,9,"A kick that inflicts more
damage on heavier foes."
67,6,9,"A kick that inflicts more
damage on heavier foes."
67,7,9,"A low, tripping kick
that inflicts more
damage on heavier
67,8,9,"A powerful low kick
that makes the foe
fall over. It inflicts
greater damage on
heavier foes."
67,9,9,"A powerful low kick
that makes the foe
fall over. It inflicts
greater damage on
heavier foes."
67,10,9,"A powerful low kick
that makes the foe
fall over. It inflicts
greater damage on
heavier foes."
67,11,5,"Un puissant coup de pied bas qui fauche
l’ennemi. Il est plus efficace contre
les ennemis lourds."
67,11,9,"A powerful low kick that makes the target
fall over. It inflicts greater damage on
heavier targets."
67,14,9,"A powerful low kick that makes the target
fall over. It inflicts greater damage on
heavier targets."
67,15,1,"あしを つよく けり あいてを
ころばせて こうげきする。あいてが
おもいほど いりょくが あがる。"
67,15,3,"발을 강하게 걸고
상대를 넘어뜨려 공격한다.
상대가 무거울수록 위력이 올라간다."
67,15,5,"Un puissant coup de pied bas qui fauche l’ennemi.
Il est plus efficace contre les ennemis lourds."
67,15,6,"Ein Tritt, der das Ziel umwirft. Je schwerer das Ziel
ist, desto mehr Schaden fügt ihm die Attacke zu."
67,15,7,"Patada baja. Cuanto más pesa el objetivo, más
daño causa."
67,15,8,"Un calcio basso e potente che fa cadere il bersaglio.
Danneggia maggiormente i Pokémon più pesanti."
67,15,9,"A powerful low kick that makes the target
fall over. The heavier the target,
the greater the move’s power."
67,15,11,"足を 強く けり
相手を 転ばせて 攻撃する。
相手が 重いほど 威力が あがる。"
68,3,9,"Returns a physical
blow double."
68,4,9,"Returns a physical
blow double."
68,5,9,"Retaliates any physical hit
with double the power."
68,6,9,"Retaliates any physical hit
with double the power."
68,7,9,"A retaliation move
that counters any
physical hit with
double the damage."
68,8,9,"A retaliation move
that counters any
physical attack,
inflicting double the
damage taken."
68,9,9,"A retaliation move
that counters any
physical attack,
inflicting double the
damage taken."
68,10,9,"A retaliation move
that counters any
physical attack,
inflicting double the
damage taken."
68,11,5,"Une riposte qui répond à toute
attaque physique en infligeant
le double de dégâts."
68,11,9,"A retaliation move that counters any
physical attack, inflicting double the
damage taken."
68,14,9,"A retaliation move that counters any
physical attack, inflicting double the
damage taken."
68,15,1,"あいてから うけた ぶつり こうげきの
ダメージを 2ばいに して
おなじ あいてに かえす。"
68,15,3,"상대로부터 받은 물리공격의
데미지를 2배로 만들어
같은 상대에게 돌려준다."
68,15,5,"Une riposte qui répond à toute attaque physique
en infligeant le double de dégâts."
68,15,6,"Kontert physische Treffer und fügt dem Ziel
das Doppelte des Schadens zu, den der Anwender
erlitten hat."
68,15,7,Devuelve un golpe físico por duplicado.
68,15,8,"Mossa che contrasta ogni attacco fisico,
arrecando il doppio del danno ricevuto."
68,15,9,"A retaliation move that counters any
physical attack, inflicting double the
damage taken."
68,15,11,"相手から 受けた 物理攻撃の
ダメージを 2倍に して
同じ 相手に 返す。"
69,3,9,"The user's level
equals damage HP."
69,4,9,"The user's level
equals damage HP."
69,5,9,"Inflicts damage identical
to the user’s level."
69,6,9,"Inflicts damage identical
to the user’s level."
69,7,9,"A gravity-fed throw
that causes damage
matching the user’s
69,8,9,"The foe is thrown
using the power of
gravity. It inflicts
damage equal to
the user’s level."
69,9,9,"The foe is thrown
using the power of
gravity. It inflicts
damage equal to
the user’s level."
69,10,9,"The foe is thrown
using the power of
gravity. It inflicts
damage equal to
the user’s level."
69,11,5,"L’ennemi est projeté grâce au pouvoir de
la gravité. Inflige des dégâts équivalents
au niveau du lanceur."
69,11,9,"The target is thrown using the power of
gravity. It inflicts damage equal to
the user’s level."
69,14,9,"The target is thrown using the power of
gravity. It inflicts damage equal to
the user’s level."
69,15,1,"いんりょくを つかい なげとばす。
じぶんの レベルと おなじ ダメージを
あいてに あたえる。"
69,15,3,"인력을 사용해 내던진다.
자신의 레벨과 똑같은 데미지를
상대에게 준다."
69,15,5,"L’ennemi est projeté grâce au pouvoir de la
gravité. Inflige des dégâts équivalents au niveau
du lanceur."
69,15,6,"Ziel wird mit der Kraft der Gravitation umgeworfen.
Richtet Schaden gemäß Level des Angreifers an."
69,15,7,"La gravedad derriba al objetivo. Se restarán tantos
PS como nivel tenga el agresor."
69,15,8,"Colpisce il bersaglio con la forza di gravità.
Infligge un danno pari al livello di chi la usa."
69,15,9,"The target is thrown using the power of
gravity. It inflicts damage equal to
the user’s level."
69,15,11,"引力を 使い 投げとばす。
自分の レベルと 同じ ダメージを
相手に 与える。"
70,3,9,"A powerful physi­
cal attack."
70,4,9,"A powerful physi­
cal attack."
70,5,9,"Builds enormous power,
then slams the foe."
70,6,9,"Builds enormous power,
then slams the foe."
70,7,9,"The foe is slugged
at maximum power.
Can also be used
to move boulders."
70,8,9,"The foe is slugged
with a punch thrown
at maximum power.
It can also be used
to move boulders."
70,9,9,"The foe is slugged
with a punch thrown
at maximum power.
It can also be used
to move boulders."
70,10,9,"The foe is slugged
with a punch thrown
at maximum power.
It can also be used
to move boulders."
70,11,5,"Le lanceur cogne l’ennemi de toutes
ses forces. Permet aussi de déplacer
des rochers."
70,11,9,"The target is slugged with a punch thrown
at maximum power. It can also be used
to move heavy boulders."
70,14,9,"The target is slugged with a punch thrown
at maximum power. It can also be used
to move heavy boulders."
70,15,1,"こんしんの ちからで
あいてを なぐりつけて こうげきする。
おもたい いわを おすことも できる。"
70,15,3,"혼신의 힘으로
상대를 세게 때려서 공격한다.
무거운 돌을 밀 수도 있다."
70,15,5,"Le lanceur cogne l’ennemi de toutes ses forces.
Permet aussi de déplacer des rochers."
70,15,6,"Das Ziel wird extrem stark getroffen.
Macht Verschieben von Felsen möglich."
70,15,7,"Potente puñetazo. Fuera de combate sirve para
mover rocas."
70,15,8,"Colpisce il bersaglio con un’enorme energia.
Fuori dalla lotta si usa per spostare i massi."
70,15,9,"The target is slugged with a punch thrown
at maximum power. This can also be used
to move heavy boulders."
70,15,11,"こん身の 力で
相手を なぐりつけて 攻撃する。
重たい 岩を 押すことも できる。"
71,3,9,"Steals 1/2 of the
damage inflicted."
71,4,9,"Steals 1/2 of the
damage inflicted."
71,5,9,"An attack that absorbs
half the damage inflicted."
71,6,9,"An attack that absorbs
half the damage inflicted."
71,7,9,"An attack that
absorbs half the
damage it inflicted
to restore HP."
71,8,9,"A nutrient-draining
attack. The user’s
HP is restored by
half the damage taken
by the target."
71,9,9,"A nutrient-draining
attack. The user’s
HP is restored by
half the damage taken
by the target."
71,10,9,"A nutrient-draining
attack. The user’s
HP is restored by
half the damage taken
by the target."
71,11,5,"Une attaque qui convertit la moitié
des dégâts infligés en PV."
71,11,9,"A nutrient-draining attack. The user’s
HP is restored by half the damage taken
by the target."
71,14,9,"A nutrient-draining attack. The user’s
HP is restored by half the damage taken
by the target."
71,15,1,"ようぶんを すいとり こうげきする。
あいてに あたえた ダメージの
はんぶんの HPを かいふくできる。"
71,15,3,"양분을 흡수하여 공격한다.
상대에게 입힌 데미지의
절반에 해당하는 HP를 회복할 수 있다."
71,15,5,"Une attaque qui convertit la moitié des dégâts
infligés en PV pour le lanceur."
71,15,6,"Attacke, die die Hälfte des Schadens absorbiert."
71,15,7,"Absorbe la mitad del daño producido en el objetivo
para restaurar los PS del usuario."
71,15,8,"Mossa che assorbe PS. Chi la usa recupera una
quantità di PS pari alla metà del danno inferto."
71,15,9,"A nutrient-draining attack. The user’s
HP is restored by half the damage taken
by the target."
71,15,11,"養分を 吸い取り 攻撃する。
相手に 与えた ダメージの
半分の HPを 回復できる。"
72,3,9,"Steals 1/2 of the
damage inflicted."
72,4,9,"Steals 1/2 of the
damage inflicted."
72,5,9,"An attack that absorbs
half the damage inflicted."
72,6,9,"An attack that absorbs
half the damage inflicted."
72,7,9,"A tough attack that
drains half the
damage it inflicted
to restore HP."
72,8,9,"A nutrient-draining
attack. The user’s
HP is restored by
half the damage taken
by the target."
72,9,9,"A nutrient-draining
attack. The user’s
HP is restored by
half the damage taken
by the target."
72,10,9,"A nutrient-draining
attack. The user’s
HP is restored by
half the damage taken
by the target."
72,11,5,"Une attaque qui convertit la moitié
des dégâts infligés en PV."
72,11,9,"A nutrient-draining attack. The user’s
HP is restored by half the damage taken
by the target."
72,14,9,"A nutrient-draining attack. The user’s
HP is restored by half the damage taken
by the target."
72,15,1,"ようぶんを すいとり こうげきする。
あいてに あたえた ダメージの
はんぶんの HPを かいふくできる。"
72,15,3,"양분을 흡수하여 공격한다.
상대에게 입힌 데미지의
절반에 해당하는 HP를 회복할 수 있다."
72,15,5,"Une attaque qui convertit la moitié des dégâts
infligés en PV pour le lanceur."
72,15,6,"Attacke, die die Hälfte des Schadens absorbiert."
72,15,7,"Absorbe la mitad del daño producido en el objetivo
para restaurar los PS del usuario."
72,15,8,"Mossa che assorbe PS. Chi la usa recupera una
quantità di PS pari alla metà del danno inferto."
72,15,9,"A nutrient-draining attack. The user’s
HP is restored by half the damage taken
by the target."
72,15,11,"養分を 吸い取り 攻撃する。
相手に 与えた ダメージの
半分の HPを 回復できる。"
73,3,9,"Steals HP from the
foe on every turn."
73,4,9,"Steals HP from the
foe on every turn."
73,5,9,"Plants a seed on the foe to
steal HP on every turn."
73,6,9,"Plants a seed on the foe to
steal HP on every turn."
73,7,9,"A seed is planted
on the foe to steal
some HP for the 
user on every turn."
73,8,9,"A seed is planted on
the foe. It steals
some HP from the foe
to heal the user on
every turn."
73,9,9,"A seed is planted on
the foe. It steals
some HP from the foe
to heal the user on
every turn."
73,10,9,"A seed is planted on
the foe. It steals
some HP from the foe
to heal the user on
every turn."
73,11,5,"Une graine est semée sur l’ennemi.
À chaque tour, elle lui dérobe des PV
que le lanceur récupère."
73,11,9,"A seed is planted on the target. It steals
some HP from the target every turn."
73,14,9,"A seed is planted on the target. It steals
some HP from the target every turn."
73,15,1,"うえつけた あいての HPを
まいターン すこしだけ すいとり
じぶんの HPを かいふく する。"
73,15,3,"씨가 뿌려진 상대의 HP를
매 턴 조금씩 흡수하여
자신의 HP를 회복한다."
73,15,5,"Une graine est semée sur l’ennemi.
À chaque tour, elle lui dérobe des PV que le
lanceur récupère."
73,15,6,"Ziel wird bepflanzt und verliert jede Runde KP, die
ein Pokémon aus dem Team des Anwenders heilen."
73,15,7,"Planta semillas que absorben PS para recuperar la
salud del usuario en cada turno."
73,15,8,"Vengono piantati semi sul bersaglio. Questi
sottraggono PS a ogni turno permettendo
a chi la usa di curarsi."
73,15,9,"A seed is planted on the target. It steals
some HP from the target every turn."
73,15,11,"植えつけた 相手の HPを
毎ターン 少しだけ 吸い取り
自分の HPを 回復する。"
74,3,9,"Raises the SPCL.
ATK rating."
74,4,9,"Raises the SPCL.
ATK rating."
74,5,9,"Forces the body to grow
and heightens SP. ATK."
74,6,9,"Forces the body to grow
and heightens SP. ATK."
74,7,9,"The user’s body is
forced to grow,
raising the SP.
ATK stat."
74,8,9,"The user’s body is
forced to grow all at
once. It raises the
Sp. Atk stat.
74,9,9,"The user’s body is
forced to grow all at
once. It raises the
Sp. Atk stat.
74,10,9,"The user’s body is
forced to grow all at
once. It raises the
Sp. Atk stat.
74,11,5,"Le corps du lanceur se développe.
Augmente l’Attaque et l’Attaque Spéciale."
74,11,9,"The user’s body grows all at once,
raising the Attack and Sp. Atk stats."
74,14,9,"The user’s body grows all at once,
raising the Attack and Sp. Atk stats."
74,15,1,"からだを いっきに
おおきく せいちょう させて
こうげきと とくこうを あげる。"
74,15,3,"몸을 일시에
크게 성장시켜
공격과 특수공격을 올린다."
74,15,5,"Le corps du lanceur se développe.
Augmente l’Attaque et l’Attaque Spéciale."
74,15,6,"Der Körper wächst. Dadurch steigen Angriff
und Spezial-Angriff."
74,15,7,"El cuerpo del usuario crece a marchas forzadas y
aumenta el Ataque y el Ataque Especial."
74,15,8,"Provoca la crescita immediata del corpo
e l’aumento dell’Attacco e dell’Attacco Speciale
di chi la usa."
74,15,9,"The user’s body grows all at once,
raising the Attack and Sp. Atk stats."
74,15,11,"体を 一気に
大きく 生長させて
攻撃と 特攻を あげる。"
75,3,9,"Has a high criti­
cal hit ratio."
75,4,9,"Has a high criti­
cal hit ratio."
75,5,9,"Cuts the enemy with leaves.
High critical-hit ratio."
75,6,9,"Cuts the enemy with leaves.
High critical-hit ratio."
75,7,9,"The foe is hit with
a cutting leaf.
It has a high
critical-hit ratio."
75,8,9,"A sharp-edged leaf is
launched to slash at
the foe. It has a
high critical-hit
75,9,9,"Sharp-edged leaves
are launched to slash
at the foe. It has a
high critical-hit
75,10,9,"Sharp-edged leaves
are launched to slash
at the foe. It has a
high critical-hit
75,11,5,"Des feuilles aiguisées comme des
rasoirs entaillent l’ennemi.
Taux de critiques élevé."
75,11,9,"Sharp-edged leaves are launched
to slash at the opposing team.
Critical hits land more easily."
75,14,9,"Sharp-edged leaves are launched
to slash at the opposing team.
Critical hits land more easily."
75,15,1,"はっぱを とばして
あいてを きりつけて こうげきする。
きゅうしょに あたりやすい。"
75,15,3,"잎사귀를 날려
상대를 베어 공격한다.
급소에 맞기 쉽다."
75,15,5,"Des feuilles aiguisées comme des rasoirs entaillent
l’ennemi. Taux de critiques élevé."
75,15,6,Trifft das Ziel mit Blättern. Hohe Volltrefferquote.
75,15,7,Corta con hojas afiladas. Suele ser crítico.
75,15,8,"Foglie taglienti sferzano i nemici intorno.
Probabile brutto colpo."
75,15,9,"Sharp-edged leaves are launched
to slash at the opposing Pokémon.
Critical hits land more easily."
75,15,11,"はっぱを とばして
相手を 切りつけて 攻撃する。
急所に 当たりやすい。"
76,3,9,"1st turn: Prepare
2nd turn: Attack"
76,4,9,"1st turn: Prepare
2nd turn: Attack"
76,5,9,"Absorbs light in one turn,
then attacks next turn."
76,6,9,"Absorbs light in one turn,
then attacks next turn."
76,7,9,"A 2-turn move that
blasts the foe with
absorbed energy in
the 2nd turn."
76,8,9,"A two-turn attack.
The user gathers
light, then blasts a
bundled beam on the
second turn."
76,9,9,"A two-turn attack.
The user gathers
light, then blasts a
bundled beam on the
second turn."
76,10,9,"A two-turn attack.
The user gathers
light, then blasts a
bundled beam on the
second turn."
76,11,5,"Absorbe la lumière au premier tour
et envoie un rayon puissant au
tour suivant."
76,11,9,"A two-turn attack. The user gathers
light, then blasts a bundled beam on the
second turn."
76,14,9,"A two-turn attack. The user gathers
light, then blasts a bundled beam on the
second turn."
76,15,1,"1ターンめに ひかりを いっぱいに
あつめ 2ターンめに ひかりの たばを
はっしゃして こうげきする。"
76,15,3,"1턴째에 빛을 가득 모아
2턴째에 빛의 다발을
발사하여 공격한다."
76,15,5,"Absorbe la lumière au premier tour et envoie un
rayon puissant au tour suivant."
76,15,6,"Absorbiert Licht in Runde 1.
In Runde 2 erfolgt der Angriff."
76,15,7,"Primer turno: absorbe luz. Segundo turno: lanza
un potente rayo de energía."
76,15,8,"Chi la usa assorbe luce al primo turno per
proiettare un raggio intenso al turno successivo."
76,15,9,"A two-turn attack. The user gathers
light, then blasts a bundled beam on the
next turn."
76,15,11,"1ターン目に 光を いっぱいに 集め
2ターン目に 光の 束を
発射して 攻撃する。"
77,3,9,"A move that may
poison the foe."
77,4,9,"A move that may
poison the foe."
77,5,9,"Scatters a toxic powder
that may poison the foe."
77,6,9,"Scatters a toxic powder
that may poison the foe."
77,7,9,"A cloud of toxic
dust is scattered.
It may poison the
77,8,9,"A cloud of poisonous
dust is scattered on
the foe.
It may poison the
77,9,9,"A cloud of poisonous
dust is scattered on
the foe.
It may poison the
77,10,9,"A cloud of poisonous
dust is scattered on
the foe.
It may poison the
77,11,5,Une poudre toxique empoisonne l’ennemi.
77,11,9,"The user scatters a cloud of poisonous
dust on the target. It may poison
the target."
77,14,9,"The user scatters a cloud of poisonous
dust on the target. It may poison
the target."
77,15,1,"どくの ある こなを
たくさん ふりまいて
あいてを どく じょうたいに する。"
77,15,3,"독이 있는 가루를
많이 흩뿌려서
상대를 독 상태로 만든다."
77,15,5,Une poudre toxique empoisonne l’ennemi.
77,15,6,Verstreut giftigen Puder auf das Ziel.
77,15,7,Polvo tóxico que envenena al objetivo.
77,15,8,"Investe il bersaglio con una nuvola di polvere
tossica che avvelena."
77,15,9,"The user scatters a cloud of poisonous
dust on the target. This may also poison
the target."
77,15,11,"毒の ある 粉を
たくさん ふりまいて
相手を 毒状態に する。"
78,3,9,"A move that may
paralyze the foe."
78,4,9,"A move that may
paralyze the foe."
78,5,9,"Scatters a powder that may
paralyze the foe."
78,6,9,"Scatters a powder that may
paralyze the foe."
78,7,9,"Paralyzing dust is
scattered wildly.
It may paralyze
the foe."
78,8,9,"The user scatters a
cloud of paralyzing
It may paralyze the
78,9,9,"The user scatters a
cloud of paralyzing
It may paralyze the
78,10,9,"The user scatters a
cloud of paralyzing
It may paralyze the
78,11,5,"Le lanceur répand sur l’ennemi une
poudre qui le paralyse."
78,11,9,"The user scatters a cloud of paralyzing
powder. It may leave the target
with paralysis."
78,14,9,"The user scatters a cloud of paralyzing
powder. It may leave the target
with paralysis."
78,15,1,"しびれる こなを
たくさん ふりまいて
あいてを まひ じょうたいに する。"
78,15,3,"저리 가루를
많이 흩뿌려서
상대를 마비 상태로 만든다."
78,15,5,"Le lanceur répand sur l’ennemi une poudre qui le
78,15,6,Verstreut lähmenden Puder.
78,15,7,Esparce polvo que paraliza al objetivo.
78,15,8,"Investe il bersaglio con una nuvola di polvere
che paralizza."
78,15,9,"The user scatters a cloud of numbing
powder that paralyzes the target."
78,15,11,"しびれる 粉を
たくさん ふりまいて
相手を まひ状態に する。"
79,3,9,"May cause the foe
to fall asleep."
79,4,9,"May cause the foe
to fall asleep."
79,5,9,"Scatters a powder that may
cause the foe to sleep."
79,6,9,"Scatters a powder that may
cause the foe to sleep."
79,7,9,"A sleep-inducing
dust is scattered
in high volume
around a foe."
79,8,9,"The user scatters a
big cloud of sleep-
inducing dust around
the foe.
79,9,9,"The user scatters a
big cloud of sleep-
inducing dust around
the foe.
79,10,9,"The user scatters a
big cloud of sleep-
inducing dust around
the foe.
79,11,5,"Le lanceur répand une poudre
soporifique qui endort la cible."
79,11,9,"The user scatters a big cloud
of sleep-inducing dust
around the target."
79,14,9,"The user scatters a big cloud
of sleep-inducing dust
around the target."
79,15,1,"ねむくなる こなを
たくさん ふりまいて
あいてを ねむり じょうたいに する。"
79,15,3,"잠이 오는 가루를
많이 흩뿌려서
상대를 잠듦 상태로 만든다."
79,15,5,"Le lanceur répand une poudre soporifique qui
endort la cible."
79,15,6,"Verstreut Schlafpuder, der das Ziel eventuell
in Schlaf versetzt."
79,15,7,Esparce polvo que duerme al objetivo.
79,15,8,"Investe il bersaglio con una grande nuvola
di polvere soporifera che lo fa addormentare."
79,15,9,"The user scatters a big cloud
of sleep-inducing dust
around the target."
79,15,11,"眠くなる 粉を
たくさん ふりまいて
相手を 眠り状態に する。"
80,3,9,"Works 2-3 turns
and confuses user."
80,4,9,"Works 2-3 turns
and confuses user."
80,5,9,"A rampage of 2 to 3 turns
that confuses the user."
80,6,9,"A rampage of 2 to 3 turns
that confuses the user."
80,7,9,"The user attacks
with petals for two
to three turns,
then gets confused."
80,8,9,"The user attacks by
scattering petals for
two to three turns.
The user then
becomes confused."
80,9,9,"The user attacks by
scattering petals for
two to three turns.
The user then
becomes confused."
80,10,9,"The user attacks by
scattering petals for
two to three turns.
The user then
becomes confused."
80,11,5,"Le lanceur attaque en projetant
des pétales pendant 2 à 3 tours
avant de céder à la confusion."
80,11,9,"The user attacks the target by scattering
petals for two to three turns.
The user then becomes confused."
80,14,9,"The user attacks the target by scattering
petals for two to three turns.
The user then becomes confused."
80,15,1,"2ー3ターンの あいだ はなを
まきちらして あいてを こうげきする。
まきちらした あとは こんらん する。"
80,15,3,"2-3턴 동안 꽃을
흩뿌려서 상대를 공격한다.
흩뿌린 뒤에는 혼란에 빠진다."
80,15,5,"Le lanceur attaque en projetant des pétales
pendant deux à trois tours avant de céder à
la confusion."
80,15,6,"Angriff mit Blütenblättern für zwei bis drei Runden.
Angreifer wird verwirrt."
80,15,7,"Lanza pétalos de dos a tres turnos y acaba
confundiendo al atacante."
80,15,8,"Attacca il nemico cospargendolo di petali
per due o tre turni, ma chi la usa rimane confuso."
80,15,9,"The user attacks the target by scattering
petals for two to three turns.
The user then becomes confused."
80,15,11,"2ー3ターンの あいだ 花を
まきちらして 相手を 攻撃する。
まきちらした あとは 混乱する。"
81,3,9,"A move that lowers
the foe's SPEED."
81,4,9,"A move that lowers
the foe's SPEED."
81,5,9,"Binds the foe with string
to reduce its SPEED."
81,6,9,"Binds the foe with string
to reduce its SPEED."
81,7,9,"The foe is bound
with strings shot
from the mouth to
reduce its SPEED."
81,8,9,"The foe is bound with
silk blown from the
user’s mouth.
It reduces the
target’s Speed stat."
81,9,9,"The foe is bound with
silk blown from the
user’s mouth.
It reduces the
target’s Speed stat."
81,10,9,"The foe is bound with
silk blown from the
user’s mouth.
It reduces the
target’s Speed stat."
81,11,5,"Le lanceur crache de la
soie pour ligoter l’ennemi
et baisser sa Vitesse."
81,11,9,"The targets are bound with silk blown
from the user’s mouth. This silk reduces
the targets’ Speed stat."
81,14,9,"The targets are bound with silk blown
from the user’s mouth. This silk reduces
the targets’ Speed stat."
81,15,1,"くちから ふきだした
いとを まきつけて あいての
すばやさを がくっと さげる。"
81,15,3,"입에서 뿜어낸
실을 휘감아서 상대의
스피드를 크게 떨어뜨린다."
81,15,5,"Le lanceur crache de la soie pour ligoter l’ennemi
et baisser sensiblement sa Vitesse."
81,15,6,"Umwickelt Ziele in der Nähe mit Fäden aus
dem Mund und senkt den Initiative-Wert."
81,15,7,"Lanza seda a los rivales y reduce mucho su
81,15,8,"Chi la usa produce della seta che avvolge
i nemici intorno e ne riduce di molto la Velocità."
81,15,9,"The opposing Pokémon are bound
with silk blown from the user’s mouth
that harshly lowers the Speed stat."
81,15,11,"口から 吹きだした
糸を まきつけて 相手の
素早さを がくっと さげる。"
82,3,9,"Always inflicts
40HP damage."
82,4,9,"Always inflicts
40HP damage."
82,5,9,"Launches shock waves that
always inflict 40 HP damage."
82,6,9,"Launches shock waves that
always inflict 40 HP damage."
82,7,9,"The foe is hit with
a shock wave that
always inflicts 40-
HP damage."
82,8,9,"The foe is stricken
by a shock wave.
This attack always
inflicts 40 HP
82,9,9,"The foe is stricken
by a shock wave.
This attack always
inflicts 40 HP
82,10,9,"The foe is stricken
by a shock wave.
This attack always
inflicts 40 HP
82,11,5,"La colère du lanceur déclenche une onde
de choc destructrice qui inflige
toujours 40 PV de dégâts."
82,11,9,"This attack hits the target with a shock
wave of pure rage. This attack always
inflicts 40 HP damage."
82,14,9,"This attack hits the target with a shock
wave of pure rage. This attack always
inflicts 40 HP damage."
82,15,1,"いかりの しょうげきはを
あいてに ぶつけて こうげきする。
40の ダメージを きまって あたえる。"
82,15,3,"분노의 충격파를
상대에게 부딪쳐서 공격한다.
언제나 40의 데미지를 준다."
82,15,5,"La colère du lanceur déclenche une onde de choc
destructrice qui inflige toujours 40 PV de dégâts."
82,15,6,"Stößt eine wutgeladene Schockwelle aus,
die stets 40 KP Schaden anrichtet."
82,15,7,"Ráfaga de furiosas ondas de choque que quitan
40 PS."
82,15,8,"Colpisce il bersaglio con un’onda d’urto generata
dall’ira. Questo attacco provoca sempre un danno
di 40 PS."
82,15,9,"This attack hits the target with a shock
wave of pure rage. This attack always
inflicts 40 HP damage."
82,15,11,"怒りの 衝撃波を
相手に ぶつけて 攻撃する。
40の ダメージを 決まって 与える。"
83,3,9,"Traps foe in fire
for 2-5 turns."
83,4,9,"Traps foe in fire
for 2-5 turns."
83,5,9,"Traps the foe in a ring of
fire for 2 to 5 turns."
83,6,9,"Traps the foe in a ring of
fire for 2 to 5 turns."
83,7,9,"The foe is trapped
in an intense spiral
of fire that rages
two to five turns."
83,8,9,"The foe becomes
trapped within a
fierce vortex of fire
that rages for two
to five turns."
83,9,9,"The foe becomes
trapped within a
fierce vortex of fire
that rages for two
to five turns."
83,10,9,"The foe becomes
trapped within a
fierce vortex of fire
that rages for two
to five turns."
83,11,5,"Un tourbillon de flammes emprisonne
l’ennemi pendant 4 à 5 tours."
83,11,9,"The target becomes trapped within a
fierce vortex of fire that rages for four
to five turns."
83,14,9,"The target becomes trapped within a
fierce vortex of fire that rages for four
to five turns."
83,15,1,"はげしく うずをまく ほのおの なかに
4ー5ターンの あいだ
あいてを とじこめて こうげきする。"
83,15,3,"세차게 소용돌이치는 불꽃 속에
4-5턴 동안
상대를 가두어 공격한다."
83,15,5,"Un tourbillon de flammes emprisonne l’ennemi
pendant quatre à cinq tours."
83,15,6,"Das Ziel wird für vier bis fünf Runden
in einem Feuerkreis gefangen."
83,15,7,"Un aro de fuego que atrapa al objetivo de cuatro
a cinco turnos."
83,15,8,"Intrappola il bersaglio in un turbine di fuoco
che dura per quattro o cinque turni."
83,15,9,"The target becomes trapped within a
fierce vortex of fire that rages for four
to five turns."
83,15,11,"激しく 渦をまく 炎の中に
4ー5ターンの あいだ
相手を 閉じこめて 攻撃する。"
84,3,9,"An attack that may
cause paralysis."
84,4,9,"An attack that may
cause paralysis."
84,5,9,"An electrical attack that
may paralyze the foe."
84,6,9,"An electrical attack that
may paralyze the foe."
84,7,9,"An electric shock
attack that may
also leave the foe
84,8,9,"A jolt of electricity
is hurled at the foe
to inflict damage.
It may also leave the
foe paralyzed."
84,9,9,"A jolt of electricity
is hurled at the foe
to inflict damage.
It may also leave the
foe paralyzed."
84,10,9,"A jolt of electricity
is hurled at the foe
to inflict damage.
It may also leave the
foe paralyzed."
84,11,5,"Une décharge électrique tombe sur
l’ennemi. Peut aussi le paralyser."
84,11,9,"A jolt of electricity is hurled
at the target to inflict damage. It may
also leave the target with paralysis."
84,14,9,"A jolt of electricity is hurled
at the target to inflict damage. It may
also leave the target with paralysis."
84,15,1,"でんきの しげきを
あいてに あびせて こうげきする。
まひ じょうたいに することが ある。"
84,15,3,"전기 자극을
상대에게 날려서 공격한다.
마비 상태로 만들 때가 있다."
84,15,5,"Une décharge électrique tombe sur l’ennemi.
Peut aussi le paralyser."
84,15,6,"Eine Elektro-Attacke, die das Ziel eventuell
84,15,7,Ataque eléctrico que puede paralizar al objetivo.
84,15,8,"Danneggia il bersaglio con una scarica elettrica
che può anche paralizzarlo."
84,15,9,"A jolt of electricity crashes down on
the target to inflict damage. This may
also leave the target with paralysis."
84,15,11,"電気の 刺激を
相手に 浴びせて 攻撃する。
まひ状態に することが ある。"
85,3,9,"An attack that may
cause paralysis."
85,4,9,"An attack that may
cause paralysis."
85,5,9,"A strong electrical attack
that may paralyze the foe."
85,6,9,"A strong electrical attack
that may paralyze the foe."
85,7,9,"A strong electrical
attack that may
also leave the foe
85,8,9,"A strong electric
blast is loosed at
the foe.
It may also leave the
foe paralyzed."
85,9,9,"A strong electric
blast is loosed at
the foe.
It may also leave the
foe paralyzed."
85,10,9,"A strong electric
blast is loosed at
the foe.
It may also leave the
foe paralyzed."
85,11,5,"Une grosse décharge électrique tombe
sur l’ennemi. Peut aussi le paralyser."
85,11,9,"A strong electric blast is loosed at the
target. It may also leave the target
with paralysis."
85,14,9,"A strong electric blast is loosed at the
target. It may also leave the target
with paralysis."
85,15,1,"つよい でんげきを
あいてに あびせて こうげきする。
まひ じょうたいに することが ある。"
85,15,3,"강한 전격을
상대에게 날려서 공격한다.
마비 상태로 만들 때가 있다."
85,15,5,"Une grosse décharge électrique tombe sur
l’ennemi. Peut aussi le paralyser."
85,15,6,"Eine starke Elektro-Attacke, die das Ziel eventuell
85,15,7,"Potente ataque eléctrico que puede paralizar al
85,15,8,"Il bersaglio viene colpito da una potente scarica
elettrica che può anche paralizzarlo."
85,15,9,"A strong electric blast crashes down on the
target. This may also leave the target
with paralysis."
85,15,11,"強い 電撃を
相手に 浴びせて 攻撃する。
まひ状態に することが ある。"
86,3,9,"A move that may
cause paralysis."
86,4,9,"A move that may
cause paralysis."
86,5,9,"A weak jolt of electricity
that paralyzes the foe."
86,6,9,"A weak jolt of electricity
that paralyzes the foe."
86,7,9,"A weak electric
shock that is sure
to cause paralysis
if it hits."
86,8,9,"A weak electric
charge is launched at
the foe.
It causes paralysis if
it hits."
86,9,9,"A weak electric
charge is launched at
the foe.
It causes paralysis if
it hits."
86,10,9,"A weak electric
charge is launched at
the foe.
It causes paralysis if
it hits."
86,11,5,"Un faible choc électrique frappe
l’ennemi. Si l’attaque touche,
celui-ci est paralysé."
86,11,9,"A weak electric charge is launched at
the target. It causes paralysis if it hits."
86,14,9,"A weak electric charge is launched at
the target. It causes paralysis if it hits."
86,15,1,"よわい でんげきを あびせる ことで
あいてを まひ じょうたいに する。
86,15,3,"약한 전격을 날려서
상대를 마비 상태로 만든다."
86,15,5,"Un faible choc électrique frappe l’ennemi.
Si l’attaque le touche, celui-ci est paralysé."
86,15,6,"Ein schwacher Stromstoß, der das Ziel paralysiert."
86,15,7,"Una ligera descarga que paraliza al objetivo si lo
86,15,8,"Il bersaglio viene colpito da una debole scarica
elettrica che, se va a segno, ne causa la paralisi."
86,15,9,"The user launches a weak jolt
of electricity that paralyzes the target."
86,15,11,"弱い 電撃を 浴びせることで
相手を まひ状態に する。
87,3,9,"An attack that may
cause paralysis."
87,4,9,"An attack that may
cause paralysis."
87,5,9,"A lightning attack that may
cause paralysis."
87,6,9,"A lightning attack that may
cause paralysis."
87,7,9,"A brutal lightning
attack that may
also leave the foe
87,8,9,"A wicked thunderbolt
is dropped on the foe
to inflict damage.
It may also leave the
target paralyzed."
87,9,9,"A wicked thunderbolt
is dropped on the foe
to inflict damage.
It may also leave the
target paralyzed."
87,10,9,"A wicked thunderbolt
is dropped on the foe
to inflict damage.
It may also leave the
target paralyzed."
87,11,5,"La foudre tombe sur l’ennemi
pour lui infliger des dégâts.
Peut aussi le paralyser."
87,11,9,"A wicked thunderbolt is dropped
on the target to inflict damage. It may
also leave the target with paralysis."
87,14,9,"A wicked thunderbolt is dropped
on the target to inflict damage. It may
also leave the target with paralysis."
87,15,1,"はげしい かみなりを
あいてに おとして こうげきする。
まひ じょうたいに することが ある。"
87,15,3,"강한 번개를
상대에게 떨어뜨려 공격한다.
마비 상태로 만들 때가 있다."
87,15,5,"La foudre tombe sur l’ennemi pour lui infliger
des dégâts. Peut aussi le paralyser."
87,15,6,"Eine verheerende Elektro-Attacke,
die das Ziel eventuell paralysiert."
87,15,7,"Un poderoso rayo que daña al objetivo y puede
87,15,8,"Il bersaglio è colpito da un lampo molto violento
che può anche paralizzarlo."
87,15,9,"A wicked thunderbolt is dropped
on the target to inflict damage.
This may also leave the target with paralysis."
87,15,11,"激しい 雷を
相手に 落として 攻撃する。
まひ状態に することが ある。"
88,3,9,"Drops rocks on the
88,4,9,"Drops rocks on the
88,5,9,"Throws small rocks to
strike the foe."
88,6,9,"Throws small rocks to
strike the foe."
88,7,9,"The foe is attacked
with a shower of
small, easily
thrown rocks."
88,8,9,"The user picks up
and throws a small
rock at the foe to
88,9,9,"The user picks up
and throws a small
rock at the foe to
88,10,9,"The user picks up
and throws a small
rock at the foe to
88,11,5,"Le lanceur lâche une
pierre sur l’ennemi."
88,11,9,"The user picks up and throws a small
rock at the target to attack."
88,14,9,"The user picks up and throws a small
rock at the target to attack."
88,15,1,"ちいさな いわを もちあげて
あいてに なげつけて こうげきする。
88,15,3,"작은 바위를 들어올려
상대에게 내던져서 공격한다."
88,15,5,Le lanceur lâche une pierre sur l’ennemi.
88,15,6,Das Ziel wird mit einem kleinen Stein beworfen.
88,15,7,Tira una pequeña roca al objetivo.
88,15,8,"Chi la usa solleva una roccia e la lancia
contro il bersaglio."
88,15,9,"The user picks up and throws a small
rock at the target to attack."
88,15,11,"小さな 岩を 持ちあげて
相手に 投げつけて 攻撃する。
89,3,9,"Tough but useless
vs. flying foes."
89,4,9,"Tough but useless
vs. flying foes."
89,5,9,"A powerful quake, but has
no effect on flying foes."
89,6,9,"A powerful quake, but has
no effect on flying foes."
89,7,9,"An earthquake that
strikes all POKéMON
in battle excluding
the user."
89,8,9,"The user sets off an
earthquake that hits
all the Pokémon in
the battle.
89,9,9,"The user sets off an
earthquake that hits
all the Pokémon in
the battle.
89,10,9,"The user sets off an
earthquake that hits
all the Pokémon in
the battle.
89,11,5,"Le lanceur provoque un tremblement
de terre touchant tous les Pokémon
autour de lui."
89,11,9,"The user sets off an earthquake that
strikes those around it."
89,14,9,"The user sets off an earthquake that
strikes those around it."
89,15,1,"じしんの しょうげきで じぶんの
まわりに いるものを こうげきする。
89,15,3,"지진의 충격으로 자신의
주위에 있는 포켓몬을 공격한다."
89,15,5,"Le lanceur provoque un tremblement de terre
touchant tous les Pokémon autour de lui."
89,15,6,"Ein mächtiges Beben, das die anderen Pokémon
in der Nähe des Anwenders trifft."
89,15,7,"Un terremoto que afecta a los Pokémon de
alrededor en combate."
89,15,8,"Chi la usa provoca un potente sisma che colpisce
i Pokémon che ha intorno."
89,15,9,"The user sets off an earthquake that
strikes every Pokémon around it.
89,15,11,"地震の 衝撃で 自分の
周りに いるものを 攻撃する。
90,3,9,"A ground-type,
one-hit KO attack."
90,4,9,"A ground-type,
one-hit KO attack."
90,5,9,"A one-hit KO move that
drops the foe in a fissure."
90,6,9,"A one-hit KO move that
drops the foe in a fissure."
90,7,9,"The foe is dropped
into a fissure.
The foe faints if it
90,8,9,"The user opens up a
fissure in the ground
and drops the foe in.
The target instantly
faints if it hits."
90,9,9,"The user opens up a
fissure in the ground
and drops the foe in.
The target instantly
faints if it hits."
90,10,9,"The user opens up a
fissure in the ground
and drops the foe in.
The target instantly
faints if it hits."
90,11,5,"Le lanceur fait tomber l’ennemi dans une
crevasse. Si cette attaque réussit,
elle met K.O. sur le coup."
90,11,9,"The user opens up a fissure in the ground
and drops the target in.
The target instantly faints if it hits."
90,14,9,"The user opens up a fissure in the ground
and drops the target in.
The target instantly faints if it hits."
90,15,1,"じわれの さけめに
あいてを おとして こうげきする。
あたれば いちげきで ひんしに する。"
90,15,3,"땅이 갈라진 곳에
상대를 떨어뜨려 공격한다.
맞으면 일격에 기절한다."
90,15,5,"Le lanceur fait tomber l’ennemi dans une crevasse.
Si cette attaque réussit, elle met K.O. sur le coup."
90,15,6,"Das Ziel wird in eine Erdspalte geworfen.
Ist die Attacke erfolgreich, führt sie zu einem K.O."
90,15,7,"Abre una grieta en el suelo y mete al objetivo en
ella. Fulmina en un golpe."
90,15,8,"Chi la usa crea una spaccatura nel terreno e cerca
di gettarvici dentro il bersaglio. Se va a segno,
il Pokémon colpito va KO."
90,15,9,"The user opens up a fissure in the ground
and drops the target in.
The target faints instantly if this attack hits."
90,15,11,"地割れの 裂け目に
相手を 落として 攻撃する。
当たれば 一撃で ひんしに する。"
91,3,9,"1st turn: Burrow
2nd turn: Attack"
91,4,9,"1st turn: Burrow
2nd turn: Attack"
91,5,9,"Digs underground the first
turn and strikes next turn."
91,6,9,"Digs underground the first
turn and strikes next turn."
91,7,9,"An attack that hits
on the 2nd turn.
Can also be used
to exit dungeons."
91,8,9,"The user burrows,
then attacks on the
second turn.
It can also be used
to exit dungeons."
91,9,9,"The user burrows,
then attacks on the
second turn.
It can also be used
to exit dungeons."
91,10,9,"The user burrows,
then attacks on the
second turn.
It can also be used
to exit dungeons."
91,11,5,"Le lanceur creuse au 1er tour et
frappe au 2è. Permet aussi de
s’échapper d’un donjon."
91,11,9,"The user burrows, then attacks
on the second turn.
It can also be used to exit dungeons."
91,14,9,"The user burrows, then attacks
on the second turn.
It can also be used to exit dungeons."
91,15,1,"1ターンめに もぐり 2ターンめで
あいてを こうげきする。どうくつ
からの だっしゅつも できる。"
91,15,3,"1턴째에 파고들어 2턴째에
상대를 공격한다.
동굴에서 탈출할 수도 있다."
91,15,5,"Le lanceur creuse au premier tour et frappe au
second. Permet aussi de sortir des grottes."
91,15,6,"In Runde 1 gräbt sich der Anwender ein und
in Runde 2 greift er an. Macht Flucht aus
Höhlen möglich."
91,15,7,"Primer turno: cava. Segundo turno: ataca. También
sirve para salir de ciertas zonas."
91,15,8,"Chi la usa scava al primo turno e attacca
al successivo. Fuori dalla lotta fa uscire
da alcuni luoghi."
91,15,9,"The user burrows, then attacks
on the next turn.
It can also be used to exit dungeons."
91,15,11,"1ターン目に 潜り 2ターン目で
相手を 攻撃する。
洞窟からの 脱出も できる。"
92,3,9,"A poison move with
increasing damage."
92,4,9,"A poison move with
increasing damage."
92,5,9,"Poisons the foe with an
intensifying toxin."
92,6,9,"Poisons the foe with an
intensifying toxin."
92,7,9,"A move that badly
poisons the foe.
Its poison damage
worsens every turn."
92,8,9,"A move that leaves
the target badly
Its poison damage
worsens every turn."
92,9,9,"A move that leaves
the target badly
Its poison damage
worsens every turn."
92,10,9,"A move that leaves
the target badly
Its poison damage
worsens every turn."
92,11,5,"Empoisonne gravement l’ennemi. Les dégâts
dus au poison augmentent à chaque tour."
92,11,9,"A move that leaves the target
badly poisoned.
Its poison damage worsens every turn."
92,14,9,"A move that leaves the target
badly poisoned.
Its poison damage worsens every turn."
92,15,1,"あいてを もうどくの
じょうたいに する。ターンが すすむほど
どくの ダメージが ふえていく。"
92,15,3,"상대를 맹독의 상태로 만든다.
턴이 진행될수록
독의 데미지가 증가한다."
92,15,5,"Empoisonne gravement l’ennemi.
Les dégâts dus au poison augmentent à chaque
92,15,6,"Vergiftet das Ziel mit einem potenten Toxin schwer.
Vergiftung wird von Runde zu Runde stärker."
92,15,7,"Envenena gravemente al objetivo y causa un daño
mayor en cada turno."
92,15,8,"Iperavvelena il bersaglio con una potente tossina.
Il danno peggiora a ogni turno."
92,15,9,"A move that leaves the target
badly poisoned.
Its poison damage worsens every turn."
92,15,11,"相手を 猛毒の 状態に する。
ターンが すすむほど
毒の ダメージが 増えていく。"
93,3,9,"An attack that may
cause confusion."
93,4,9,"An attack that may
cause confusion."
93,5,9,"A psychic attack that may
cause confusion."
93,6,9,"A psychic attack that may
cause confusion."
93,7,9,"A weak telekinetic
attack that may
also leave the foe
93,8,9,"The foe is hit by a
weak telekinetic
force. It may also
leave the foe
93,9,9,"The foe is hit by a
weak telekinetic
force. It may also
leave the foe
93,10,9,"The foe is hit by a
weak telekinetic
force. It may also
leave the foe
93,11,5,"Une faible vague télékinésique
frappe l’ennemi. Peut aussi le
plonger dans la confusion."
93,11,9,"The target is hit by a weak telekinetic
force. It may also leave the
target confused."
93,14,9,"The target is hit by a weak telekinetic
force. It may also leave the
target confused."
93,15,1,"よわい ねんりきを
あいてに おくって こうげきする。
あいてを こんらん させることが ある。"
93,15,3,"약한 염동력을
상대에게 보내어 공격한다.
상대를 혼란시킬 때가 있다."
93,15,5,"Une faible vague télékinésique frappe l’ennemi.
Peut aussi le plonger dans la confusion."
93,15,6,"Das Ziel wird von schwacher telekinetischer
Energie getroffen und eventuell verwirrt."
93,15,7,"Débil ataque telequinético que puede causar
93,15,8,"Colpisce il bersaglio con una leggera forza
telecinetica e può anche confonderlo."
93,15,9,"The target is hit by a weak telekinetic
force. This may also confuse the target."
93,15,11,"弱い 念力を
相手に 送って 攻撃する。
相手を 混乱させることが ある。"
94,3,9,"An attack that may
lower SPCL.DEF."
94,4,9,"An attack that may
lower SPCL.DEF."
94,5,9,"A powerful psychic attack
that may lower SP. DEF."
94,6,9,"A powerful psychic attack
that may lower SP. DEF."
94,7,9,"A strong telekinetic
attack. It may also
lower the foe’s
SP. DEF stat."
94,8,9,"The foe is hit by a
strong telekinetic
force. It may also
reduce the foe’s
Sp. Def stat."
94,9,9,"The foe is hit by a
strong telekinetic
force. It may also
reduce the foe’s
Sp. Def stat."
94,10,9,"The foe is hit by a
strong telekinetic
force. It may also
reduce the foe’s
Sp. Def stat."
94,11,5,"Une puissante force télékinésique
frappe l’ennemi. Peut aussi faire
baisser sa Défense Spéciale."
94,11,9,"The target is hit by a strong telekinetic
force. It may also reduce the target’s
Sp. Def stat."
94,14,9,"The target is hit by a strong telekinetic
force. It may also reduce the target’s
Sp. Def stat."
94,15,1,"つよい ねんりきを あいてに おくって
こうげきする。あいての とくぼうを
さげることが ある。"
94,15,3,"강한 염동력을 상대에게 보내어
공격한다. 상대의 특수방어를
떨어뜨릴 때가 있다."
94,15,5,"Une puissante force télékinésique frappe l’ennemi.
Peut aussi faire baisser sa Défense Spéciale."
94,15,6,"Starke Psycho-Attacke, die eventuell die
Spezial-Verteidigung des Zieles senkt."
94,15,7,"Fuerte ataque telequinético que puede bajar la
Defensa Especial del objetivo."
94,15,8,"Il bersaglio viene colpito da una potente
forza telecinetica che può anche ridurne
la Difesa Speciale."
94,15,9,"The target is hit by a strong telekinetic
force. This may also lower the target’s
Sp. Def stat."
94,15,11,"強い 念力を 相手に 送って
攻撃する。相手の 特防を
さげることが ある。"
95,3,9,"May put the foe to
95,4,9,"May put the foe to
95,5,9,"A hypnotizing move that
may induce sleep."
95,6,9,"A hypnotizing move that
may induce sleep."
95,7,9,"Hypnotic suggestion
is used to make the
foe fall into a
deep sleep."
95,8,9,"The user employs
hypnotic suggestion
to make the target
fall into a deep
95,9,9,"The user employs
hypnotic suggestion
to make the target
fall into a deep
95,10,9,"The user employs
hypnotic suggestion
to make the target
fall into a deep
95,11,5,"Le lanceur hypnotise l’ennemi pour le
plonger dans un profond sommeil."
95,11,9,"The user employs hypnotic suggestion
to make the target fall into a deep sleep."
95,14,9,"The user employs hypnotic suggestion
to make the target fall into a deep sleep."
95,15,1,"ねむけを さそう あんじを かけて
あいてを ねむり じょうたいに する。
95,15,3,"졸음을 유도하는 암시를 걸어서
상대를 잠듦 상태로 만든다."
95,15,5,"Le lanceur hypnotise l’ennemi pour le plonger
dans un profond sommeil."
95,15,6,"Hypnose-Attacke, die das Ziel in Schlaf versetzt."
95,15,7,"Ataque hipnótico que hace dormir profundamente
al objetivo."
95,15,8,"Chi la usa si avvale della suggestione ipnotica
per far addormentare il bersaglio."
95,15,9,"The user employs hypnotic suggestion
to make the target fall into a deep sleep."
95,15,11,"眠気を 誘う 暗示を かけて
相手を 眠り状態に する。
96,3,9,"Raises the user's
96,4,9,"Raises the user's
96,5,9,"Meditates in a peaceful
fashion to raise ATTACK."
96,6,9,"Meditates in a peaceful
fashion to raise ATTACK."
96,7,9,"The user meditates
to awaken its power
and raise its
ATTACK stat."
96,8,9,"The user meditates
to awaken the power
deep within its body
and raise its Attack
96,9,9,"The user meditates
to awaken the power
deep within its body
and raise its Attack
96,10,9,"The user meditates
to awaken the power
deep within its body
and raise its Attack
96,11,5,"Le lanceur médite pour éveiller son
pouvoir latent et augmenter son Attaque."
96,11,9,"The user meditates to awaken the power
deep within its body and raise its
Attack stat."
96,14,9,"The user meditates to awaken the power
deep within its body and raise its
Attack stat."
96,15,1,"ねむっている ちからを
からだの おくから ひきだして
じぶんの こうげきを あげる。"
96,15,3,"잠들어 있는 힘을
몸속에서 끌어내어
자신의 공격을 올린다."
96,15,5,"Le lanceur médite pour éveiller son pouvoir latent
et augmenter son Attaque."
96,15,6,"Anwender aktiviert Kräfte, die tief in seinem
Inneren schlummern, und steigert so seinen
96,15,7,"El usuario reposa y medita para potenciar el
96,15,8,"Chi la usa medita per risvegliare la propria
forza interiore e migliorare l’Attacco."
96,15,9,"The user meditates to awaken the power
deep within its body and raise its
Attack stat."
96,15,11,"眠っている 力を
体の 奥から ひきだして
自分の 攻撃を あげる。"
97,3,9,"Sharply increases
the user's SPEED."
97,4,9,"Sharply increases
the user's SPEED."
97,5,9,"Relaxes the body to sharply
boost SPEED."
97,6,9,"Relaxes the body to sharply
boost SPEED."
97,7,9,"The user relaxes
and lightens its
body to sharply
boost its SPEED."
97,8,9,"The user relaxes and
lightens its body to
move faster.
It sharply boosts
the Speed stat."
97,9,9,"The user relaxes and
lightens its body to
move faster.
It sharply boosts
the Speed stat."
97,10,9,"The user relaxes and
lightens its body to
move faster.
It sharply boosts
the Speed stat."
97,11,5,"Le lanceur se relaxe et allège son corps
pour augmenter considérablement
sa Vitesse."
97,11,9,"The user relaxes and lightens its body to
move faster. It sharply boosts
the Speed stat."
97,14,9,"The user relaxes and lightens its body to
move faster. It sharply boosts
the Speed stat."
97,15,1,"ちからを ぬいて からだを かるくして
こうそくで うごく。
じぶんの すばやさを ぐーんと あげる。"
97,15,3,"힘을 빼고 몸을 가볍게 해서
고속으로 움직인다.
자신의 스피드를 크게 올린다."
97,15,5,"Le lanceur se relaxe et allège son corps pour
augmenter considérablement sa Vitesse."
97,15,6,"Entspannt den Körper, um den Initiative-Wert
stark zu steigern."
97,15,7,Relaja el cuerpo para ganar mucha Velocidad.
97,15,8,"Chi la usa rilassa e alleggerisce il proprio corpo
per far salire di molto la Velocità."
97,15,9,"The user relaxes and lightens its body to
move faster. This sharply raises the Speed stat."
97,15,11,"力を ぬいて 体を 軽くして
高速で 動く。
自分の 素早さを ぐーんと あげる。"
98,3,9,"Lets the user get
in the first hit."
98,4,9,"Lets the user get
in the first hit."
98,5,9,"An extremely fast attack
that always strikes first."
98,6,9,"An extremely fast attack
that always strikes first."
98,7,9,"An almost invisibly
fast attack that
is certain to strike
98,8,9,"The user lunges at
the foe at a speed
that makes it almost
invisible. It is sure
to strike first."
98,9,9,"The user lunges at
the foe at a speed
that makes it almost
invisible. It is sure
to strike first."
98,10,9,"The user lunges at
the foe at a speed
that makes it almost
invisible. It is sure
to strike first."
98,11,5,"Le lanceur fonce sur l’ennemi si rapidement
qu’on parvient à peine à le discerner.
Frappe en premier."
98,11,9,"The user lunges at the target at a speed
that makes it almost invisible. It is sure
to strike first."
98,14,9,"The user lunges at the target at a speed
that makes it almost invisible. It is sure
to strike first."
98,15,1,"めにも とまらぬ ものすごい はやさで
あいてに つっこむ。
かならず せんせい こうげき できる。"
98,15,3,"눈에 보이지 않는 굉장한 속도로
상대에게 돌진한다.
반드시 선제공격할 수 있다."
98,15,5,"Le lanceur fonce sur l’ennemi si rapidement qu’on
parvient à peine à le discerner. Frappe toujours en
98,15,6,Sehr schneller Angriff mit Erstschlaggarantie.
98,15,7,Ataque rápido que permite golpear en primer lugar.
98,15,8,"Chi la usa colpisce sempre per primo e a una tale
velocità da rendersi quasi invisibile."
98,15,9,"The user lunges at the target at a speed
that makes it almost invisible.
This move always goes first."
98,15,11,"目にも 留まらぬ ものすごい 速さで
相手に つっこむ。
必ず 先制攻撃 できる。"
99,3,9,"Raises ATTACK if
the user is hit."
99,4,9,"Raises ATTACK if
the user is hit."
99,5,9,"Raises the user’s ATTACK
every time it is hit."
99,6,9,"Raises the user’s ATTACK
every time it is hit."
99,7,9,"An attack that
becomes stronger
each time the user
is hit in battle."
99,8,9,"While this move is in
use, it gains attack
power each time the
user is hit in battle.
99,9,9,"While this move is in
use, it gains attack
power each time the
user is hit in battle.
99,10,9,"While this move is in
use, it gains attack
power each time the
user is hit in battle.
99,11,5,"Une fois activée, cette capacité augmente
l’Attaque du lanceur à mesure que celui-ci
subit des attaques."
99,11,9,"As long as this move is in use, the power
of rage raises the Attack stat each
time the user is hit in battle."
99,14,9,"As long as this move is in use, the power
of rage raises the Attack stat each
time the user is hit in battle."
99,15,1,"わざを だしたときに こうげきを
うけると いかりの ちからで
こうげきが あがる。"
99,15,3,"기술을 썼을 때 공격을
받으면 분노의 힘으로
공격이 올라간다."
99,15,5,"Une fois activée, cette capacité augmente
l’Attaque du lanceur à mesure que celui-ci
subit des attaques."
99,15,6,"Erhöht Angriff des Anwenders, wenn dieser
getroffen wird, solange die Attacke aktiviert ist."
99,15,7,"Al usarse, aumenta el Ataque del usuario cada vez
que es golpeado."
99,15,8,"Questa mossa ha il potere di aumentare
la statistica Attacco ogni volta che chi la usa
viene colpito durante una lotta."
99,15,9,"As long as this move is in use, the power
of rage raises the Attack stat each
time the user is hit in battle."
99,15,11,"技を だしたときに 攻撃を
受けると 怒りの 力で
攻撃が あがる。"
100,3,9,"A move for fleeing
from battle."
100,4,9,"A move for fleeing
from battle."
100,5,9,"A psychic move for fleeing
from battle instantly."
100,6,9,"A psychic move for fleeing
from battle instantly."
100,7,9,"Use it to flee from
any wild POKéMON.
Also warps to the
last POKé CENTER."
100,8,9,"Use it to flee from
any wild Pokémon.
It may also be used
to warp to the last
Poké Center visited."
100,9,9,"Use it to flee from
any wild Pokémon.
It may also be used
to warp to the last
Poké Center visited."
100,10,9,"Use it to flee from
any wild Pokémon.
It can also warp to
the last Pokémon
Center visited."
100,11,5,"Permet de fuir un Pokémon sauvage.
Permet aussi de revenir au dernier
Centre Pokémon visité."
100,11,9,"Use it to flee from any wild Pokémon.
It can also warp to the last Pokémon
Center visited."
100,14,9,"Use it to flee from any wild Pokémon.
It can also warp to the last Pokémon
Center visited."
100,15,1,"やせい ポケモンとの せんとうを
やめる。さいごに はいった
ポケセンの ある まちにも いける。"
100,15,3,"야생 포켓몬과 배틀을 그만둔다.
마지막에 들어갔던
포켓몬센터가 있는 도시에도 갈 수 있다."
100,15,5,"Permet de fuir un Pokémon sauvage.
Permet aussi de revenir au dernier Centre
Pokémon visité."
100,15,6,"Ermöglicht die sofortige Flucht vor wilden
Pokémon. Kann den Anwender außerdem zum
zuletzt besuchten Pokémon-Center teleportieren."
100,15,7,"Permite huir al instante de combates contra
Pokémon salvajes o viajar al último Centro
Pokémon visitado."
100,15,8,"Fa fuggire dai Pokémon selvatici. Fuori dalla lotta
porta all’ultimo Centro Pokémon visitato."
100,15,9,"Use it to flee from any wild Pokémon.
It can also warp to the last Pokémon
Center visited."
100,15,11,"野生ポケモンとの 戦闘を やめる。
最後に はいった
ポケセンの ある 街にも 行ける。"
101,3,9,"The user's level
equals damage HP."
101,4,9,"The user's level
equals damage HP."
101,5,9,"Inflicts damage identical
to the user’s level."
101,6,9,"Inflicts damage identical
to the user’s level."
101,7,9,"An attack with a
mirage that inflicts
damage matching
the user’s level."
101,8,9,"The user makes the
foe see a mirage.
It inflicts damage
matching the user’s
101,9,9,"The user makes the
foe see a mirage.
It inflicts damage
matching the user’s
101,10,9,"The user makes the
foe see a mirage.
It inflicts damage
matching the user’s
101,11,5,"Le lanceur invoque un mirage. Inflige des
dégâts équivalents au niveau du lanceur."
101,11,9,"The user makes the target see a
frightening mirage. It inflicts damage
matching the user’s level."
101,14,9,"The user makes the target see a
frightening mirage. It inflicts damage
matching the user’s level."
101,15,1,"おそろしい まぼろしを みせて
じぶんの レベルと おなじ だけの
ダメージを あいてに あたえる。"
101,15,3,"무시무시한 환상을 보게 해서
자신의 레벨과 똑같은 만큼의
데미지를 상대에게 준다."
101,15,5,"Le lanceur invoque un mirage.
Inflige des dégâts équivalents au niveau du
101,15,6,"Das Ziel sieht eine Illusion. Richtet Schaden
gemäß dem Level des Anwenders an."
101,15,7,"Produce un espejismo ante el objetivo, que pierde
tantos PS como nivel tenga el agresor."
101,15,8,"Fa apparire un orribile miraggio al bersaglio
e infligge un danno pari al livello di chi la usa."
101,15,9,"The user makes the target see a
frightening mirage. It inflicts damage
equal to the user’s level."
101,15,11,"恐ろしい 幻を みせて
自分の レベルと 同じだけの
ダメージを 相手に 与える。"
102,3,9,"Copies a move used
by the foe."
102,4,9,"Copies a move used
by the foe."
102,5,9,"Copies a move used by the
foe during one battle."
102,6,9,"Copies a move used by the
foe during one battle."
102,7,9,"The user copies the
move last used by
the foe for the
rest of the battle."
102,8,9,"The user copies the
move last used by
the foe. The move can
be used for the rest
of the battle."
102,9,9,"The user copies the
move last used by
the foe. The move can
be used for the rest
of the battle."
102,10,9,"The user copies the
move last used by
the foe. The move can
be used for the rest
of the battle."
102,11,5,"Le lanceur copie la dernière capacité
utilisée par la cible et la conserve
tant qu’il reste au combat."
102,11,9,"The user copies the target’s last move.
The move can be used during battle
until the Pokémon is switched out."
102,14,9,"The user copies the target’s last move.
The move can be used during battle
until the Pokémon is switched out."
102,15,1,"あいてが さいごに つかった わざを
せんとうの あいだ
じぶんの わざに することが できる。"
102,15,3,"상대가 마지막에 사용한 기술을
배틀을 하는 동안
자신의 기술로 만들 수 있다."
102,15,5,"Le lanceur copie la dernière capacité utilisée par
la cible et la conserve tant qu’il reste au combat."
102,15,6,"Kopiert die zuvor ausgeführte Attacke des Zieles.
Kann im Kampf bis zur Auswechslung verwendet
102,15,7,"Copia el último movimiento usado por el objetivo.
Dicho movimiento se podrá usar mientras el
Pokémon no sea cambiado."
102,15,8,"Copia l’ultima mossa usata dal bersaglio. La mossa
copiata si può utilizzare fino alla sostituzione
del Pokémon che l’ha usata."
102,15,9,"The user copies the target’s last move.
The move can be used during battle
until the Pokémon is switched out."
102,15,11,"相手が 最後に 使った 技を
戦闘の あいだ
自分の 技に することが できる。"
103,3,9,"Sharply reduces
the foe's DEFENSE."
103,4,9,"Sharply reduces
the foe's DEFENSE."
103,5,9,"Emits a screech to sharply
reduce the foe’s DEFENSE."
103,6,9,"Emits a screech to sharply
reduce the foe’s DEFENSE."
103,7,9,"An ear-splitting
screech is emitted
to sharply reduce
the foe’s DEFENSE."
103,8,9,"An earsplitting
screech is emitted to
sharply reduce the
foe’s Defense stat.
103,9,9,"An earsplitting
screech is emitted to
sharply reduce the
foe’s Defense stat.
103,10,9,"An earsplitting
screech is emitted to
sharply reduce the
foe’s Defense stat.
103,11,5,"Cri strident qui baisse beaucoup
la Défense ennemie."
103,11,9,"An earsplitting screech harshly reduces
the target’s Defense stat."
103,14,9,"An earsplitting screech harshly reduces
the target’s Defense stat."
103,15,1,"おもわず みみを ふさぎたくなる
いやなおとを だして
あいての ぼうぎょを がくっと さげる。"
103,15,3,"그만 귀를 막아버리고 싶은
싫은 소리를 내어
상대의 방어를 크게 떨어뜨린다."
103,15,5,"Cri strident qui baisse beaucoup la Défense
de l’ennemi."
103,15,6,"Stößt einen Schrei aus, um die Verteidigung
des Zieles stark zu senken."
103,15,7,"Alarido agudo que reduce mucho la Defensa del
103,15,8,"Stridio assordante che riduce di molto la Difesa
del bersaglio."
103,15,9,"An earsplitting screech harshly lowers
the target’s Defense stat."
103,15,11,"おもわず 耳を ふさぎたくなる
いやなおとを だして
相手の 防御を がくっと さげる。"
104,3,9,"Heightens evasive­
104,4,9,"Heightens evasive­
104,5,9,"Creates illusory copies to
raise evasiveness."
104,6,9,"Creates illusory copies to
raise evasiveness."
104,7,9,"The user creates
illusory copies of
itself to raise its
104,8,9,"By moving rapidly, the
user makes illusory
copies of itself to
raise its evasiveness.
104,9,9,"By moving rapidly, the
user makes illusory
copies of itself to
raise its evasiveness.
104,10,9,"By moving rapidly, the
user makes illusory
copies of itself to
raise its evasiveness.
104,11,5,"Le lanceur se déplace si vite qu’il
crée des copies illusoires de lui,
augmentant son Esquive."
104,11,9,"By moving rapidly, the user makes illusory
copies of itself to raise its evasiveness."
104,14,9,"By moving rapidly, the user makes illusory
copies of itself to raise its evasiveness."
104,15,1,"すばやい うごきで ぶんしんを つくり
あいてを まどわせて
かいひりつを あげる。"
104,15,3,"재빠른 움직임으로 분신을 만들어
상대를 혼란시켜
회피율을 올린다."
104,15,5,"Le lanceur se déplace si vite qu’il crée des copies
illusoires de lui, augmentant son Esquive."
104,15,6,"Erzeugt durch schnelle Bewegungen Ebenbilder,
um den Fluchtwert zu erhöhen."
104,15,7,Crea copias de sí mismo para mejorar la Evasión.
104,15,8,"Chi la usa si muove in fretta e crea copie illusorie
di se stesso che aumentano la capacità di elusione."
104,15,9,"By moving rapidly, the user makes illusory
copies of itself to raise its evasiveness."
104,15,11,"素早い 動きで 分身を つくり
相手を まどわせて
回避率を あげる。"
105,3,9,"Restores HP by 1/2
the max HP."
105,4,9,"Restores HP by 1/2
the max HP."
105,5,9,"Recovers up to half the
user’s maximum HP."
105,6,9,"Recovers up to half the
user’s maximum HP."
105,7,9,"A self-healing move
that restores HP by
up to half of the
user’s maximum HP."
105,8,9,"A self-healing move.
The user restores its
own HP by up to half
of its max HP.
105,9,9,"A self-healing move.
The user restores its
own HP by up to half
of its max HP.
105,10,9,"A self-healing move.
The user restores its
own HP by up to half
of its max HP.
105,11,5,"Un soin qui permet au lanceur de récupérer
jusqu’à la moitié de ses PV max."
105,11,9,"Restoring its own cells, the user
restores its own HP by half of
its max HP."
105,14,9,"Restoring its own cells, the user
restores its own HP by half of
its max HP."
105,15,1,"さいぼうを さいせい させて
じぶんの さいだい HPの
はんぶんの HPを かいふく する。"
105,15,3,"세포를 재생시켜
자신의 최대 HP의
절반만큼 HP를 회복한다."
105,15,5,"Un soin qui permet au lanceur de récupérer
jusqu’à la moitié de ses PV max."
105,15,6,"Eine Selbstheilung. KP des Anwenders werden
um 50 % des maximalen Wertes aufgefüllt."
105,15,7,Restaura hasta la mitad de los PS máximos.
105,15,8,"Mossa autocurativa. Chi la usa recupera metà
dei PS massimi."
105,15,9,"Restoring its own cells, the user
restores its own HP by half of
its max HP."
105,15,11,"細胞を 再生させて
自分の 最大HPの
半分の HPを 回復する。"
106,3,9,"Raises the user's
106,4,9,"Raises the user's
106,5,9,"Stiffens the body’s 
muscles to raise DEFENSE."
106,6,9,"Stiffens the body’s 
muscles to raise DEFENSE."
106,7,9,"The user stiffens
all the muscles in
its body to raise
its DEFENSE stat."
106,8,9,"The user stiffens all
the muscles in its
body to raise its
Defense stat.
106,9,9,"The user stiffens all
the muscles in its
body to raise its
Defense stat.
106,10,9,"The user stiffens all
the muscles in its
body to raise its
Defense stat.
106,11,5,"Le lanceur contracte tous ses muscles
pour augmenter sa Défense."
106,11,9,"The user stiffens all the muscles in its
body to raise its Defense stat."
106,14,9,"The user stiffens all the muscles in its
body to raise its Defense stat."
106,15,1,"ぜんしんに ちからを こめて
からだを かたくして
じぶんの ぼうぎょを あげる。"
106,15,3,"전신에 힘을 담아
몸을 단단하게 해서
자신의 방어를 올린다."
106,15,5,"Le lanceur contracte tous ses muscles pour
augmenter sa Défense."
106,15,6,"Stärkt die Muskulatur und erhöht
den Verteidigungs-Wert."
106,15,7,"Tensa la musculatura del usuario para aumentar
la Defensa."
106,15,8,"Tutti i muscoli del corpo si tonificano
per aumentare la Difesa."
106,15,9,"The user stiffens all the muscles in its
body to raise its Defense stat."
106,15,11,"全身に 力を こめて
体を 硬くして
自分の 防御を あげる。"
107,3,9,"Heightens evasive­
107,4,9,"Heightens evasive­
107,5,9,"Minimizes the user’s size
to raise evasiveness."
107,6,9,"Minimizes the user’s size
to raise evasiveness."
107,7,9,"The user compresses
all the cells in its
body to raise its
107,8,9,"The user compresses
its body to make
itself look smaller.
The user’s evasion
stat is boosted."
107,9,9,"The user compresses
its body to make
itself look smaller.
The user’s evasion
stat is boosted."
107,10,9,"The user compresses
its body to make
itself look smaller.
The user’s evasion
stat is boosted."
107,11,5,"Le lanceur comprime son corps pour se
faire tout petit et augmenter fortement
son Esquive."
107,11,9,"The user compresses its body
to make itself look smaller,
which sharply raises its evasiveness."
107,14,9,"The user compresses its body
to make itself look smaller,
which sharply raises its evasiveness."
107,15,1,"からだを ちぢめて ちいさく みせて
じぶんの かいひりつを
ぐーんと あげる。"
107,15,3,"몸을 축소하여 작게 보임으로써
자신의 회피율을 크게 올린다."
107,15,5,"Le lanceur comprime son corps pour se faire tout
petit et augmenter fortement son Esquive."
107,15,6,"Anwender schrumpft, um seinen Fluchtwert
stark zu erhöhen."
107,15,7,El usuario mengua para aumentar mucho la Evasión.
107,15,8,"Il corpo di chi la usa si comprime e diventa
più piccolo. La sua capacità di elusione
aumenta di molto."
107,15,9,"The user compresses its body
to make itself look smaller,
which sharply raises its evasiveness."
107,15,11,"体を ちぢめて 小さく みせて
自分の 回避率を
ぐーんと あげる。"
108,3,9,"Lowers the foe's
108,4,9,"Lowers the foe's
108,5,9,"Lowers the foe’s accuracy
using smoke, ink, etc."
108,6,9,"Lowers the foe’s accuracy
using smoke, ink, etc."
108,7,9,"An obscuring cloud
of smoke or ink
reduces the foe’s
108,8,9,"The user releases an
obscuring cloud of
smoke or ink.
It reduces the foe’s
108,9,9,"The user releases an
obscuring cloud of
smoke or ink.
It reduces the foe’s
108,10,9,"The user releases an
obscuring cloud of
smoke or ink.
It reduces the foe’s
108,11,5,"Le lanceur disperse un nuage d’encre ou
de fumée. Réduit la Précision de l’ennemi."
108,11,9,"The user releases an obscuring cloud
of smoke or ink. It reduces the
target’s accuracy."
108,14,9,"The user releases an obscuring cloud
of smoke or ink. It reduces the
target’s accuracy."
108,15,1,"けむりや スミなどを ふきかけて
あいての めいちゅうりつを さげる。
108,15,3,"연기나 먹물을 내뿜어
상대의 명중률을 떨어뜨린다."
108,15,5,"Le lanceur disperse un nuage d’encre ou de
fumée. Réduit la Précision de l’ennemi."
108,15,6,"Senkt Genauigkeit des Zieles mit Rauch,
Tinte oder Ähnlichem."
108,15,7,"Baja la Precisión del objetivo con una nube de
humo o tinta."
108,15,8,"Nuvola di fumo o inchiostro che riduce
la precisione del bersaglio."
108,15,9,"The user releases an obscuring cloud
of smoke or ink. This lowers the
target’s accuracy."
108,15,11,"煙や 墨などを 吹きかけて
相手の 命中率を さげる。
109,3,9,"A move that causes
109,4,9,"A move that causes
109,5,9,"A sinister ray that
confuses the foe."
109,6,9,"A sinister ray that
confuses the foe."
109,7,9,"The foe is exposed
to a sinister ray
that triggers
109,8,9,"The foe is exposed
to a sinister ray
that triggers
109,9,9,"The foe is exposed
to a sinister ray
that triggers
109,10,9,"The foe is exposed
to a sinister ray
that triggers
109,11,5,"Un rayon sinistre qui plonge l’ennemi
dans un état de confusion."
109,11,9,"The target is exposed to a sinister
ray that triggers confusion."
109,14,9,"The target is exposed to a sinister
ray that triggers confusion."
109,15,1,"あやしい ひかりを
あいてに みせて まどわせる。
あいてを こんらん させる。"
109,15,3,"이상한 빛을
상대에게 비춰 당황하게 한다.
상대를 혼란시킨다."
109,15,5,"Un rayon sinistre qui plonge l’ennemi dans un état
de confusion."
109,15,6,"Ein fieser Strahl, der das Ziel verwirrt."
109,15,7,Rayo siniestro que confunde al objetivo.
109,15,8,"Colpisce il bersaglio con un raggio funesto
che lo confonde."
109,15,9,"The target is exposed to a sinister
ray that triggers confusion."
109,15,11,"怪しい 光を
相手に みせて まどわせる。
相手を 混乱させる。"
110,3,9,"Heightens the
user's DEFENSE."
110,4,9,"Heightens the
user's DEFENSE."
110,5,9,"Withdraws the body into its
hard shell to raise DEFENSE."
110,6,9,"Withdraws the body into its
hard shell to raise DEFENSE."
110,7,9,"The user withdraws
its body in its hard
shell, raising its
DEFENSE stat."
110,8,9,"The user withdraws
its body into its hard
shell, raising its
Defense stat.
110,9,9,"The user withdraws
its body into its hard
shell, raising its
Defense stat.
110,10,9,"The user withdraws
its body into its hard
shell, raising its
Defense stat.
110,11,5,"Le lanceur se recroqueville dans sa
carapace, ce qui augmente sa Défense."
110,11,9,"The user withdraws its body into its hard
shell, raising its Defense stat."
110,14,9,"The user withdraws its body into its hard
shell, raising its Defense stat."
110,15,1,"からに もぐりこんで みをまもり
じぶんの ぼうぎょを あげる。
110,15,3,"껍질에 숨어 몸을 보호하여
자신의 방어를 올린다."
110,15,5,"Le lanceur se recroqueville dans sa carapace,
ce qui augmente sa Défense."
110,15,6,"Rückzug in den harten Panzer.
Erhöht den Verteidigungs-Wert."
110,15,7,"El usuario se protege en su coraza y sube la
110,15,8,"Il corpo si ritira nel suo duro guscio per aumentare
la Difesa."
110,15,9,"The user withdraws its body into its hard
shell, raising its Defense stat."
110,15,11,"殻に 潜りこんで 身を守り
自分の 防御を あげる。
111,3,9,"Heightens the
user's DEFENSE."
111,4,9,"Heightens the
user's DEFENSE."
111,5,9,"Curls up to conceal weak
spots and raise DEFENSE."
111,6,9,"Curls up to conceal weak
spots and raise DEFENSE."
111,7,9,"The user curls up
to conceal weak
spots and raise its
DEFENSE stat."
111,8,9,"The user curls up to
conceal weak spots
and raise its Defense
111,9,9,"The user curls up to
conceal weak spots
and raise its Defense
111,10,9,"The user curls up to
conceal weak spots
and raise its Defense
111,11,5,"Le lanceur s’enroule pour cacher ses
points faibles, ce qui augmente sa Défense."
111,11,9,"The user curls up to conceal weak spots
and raise its Defense stat."
111,14,9,"The user curls up to conceal weak spots
and raise its Defense stat."
111,15,1,"からだを まるめて ちぢこまり
じぶんの ぼうぎょを あげる。
111,15,3,"몸을 둥글게 웅크려서
자신의 방어를 올린다."
111,15,5,"Le lanceur s’enroule pour cacher ses points
faibles, ce qui augmente sa Défense."
111,15,6,"Verbirgt Schwächen durch Einrollen und
hebt gleichzeitig den Verteidigungs-Wert."
111,15,7,"Se enrosca para ocultar su punto débil. Sube la
111,15,8,"Chi la usa si raggomitola per nascondere
i punti deboli e aumentare la propria Difesa."
111,15,9,"The user curls up to conceal weak spots
and raise its Defense stat."
111,15,11,"体を まるめて ちぢこまり
自分の 防御を あげる。
112,3,9,"Sharply increases
user's DEFENSE."
112,4,9,"Sharply increases
user's DEFENSE."
112,5,9,"Creates a barrier that
sharply raises DEFENSE."
112,6,9,"Creates a barrier that
sharply raises DEFENSE."
112,7,9,"The user creates a
sturdy wall that
sharply raises its
DEFENSE stat."
112,8,9,"The user throws up a
sturdy wall that
sharply raises its
Defense stat.
112,9,9,"The user throws up a
sturdy wall that
sharply raises its
Defense stat.
112,10,9,"The user throws up a
sturdy wall that
sharply raises its
Defense stat.
112,11,5,"Le lanceur érige un mur solide qui
augmente fortement sa Défense."
112,11,9,"The user throws up a sturdy wall that
sharply raises its Defense stat."
112,14,9,"The user throws up a sturdy wall that
sharply raises its Defense stat."
112,15,1,"がんじょうな かべを つくって
じぶんの ぼうぎょを ぐーんと あげる。
112,15,3,"튼튼한 장막을 만들어
자신의 방어를 크게 올린다."
112,15,5,"Le lanceur érige un mur solide qui augmente
fortement sa Défense."
112,15,6,"Erzeugt eine Barriere, die den Verteidigungs-Wert
stark erhöht."
112,15,7,Crea una barrera que aumenta mucho la Defensa.
112,15,8,"Innalza una barriera resistente che aumenta molto
la Difesa."
112,15,9,"The user throws up a sturdy wall that
sharply raises its Defense stat."
112,15,11,"頑丈な 壁を つくって
自分の 防御を ぐーんと あげる。
113,3,9,"Ups SPCL.DEF with
a wall of light."
113,4,9,"Ups SPCL.DEF with
a wall of light."
113,5,9,"Creates a wall of light that
lowers SP. ATK damage."
113,6,9,"Creates a wall of light that
lowers SP. ATK damage."
113,7,9,"A wall of light
cuts damage from
SP. ATK attacks
for five turns."
113,8,9,"A wondrous wall of
light is put up to
suppress damage from
special attacks for
five turns."
113,9,9,"A wondrous wall of
light is put up to
suppress damage from
special attacks for
five turns."
113,10,9,"A wondrous wall of
light is put up to
suppress damage from
special attacks for
five turns."
113,11,5,"Un fabuleux mur de lumière qui réduit les
dégâts causés par les attaques spéciales
durant 5 tours."
113,11,9,"A wondrous wall of light is put up to
suppress damage from special attacks
for five turns."
113,14,9,"A wondrous wall of light is put up to
suppress damage from special attacks
for five turns."
113,15,1,"5ターンの あいだ ふしぎな かべで
あいてから うける とくしゅ こうげきの
ダメージを よわめる。"
113,15,3,"5턴 동안 이상한 장막으로
상대로부터 받는 특수공격의
데미지를 약하게 한다."
113,15,5,"Un fabuleux mur de lumière qui réduit les dégâts
causés par les attaques spéciales durant cinq tours."
113,15,6,"Erzeugt eine Lichtwand und senkt den Schaden
durch Spezial-Angriffe für fünf Runden."
113,15,7,"Pared de luz que reduce durante cinco turnos el
daño producido por los ataques especiales."
113,15,8,"Innalza una barriera di luce fantastica che riduce
i danni degli attacchi speciali per sé e gli alleati
per cinque turni."
113,15,9,"A wondrous wall of light is put up to
reduce damage from special attacks
for five turns."
113,15,11,"5ターンの あいだ 不思議な かべで
相手から 受ける 特殊攻撃の
ダメージを 弱める。"
114,3,9,"Eliminates all
stat changes."
114,4,9,"Eliminates all
stat changes."
114,5,9,"Creates a black haze that
eliminates all stat changes."
114,6,9,"Creates a black haze that
eliminates all stat changes."
114,7,9,"Eliminates all stat
changes among all
POKéMON engaged in
114,8,9,"The user creates a
haze that eliminates
every stat change
among all the Pokémon
engaged in battle."
114,9,9,"The user creates a
haze that eliminates
every stat change
among all the Pokémon
engaged in battle."
114,10,9,"The user creates a
haze that eliminates
every stat change
among all the Pokémon
engaged in battle."
114,11,5,"Un brouillard qui annule les
changements de stats de tous
les Pokémon au combat."
114,11,9,"The user creates a haze that eliminates
every stat change among all the Pokémon
engaged in battle."
114,14,9,"The user creates a haze that eliminates
every stat change among all the Pokémon
engaged in battle."
114,15,1,"くろいきりを だして せんとうに
でている ポケモン ぜんいんの
のうりょく へんかを もとに もどす。"
114,15,3,"흑안개를 뿜어 배틀에
참가 중인 포켓몬 전원의
능력 변화를 원래대로 돌린다."
114,15,5,"Un brouillard qui annule les changements de stats
de tous les Pokémon au combat."
114,15,6,"Erzeugt einen dunklen Nebel.
Alle Veränderungen der Statuswerte
der Kampfteilnehmer werden annulliert."
114,15,7,"Neblina que elimina los cambios de características
de todos los Pokémon en combate."
114,15,8,"Chi la usa crea una nube nera che annulla
ogni modifica alle statistiche di tutti i Pokémon
in campo."
114,15,9,"The user creates a haze that eliminates
every stat change among all the Pokémon
engaged in battle."
114,15,11,"黒い霧を だして 戦闘に
でている ポケモン 全員の
能力変化を もとに もどす。"
115,3,9,"Raises DEFENSE
with a barrier."
115,4,9,"Raises DEFENSE
with a barrier."
115,5,9,"Creates a wall of light that
weakens physical attacks."
115,6,9,"Creates a wall of light that
weakens physical attacks."
115,7,9,"A wall of light
cuts damage from
physical attacks
for five turns."
115,8,9,"A wondrous wall of
light is put up to
suppress damage from
physical attacks for
five turns."
115,9,9,"A wondrous wall of
light is put up to
suppress damage from
physical attacks for
five turns."
115,10,9,"A wondrous wall of
light is put up to
suppress damage from
physical attacks for
five turns."
115,11,5,"Un fabuleux mur de lumière qui réduit les
dégâts causés par les attaques physiques
durant 5 tours."
115,11,9,"A wondrous wall of light is put up to
suppress damage from physical attacks
for five turns."
115,14,9,"A wondrous wall of light is put up to
suppress damage from physical attacks
for five turns."
115,15,1,"5ターンの あいだ ふしぎな かべで
あいてから うける ぶつり こうげきの
ダメージを よわめる。"
115,15,3,"5턴 동안 이상한 장막으로
상대로부터 받는 물리공격의
데미지를 약하게 한다."
115,15,5,"Un fabuleux mur de lumière qui réduit les dégâts
causés par les attaques physiques durant cinq
115,15,6,"Eine mysteriöse Wand, die fünf Runden
den Schaden von physischen gegnerischen
Treffern reduziert."
115,15,7,"Pared de luz que reduce durante cinco turnos el
daño producido por los ataques físicos."
115,15,8,"Innalza una barriera di luce fantastica che riduce
i danni degli attacchi fisici per sé e gli alleati
per cinque turni."
115,15,9,"A wondrous wall of light is put up to
reduce damage from physical attacks
for five turns."
115,15,11,"5ターンの あいだ 不思議な かべで
相手から 受ける 物理攻撃の
ダメージを 弱める。"
116,3,9,"Raises the criti­
cal hit ratio."
116,4,9,"Raises the criti­
cal hit ratio."
116,5,9,"Focuses power to raise the
critical-hit ratio."
116,6,9,"Focuses power to raise the
critical-hit ratio."
116,7,9,"The user takes a
deep breath and
focuses to raise its
critical-hit ratio."
116,8,9,"The user takes a
deep breath and
focuses to raise the
critical-hit ratio of
its attacks."
116,9,9,"The user takes a
deep breath and
focuses to raise the
critical-hit ratio of
its attacks."
116,10,9,"The user takes a
deep breath and
focuses to raise the
critical-hit ratio of
its attacks."
116,11,5,"Le lanceur prend une profonde inspiration
et se concentre pour augmenter son taux
de critiques."
116,11,9,"The user takes a deep breath and
focuses so that critical hits land
more easily."
116,14,9,"The user takes a deep breath and
focuses so that critical hits land
more easily."
116,15,1,"ふかく いきを すい きあいを こめる。
じぶんの こうげきが
きゅうしょに あたりやすく なる。"
116,15,3,"깊게 숨을 들이마셔 기합을 넣는다.
자신의 공격이
급소에 맞기 쉬워진다."
116,15,5,"Le lanceur prend une profonde inspiration et se
concentre pour augmenter son taux de critiques."
116,15,6,"Anwender atmet ein und bündelt Kraft.
Die Volltrefferquote steigt dadurch."
116,15,7,"Concentra energía para aumentar las posibilidades
de un golpe crítico."
116,15,8,"Chi la usa fa un profondo respiro e si concentra
per rendere più probabili i brutti colpi."
116,15,9,"The user takes a deep breath and
focuses so that critical hits land
more easily."
116,15,11,"深く 息を 吸い 気合を こめる。
自分の 攻撃が
急所に 当たりやすくなる。"
117,3,9,"Waits 2-3 turns &
hits back double."
117,4,9,"Waits 2-3 turns &
hits back double."
117,5,9,"Endures attack for 2
turns to retaliate double."
117,6,9,"Endures attack for 2
turns to retaliate double."
117,7,9,"The user endures
attacks for two
turns, then strikes
back double."
117,8,9,"The user endures
attacks for two
turns, then strikes
back to cause double
the damage taken."
117,9,9,"The user endures
attacks for two
turns, then strikes
back to cause double
the damage taken."
117,10,9,"The user endures
attacks for two
turns, then strikes
back to cause double
the damage taken."
117,11,5,"Le lanceur encaisse les coups durant 2
tours et réplique en infligeant le double
des dégâts subis."
117,11,9,"The user endures attacks for two
turns, then strikes back to cause
double the damage taken."
117,14,9,"The user endures attacks for two
turns, then strikes back to cause
double the damage taken."
117,15,1,"2ターンの あいだ こうげきに たえて
うけた ダメージを 2ばいに して
あいてに かえす。"
117,15,3,"2턴 동안 공격을 견뎌
입은 데미지를 2배로 만들어
상대에게 돌려준다."
117,15,5,"Le lanceur encaisse les coups durant deux tours et
réplique en infligeant le double des dégâts subis."
117,15,6,"Erträgt zwei Runden Angriffe und schlägt dann
mit dem doppelten Wert des erlittenen Schadens
117,15,7,"Espera dos turnos para atacar con el doble de
potencia del daño recibido."
117,15,8,"Chi la usa subisce attacchi per due turni
e poi restituisce il danno moltiplicato per due."
117,15,9,"The user endures attacks for two
turns, then strikes back to cause
double the damage taken."
117,15,11,"2ターンの あいだ 攻撃に たえて
受けた ダメージを 2倍にして
相手に 返す。"
118,3,9,"Randomly uses any
POKéMON move."
118,4,9,"Randomly uses any
POKéMON move."
118,5,9,"Waggles a finger to use any
POKéMON move at random."
118,6,9,"Waggles a finger to use any
POKéMON move at random."
118,7,9,"Waggles a finger
and stimulates the
brain into using any
move at random."
118,8,9,"The user waggles a
finger and stimulates
the brain into
randomly using nearly
any move."
118,9,9,"The user waggles a
finger and stimulates
the brain into
randomly using nearly
any move."
118,10,9,"The user waggles a
finger and stimulates
the brain into
randomly using nearly
any move."
118,11,5,"Agite un doigt et stimule le cerveau
pour utiliser presque n’importe
quelle capacité au hasard."
118,11,9,"The user waggles a finger and stimulates
its brain into randomly using nearly
any move."
118,14,9,"The user waggles a finger and stimulates
its brain into randomly using nearly
any move."
118,15,1,"ゆびをふり じぶんの のうを しげきして
すべての わざの なかから
どれか 1つを くりだす。"
118,15,3,"손가락을 흔들어 자신의 뇌를
자극해서 모든 기술 중
어느 하나를 날린다."
118,15,5,"Agite un doigt et stimule le cerveau pour utiliser
presque n’importe quelle capacité au hasard."
118,15,6,"Bewegt Finger, um das Gehirn zu stimulieren.
Wählt zufällig eine Attacke aus."
118,15,7,"El usuario mueve un dedo y estimula su cerebro
para usar al azar casi cualquier movimiento."
118,15,8,"Chi la usa fa di no con il dito e stimola il cervello
a usare a caso una delle tante mosse esistenti."
118,15,9,"The user waggles a finger and stimulates
its brain into randomly using nearly
any move."
118,15,11,"指をふり 自分の 脳を 刺激して
すべての 技の なかから
どれか 1つを くりだす。"
119,3,9,"Counters with the
same move."
119,4,9,"Counters with the
same move."
119,5,9,"Counters the foe’s attack
with the same move."
119,6,9,"Counters the foe’s attack
with the same move."
119,7,9,"The user counters
the move last used
by the foe with the
same move."
119,8,9,"The user counters
the foe by mimicking
the move last used
by the foe."
119,9,9,"The user counters
the foe by mimicking
the move last used
by the foe."
119,10,9,"The user counters
the foe by mimicking
the move last used
by the foe."
119,11,5,"Le lanceur riposte à l’attaque de l’ennemi
avec la même attaque."
119,11,9,"The user counters the target by mimicking
the target’s last move."
119,14,9,"The user counters the target by mimicking
the target’s last move."
119,15,1,"あいての つかった わざを まねして
じぶんも おなじ わざを つかう。
119,15,3,"상대가 사용한 기술을 흉내 내어
자신도 똑같은 기술을 쓴다."
119,15,5,"Le lanceur riposte à l’attaque de l’ennemi avec la
même attaque."
119,15,6,"Kopiert die letzte Attacke des Zieles
und greift es an."
119,15,7,"Contraataca con el mismo movimiento empleado
por el objetivo."
119,15,8,"Chi la usa colpisce il bersaglio copiandone
l’ultima mossa usata."
119,15,9,"The user counters the target by mimicking
the target’s last move."
119,15,11,"相手の 使った 技を まねして
自分も 同じ技を 使う。
120,3,9,"Powerful but makes
the user faint."
120,4,9,"Powerful but makes
the user faint."
120,5,9,"Inflicts severe damage but
makes the user faint."
120,6,9,"Inflicts severe damage but
makes the user faint."
120,7,9,"The user blows up
to inflict severe
damage, even
making itself faint."
120,8,9,"The user blows up to
inflict damage on all
Pokémon in battle.
The user faints upon
using this move."
120,9,9,"The user blows up to
inflict damage on all
Pokémon in battle.
The user faints upon
using this move."
120,10,9,"The user blows up to
inflict damage on all
Pokémon in battle.
The user faints upon
using this move."
120,11,5,"Le lanceur explose en blessant
tous les Pokémon autour de lui.
Le lanceur tombe K.O."
120,11,9,"The user attacks everything around it
by causing an explosion.
The user faints upon using this move."
120,14,9,"The user attacks everything around it
by causing an explosion.
The user faints upon using this move."
120,15,1,"ばくはつを おこして じぶんの
まわりに いるものを こうげきする。
つかった あとに ひんしに なる。"
120,15,3,"폭발을 일으켜서 자신의
주위에 있는 포켓몬을 공격한다.
쓰고 나서 기절하게 된다."
120,15,5,"Le lanceur explose en blessant tous les Pokémon
autour de lui. Le lanceur tombe K.O."
120,15,6,"Anwender sprengt sich, richtet rundum
Riesenschaden an und wird dabei besiegt."
120,15,7,"El atacante explota y hiere a todos a su alrededor.
El usuario se debilita de inmediato."
120,15,8,"Chi la usa esplode e infligge danni ai Pokémon
che ha intorno, ma poi va KO."
120,15,9,"The user attacks everything around it
by causing an explosion.
The user faints upon using this move."
120,15,11,"爆発を おこして 自分の
周りに いるものを 攻撃する。
使ったあとに ひんしに なる。"
121,3,9,"Eggs are hurled at
the foe."
121,4,9,"Eggs are hurled at
the foe."
121,5,9,"An egg is forcibly hurled at
the foe."
121,6,9,"An egg is forcibly hurled at
the foe."
121,7,9,"A large egg is
hurled with great
force at the foe to
inflict damage."
121,8,9,"A large egg is hurled
with maximum force at
the foe to inflict
121,9,9,"A large egg is hurled
with maximum force at
the foe to inflict
121,10,9,"A large egg is hurled
with maximum force at
the foe to inflict
121,11,5,"De toutes ses forces, le lanceur
jette un gros œuf sur l’ennemi
pour lui infliger des dégâts."
121,11,9,"A large egg is hurled at the target
with maximum force to inflict damage."
121,14,9,"A large egg is hurled at the target
with maximum force to inflict damage."
121,15,1,"おおきな タマゴを ちから いっぱい
あいてに なげつけて こうげきする。
121,15,3,"큰 알을 온 힘을 다해
상대에게 내던져서 공격한다."
121,15,5,"De toutes ses forces, le lanceur jette un gros œuf
sur l’ennemi pour lui infliger des dégâts."
121,15,6,"Ein großes Ei wird auf das Ziel abgefeuert,
um ihm zu schaden."
121,15,7,Arroja un huevo al objetivo con gran fuerza.
121,15,8,"Colpisce il bersaglio con un grande uovo
scaraventato con enorme forza."
121,15,9,"A large egg is hurled at the target
with maximum force to inflict damage."
121,15,11,"大きな タマゴを 力いっぱい
相手に 投げつけて 攻撃する。
122,3,9,"An attack that may
cause paralysis."
122,4,9,"An attack that may
cause paralysis."
122,5,9,"Licks with a long tongue to
injure. May also paralyze."
122,6,9,"Licks with a long tongue to
injure. May also paralyze."
122,7,9,"The foe is licked
and hit with a long
tongue. It may
also paralyze."
122,8,9,"The foe is licked with
a long tongue, causing
It may also paralyze
the target."
122,9,9,"The foe is licked with
a long tongue, causing
It may also paralyze
the target."
122,10,9,"The foe is licked with
a long tongue, causing
It may also paralyze
the target."
122,11,5,"Un grand coup de langue qui inflige des
dégâts à l’ennemi. Peut aussi le paralyser."
122,11,9,"The target is licked with a long tongue,
causing damage. It may also leave
the target with paralysis."
122,14,9,"The target is licked with a long tongue,
causing damage. It may also leave
the target with paralysis."
122,15,1,"ながい したで
あいてを なめまわして こうげきする。
まひ じょうたいに することが ある。"
122,15,3,"긴 혀로
상대를 핥아서 공격한다.
마비 상태로 만들 때가 있다."
122,15,5,"Un grand coup de langue qui inflige des dégâts
à l’ennemi. Peut aussi le paralyser."
122,15,6,"Leck-Attacke mit langer Zunge.
Das Ziel wird eventuell paralysiert."
122,15,7,"Una lengua ataca al objetivo. Puede causar
122,15,8,"Una lingua lunga infligge danni al bersaglio
e può anche paralizzarlo."
122,15,9,"The target is licked with a long tongue,
causing damage. This may also leave
the target with paralysis."
122,15,11,"長い 舌で
相手を なめまわして 攻撃する。
まひ状態に することが ある。"
123,3,9,"An attack that may
poison the foe."
123,4,9,"An attack that may
poison the foe."
123,5,9,"An exhaust-gas attack
that may also poison."
123,6,9,"An exhaust-gas attack
that may also poison."
123,7,9,"The foe is attacked
with exhaust gases.
It may also poison
the foe."
123,8,9,"The foe is attacked
with a discharge of
filthy gases.
It may also poison
the target."
123,9,9,"The foe is attacked
with a discharge of
filthy gases.
It may also poison
the target."
123,10,9,"The foe is attacked
with a discharge of
filthy gases.
It may also poison
the target."
123,11,5,"Le lanceur attaque à l’aide d’une
éruption de gaz répugnants.
Peut aussi empoisonner l’ennemi."
123,11,9,"The target is attacked with a
discharge of filthy gases.
It may also poison the target."
123,14,9,"The target is attacked with a
discharge of filthy gases.
It may also poison the target."
123,15,1,"よごれた ガスを
あいてに ふきつけて こうげきする。
どく じょうたいに することが ある。"
123,15,3,"더러운 가스를
상대에게 내뿜어 공격한다.
독 상태로 만들 때가 있다."
123,15,5,"Le lanceur attaque à l’aide d’une éruption de gaz
répugnants. Peut aussi empoisonner l’ennemi."
123,15,6,"Angriff mit Gas. Das Ziel kann
eventuell vergiftet werden."
123,15,7,"El objetivo es atacado con gases tóxicos que
pueden llegar a envenenar."
123,15,8,"Colpisce il bersaglio con una scarica di gas
maleodoranti. Può anche avvelenarlo."
123,15,9,"The target is attacked with a
discharge of filthy gases.
This may also poison the target."
123,15,11,"汚れた ガスを
相手に 吹きつけて 攻撃する。
毒状態に することが ある。"
124,3,9,"An attack that may
poison the foe."
124,4,9,"An attack that may
poison the foe."
124,5,9,"Sludge is hurled to inflict
damage. May also poison."
124,6,9,"Sludge is hurled to inflict
damage. May also poison."
124,7,9,"Toxic sludge is
hurled at the foe.
It may poison the
124,8,9,"Unsanitary sludge is
hurled at the foe.
It may also poison
the target.
124,9,9,"Unsanitary sludge is
hurled at the foe.
It may also poison
the target.
124,10,9,"Unsanitary sludge is
hurled at the foe.
It may also poison
the target.
124,11,5,"Des détritus toxiques sont projetés sur
l’ennemi. Peut aussi l’empoisonner."
124,11,9,"Unsanitary sludge is hurled at the target.
It may also poison the target."
124,14,9,"Unsanitary sludge is hurled at the target.
It may also poison the target."
124,15,1,"きたない ヘドロを
あいてに なげつけて こうげきする。
どく じょうたいに することが ある。"
124,15,3,"더러운 오물을
상대에게 내던져서 공격한다.
독 상태로 만들 때가 있다."
124,15,5,"Des détritus toxiques sont projetés sur l’ennemi.
Peut aussi l’empoisonner."
124,15,6,"Wirft Schlamm auf das Ziel.
Dieses wird eventuell vergiftet."
124,15,7,"Arroja residuos al objetivo. Puede llegar a
124,15,8,"Lancio di fango malsano che arreca danno
al bersaglio. Può anche avvelenarlo."
124,15,9,"Unsanitary sludge is hurled at the target.
This may also poison the target."
124,15,11,"汚い ヘドロを
相手に 投げつけて 攻撃する。
毒状態に することが ある。"
125,3,9,"An attack that may
cause flinching."
125,4,9,"An attack that may
cause flinching."
125,5,9,"Clubs the foe with a bone.
May cause flinching."
125,6,9,"Clubs the foe with a bone.
May cause flinching."
125,7,9,"The foe is clubbed
with a bone held in
hand. It may make
the foe flinch."
125,8,9,"The user clubs the
foe with a bone.
It may also make the
target flinch.
125,9,9,"The user clubs the
foe with a bone.
It may also make the
target flinch.
125,10,9,"The user clubs the
foe with a bone.
It may also make the
target flinch.
125,11,5,"Le lanceur frappe l’ennemi à grands
coups d’os. Peut aussi apeurer l’ennemi."
125,11,9,"The user clubs the target with a bone.
It may also make the target flinch."
125,14,9,"The user clubs the target with a bone.
It may also make the target flinch."
125,15,1,"てに もった ホネで
あいてを なぐりつけて こうげきする。
あいてを ひるませる ことが ある。"
125,15,3,"손에 들고 있는 뼈로
상대를 세게 때려서 공격한다.
상대를 풀죽게 만들 때가 있다."
125,15,5,"Le lanceur frappe l’ennemi à grands coups d’os.
Peut aussi l’apeurer."
125,15,6,"Schlägt das Ziel mit einer Keule und lässt es
eventuell zurückschrecken."
125,15,7,"Aporrea con un hueso. Puede hacer retroceder al
125,15,8,"Chi la usa colpisce il bersaglio con un osso e
può farlo anche tentennare."
125,15,9,"The user clubs the target with a bone.
This may also make the target flinch."
125,15,11,"手に 持った ホネで
相手を なぐりつけて 攻撃する。
相手を ひるませることが ある。"
126,3,9,"An attack that
may cause a burn."
126,4,9,"An attack that
may cause a burn."
126,5,9,"A fiery blast that scorches
all. May cause a burn."
126,6,9,"Incinerates everything it
strikes. May cause a burn."
126,7,9,"The foe is hit with
an intense flame.
It may leave the
target with a burn."
126,8,9,"The foe is attacked
with an intense blast
of all-consuming fire.
It may also leave the
target with a burn."
126,9,9,"The foe is attacked
with an intense blast
of all-consuming fire.
It may also leave the
target with a burn."
126,10,9,"The foe is attacked
with an intense blast
of all-consuming fire.
It may also leave the
target with a burn."
126,11,5,"Un déluge de flammes ardentes submerge
l’ennemi. Peut aussi le brûler."
126,11,9,"The target is attacked with an intense
blast of all-consuming fire.
It may also leave the target with a burn."
126,14,9,"The target is attacked with an intense
blast of all-consuming fire.
It may also leave the target with a burn."
126,15,1,"だいのじの ほのおで
あいてを やきつくす。
やけど じょうたいに することが ある。"
126,15,3,"큰 대자의 불꽃으로
상대를 불태운다.
화상 상태로 만들 때가 있다."
126,15,5,"Un déluge de flammes ardentes submerge
l’ennemi. Peut aussi le brûler."
126,15,6,"Feuersbrunst, die das Ziel versengt und
ihm eventuell eine Verbrennung zufügt."
126,15,7,"Llama intensa que chamusca y puede causar
126,15,8,"Investe il bersaglio con un’intensa fiammata
che fa terra bruciata. Può anche scottarlo."
126,15,9,"The target is attacked with an intense
blast of all-consuming fire.
This may also leave the target with a burn."
126,15,11,"大の字の 炎で
相手を 焼きつくす。
やけど状態に することが ある。"
127,3,9,"An aquatic charge
127,4,9,"An aquatic charge
127,5,9,"Charges the foe with speed
to climb waterfalls."
127,6,9,"Charges the foe with speed
to climb waterfalls."
127,7,9,"A powerful charge
attack. It can also
be used to climb
a waterfall."
127,8,9,"The user charges the
foe at an awesome
It can also be used
to climb a waterfall."
127,9,9,"The user charges the
foe at an awesome
It can also be used
to climb a waterfall."
127,10,9,"The user charges at
the foe rapidly, and
may make it flinch.
It can also be used
to climb a waterfall."
127,11,5,"Le lanceur charge l’ennemi à une vitesse
remarquable, ce qui peut l’apeurer.
Permet aussi de franchir une cascade."
127,11,9,"The user charges at the target
and may make it flinch.
It can also be used to climb a waterfall."
127,14,9,"The user charges at the target
and may make it flinch.
It can also be used to climb a waterfall."
127,15,1,"すごい いきおいで あいてに つっこむ。
あいてを ひるませる ことが ある。
たきも およいで のぼれる。"
127,15,3,"굉장한 기세로 상대에게 돌진한다.
상대를 풀죽게 만들 때가 있다.
폭포도 거슬러 올라갈 수 있다."
127,15,5,"Le lanceur charge l’ennemi à une vitesse
remarquable, ce qui peut l’apeurer.
Permet aussi de franchir une cascade."
127,15,6,"Eine mächtige Attacke, durch die das Ziel
eventuell zurückschreckt. Wasserfälle können
damit erklommen werden."
127,15,7,"Embiste con un gran impulso que puede hacer
retroceder. También sirve para remontar cascadas."
127,15,8,"Carica il bersaglio a grande velocità e può farlo
tentennare. Fuori dalla lotta fa risalire le cascate."
127,15,9,"The user charges at the target and may make it
flinch. This can also be used to climb a waterfall."
127,15,11,"すごい 勢いで 相手に つっこむ。
相手を ひるませることが ある。
滝も 泳いで のぼれる。"
128,3,9,"Traps the foe for
2-5 turns."
128,4,9,"Traps the foe for
2-5 turns."
128,5,9,"Traps and squeezes the
foe for 2 to 5 turns."
128,6,9,"Traps and squeezes the
foe for 2 to 5 turns."
128,7,9,"The foe is clamped
and squeezed by
the user’s shell for
two to five turns."
128,8,9,"The foe is clamped
and squeezed by
the user’s very thick
and sturdy shell for
two to five turns."
128,9,9,"The foe is clamped
and squeezed by
the user’s very thick
and sturdy shell for
two to five turns."
128,10,9,"The foe is clamped
and squeezed by
the user’s very thick
and sturdy shell for
two to five turns."
128,11,5,"Le lanceur piège l’ennemi dans sa dure
coquille et l’écrase pendant 4 à 5 tours."
128,11,9,"The target is clamped and squeezed by
the user’s very thick and sturdy shell for
four to five turns."
128,14,9,"The target is clamped and squeezed by
the user’s very thick and sturdy shell for
four to five turns."
128,15,1,"とても がんじょうな ぶあつい からに
4ー5ターンの あいだ
あいてを はさんで こうげきする。"
128,15,3,"매우 튼튼하고 두꺼운 껍질에
4-5턴 동안
상대를 끼워서 공격한다."
128,15,5,"Le lanceur piège l’ennemi dans sa dure coquille et
l’écrase pendant quatre à cinq tours."
128,15,6,"Fängt und quetscht das Ziel über vier bis fünf
Runden durch die harte Schale des Anwenders."
128,15,7,"Atrapa y atenaza con fuerza durante cuatro o cinco
128,15,8,"Chi la usa intrappola e stritola il bersaglio con
la sua corazza spessa e forte per quattro
o cinque turni."
128,15,9,"The target is clamped and squeezed by
the user’s very thick and sturdy shell for
four to five turns."
128,15,11,"とても 頑丈な ぶあつい 殻に
4ー5ターンの あいだ
相手を はさんで 攻撃する。"
129,3,9,"An attack that
never misses."
129,4,9,"An attack that
never misses."
129,5,9,"Sprays star-shaped rays
that never miss."
129,6,9,"Sprays star-shaped rays
that never miss."
129,7,9,"Star-shaped rays
that never miss are
fired at all foes in
129,8,9,"Star-shaped rays are
shot at the foe.
This attack never
129,9,9,"Star-shaped rays are
shot at the foe.
This attack never
129,10,9,"Star-shaped rays are
shot at the foe.
This attack never
129,11,5,"Le lanceur envoie des rayons d’étoiles.
Touche toujours l’ennemi."
129,11,9,"Star-shaped rays are shot at the opposing
team. This attack never misses."
129,14,9,"Star-shaped rays are shot at the opposing
team. This attack never misses."
129,15,1,"ほしがたの ひかりを はっしゃして
あいてを こうげきする。
こうげきは かならず めいちゅう する。"
129,15,3,"별 모양의 빛을 발사해서
상대를 공격한다.
공격은 반드시 명중한다."
129,15,5,"Le lanceur envoie des rayons d’étoiles.
Touche toujours l’ennemi."
129,15,6,"Verschießt sternförmige Strahlen, die stets treffen,
auf Ziele in der Umgebung."
129,15,7,"Lanza rayos en forma de estrella que no fallan
129,15,8,"Chi la usa colpisce i nemici intorno con raggi
a forma di stella. Questo attacco è infallibile."
129,15,9,"Star-shaped rays are shot at the opposing
Pokémon. This attack never misses."
129,15,11,"星型の 光を 発射して
相手を 攻撃する。
攻撃は 必ず 命中する。"
130,3,9,"1st turn: Prepare
2nd turn: Attack"
130,4,9,"1st turn: Prepare
2nd turn: Attack"
130,5,9,"Tucks in the head, then
attacks on the next turn."
130,6,9,"Tucks in the head, then
attacks on the next turn."
130,7,9,"The user raises its
DEFENSE in the 1st
turn, then attacks
in the 2nd turn."
130,8,9,"The user tucks in its
head to raise its
Defense in the first
turn, then rams the
foe on the next turn."
130,9,9,"The user tucks in its
head to raise its
Defense in the first
turn, then rams the
foe on the next turn."
130,10,9,"The user tucks in its
head to raise its
Defense in the first
turn, then rams the
foe on the next turn."
130,11,5,"Le lanceur baisse la tête pour augmenter
sa Défense au 1er tour et percuter
l’ennemi au 2è."
130,11,9,"The user tucks in its head to raise its
Defense in the first turn, then
rams the target on the next turn."
130,14,9,"The user tucks in its head to raise its
Defense in the first turn, then
rams the target on the next turn."
130,15,1,"1ターンめに あたまを ひっこめて
ぼうぎょを あげる。
2ターンめに あいてを こうげきする。"
130,15,3,"1턴째에 머리를 움츠려
방어를 올린다.
2턴째에 상대를 공격한다."
130,15,5,"Le lanceur baisse la tête pour augmenter sa
Défense au premier tour et percuter l’ennemi au
130,15,6,"Der Anwender erhöht in Runde 1 seine
Verteidigung und greift in Runde 2 an."
130,15,7,"Primer turno: se prepara y sube la Defensa del
usuario. Segundo turno: da el cabezazo."
130,15,8,"Chi la usa ritira la testa per aumentare la Difesa
e poi attacca al turno successivo."
130,15,9,"The user tucks in its head to raise its
Defense in the first turn, then
rams the target on the next turn."
130,15,11,"1ターン目に 頭を ひっこめて
防御を あげる。
2ターン目に 相手を 攻撃する。"
131,3,9,"Fires spikes to
hit 2-5 times."
131,4,9,"Fires spikes to
hit 2-5 times."
131,5,9,"Launches sharp spikes that
strike 2 to 5 times."
131,6,9,"Launches sharp spikes that
strike 2 to 5 times."
131,7,9,"Sharp spikes are
fired at the foe to
strike two to five
131,8,9,"Sharp spikes are
fired at the foe to
strike two to five
times in rapid
131,9,9,"Sharp spikes are
fired at the foe to
strike two to five
times in rapid
131,10,9,"Sharp spikes are
fired at the foe to
strike two to five
times in rapid
131,11,5,"Envoie une rafale de dards. 
Peut toucher de 2 à 5 fois."
131,11,9,"Sharp spikes are shot at the target
in rapid succession.
They hit two to five times in a row."
131,14,9,"Sharp spikes are shot at the target
in rapid succession.
They hit two to five times in a row."
131,15,1,"するどい ハリを
あいてに はっしゃして こうげきする。
2ー5かいの あいだ れんぞくで だす。"
131,15,3,"날카로운 침을
상대에게 발사해서 공격한다.
2-5회 동안 연속으로 쓴다."
131,15,5,"Envoie une rafale de dards.
Peut toucher de deux à cinq fois."
131,15,6,"Spitze Nadeln treffen das Ziel zwei- bis fünfmal
131,15,7,Lanza finas púas que hieren de dos a cinco veces.
131,15,8,"Il bersaglio viene colpito da due a cinque volte
con spilli appuntiti in rapida successione."
131,15,9,"Sharp spikes are shot at the target
in rapid succession.
They hit two to five times in a row."
131,15,11,"鋭い ハリを
相手に 発射して 攻撃する。
2ー5回の あいだ 連続で だす。"
132,3,9,"An attack that may
lower SPEED."
132,4,9,"An attack that may
lower SPEED."
132,5,9,"Constricts to inflict pain.
May lower SPEED."
132,6,9,"Constricts to inflict pain.
May lower SPEED."
132,7,9,"The foe is attacked
with long tentacles
or vines. It may
lower SPEED."
132,8,9,"The foe is attacked
with long, creeping
tentacles or vines.
It may also lower the
target’s Speed."
132,9,9,"The foe is attacked
with long, creeping
tentacles or vines.
It may also lower the
target’s Speed."
132,10,9,"The foe is attacked
with long, creeping
tentacles or vines.
It may also lower the
target’s Speed."
132,11,5,"De longs tentacules ou lianes attaquent
l’ennemi. Peut aussi baisser sa Vitesse."
132,11,9,"The target is attacked with long, creeping
tentacles or vines.
It may also lower the target’s Speed stat."
132,14,9,"The target is attacked with long, creeping
tentacles or vines.
It may also lower the target’s Speed stat."
132,15,1,"しょくしゅや ツタ などを からみつけて
こうげきする。あいての すばやさを
さげることが ある。"
132,15,3,"촉수나 덩굴 등을 휘감아서
공격한다. 상대의 스피드를
떨어뜨릴 때가 있다."
132,15,5,"De longs tentacules ou lianes attaquent l’ennemi.
Peut aussi baisser sa Vitesse."
132,15,6,"Angriff mit langen Tentakeln oder Ranken.
Senkt eventuell den Initiative-Wert."
132,15,7,Constriñe para herir y puede bajar la Velocidad.
132,15,8,"Colpisce il bersaglio con lunghi tentacoli o piante
rampicanti. Può anche ridurne la Velocità."
132,15,9,"The target is attacked with long, creeping
tentacles or vines.
This may also lower the target’s Speed stat."
132,15,11,"触手や ツタなどを からみつけて
攻撃する。相手の 素早さを
さげることが ある。"
133,3,9,"Sharply raises the
user's SPCL.DEF."
133,4,9,"Sharply raises the
user's SPCL.DEF."
133,5,9,"Forgets about something
and sharply raises SP. DEF."
133,6,9,"Forgets about something
and sharply raises SP. DEF."
133,7,9,"Forgets about
something and
sharply raises
133,8,9,"The user temporarily
empties its mind to
forget its concerns.
It sharply raises the
user’s Sp. Def stat."
133,9,9,"The user temporarily
empties its mind to
forget its concerns.
It sharply raises the
user’s Sp. Def stat."
133,10,9,"The user temporarily
empties its mind to
forget its concerns.
It sharply raises the
user’s Sp. Def stat."
133,11,5,"Le lanceur fait le vide dans son esprit
pour oublier ses soucis. Augmente
fortement sa Défense Spéciale."
133,11,9,"The user temporarily empties its mind to
forget its concerns.
It sharply raises the user’s Sp. Def stat."
133,14,9,"The user temporarily empties its mind to
forget its concerns.
It sharply raises the user’s Sp. Def stat."
133,15,1,"あたまを からにして
いっしゅん なにかを わすれる ことで
じぶんの とくぼうを ぐーんと あげる。"
133,15,3,"머리를 비워서 순간적으로
무언가를 잊어버림으로써
자신의 특수방어를 크게 올린다."
133,15,5,"Le lanceur fait le vide dans son esprit pour
oublier ses soucis. Augmente fortement sa
Défense Spéciale."
133,15,6,"Gedächtnisverlust, der die Spezial-Verteidigung
stark erhöht."
133,15,7,"El usuario olvida sus preocupaciones y aumenta
mucho la Defensa Especial."
133,15,8,"Chi la usa svuota per un po’ la mente per
dimenticare i problemi. La Difesa Speciale
aumenta di molto."
133,15,9,"The user temporarily empties its mind to
forget its concerns.
This sharply raises the user’s Sp. Def stat."
133,15,11,"頭を からにして
一瞬 なにかを 忘れることで
自分の 特防を ぐーんと あげる。"
134,3,9,"Reduces the foe's
134,4,9,"Reduces the foe's
134,5,9,"Distracts the foe.
May lower accuracy."
134,6,9,"Distracts the foe.
May lower accuracy."
134,7,9,"The user distracts
the foe by bending
a spoon. It may
lower accuracy."
134,8,9,"The user distracts
the foe by bending a
It may lower the
target’s accuracy."
134,9,9,"The user distracts
the foe by bending a
It may lower the
target’s accuracy."
134,10,9,"The user distracts
the foe by bending a
It may lower the
target’s accuracy."
134,11,5,"Le lanceur distrait l’ennemi en pliant
une cuillère. Peut baisser la Précision
de l’ennemi."
134,11,9,"The user distracts the target
by bending a spoon.
It lowers the target’s accuracy."
134,14,9,"The user distracts the target
by bending a spoon.
It lowers the target’s accuracy."
134,15,1,"スプーンを まげて ちゅういを ひき
あいての めいちゅうりつを さげる。
134,15,3,"숟가락을 휘어서 주의를 끌어
상대의 명중률을 낮춘다."
134,15,5,"Le lanceur distrait l’ennemi en pliant une cuiller.
Peut aussi baisser sa Précision."
134,15,6,"Lenkt Ziel durch Verbiegen eines Löffels ab.
Senkt dessen Genauigkeit."
134,15,7,"Dobla una cuchara para distraer al objetivo y bajar
su nivel de Precisión."
134,15,8,"Chi la usa distrae il bersaglio piegando
un cucchiaio e ne riduce la precisione."
134,15,9,"The user distracts the target
by bending a spoon.
This lowers the target’s accuracy."
134,15,11,"スプーンを まげて 注意を ひき
相手の 命中率を さげる。
135,3,9,"Restores HP by 1/2
the user's max HP."
135,4,9,"Restores HP by 1/2
the user's max HP."
135,5,9,"Recovers up to half the
user’s maximum HP."
135,6,9,"Recovers up to half the
user’s maximum HP."
135,7,9,"Heals the user by
up to half its full
HP. It can be used
to heal an ally."
135,8,9,"The user restores
its own HP by up to
half of its max HP.
May be used in the
field to heal HP."
135,9,9,"The user restores its
own HP by up to half
of its maximum HP.
It may also be used
to heal an ally’s HP."
135,10,9,"The user restores its
own HP by up to half
of its maximum HP.
It may also be used
to heal an ally’s HP."
135,11,5,"Le lanceur récupère jusqu’à la moitié de
ses PV max. En dehors des combats, permet
de transférer des PV du lanceur à un allié."
135,11,9,"The user restores its own HP
by up to half of its maximum HP.
May also be used in the field to heal HP."
135,14,9,"The user restores its own HP
by up to half of its maximum HP.
May also be used in the field to heal HP."
135,15,1,"さいだい HPの はんぶん
じぶんの HPを かいふく する。
なかまに HPを わけることも できる。"
135,15,3,"자신의 최대 HP 절반을
회복한다. 동료에게 HP를
나누어 줄 수도 있다."
135,15,5,"Le lanceur récupère jusqu’à la moitié de ses
PV max. En dehors des combats, permet de
transférer des PV du lanceur à un allié."
135,15,6,"KP des Anwenders werden um 50 % der
maximalen KP aufgefüllt. Heilung eines
Verbündeten außerhalb von Kämpfen möglich."
135,15,7,"Restaura la mitad de los PS máximos del usuario.
Fuera de combate se usa para transferir parte de
sus PS a un aliado."
135,15,8,"Chi la usa recupera metà dei propri PS massimi.
Fuori dalla lotta può anche far trasferire PS
agli alleati."
135,15,9,"The user restores its own HP
by up to half of its max HP.
May also be used in the field to heal HP."
135,15,11,"最大HPの 半分
自分の HPを 回復する。
仲間に HPを わけることも できる。"
136,3,9,"May miss and hurt
the user."
136,4,9,"May miss and hurt
the user."
136,5,9,"A jumping knee kick. If it
misses, the user is hurt."
136,6,9,"A jumping knee kick. If it
misses, the user is hurt."
136,7,9,"A strong jumping
knee kick. If it
misses, the user is
136,8,9,"The foe is attacked
with a knee kick from
a jump. If it misses,
the user is hurt
136,9,9,"The foe is attacked
with a knee kick from
a jump. If it misses,
the user is hurt
136,10,9,"The foe is attacked
with a knee kick from
a jump. If it misses,
the user is hurt
136,11,5,"Le lanceur s’élance pour effectuer un
coup de genou sauté. S’il échoue, le
lanceur se blesse."
136,11,9,"The target is attacked with a knee kick
from a jump. If it misses, the user is hurt
136,14,9,"The target is attacked with a knee kick
from a jump. If it misses, the user is hurt
136,15,1,"ジャンプからの ひざげりで
あいてを こうげきする。
はずすと じぶんが ダメージを うける。"
136,15,3,"점프해서 무릎차기로
상대를 공격한다.
빗나가면 자신이 데미지를 입는다."
136,15,5,"Le lanceur s’élance pour effectuer un coup de
genou sauté. S’il échoue, le lanceur se blesse."
136,15,6,"Sprungtritt mit Knie. Bei Misserfolg verletzt sich
der Anwender selbst."
136,15,7,"Salta muy alto y lanza una patada. Si falla, dañará
al usuario."
136,15,8,"Chi la usa colpisce il bersaglio con una ginocchiata
in volo. Se fallisce, subisce danni."
136,15,9,"The target is attacked with a knee kick
from a jump. If it misses, the user is
hurt instead."
136,15,11,"ジャンプからの ひざげりで
相手を 攻撃する。
はずすと 自分が ダメージを 受ける。"
137,3,9,"A move that may
cause paralysis."
137,4,9,"A move that may
cause paralysis."
137,5,9,"Intimidates and frightens
the foe into paralysis."
137,6,9,"Intimidates and frightens
the foe into paralysis."
137,7,9,"The user intimidates
the foe with the
design on its belly
to cause paralysis."
137,8,9,"The user intimidates
the foe with the
pattern on its belly
to cause paralysis.
137,9,9,"The user intimidates
the foe with the
pattern on its belly
to cause paralysis.
137,10,9,"The user intimidates
the foe with the
pattern on its belly
to cause paralysis.
137,11,5,"Le lanceur intimide l’ennemi grâce à son
regard terrifiant pour le paralyser."
137,11,9,"The user intimidates the target with the
pattern on its belly to cause paralysis."
137,14,9,"The user intimidates the target with the
pattern on its belly to cause paralysis."
137,15,1,"おなかの もようで おびえさせて
あいてを まひの じょうたいに する。
137,15,3,"배의 무늬로 겁을 주어
상대를 마비 상태로 만든다."
137,15,5,"Le lanceur intimide l’ennemi grâce à son regard
terrifiant pour le paralyser."
137,15,6,"Schüchtert Ziel mit dem Muster auf seinem Bauch
ein, sodass dieses paralysiert wird."
137,15,7,"Intimida y asusta al objetivo con la mirada para
dejarlo paralizado."
137,15,8,"Chi la usa spaventa il bersaglio con uno sguardo
terrificante e ne causa la paralisi."
137,15,9,"The user intimidates the target with the
pattern on its belly to cause paralysis."
137,15,11,"おなかの 模様で おびえさせて
相手を まひの 状態に する。
138,3,9,"Steals HP from a
sleeping victim."
138,4,9,"Steals HP from a
sleeping victim."
138,5,9,"Takes one half the damage
inflicted on a sleeping foe."
138,6,9,"Takes one half the damage
inflicted on a sleeping foe."
138,7,9,"Absorbs half the
damage it inflicted
on a sleeping foe
to restore HP."
138,8,9,"An attack that works
only on a sleeping
foe. It absorbs half
the damage caused to
heal the user’s HP."
138,9,9,"An attack that works
only on a sleeping
foe. It absorbs half
the damage caused to
heal the user’s HP."
138,10,9,"An attack that works
only on a sleeping
foe. It absorbs half
the damage caused to
heal the user’s HP."
138,11,5,"Le lanceur mange le rêve de l’ennemi
endormi. Le lanceur récupère en PV
la moitié des dégâts infligés."
138,11,9,"The user eats the dreams of a sleeping
target. It absorbs half the damage
caused to heal the user’s HP."
138,14,9,"The user eats the dreams of a sleeping
target. It absorbs half the damage
caused to heal the user’s HP."
138,15,1,"ねている あいての ゆめを たべて
こうげきする。 ダメージの はんぶんの
HPを かいふく する。"
138,15,3,"잠자고 있는 상대의 꿈을 먹어
공격한다. 데미지의 절반을
HP로 회복한다."
138,15,5,"Le lanceur mange le rêve de l’ennemi endormi.
Il récupère en PV la moitié des dégâts infligés."
138,15,6,"Attacke gegen schlafendes Ziel.
Die Hälfte des zugefügten Schadens
wird dem Anwender gutgeschrieben."
138,15,7,"Restaura al usuario la mitad del daño causado a un
objetivo dormido."
138,15,8,"Attacco che funziona solo su un bersaglio
che dorme. Chi lo usa riceve metà dei PS
persi dal Pokémon colpito."
138,15,9,"The user eats the dreams of a sleeping
target. It absorbs half the damage
caused to heal its own HP."
138,15,11,"寝ている 相手の 夢を 食べて
攻撃する。ダメージの 半分の
HPを 回復する。"
139,3,9,"A move that may
poison the foe."
139,4,9,"A move that may
poison the foe."
139,5,9,"Envelops the foe in a toxic
gas that may poison."
139,6,9,"Envelops the foe in a toxic
gas that may poison."
139,7,9,"The foe is sprayed
with a cloud of
toxic gas that may
poison the foe."
139,8,9,"A cloud of poison gas
is sprayed in the
foe’s face.
It may poison the
139,9,9,"A cloud of poison gas
is sprayed in the
foe’s face.
It may poison the
139,10,9,"A cloud of poison gas
is sprayed in the
foe’s face.
It may poison the
139,11,5,"Un nuage de gaz toxique est projeté au
visage de l’ennemi. Peut l’empoisonner."
139,11,9,"A cloud of poison gas is sprayed
in the face of opposing Pokémon.
It may poison those hit."
139,14,9,"A cloud of poison gas is sprayed
in the face of opposing Pokémon.
It may poison those hit."
139,15,1,"どくガスを あいての かおに ふきかけて
どくの じょうたいに する。
139,15,3,"독가스를 상대의 얼굴에 내뿜어
독 상태로 만든다."
139,15,5,"Un nuage de gaz toxique est projeté au visage de
l’ennemi. Peut l’empoisonner."
139,15,6,"Hüllt Ziele in der Umgebung in Gas ein,
das sie eventuell vergiftet."
139,15,7,"Lanza una nube de gas tóxico a los rivales.
Produce envenenamiento."
139,15,8,"Spruzza in faccia ai nemici che ha intorno
una nuvola di gas tossico che avvelena."
139,15,9,"A cloud of poison gas is sprayed
in the face of opposing Pokémon.
This may also poison those hit."
139,15,11,"毒ガスを 相手の 顔に 吹きかけて
毒の 状態に する。
140,3,9,"Throws orbs to hit
2-5 times."
140,4,9,"Throws orbs to hit
2-5 times."
140,5,9,"Hurls round objects at the
foe 2 to 5 times."
140,6,9,"Hurls round objects at the
foe 2 to 5 times."
140,7,9,"Round objects are
hurled at the foe
to strike two to
five times."
140,8,9,"Round objects are
hurled at the foe to
strike two to five
times in a row.
140,9,9,"Round objects are
hurled at the foe to
strike two to five
times in a row.
140,10,9,"Round objects are
hurled at the foe to
strike two to five
times in a row.
140,11,5,"Projette de 2 à 5 grosses boules
sur l’ennemi."
140,11,9,"Round objects are hurled at the target
to strike two to five times in a row."
140,14,9,"Round objects are hurled at the target
to strike two to five times in a row."
140,15,1,"まるい ものを
あいてに なげつけて こうげきする。
2ー5かいの あいだ れんぞくで だす。"
140,15,3,"둥근 것을
상대에게 내던져서 공격한다.
2-5회 동안 연속으로 쓴다."
140,15,5,"Projette de deux à cinq grosses boules sur
140,15,6,"Wirft zwei- bis fünfmal runde Gegenstände
auf das Ziel."
140,15,7,"Arroja esferas al objetivo entre dos y cinco veces
140,15,8,"Piovono enormi sfere sulla testa del bersaglio
da due a cinque volte di fila."
140,15,9,"Round objects are hurled at the target
to strike two to five times in a row."
140,15,11,"まるい ものを
相手に 投げつけて 攻撃する。
2ー5回の あいだ 連続で だす。"
141,3,9,"Steals 1/2 of the
damage inflicted."
141,4,9,"Steals 1/2 of the
damage inflicted."
141,5,9,"An attack that steals half
the damage inflicted."
141,6,9,"An attack that steals half
the damage inflicted."
141,7,9,"An attack that
absorbs half the
damage it inflicted
to restore HP."
141,8,9,"A blood-draining
attack. The user’s
HP is restored by
half the damage taken
by the target."
141,9,9,"A blood-draining
attack. The user’s
HP is restored by
half the damage taken
by the target."
141,10,9,"A blood-draining
attack. The user’s
HP is restored by
half the damage taken
by the target."
141,11,5,"Une attaque qui aspire le sang de l’ennemi.
La moitié des dégâts sont convertis en
PV pour le lanceur."
141,11,9,"The user drains the target’s blood.
The user’s HP is restored by half the
damage taken by the target."
141,14,9,"The user drains the target’s blood.
The user’s HP is restored by half the
damage taken by the target."
141,15,1,"ちを すいとって あいてを
こうげきする。 あたえた ダメージの
はんぶんの HPを かいふく できる。"
141,15,3,"피를 빨아서 상대를
공격한다. 준 데미지의
절반을 HP로 회복한다."
141,15,5,"Une attaque qui aspire le sang de l’ennemi.
La moitié des dégâts sont convertis en PV pour
le lanceur."
141,15,6,"Die Hälfte des zugefügten Schadens
wird dem Anwender gutgeschrieben."
141,15,7,"Restaura al usuario la mitad del daño causado al
141,15,8,"Mossa succhiasangue. Chi la usa recupera
una quantità di PS pari alla metà del danno inferto."
141,15,9,"The user drains the target’s blood.
The user’s HP is restored by half the
damage taken by the target."
141,15,11,"血を 吸い取って 相手を
攻撃する。与えた ダメージの
半分の HPを 回復できる。"
142,3,9,"May cause the foe
to fall asleep."
142,4,9,"May cause the foe
to fall asleep."
142,5,9,"Demands a kiss with a scary
face that induces sleep."
142,6,9,"Demands a kiss with a scary
face that induces sleep."
142,7,9,"The user forces a
kiss on the foe
with a scary face
that induces sleep."
142,8,9,"With a scary face,
the user forces a
kiss on the foe.
It may make the
target fall asleep."
142,9,9,"With a scary face,
the user forces a
kiss on the foe.
It may make the
target fall asleep."
142,10,9,"With a scary face, the
user tries to force a
kiss on the foe. If it
succeeds, the target
falls asleep."
142,11,5,"Le lanceur fait un bisou à l’ennemi
en prenant une mine effrayante.
Endort l’ennemi."
142,11,9,"With a scary face, the user tries to
force a kiss on the target. If it
succeeds, the target falls asleep."
142,14,9,"With a scary face, the user tries to
force a kiss on the target. If it
succeeds, the target falls asleep."
142,15,1,"おそろしい かおで キスを せまる。
あいてを ねむり じょうたいに する。
142,15,3,"무서운 얼굴로 키스한다.
상대를 잠듦 상태로 만든다."
142,15,5,"Le lanceur fait un bisou à l’ennemi en prenant une
mine effrayante. Endort l’ennemi."
142,15,6,"Anwender zwingt dem Ziel einen Kuss auf,
der Schlaf verursacht."
142,15,7,"Con una cara que asusta, da un beso al objetivo y
lo adormece."
142,15,8,"Chi la usa intimidisce il bersaglio con una faccia
paurosa e gli schiocca un bacio che lo fa
142,15,9,"With a scary face, the user tries to
force a kiss on the target. If it
succeeds, the target falls asleep."
142,15,11,"恐ろしい 顔で キスを せまる。
相手を 眠り状態に する。
143,3,9,"1st turn: Prepare
2nd turn: Attack"
143,4,9,"1st turn: Prepare
2nd turn: Attack"
143,5,9,"Searches out weak spots,
then strikes the next turn."
143,6,9,"Searches out weak spots,
then strikes the next turn."
143,7,9,"A 2nd-turn attack
move with a high
critical-hit ratio.
The foe may flinch."
143,8,9,"A second-turn attack
move with a high
critical-hit ratio.
It may also make the
target flinch."
143,9,9,"A second-turn attack
move with a high
critical-hit ratio.
It may also make the
target flinch."
143,10,9,"A second-turn attack
move with a high
critical-hit ratio.
It may also make the
target flinch."
143,11,5,"Une attaque en 2 tours au taux de
critiques élevé. Peut aussi apeurer
143,11,9,"A second-turn attack move where
critical hits land more easily.
It may also make the target flinch."
143,14,9,"A second-turn attack move where
critical hits land more easily.
It may also make the target flinch."
143,15,1,"2ターンめに あいてを こうげきする。
たまに ひるませる。
きゅうしょにも あたりやすい。"
143,15,3,"2턴째에 상대를 공격한다.
가끔 풀죽게 만든다.
급소에도 맞기 쉽다."
143,15,5,"Une attaque en deux tours au taux de critiques
élevé. Peut aussi apeurer l’ennemi."
143,15,6,"Anwender greift in der zweiten Runde mit hoher
Volltrefferquote an. Ziel schreckt eventuell zurück."
143,15,7,"Ataque en dos turnos que suele ser crítico. Puede
hacer retroceder al objetivo."
143,15,8,"Attacco in due turni e probabile brutto colpo.
Può anche far tentennare il bersaglio."
143,15,9,"A second-turn attack move where
critical hits land more easily.
This may also make the target flinch."
143,15,11,"2ターン目に 相手を 攻撃する。
たまに ひるませる。
急所にも 当たりやすい。"
144,3,9,"The user assumes
the foe's guise."
144,4,9,"The user assumes
the foe's guise."
144,5,9,"Alters the user’s cells to
become a copy of the foe."
144,6,9,"Alters the user’s cells to
become a copy of the foe."
144,7,9,"The user transforms
into a copy of the
foe with even the
same move set."
144,8,9,"The user transforms
into a copy of the
foe right down to
having the same move
144,9,9,"The user transforms
into a copy of the
foe right down to
having the same move
144,10,9,"The user transforms
into a copy of the
foe right down to
having the same move
144,11,5,"Le lanceur devient une copie de sa cible
et obtient la même palette de capacités."
144,11,9,"The user transforms into a copy of the
target right down to having
the same move set."
144,14,9,"The user transforms into a copy of the
target right down to having
the same move set."
144,15,1,"あいての ポケモンに へんしん
することで あいてと まったく
おなじ わざが つかえる。"
144,15,3,"상대 포켓몬으로 변신하여
상대와 완전히 똑같은
기술을 사용할 수 있다."
144,15,5,"Le lanceur devient une copie de sa cible et obtient
la même palette de capacités."
144,15,6,"Anwender verwandelt sich in ein Abbild des Zieles
und kann so auf die gleichen Attacken zugreifen."
144,15,7,"El usuario se transforma en una copia del objetivo,
con los mismos movimientos."
144,15,8,"Chi la usa si trasforma in una copia esatta
del bersaglio per sfruttarne le caratteristiche."
144,15,9,"The user transforms into a copy of the
target right down to having
the same move set."
144,15,11,"相手の ポケモンに 変身することで
相手と まったく
同じ 技が 使える。"
145,3,9,"An attack that may
reduce SPEED."
145,4,9,"An attack that may
reduce SPEED."
145,5,9,"An attack using bubbles.
May lower the foe’s SPEED."
145,6,9,"An attack using bubbles.
May lower the foe’s SPEED."
145,7,9,"A spray of bubbles
hits the foe.
It may lower the
foe’s SPEED stat."
145,8,9,"A spray of countless
bubbles is jetted at
the foe.
It may also lower the
target’s Speed stat."
145,9,9,"A spray of countless
bubbles is jetted at
the foe.
It may also lower the
target’s Speed stat."
145,10,9,"A spray of countless
bubbles is jetted at
the foe.
It may also lower the
target’s Speed stat."
145,11,5,"Des bulles frappent l’ennemi.
Peut réduire sa Vitesse."
145,11,9,"A spray of countless bubbles is jetted at
the opposing team. It may also lower the
targets’ Speed stats."
145,14,9,"A spray of countless bubbles is jetted at
the opposing team. It may also lower the
targets’ Speed stats."
145,15,1,"むすうの あわを あいてに ふきかけて
こうげきする。あいての すばやさを
さげることが ある。"
145,15,3,"매우 많은 거품을 상대에게 내뿜어
공격한다. 상대의 스피드를
떨어뜨릴 때가 있다."
145,15,5,"Des bulles frappent l’ennemi.
Peut réduire sa Vitesse."
145,15,6,"Angriff mit Blasen. Initiative-Wert des Zieles
wird eventuell gesenkt."
145,15,7,"Lanza burbujas a los contrincantes y puede reducir
su Velocidad."
145,15,8,"Una pioggia di bolle investe i nemici intorno
e può anche ridurne la Velocità."
145,15,9,"A spray of countless bubbles is jetted at
the opposing Pokémon.
This may also lower their Speed stats."
145,15,11,"無数の 泡を 相手に 吹きかけて
攻撃する。相手の 素早さを
さげることが ある。"
146,3,9,"An attack that may
cause confusion."
146,4,9,"An attack that may
cause confusion."
146,5,9,"A rhythmic punch that may
confuse the foe."
146,6,9,"A rhythmic punch that may
confuse the foe."
146,7,9,"The foe is hit with
a rhythmic punch
that may leave it
146,8,9,"The foe is hit with a
rhythmically launched
punch that may also
leave it confused.
146,9,9,"The foe is hit with
rhythmically launched
punches that may also
leave it confused.
146,10,9,"The foe is hit with
rhythmically launched
punches that may also
leave it confused.
146,11,5,"Un enchaînement de coups de poing
cadencés. Peut aussi rendre confus."
146,11,9,"The target is hit with rhythmically
launched punches that may also
leave it confused."
146,14,9,"The target is hit with rhythmically
launched punches that may also
leave it confused."
146,15,1,"リズミカルに パンチを くりだして
あいてを こうげきする。
こんらん させることが ある。"
146,15,3,"리드미컬한 펀치를 날려
상대를 공격한다.
혼란시킬 때가 있다."
146,15,5,"Un enchaînement de coups de poing cadencés
frappe l’ennemi. Peut aussi le rendre confus."
146,15,6,"Rhythmische Schläge, die das Ziel
verwirren können."
146,15,7,Rítmicos puñetazos que pueden causar confusión.
146,15,8,"Colpisce il bersaglio con una sequenza di pugni
che può anche confonderlo."
146,15,9,"The target is hit with rhythmically
launched punches. This may also
leave the target confused."
146,15,11,"リズミカルに パンチを くりだして
相手を 攻撃する。
混乱させることが ある。"
147,3,9,"A move that
induces sleep."
147,4,9,"A move that
induces sleep."
147,5,9,"Scatters a cloud of spores
that always induce sleep."
147,6,9,"Scatters a cloud of spores
that always induce sleep."
147,7,9,"The user scatters
bursts of fine
spores that induce
147,8,9,"The user scatters
bursts of spores
that induce sleep.

147,9,9,"The user scatters
bursts of spores
that induce sleep.

147,10,9,"The user scatters
bursts of spores
that induce sleep.

147,11,5,"Le lanceur répand un nuage de
spores qui endort."
147,11,9,"The user scatters bursts of spores
that induce sleep."
147,14,9,"The user scatters bursts of spores
that induce sleep."
147,15,1,"さいみん こうかの ある
ほうしを パラパラと ふりまき
あいてを ねむり じょうたいに する。"
147,15,3,"최면 효과가 있는
포자를 훌훌 흩뿌려서
상대를 잠듦 상태로 만든다."
147,15,5,Le lanceur répand un nuage de spores qui endort.
147,15,6,Erzeugt eine Wolke aus einschläfernden Sporen.
147,15,7,Esparce esporas que inducen al sueño.
147,15,8,"Nube di spore che fa sempre addormentare
il bersaglio."
147,15,9,"The user scatters bursts of spores
that induce sleep."
147,15,11,"催眠効果の ある
胞子を パラパラと ふりまき
相手を 眠り状態に する。"
148,3,9,"Blinds the foe to
reduce accuracy."
148,4,9,"Blinds the foe to
reduce accuracy."
148,5,9,"Looses a powerful blast of
light that cuts accuracy."
148,6,9,"Looses a powerful blast of
light that cuts accuracy."
148,7,9,"A blast of light
that cuts the foe’s
accuracy. It also
illuminates caves."
148,8,9,"The user flashes a
light that cuts the
foe’s accuracy.
It can also be used
to illuminate caves."
148,9,9,"The user flashes a
light that cuts the
foe’s accuracy.
It can also be used
to illuminate caves."
148,10,9,"The user flashes a
light that cuts the
foe’s accuracy.
It can also be used
to illuminate caves."
148,11,5,"Explosion lumineuse qui fait baisser la
Précision de l’ennemi. Permet aussi
d’éclairer les grottes."
148,11,9,"The user flashes a bright light that cuts
the target’s accuracy.
It can also be used to illuminate caves."
148,14,9,"The user flashes a bright light that cuts
the target’s accuracy.
It can also be used to illuminate caves."
148,15,1,"まぶしい ひかりで あいての
めいちゅうりつを さげる。
148,15,3,"눈이 부신 빛으로 상대의
명중률을 떨어뜨린다."
148,15,5,"Une explosion lumineuse qui fait baisser la
Précision de l’ennemi."
148,15,6,"Erzeugt helles Licht, das die Genauigkeit
des Zieles senkt."
148,15,7,Luz cegadora que baja la Precisión del objetivo.
148,15,8,"Investe il bersaglio con una luce abbagliante
che ne riduce la precisione."
148,15,9,"The user flashes a bright light that cuts
the target’s accuracy."
148,15,11,"まぶしい 光で 相手の
命中率を さげる。
149,3,9,"An attack with
variable power."
149,4,9,"An attack with
variable power."
149,5,9,"Attacks with a psychic
wave of varying intensity."
149,6,9,"Attacks with a psychic
wave of varying intensity."
149,7,9,"The foe is attacked
with an odd, hot
energy wave that
varies in intensity."
149,8,9,"The foe is attacked
with an odd, hot
energy wave.
The attack varies in
149,9,9,"The foe is attacked
with an odd, hot
energy wave.
The attack varies in
149,10,9,"The foe is attacked
with an odd, hot
energy wave.
The attack varies in
149,11,5,"Une étrange onde d’énergie chaude
frappe l’ennemi. Cette attaque est
d’intensité variable."
149,11,9,"The target is attacked with an odd 
psychic wave.
The attack varies in intensity."
149,14,9,"The target is attacked with an odd
psychic wave.
The attack varies in intensity."
149,15,1,"ふしぎな ねんぱを
あいてに はっしゃして こうげきする。
つかう たびに ダメージが かわる。"
149,15,3,"이상한 염력파를
상대에게 발사하여 공격한다.
사용할 때마다 데미지가 바뀐다."
149,15,5,"Une étrange onde d’énergie chaude frappe
l’ennemi. Cette attaque est d’intensité variable."
149,15,6,"Anwender erzeugt eine mysteriöse Energiewelle,
deren Intensität von Mal zu Mal anders ausfällt."
149,15,7,"Ataque con una onda de energía de intensidad
149,15,8,"Colpisce il bersaglio con una strana onda psichica.
Ha un’intensità variabile."
149,15,9,"The target is attacked with an odd
psychic wave.
The attack varies in intensity."
149,15,11,"不思議な 念波を
相手に 発射して 攻撃する。
使うたびに ダメージが 変わる。"
150,3,9,"Has no effect
150,4,9,"Has no effect
150,5,9,"It’s just a splash...
Has no effect whatsoever."
150,6,9,"It’s just a splash...
Has no effect whatsoever."
150,7,9,"The user just flops
and splashes around
without having any
150,8,9,"The user just flops
and splashes around
to no effect at all...

150,9,9,"The user just flops
and splashes around
to no effect at all...

150,10,9,"The user just flops
and splashes around
to no effect at all...

150,11,5,"Le lanceur barbote et éclabousse les
environs. Cette capacité n’a aucun effet."
150,11,9,"The user just flops and splashes around
to no effect at all..."
150,14,9,"The user just flops and splashes around
to no effect at all..."
150,15,1,"こうげきも せずに ピョン ピョンと
はねるだけで なにも おこらない……。
150,15,3,"공격도 하지 않고 팔딱팔딱 튈 뿐
아무 일도 일어나지 않는다..."
150,15,5,"Le lanceur barbote et éclabousse les environs.
Cette capacité n’a aucun effet."
150,15,6,"Nur ein Platscher, der überhaupt nichts bewirkt."
150,15,7,No tiene ningún efecto. Solo salpica.
150,15,8,"Chi la usa sguazza nell’acqua, senza ottenere
alcun effetto."
150,15,9,"The user just flops and splashes around
to no effect at all..."
150,15,11,"攻撃もせずに ピョン ピョンと
跳ねるだけで なにも おこらない……。
151,3,9,"Sharply raises the
user's DEFENSE."
151,4,9,"Sharply raises the
user's DEFENSE."
151,5,9,"Liquifies the user’s body
to sharply raise DEFENSE."
151,6,9,"Liquifies the user’s body
to sharply raise DEFENSE."
151,7,9,"The user alters its
cells to liquefy
itself and sharply
raise DEFENSE."
151,8,9,"The user alters its
cellular structure to
liquefy itself,
sharply raising its
Defense stat."
151,9,9,"The user alters its
cellular structure to
liquefy itself,
sharply raising its
Defense stat."
151,10,9,"The user alters its
cellular structure to
liquefy itself,
sharply raising its
Defense stat."
151,11,5,"Le lanceur modifie sa structure
moléculaire pour se liquéfier et
augmenter fortement sa Défense."
151,11,9,"The user alters its cellular structure to
liquefy itself, sharply raising its
Defense stat."
151,14,9,"The user alters its cellular structure to
liquefy itself, sharply raising its
Defense stat."
151,15,1,"さいぼうの へんかで えきじょうに なり
じぶんの ぼうぎょを ぐーんと あげる。
151,15,3,"세포의 변화로 액체가 되어
자신의 방어를 크게 올린다."
151,15,5,"Le lanceur modifie sa structure moléculaire pour se
liquéfier et augmenter fortement sa Défense."
151,15,6,"Verflüssigt Körperzellen des Anwenders.
Erhöht den Verteidigungs-Wert stark."
151,15,7,"Transforma la estructura celular para hacerse
líquido y aumenta mucho la Defensa."
151,15,8,"Chi la usa altera la sua struttura cellulare passando
allo stato liquido. La Difesa sale di molto."
151,15,9,"The user alters its cellular structure to
liquefy itself, sharply raising its
Defense stat."
151,15,11,"細胞の 変化で 液状に なり
自分の 防御を ぐーんと あげる。
152,3,9,"Has a high criti­
cal hit ratio."
152,4,9,"Has a high criti­
cal hit ratio."
152,5,9,"Hammers with a pincer. Has a
high critical-hit ratio."
152,6,9,"Hammers with a pincer. Has a
high critical-hit ratio."
152,7,9,"A large pincer is
used to hammer the
foe. It has a high
critical-hit ratio."
152,8,9,"The foe is hammered
with a large pincer.
This move has a high
critical-hit ratio.
152,9,9,"The foe is hammered
with a large pincer.
This move has a high
critical-hit ratio.
152,10,9,"The foe is hammered
with a large pincer.
This move has a high
critical-hit ratio.
152,11,5,"Une grande pince martèle l’ennemi.
Taux de critiques élevé."
152,11,9,"The target is hammered with a large pincer.
Critical hits land more easily."
152,14,9,"The target is hammered with a large pincer.
Critical hits land more easily."
152,15,1,"おおきな ハサミを
あいてに たたきつけて こうげきする。
きゅうしょに あたりやすい。"
152,15,3,"큰 집게를
상대에게 내리쳐서 공격한다.
급소에 맞기 쉽다."
152,15,5,"Une grande pince martèle l’ennemi.
Taux de critiques élevé."
152,15,6,Schlägt mit Schere zu. Hohe Volltrefferquote.
152,15,7,"Golpea con fuerza con una pinza enorme.
Suele ser crítico."
152,15,8,"Danneggia il bersaglio servendosi di una grande
tenaglia. Probabile brutto colpo."
152,15,9,"The target is hammered with a large pincer.
Critical hits land more easily."
152,15,11,"大きな ハサミを
相手に たたきつけて 攻撃する。
急所に 当たりやすい。"
153,3,9,"Very powerful but
makes user faint."
153,4,9,"Very powerful but
makes user faint."
153,5,9,"Inflicts severe damage but
makes the user faint."
153,6,9,"Inflicts severe damage but
makes the user faint."
153,7,9,"The user explodes
to inflict terrible
damage even while
fainting itself."
153,8,9,"The user explodes to
inflict damage on all
Pokémon in battle.
The user faints upon
using this move."
153,9,9,"The user explodes to
inflict damage on all
Pokémon in battle.
The user faints upon
using this move."
153,10,9,"The user explodes to
inflict damage on all
Pokémon in battle.
The user faints upon
using this move."
153,11,5,"Le lanceur explose et inflige des
dégâts à tous les Pokémon autour
de lui. Met K.O. le lanceur."
153,11,9,"The user explodes to inflict damage on
those around it.
The user faints upon using this move."
153,14,9,"The user explodes to inflict damage on
those around it.
The user faints upon using this move."
153,15,1,"おおきな ばくはつで じぶんの
まわりに いるものを こうげきする。
つかった あとに ひんしに なる。"
153,15,3,"큰 폭발로 자신의
주위에 있는 포켓몬을 공격한다.
쓰고 나서는 기절한다."
153,15,5,"Le lanceur explose et inflige des dégâts à tous
les Pokémon autour de lui. Met K.O. le lanceur."
153,15,6,"Anwender explodiert, richtet bei allen Pokémon
in seiner Umgebung großen Schaden an und
wird besiegt."
153,15,7,"El atacante causa una grandísima explosión y hiere
a todos a su alrededor. El usuario se debilita de
153,15,8,"Chi la usa esplode per infliggere danni
agli altri Pokémon attorno, ma va KO."
153,15,9,"The user attacks everything around it
by causing a tremendous explosion.
The user faints upon using this move."
153,15,11,"大きな 爆発で 自分の
周りに いるものを 攻撃する。
使ったあとに ひんしに なる。"
154,3,9,"Quickly scratches
2-5 times."
154,4,9,"Quickly scratches
2-5 times."
154,5,9,"Rakes the foe with sharp
claws, etc., 2 to 5 times."
154,6,9,"Rakes the foe with sharp
claws, etc., 2 to 5 times."
154,7,9,"The foe is raked
with sharp claws or
scythes two to five
154,8,9,"The foe is raked with
sharp claws or
scythes for two to
five times in quick
154,9,9,"The foe is raked with
sharp claws or
scythes for two to
five times in quick
154,10,9,"The foe is raked with
sharp claws or
scythes for two to
five times in quick
154,11,5,"L’ennemi est lacéré par des faux
ou des griffes de 2 à 5 fois."
154,11,9,"The target is raked with sharp claws or
scythes for two to five times in
quick succession."
154,14,9,"The target is raked with sharp claws or
scythes for two to five times in
quick succession."
154,15,1,"ツメや カマなどで
あいてを ひっかいて こうげきする。
2ー5かいの あいだ れんぞくで だす。"
154,15,3,"손톱이나 낫 등으로
상대를 할퀴어서 공격한다.
2-5회 동안 연속으로 쓴다."
154,15,5,"L’ennemi est lacéré par des faux ou des griffes
de deux à cinq fois d’affilée."
154,15,6,"Beharkt das Ziel zwei- bis fünfmal
mit scharfen Klauen oder Sicheln."
154,15,7,Araña rápidamente de dos a cinco veces.
154,15,8,"Colpisce il bersaglio con artigli o falci affilate
da due a cinque volte in rapida successione."
154,15,9,"The target is raked with sharp claws or
scythes quickly two to five times in a row."
154,15,11,"ツメや カマなどで
相手を ひっかいて 攻撃する。
2ー5回の あいだ 連続で だす。"
155,3,9,"An attack that
strikes twice."
155,4,9,"An attack that
strikes twice."
155,5,9,"Throws a bone boomerang
that strikes twice."
155,6,9,"Throws a bone boomerang
that strikes twice."
155,7,9,"The user throws a
bone that hits the
foe once, then once
again on return."
155,8,9,"The user throws the
bone it holds. The
bone loops to hit the
foe twice, coming and
155,9,9,"The user throws the
bone it holds. The
bone loops to hit the
foe twice, coming and
155,10,9,"The user throws the
bone it holds. The
bone loops to hit the
foe twice, coming and
155,11,5,"Le lanceur projette son os comme un
boomerang. Cette attaque frappe à
l’aller et au retour."
155,11,9,"The user throws the bone it holds. The
bone loops to hit the target twice,
coming and going."
155,14,9,"The user throws the bone it holds. The
bone loops to hit the target twice,
coming and going."
155,15,1,"てに もった ホネを あいてに なげつけ
いきと かえりで 2かい れんぞくで
ダメージを あたえる。"
155,15,3,"손에 들고 있는 뼈를 상대에게 날려서
날아갈 때와 돌아올 때 2회 연속
데미지를 준다."
155,15,5,"Le lanceur projette son os comme un boomerang.
Cette attaque frappe à l’aller et au retour."
155,15,6,"Ein Bumerang aus Knochen, der zweimal trifft."
155,15,7,"Lanza un hueso a modo de bumerán que golpea
dos veces."
155,15,8,"Chi la usa lancia l’osso che tiene. L’osso
colpisce due volte e ritorna come un vero
e proprio boomerang."
155,15,9,"The user throws the bone it holds. The
bone loops to hit the target twice,
coming and going."
155,15,11,"手に 持った ホネを 相手に 投げつけ
行きと 帰りの 2回連続で
ダメージを 与える。"
156,3,9,"Sleep for 2 turns
to fully recover."
156,4,9,"Sleep for 2 turns
to fully recover."
156,5,9,"The user sleeps for 2 turns,
restoring HP and status."
156,6,9,"The user sleeps for 2 turns,
restoring HP and status."
156,7,9,"The user sleeps for
two turns to fully
restore HP and heal
any status problem."
156,8,9,"The user goes to
sleep for two turns.
It fully restores the
user’s HP and heals
any status problem."
156,9,9,"The user goes to
sleep for two turns.
It fully restores the
user’s HP and heals
any status problem."
156,10,9,"The user goes to
sleep for two turns.
It fully restores the
user’s HP and heals
any status problem."
156,11,5,"Le lanceur dort pendant 2 tours. Il
regagne tous ses PV et n’a plus de
problèmes de statut."
156,11,9,"The user goes to sleep for two turns.
It fully restores the user’s HP and heals
any status problem."
156,14,9,"The user goes to sleep for two turns.
It fully restores the user’s HP and heals
any status problem."
156,15,1,"2ターンの あいだ ねむり つづける。
じぶんの HPと じょうたいいじょうを
すべて かいふく する。"
156,15,3,"2턴 동안 계속 잠잔다.
자신의 HP와 상태 이상을
모두 회복한다."
156,15,5,"Le lanceur regagne tous ses PV et soigne ses
problèmes de statut, puis il dort pendant deux
156,15,6,"Anwender wird vollkommen geheilt und schläft
die folgenden zwei Runden."
156,15,7,"Restaura todos los PS y cura todos los problemas
de estado del usuario. Duerme los dos próximos
156,15,8,"Chi la usa recupera tutti i PS e guarisce da tutti
i suoi problemi di stato, ma dorme per due turni."
156,15,9,"The user goes to sleep for two turns.
This fully restores the user’s HP and
heals any status conditions."
156,15,11,"2ターンの あいだ 眠り続ける。
自分の HPと 状態異常を
すべて 回復する。"
157,3,9,"An attack that may
cause flinching."
157,4,9,"An attack that may
cause flinching."
157,5,9,"Large boulders are hurled.
May cause flinching."
157,6,9,"Large boulders are hurled.
May cause flinching."
157,7,9,"Large boulders are
hurled at the foe.
It may make the
foe flinch."
157,8,9,"Large boulders are
hurled at the foe to
inflict damage.
It may also make the
target flinch."
157,9,9,"Large boulders are
hurled at the foe to
inflict damage.
It may also make the
target flinch."
157,10,9,"Large boulders are
hurled at the foe to
inflict damage.
It may also make the
target flinch."
157,11,5,"Envoie de gros rochers sur l’ennemi
pour infliger des dégâts.
Peut aussi l’apeurer."
157,11,9,"Large boulders are hurled at the opposing
team to inflict damage. It may also make
the targets flinch."
157,14,9,"Large boulders are hurled at the opposing
team to inflict damage. It may also make
the targets flinch."
157,15,1,"おおきな いわを
はげしく ぶつけて こうげきする。
あいてを ひるませる ことが ある。"
157,15,3,"큰 바위를
세차게 부딪쳐서 공격한다.
상대를 풀죽게 만들 때가 있다."
157,15,5,"Envoie de gros rochers sur l’ennemi pour infliger
des dégâts. Peut aussi l’apeurer."
157,15,6,"Schleudert riesige Felsen auf Ziele in der
Umgebung, die eventuell zurückschrecken."
157,15,7,"Lanza grandes pedruscos. Puede hacer retroceder
a los rivales."
157,15,8,"I nemici intorno a chi la usa vengono colpiti da
grandi massi che possono anche farli tentennare."
157,15,9,"Large boulders are hurled at the opposing
Pokémon to inflict damage. This may also make
the opposing Pokémon flinch."
157,15,11,"大きな 岩を
激しく ぶつけて 攻撃する。
相手を ひるませることが ある。"
158,3,9,"An attack that may
cause flinching."
158,4,9,"An attack that may
cause flinching."
158,5,9,"Attacks with sharp fangs.
May cause flinching."
158,6,9,"Attacks with sharp fangs.
May cause flinching."
158,7,9,"The foe is attacked
with sharp fangs.
It may make the
foe flinch."
158,8,9,"The user bites hard
on the foe with its
sharp front fangs.
It may also make the
target flinch."
158,9,9,"The user bites hard
on the foe with its
sharp front fangs.
It may also make the
target flinch."
158,10,9,"The user bites hard
on the foe with its
sharp front fangs.
It may also make the
target flinch."
158,11,5,"Le lanceur mord l’ennemi à l’aide de
ses incisives aiguisées. Peut aussi
apeurer l’ennemi."
158,11,9,"The user bites hard on the target
with its sharp front fangs.
It may also make the target flinch."
158,14,9,"The user bites hard on the target
with its sharp front fangs.
It may also make the target flinch."
158,15,1,"するどい まえばで
つよく かみついて こうげきする。
あいてを ひるませる ことが ある。"
158,15,3,"날카로운 앞니로
강하게 물어서 공격한다.
상대를 풀죽게 만들 때가 있다."
158,15,5,"Le lanceur mord l’ennemi à l’aide de ses incisives
aiguisées. Peut aussi l’apeurer."
158,15,6,"Angriff mit scharfen Reißzähnen.
Ziel schreckt eventuell zurück."
158,15,7,"Ataque con finos colmillos. Puede hacer retroceder
al objetivo."
158,15,8,"Chi la usa morde il bersaglio con i suoi incisivi
affilati. Può anche farlo tentennare."
158,15,9,"The user bites hard on the target
with its sharp front fangs.
This may also make the target flinch."
158,15,11,"鋭い 前歯で
強く かみついて 攻撃する。
相手を ひるませることが ある。"
159,3,9,"A move that raises
the user's ATTACK."
159,4,9,"A move that raises
the user's ATTACK."
159,5,9,"Reduces the polygon count
and raises ATTACK."
159,6,9,"Reduces the polygon count
and raises ATTACK."
159,7,9,"The user reduces
its polygon count
to sharpen edges
and raise ATTACK."
159,8,9,"The user reduces its
polygon count to
make itself more
jagged, raising the
Attack stat."
159,9,9,"The user reduces its
polygon count to
make itself more
jagged, raising the
Attack stat."
159,10,9,"The user reduces its
polygon count to
make itself more
jagged, raising the
Attack stat."
159,11,5,"Le lanceur réduit son nombre de polygones
pour accentuer ses angles et augmenter
son Attaque."
159,11,9,"The user reduces its polygon count to
make itself more jagged, raising the
Attack stat."
159,14,9,"The user reduces its polygon count to
make itself more jagged, raising the
Attack stat."
159,15,1,"からだの かどを ふやして
カクカクに なることで
じぶんの こうげきを あげる。"
159,15,3,"몸의 각을 늘려서
더욱 각지게 하여
자신의 공격을 올린다."
159,15,5,"Le lanceur réduit son nombre de polygones pour
accentuer ses angles et augmenter son Attaque."
159,15,6,"Anwender senkt die Polygonzahl, um Kanten
zu erzeugen, die den Angriffs-Wert erhöhen."
159,15,7,"El perfil del usuario se hace más afilado y su
Ataque mejora."
159,15,8,"Chi la usa riduce il numero di poligoni sul
proprio corpo per accentuarne gli spigoli
e aumentare l’Attacco."
159,15,9,"The user lowers its polygon count to
make itself more jagged, raising the
Attack stat."
159,15,11,"体の かどを 増やして
カクカクに なることで
自分の 攻撃を あげる。"
160,3,9,"Change user's type
to a move's type."
160,4,9,"Change user's type
to a move's type."
160,5,9,"Changes the user’s type
into an own move’s type."
160,6,9,"Changes the user’s type
into a known move’s type."
160,7,9,"The user changes
its type to match
the type of one of
its moves."
160,8,9,"The user changes its
type to become the
same type as one of
its moves.
160,9,9,"The user changes its
type to become the
same type as one of
its moves.
160,10,9,"The user changes its
type to become the
same type as one of
its moves.
160,11,5,"Le lanceur change de type pour prendre
celui de l’une de ses capacités."
160,11,9,"The user changes its type to become the
same type as one of its moves."
160,14,9,"The user changes its type to become the
same type as one of its moves."
160,15,1,"じぶんの タイプを
おぼえている わざで いちばん うえの
わざと おなじ タイプに する。"
160,15,3,"자신의 타입을 배운 기술 중
가장 위에 있는 기술과
같은 타입으로 바꾼다."
160,15,5,"Le lanceur change de type pour prendre celui
de la première capacité de sa liste."
160,15,6,"Wandelt den Typ des Anwenders in den Typ
der ersten Attacke des Anwenders um."
160,15,7,"Cambia el tipo del usuario por el del primero de
sus movimientos."
160,15,8,"Il tipo di chi la usa muta in quello della prima
mossa nella lista delle sue mosse."
160,15,9,"The user changes its type to become the
same type as the move at the top of the
list of moves it knows."
160,15,11,"自分の タイプを
おぼえている 技で 一番 上の
技と 同じ タイプに する。"
161,3,9,"Fires three kinds
of beams at once."
161,4,9,"Fires three kinds
of beams at once."
161,5,9,"Fires three types of beams
at the same time."
161,6,9,"Fires three types of beams
at the same time."
161,7,9,"A simultaneous
3-beam attack that
may paralyze, burn,
or freeze the foe."
161,8,9,"The user strikes with
a simultaneous three-
beam attack. May also
paralyze, burn, or
freeze the target."
161,9,9,"The user strikes with
a simultaneous three-
beam attack. May also
paralyze, burn, or
freeze the target."
161,10,9,"The user strikes with
a simultaneous three-
beam attack. May also
paralyze, burn, or
freeze the target."
161,11,5,"Le lanceur envoie trois boules d’énergie
simultanément. Peut aussi paralyser,
brûler ou geler l’ennemi."
161,11,9,"The user strikes with a simultaneous
three-beam attack. May also burn, freeze,
or leave the target with paralysis."
161,14,9,"The user strikes with a simultaneous
three-beam attack. May also burn, freeze,
or leave the target with paralysis."
161,15,1,"3つの こうせんで こうげきする。
まひか やけどか こおりじょうたいの
どれかに することが ある。"
161,15,3,"3개의 광선으로 공격한다.
마비, 화상 또는 얼음 상태 중
어느 하나로 만들 때가 있다."
161,15,5,"Le lanceur envoie trois boules d’énergie
simultanément. Peut aussi paralyser, brûler ou
geler l’ennemi."
161,15,6,"Feuert drei Strahlen ab. Verursacht eventuell
Paralyse, Verbrennung oder Einfrieren."
161,15,7,"Ataque triple que puede paralizar, quemar o
congelar al objetivo."
161,15,8,"Colpisce il bersaglio con tre sfere simultanee che
possono paralizzarlo, scottarlo o congelarlo."
161,15,9,"The user strikes with a simultaneous
three-beam attack. May also burn, freeze,
or leave the target with paralysis."
161,15,11,"3つの 光線で 攻撃する。
まひか やけどか こおり状態の
どれかに することが ある。"
162,3,9,"Cuts the foe's HP
by 1/2."
162,4,9,"Cuts the foe's HP
by 1/2."
162,5,9,"Attacks with sharp fangs
and cuts half the foe’s HP."
162,6,9,"Attacks with sharp fangs
and cuts half the foe’s HP."
162,7,9,"The user attacks
with sharp fangs
and halves the
foe’s HP."
162,8,9,"The user chomps hard
on the foe with its
sharp front fangs.
It cuts the target’s
HP to half."
162,9,9,"The user chomps hard
on the foe with its
sharp front fangs.
It cuts the target’s
HP to half."
162,10,9,"The user chomps hard
on the foe with its
sharp front fangs.
It cuts the target’s
HP to half."
162,11,5,"Une vilaine morsure d’incisives qui réduit
de moitié les PV de l’ennemi."
162,11,9,"The user chomps hard on the
target with its sharp front fangs.
It cuts the target’s HP to half."
162,14,9,"The user chomps hard on the
target with its sharp front fangs.
It cuts the target’s HP to half."
162,15,1,"するどい まえばで
はげしく かみついて こうげきする。
あいての HPは はんぶんに なる。"
162,15,3,"날카로운 앞니로
강하게 물어서 공격한다.
상대의 HP는 절반이 된다."
162,15,5,"Une vilaine morsure d’incisives qui réduit de moitié
les PV de l’ennemi."
162,15,6,"Greift mit scharfen Reißzähnen an.
KP des Zieles werden halbiert."
162,15,7,"Finos colmillos que reducen a la mitad los PS del
162,15,8,"Chi la usa salta sul bersaglio azzannandolo
con i suoi incisivi affilati e facendogli perdere
metà dei PS."
162,15,9,"The user chomps hard on the
target with its sharp front fangs.
This cuts the target’s HP in half."
162,15,11,"鋭い 前歯で
激しく かみついて 攻撃する。
相手の HPは 半分に なる。"
163,3,9,"Has a high criti­
cal hit ratio."
163,4,9,"Has a high criti­
cal hit ratio."
163,5,9,"Slashes with claws, etc. Has
a high critical-hit ratio."
163,6,9,"Slashes with claws, etc. Has
a high critical-hit ratio."
163,7,9,"The foe is slashed
with claws, etc.
It has a high
critical-hit ratio."
163,8,9,"The foe is attacked
with a slash of
claws, etc.
It has a high
critical-hit ratio."
163,9,9,"The foe is attacked
with a slash of
claws, etc.
It has a high
critical-hit ratio."
163,10,9,"The foe is attacked
with a slash of
claws, etc.
It has a high
critical-hit ratio."
163,11,5,"Un coup de griffe ou autre tranche
l’ennemi. Taux de critiques élevé."
163,11,9,"The target is attacked with a slash
of claws or blades.
Critical hits land more easily."
163,14,9,"The target is attacked with a slash
of claws or blades.
Critical hits land more easily."
163,15,1,"ツメや カマ などで
あいてを きりさいて こうげきする。
きゅうしょに あたりやすい。"
163,15,3,"발톱이나 낫 등으로
상대를 베어 갈라서 공격한다.
급소에 맞기 쉽다."
163,15,5,"Un coup de griffe ou autre tranche l’ennemi.
Taux de critiques élevé."
163,15,6,"Hieb mit Klauen oder Ähnlichem.
Hohe Volltrefferquote."
163,15,7,"Ataca con cuchillas o con pinzas. Suele dar un
golpe crítico."
163,15,8,"Attacca il bersaglio con artigli, falci o altro.
Probabile brutto colpo."
163,15,9,"The target is attacked with a slash
of claws or blades.
Critical hits land more easily."
163,15,11,"ツメや カマなどで
相手を 切り裂いて 攻撃する。
急所に 当たりやすい。"
164,3,9,"Makes a decoy with
1/4 user's max HP."
164,4,9,"Makes a decoy with
1/4 user's max HP."
164,5,9,"Creates a decoy using 1/4
of the user’s maximum HP."
164,6,9,"Creates a decoy using 1/4
of the user’s maximum HP."
164,7,9,"The user creates a
decoy using one-
quarter of its full
164,8,9,"The user makes a
copy of itself using
some of its HP.
The copy serves as
the user’s decoy."
164,9,9,"The user makes a
copy of itself using
some of its HP.
The copy serves as
the user’s decoy."
164,10,9,"The user makes a
copy of itself using
some of its HP.
The copy serves as
the user’s decoy."
164,11,5,"Le lanceur fait une copie de lui-même en
sacrifiant quelques PV. La copie sert de
164,11,9,"The user makes a copy of itself using
some of its HP.
The copy serves as the user’s decoy."
164,14,9,"The user makes a copy of itself using
some of its HP.
The copy serves as the user’s decoy."
164,15,1,"じぶんの HPを すこし けずって
ぶんしんを だす。
ぶんしんは じぶんの みがわりに なる。"
164,15,3,"자신의 HP를 조금 깎아서
분신을 만든다.
분신은 자신의 대타가 된다."
164,15,5,"Le lanceur fait une copie de lui-même en sacrifiant
quelques PV. La copie sert de leurre."
164,15,6,"Anwender setzt eine kleine Menge an KP ein,
um einen Doppelgänger zu erzeugen,
der für ihn Schläge einsteckt."
164,15,7,"Utiliza parte de los PS propios para crear un
sustituto que actúa como señuelo."
164,15,8,"Chi la usa crea una copia di se stesso usando
alcuni PS. La copia serve come esca per il nemico."
164,15,9,"The user makes a copy of itself using
some of its HP.
The copy serves as the user’s decoy."
164,15,11,"自分の HPを 少し 削って
分身を だす。
分身は 自分の 身代わりに なる。"
165,3,9,"Used only if all
PP are exhausted."
165,4,9,"Used only if all
PP are exhausted."
165,5,9,"Used only if all PP are gone.
Also hurts the user a little."
165,6,9,"Used only if all PP are gone.
Also hurts the user a little."
165,7,9,"An attack that is
used only if there
is no PP. It also
hurts the user."
165,8,9,"An attack that is
used in desperation
only if the user has
no PP. It also hurts
the user slightly."
165,9,9,"An attack that is
used in desperation
only if the user has
no PP. It also hurts
the user slightly."
165,10,9,"An attack that is
used in desperation
only if the user has
no PP. It also hurts
the user slightly."
165,11,5,"Une attaque désespérée, lancée
quand le lanceur n’a plus de PP.
Le blesse aussi légèrement."
165,11,9,"An attack that is used in desperation
only if the user has no PP. It also hurts
the user slightly."
165,14,9,"An attack that is used in desperation
only if the user has no PP. It also hurts
the user slightly."
165,15,1,"じぶんの PPが なくなると
あがいて あいてを こうげきする。
じぶんも すこし ダメージを うける。"
165,15,3,"자신의 PP가 떨어지면
발버둥 쳐 상대를 공격한다.
자신도 조금 데미지를 입는다."
165,15,5,"Une attaque désespérée, utilisée quand le lanceur
n’a plus de PP. Le blesse aussi légèrement."
165,15,6,"Angriff nur bei verbrauchten AP.
Anwender verletzt sich selbst leicht."
165,15,7,"Solo se usa como último recurso al acabarse los
PP. Hiere un poco al agresor."
165,15,8,"Mossa da usare solo in caso estremo, quando
non si hanno più PP. Danneggia anche chi la usa."
165,15,9,"An attack that is used in desperation
only if the user has no PP. This also
damages the user a little."
165,15,11,"自分の PPが なくなると
あがいて 相手を 攻撃する。
自分も 少し ダメージを 受ける。"
166,3,9,"Copies the foe's
move permanently."
166,4,9,"Copies the foe's
move permanently."
166,5,9,"Copies the foe’s last move
166,6,9,"Copies the foe’s last move
166,7,9,"This move copies
the move last used
by the foe, then
166,8,9,"It enables the user
to learn a move used
by the foe.
Once used, the move
Sketch disappears."
166,9,9,"It enables the user
to learn a move used
by the foe.
Once used, the move
Sketch disappears."
166,10,9,"It enables the user
to permanently learn
the move last used by
the foe. Once used,
Sketch disappears."
166,11,5,"Le lanceur apprend le dernier coup
utilisé par la cible. Gribouille disparaît
après utilisation."
166,11,9,"It enables the user to permanently learn
the move last used by the target.
Once used, Sketch disappears."
166,14,9,"It enables the user to permanently learn
the move last used by the target.
Once used, Sketch disappears."
166,15,1,"あいてが つかった わざを
じぶんの ものに する。
1かい つかうと スケッチは きえる。"
166,15,3,"상대가 쓴 기술을
자신의 것으로 만든다.
한 번 사용하면 스케치는 사라진다."
166,15,5,"Le lanceur apprend le dernier coup utilisé par la
cible. Gribouille disparaît après utilisation."
166,15,6,"Anwender lernt die letzte Attacke des Zieles
dauerhaft. Nachahmer verschwindet nach
166,15,7,"Aprende de forma permanente el último movimiento
utilizado por el objetivo. Es de un solo uso."
166,15,8,"Permette a chi la usa di imparare l’ultima mossa
usata dal bersaglio. La nuova mossa appresa
sostituisce Schizzo."
166,15,9,"It enables the user to permanently learn
the move last used by the target.
Once used, Sketch disappears."
166,15,11,"相手が 使った 技を
自分の ものに する。
1回 使うと スケッチは 消える。"
167,3,9,"Hits three times
with rising power."
167,4,9,"Hits three times
with rising power."
167,5,9,"Kicks the foe 3 times in a
row with rising intensity."
167,6,9,"Kicks the foe 3 times in a
row with rising intensity."
167,7,9,"A 3-kick attack
that becomes more
powerful with each
successive hit."
167,8,9,"A consecutive three-
kick attack that
becomes more
powerful with each 
successive hit."
167,9,9,"A consecutive three-
kick attack that
becomes more
powerful with each 
successive hit."
167,10,9,"A consecutive three-
kick attack that
becomes more
powerful with each 
successive hit."
167,11,5,"Une salve de 1 à 3 coups de pied dont la
puissance augmente à chaque coup porté."
167,11,9,"A consecutive three-kick attack that
becomes more powerful with each 
successive hit."
167,14,9,"A consecutive three-kick attack that
becomes more powerful with each
successive hit."
167,15,1,"3かい れんぞくで キックを くりだして
こうげきする。わざが あたる たびに
いりょくは あがる。"
167,15,3,"3회 연속으로 킥을 날려
공격한다. 기술이 맞을 때마다
위력이 올라간다."
167,15,5,"Une salve de un à trois coups de pied dont
la puissance augmente à chaque coup porté."
167,15,6,"Tritt das Ziel ein- bis dreimal nacheinander.
Die Härte der Tritte nimmt von Treffer zu Treffer zu."
167,15,7,"Patea hasta tres veces seguidas y cada vez más
167,15,8,"Chi la usa sferra fino a tre calci consecutivi
la cui potenza aumenta a ogni colpo."
167,15,9,"A consecutive three-kick attack that
becomes more powerful with each
successive hit."
167,15,11,"3回連続で キックを くりだして
攻撃する。技が 当たるたびに
威力は あがる。"
168,3,9,"An attack that may
steal a held item."
168,4,9,"An attack that may
steal a held item."
168,5,9,"While attacking, it may
steal the foe’s held item."
168,6,9,"While attacking, it may
steal the foe’s held item."
168,7,9,"An attack that may
take the foe’s held
item if the user
isn’t holding one."
168,8,9,"The user attacks and
steals the foe’s held
item simultaneously.
It can’t steal if the
user holds an item."
168,9,9,"The user attacks and
steals the foe’s held
item simultaneously.
It can’t steal if the
user holds an item."
168,10,9,"The user attacks and
steals the foe’s held
item simultaneously.
It can’t steal if the
user holds an item."
168,11,5,"Le lanceur attaque la cible et vole
son objet. Le lanceur ne peut rien
voler s’il tient déjà un objet."
168,11,9,"The user attacks and steals the target’s
held item simultaneously.
It can’t steal if the user holds an item."
168,14,9,"The user attacks and steals the target’s
held item simultaneously.
It can’t steal if the user holds an item."
168,15,1,"こうげきと どうじに どうぐを ぬすむ。
じぶんが どうぐを もっている ばあいは
168,15,3,"공격과 동시에 도구를 훔친다.
자신이 도구를 지니고 있을 경우에는
훔칠 수 없다."
168,15,5,"Le lanceur attaque la cible et vole son objet.
Le lanceur ne peut rien voler s’il tient déjà
un objet."
168,15,6,"Erlaubt es, das Item des Zieles zu stehlen,
solang der Anwender selbst keins bei sich trägt."
168,15,7,"Ataca y le quita al objetivo el objeto que lleve.
Si el agresor lleva un objeto, no robará el del
168,15,8,"Chi la usa attacca il bersaglio e può rubargli
lo strumento, se non ne ha già uno."
168,15,9,"The user attacks and steals the target’s
held item simultaneously. The user can’t
steal anything if it already holds an item."
168,15,11,"攻撃と 同時に 道具を 盗む。
自分が 道具を 持っている 場合は
169,3,9,"Prevents fleeing
or switching."
169,4,9,"Prevents fleeing
or switching."
169,5,9,"Ensnares the foe to stop it
from fleeing or switching."
169,6,9,"Ensnares the foe to stop it
from fleeing or switching."
169,7,9,"Ensnares the foe 
with sticky string
so it doesn’t flee
or switch out."
169,8,9,"The user ensnares
the foe with a thin,
gooey silk so it can’t
flee from battle.
169,9,9,"The user ensnares
the foe with a thin,
gooey silk so it can’t
flee from battle.
169,10,9,"The user ensnares
the foe with a thin,
gooey silk so it can’t
flee from battle.
169,11,5,"Le lanceur enserre l’ennemi à l’aide d’une
fine soie gluante pour l’empêcher de fuir
le combat."
169,11,9,"The user ensnares the target with thin,
gooey silk so it can’t flee from battle."
169,14,9,"The user ensnares the target with thin,
gooey silk so it can’t flee from battle."
169,15,1,"ネバネバした ほそい いとを
グルグルと からませて あいてを
せんとうから にげられなく する。"
169,15,3,"끈적끈적하고 가는 실을
칭칭 휘감아 상대를
배틀에서 도망칠 수 없게 한다."
169,15,5,"Le lanceur enserre l’ennemi à l’aide d’une fine
soie gluante pour l’empêcher de fuir le combat."
169,15,6,"Wickelt das Ziel ein. Flucht oder Tausch
169,15,7,"Enreda al objetivo para evitar que abandone la
169,15,8,"Copre il bersaglio con un filo di seta sottile e
appiccicoso. Il Pokémon colpito non può fuggire."
169,15,9,"The user ensnares the target with thin,
gooey silk so it can’t flee from battle."
169,15,11,"ネバネバした 細い 糸を
グルグルと からませて 相手を
戦闘から 逃げられなくする。"
170,3,9,"Ensures the next
attack will hit."
170,4,9,"Ensures the next
attack will hit."
170,5,9,"Senses the foe’s action to
ensure the next move’s hit."
170,6,9,"Senses the foe’s action to
ensure the next move’s hit."
170,7,9,"The user predicts
the foe’s action to
ensure its next
attack hits."
170,8,9,"The user senses the
foe’s movements
with its mind to
ensure its next
attack does not miss."
170,9,9,"The user senses the
foe’s movements
with its mind to
ensure its next
attack does not miss."
170,10,9,"The user senses the
foe’s movements
with its mind to
ensure its next
attack does not miss."
170,11,5,"Le lanceur analyse les mouvements de
l’ennemi pour être sûr de toucher
au coup suivant."
170,11,9,"The user senses the target’s movements
with its mind to ensure its next
attack does not miss the target."
170,14,9,"The user senses the target’s movements
with its mind to ensure its next
attack does not miss the target."
170,15,1,"あいての うごきを こころで かんじて
つぎの こうげきが かならず
あいてに あたるように する。"
170,15,3,"상대의 움직임을 마음으로 읽고
다음 공격이 반드시
상대에게 명중되게 한다."
170,15,5,"Le lanceur analyse les mouvements de l’ennemi
pour être sûr de toucher au coup suivant."
170,15,6,"Ahnt Bewegungen des Zieles voraus,
um zu gewährleisten, dass die nächste
eigene Attacke trifft."
170,15,7,"El usuario adivina los movimientos del objetivo
para hacer que su siguiente ataque no falle."
170,15,8,"Chi la usa prevede i movimenti del bersaglio
per mandare a segno l’attacco successivo."
170,15,9,"The user senses the target’s movements
with its mind to ensure its next
attack does not miss the target."
170,15,11,"相手の 動きを 心で 感じて
次の 攻撃が 必ず
相手に 当たるように する。"
171,3,9,"A sleeper loses
1/4 HP every turn."
171,4,9,"A sleeper loses
1/4 HP every turn."
171,5,9,"Inflicts 1/4 damage on a
sleeping foe every turn."
171,6,9,"Inflicts 1/4 damage on a
sleeping foe every turn."
171,7,9,"A sleeping foe is
shown a nightmare
that inflicts some
damage every turn."
171,8,9,"A sleeping foe is
shown a nightmare
that inflicts some
damage every turn.
171,9,9,"A sleeping foe is
shown a nightmare
that inflicts some
damage every turn.
171,10,9,"A sleeping foe is
shown a nightmare
that inflicts some
damage every turn.
171,11,5,"Un cauchemar qui inflige des dégâts à
chaque tour à un ennemi endormi."
171,11,9,"A sleeping target sees a nightmare
that inflicts some damage every turn."
171,14,9,"A sleeping target sees a nightmare
that inflicts some damage every turn."
171,15,1,"ねむり じょうたいの あいてに
あくむを みせて まいターン すこしずつ
HPを へらしていく。"
171,15,3,"잠듦 상태의 상대에게
악몽을 꾸게 하여 매 턴 조금씩
HP를 떨어뜨려 간다."
171,15,5,"Un cauchemar qui inflige des dégâts à chaque tour
à un ennemi endormi."
171,15,6,"Dem schlafenden Ziel wird durch einen Alptraum in
jeder Runde Schaden zugefügt, solang es schläft."
171,15,7,"El objetivo dormido sufre una pesadilla que le
hace perder PS en cada turno."
171,15,8,"Il bersaglio addormentato ha un incubo e
perde PS a ogni turno."
171,15,9,"A sleeping target sees a nightmare
that inflicts some damage every turn."
171,15,11,"眠り状態の 相手に
悪夢を みせて 毎ターン 少しずつ
HPを 減らしていく。"
172,3,9,"An attack that may
cause a burn."
172,4,9,"An attack that may
cause a burn."
172,5,9,"A fiery charge attack that
may inflict a burn."
172,6,9,"A fiery charge attack that
may inflict a burn."
172,7,9,"The user makes a
fiery charge at the
foe. It may cause
a burn."
172,8,9,"The user cloaks
itself in fire and
charges at the foe.
It may also leave the
target with a burn."
172,9,9,"The user cloaks
itself in fire and
charges at the foe.
It may also leave the
target with a burn."
172,10,9,"The user cloaks
itself in fire and
charges at the foe.
It may also leave the
target with a burn."
172,11,5,"Le lanceur s’entoure de feu et charge
l’ennemi. Peut aussi brûler l’ennemi."
172,11,9,"The user cloaks itself in fire and
charges at the target.
It may also leave the target with a burn."
172,14,9,"The user cloaks itself in fire and
charges at the target.
It may also leave the target with a burn."
172,15,1,"ほのおを まとい
あいてに とっしんして こうげきする。
やけど じょうたいに することが ある。"
172,15,3,"불꽃을 둘러
상대에게 돌진하여 공격한다.
화상 상태로 만들 때가 있다."
172,15,5,"Le lanceur s’entoure de feu et charge l’ennemi.
Peut aussi le brûler."
172,15,6,"Feuer-Attacke, die das Ziel eventuell verbrennt."
172,15,7,"Ataca envuelto en fuego. Puede causar
172,15,8,"Chi la usa si copre di fuoco e carica il bersaglio.
Può anche scottarlo."
172,15,9,"The user cloaks itself in fire and
charges at the target.
This may also leave the target with a burn."
172,15,11,"炎を まとい
相手に 突進して 攻撃する。
やけど状態に することが ある。"
173,3,9,"An attack useable
only while asleep."
173,4,9,"An attack useable
only while asleep."
173,5,9,"A loud attack that can be
used only while asleep."
173,6,9,"A loud attack that can be
used only while asleep."
173,7,9,"An attack that can
be used only while
asleep. It may
cause flinching."
173,8,9,"An attack that can
be used only if the
user is asleep. The
harsh noise may also
make the foe flinch."
173,9,9,"An attack that can
be used only if the
user is asleep. The
harsh noise may also
make the foe flinch."
173,10,9,"An attack that can
be used only if the
user is asleep. The
harsh noise may also
make the foe flinch."
173,11,5,"Une attaque qui ne fonctionne que si le
lanceur est endormi. Le boucan peut aussi
apeurer l’ennemi."
173,11,9,"An attack that can be used only if the
user is asleep. The harsh noise may also
make the target flinch."
173,14,9,"An attack that can be used only if the
user is asleep. The harsh noise may also
make the target flinch."
173,15,1,"じぶんが ねている ときに
ざつおんを だして こうげきする。
あいてを ひるませる ことが ある。"
173,15,3,"자신이 잠들어있을 때
소음을 내어 공격한다.
상대를 풀죽게 만들 때가 있다."
173,15,5,"Une attaque qui ne fonctionne que si le lanceur
est endormi. Le boucan peut aussi apeurer
173,15,6,"Attacke nur im Schlaf möglich.
Ziel schreckt eventuell zurück."
173,15,7,"Fuerte ronquido que solo puede usarse dormido.
Puede hacer retroceder al objetivo."
173,15,8,"Mossa da usare solo mentre si dorme. Il chiasso
assordante può anche far tentennare il bersaglio."
173,15,9,"An attack that can be used only if the
user is asleep. The harsh noise may also
make the target flinch."
173,15,11,"自分が 寝ているときに
雑音を だして 攻撃する。
相手を ひるませることが ある。"
174,3,9,"Works differently
for ghost-types."
174,4,9,"Works differently
for ghost-types."
174,5,9,"A move that functions
differently for GHOSTS."
174,6,9,"A move that functions
differently for GHOSTS."
174,7,9,"A move that works
differently for the
GHOST-type and all
the other types."
174,8,9,"A move that works
differently for the
Ghost type than for
all the other types.
174,9,9,"A move that works
differently for the
Ghost type than for
all the other types.
174,10,9,"A move that works
differently for the
Ghost type than for
all the other types.
174,11,5,"Une capacité à l’effet différent selon que
le lanceur est un Pokémon Spectre ou non."
174,11,9,"A move that works differently for the
Ghost type than for all other types."
174,14,9,"A move that works differently for the
Ghost type than for all other types."
174,15,1,"つかう ポケモンが
ゴーストタイプと それいがい とでは
こうかが かわる。"
174,15,3,"기술을 쓰는 포켓몬이
고스트타입일 때와 그 이외의
타입일 때는 효과가 다르다."
174,15,5,"Une capacité à l’effet différent selon que le
lanceur est un Pokémon Spectre ou non."
174,15,6,"Attacke, deren Wirkung davon abhängt,
ob der Anwender ein Geist-Pokémon ist."
174,15,7,"Un movimiento que tiene efectos distintos si el
usuario es de tipo Fantasma o no."
174,15,8,"Una mossa che agisce in modo diverso
se chi la usa è di tipo Spettro."
174,15,9,"A move that works differently for the
Ghost type than for all other types."
174,15,11,"使う ポケモンが
ゴーストタイプと それ以外 とでは
効果が 変わる。"
175,3,9,"Stronger if the
user's HP is low."
175,4,9,"Stronger if the
user's HP is low."
175,5,9,"Inflicts more damage when
the user’s HP is down."
175,6,9,"Inflicts more damage when
the user’s HP is down."
175,7,9,"A desperate attack
that becomes more
powerful the less
HP the user has."
175,8,9,"The user flails about
aimlessly to attack.
It becomes more
powerful the less HP
the user has."
175,9,9,"The user flails about
aimlessly to attack.
It becomes more
powerful the less HP
the user has."
175,10,9,"The user flails about
aimlessly to attack.
It becomes more
powerful the less HP
the user has."
175,11,5,"Le lanceur fait tournoyer son fléau.
Plus ses PV sont bas, plus l’attaque
est puissante."
175,11,9,"The user flails about aimlessly to attack.
It becomes more powerful the less HP
the user has."
175,14,9,"The user flails about aimlessly to attack.
It becomes more powerful the less HP
the user has."
175,15,1,"じたばた あばれて こうげきする。
じぶんの HPが すくないほど
わざの いりょくは あがる。"
175,15,3,"바둥바둥 난동 부려서 공격한다.
자신의 HP가 적을수록
기술의 위력이 올라간다."
175,15,5,"Le lanceur fait tournoyer son fléau.
Plus ses PV sont bas, plus l’attaque est puissante."
175,15,6,"Attacke richtet mehr Schaden an,
wenn eigene KP niedrig sind."
175,15,7,"Ataque frenético. Cuantos menos PS tenga el
usuario, más daño producirá."
175,15,8,"Chi la usa si dimena per attaccare. È più efficace
se i suoi PS sono bassi."
175,15,9,"The user flails about aimlessly to attack.
The less HP the user has,
the greater the move’s power."
175,15,11,"じたばた 暴れて 攻撃する。
自分の HPが 少ないほど
技の 威力は あがる。"
176,3,9,"The user's type is
made resistant."
176,4,9,"The user's type is
made resistant."
176,5,9,"Makes the user resistant
to the last attack’s type."
176,6,9,"Makes the user resistant
to the last attack’s type."
176,7,9,"The user changes
type to make itself
resistant to the
last attack it took."
176,8,9,"The user changes its
type to make itself
resistant to the type
of the attack it
last took."
176,9,9,"The user changes its
type to make itself
resistant to the type
of the attack it
last took."
176,10,9,"The user changes its
type to make itself
resistant to the type
of the attack it
last took."
176,11,5,"Le lanceur change de type pour être
résistant au type de la dernière
attaque lancée par sa cible."
176,11,9,"The user changes its type to make itself
resistant to the type of the attack the
opponent used last."
176,14,9,"The user changes its type to make itself
resistant to the type of the attack the
opponent used last."
176,15,1,"あいてが さいごに つかった わざに
ていこう できる ように
じぶんの タイプを へんか させる。"
176,15,3,"상대가 마지막으로 쓴 기술에
저항할 수 있도록
자신의 타입을 변화시킨다."
176,15,5,"Le lanceur change de type pour être résistant au
type de la dernière attaque lancée par sa cible."
176,15,6,"Anwender ändert Typ und wird gegen
letzten Angriffstyp resistent."
176,15,7,"El usuario cambia de tipo para hacerse resistente
al último tipo de movimiento usado por el objetivo."
176,15,8,"Chi la usa cambia tipo per rendersi resistente
al tipo dell’ultima mossa usata dal bersaglio."
176,15,9,"The user changes its type to make itself
resistant to the type of the attack the
opponent used last."
176,15,11,"相手が 最後に 使った技に
抵抗できる ように
自分の タイプを 変化させる。"
177,3,9,"Has a high criti­
cal hit ratio."
177,4,9,"Has a high criti­
cal hit ratio."
177,5,9,"Launches a vacuumed blast.
High critical-hit ratio."
177,6,9,"Launches a vacuumed blast.
High critical-hit ratio."
177,7,9,"A vortex of air is
shot at the foe.
It has a high
critical-hit ratio."
177,8,9,"A vortex of air is
shot at the foe to
inflict damage.
It has a high
critical-hit ratio."
177,9,9,"A vortex of air is
shot at the foe to
inflict damage.
It has a high
critical-hit ratio."
177,10,9,"A vortex of air is
shot at the foe to
inflict damage.
It has a high
critical-hit ratio."
177,11,5,"Le lanceur projette une tornade sur
l’ennemi pour infliger des dégâts. Taux
de critiques élevé."
177,11,9,"A vortex of air is shot at the target to
inflict damage.
Critical hits land more easily."
177,14,9,"A vortex of air is shot at the target to
inflict damage.
Critical hits land more easily."
177,15,1,"くうきの うずを
はっしゃして こうげきする。
きゅうしょに あたりやすい。"
177,15,3,"공기의 소용돌이를
발사하여 공격한다.
급소에 맞기 쉽다."
177,15,5,"Le lanceur projette une tornade sur l’ennemi pour
infliger des dégâts. Taux de critiques élevé."
177,15,6,"Erzeugt Luftstrudel gegen das Ziel.
Hohe Volltrefferquote."
177,15,7,"Lanza un chorro de aire que suele dar un golpe
177,15,8,"Colpisce il bersaglio con un vortice d’aria
per danneggiarlo. Probabile brutto colpo."
177,15,9,"A vortex of air is shot at the target to
inflict damage.
Critical hits land more easily."
177,15,11,"空気の 渦を
発射して 攻撃する。
急所に 当たりやすい。"
178,3,9,"Sharply reduces
the foe's SPEED."
178,4,9,"Sharply reduces
the foe's SPEED."
178,5,9,"Spores cling to the foe,
sharply reducing SPEED."
178,6,9,"Spores cling to the foe,
sharply reducing SPEED."
178,7,9,"Cotton-like spores
cling to the foe,
sharply reducing
its SPEED stat."
178,8,9,"The user releases
cottonlike spores
that cling to the
foe, sharply reducing
its Speed stat."
178,9,9,"The user releases
cottonlike spores
that cling to the
foe, sharply reducing
its Speed stat."
178,10,9,"The user releases
cottonlike spores
that cling to the
foe, sharply reducing
its Speed stat."
178,11,5,"Le lanceur libère des spores cotonneuses
qui collent à l’ennemi et baissent
fortement sa Vitesse."
178,11,9,"The user releases cotton-like spores
that cling to the target,
harshly reducing its Speed stat."
178,14,9,"The user releases cotton-like spores
that cling to the target,
harshly reducing its Speed stat."
178,15,1,"わたのような フワフワの ほうしを
まとわり つかせて
あいての すばやさを がくっと さげる。"
178,15,3,"솜처럼 폭신폭신한 포자를
착 달라붙게 해서
상대의 스피드를 크게 떨어뜨린다."
178,15,5,"Le lanceur libère des spores cotonneuses qui
collent à l’ennemi et baissent fortement sa Vitesse."
178,15,6,"Wattebäusche heften sich an das Ziel.
Der Initiative-Wert sinkt stark."
178,15,7,"Adhiere esporas a los rivales para reducir mucho
su Velocidad."
178,15,8,"Rilascia spore simili al cotone che si attaccano
ai nemici nei paraggi e ne riducono di molto
la Velocità."
178,15,9,"The user releases cotton-like spores
that cling to the opposing Pokémon,
which harshly lowers their Speed stats."
178,15,11,"綿のような フワフワの 胞子を
まとわり つかせて
相手の 素早さを がくっと さげる。"
179,3,9,"Stronger if the
user's HP is low."
179,4,9,"Stronger if the
user's HP is low."
179,5,9,"Inflicts more damage when
the user’s HP is down."
179,6,9,"Inflicts more damage when
the user’s HP is down."
179,7,9,"An all-out attack
that becomes more
powerful the less
HP the user has."
179,8,9,"An all-out attack
that becomes more
powerful the less
HP the user has.
179,9,9,"An all-out attack
that becomes more
powerful the less
HP the user has.
179,10,9,"An all-out attack
that becomes more
powerful the less
HP the user has.
179,11,5,"Le lanceur ne retient plus ses coups. Plus
ses PV sont bas et plus l’attaque est
179,11,9,"An all-out attack that becomes more
powerful the less HP the user has."
179,14,9,"An all-out attack that becomes more
powerful the less HP the user has."
179,15,1,"ちからを ふりしぼり こうげきする。
じぶんの HPが すくないほど
わざの いりょくは あがる。"
179,15,3,"힘을 쥐어짜서 공격한다.
자신의 HP가 적을수록
기술의 위력이 올라간다."
179,15,5,"Le lanceur ne retient plus ses coups.
Plus ses PV sont bas et plus l’attaque est
179,15,6,"Richtet mehr Schaden an, wenn eigene KP
niedrig sind."
179,15,7,"Ataque desesperado que causa más daño cuantos
menos PS tenga el usuario."
179,15,8,"Chi la usa attacca con tutte le sue forze.
Più i PS sono bassi, maggiore è la potenza
di questa mossa."
179,15,9,"An all-out attack that becomes more
powerful the less HP the user has."
179,15,11,"力を ふりしぼり 攻撃する。
自分の HPが 少ないほど
技の 威力は あがる。"
180,3,9,"Cuts the PP of the
foe's last move."
180,4,9,"Cuts the PP of the
foe's last move."
180,5,9,"Spitefully cuts the PP
of the foe’s last move."
180,6,9,"Spitefully cuts the PP
of the foe’s last move."
180,7,9,"A move that cuts
2 to 5 PP from the
move last used by
the foe."
180,8,9,"The user looses its
grudge on the move
last used by the foe
by cutting 4 PP from
180,9,9,"The user looses its
grudge on the move
last used by the foe
by cutting 4 PP from
180,10,9,"The user looses its
grudge on the move
last used by the foe
by cutting 4 PP from
180,11,5,"Le lanceur exprime son ressentiment
en retirant 4 PP de la dernière attaque
de l’ennemi."
180,11,9,"The user unleashes its grudge on the move
last used by the target by cutting 4 PP
from it."
180,14,9,"The user unleashes its grudge on the move
last used by the target by cutting 4 PP
from it."
180,15,1,"あいてが さいごに つかった わざに
うらみを いだいて
そのわざの PPを 4だけ へらす。"
180,15,3,"상대가 마지막으로
사용한 기술에 원한을 품어
그 기술의 PP를 4만큼 줄인다."
180,15,5,"Le lanceur exprime son ressentiment en retirant
4 PP de la dernière attaque de l’ennemi."
180,15,6,"AP der letzten Attacke des Zieles
werden um 4 gesenkt."
180,15,7,"Da rienda suelta a su rencor para reducir cuatro PP
del último movimiento usado por el objetivo."
180,15,8,"Chi la usa sfoga la propria rabbia sull’ultima mossa
usata dal bersaglio e le sottrae quattro PP."
180,15,9,"The user unleashes its grudge on the move
last used by the target by cutting 4 PP
from it."
180,15,11,"相手が 最後に 使った技に
恨みを 抱いて
その技の PPを 4だけ 減らす。"
181,3,9,"An attack that may
cause freezing."
181,4,9,"An attack that may
cause freezing."
181,5,9,"Blasts the foe with a snowy
gust. May cause freezing."
181,6,9,"Blasts the foe with a snowy
gust. May cause freezing."
181,7,9,"Blasts the foe with
a snowy gust.
It may cause
181,8,9,"The user attacks with
a chilling gust of
powdery snow.
It may also freeze
the target."
181,9,9,"The user attacks with
a chilling gust of
powdery snow.
It may also freeze
the target."
181,10,9,"The user attacks with
a chilling gust of
powdery snow.
It may also freeze
the target."
181,11,5,"Le lanceur projette de la neige
poudreuse. Peut aussi geler l’ennemi."
181,11,9,"The user attacks with a chilling gust
of powdery snow.
It may also freeze the targets."
181,14,9,"The user attacks with a chilling gust
of powdery snow.
It may also freeze the targets."
181,15,1,"つめたい こなゆきを
あいてに ふきつけて こうげきする。
こおり じょうたいに することが ある。"
181,15,3,"차가운 가랑눈을
상대에게 내뿜어 공격한다.
얼음 상태로 만들 때가 있다."
181,15,5,"Le lanceur projette de la neige poudreuse.
Peut aussi geler l’ennemi."
181,15,6,"Angriff mit Schnee. Das Ziel wird
eventuell eingefroren."
181,15,7,Lanza nieve que puede llegar a congelar.
181,15,8,"Attacca i nemici che ha intorno con una raffica
di neve farinosa e può anche congelarli."
181,15,9,"The user attacks with a chilling gust
of powdery snow.
This may also freeze the opposing Pokémon."
181,15,11,"冷たい 粉雪を
相手に 吹きつけて 攻撃する。
こおり状態に することが ある。"
182,3,9,"Foils attack that
turn. It may fail."
182,4,9,"Foils attack that
turn. It may fail."
182,5,9,"Evades attack, but may fail
if used in succession."
182,6,9,"Evades attack, but may fail
if used in succession."
182,7,9,"Enables the user to
evade all attacks.
It may fail if used
in succession."
182,8,9,"It enables the user
to evade all attacks.
Its chance of failing
rises if it is used in
182,9,9,"It enables the user
to evade all attacks.
Its chance of failing
rises if it is used in
182,10,9,"It enables the user
to evade all attacks.
Its chance of failing
rises if it is used in
182,11,5,"Le lanceur esquive toutes les attaques.
Plus la capacité est utilisée de fois à la
suite, plus elle risque d’échouer."
182,11,9,"It enables the user to evade all attacks.
Its chance of failing rises if it is used in
182,14,9,"It enables the user to evade all attacks.
Its chance of failing rises if it is used in
182,15,1,"あいての こうげきを
まったく うけない。
れんぞくで だすと しっぱい しやすい。"
182,15,3,"상대의 공격을
전혀 받지 않는다.
연속으로 쓰면 실패하기 쉽다."
182,15,5,"Le lanceur esquive toutes les attaques.
Le risque d’échec augmente lorsque la capacité
est utilisée plusieurs fois de suite."
182,15,6,"Anwender weicht jeder Attacke aus.
Scheitert eventuell bei Wiederholung."
182,15,7,"Frena todos los ataques, pero puede fallar si se
usa repetidamente."
182,15,8,"Permette di eludere tutti gli attacchi.
Se usata in successione può fallire."
182,15,9,"Enables the user to evade all attacks.
Its chance of failing rises if it is used
in succession."
182,15,11,"相手の 攻撃を
まったく 受けない。
連続で だすと 失敗しやすい。"
183,3,9,"A fast punch that
lands first."
183,4,9,"A fast punch that
lands first."
183,5,9,"A punch is thrown at wicked
speed to strike first."
183,6,9,"A punch is thrown at wicked
speed to strike first."
183,7,9,"A punch thrown at
blinding speed.
It is certain to
strike first."
183,8,9,"The user throws a
punch at blinding
It is certain to
strike first."
183,9,9,"The user throws a
punch at blinding
It is certain to
strike first."
183,10,9,"The user throws a
punch at blinding
It is certain to
strike first."
183,11,5,"Coup de poing fulgurant.
Frappe en premier."
183,11,9,"The user throws a punch at blinding
speed. It is certain to strike first."
183,14,9,"The user throws a punch at blinding
speed. It is certain to strike first."
183,15,1,"めにも とまらぬ ものすごい はやさで
パンチを くりだす。
かならず せんせい こうげき できる。"
183,15,3,"눈에 보이지 않는 굉장한 속도로
펀치를 날린다.
반드시 선제공격을 할 수 있다."
183,15,5,"Coup de poing fulgurant.
Frappe toujours en premier."
183,15,6,"Extrem schneller Hieb, der stets zuerst trifft."
183,15,7,Puñetazo que se da rápido para golpear primero.
183,15,8,"Chi la usa tira un pugno a una velocità
impressionante e colpisce sempre per primo."
183,15,9,"The user throws a punch at blinding
speed. This move always goes first."
183,15,11,"目にも 留まらぬ ものすごい 速さで
パンチを くりだす。
必ず 先制攻撃 できる。"
184,3,9,"Sharply reduces
the foe's SPEED."
184,4,9,"Sharply reduces
the foe's SPEED."
184,5,9,"Frightens with a scary face
to sharply reduce SPEED."
184,6,9,"Frightens with a scary face
to sharply reduce SPEED."
184,7,9,"Frightens the foe
with a scary face
to sharply reduce
its SPEED."
184,8,9,"The user frightens
the foe with a scary
face to sharply
reduce its Speed
184,9,9,"The user frightens
the foe with a scary
face to sharply
reduce its Speed
184,10,9,"The user frightens
the foe with a scary
face to sharply
reduce its Speed
184,11,5,"Une grimace qui effraie l’ennemi et
réduit fortement sa Vitesse."
184,11,9,"The user frightens the target with a scary
face to harshly reduce its Speed stat."
184,14,9,"The user frightens the target with a scary
face to harshly reduce its Speed stat."
184,15,1,"おそろしい かおで にらみ おびえさせて
あいての すばやさを がくっと さげる。
184,15,3,"무서운 얼굴로 노려보고 겁주어
상대의 스피드를 크게 떨어뜨린다."
184,15,5,"Une grimace qui effraie l’ennemi et réduit
fortement sa Vitesse."
184,15,6,"Jagt dem Ziel mit einer Grimasse Angst ein.
Dessen Initiative-Wert sinkt stark."
184,15,7,Asusta al objetivo para reducir mucho su Velocidad.
184,15,8,"Chi la usa spaventa il bersaglio con una faccia
terribile e ne riduce di molto la Velocità."
184,15,9,"The user frightens the target with a scary
face to harshly lower its Speed stat."
184,15,11,"恐ろしい 顔で にらみ おびえさせて
相手の 素早さを がくっと さげる。
185,3,9,"An attack that
never misses."
185,4,9,"An attack that
never misses."
185,5,9,"Draws the foe close, then
strikes without fail."
185,6,9,"Draws the foe close, then
strikes without fail."
185,7,9,"The user draws up
close to the foe
disarmingly, then
hits without fail."
185,8,9,"The user draws up to
the foe disarmingly,
then throws a sucker
It hits without fail."
185,9,9,"The user draws up to
the foe disarmingly,
then throws a sucker
It hits without fail."
185,10,9,"The user draws up to
the foe disarmingly,
then throws a sucker
It hits without fail."
185,11,5,"Le lanceur s’approche l’air de rien avant
de frapper par surprise. N’échoue jamais."
185,11,9,"The user approaches the target
disarmingly, then throws a sucker punch.
It hits without fail."
185,14,9,"The user approaches the target
disarmingly, then throws a sucker punch.
It hits without fail."
185,15,1,"さりげなく あいてに ちかづき
ゆだんした すきを みて なぐりつける。
こうげきは かならず めいちゅう する。"
185,15,3,"슬금슬금 상대에게 다가가
방심한 틈을 타서 세게 때린다.
공격은 반드시 명중한다."
185,15,5,"Le lanceur s’approche l’air de rien avant de frapper
par surprise. N’échoue jamais."
185,15,6,"Anwender nähert sich mit Unschuldsmiene
dem Ziel und schlägt zu, sobald dieses
unachtsam wird. Ein Treffer ist gewiss."
185,15,7,"Engaña al objetivo para acercarse y dar un
puñetazo que no falla."
185,15,8,"Chi la usa si avvicina al bersaglio facendo finta
di niente, per poi scagliare un pugno infallibile
a tradimento."
185,15,9,"The user approaches the target
disarmingly, then throws a sucker punch.
This attack never misses."
185,15,11,"さりげなく 相手に ちかづき
油断した すきを みて なぐりつける。
攻撃は 必ず 命中する。"
186,3,9,"A move that causes
186,4,9,"A move that causes
186,5,9,"Demands a kiss with a cute
look. May cause confusion."
186,6,9,"Demands a kiss with a cute
look. May cause confusion."
186,7,9,"The user kisses
the foe with sweet
cuteness that
causes confusion."
186,8,9,"The user kisses the
foe with a sweet,
angelic cuteness that
causes confusion.
186,9,9,"The user kisses the
foe with a sweet,
angelic cuteness that
causes confusion.
186,10,9,"The user kisses the
foe with a sweet,
angelic cuteness that
causes confusion.
186,11,5,"Le lanceur envoie un bisou si mignon
et désarmant qu’il plonge l’ennemi dans
la confusion."
186,11,9,"The user kisses the target with a sweet,
angelic cuteness that causes confusion."
186,14,9,"The user kisses the target with a sweet,
angelic cuteness that causes confusion."
186,15,1,"てんしのように かわいく キスして
あいてを こんらん させる。
186,15,3,"천사처럼 귀엽게 키스하여
상대를 혼란시킨다."
186,15,5,"Le lanceur envoie un bisou si mignon et désarmant
qu’il plonge l’ennemi dans la confusion."
186,15,6,"Anwender küsst das Ziel, das durch
diese Niedlichkeit verwirrt wird."
186,15,7,Da un beso con tal dulzura que causa confusión.
186,15,8,"Chi la usa bacia il bersaglio con una dolcezza
angelica, confondendolo."
186,15,9,"The user kisses the target with a sweet,
angelic cuteness that causes confusion."
186,15,11,"天使のように かわいく キスして
相手を 混乱させる。
187,3,9,"Reduces own HP to
maximize ATTACK."
187,4,9,"Reduces own HP to
maximize ATTACK."
187,5,9,"Maximizes ATTACK while
sacrificing HP."
187,6,9,"Maximizes ATTACK while
sacrificing HP."
187,7,9,"The user maximizes
its ATTACK stat at
the cost of half
its full HP."
187,8,9,"The user maximizes
its Attack stat in
exchange for HP
equal to half its max
187,9,9,"The user maximizes
its Attack stat in
exchange for HP
equal to half its max
187,10,9,"The user maximizes
its Attack stat in
exchange for HP
equal to half its max
187,11,5,"Améliore l’Attaque au maximum en
sacrifiant la moitié des PV max."
187,11,9,"The user maximizes its Attack stat in
exchange for HP equal to half its max HP."
187,14,9,"The user maximizes its Attack stat in
exchange for HP equal to half its max HP."
187,15,1,"じぶんの HPを さいだい HPの
はんぶん へらして じぶんの こうげきを
さいだいに あげる。"
187,15,3,"자신의 HP를 최대 HP의
절반만큼 감소시켜 자신의 공격을
최대로 올린다."
187,15,5,"Améliore l’Attaque au maximum en sacrifiant
la moitié des PV max."
187,15,6,"Der Anwender maximiert den Angriffs-Wert
auf Kosten der Hälfte seiner maximalen KP."
187,15,7,"Reduce la mitad de los PS máximos para mejorar
al máximo el Ataque."
187,15,8,"Chi la usa massimizza l’Attacco in cambio di metà
dei PS massimi."
187,15,9,"The user maximizes its Attack stat in
exchange for HP equal to half its max HP."
187,15,11,"自分の HPを 最大HPの
半分 減らして 自分の 攻撃を
最大に あげる。"
188,3,9,"An attack that may
poison the foe."
188,4,9,"An attack that may
poison the foe."
188,5,9,"Sludge is hurled to inflict
damage. May also poison."
188,6,9,"Sludge is hurled to inflict
damage. May also poison."
188,7,9,"Filthy sludge is
hurled at the foe.
It may poison the
188,8,9,"The user attacks by
hurling filthy sludge
at the foe.
It may also poison
the target."
188,9,9,"The user attacks by
hurling filthy sludge
at the foe.
It may also poison
the target."
188,10,9,"The user attacks by
hurling filthy sludge
at the foe.
It may also poison
the target."
188,11,5,"Des détritus toxiques sont projetés sur
l’ennemi. Peut aussi l’empoisonner."
188,11,9,"Unsanitary sludge is hurled at the target.
It may also poison the target."
188,14,9,"Unsanitary sludge is hurled at the target.
It may also poison the target."
188,15,1,"きたない ヘドロを
あいてに なげつけて こうげきする。
どく じょうたいに することが ある。"
188,15,3,"더러운 오물을
상대에게 내던져서 공격한다.
독 상태로 만들 때가 있다."
188,15,5,"Des détritus toxiques sont projetés sur l’ennemi.
Peut aussi l’empoisonner."
188,15,6,"Wirft Schlamm auf das Ziel.
Dieses wird eventuell vergiftet."
188,15,7,"Arroja residuos al objetivo. Puede llegar a
188,15,8,"Lancio di fango malsano che arreca danno
al bersaglio. Può anche avvelenarlo."
188,15,9,"Unsanitary sludge is hurled at the target.
This may also poison the target."
188,15,11,"汚い ヘドロを
相手に 投げつけて 攻撃する。
毒状態に することが ある。"
189,3,9,"Reduces the foe's
189,4,9,"Reduces the foe's
189,5,9,"Hurls mud in the foe’s face
to reduce its accuracy."
189,6,9,"Hurls mud in the foe’s face
to reduce its accuracy."
189,7,9,"Mud is hurled in
the foe’s face to
inflict damage and
lower its accuracy."
189,8,9,"The user hurls mud in
the foe’s face to
inflict damage and
lower its accuracy.
189,9,9,"The user hurls mud in
the foe’s face to
inflict damage and
lower its accuracy.
189,10,9,"The user hurls mud in
the foe’s face to
inflict damage and
lower its accuracy.
189,11,5,"Le lanceur envoie de la boue au visage
de l’ennemi pour infliger des dégâts
et baisser sa Précision."
189,11,9,"The user hurls mud in the target’s face to
inflict damage and lower its accuracy."
189,14,9,"The user hurls mud in the target’s face to
inflict damage and lower its accuracy."
189,15,1,"あいての かおなどに
ドロを なげつけて こうげきする。
めいちゅうりつを さげる。"
189,15,3,"상대의 얼굴 등에
진흙을 내던져서 공격한다.
명중률을 떨어뜨린다."
189,15,5,"Le lanceur envoie de la boue au visage de
l’ennemi pour infliger des dégâts et baisser
sa Précision."
189,15,6,"Schadet dem Ziel durch Matsch.
Dessen Genauigkeit sinkt."
189,15,7,Echa lodo en la cara para bajar la Precisión.
189,15,8,"Chi la usa butta fango in faccia al bersaglio
per arrecargli danni e ridurne la precisione."
189,15,9,"The user hurls mud in the target’s face to
inflict damage and lower its accuracy."
189,15,11,"相手の 顔などに
泥を 投げつけて 攻撃する。
命中率を さげる。"
190,3,9,"An attack that may
reduce accuracy."
190,4,9,"An attack that may
reduce accuracy."
190,5,9,"Fires a lump of ink to
damage and cut accuracy."
190,6,9,"Fires a lump of ink to
damage and cut accuracy."
190,7,9,"Ink is blasted in
the foe’s face or
eyes to damage and
lower accuracy."
190,8,9,"The user attacks by
spraying ink in the
foe’s face or eyes.
It may also lower the
target’s accuracy."
190,9,9,"The user attacks by
spraying ink in the
foe’s face or eyes.
It may also lower the
target’s accuracy."
190,10,9,"The user attacks by
spraying ink in the
foe’s face or eyes.
It may also lower the
target’s accuracy."
190,11,5,"Le lanceur attaque en projetant de
l’encre au visage de l’ennemi. Peut aussi
baisser la Précision de l’ennemi."
190,11,9,"The user attacks by spraying ink in the
target’s face or eyes.
It may also lower the target’s accuracy."
190,14,9,"The user attacks by spraying ink in the
target’s face or eyes.
It may also lower the target’s accuracy."
190,15,1,"あいての かおなどに
すみを ふきかけて こうげきする。
めいちゅうりつを さげることが ある。"
190,15,3,"상대의 얼굴 등에
먹물을 내뿜어 공격한다.
명중률을 떨어뜨릴 때가 있다."
190,15,5,"Le lanceur attaque en projetant de l’encre au
visage de l’ennemi. Peut aussi baisser sa Précision."
190,15,6,"Schießt mit Tinte, um Schaden anzurichten
und die Genauigkeit zu senken."
190,15,7,Dispara tinta a la cara. Puede bajar la Precisión.
190,15,8,"Chi la usa spruzza inchiostro in faccia al bersaglio.
Può anche ridurne la precisione."
190,15,9,"The user attacks by spraying ink in the
target’s face or eyes.
This may also lower the target’s accuracy."
190,15,11,"相手の 顔などに
墨を 吹きかけて 攻撃する。
命中率を さげることが ある。"
191,3,9,"Hurts foes when
they switch out."
191,4,9,"Hurts foes when
they switch out."
191,5,9,"Sets spikes that hurt a 
foe switching out."
191,6,9,"Sets spikes that hurt a 
foe switching in."
191,7,9,"A trap of spikes is
laid around the
foe’s party to hurt
foes switching in."
191,8,9,"The user lays a trap
of spikes at the
foe’s feet. The trap
hurts foes that
switch into battle."
191,9,9,"The user lays a trap
of spikes at the
foe’s feet. The trap
hurts foes that
switch into battle."
191,10,9,"The user lays a trap
of spikes at the
foe’s feet. The trap
hurts foes that
switch into battle."
191,11,5,"Le lanceur disperse des piquants sur le
sol pour blesser tout ennemi qui entre
au combat."
191,11,9,"The user lays a trap of spikes at the
opposing team’s feet. The trap hurts
Pokémon that switch into battle."
191,14,9,"The user lays a trap of spikes at the
opposing team’s feet. The trap hurts
Pokémon that switch into battle."
191,15,1,"あいての あしもとに まきびしを
しかける。こうたいで でてきた あいての
ポケモンに ダメージを あたえる。"
191,15,3,"상대의 발밑에 압정을
뿌린다. 교체된 상대
포켓몬에게 데미지를 준다."
191,15,5,"Le lanceur disperse des piquants sur le sol pour
blesser tout ennemi qui entre au combat."
191,15,6,"Der Anwender verteilt Stacheln,
die gegnerische Pokémon verletzen,
die in den Kampf gerufen werden."
191,15,7,"Esparce púas en el equipo rival. Las púas hieren
a los Pokémon rivales que entran en combate."
191,15,8,"Chi la usa piazza sul terreno una trappola
di punte che danneggia i nemici quando
scendono in campo."
191,15,9,"The user lays a trap of spikes at the
opposing team’s feet. The trap hurts
Pokémon that switch into battle."
191,15,11,"相手の 足下に まきびしを
しかける。交代で でてきた 相手の
ポケモンに ダメージを 与える。"
192,3,9,"An attack that
always paralyzes."
192,4,9,"An attack that
always paralyzes."
192,5,9,"Powerful and sure to cause
paralysis, but inaccurate."
192,6,9,"Powerful and sure to cause
paralysis, but inaccurate."
192,7,9,"An electric blast is
fired like a cannon
to inflict damage
and paralyze."
192,8,9,"The user fires an
electric blast like a
cannon to inflict
damage and cause
192,9,9,"The user fires an
electric blast like a
cannon to inflict
damage and cause
192,10,9,"The user fires an
electric blast like a
cannon to inflict
damage and cause
192,11,5,"Un boulet de canon électrifié qui inflige
des dégâts et paralyse l’ennemi."
192,11,9,"The user fires an electric blast like a
cannon to inflict damage and
cause paralysis."
192,14,9,"The user fires an electric blast like a
cannon to inflict damage and
cause paralysis."
192,15,1,"たいほうの ような
でんきを はっしゃして こうげきする。
あいてを まひの じょうたいに する。"
전기를 발사해서 공격한다.
상대를 마비 상태로 만든다."
192,15,5,"Un boulet de canon électrifié qui inflige des
dégâts et paralyse l’ennemi."
192,15,6,"Kanonenähnlicher Elektro-Schuss,
der schadet und paralysiert."
192,15,7,"Dispara una descarga eléctrica que causa daño
y parálisis."
192,15,8,"Chi la usa provoca un’esplosione elettrica
che infligge danni e paralizza il bersaglio."
192,15,9,"The user fires an electric blast like a
cannon to inflict damage and
cause paralysis."
192,15,11,"大砲の ような
電気を 発射して 攻撃する。
相手を まひの 状態に する。"
193,3,9,"Negates accuracy
reduction moves."
193,4,9,"Negates accuracy
reduction moves."
193,5,9,"Negates the foe’s efforts
to heighten evasiveness."
193,6,9,"Negates the foe’s efforts
to heighten evasiveness."
193,7,9,"Completely negates
the foe’s efforts to
heighten its ability
to evade."
193,8,9,"Enables the user to
hit a Ghost type with
any type of move. It
also enables the user
to hit an evasive foe."
193,9,9,"Enables the user to
hit a Ghost type with
any type of move. It
also enables the user
to hit an evasive foe."
193,10,9,"Enables the user to
hit a Ghost type with
any type of move. It
also enables the user
to hit an evasive foe."
193,11,5,"Permet de toucher un Pokémon Spectre
avec n’importe quelle capacité et de
toucher un ennemi insaisissable."
193,11,9,"Enables a Ghost-type target to be hit by
Normal- and Fighting-type attacks. It also
enables an evasive target to be hit."
193,14,9,"Enables a Ghost-type target to be hit by
Normal- and Fighting-type attacks. It also
enables an evasive target to be hit."
193,15,1,"ゴーストタイプに こうかがない わざや
かいひりつの たかい あいてに
こうげきが あたるように なる。"
193,15,3,"고스트타입에 효과가 없는 기술이나
회피율이 높은 상대라 할지라도
공격이 맞게 된다."
193,15,5,"Permet de toucher un Pokémon Spectre avec
n’importe quelle capacité ou de toucher un
ennemi insaisissable."
193,15,6,"Erlaubt es, Geist-Pokémon mit Normal-
und Kampf-Attacken anzugreifen.
Ignoriert den Fluchtwert des Zieles."
193,15,7,"Permite atacar con cualquier movimiento a
objetivos de tipo Fantasma y golpear a Pokémon
193,15,8,"Chi la usa rende i Pokémon di tipo Spettro
vulnerabili a qualsiasi tipo di mossa e può,
inoltre, colpire i nemici sfuggenti."
193,15,9,"Enables a Ghost-type target to be hit by
Normal- and Fighting-type attacks. This also
enables an evasive target to be hit."
193,15,11,"ゴーストタイプに 効果がない 技や
回避率の 高い 相手に
攻撃が 当たるように なる。"
194,3,9,"The foe faints if
the user does."
194,4,9,"The foe faints if
the user does."
194,5,9,"If the user faints, the foe
is also made to faint."
194,6,9,"If the user faints, the foe
is also made to faint."
194,7,9,"If the user faints,
the foe delivering
the final hit also
194,8,9,"When this move is
used, if the user
faints, the foe that
landed the knockout
hit also faints."
194,9,9,"When this move is
used, if the user
faints, the foe that
landed the knockout
hit also faints."
194,10,9,"When this move is
used, if the user
faints, the foe that
landed the knockout
hit also faints."
194,11,5,"Quand cette capacité est activée,
elle met K.O. un ennemi qui porte
un coup fatal au lanceur."
194,11,9,"When this move is used, if the user faints,
the Pokémon that landed the knockout
hit also faints."
194,14,9,"When this move is used, if the user faints,
the Pokémon that landed the knockout
hit also faints."
194,15,1,"わざを だしたあと こうげきを うけて
ひんしに なったとき
こうげき あいても ひんしに する。"
194,15,3,"기술을 쓴 뒤 공격을 받아
기절했을 때
길동무의 대상도 기절하게 한다."
194,15,5,"Quand cette capacité est activée, elle met K.O.
un ennemi qui porte un coup fatal au lanceur."
194,15,6,"Wird der Anwender nach Einsatz dieser Attacke
besiegt, führt dies auch beim Ziel zum K.O."
194,15,7,"Si el usuario se debilita por un ataque rival antes
de usar otro movimiento, el Pokémon rival se
debilitará también."
194,15,8,"Se chi la usa va KO prima del turno successivo,
chi ha sferrato il colpo da KO fa la stessa fine."
194,15,9,"When this move is used, if the user faints,
the Pokémon that landed the knockout
hit also faints."
194,15,11,"技を だしたあと 攻撃を 受けて
ひんしに なったとき
攻撃 相手も ひんしに する。"
195,3,9,"Both user and foe
faint in 3 turns."
195,4,9,"Both user and foe
faint in 3 turns."
195,5,9,"Any POKéMON hearing this
song faints in 3 turns."
195,6,9,"Any POKéMON hearing this
song faints in 3 turns."
195,7,9,"Any battler that
hears this faints
in three turns
unless it switches."
195,8,9,"Any Pokémon that
hears this song
faints in three turns
unless it switches
out of battle."
195,9,9,"Any Pokémon that
hears this song
faints in three turns
unless it switches
out of battle."
195,10,9,"Any Pokémon that
hears this song
faints in three turns,
unless it switches
out of battle."
195,11,5,"Tout Pokémon qui entend ce requiem
est K.O. dans 3 tours à moins qu’il
ne quitte le combat."
195,11,9,"Any Pokémon that hears this song
faints in three turns, unless it switches
out of battle."
195,14,9,"Any Pokémon that hears this song
faints in three turns, unless it switches
out of battle."
195,15,1,"うたを きいた ポケモンは
3ターン たつと ひんしに なる。
こうたいすると こうかは なくなる。"
195,15,3,"노래를 들은 포켓몬은
3턴이 지나면 기절한다.
교체되면 효과가 없어진다."
195,15,5,"Tout Pokémon qui entend ce requiem est K.O.
dans trois tours à moins qu’il ne quitte le combat."
195,15,6,"Wer diese Musik hört, wird nach drei Runden
besiegt. Rettung ist durch den Eintausch
eines neuen Pokémon möglich."
195,15,7,"Si un Pokémon escucha este canto y no es
cambiado por otro en tres turnos, acaba
195,15,8,"Qualunque Pokémon che senta questo canto va
KO in tre turni, se non lo si sostituisce."
195,15,9,"Any Pokémon that hears this song
faints in three turns, unless it switches
out of battle."
195,15,11,"歌を 聴いた ポケモンは
3ターン たつと ひんしに なる。
交代すると 効果は なくなる。"
196,3,9,"An icy attack that
lowers SPEED."
196,4,9,"An icy attack that
lowers SPEED."
196,5,9,"A chilling attack that
lowers the foe’s SPEED."
196,6,9,"A chilling attack that
lowers the foe’s SPEED."
196,7,9,"A chilling wind is
used to attack.
It also lowers the
SPEED stat."
196,8,9,"The user attacks with
a gust of chilled air.
It also lowers the
target’s Speed stat.
196,9,9,"The user attacks with
a gust of chilled air.
It also lowers the
target’s Speed stat.
196,10,9,"The user attacks with
a gust of chilled air.
It also lowers the
target’s Speed stat.
196,11,5,"Une bourrasque de vent froid blesse
l’ennemi. Réduit aussi sa Vitesse."
196,11,9,"The user attacks with a gust of
chilled air. It also reduces the targets’
Speed stat."
196,14,9,"The user attacks with a gust of
chilled air. It also reduces the targets’
Speed stat."
196,15,1,"つめたい れいきを
あいてに ふきつけて こうげきする。
あいての すばやさを さげる。"
196,15,3,"차가운 냉기를
상대에게 내뿜어 공격한다.
상대의 스피드를 떨어뜨린다."
196,15,5,"Une bourrasque de vent froid blesse l’ennemi.
Réduit aussi sa Vitesse."
196,15,6,"Eis-Attacke, die dem Ziel Schaden zufügt
und seinen Initiative-Wert senkt."
196,15,7,"Ataque con aire helado que baja la Velocidad de
los rivales."
196,15,8,"Chi la usa attacca i nemici intorno con
una folata di aria gelida e ne riduce anche
la Velocità."
196,15,9,"The user attacks with a gust of chilled air.
This also lowers the opposing Pokémon’s
Speed stats."
196,15,11,"凍てつく 冷気を
相手に 吹きつけて 攻撃する。
相手の 素早さを さげる。"
197,3,9,"Evades attack that
turn. It may fail."
197,4,9,"Evades attack that
turn. It may fail."
197,5,9,"Evades attack, but may fail
if used in succession."
197,6,9,"Evades attack, but may fail
if used in succession."
197,7,9,"Enables the user to
evade all attacks.
It may fail if used
in succession."
197,8,9,"It enables the user
to evade all attacks.
Its chance of failing
rises if it is used in
197,9,9,"It enables the user
to evade all attacks.
Its chance of failing
rises if it is used in
197,10,9,"It enables the user
to evade all attacks.
Its chance of failing
rises if it is used in
197,11,5,"Le lanceur esquive toutes les attaques.
Plus la capacité est utilisée de fois à la
suite, plus elle risque d’échouer."
197,11,9,"It enables the user to evade all attacks.
Its chance of failing rises if it is used
in succession."
197,14,9,"It enables the user to evade all attacks.
Its chance of failing rises if it is used
in succession."
197,15,1,"あいての こうげきを
まったく うけない。
れんぞくで だすと しっぱい しやすい。"
197,15,3,"상대의 공격을
전혀 받지 않는다.
연속으로 쓰면 실패하기 쉽다."
197,15,5,"Le lanceur esquive toutes les attaques.
Le risque d’échec augmente lorsque la capacité
est utilisée plusieurs fois de suite."
197,15,6,"Anwender weicht jeder Attacke aus.
Scheitert eventuell bei Wiederholung."
197,15,7,"Frena todos los ataques, pero puede fallar si se
usa repetidamente."
197,15,8,"Permette di eludere tutti gli attacchi.
Se usata in successione può fallire."
197,15,9,"Enables the user to evade all attacks.
Its chance of failing rises if it is used
in succession."
197,15,11,"相手の 攻撃を
まったく 受けない。
連続で だすと 失敗しやすい。"
198,3,9,"An attack that
hits 2-5 times."
198,4,9,"An attack that
hits 2-5 times."
198,5,9,"Strikes the foe with a bone
in hand 2 to 5 times."
198,6,9,"Strikes the foe with a bone
in hand 2 to 5 times."
198,7,9,"The user strikes
the foe with a bone
in hand two to five
198,8,9,"The user strikes at
the foe with a hard
bone two to five
times in a row.
198,9,9,"The user strikes at
the foe with a hard
bone two to five
times in a row.
198,10,9,"The user strikes at
the foe with a hard
bone two to five
times in a row.
198,11,5,"Le lanceur frappe l’ennemi
2 à 5 fois avec un os."
198,11,9,"The user strikes the target with a hard
bone two to five times in a row."
198,14,9,"The user strikes the target with a hard
bone two to five times in a row."
198,15,1,"かたい ホネで
あいてを なぐりつけて こうげきする。
2ー5かいの あいだ れんぞくで だす。"
198,15,3,"단단한 뼈로
상대를 세게 때려서 공격한다.
2-5회 동안 연속으로 쓴다."
198,15,5,"Le lanceur frappe l’ennemi avec un os
de deux à cinq fois d’affilée."
198,15,6,"Greift Ziel zwei- bis fünfmal in Folge
mit einem harten Knochen an."
198,15,7,"Hueso en ristre, aporrea al objetivo de dos a
cinco veces."
198,15,8,"Chi la usa colpisce il bersaglio con un osso
da due a cinque volte di fila."
198,15,9,"The user strikes the target with a hard
bone two to five times in a row."
198,15,11,"硬い ホネで
相手を なぐりつけて 攻撃する。
2ー5回の あいだ 連続で だす。"
199,3,9,"Ensures the next
attack will hit."
199,4,9,"Ensures the next
attack will hit."
199,5,9,"Locks on to the foe to
ensure the next move hits."
199,6,9,"Locks on to the foe to
ensure the next move hits."
199,7,9,"The user locks on
to the foe, making
the next move sure
to hit."
199,8,9,"The user takes sure
aim at the foe.
It ensures the next
attack does not fail
to hit the target."
199,9,9,"The user takes sure
aim at the foe.
It ensures the next
attack does not fail
to hit the target."
199,10,9,"The user takes sure
aim at the foe.
It ensures the next
attack does not fail
to hit the target."
199,11,5,"Verrouille l’ennemi pour ne
pas le rater au tour suivant."
199,11,9,"The user takes sure aim at the target.
It ensures the next attack does not fail
to hit the target."
199,14,9,"The user takes sure aim at the target.
It ensures the next attack does not fail
to hit the target."
199,15,1,"しょうじゅんを しっかり あわせて
つぎの こうげきが かならず
あいてに あたるように する。"
199,15,3,"조준을 잘 맞춰
다음 공격이 반드시
상대에게 명중하도록 한다."
199,15,5,"Verrouille l’ennemi pour ne pas le rater au tour
199,15,6,"Visiert das Ziel an und trifft in der
nächsten Runde garantiert."
199,15,7,Fija el blanco para que el siguiente ataque no falle.
199,15,8,"Chi la usa punta il bersaglio con precisione.
La mossa successiva andrà a segno."
199,15,9,"The user takes sure aim at the target.
This ensures the next attack does not
miss the target."
199,15,11,"照準を しっかり あわせて
次の 攻撃が 必ず
相手に 当たるように する。"
200,3,9,"Works 2-3 turns
and confuses user."
200,4,9,"Works 2-3 turns
and confuses user."
200,5,9,"A rampage of 2 to 3 turns
that confuses the user."
200,6,9,"A rampage of 2 to 3 turns
that confuses the user."
200,7,9,"The user thrashes
about for two to
three turns, then
becomes confused."
200,8,9,"The user rampages
and attacks for two
to three turns.
However, it then
becomes confused."
200,9,9,"The user rampages
and attacks for two
to three turns.
However, it then
becomes confused."
200,10,9,"The user rampages
and attacks for two
to three turns.
However, it then
becomes confused."
200,11,5,"Le lanceur laisse éclater sa rage et
attaque pendant 2 à 3 tours avant de
céder à la confusion."
200,11,9,"The user rampages and attacks for two
to three turns.
It then becomes confused, however."
200,14,9,"The user rampages and attacks for two
to three turns.
It then becomes confused, however."
200,15,1,"2ー3ターンの あいだ
あばれまくって こうげきする。
あばれた あとは こんらん する。"
200,15,3,"2-3턴 동안
마구 난동 부려서 공격한다.
난동 부린 뒤에는 혼란에 빠진다."
200,15,5,"Le lanceur laisse éclater sa rage et attaque
pendant deux à trois tours avant de céder à
la confusion."
200,15,6,"Attacke über zwei bis drei Runden,
die den Anwender verwirrt."
200,15,7,"Ataca de dos a tres turnos y acaba confundiendo
al agresor."
200,15,8,"Chi la usa sfoga la sua ira e attacca il nemico
per due o tre turni prima di essere lasciato
in preda alla confusione."
200,15,9,"The user rampages and attacks for two
to three turns.
The user then becomes confused."
200,15,11,"2ー3ターンの あいだ
暴れまくって 攻撃する。
暴れたあとは 混乱する。"
201,3,9,"Inflicts damage
every turn."
201,4,9,"Inflicts damage
every turn."
201,5,9,"Causes a sandstorm that
rages for several turns."
201,6,9,"Causes a sandstorm that
rages for several turns."
201,7,9,"A 5-turn sandstorm
that damages all
types except ROCK,
201,8,9,"A five-turn sand­
storm is summoned
to hurt all combatant
types except Rock, 
Ground, and Steel."
201,9,9,"A five-turn sand­
storm is summoned
to hurt all combatant
types except Rock, 
Ground, and Steel."
201,10,9,"A five-turn sand­
storm is summoned
to hurt all combatant
types except Rock, 
Ground, and Steel."
201,11,5,"Une tempête de sable de 5 tours
qui blesse tous les Pokémon sauf
les types Roche, Sol et Acier."
201,11,9,"A five-turn sandstorm is summoned
to hurt all combatants except the
Rock, Ground, and Steel types."
201,14,9,"A five-turn sandstorm is summoned
to hurt all combatants except the
Rock, Ground, and Steel types."
201,15,1,"5ターンの あいだ すなあらしで
いわ じめん はがねタイプ いがいの
ポケモンに ダメージを あたえる。"
201,15,3,"5턴 동안 모래바람으로
바위, 땅, 강철타입 이외의
포켓몬에게 데미지를 준다."
201,15,5,"Une tempête de sable qui blesse tous les
Pokémon durant cinq tours, sauf ceux de types
Roche, Sol et Acier."
201,15,6,"Sandsturm für fünf Runden. Fügt Pokémon
von jedem Typ außer Gestein, Boden und Stahl
Schaden zu."
201,15,7,"Tormenta de arena que dura cinco turnos y hiere a
todos, excepto a los de tipo Roca, Tierra y Acero."
201,15,8,"Causa una tempesta di sabbia per cinque turni
che danneggia tutti i tipi in campo esclusi
Terra, Roccia e Acciaio."
201,15,9,"A five-turn sandstorm is summoned
to hurt all combatants except the
Rock, Ground, and Steel types."
201,15,11,"5ターンの あいだ 砂あらしで
いわ じめん はがねタイプ 以外の
ポケモンに ダメージを 与える。"
202,3,9,"Steals 1/2 of the
damage inflicted."
202,4,9,"Steals 1/2 of the
damage inflicted."
202,5,9,"An attack that steals half
the damage inflicted."
202,6,9,"An attack that steals half
the damage inflicted."
202,7,9,"A harsh attack that
absorbs half the
damage it inflicted
to restore HP."
202,8,9,"A nutrient-draining
attack. The user’s
HP is restored by
half the damage taken
by the target."
202,9,9,"A nutrient-draining
attack. The user’s
HP is restored by
half the damage taken
by the target."
202,10,9,"A nutrient-draining
attack. The user’s
HP is restored by
half the damage taken
by the target."
202,11,5,"Une attaque qui convertit la moitié
des dégâts infligés en PV."
202,11,9,"A nutrient-draining attack. The user’s
HP is restored by half the damage
taken by the target."
202,14,9,"A nutrient-draining attack. The user’s
HP is restored by half the damage
taken by the target."
202,15,1,"ようぶんを すいとり こうげきする。
あたえた ダメージの
はんぶんの HPを かいふく できる。"
202,15,3,"양분을 흡수하여 공격한다.
입힌 데미지의 절반에 해당하는
HP를 회복할 수 있다."
202,15,5,"Une attaque qui convertit la moitié des dégâts
infligés en PV pour le lanceur."
202,15,6,"Das Ziel wird angegriffen und die Hälfte
des zugefügten Schadens dem Angreifer
als KP gutgeschrieben."
202,15,7,"Un ataque que absorbe nutrientes. Quien lo usa
recupera la mitad de los PS del daño que produce."
202,15,8,"Mossa che assorbe PS. Chi la usa recupera
una quantità di PS pari alla metà del danno inferto."
202,15,9,"A nutrient-draining attack. The user’s
HP is restored by half the damage
taken by the target."
202,15,11,"養分を 吸い取り 攻撃する。
与えた ダメージの
半分の HPを 回復できる。"
203,3,9,"Always leaves at
least 1HP."
203,4,9,"Always leaves at
least 1HP."
203,5,9,"Endures any attack for
1 turn, leaving at least 1HP."
203,6,9,"Endures any attack for
1 turn, leaving at least 1HP."
203,7,9,"The user endures
any hit with 1 HP
left. It may fail if
used in succession."
203,8,9,"The user endures any
attack, leaving 1 HP.
Its chance of failing
rises if it is used in
203,9,9,"The user endures any
attack, leaving 1 HP.
Its chance of failing
rises if it is used in
203,10,9,"The user endures any
attack with at least
1 HP. Its chance of
failing rises if it is
used in succession."
203,11,5,"Le lanceur résiste aux attaques avec
1 PV. Peut échouer si utilisée plusieurs
fois de suite."
203,11,9,"The user endures any attack with at least
1 HP. Its chance of failing rises if it is
used in succession."
203,14,9,"The user endures any attack with at least
1 HP. Its chance of failing rises if it is
used in succession."
203,15,1,"こうげきを うけても
HPを かならず 1だけ のこせる。
れんぞくで だすと しっぱい しやすい。"
203,15,3,"공격을 받아도
HP를 반드시 1만큼은 남긴다.
연속으로 쓰면 실패하기 쉽다."
203,15,5,"Le lanceur résiste aux attaques avec 1 PV.
Peut échouer si utilisée plusieurs fois de suite."
203,15,6,"Nach fatalen Attacken bleibt stets 1 KP übrig.
Misserfolg bei Wiederholung möglich."
203,15,7,"Resiste cualquier ataque y deja al menos 1 PS.
Puede fallar si se usa repetidamente."
203,15,8,"Chi la usa resta con un PS anche se subisce
un colpo da KO in quel turno. Usata in successione
può fallire."
203,15,9,"The user endures any attack with at least
1 HP. Its chance of failing rises if it is
used in succession."
203,15,11,"攻撃を 受けても
HPを 必ず 1だけ 残せる。
連続で だすと 失敗しやすい。"
204,3,9,"Sharply lowers the
foe's ATTACK."
204,4,9,"Sharply lowers the
foe's ATTACK."
204,5,9,"Charms the foe and sharply
reduces its ATTACK."
204,6,9,"Charms the foe and sharply
reduces its ATTACK."
204,7,9,"The foe is charmed
by the user’s cute
appeals, sharply
cutting its ATTACK."
204,8,9,"The user charmingly
stares at the foe,
making it less wary.
The target’s Attack
is sharply lowered."
204,9,9,"The user charmingly
stares at the foe,
making it less wary.
The target’s Attack
is sharply lowered."
204,10,9,"The user charmingly
stares at the foe,
making it less wary.
The target’s Attack
is sharply lowered."
204,11,5,"Le lanceur fait les yeux doux
pour berner l’ennemi et réduire
considérablement son Attaque."
204,11,9,"The user gazes at the target rather
charmingly, making it less wary.
The target’s Attack is harshly lowered."
204,14,9,"The user gazes at the target rather
charmingly, making it less wary.
The target’s Attack is harshly lowered."
204,15,1,"かわいく みつめて ゆだんを さそい
あいての こうげきを がくっと さげる。
204,15,3,"귀엽게 바라보고 방심을 유도하여
상대의 공격을 크게 떨어뜨린다."
204,15,5,"Le lanceur fait les yeux doux pour berner l’ennemi
et réduire considérablement son Attaque."
204,15,6,"Betört das Ziel und reduziert dessen
Angriffs-Wert stark."
204,15,7,Engatusa al objetivo y reduce bastante su Ataque.
204,15,8,"Ammalia il bersaglio con lo sguardo per renderlo
meno cauto. Ne riduce molto l’Attacco."
204,15,9,"The user gazes at the target rather
charmingly, making it less wary.
This harshly lowers its Attack stat."
204,15,11,"かわいく みつめて 油断を 誘い
相手の 攻撃を がくっと さげる。
205,3,9,"Attacks 5 turns
with rising power."
205,4,9,"Attacks 5 turns
with rising power."
205,5,9,"An attack lasting 5 turns
with rising intensity."
205,6,9,"An attack lasting 5 turns
with rising intensity."
205,7,9,"A 5-turn rolling
attack that becomes
stronger each time
it hits."
205,8,9,"The user continually
rolls into the foe
over five turns. It
becomes stronger
each time it hits."
205,9,9,"The user continually
rolls into the foe
over five turns. It
becomes stronger
each time it hits."
205,10,9,"The user continually
rolls into the foe
over five turns. It
becomes stronger
each time it hits."
205,11,5,"Un rocher roule sur l’ennemi pendant 5
tours. L’attaque gagne en puissance
à chaque coup."
205,11,9,"The user continually rolls into the target
over five turns. It becomes stronger
each time it hits."
205,14,9,"The user continually rolls into the target
over five turns. It becomes stronger
each time it hits."
205,15,1,"5ターンの あいだ ころがりつづけて
こうげきする。わざが あたる たびに
いりょくが あがる。"
205,15,3,"5턴 동안 구르기를 반복하여
공격한다. 기술이 맞을 때마다
위력이 올라간다."
205,15,5,"Un rocher roule sur l’ennemi pendant cinq tours.
L’attaque gagne en puissance à chaque coup."
205,15,6,"Attacke, die fünf Runden dauert.
Die Härte nimmt von Mal zu Mal zu."
205,15,7,"El atacante rueda contra el objetivo durante cinco
turnos, cada vez con mayor fuerza."
205,15,8,"Chi la usa colpisce il bersaglio rotolando
per cinque turni, con aumento progressivo
della potenza ogni volta che va a segno."
205,15,9,"The user continually rolls into the target
over five turns. It becomes more powerful
each time it hits."
205,15,11,"5ターンの あいだ 転がり続けて
攻撃する。技が 当たるたびに
威力が あがる。"
206,3,9,"Leaves the foe
with at least 1HP."
206,4,9,"Leaves the foe
with at least 1HP."
206,5,9,"An attack that leaves the
foe with at least 1 HP."
206,6,9,"An attack that leaves the
foe with at least 1 HP."
206,7,9,"A restrained attack
that always leaves
the foe with at
least 1 HP."
206,8,9,"A restrained attack
that prevents the
foe from fainting.
The target is left
with at least 1 HP."
206,9,9,"A restrained attack
that prevents the
foe from fainting.
The target is left
with at least 1 HP."
206,10,9,"A restrained attack
that prevents the
foe from fainting.
The target is left
with at least 1 HP."
206,11,5,"Le lanceur retient ses coups pour
que l’ennemi garde au moins 1 PV et
ne tombe pas K.O."
206,11,9,"A restrained attack that prevents the
target from fainting.
The target is left with at least 1 HP."
206,14,9,"A restrained attack that prevents the
target from fainting.
The target is left with at least 1 HP."
206,15,1,"あいての HPが
かならず 1だけ のこる ように
てかげん して こうげきする。"
206,15,3,"상대의 HP가
반드시 1만큼 남도록
조절하여 공격한다."
206,15,5,"Le lanceur retient ses coups pour que l’ennemi
garde au moins 1 PV et ne tombe pas K.O."
206,15,6,"Ein Angriff, der dem Ziel zumindest 1 KP lässt."
206,15,7,"Ataque moderado que no debilita al objetivo y le
deja al menos 1 PS."
206,15,8,"Chi la usa trattiene il colpo per impedire al bersaglio
di andare KO, lasciandolo con almeno un PS."
206,15,9,"A restrained attack that prevents the
target from fainting.
The target is left with at least 1 HP."
206,15,11,"相手の HPが
必ず 1だけ 残るように
手加減して 攻撃する。"
207,3,9,"Causes confusion
and raises ATTACK."
207,4,9,"Causes confusion
and raises ATTACK."
207,5,9,"Confuses the foe, but also
sharply raises ATTACK."
207,6,9,"Confuses the foe, but also
sharply raises ATTACK."
207,7,9,"A move that makes
the foe confused,
but also sharply
raises its ATTACK."
207,8,9,"The user enrages the
foe into confusion.
However, it also
sharply raises the
foe’s Attack stat."
207,9,9,"The user enrages the
foe into confusion.
However, it also
sharply raises the
foe’s Attack stat."
207,10,9,"The user enrages the
foe into confusion.
However, it also
sharply raises the
foe’s Attack stat."
207,11,5,"Fait enrager la cible et la plonge dans
la confusion, mais augmente fortement
son Attaque."
207,11,9,"The user enrages and confuses the target.
However, it also sharply raises the
target’s Attack stat."
207,14,9,"The user enrages and confuses the target.
However, it also sharply raises the
target’s Attack stat."
207,15,1,"あいてを おこらせて こんらん させる。
いかりで あいての こうげきは
ぐーんと あがってしまう。"
207,15,3,"상대를 화내게 해서 혼란시킨다.
분노로 상대의 공격은
크게 올라가 버린다."
207,15,5,"Fait enrager la cible et la plonge dans la confusion,
mais augmente fortement son Attaque."
207,15,6,"Verwirrt das Ziel und erhöht dessen
Angriffs-Wert stark."
207,15,7,"Provoca confusión en el objetivo, pero también
sube mucho su Ataque."
207,15,8,"Chi la usa provoca il bersaglio e lo confonde,
facendo aumentare però di molto il suo Attacco."
207,15,9,"The user enrages and confuses the target.
However, this also sharply raises the
target’s Attack stat."
207,15,11,"相手を 怒らせて 混乱させる。
怒りで 相手の 攻撃は
ぐーんと あがってしまう。"
208,3,9,"Restores HP by 1/2
the max HP."
208,4,9,"Restores HP by 1/2
the max HP."
208,5,9,"Recovers up to half the
user’s maximum HP."
208,6,9,"Recovers up to half the
user’s maximum HP."
208,7,9,"Heals the user by
up to half its full
HP. It can be used
to heal an ally."
208,8,9,"The user restores its
own HP by up to half
of its maximum HP.
It may also be used
to heal an ally’s HP."
208,9,9,"The user restores its
own HP by up to half
of its maximum HP.
It may also be used
to heal an ally’s HP."
208,10,9,"The user restores its
own HP by up to half
of its maximum HP.
It may also be used
to heal an ally’s HP."
208,11,5,"Le lanceur récupère jusqu’à la moitié de
ses PV max. En dehors des combats, permet
de transférer des PV du lanceur à un allié."
208,11,9,"The user restores its own HP
by up to half of its maximum HP.
May also be used in the field to heal HP."
208,14,9,"The user restores its own HP
by up to half of its maximum HP.
May also be used in the field to heal HP."
208,15,1,"さいだい HPの はんぶん
じぶんの HPを かいふく する。
なかまに HPを わけることも できる。"
208,15,3,"자신의 최대 HP 절반을
회복한다. 동료에게 HP를
나누어 줄 수도 있다."
208,15,5,"Le lanceur récupère jusqu’à la moitié de ses
PV max. En dehors des combats, permet de
transférer des PV du lanceur à un allié."
208,15,6,"KP des Anwenders werden um 50 % der
maximalen KP aufgefüllt. Heilung eines
Verbündeten außerhalb von Kämpfen möglich."
208,15,7,"Restaura la mitad de los PS máximos del usuario.
Fuera de combate se usa para transferir parte de
sus PS a un aliado."
208,15,8,"Chi la usa recupera metà dei propri PS massimi.
Fuori dalla lotta può anche far trasferire PS
agli alleati."
208,15,9,"The user restores its own HP
by up to half of its max HP.
May also be used in the field to heal HP."
208,15,11,"最大HPの 半分
自分の HPを 回復する。
仲間に HPを わけることも できる。"
209,3,9,"An attack that may
cause paralysis."
209,4,9,"An attack that may
cause paralysis."
209,5,9,"An electrified tackle that
may paralyze the foe."
209,6,9,"An electrified tackle that
may paralyze the foe."
209,7,9,"An electrically
charged tackle that
may also paralyze
the foe."
209,8,9,"The user throws an
electrically charged
tackle at the foe.
It may also leave the
target paralyzed."
209,9,9,"The user throws an
electrically charged
tackle at the foe.
It may also leave the
target paralyzed."
209,10,9,"The user throws an
electrically charged
tackle at the foe.
It may also leave the
target paralyzed."
209,11,5,"Lance une charge électrique sur
l’ennemi. Peut aussi le paralyser."
209,11,9,"The user throws an electrically charged
tackle at the target. It may also leave
the target with paralysis."
209,14,9,"The user throws an electrically charged
tackle at the target. It may also leave
the target with paralysis."
209,15,1,"でんきを まとい
あいてに とっしんして こうげきする。
まひ じょうたいに することが ある。"
209,15,3,"전기를 둘러
상대에게 돌진하여 공격한다.
마비 상태로 만들 때가 있다."
209,15,5,"Lance une charge électrique sur l’ennemi.
Peut aussi le paralyser."
209,15,6,"Elektro-Hieb, der das Ziel paralysieren kann."
209,15,7,Ataque eléctrico que puede llegar a paralizar.
209,15,8,"Colpisce il bersaglio con una scarica elettrica
e può anche paralizzarlo."
209,15,9,"The user throws an electrically charged
tackle at the target. This may also leave
the target with paralysis."
209,15,11,"電気を まとい
相手に 突進して 攻撃する。
まひ状態に することが ある。"
210,3,9,"Successive hits
raise power."
210,4,9,"Successive hits
raise power."
210,5,9,"An attack that intensifies
on each successive hit."
210,6,9,"An attack that intensifies
on each successive hit."
210,7,9,"An attack that
grows stronger on
each successive
210,8,9,"The foe is slashed
with scythes or
claws. Its power
increases if it hits
in succession."
210,9,9,"The foe is slashed
with scythes or
claws. Its power
increases if it hits
in succession."
210,10,9,"The foe is slashed
with scythes or
claws. Its power
increases if it hits
in succession."
210,11,5,"Un coup de faux ou de griffe dont
la force augmente quand il touche
plusieurs fois d’affilée."
210,11,9,"The target is slashed with scythes or
claws. Its power increases if it hits
in succession."
210,14,9,"The target is slashed with scythes or
claws. Its power increases if it hits
in succession."
210,15,1,"カマや ツメ などで あいてを
きりつけて こうげきする。れんぞくで
あてると いりょくが あがる。"
210,15,3,"낫이나 발톱 등으로 상대를
베어 공격한다.
연속으로 맞히면 위력이 올라간다."
210,15,5,"Un coup de faux ou de griffe dont la force
augmente quand il touche plusieurs fois d’affilée."
210,15,6,"Eine Attacke mit Scheren oder Klauen, deren Härte
bei aufeinanderfolgenden Treffern zunimmt."
210,15,7,"Ataque con garras o guadaña que crece en
intensidad si se usa repetidas veces."
210,15,8,"Colpisce il bersaglio con falci o artigli. Se usata
in successione aumenta di potenza ogni volta
che va a segno."
210,15,9,"The target is slashed with scythes or
claws. This attack becomes more powerful
if it hits in succession."
210,15,11,"カマや ツメなどで 相手を
切りつけて 攻撃する。
連続で 当てると 威力が あがる。"
211,3,9,"Stiff wings strike
the foe."
211,4,9,"Stiff wings strike
the foe."
211,5,9,"Strikes the foe with hard
wings spread wide."
211,6,9,"Strikes the foe with hard
wings spread wide."
211,7,9,"The foe is hit with
wings of steel.
It may also raise
the user’s DEFENSE."
211,8,9,"The foe is hit with
wings of steel.
It may also raise the
user’s Defense stat.
211,9,9,"The foe is hit with
wings of steel.
It may also raise the
user’s Defense stat.
211,10,9,"The foe is hit with
wings of steel.
It may also raise the
user’s Defense stat.
211,11,5,"Le lanceur frappe l’ennemi avec des
ailes d’acier. Peut aussi augmenter
la Défense du lanceur."
211,11,9,"The target is hit with wings of steel.
It may also raise the user’s Defense stat."
211,14,9,"The target is hit with wings of steel.
It may also raise the user’s Defense stat."
211,15,1,"かたい つばさを あいてに たたきつけて
こうげきする。じぶんの ぼうぎょが
あがることが ある。"
211,15,3,"단단한 날개를 상대에게 부딪쳐서
공격한다. 자신의 방어가
올라갈 때가 있다."
211,15,5,"Le lanceur frappe l’ennemi avec des ailes d’acier.
Peut aussi augmenter la Défense du lanceur."
211,15,6,"Trifft das Ziel mit Stahlflügeln.
Verteidigungs-Wert des Anwenders
steigt eventuell."
211,15,7,"Alas macizas que golpean al objetivo y pueden
subir la Defensa del usuario."
211,15,8,"Colpisce il bersaglio con ali d’acciaio. Può anche
aumentare la Difesa di chi la usa."
211,15,9,"The target is hit with wings of steel.
This may also raise the user’s Defense stat."
211,15,11,"硬い 翼を 相手に たたきつけて
攻撃する。自分の 防御が
あがることが ある。"
212,3,9,"Prevents fleeing
or switching."
212,4,9,"Prevents fleeing
or switching."
212,5,9,"Fixes the foe with a mean
look that prevents escape."
212,6,9,"Fixes the foe with a mean
look that prevents escape."
212,7,9,"The foe is fixed
with a mean look
that prevents it
from escaping."
212,8,9,"The user affixes the
foe with a dark,
arresting look.
The target becomes
unable to flee."
212,9,9,"The user affixes the
foe with a dark,
arresting look.
The target becomes
unable to flee."
212,10,9,"The user affixes the
foe with a dark,
arresting look.
The target becomes
unable to flee."
212,11,5,"Le lanceur pétrifie l’ennemi en lui lançant
un regard noir. Il devient incapable de
212,11,9,"The user pins the target with a dark,
arresting look.
The target becomes unable to flee."
212,14,9,"The user pins the target with a dark,
arresting look.
The target becomes unable to flee."
212,15,1,"すいこまれる ような くろい まなざしで
じっと みつめて あいてを
せんとうから にげられなく する。"
212,15,3,"빨려 들어갈 것 같은 까만 눈빛으로
가만히 응시하여 상대를
배틀에서 도망갈 수 없게 한다."
212,15,5,"Le lanceur pétrifie l’ennemi en lui lançant un
regard noir. Il devient incapable de s’enfuir."
212,15,6,"Böser Blick, der die Flucht des Zieles vereitelt."
212,15,7,"Mal de ojo que impide al objetivo huir de la
212,15,8,"Chi la usa blocca il bersaglio con uno sguardo
oscuro e ammaliante, impedendogli la fuga."
212,15,9,"The user pins the target with a dark,
arresting look.
The target becomes unable to flee."
212,15,11,"吸いこまれるような 黒い まなざしで
じっと みつめて 相手を
戦闘から 逃げられなくする。"
213,3,9,"Makes the opposite
gender infatuated."
213,4,9,"Makes the opposite
gender infatuated."
213,5,9,"Makes the opposite gender
less likely to attack."
213,6,9,"Makes the opposite gender
less likely to attack."
213,7,9,"If it is the other
gender, the foe is
made infatuated and
unlikely to attack."
213,8,9,"If it is the opposite
gender of the user,
the foe becomes
infatuated and less
likely to attack."
213,9,9,"If it is the opposite
gender of the user,
the foe becomes
infatuated and less
likely to attack."
213,10,9,"If it is the opposite
gender of the user,
the foe becomes
infatuated and less
likely to attack."
213,11,5,"Si l’ennemi est du sexe opposé, il tombe
amoureux et rechigne alors à attaquer."
213,11,9,"If it is the opposite gender of the user,
the target becomes infatuated and less
likely to attack."
213,14,9,"If it is the opposite gender of the user,
the target becomes infatuated and less
likely to attack."
213,15,1,"♂なら♀を ♀なら♂を ゆうわくして
メロメロに する。
あいては わざが だしにくく なる。"
213,15,3,"수컷은 암컷을 암컷은 수컷을 유혹하여
헤롱헤롱하게 만든다.
상대가 기술을 쓰기 어려워진다."
213,15,5,"Si l’ennemi est du sexe opposé, il tombe amoureux
et rechigne alors à attaquer."
213,15,6,"Angriff auf Anwender vom anderen Geschlecht
wird unwahrscheinlich."
213,15,7,"Si el objetivo es del sexo opuesto, se enamorará y
bajará la posibilidad de que ataque."
213,15,8,"Se il bersaglio è del sesso opposto, s’infatua
e diventa riluttante ad attaccare."
213,15,9,"If it is the opposite gender of the user,
the target becomes infatuated and less
likely to attack."
213,15,11,"♂なら♀を ♀なら♂を 誘惑して
メロメロに する。
相手は 技が だしにくくなる。"
214,3,9,"Randomly attacks
while asleep."
214,4,9,"Randomly attacks
while asleep."
214,5,9,"Uses an own move randomly
while asleep."
214,6,9,"Uses an available move
randomly while asleep."
214,7,9,"While asleep, the
user randomly uses
one of the moves it
214,8,9,"While it is asleep, the
user randomly uses
one of the moves it
214,9,9,"While it is asleep, the
user randomly uses
one of the moves it
214,10,9,"While it is asleep, the
user randomly uses
one of the moves it
214,11,5,"Le lanceur utilise un de ses coups
au hasard pendant qu’il dort."
214,11,9,"While it is asleep, the user randomly uses
one of the moves it knows."
214,14,9,"While it is asleep, the user randomly uses
one of the moves it knows."
214,15,1,"じぶんが おぼえている わざの うち
どれか 1つを くりだす。
じぶんが ねている ときだけ つかえる。"
214,15,3,"자신이 배운 기술 중
하나를 무작위로 날린다.
자신이 잠들어 있을 때만 쓸 수 있다."
214,15,5,"Le lanceur utilise un de ses coups au hasard
pendant qu’il dort."
214,15,6,"Anwender setzt per Zufall eine ihm bekannte
Attacke im Schlaf ein."
214,15,7,"Mientras duerme, usa uno de sus movimientos
elegido al azar."
214,15,8,"Chi la usa sfodera a caso una delle proprie mosse
mentre sta dormendo."
214,15,9,"While it is asleep, the user randomly uses
one of the moves it knows."
214,15,11,"自分が おぼえている 技の うち
どれか 1つを くりだす。
自分が 寝ているときだけ 使える。"
215,3,9,"Eliminates all
status problems."
215,4,9,"Eliminates all
status problems."
215,5,9,"Chimes soothingly to heal
all status abnormalities."
215,6,9,"Chimes soothingly to heal
all status abnormalities."
215,7,9,"A soothing bell
chimes to heal the
status problems of
all allies."
215,8,9,"The user makes a
soothing bell chime
to heal the status
problems of all the
party Pokémon."
215,9,9,"The user makes a
soothing bell chime
to heal the status
problems of all the
party Pokémon."
215,10,9,"The user makes a
soothing bell chime
to heal the status
problems of all the
party Pokémon."
215,11,5,"Carillon apaisant qui soigne les problèmes
de statut de tous les Pokémon de l’équipe."
215,11,9,"The user makes a soothing bell chime
to heal the status problems of all the
party Pokémon."
215,14,9,"The user makes a soothing bell chime
to heal the status problems of all the
party Pokémon."
215,15,1,"ここちよい すずの ねいろを きかせて
みかた ぜんいんの
じょうたい いじょうを かいふく する。"
215,15,3,"기분 좋은 방울소리를
들려주어 같은 편 전원의
상태 이상을 회복한다."
215,15,5,"Carillon apaisant qui soigne les problèmes de
statut de tous les Pokémon de l’équipe."
215,15,6,"Läutet beruhigend und heilt alle Statusprobleme
im Team."
215,15,7,"Tañido que cura los problemas de estado de todos
los Pokémon del equipo."
215,15,8,"Chi la usa produce uno scampanellio che cura
i problemi di stato suoi e dei Pokémon alleati."
215,15,9,"The user makes a soothing bell chime
to heal the status conditions of all the
party Pokémon."
215,15,11,"心地好い 鈴の 音色を 聞かせて
味方 全員の
状態異常を 回復 する。"
216,3,9,"An attack that is
based on loyalty."
216,4,9,"An attack that is
based on loyalty."
216,5,9,"An attack that increases
in power with friendship."
216,6,9,"An attack that increases
in power with friendship."
216,7,9,"This attack move
grows more powerful
the more the user
likes its TRAINER."
216,8,9,"A full-power attack
that grows more
powerful the more
the user likes its
216,9,9,"A full-power attack
that grows more
powerful the more
the user likes its
216,10,9,"A full-power attack
that grows more
powerful the more
the user likes its
216,11,5,"Une attaque furieuse dont la puissance
augmente quand le Pokémon apprécie
son Dresseur."
216,11,9,"A full-power attack that grows more
powerful the more the user likes
its Trainer."
216,14,9,"A full-power attack that grows more
powerful the more the user likes
its Trainer."
216,15,1,"トレーナーの ために ぜんりょくで
あいてを こうげきする。
なついて いるほど いりょくは あがる。"
216,15,3,"트레이너를 위해 전력으로
상대를 공격한다.
친밀할수록 위력이 올라간다."
216,15,5,"Plus le Pokémon apprécie son Dresseur, plus
la puissance de cette attaque furieuse augmente."
216,15,6,"Angriff, dessen Kraft bei Freundschaft zum Trainer
größer wird."
216,15,7,"Cuanto mayor sea la amistad con el Entrenador,
más poderoso será este ataque."
216,15,8,"Mossa che diventa tanto più potente quanto
maggiore è il grado di affezione del Pokémon
per il proprio Allenatore."
216,15,9,"A full-power attack that grows more
powerful the more the user likes
its Trainer."
216,15,11,"トレーナーの ために 全力で
相手を 攻撃する。
なついているほど 威力は あがる。"
217,3,9,"A bomb that may
restore HP."
217,4,9,"A bomb that may
restore HP."
217,5,9,"A gift in the form of a
bomb. May restore HP."
217,6,9,"A gift in the form of a
bomb. May restore HP."
217,7,9,"The foe is given a
booby-trapped gift.
It restores HP
sometimes, however."
217,8,9,"The user attacks by
giving the foe a
booby-trapped gift.
It restores HP
sometimes, however."
217,9,9,"The user attacks by
giving the foe a
booby-trapped gift.
It restores HP
sometimes, however."
217,10,9,"The user attacks by
giving the foe a
booby-trapped gift.
It restores HP
sometimes, however."
217,11,5,"Le lanceur attaque en offrant un cadeau
piégé à la cible. Peut à l’inverse
restaurer certains de ses PV."
217,11,9,"The user attacks by giving the target a
gift with a hidden trap. It restores
HP sometimes, however."
217,14,9,"The user attacks by giving the target a
gift with a hidden trap. It restores
HP sometimes, however."
217,15,1,"わなを しかけた はこを
あいてに わたして こうげきする。HPが
かいふくして しまうことも ある。"
217,15,3,"덫을 설치한 상자를
상대에게 건네어 공격한다.
HP가 회복돼버릴 때도 있다."
217,15,5,"Le lanceur attaque en offrant un cadeau piégé à la
cible. Peut cependant restaurer certains de ses PV."
217,15,6,"Eine Bombe als Geschenk. Kann auch KP
des Zieles wiederherstellen."
217,15,7,"Quien lo usa ataca al objetivo dándole un regalo
con bomba trampa. Sin embargo, a veces restaura
sus PS."
217,15,8,"Chi la usa dà un regalo bomba al bersaglio.
A volte, però, può fargli recuperare PS."
217,15,9,"The user attacks by giving the target a
gift with a hidden trap. It restores
HP sometimes, however."
217,15,11,"わなを しかけた 箱を
相手に わたして 攻撃する。HPが
回復して しまうことも ある。"
218,3,9,"An attack based on
lack of loyalty."
218,4,9,"An attack based on
lack of loyalty."
218,5,9,"An attack that is stronger
if the TRAINER is disliked."
218,6,9,"An attack that is stronger
if the TRAINER is disliked."
218,7,9,"This attack move
grows more powerful
the less the user
likes its TRAINER."
218,8,9,"A full-power attack
that grows more
powerful the less
the user likes its
218,9,9,"A full-power attack
that grows more
powerful the less
the user likes its
218,10,9,"A full-power attack
that grows more
powerful the less
the user likes its
218,11,5,"Moins le Pokémon aime son Dresseur, plus
cette attaque est puissante."
218,11,9,"A full-power attack that grows more
powerful the less the user likes
its Trainer."
218,14,9,"A full-power attack that grows more
powerful the less the user likes
its Trainer."
218,15,1,"ふまんを はらすため ぜんりょくで
あいてを こうげきする。なついて
いないほど いりょくは あがる。"
218,15,3,"불만을 풀기 위해 전력으로
상대를 공격한다.
친밀하지 않을수록 위력이 올라간다."
218,15,5,"Moins le Pokémon aime son Dresseur, plus cette
attaque est puissante."
218,15,6,"Die Attacke wird stärker, je weniger der Anwender
seinen Trainer mag."
218,15,7,"Cuanto menor sea la amistad con el Entrenador,
más poderoso será este ataque."
218,15,8,"Mossa che diventa tanto più potente quanto
minore è il grado di affezione del Pokémon
per il proprio Allenatore."
218,15,9,"A full-power attack that grows more
powerful the less the user likes
its Trainer."
218,15,11,"不満を はらすため 全力で
相手を 攻撃する。
なついていないほど 威力は あがる。"
219,3,9,"Prevents all
status problems."
219,4,9,"Prevents all
status problems."
219,5,9,"A mystical force prevents
all status problems."
219,6,9,"A mystical force prevents
all status problems."
219,7,9,"It protects the
user’s party from
all status problems
for five turns."
219,8,9,"The user creates a
protective field that
prevents status
problems for five
219,9,9,"The user creates a
protective field that
prevents status
problems for five
219,10,9,"The user creates a
protective field that
prevents status
problems for five
219,11,5,"Champ protecteur empêchant tous les
problèmes de statut pendant 5 tours."
219,11,9,"The user creates a protective field that
prevents status problems for five turns."
219,14,9,"The user creates a protective field that
prevents status problems for five turns."
219,15,1,"5ターンの あいだ
ふしぎな ちからに まもられて
じょうたい いじょうに ならなくなる。"
219,15,3,"5턴 동안
이상한 힘으로 보호받아
상태 이상이 되지 않는다."
219,15,5,"Crée un champ protecteur qui empêche tous les
problèmes de statut pendant cinq tours."
219,15,6,"Team des Anwenders ist fünf Runden
vor Statusproblemen geschützt."
219,15,7,"Un escudo que protege de problemas de estado,
como el sueño o la parálisis, durante cinco turnos."
219,15,8,"Chi la usa crea un campo protettivo che evita
problemi di stato per sé e gli alleati
per cinque turni."
219,15,9,"The user creates a protective field
that prevents status conditions
for five turns."
219,15,11,"5ターンの あいだ
不思議な 力に 守られて
状態異常に ならなくなる。"
220,3,9,"Adds user & foe's
HPs. Shares total."
220,4,9,"Adds user & foe's
HPs. Shares total."
220,5,9,"Adds the user and foe’s HP,
then shares them equally."
220,6,9,"Adds the user and foe’s HP,
then shares them equally."
220,7,9,"The user adds its
HP to the foe’s HP,
then equally shares
the total HP."
220,8,9,"The user adds its HP
to the foe’s HP, then
equally shares the
combined HP with the
220,9,9,"The user adds its HP
to the foe’s HP, then
equally shares the
combined HP with the
220,10,9,"The user adds its HP
to the foe’s HP, then
equally shares the
combined HP with the
220,11,5,"Le lanceur ajoute ses PV à ceux de
sa cible et les répartit équitablement."
220,11,9,"The user adds its HP to the target’s HP,
then equally shares the combined HP
with the target."
220,14,9,"The user adds its HP to the target’s HP,
then equally shares the combined HP
with the target."
220,15,1,"じぶんの HPと あいての HPを
あわせて それを じぶんと あいてで
なかよく わける。"
220,15,3,"자신의 HP와 상대의 HP를
합친 것을 자신과 상대가
사이좋게 나눈다."
220,15,5,"Le lanceur ajoute ses PV à ceux de sa cible et les
répartit équitablement."
220,15,6,"Addiert KP von Anwender und Ziel.
Teilt sie gerecht auf."
220,15,7,"Suma los PS del usuario a los del objetivo y los
reparte a partes iguales."
220,15,8,"Chi la usa somma i propri PS a quelli di un altro
Pokémon per poi dividerli in parti uguali."
220,15,9,"The user adds its HP to the target’s HP,
then equally shares the combined HP
with the target."
220,15,11,"自分の HPと 相手の HPを
あわせて それを 自分と 相手で
なかよく わける。"
221,3,9,"An attack that may
inflict a burn."
221,4,9,"An attack that may
inflict a burn."
221,5,9,"A mystical fire attack that
may inflict a burn."
221,6,9,"A mystical fire attack that
may inflict a burn."
221,7,9,"A mystical and
powerful fire
attack that may
inflict a burn."
221,8,9,"The foe is razed with
a mystical fire of
great intensity.
It may also leave the
target with a burn."
221,9,9,"The foe is razed with
a mystical fire of
great intensity.
It may also leave the
target with a burn."
221,10,9,"The foe is razed with
a mystical fire of
great intensity.
It may also leave the
target with a burn."
221,11,5,"Un feu mystique d’une intensité
redoutable attaque l’ennemi.
Peut aussi le brûler."
221,11,9,"The target is razed with a mystical fire
of great intensity. It may also leave the
target with a burn."
221,14,9,"The target is razed with a mystical fire
of great intensity. It may also leave the
target with a burn."
221,15,1,"しんぴの ほのおで
あいてを やきつくして こうげきする。
やけど じょうたいに することが ある。"
221,15,3,"신비한 불꽃으로
상대를 태워서 공격한다.
화상 상태로 만들 때가 있다."
221,15,5,"Le lanceur génère un feu mystique d’une intensité
redoutable pour attaquer l’ennemi. Peut aussi le
221,15,6,"Mystische Feuer-Attacke, durch die das Ziel
eventuell Verbrennungen erleidet."
221,15,7,"Fuego místico de gran intensidad que puede
causar quemaduras."
221,15,8,"Colpisce il bersaglio con un fuoco mistico di
enorme intensità che può anche causargli
una scottatura."
221,15,9,"The target is razed with a mystical fire
of great intensity. This may also leave the
target with a burn."
221,15,11,"神秘の 炎で
相手を 焼きつくして 攻撃する。
やけど状態に することが ある。"
222,3,9,"A ground attack
with random power."
222,4,9,"A ground attack
with random power."
222,5,9,"A ground-shaking attack
of random intensity."
222,6,9,"A ground-shaking attack
of random intensity."
222,7,9,"A ground-shaking
attack against all
standing POKéMON.
Its power varies."
222,8,9,"The user looses a
ground-shaking quake
affecting everyone in
battle. Its power
222,9,9,"The user looses a
ground-shaking quake
affecting everyone in
battle. Its power
222,10,9,"The user looses a
ground-shaking quake
affecting everyone in
battle. Its power
222,11,5,"Un tremblement de terre d’intensité
variable qui affecte tous les Pokémon
alentour. L’efficacité varie."
222,11,9,"The user looses a ground-shaking quake
affecting everyone around the user.
Its power varies."
222,14,9,"The user looses a ground-shaking quake
affecting everyone around the user.
Its power varies."
222,15,1,"じめんを ゆらして じぶんの
まわりに いるものを こうげきする。
わざの いりょくは いろいろ かわる。"
222,15,3,"땅을 흔들어서 자신의
주위에 있는 포켓몬을 공격한다.
기술의 위력이 여러모로 바뀐다."
222,15,5,"Provoque un tremblement de terre d’intensité
variable qui affecte tous les Pokémon alentour.
L’efficacité varie."
222,15,6,"Erdbebenartiger Angriff von zufälliger Stärke gegen
andere Pokémon in der Umgebung des Anwenders."
222,15,7,"Sacudida sísmica de intensidad variable que afecta
a todos los Pokémon a su alrededor."
222,15,8,"Chi la usa scatena un terremoto d’intensità
variabile che danneggia i Pokémon che ha intorno."
222,15,9,"The user attacks everything around it
with a ground-shaking quake.
Its power varies."
222,15,11,"地面を 揺らして 自分の
周りに いるものを 攻撃する。
技の 威力は いろいろ 変わる。"
223,3,9,"An attack that
always confuses."
223,4,9,"An attack that
always confuses."
223,5,9,"Powerful and sure to cause
confusion, but inaccurate."
223,6,9,"Powerful and sure to cause
confusion, but inaccurate."
223,7,9,"The foe is punched
with the user’s full
power. It confuses
the foe if it hits."
223,8,9,"The foe is punched
with the user’s full,
concentrated power.
It confuses the foe
if it hits."
223,9,9,"The foe is punched
with the user’s full,
concentrated power.
It confuses the foe
if it hits."
223,10,9,"The foe is punched
with the user’s full,
concentrated power.
It confuses the foe
if it hits."
223,11,5,"Le lanceur rassemble ses forces et
envoie un coup de poing à l’ennemi.
S’il est touché, il est confus."
223,11,9,"The user punches the target with full,
concentrated power.
It confuses the target if it hits."
223,14,9,"The user punches the target with full,
concentrated power.
It confuses the target if it hits."
223,15,1,"こんしんの ちからで
パンチを くりだして こうげきする。
あいてを かならず こんらん させる。"
223,15,3,"혼신의 힘으로
펀치를 날려서 공격한다.
상대를 반드시 혼란시킨다."
223,15,5,"Le lanceur rassemble ses forces et envoie un coup
de poing à l’ennemi. Rend ce dernier confus."
223,15,6,"Kräftiger Schlag, der das Ziel bei Erfolg verwirrt."
223,15,7,"Puñetazo con toda la fuerza concentrada. Causa
confusión si atina."
223,15,8,"Colpisce il bersaglio con un pugno davvero forte.
Se va a segno, lo confonde."
223,15,9,"The user punches the target with full,
concentrated power.
This confuses the target if it hits."
223,15,11,"こん身の 力で
パンチを くりだして 攻撃する。
相手を 必ず 混乱させる。"
224,3,9,"A powerful charge
224,4,9,"A powerful charge
224,5,9,"A brutal ramming attack
using out-thrust horns."
224,6,9,"A brutal ramming attack
using out-thrust horns."
224,7,9,"A brutal ramming
attack delivered
with a tough and
impressive horn."
224,8,9,"Utilizing its tough
and impressive
horn, the user
rams into the foe 
with no letup.
224,9,9,"Utilizing its tough
and impressive
horn, the user
rams into the foe 
with no letup.
224,10,9,"Using its tough
and impressive
horn, the user
rams into the foe 
with no letup.
224,11,5,"Le lanceur utilise ses gigantesques
cornes pour charger l’ennemi."
224,11,9,"Using its tough and impressive horn,
the user rams into the target
with no letup."
224,14,9,"Using its tough and impressive horn,
the user rams into the target
with no letup."
224,15,1,"かたくて りっぱな つので おもいっきり
あいてを つきさして こうげきする。
224,15,3,"단단하고 훌륭한 뿔로 마음껏
상대를 꿰찔러서 공격한다."
224,15,5,"Le lanceur utilise ses gigantesques cornes pour
charger l’ennemi."
224,15,6,"Brutaler Ramm-Angriff mit spitzem,
beeindruckendem Horn."
224,15,7,Violenta embestida con cuernos imponentes.
224,15,8,"Chi la usa utilizza il suo robusto e imponente corno
per colpire il bersaglio con tutto se stesso."
224,15,9,"Using its tough and impressive horn,
the user rams into the target
with no letup."
224,15,11,"硬くて りっぱな つので おもいっきり
相手を 突き刺して 攻撃する。
225,3,9,"A strong breath
225,4,9,"A strong breath
225,5,9,"Strikes the foe with an
incredible blast of breath."
225,6,9,"Strikes the foe with an
incredible blast of breath."
225,7,9,"The foe is hit with
an incredible blast
of breath that may
also paralyze."
225,8,9,"The user exhales
a mighty gust that
inflicts damage.
It may also paralyze
the target."
225,9,9,"The user exhales
a mighty gust that
inflicts damage.
It may also paralyze
the target."
225,10,9,"The user exhales
a mighty gust that
inflicts damage.
It may also paralyze
the target."
225,11,5,"Le lanceur souffle fort sur l’ennemi pour
infliger des dégâts. Peut aussi le
225,11,9,"The user exhales a mighty gust that
inflicts damage. It may also leave the
target with paralysis."
225,14,9,"The user exhales a mighty gust that
inflicts damage. It may also leave the
target with paralysis."
225,15,1,"ものすごい いきを
あいてに ふきつけて こうげきする。
まひ じょうたいに することが ある。"
225,15,3,"굉장한 숨결을
상대에게 내뿜어 공격한다.
마비 상태로 만들 때가 있다."
225,15,5,"Le lanceur souffle fort sur l’ennemi pour lui infliger
des dégâts. Peut aussi le paralyser."
225,15,6,"Fegt das Ziel mit zerstörerisch heißem Atem weg.
Paralysiert das Ziel eventuell."
225,15,7,"Poderosa ráfaga de aliento que golpea al objetivo
y puede paralizarlo."
225,15,8,"Investe il bersaglio con una raffica potentissima
che arreca danni. Può anche paralizzarlo."
225,15,9,"The user exhales a mighty gust that
inflicts damage. This may also leave the
target with paralysis."
225,15,11,"ものすごい 息を
相手に 吹きつけて 攻撃する。
まひ状態に することが ある。"
226,3,9,"Switches while
keeping effects."
226,4,9,"Switches while
keeping effects."
226,5,9,"Switches out the user while
keeping effects in play."
226,6,9,"Switches out the user while
keeping effects in play."
226,7,9,"The user switches
out, passing along
any stat changes
to the new battler."
226,8,9,"The user switches
places with a party
Pokémon in waiting,
passing along any
stat changes."
226,9,9,"The user switches
places with a party
Pokémon in waiting,
passing along any
stat changes."
226,10,9,"The user switches
places with a party
Pokémon in waiting,
passing along any
stat changes."
226,11,5,"Le lanceur échange sa place et tout
changement de stat avec un Pokémon
de l’équipe."
226,11,9,"The user switches places with a party
Pokémon in waiting, passing along any
stat changes."
226,14,9,"The user switches places with a party
Pokémon in waiting, passing along any
stat changes."
226,15,1,"ひかえの ポケモンと いれかわる。
のうりょく へんかは かわった
ポケモンが そのまま うけつぐ。"
226,15,3,"교대 포켓몬과 바뀐다.
능력 변화는 바뀐 포켓몬이
그대로 이어받는다."
226,15,5,"Le lanceur échange sa place et tout changement
de stat avec un Pokémon de l’équipe."
226,15,6,"Tauscht das eigene Pokémon aus.
Alle Statusveränderungen bleiben bestehen."
226,15,7,"Cambia el puesto con un compañero y le pasa los
cambios de características."
226,15,8,"Chi la usa è sostituito da un Pokémon della
squadra, che eredita anche ogni modifica
alle statistiche."
226,15,9,"The user switches places with a party
Pokémon in waiting and passes along
any stat changes."
226,15,11,"控えの ポケモンと 入れ替わる。
能力変化は 替わった
ポケモンが そのまま 受けつぐ。"
227,3,9,"Makes the foe re­
peat 2-6 times."
227,4,9,"Makes the foe re­
peat 2-6 times."
227,5,9,"Makes the foe repeat its
last move over 2 to 6 turns."
227,6,9,"Makes the foe repeat its
last move over 2 to 6 turns."
227,7,9,"Makes the foe use
the move it last
used repeatedly for
two to six turns."
227,8,9,"The user compels the
foe to keep using
only the move it last
used for two to six
227,9,9,"The user compels the
foe to keep using
only the move it last
used for three to
seven turns."
227,10,9,"The user compels the
foe to keep using
only the move it last
used for three to
seven turns."
227,11,5,"Oblige l’ennemi à répéter la dernière
capacité utilisée durant 3 tours."
227,11,9,"The user compels the target
to keep using only the move
it last used for three turns."
227,14,9,"The user compels the target
to keep using only the move
it last used for three turns."
227,15,1,"あいてが さいごに つかった わざを
3ターンの あいだ
ずっと ださせる。"
227,15,3,"상대가 마지막으로 사용한
기술을 3턴 동안
계속 쓰게 한다."
227,15,5,"Oblige l’ennemi à répéter durant trois tours la
dernière capacité utilisée."
227,15,6,"Das Ziel wiederholt die letzte Attacke
drei Runden lang."
227,15,7,"El objetivo repite su último movimiento durante
tres turnos."
227,15,8,"Chi la usa obbliga il bersaglio a ripetere per tre
turni l’ultima mossa eseguita."
227,15,9,"The user compels the target
to keep using only the move
it last used for three turns."
227,15,11,"相手が 最後に 使った技を
3ターンの あいだ
ずっと ださせる。"
228,3,9,"Heavily strikes
switching POKéMON."
228,4,9,"Heavily strikes
switching POKéMON."
228,5,9,"Inflicts bad damage if used
on a foe switching out."
228,6,9,"Inflicts bad damage if used
on a foe switching out."
228,7,9,"An attack move that
works especially
well on a foe that
is switching out."
228,8,9,"An attack move that
inflicts double damage
if used on a foe that
is switching out of
228,9,9,"An attack move that
inflicts double damage
if used on a foe that
is switching out of
228,10,9,"An attack move that
inflicts double damage
if used on a foe that
is switching out of
228,11,5,"Une attaque qui inflige deux fois plus de
dégâts à un ennemi qui quitte le combat."
228,11,9,"An attack move that inflicts double damage
if used on a target that is switching out
of battle."
228,14,9,"An attack move that inflicts double damage
if used on a target that is switching out
of battle."
228,15,1,"あいて ポケモンが いれかわる ときに
わざを だしていると
ばいの いりょくで こうげき できる。"
228,15,3,"상대 포켓몬이 교체될 때
기술을 쓰면 2배의 위력으로
공격할 수 있다."
228,15,5,"Une attaque qui inflige deux fois plus de dégâts à
un ennemi qui quitte le combat."
228,15,6,"Die Attacke richtet beim Ziel doppelten
Schaden an, falls es ausgetauscht wird."
228,15,7,"Hace el doble de daño al objetivo que pide el
228,15,8,"Una mossa d’attacco che infligge un danno doppio
se il bersaglio è in fase di sostituzione."
228,15,9,"An attack move that inflicts double damage
if used on a target that is switching out
of battle."
228,15,11,"相手 ポケモンが 入れ替わるときに
技を だしていると
倍の 威力で 攻撃できる。"
229,3,9,"A high-speed
spinning attack."
229,4,9,"A high-speed
spinning attack."
229,5,9,"Spins the body at high
speed to strike the foe."
229,6,9,"Spins the body at high
speed to strike the foe."
229,7,9,"An attack that
frees the user from
229,8,9,"A spin attack that
can also eliminate
such moves as Bind,
Wrap, Leech Seed,
and Spikes."
229,9,9,"A spin attack that
can also eliminate
such moves as Bind,
Wrap, Leech Seed,
and Spikes."
229,10,9,"A spin attack that
can also eliminate
such moves as Bind,
Wrap, Leech Seed,
and Spikes."
229,11,5,"Une attaque tournoyante pouvant aussi
annuler par ex. Étreinte, Ligotage,
Vampigraine ou Picots."
229,11,9,"A spin attack that can also eliminate
such moves as Bind, Wrap, Leech Seed,
and Spikes."
229,14,9,"A spin attack that can also eliminate
such moves as Bind, Wrap, Leech Seed,
and Spikes."
229,15,1,"かいてんして あいてを こうげきする。
しめつける まきつく やどりぎのタネ
まきびし なども ふきとばせる。"
229,15,3,"회전해서 상대를 공격한다.
조이기, 김밥말이, 씨뿌리기,
압정뿌리기 등도 날려버린다."
229,15,5,"Une attaque tournoyante pouvant aussi annuler
par exemple Étreinte, Ligotage, Vampigraine ou
229,15,6,"Trifft das Ziel mit einer Dreh-Attacke.
Befreit sich unter anderem von Wickel,
Klammergriff, Egelsamen und Stachler."
229,15,7,"Ataque giratorio que puede eliminar movimientos
como Atadura, Constricción, Drenadoras y Púas."
229,15,8,"Attacco rotante che elimina gli effetti di
mosse come Legatutto, Avvolgibotta, Punte
e Parassiseme."
229,15,9,"A spin attack that can also eliminate
such moves as Bind, Wrap, Leech Seed,
and Spikes."
229,15,11,"回転して 相手を 攻撃する。
しめつける まきつく やどりぎのタネ
まきびし なども 吹きとばせる。"
230,3,9,"Reduces the foe's
230,4,9,"Reduces the foe's
230,5,9,"Allures the foe to reduce
230,6,9,"Allures the foe to reduce
230,7,9,"Allures the foe to
reduce evasiveness.
It also attracts
wild POKéMON."
230,8,9,"A sweet scent that
lowers the foe’s
evasiveness. It also
lures wild Pokémon
if used in grass, etc."
230,9,9,"A sweet scent that
lowers the foe’s
evasiveness. It also
lures wild Pokémon
if used in grass, etc."
230,10,9,"A sweet scent that
lowers the foe’s
evasiveness. It also
lures wild Pokémon
if used in grass, etc."
230,11,5,"Un doux parfum qui réduit l’Esquive
de l’ennemi. Attire aussi
les Pokémon sauvages."
230,11,9,"A sweet scent that lowers the opposing
team’s evasiveness. It also lures wild
Pokémon if used in grass, etc."
230,14,9,"A sweet scent that lowers the opposing
team’s evasiveness. It also lures wild
Pokémon if used in grass, etc."
230,15,1,"かおりで あいての かいひりつを
がくっと さげる。くさむら などで
つかうと ポケモンが よってくる。"
230,15,3,"향기로 상대의 회피율을
크게 떨어뜨린다. 풀밭 등에서
쓰면 포켓몬이 다가온다."
230,15,5,"Un doux parfum qui réduit sensiblement l’Esquive
de l’ennemi. Utilisé hors d’un combat, attire aussi
les Pokémon sauvages."
230,15,6,"Lockt Ziele an und senkt deren Fluchtwert.
Lockt im Gras auch wilde Pokémon an."
230,15,7,"Un dulce aroma engatusa al objetivo, por lo que
se reduce mucho su Evasión. En la hierba
alta sirve para atraer a Pokémon salvajes."
230,15,8,"Un dolce profumo che riduce di molto l’elusione
dei nemici intorno a chi la usa. Fuori dalla lotta
attira i Pokémon selvatici."
230,15,9,"A sweet scent that harshly lowers opposing
Pokémon’s evasiveness. This also lures wild
Pokémon if used in places such as tall grass."
230,15,11,"香りで 相手の 回避率を
がくっと さげる。草むら などで
使うと ポケモンが よってくる。"
231,3,9,"An attack that may
reduce DEFENSE."
231,4,9,"An attack that may
reduce DEFENSE."
231,5,9,"Attacks with a rock-hard
tail. May lower DEFENSE."
231,6,9,"Attacks with a rock-hard
tail. May lower DEFENSE."
231,7,9,"An attack with a
steel-hard tail.
It may lower the
foe’s DEFENSE stat."
231,8,9,"The foe is slammed
with a steel-hard
tail. It may also
lower the target’s
Defense stat."
231,9,9,"The foe is slammed
with a steel-hard
tail. It may also
lower the target’s
Defense stat."
231,10,9,"The foe is slammed
with a steel-hard
tail. It may also
lower the target’s
Defense stat."
231,11,5,"Attaque l’ennemi avec une queue de fer.
Peut aussi baisser la Défense de l’ennemi."
231,11,9,"The target is slammed with a steel-hard
tail. It may also lower the target’s
Defense stat."
231,14,9,"The target is slammed with a steel-hard
tail. It may also lower the target’s
Defense stat."
231,15,1,"かたい しっぽで あいてを たたきつけて
こうげきする。あいての ぼうぎょを
さげることが ある。"
231,15,3,"단단한 꼬리로
상대를 힘껏 쳐서 공격한다.
상대의 방어를 떨어뜨릴 때가 있다."
231,15,5,"Attaque l’ennemi avec une queue de fer.
Peut aussi baisser sa Défense."
231,15,6,"Attacke mit hartem Eisenschweif. Senkt eventuell
den Verteidigungs-Wert des Zieles."
231,15,7,"Ataca con una cola férrea y puede bajar la
Defensa del objetivo."
231,15,8,"Il bersaglio viene colpito da una robusta coda
d’acciaio. Può anche ridurne la Difesa."
231,15,9,"The target is slammed with a steel-hard
tail. This may also lower the target’s
Defense stat."
231,15,11,"硬い しっぽで
相手を たたきつけて 攻撃する。
相手の 防御を さげることが ある。"
232,3,9,"An attack that may
up user's ATTACK."
232,4,9,"An attack that may
up user's ATTACK."
232,5,9,"A claw attack that may
raise the user’s ATTACK."
232,6,9,"A claw attack that may
raise the user’s ATTACK."
232,7,9,"The foe is attacked
with steel claws.
It may also raise
the user’s ATTACK."
232,8,9,"The foe is raked
with steel claws.
It may also raise the
user’s Attack stat.
232,9,9,"The foe is raked
with steel claws.
It may also raise the
user’s Attack stat.
232,10,9,"The foe is raked
with steel claws.
It may also raise the
user’s Attack stat.
232,11,5,"Attaque avec des griffes d’acier. Peut
aussi augmenter l’Attaque du lanceur."
232,11,9,"The target is raked with steel claws.
It may also raise the user’s Attack stat."
232,14,9,"The target is raked with steel claws.
It may also raise the user’s Attack stat."
232,15,1,"こうてつの ツメで あいてを きりさいて
こうげきする。じぶんの こうげきが
あがることが ある。"
232,15,3,"강철의 발톱으로
상대를 베어 갈라 공격한다.
자신의 공격이 올라갈 때도 있다."
232,15,5,"Attaque avec des griffes d’acier.
Peut aussi augmenter l’Attaque du lanceur."
232,15,6,"Klauen-Attacke, die eventuell den Angriffs-Wert
des Anwenders erhöht."
232,15,7,"Ataque con garras de acero que puede aumentar
el Ataque del usuario."
232,15,8,"Colpisce il bersaglio con artigli d’acciaio.
Può anche aumentare l’Attacco di chi la usa."
232,15,9,"The target is raked with steel claws.
This may also raise the user’s Attack stat."
232,15,11,"鋼鉄の ツメで
相手を 切り裂いて 攻撃する。
自分の 攻撃が あがることが ある。"
233,3,9,"A 2nd-strike move
that never misses."
233,4,9,"A 2nd-strike move
that never misses."
233,5,9,"Makes the user’s move last,
but it never misses."
233,6,9,"Makes the user’s move last,
but it never misses."
233,7,9,"Makes the user
attack after the
foe. In return,
it will not miss."
233,8,9,"The user allows the
foe to attack first.
In return, this throw
move is guaranteed
not to miss."
233,9,9,"The user allows the
foe to attack first.
In return, this throw
move is guaranteed
not to miss."
233,10,9,"The user allows the
foe to attack first.
In return, this throw
move is guaranteed
not to miss."
233,11,5,"Le lanceur porte son coup en
dernier. En échange, cette
capacité n’échoue jamais."
233,11,9,"The user attacks last.
In return, this throw move is
guaranteed not to miss."
233,14,9,"The user attacks last.
In return, this throw move is
guaranteed not to miss."
233,15,1,"あいてより あとに こうげきする。
そのかわり じぶんの こうげきは
かならず めいちゅうする。"
233,15,3,"상대보다 나중에 공격한다.
그 대신 자신의 공격은
반드시 명중한다."
233,15,5,"Le lanceur porte son coup en dernier.
En échange, cette capacité n’échoue jamais."
233,15,6,"Anwender greift als Letzter an, hat dafür aber
eine Treffergarantie beim eigenen Angriff."
233,15,7,"El usuario ataca el último, pero no falla."
233,15,8,"Chi la usa attacca per ultimo, ma il colpo
è sempre infallibile."
233,15,9,"The user attacks last. In return, this throw
move never misses."
233,15,11,"相手より あとに 攻撃する。
そのかわり 自分の 攻撃は
必ず 命中する。"
234,3,9,"Restores HP
(varies by time)."
234,4,9,"Restores HP
(varies by time)."
234,5,9,"Restores HP. The amount
varies with the weather."
234,6,9,"Restores HP. The amount
varies with the weather."
234,7,9,"Restores the user’s
HP. The amount of
HP regained varies
with the weather."
234,8,9,"The user restores its
own HP.
The amount of HP
regained varies with
the weather."
234,9,9,"The user restores its
own HP.
The amount of HP
regained varies with
the weather."
234,10,9,"The user restores its
own HP.
The amount of HP
regained varies with
the weather."
234,11,5,"Un soin qui restaure des PV au lanceur.
Son efficacité varie en fonction de la
234,11,9,"The user restores its own HP.
The amount of HP regained varies
with the weather."
234,14,9,"The user restores its own HP.
The amount of HP regained varies
with the weather."
234,15,1,"じぶんの HPを かいふく する。
てんきに よって
かいふくの りょうが へんか する。"
234,15,3,"자신의 HP를 회복한다.
날씨에 따라
회복량이 변한다."
234,15,5,"Un soin qui restaure des PV au lanceur.
Son efficacité varie en fonction de la météo."
234,15,6,"Füllt KP des Anwenders auf.
Die Menge hängt vom Wetter ab."
234,15,7,"Restaura PS del usuario. La cantidad varía según
el tiempo que haga."
234,15,8,"Chi la usa recupera PS. Il numero di PS recuperati
dipende dalle condizioni atmosferiche."
234,15,9,"The user restores its own HP.
The amount of HP regained varies
with the weather."
234,15,11,"自分の HPを 回復する。
天気に よって
回復の 量が 変化する。"
235,3,9,"Restores HP
(varies by time)."
235,4,9,"Restores HP
(varies by time)."
235,5,9,"Restores HP. The amount
varies with the weather."
235,6,9,"Restores HP. The amount
varies with the weather."
235,7,9,"Restores the user’s
HP. The amount of
HP regained varies
with the weather."
235,8,9,"The user restores its
own HP.
The amount of HP
regained varies with
the weather."
235,9,9,"The user restores its
own HP.
The amount of HP
regained varies with
the weather."
235,10,9,"The user restores its
own HP.
The amount of HP
regained varies with
the weather."
235,11,5,"Un soin qui restaure des PV au lanceur.
Son efficacité varie en fonction de la
235,11,9,"The user restores its own HP.
The amount of HP regained varies
with the weather."
235,14,9,"The user restores its own HP.
The amount of HP regained varies
with the weather."
235,15,1,"じぶんの HPを かいふく する。
てんきに よって
かいふくの りょうが へんか する。"
235,15,3,"자신의 HP를 회복한다.
날씨에 따라
회복량이 변한다."
235,15,5,"Un soin qui restaure des PV au lanceur.
Son efficacité varie en fonction de la météo."
235,15,6,"Füllt KP des Anwenders auf.
Die Menge hängt vom Wetter ab."
235,15,7,"Restaura PS del usuario. La cantidad varía según
el tiempo que haga."
235,15,8,"Chi la usa recupera PS. Il numero di PS recuperati
dipende dalle condizioni atmosferiche."
235,15,9,"The user restores its own HP.
The amount of HP regained varies
with the weather."
235,15,11,"自分の HPを 回復する。
天気に よって
回復の 量が 変化する。"
236,3,9,"Restores HP
(varies by time)."
236,4,9,"Restores HP
(varies by time)."
236,5,9,"Restores HP. The amount
varies with the weather."
236,6,9,"Restores HP. The amount
varies with the weather."
236,7,9,"Restores the user’s
HP. The amount of
HP regained varies
with the weather."
236,8,9,"The user restores its
own HP.
The amount of HP
regained varies with
the weather."
236,9,9,"The user restores its
own HP.
The amount of HP
regained varies with
the weather."
236,10,9,"The user restores its
own HP.
The amount of HP
regained varies with
the weather."
236,11,5,"Un soin qui restaure des PV au lanceur.
Son efficacité varie en fonction de la
236,11,9,"The user restores its own HP.
The amount of HP regained varies
with the weather."
236,14,9,"The user restores its own HP.
The amount of HP regained varies
with the weather."
236,15,1,"じぶんの HPを かいふく する。
てんきに よって
かいふくの りょうが へんか する。"
236,15,3,"자신의 HP를 회복한다.
날씨에 따라
회복량이 변한다."
236,15,5,"Un soin qui restaure des PV au lanceur.
Son efficacité varie en fonction de la météo."
236,15,6,"Füllt KP des Anwenders auf.
Die Menge hängt vom Wetter ab."
236,15,7,"Restaura PS del usuario. La cantidad varía según
el tiempo que haga."
236,15,8,"Chi la usa recupera PS. Il numero di PS recuperati
dipende dalle condizioni atmosferiche."
236,15,9,"The user restores its own HP.
The amount of HP regained varies
with the weather."
236,15,11,"自分の HPを 回復する。
天気に よって
回復の 量が 変化する。"
237,3,9,"The power varies
with the POKéMON."
237,4,9,"The power varies
with the POKéMON."
237,5,9,"The effectiveness varies
with the user."
237,6,9,"The effectiveness varies
with the user."
237,7,9,"An attack that
varies in type and
intensity depending
on the user."
237,8,9,"A unique attack that
varies in type and
intensity depending
on the Pokémon using
237,9,9,"A unique attack that
varies in type and
intensity depending
on the Pokémon using
237,10,9,"A unique attack that
varies in type and
intensity depending
on the Pokémon using
237,11,5,"Attaque dont la puissance et le type
dépendent du Pokémon qui l’utilise."
237,11,9,"A unique attack that varies in type and
intensity depending on the Pokémon
using it."
237,14,9,"A unique attack that varies in type and
intensity depending on the Pokémon
using it."
237,15,1,"わざを つかった ポケモンに よって
わざの タイプが かわる。"
237,15,3,"기술을 쓴 포켓몬에 따라
기술의 타입이 바뀐다."
237,15,5,"Attaque dont le type dépend du Pokémon
qui l’utilise."
237,15,6,"Wirkung und Typ der Attacke hängen
vom Anwender ab."
237,15,7,"Movimiento cuyo tipo varía en función del
Pokémon que lo usa."
237,15,8,"Mossa singolare che cambia tipo a seconda
del Pokémon che la usa."
237,15,9,"A unique attack that varies in type
depending on the Pokémon using it.
237,15,11,"技を 使った ポケモンに よって
技の タイプが 変わる。"
238,3,9,"Has a high criti­
cal hit ratio."
238,4,9,"Has a high criti­
cal hit ratio."
238,5,9,"A double-chopping attack.
High critical-hit ratio."
238,6,9,"A double-chopping attack.
High critical-hit ratio."
238,7,9,"The foe is hit with
double chops.
It has a high
critical-hit ratio."
238,8,9,"The user delivers a
double chop with its
forearms crossed.
It has a high
critical-hit ratio."
238,9,9,"The user delivers a
double chop with its
forearms crossed.
It has a high
critical-hit ratio."
238,10,9,"The user delivers a
double chop with its
forearms crossed.
It has a high
critical-hit ratio."
238,11,5,"Le lanceur délivre un coup double en
croisant les avant-bras. Taux de
critiques élevé."
238,11,9,"The user delivers a double chop with its
forearms crossed.
Critical hits land more easily."
238,14,9,"The user delivers a double chop with its
forearms crossed.
Critical hits land more easily."
238,15,1,"りょうて チョップを
あいてに たたきつけて こうげきする。
きゅうしょに あたりやすい。"
238,15,3,"양손으로 당수를
상대에게 힘껏 쳐서 공격한다.
급소에 맞기 쉽다."
238,15,5,"Le lanceur délivre un coup double en croisant les
avant-bras. Taux de critiques élevé."
238,15,6,"Doppelter Hieb mit den Unterarmen.
Hohe Volltrefferquote."
238,15,7,Corte doble que suele propinar un golpe crítico.
238,15,8,"Investe il bersaglio con un colpo sferrato
con entrambe le braccia incrociate.
Probabile brutto colpo."
238,15,9,"The user delivers a double chop with its
forearms crossed.
Critical hits land more easily."
相手に たたきつけて 攻撃する。
急所に 当たりやすい。"
239,3,9,"Whips up a tornado
to attack."
239,4,9,"Whips up a tornado
to attack."
239,5,9,"Whips up a vicious twister
to tear at the foe."
239,6,9,"Whips up a vicious twister
to tear at the foe."
239,7,9,"A vicious twister
attacks the foe.
It may make the
foe flinch."
239,8,9,"The user whips up a
vicious twister to
tear at the foe.
It may also make the
foe flinch."
239,9,9,"The user whips up a
vicious twister to
tear at the foe.
It may also make the
foe flinch."
239,10,9,"The user whips up a
vicious tornado to
tear at the foe.
It may also make the
foe flinch."
239,11,5,"Déclenche un terrible ouragan sur
l’ennemi. Peut aussi l’apeurer."
239,11,9,"The user whips up a vicious tornado
to tear at the opposing team.
It may also make targets flinch."
239,14,9,"The user whips up a vicious tornado
to tear at the opposing team.
It may also make targets flinch."
239,15,1,"たつまきを おこして
あいてを まきこみ こうげきする。
あいてを ひるませる ことが ある。"
239,15,3,"회오리를 일으켜
상대를 끌어들여 공격한다.
상대를 풀죽게 만들 때가 있다."
239,15,5,"Déclenche un terrible ouragan sur l’ennemi.
Peut aussi l’apeurer."
239,15,6,"Trifft Ziele in der Umgebung mit einem heftigen
Wirbelsturm, was diese eventuell zurückschrecken
239,15,7,"Crea un violento tornado para hacer trizas al
enemigo. Puede hacerlo retroceder."
239,15,8,"Un potente tornado si abbatte sui nemici nei
paraggi. Può anche farli tentennare."
239,15,9,"The user whips up a vicious tornado
to tear at the opposing Pokémon.
This may also make them flinch."
239,15,11,"竜巻を おこして
相手を まきこみ 攻撃する。
相手を ひるませることが ある。"
240,3,9,"Boosts water-type
moves for 5 turns."
240,4,9,"Boosts water-type
moves for 5 turns."
240,5,9,"Boosts the power of WATER-
type moves for 5 turns."
240,6,9,"Boosts the power of WATER-
type moves for 5 turns."
240,7,9,"A heavy rain falls
for five turns,
powering up WATER-
type moves."
240,8,9,"The user summons a
heavy rain that falls
for five turns,
powering up Water-
type moves."
240,9,9,"The user summons a
heavy rain that falls
for five turns,
powering up Water-
type moves."
240,10,9,"The user summons a
heavy rain that falls
for five turns,
powering up Water-
type moves."
240,11,5,"Invoque de fortes pluies qui durent
5 tours et améliorent les capacités
de type Eau."
240,11,9,"The user summons a heavy rain
that falls for five turns,
powering up Water-type moves."
240,14,9,"The user summons a heavy rain
that falls for five turns,
powering up Water-type moves."
240,15,1,"5ターンの あいだ あめを ふらせて
わざの いりょくを あげる。"
240,15,3,"5턴 동안 비를 내리게 하여
물타입 기술의
위력을 올린다."
240,15,5,"Invoque de fortes pluies qui durent cinq tours et
augmentent la puissance des capacités de type
240,15,6,"Anwender erzeugt starken Regen. Die Stärke von
Wasser-Attacken erhöht sich fünf Runden lang."
240,15,7,"Genera una fuerte lluvia que refuerza los
movimientos de tipo Agua durante cinco turnos."
240,15,8,"Chi la usa provoca una forte pioggia per
cinque turni, potenziando le mosse di tipo Acqua."
240,15,9,"The user summons a heavy rain
that falls for five turns,
powering up Water-type moves."
240,15,11,"5ターンの あいだ 雨を 降らせて
技の 威力を あげる。"
241,3,9,"Boosts fire-type
moves for 5 turns."
241,4,9,"Boosts fire-type
moves for 5 turns."
241,5,9,"Boosts the power of FIRE-
type moves for 5 turns."
241,6,9,"Boosts the power of FIRE-
type moves for 5 turns."
241,7,9,"The sun blazes for
five turns, powering
up FIRE-type
241,8,9,"The user intensifies
the sun for five
turns, powering up
Fire-type moves.
241,9,9,"The user intensifies
the sun for five
turns, powering up
Fire-type moves.
241,10,9,"The user intensifies
the sun for five
turns, powering up
Fire-type moves.
241,11,5,"Fait briller le soleil pendant 5 tours et
améliore les capacités de type Feu."
241,11,9,"The user intensifies the sun for
five turns, powering up
Fire-type moves."
241,14,9,"The user intensifies the sun for
five turns, powering up
Fire-type moves."
241,15,1,"5ターンの あいだ ひざしを
つよくして ほのおタイプの
わざの いりょくを あげる。"
241,15,3,"5턴 동안 햇살을 강하게 해서
불꽃타입 기술의 위력을 올린다."
241,15,5,"Fait briller le soleil pendant cinq tours, augmentant
la puissance des capacités de type Feu."
241,15,6,"Die Sonne brennt unbarmherzig fünf Runden lang.
Dadurch werden Attacken vom Typ Feuer verstärkt."
241,15,7,"Quien lo usa intensifica el efecto del sol durante
cinco turnos, lo que potencia los movimientos de
tipo Fuego."
241,15,8,"Chi la usa intensifica i raggi solari per
cinque turni, potenziando le mosse di tipo Fuoco."
241,15,9,"The user intensifies the sun
for five turns, powering up
Fire-type moves."
241,15,11,"5ターンの あいだ 日差しを
強くして ほのおタイプの
技の 威力を あげる。"
242,3,9,"An attack that may
lower SPCL.DEF."
242,4,9,"An attack that may
lower SPCL.DEF."
242,5,9,"Crunches with sharp fangs.
May lower SP. DEF."
242,6,9,"Crunches with sharp fangs.
May lower SP. DEF."
242,7,9,"The foe is crunched
with sharp fangs.
It may lower the
foe’s SP. DEF."
242,8,9,"The user crunches up
the foe with sharp
fangs. It may also
lower the target’s
Defense stat."
242,9,9,"The user crunches up
the foe with sharp
fangs. It may also
lower the target’s
Defense stat."
242,10,9,"The user crunches up
the foe with sharp
fangs. It may also
lower the target’s
Defense stat."
242,11,5,"Le lanceur mord l’ennemi de ses
crocs pointus. Peut aussi baisser
la Défense de l’ennemi."
242,11,9,"The user crunches up the target
with sharp fangs. It may also lower
the target’s Defense stat."
242,14,9,"The user crunches up the target
with sharp fangs. It may also lower
the target’s Defense stat."
242,15,1,"するどい はで あいてを かみくだいて
こうげきする。あいての ぼうぎょを
さげることが ある。"
242,15,3,"날카로운 이빨로
상대를 깨물어 부숴서 공격한다.
상대의 방어를 떨어뜨릴 때가 있다."
242,15,5,"Le lanceur mord l’ennemi de ses crocs pointus.
Peut aussi baisser sa Défense."
242,15,6,"Beißt mit scharfen Reißzähnen zu und
senkt eventuell die Verteidigung."
242,15,7,"Tritura con afilados colmillos y puede bajar la
Defensa del objetivo."
242,15,8,"Il bersaglio viene morso con denti affilati.
Può anche ridurne la Difesa."
242,15,9,"The user crunches up the target
with sharp fangs. This may also lower
the target’s Defense stat."
242,15,11,"鋭い 歯で
相手を かみくだいて 攻撃する。
相手の 防御を さげることが ある。"
243,3,9,"Counters a SPCL.
ATK. move double."
243,4,9,"Counters a SPCL.
ATK move double."
243,5,9,"Counters the foe’s special
attack at double the power."
243,6,9,"Counters the foe’s special
attack at double the power."
243,7,9,"A retaliation move
that pays back the
foe’s special attack
243,8,9,"A retaliation move
that counters any
special attack,
inflicting double the
damage taken."
243,9,9,"A retaliation move
that counters any
special attack,
inflicting double the
damage taken."
243,10,9,"A retaliation move
that counters any
special attack,
inflicting double the
damage taken."
243,11,5,"Une riposte qui contre n’importe quelle
attaque spéciale en infligeant le double
des dégâts subis."
243,11,9,"A retaliation move that counters any
special attack, inflicting double the
damage taken."
243,14,9,"A retaliation move that counters any
special attack, inflicting double the
damage taken."
243,15,1,"あいてから うけた とくしゅ こうげきの
ダメージを 2ばいに して
そのあいてに かえす。"
243,15,3,"상대에게 받은 특수공격의
데미지를 2배로 만들어
그 상대에게 돌려준다."
243,15,5,"Une riposte qui contre n’importe quelle attaque
spéciale en infligeant le double des dégâts subis."
243,15,6,"Kontert den Spezial-Angriff des Gegners
mit doppeltem Schaden."
243,15,7,"Responde a un ataque especial ocasionando el
doble del daño recibido."
243,15,8,"Mossa che replica ogni attacco speciale,
arrecando il doppio del danno ricevuto."
243,15,9,"A retaliation move that counters any
special attack, inflicting double the
damage taken."
243,15,11,"相手から 受けた 特殊攻撃の
ダメージを 2倍に して
その相手に 返す。"
244,3,9,"Copies the foe's
stat changes."
244,4,9,"Copies the foe's
stat changes."
244,5,9,"Copies the foe’s effect(s)
and gives to the user."
244,6,9,"Copies the foe’s effect(s)
and gives to the user."
244,7,9,"The user hypnotizes
itself into copying
any stat change
made by the foe."
244,8,9,"The user hypnotizes
itself into copying
any stat change
made by the foe.
244,9,9,"The user hypnotizes
itself into copying
any stat change
made by the foe.
244,10,9,"The user hypnotizes
itself into copying
any stat change
made by the foe.
244,11,5,"Une autohypnose qui permet au lanceur
de copier les changements de
stats de la cible."
244,11,9,"The user hypnotizes itself into
copying any stat change made
by the target."
244,14,9,"The user hypnotizes itself into
copying any stat change made
by the target."
244,15,1,"じぶんに あんじを かけることで
のうりょく へんかの じょうたいを
あいてと おなじにする。"
244,15,3,"자신에게 암시를 걸어서
능력 변화 상태를
상대와 똑같은 상태로 만든다."
244,15,5,"Une autohypnose qui permet au lanceur de copier
les changements de stats de la cible."
244,15,6,"Der Anwender hypnotisiert sich selbst, um die
Statusveränderungen des Zieles zu kopieren."
244,15,7,"Quien lo usa se hipnotiza y copia cualquier cambio
que haya en las características de su objetivo."
244,15,8,"Chi la usa s’ipnotizza per copiare ogni modifica
alle statistiche del bersaglio."
244,15,9,"The user hypnotizes itself into
copying any stat change made
by the target."
244,15,11,"自分に 暗示を かけることで
能力変化の 状態を
相手と 同じにする。"
245,3,9,"A powerful first-
strike move."
245,4,9,"A powerful first-
strike move."
245,5,9,"An extremely fast and
powerful attack."
245,6,9,"An extremely fast and
powerful attack."
245,7,9,"A blindingly speedy
charge attack that
always goes before
any other."
245,8,9,"The user charges the
foe at blinding speed.
This attack always
goes before any
other move."
245,9,9,"The user charges the
foe at blinding speed.
This attack always
goes before any
other move."
245,10,9,"The user charges the
foe at blinding speed.
This attack always
goes before any
other move."
245,11,5,"Le lanceur charge à une vitesse
renversante. Cette attaque a
toujours l’initiative."
245,11,9,"The user charges the target at blinding
speed. This attack always goes
before any other move."
245,14,9,"The user charges the target at blinding
speed. This attack always goes
before any other move."
245,15,1,"めにも とまらぬ ものすごい はやさで
あいてに とっしんして こうげきする。
かならず せんせい こうげき できる。"
245,15,3,"눈에 보이지 않는 굉장한 속도로
상대에게 돌진하여 공격한다.
반드시 선제공격을 할 수 있다."
245,15,5,"Le lanceur charge à une vitesse renversante.
Frappe toujours en premier."
245,15,6,"Extrem schnelle und kraftvolle Attacke,
die stets zuerst trifft."
245,15,7,"Ataque muy rápido que siempre se realiza el
245,15,8,"Chi la usa carica il bersaglio a una velocità
impressionante e attacca sempre per primo."
245,15,9,"The user charges the target at blinding
speed. This move always goes first."
245,15,11,"目にも 留まらぬ ものすごい 速さで
相手に 突進して 攻撃する。
必ず 先制攻撃 できる。"
246,3,9,"An attack that may
raise all stats."
246,4,9,"An attack that may
raise all stats."
246,5,9,"An attack that may raise
all stats."
246,6,9,"An attack that may raise
all stats."
246,7,9,"An ancient power is
used to attack. It
may also raise all
the user’s stats."
246,8,9,"The user attacks with
a prehistoric power.
It may also raise all
the user’s stats at
246,9,9,"The user attacks with
a prehistoric power.
It may also raise all
the user’s stats at
246,10,9,"The user attacks with
a prehistoric power.
It may also raise all
the user’s stats at
246,11,5,"Une attaque préhistorique qui peut
augmenter toutes les stats du lanceur
d’un seul coup."
246,11,9,"The user attacks with a prehistoric power.
It may also raise all the user’s stats
at once."
246,14,9,"The user attacks with a prehistoric power.
It may also raise all the user’s stats
at once."
246,15,1,"げんしの ちからで こうげきする。
じぶんの すべての
のうりょくが あがることが ある。"
246,15,3,"원시의 힘으로 공격한다.
자신의 모든
능력이 오를 때가 있다."
246,15,5,"Une attaque préhistorique qui peut augmenter
toutes les stats du lanceur d’un seul coup."
246,15,6,"Angriff mit antiker Kraft, der alle Statuswerte
erhöhen kann."
246,15,7,"Ataque prehistórico que puede subir todas las
246,15,8,"Colpisce il bersaglio con una forza primordiale.
Può aumentare tutte le statistiche."
246,15,9,"The user attacks with a prehistoric power.
This may also raise all the user’s stats
at once."
246,15,11,"原始の 力で 攻撃する。
自分の すべての
能力が あがることが ある。"
247,3,9,"An attack that may
lower SPCL.DEF."
247,4,9,"An attack that may
lower SPCL.DEF."
247,5,9,"Hurls a black blob that may
lower the foe’s SP. DEF."
247,6,9,"Hurls a black blob that may
lower the foe’s SP. DEF."
247,7,9,"A shadowy blob is
hurled at the foe.
May also lower the
foe’s SP. DEF."
247,8,9,"The user hurls a
shadowy blob at the
foe. It may also
lower the foe’s
Sp. Def stat."
247,9,9,"The user hurls a
shadowy blob at the
foe. It may also
lower the foe’s
Sp. Def stat."
247,10,9,"The user hurls a
shadowy blob at the
foe. It may also
lower the foe’s
Sp. Def stat."
247,11,5,"Projette une grande ombre sur
l’ennemi. Peut aussi faire baisser
sa Défense Spéciale."
247,11,9,"The user hurls a shadowy blob at the
target. It may also lower the target’s
Sp. Def stat."
247,14,9,"The user hurls a shadowy blob at the
target. It may also lower the target’s
Sp. Def stat."
247,15,1,"くろいかげの かたまりを なげつけて
こうげきする。あいての とくぼうを
さげることが ある。"
247,15,3,"까만 그림자의 덩어리를 내던져서
공격한다. 상대의 특수방어를
떨어뜨릴 때가 있다."
247,15,5,"Projette une grande ombre sur l’ennemi.
Peut aussi faire baisser sa Défense Spéciale."
247,15,6,"Bewirft das Ziel mit gruseligem Ball und
senkt eventuell die Spezial-Verteidigung."
247,15,7,"Lanza una bola oscura que puede bajar la Defensa
Especial del objetivo."
247,15,8,"Lancia sul bersaglio una sfera nera.
Può anche ridurne la Difesa Speciale."
247,15,9,"The user hurls a shadowy blob at the
target. This may also lower the target’s
Sp. Def stat."
247,15,11,"黒い影の 塊を 投げつけて
攻撃する。相手の 特防を
さげることが ある。"
248,3,9,"An attack that
hits on 3rd turn."
248,4,9,"An attack that
hits on 3rd turn."
248,5,9,"Heightens inner power to
strike 2 turns later."
248,6,9,"Heightens inner power to
strike 2 turns later."
248,7,9,"Two turns after
this move is used,
the foe is attacked
248,8,9,"Two turns after this
move is used, the foe
is attacked with a
hunk of psychic
248,9,9,"Two turns after this
move is used, the foe
is attacked with a
hunk of psychic
248,10,9,"Two turns after this
move is used, the foe
is attacked with a
hunk of psychic
248,11,5,"De l’énergie psychique vient frapper
l’ennemi 2 tours après l’utilisation
de cette capacité."
248,11,9,"Two turns after this move is used,
a hunk of psychic energy
attacks the target."
248,14,9,"Two turns after this move is used,
a hunk of psychic energy
attacks the target."
248,15,1,"わざを つかった 2ターン あとに
あいてに ねんりきの
かたまりを おくって こうげきする。"
248,15,3,"기술을 사용한 2턴 뒤에
상대에게 염동력의
덩어리를 보내어 공격한다."
248,15,5,"De l’énergie psychique vient frapper l’ennemi
deux tours après l’utilisation de cette capacité."
248,15,6,"Zwei Runden, nachdem Seher eingesetzt wurde,
erfolgt der Angriff."
248,15,7,"Concentra energía psíquica para golpear al
objetivo dos turnos después."
248,15,8,"Due turni dopo l’utilizzo di questa mossa,
il bersaglio viene attaccato con energia psichica."
248,15,9,"Two turns after this move is used,
a hunk of psychic energy
attacks the target."
248,15,11,"技を 使った 2ターン後に
相手に 念力の
塊を 送って 攻撃する。"
249,3,9,"An attack that may
lower DEFENSE."
249,4,9,"An attack that may
lower DEFENSE."
249,5,9,"A rock-crushing attack
that may lower DEFENSE."
249,6,9,"A rock-crushing attack
that may lower DEFENSE."
249,7,9,"An attack that may
also cut DEFENSE.
It can also smash
cracked boulders."
249,8,9,"The user slugs the
foe with a shattering
It can also smash
cracked boulders."
249,9,9,"The user slugs the
foe with a shattering
It can also smash
cracked boulders."
249,10,9,"The user hits with a
punch that may lower
the target’s Defense.
It can also smash
cracked boulders."
249,11,5,"Porte un coup dévastateur à l’ennemi.
Peut briser des rochers fissurés.
Peut baisser la Défense."
249,11,9,"The user attacks with a punch that can
shatter a rock. It may also lower the
target’s Defense stat."
249,14,9,"The user attacks with a punch that can
shatter a rock. It may also lower the
target’s Defense stat."
249,15,1,"パンチで こうげき。 あいての
ぼうぎょを さげる ことが ある。
いわを くだくことも できる。"
249,15,3,"펀치로 공격한다. 상대의
방어를 떨어뜨릴 때가 있다.
바위를 깰 수도 있다."
249,15,5,"Porte un coup de poing à l’ennemi qui peut
baisser sa Défense. Peut aussi briser des rochers
249,15,6,"Diese steinbrechende Attacke kann den
Verteidigungs-Wert des Zieles senken und
außerhalb von Kämpfen rissige Felsen zertrümmern."
249,15,7,"Ataque con los puños. Puede bajar la Defensa del
objetivo. Puede romper rocas fuera del combate."
249,15,8,"Chi la usa colpisce il bersaglio con un pugno
in grado di frantumare anche la roccia.
Può anche ridurne la Difesa."
249,15,9,"The user attacks with a punch.
This may also lower the target’s Defense stat.
This move can also shatter rocks in the field."
249,15,11,"パンチで 攻撃する。相手の
防御を さげる ことが ある。
岩を 砕くことも ある。"
250,3,9,"Traps the foe for
2-5 turns."
250,4,9,"Traps the foe for
2-5 turns."
250,5,9,"Traps and hurts the foe in
a whirlpool for 2 to 5 turns."
250,6,9,"Traps and hurts the foe in
a whirlpool for 2 to 5 turns."
250,7,9,"The foe is trapped
in a fast, vicious
whirlpool for two
to five turns."
250,8,9,"The user traps the
foe inside a fast,
vicious whirlpool that
lasts for two to five
250,9,9,"The user traps the
foe inside a fast,
vicious whirlpool that
lasts for two to five
250,10,9,"Traps the foe inside a
whirlpool that lasts
for two to five turns.
The user can pass
through whirlpools."
250,11,5,"Piège l’ennemi dans une trombe
d’eau pendant 4 à 5 tours."
250,11,9,"Traps foes in a violent swirling
whirlpool for four to five turns."
250,14,9,"Traps foes in a violent swirling
whirlpool for four to five turns."
250,15,1,"はげしく うずをまく みずの なかに
4ー5ターンの あいだ
あいてを とじこめて こうげきする。"
250,15,3,"세차게 소용돌이치는
물속에 4-5턴 동안
상대를 가두어 공격한다."
250,15,5,"Piège l’ennemi dans une trombe d’eau pendant
quatre à cinq tours."
250,15,6,"Das Ziel wird für vier bis fünf Runden
in einer Wasserhose gefangen."
250,15,7,"Una tromba de agua atrapa al objetivo durante
cuatro o cinco turnos."
250,15,8,"Intrappola il bersaglio in un turbine d’acqua per
quattro o cinque turni infliggendo danni
a ogni turno."
250,15,9,"The user traps the target in a violent swirling
whirlpool for four to five turns."
250,15,11,"激しく 渦をまく 水の中に
4ー5ターンの あいだ
相手を 閉じこめて 攻撃する。"
251,3,9,"Party POKéMON join
in the attack.
251,4,9,"Party POKéMON join
in the attack.
251,5,9,"Summons party POKéMON to
join in the attack."
251,6,9,"Summons party POKéMON to
join in the attack."
251,7,9,"All party POKéMON
join in the attack.
The more allies,
the more damage."
251,8,9,"The user gets all the
party Pokémon to
attack the foe. The
more party Pokémon,
the more damage."
251,9,9,"The user gets all the
party Pokémon to
attack the foe. The
more party Pokémon,
the more damage."
251,10,9,"The user gets all the
party Pokémon to
attack the foe. The
more party Pokémon,
the more damage."
251,11,5,"Le lanceur appelle tous les Pokémon de
son équipe à attaquer. Plus ils sont
nombreux, plus il y a d’attaques."
251,11,9,"The user gets all party Pokémon to attack
the target. The more party Pokémon,
the greater the number of attacks."
251,14,9,"The user gets all party Pokémon to attack
the target. The more party Pokémon,
the greater the number of attacks."
251,15,1,"みかた ぜんいんで こうげきする。
なかまの ポケモンが おおいほど
わざの こうげきかいすうが ふえる。"
251,15,3,"같은 편 전원이 공격한다.
동료 포켓몬이 많을수록
기술의 공격 횟수가 증가한다."
251,15,5,"Le lanceur appelle tous les Pokémon de son
équipe à attaquer. Plus ils sont nombreux, plus
il y a d’attaques."
251,15,6,"Das gesamte Team nimmt aktiv am Kampf teil.
Je mehr Pokémon, desto höher die Anzahl der
251,15,7,"Ataque de todo el equipo Pokémon. Cuantos más
haya, más veces se atacará."
251,15,8,"Chi la usa chiama in aiuto i Pokémon della
squadra: più ce ne sono, maggiore è il numero
di attacchi."
251,15,9,"The user gets all party Pokémon to attack
the target. The more party Pokémon,
the greater the number of attacks."
251,15,11,"味方 全員で 攻撃する。
仲間の ポケモンが 多いほど
技の 攻撃回数が 増える。"
252,5,9,"A 1st-turn, 1st-strike move
that causes flinching."
252,6,9,"A 1st-turn, 1st-strike move
that causes flinching."
252,7,9,"An attack that hits
first and causes
flinching. Usable
only on 1st turn."
252,8,9,"An attack that hits
first and makes the
target flinch.
This move works only
on the first turn."
252,9,9,"An attack that hits
first and makes the
target flinch.
This move works only
on the first turn."
252,10,9,"An attack that hits
first and makes the
target flinch. It only
works the first turn
the user is in battle."
252,11,5,"Permet de frapper en premier et
apeure l’ennemi. Ne fonctionne
qu’au premier tour."
252,11,9,"An attack that hits first and makes the
target flinch. It only works the first turn
the user is in battle."
252,14,9,"An attack that hits first and makes the
target flinch. It only works the first turn
the user is in battle."
252,15,1,"せんせい こうげきで あいてを
ひるませる。せんとうに でたら
すぐに ださないと せいこう しない。"
252,15,3,"선제공격으로 상대를 풀죽게 한다.
배틀에 나가서
바로 쓰지 않으면 성공할 수 없다."
252,15,5,"Permet de frapper en premier et apeure l’ennemi.
Ne fonctionne qu’au premier tour."
252,15,6,"Diese Attacke trifft zuerst. Das Ziel schreckt
zurück. Gelingt nur in der ersten Runde eines
252,15,7,"Ataca primero y, además, hace retroceder al
objetivo. Solo sirve en el primer turno."
252,15,8,"Mossa che fa agire per primi e fa tentennare
il bersaglio. Funziona solo appena scesi in campo."
252,15,9,"An attack that hits first and makes the
target flinch. It only works the first turn
the user is in battle."
252,15,11,"先制攻撃で 相手を ひるませる。
戦闘に でたら
すぐに ださないと 成功しない。"
253,5,9,"Causes an uproar for 2 to 5
turns and prevents sleep."
253,6,9,"Causes an uproar for 2 to 5
turns and prevents sleep."
253,7,9,"The user attacks in
an uproar that
prevents sleep for
two to five turns."
253,8,9,"The user attacks in
an uproar for two to
five turns. Over that
time, no one can fall
253,9,9,"The user attacks in
an uproar for two to
five turns. Over that
time, no one can fall
253,10,9,"The user attacks in
an uproar for two to
five turns. Over that
time, no one can fall
253,11,5,"Le lanceur attaque en rugissant durant
3 tours. Pendant ce temps, personne
ne peut s’endormir."
253,11,9,"The user attacks in an uproar for
three turns. Over that time,
no one can fall asleep."
253,14,9,"The user attacks in an uproar for
three turns. Over that time,
no one can fall asleep."
253,15,1,"3ターンの あいだ
さわいで あいてを こうげきする。
そのあいだは だれも ねむれなく なる。"
253,15,3,"3턴 동안
소란 피워 공격한다.
그 동안은 아무도 잠들지 않게 된다."
253,15,5,"Le lanceur attaque en rugissant durant trois tours.
Pendant ce temps, aucun Pokémon ne peut
253,15,6,"Anwender greift an, indem er über drei Runden
hinweg einen Aufruhr erzeugt. Verhindert Schlaf."
253,15,7,"Ataca de forma alborotada durante tres turnos.
Mantiene despiertos a todos."
253,15,8,"Chi la usa attacca per tre turni con un frastuono
che non fa dormire nessuno."
253,15,9,"The user attacks in an uproar for
three turns. During that time,
no one can fall asleep."
253,15,11,"3ターンの あいだ
騒いで 相手を 攻撃する。
そのあいだは だれも 眠れなくなる。"
254,5,9,"Charges up power for up to
3 turns."
254,6,9,"Charges up power for up to
3 turns."
254,7,9,"The user charges
up power for use
later. It can be
used three times."
254,8,9,"The user charges
up power, and raises
both its Defense and
Sp. Def. The move can
be used three times."
254,9,9,"The user charges
up power, and raises
both its Defense and
Sp. Def. The move can
be used three times."
254,10,9,"The user charges
up power, and raises
both its Defense and
Sp. Def. The move can
be used three times."
254,11,5,"Le lanceur accumule de la puissance et
augmente sa Défense et sa Défense
Spéciale. Peut être utilisé 3 fois."
254,11,9,"The user charges up power and raises
both its Defense and Sp. Def. The move
can be used three times."
254,14,9,"The user charges up power and raises
both its Defense and Sp. Def. The move
can be used three times."
254,15,1,"ちからを たくわえて じぶんの
ぼうぎょと とくぼうを あげる。
さいだい 3かいまで たくわえられる。"
254,15,3,"힘을 비축해서 자신의
방어와 특수방어를 올린다.
최대 3회까지 비축할 수 있다."
254,15,5,"Le lanceur accumule de la puissance et augmente
sa Défense et sa Défense Spéciale.
Peut être utilisé trois fois."
254,15,6,"Lädt Kraft für später auf. Erhöht Verteidigung
und Spezial-Verteidigung. Kann bis zu dreimal
eingesetzt werden."
254,15,7,"Acumula energía y sube la Defensa y la Defensa
Especial. Puede utilizarse hasta tres veces."
254,15,8,"Chi la usa accumula energia aumentando
la Difesa e la Difesa Speciale.
Si può utilizzare tre volte."
254,15,9,"The user charges up power and raises
both its Defense and Sp. Def stats.
The move can be used three times."
254,15,11,"力を 蓄えて 自分の
防御と 特防を あげる。
最大 3回まで 蓄えられる。"
255,5,9,"Releases stockpiled power
(the more the better)."
255,6,9,"Releases stockpiled power
(the more the better)."
255,7,9,"The power built
using STOCKPILE is
released at once
for attack."
255,8,9,"The power stored
using the move
Stockpile is released
at once in an attack.
255,9,9,"The power stored
using the move
Stockpile is released
at once in an attack.
255,10,9,"The power stored
using the move
Stockpile is released
at once in an attack.
255,11,5,"Libère dans une attaque la puissance
précédemment accumulée avec Stockage."
255,11,9,"The power stored using the move Stockpile
is released at once in an attack. The more
power is stored, the greater the damage."
255,14,9,"The power stored using the move Stockpile
is released at once in an attack. The more
power is stored, the greater the damage."
255,15,1,"たくわえた ちからを あいてに ぶつけて
こうげきする。たくわえて いるほど
いりょくが あがる。"
255,15,3,"비축된 힘을
상대에게 부딪쳐서 공격한다.
비축된 만큼 위력이 올라간다."
255,15,5,"Libère dans une attaque la puissance
précédemment accumulée avec Stockage."
255,15,6,"Entlädt die Kraft, die während des Einsatzes
von Horter gesammelt wurde."
255,15,7,"Libera de una vez la energía acumulada con
255,15,8,"Tutta l’energia accumulata in precedenza
con Accumulo è rilasciata nell’attacco.
Maggiore è l’energia, più danni si arrecano."
255,15,9,"The power stored using the move Stockpile
is released at once in an attack. The more
power is stored, the greater the move’s power."
255,15,11,"蓄えた 力を
相手に ぶつけて 攻撃する。
蓄えているほど 威力が あがる。"
256,5,9,"Absorbs stockpiled power
and restores HP."
256,6,9,"Absorbs stockpiled power
and restores HP."
256,7,9,"The energy it built
using STOCKPILE is
absorbed to restore
256,8,9,"The power stored
using the move
Stockpile is absorbed
by the user to heal
its HP."
256,9,9,"The power stored
using the move
Stockpile is absorbed
by the user to heal
its HP."
256,10,9,"The power stored
using the move
Stockpile is absorbed
by the user to heal
its HP."
256,11,5,"Le lanceur absorbe la puissance accumulée
avec Stockage pour restaurer ses PV."
256,11,9,"The power stored using the move Stockpile
is absorbed by the user to heal its HP.
Storing more power heals more HP."
256,14,9,"The power stored using the move Stockpile
is absorbed by the user to heal its HP.
Storing more power heals more HP."
256,15,1,"たくわえた ちからを のみこんで
じぶんの HPを かいふく する。
たくわえて いるほど かいふく する。"
256,15,3,"비축된 힘을 꿀꺽해서
자신의 HP를 회복한다.
비축된 만큼 회복한다."
256,15,5,"Le lanceur absorbe la puissance accumulée avec
Stockage pour restaurer ses PV."
256,15,6,"Absorbiert die gehortete Kraft, um KP aufzufüllen."
256,15,7,"Absorbe la energía acumulada con Reserva y
restaura PS."
256,15,8,"Chi la usa assorbe l’energia raccolta
con la mossa Accumulo e recupera PS.
Maggiore è l’energia, più PS si recuperano."
256,15,9,"The power stored using the move Stockpile
is absorbed by the user to heal its HP.
Storing more power heals more HP."
256,15,11,"蓄えた 力を のみこんで
自分の HPを 回復する。
蓄えているほど 回復する。"
257,5,9,"Exhales a hot breath on the
foe. May inflict a burn."
257,6,9,"Exhales a hot breath on the
foe. May inflict a burn."
257,7,9,"The user exhales a
heated breath to
attack. It may also
inflict a burn."
257,8,9,"The user exhales a
heated breath on the
foe to attack. It may
also leave the target
with a burn."
257,9,9,"The user exhales a
heated breath on the
foe to attack. It may
also leave the target
with a burn."
257,10,9,"The user exhales a
heated breath on the
foe to attack. It may
also leave the target
with a burn."
257,11,5,"Le lanceur provoque une vague de
chaleur. Peut aussi brûler l’ennemi."
257,11,9,"The user attacks by exhaling hot breath
on the opposing team. It may also leave
targets with a burn."
257,14,9,"The user attacks by exhaling hot breath
on the opposing team. It may also leave
targets with a burn."
257,15,1,"あつい いきを
あいてに ふきつけて こうげきする。
やけど じょうたいに することが ある。"
257,15,3,"뜨거운 숨결을
상대에게 내뿜어 공격한다.
화상 상태로 만들 때가 있다."
257,15,5,"Le lanceur provoque une vague de chaleur.
Peut aussi brûler l’ennemi."
257,15,6,"Ziele werden von Sturm aus heißer Luft getroffen
und verbrennen sich eventuell."
257,15,7,"Provoca un viento abrasador que puede quemar al
257,15,8,"Chi la usa investe i nemici che ha intorno con
una folata di vento caldo. Può anche scottarli."
257,15,9,"The user attacks by exhaling hot breath
on the opposing Pokémon. This may also leave
those Pokémon with a burn."
257,15,11,"熱い 息を
相手に 吹きつけて 攻撃する。
やけど状態に することが ある。"
258,5,9,"Summons a hailstorm that
strikes every turn."
258,6,9,"Summons a hailstorm that
strikes every turn."
258,7,9,"A hailstorm lasting
five turns damages
all POKéMON except
the ICE-type."
258,8,9,"The user summons a
hailstorm lasting five
turns. It damages all
Pokémon except the
Ice type."
258,9,9,"The user summons a
hailstorm lasting five
turns. It damages all
Pokémon except the
Ice type."
258,10,9,"The user summons a
hailstorm lasting five
turns. It damages all
Pokémon except the
Ice type."
258,11,5,"Invoque une tempête de grêle qui dure 5
tours. Ne blesse pas les Pokémon de type
258,11,9,"The user summons a hailstorm lasting five
turns. It damages all Pokémon except the
Ice type."
258,14,9,"The user summons a hailstorm lasting five
turns. It damages all Pokémon except the
Ice type."
258,15,1,"5ターンの あいだ あられを ふらして
こおりタイプで ない ポケモン
ぜんいんに ダメージを あたえる。"
258,15,3,"5턴 동안 싸라기눈을 내리게 해
얼음타입이 아닌 포켓몬
모두에게 데미지를 준다."
258,15,5,"Invoque une tempête de grêle qui dure cinq tours.
Ne blesse pas les Pokémon de type Glace."
258,15,6,"Hagelsturm für fünf Runden. Schadet allen,
außer Eis-Pokémon."
258,15,7,"Tormenta de granizo que dura cinco turnos. Hiere
a todos, excepto a los de tipo Hielo."
258,15,8,"Chi la usa causa una grandinata che dura
cinque turni. Danneggia tutti i Pokémon
tranne quelli di tipo Ghiaccio."
258,15,9,"The user summons a hailstorm lasting five
turns. It damages all Pokémon except the
Ice type."
258,15,11,"5ターンの あいだ あられを 降らして
こおりタイプで ない ポケモン
全員に ダメージを 与える。"
259,5,9,"Torments the foe and stops
successive use of a move."
259,6,9,"Torments the foe and stops
successive use of a move."
259,7,9,"It enrages the foe,
making it incapable
of using the same
move successively."
259,8,9,"The user torments
and enrages the foe,
making it incapable of
using the same move
twice in a row."
259,9,9,"The user torments
and enrages the foe,
making it incapable of
using the same move
twice in a row."
259,10,9,"The user torments
and enrages the foe,
making it incapable of
using the same move
twice in a row."
259,11,5,"Le lanceur irrite l’ennemi pour
l’empêcher d’utiliser la même
capacité 2 fois de suite."
259,11,9,"The user torments and enrages the
target, making it incapable of using
the same move twice in a row."
259,14,9,"The user torments and enrages the
target, making it incapable of using
the same move twice in a row."
259,15,1,"あいてに いちゃもんを つけて
おなじ わざを 2かい れんぞくで
259,15,3,"상대에게 트집을 잡아서
똑같은 기술을 2회 연속으로
쓸 수 없게 한다."
259,15,5,"Le lanceur irrite l’ennemi pour l’empêcher d’utiliser
la même capacité deux fois de suite."
259,15,6,"Erzürnt das Ziel, um wiederholten Einsatz
derselben Attacke zu verhindern."
259,15,7,"Atormenta y enfurece al objetivo, que no puede
usar dos veces seguidas el mismo movimiento."
259,15,8,"Chi la usa tormenta e fa infuriare il bersaglio,
impedendogli di usare la stessa mossa
due volte di seguito."
259,15,9,"The user torments and enrages the
target, making it incapable of using
the same move twice in a row."
259,15,11,"相手に いちゃもんを つけて
同じ 技を 2回連続で
260,5,9,"Confuses the foe, but
raises its SP. ATK."
260,6,9,"Confuses the foe, but
raises its SP. ATK."
260,7,9,"Flattery is used to
confuse the foe,
but its SP. ATK
also rises."
260,8,9,"Flattery is used to
confuse the foe.
However, it also
raises the target’s
Sp. Atk stat."
260,9,9,"Flattery is used to
confuse the foe.
However, it also
raises the target’s
Sp. Atk stat."
260,10,9,"Flattery is used to
confuse the foe.
However, it also
raises the target’s
Sp. Atk stat."
260,11,5,"Rend la cible confuse, mais
augmente son Attaque Spéciale."
260,11,9,"Flattery is used to confuse the target.
However, it also raises the target’s
Sp. Atk stat."
260,14,9,"Flattery is used to confuse the target.
However, it also raises the target’s
Sp. Atk stat."
260,15,1,"あいてを おだてて こんらん させる。
どうじに あいての とくこうも
あげて しまう。"
260,15,3,"상대를 부추겨서 혼란시킨다.
동시에 상대의 특수공격도
올라가 버린다."
260,15,5,"Rend la cible confuse, mais augmente son
Attaque Spéciale."
260,15,6,"Schmeichelt dem Ziel, um es zu verwirren.
Erhöht dessen Spezial-Angriff."
260,15,7,"Halaga al objetivo y lo confunde, pero también
sube su Ataque Especial."
260,15,8,"Adula il bersaglio e lo confonde, ma ne aumenta
l’Attacco Speciale."
260,15,9,"Flattery is used to confuse the target.
However, this also raises the target’s
Sp. Atk stat."
260,15,11,"相手を おだてて 混乱させる。
同時に 相手の 特攻も
261,5,9,"Inflicts a burn on the foe
with intense fire."
261,6,9,"Inflicts a burn on the foe
with intense fire."
261,7,9,"A sinister, bluish
white flame is shot
at the foe to
inflict a burn."
261,8,9,"The user shoots a
sinister, bluish white
flame at the foe to
inflict a burn.
261,9,9,"The user shoots a
sinister, bluish white
flame at the foe to
inflict a burn.
261,10,9,"The user shoots a
sinister, bluish white
flame at the foe to
inflict a burn.
261,11,5,"Lance une sinistre flamme violette à
l’ennemi pour lui infliger une brûlure."
261,11,9,"The user shoots a sinister, bluish-white
flame at the target to inflict a burn."
261,14,9,"The user shoots a sinister, bluish-white
flame at the target to inflict a burn."
261,15,1,"ぶきみで あやしい ほのおを はなって
あいてを やけどの じょうたいに する。
261,15,3,"으스스하고 괴상한 불꽃을 쏘아
상대를 화상 상태로 만든다."
261,15,5,"Lance une sinistre flamme violette à l’ennemi pour
lui infliger une brûlure."
261,15,6,"Angriff mit unheimlicher Flamme,
die das Ziel verbrennt."
261,15,7,Siniestra llama morada que produce quemaduras.
261,15,8,"Fiamme intense di colore viola causano
una scottatura al bersaglio."
261,15,9,"The user shoots a sinister, bluish-white
flame at the target to inflict a burn."
261,15,11,"不気味で 怪しい 炎を 放って
相手を やけどの 状態に する。
262,5,9,"The user faints and lowers
the foe’s abilities."
262,6,9,"The user faints and lowers
the foe’s abilities."
262,7,9,"The user faints,
but sharply lowers
the foe’s ATTACK
and SP. ATK."
262,8,9,"The user faints upon
using this move.
In return, it sharply
lowers the target’s
Attack and Sp. Atk."
262,9,9,"The user faints upon
using this move.
In return, it sharply
lowers the target’s
Attack and Sp. Atk."
262,10,9,"The user faints upon
using this move.
In return, it sharply
lowers the target’s
Attack and Sp. Atk."
262,11,5,"Le lanceur est mis K.O., mais l’Attaque
et l’Attaque Spéciale de l’ennemi baissent
262,11,9,"The user faints when using this move.
In return, it harshly lowers the target’s
Attack and Sp. Atk."
262,14,9,"The user faints when using this move.
In return, it harshly lowers the target’s
Attack and Sp. Atk."
262,15,1,"じぶんは ひんしに なるが そのかわりに
あいての こうげきと とくこうを
がくっと さげる。"
262,15,3,"자신은 기절하게 되지만 그 대신
상대의 공격과 특수공격을
크게 떨어뜨린다."
262,15,5,"Le lanceur est mis K.O., mais l’Attaque et
l’Attaque Spéciale de l’ennemi baissent beaucoup."
262,15,6,"Der Anwender wird besiegt und senkt den
Angriffs-Wert und den Spezial-Angriff
des Zieles stark."
262,15,7,"El usuario se debilita, pero baja mucho tanto el
Ataque como el Ataque Especial del objetivo."
262,15,8,"Chi la usa va KO. Tuttavia, riduce di molto
l’Attacco e l’Attacco Speciale del bersaglio."
262,15,9,"The user faints when using this move.
In return, this harshly lowers the target’s
Attack and Sp. Atk stats."
262,15,11,"自分は ひんしに なるが そのかわりに
相手の 攻撃と 特攻を
がくっと さげる。"
263,5,9,"Boosts ATTACK when burned,
paralyzed, or poisoned."
263,6,9,"Boosts ATTACK when burned,
paralyzed, or poisoned."
263,7,9,"An attack that is
boosted if user is
burned, poisoned,
or paralyzed."
263,8,9,"An attack move that
doubles its power if
the user is poisoned,
paralyzed, or has a
263,9,9,"An attack move that
doubles its power if
the user is poisoned,
paralyzed, or has a
263,10,9,"An attack move that
doubles its power if
the user is poisoned,
paralyzed, or has a
263,11,5,"Une attaque dont la puissance double
lorsque le lanceur est empoisonné,
paralysé ou brûlé."
263,11,9,"An attack move that doubles its power if
the user is poisoned, burned, or
has paralysis."
263,14,9,"An attack move that doubles its power if
the user is poisoned, burned, or
has paralysis."
263,15,1,"じぶんが どく まひ やけど
じょうたいの とき あいてに くりだすと
わざの いりょくが 2ばいに なる。"
263,15,3,"자신이 독, 마비, 화상
상태일 때 날리면
기술의 위력이 2배가 된다."
263,15,5,"Une attaque dont la puissance double lorsque le
lanceur est empoisonné, paralysé ou brûlé."
263,15,6,"Doppelte Stärke nach Verbrennung,
Paralyse oder Vergiftung."
263,15,7,"Ataca con el doble de potencia si el usuario está
quemado, paralizado o envenenado."
263,15,8,"Mossa d’attacco che raddoppia la potenza
se chi la usa è scottato, avvelenato o paralizzato."
263,15,9,"An attack move that doubles its power if
the user is poisoned, burned, or
has paralysis."
263,15,11,"自分が 毒 まひ やけど
状態のとき 相手に くりだすと
技の 威力が 2倍に なる。"
264,5,9,"A powerful loyalty attack.
The user flinches if hit."
264,6,9,"A powerful loyalty attack.
The user flinches if hit."
264,7,9,"An attack that is
executed last.
The user flinches
if hit beforehand."
264,8,9,"The user focuses its
mind before launching
a punch. It will fail
if the user is hit
before it is used."
264,9,9,"The user focuses its
mind before launching
a punch. It will fail
if the user is hit
before it is used."
264,10,9,"The user focuses its
mind before launching
a punch. It will fail
if the user is hit
before it is used."
264,11,5,"Le lanceur se concentre avant
d’attaquer. Échoue s’il est touché
avant d’avoir frappé."
264,11,9,"The user focuses its mind before
launching a punch. It will fail if the user
is hit before it is used."
264,14,9,"The user focuses its mind before
launching a punch. It will fail if the user
is hit before it is used."
264,15,1,"せいしんを たかめて パンチを
くりだす。わざを だす までに
こうげきを うけると しっぱい する。"
264,15,3,"정신력을 높여 펀치를 날린다.
기술을 쓰기 전에
공격을 받으면 실패한다."
264,15,5,"Le lanceur se concentre avant d’attaquer.
Échoue s’il est touché avant d’avoir frappé."
264,15,6,"Anwender konzentriert sich, bevor er angreift.
Wird er vorher getroffen, ist die Attacke erfolglos."
264,15,7,"Se concentra para dar un puñetazo. Falla si se
sufre un golpe antes de su uso."
264,15,8,"Chi la usa prende la mira prima di sferrare
un pugno. Fallirà se verrà colpito prima
di eseguire la mossa."
264,15,9,"The user focuses its mind before
launching a punch. This move fails
if the user is hit before it is used."
264,15,11,"精神を 高めて パンチを くりだす。
技を だすまでに
攻撃を 受けると 失敗する。"
265,5,9,"Powerful against paralyzed
foes, but also heals them."
265,6,9,"Powerful against paralyzed
foes, but also heals them."
265,7,9,"Doubly effective on
a paralyzed foe,
but it also cures
the foe’s paralysis."
265,8,9,"This attack inflicts
double damage on a
paralyzed foe. It
also cures the foe’s
paralysis, however."
265,9,9,"This attack inflicts
double damage on a
paralyzed foe. It
also cures the foe’s
paralysis, however."
265,10,9,"This attack inflicts
double damage on a
paralyzed foe. It
also cures the foe’s
paralysis, however."
265,11,5,"Cette attaque est doublement efficace
sur les Pokémon paralysés, mais elle
soigne leur paralysie."
265,11,9,"This attack inflicts double damage on a
target with paralysis. It also cures the
target’s paralysis, however."
265,14,9,"This attack inflicts double damage on a
target with paralysis. It also cures the
target’s paralysis, however."
265,15,1,"まひ じょうたいの あいてには
いりょくが 2ばいに なるが
かわりに あいての まひが なおる。"
265,15,3,"마비 상태의 상대에게는
위력이 2배가 되지만
대신 상대의 마비가 풀린다."
265,15,5,"Cette attaque est doublement efficace sur les
Pokémon paralysés, mais elle soigne leur paralysie."
265,15,6,"Doppelt wirksam gegen paralysierte Ziele,
heilt sie aber auch von der Paralyse."
265,15,7,"Hace el doble de daño a objetivos paralizados,
pero también cura la parálisis."
265,15,8,"Infligge un danno doppio a un bersaglio
paralizzato, ma ne cura anche la paralisi."
265,15,9,"This attack inflicts double damage on a
target with paralysis. This also cures the
target’s paralysis, however."
265,15,11,"まひ状態の 相手には
威力が 2倍に なるが
かわりに 相手の まひが 治る。"
266,5,9,"Draws attention to make
foes attack only the user."
266,6,9,"Draws attention to make
foes attack only the user."
266,7,9,"The user draws
attention to itself,
making foes attack
only the user."
266,8,9,"The user draws
attention to itself,
making all foes take
aim only at the user.
266,9,9,"The user draws
attention to itself,
making all foes take
aim only at the user.
266,10,9,"The user draws
attention to itself,
making all foes take
aim only at the user.
266,11,5,"Attire l’attention. Les ennemis
n’attaquent que le lanceur."
266,11,9,"The user draws attention to itself,
making all targets take aim
only at the user."
266,14,9,"The user draws attention to itself,
making all targets take aim
only at the user."
266,15,1,"じぶんに ちゅうもく させて
あいてからの こうげきを
すべて じぶんに むけさせる。"
266,15,3,"자신에게 주목시켜
상대로부터의 공격을
모두 자신에게 향하게 한다."
266,15,5,"Attire l’attention des ennemis pour les forcer à
n’attaquer que le lanceur."
266,15,6,"Zieht Aufmerksamkeit auf sich.
Gegner greift nur Anwender an."
266,15,7,"Llama la atención para concentrar todos los
ataques de todos los del equipo rival hacia sí
266,15,8,"Chi la usa attira l’attenzione su di sé, costringendo
i nemici a sceglierlo sempre come bersaglio."
266,15,9,"The user draws attention to itself,
making all targets take aim
only at the user."
266,15,11,"自分に 注目させて
相手からの 攻撃を
すべて 自分に むけさせる。"
267,5,9,"The type of attack varies
depending on the location."
267,6,9,"The type of attack varies
depending on the location."
267,7,9,"An attack that
changes type
depending on the
user’s location."
267,8,9,"An attack that makes
use of nature’s
power. Its effects
vary depending on the
user’s environment."
267,9,9,"An attack that makes
use of nature’s
power. Its effects
vary depending on the
user’s environment."
267,10,9,"An attack that makes
use of nature’s
power. Its effects
vary depending on the
user’s environment."
267,11,5,"Une attaque qui tire sa force de la
nature. Son type varie selon le terrain."
267,11,9,"An attack that makes use of nature’s
power. Its effects vary depending on the
user’s environment."
267,14,9,"An attack that makes use of nature’s
power. Its effects vary depending on the
user’s environment."
267,15,1,"しぜんの ちからで こうげきする。
つかう ばしょで
でてくる わざが へんかする。"
267,15,3,"자연의 힘으로 공격한다.
사용하는 장소에 따라
나오는 기술이 변화한다."
267,15,5,"Une attaque qui tire sa force de la nature.
Son type varie selon le terrain."
267,15,6,"Angriff mit der Kraft der Natur, dessen Typ
vom Ort abhängt, wo er durchgeführt wird."
267,15,7,"Usa el poder de la naturaleza para atacar.
Su efecto varía según el entorno de combate."
267,15,8,"Mossa che fa uso della forza della natura.
Il suo effetto varia in base all’ambiente."
267,15,9,"An attack that makes use of nature’s
power. Its effects vary depending on the
user’s environment."
267,15,11,"自然の 力で 攻撃する。
使う 場所で
でてくる 技が 変化する。"
268,5,9,"Charges power to boost the
electric move used next."
268,6,9,"Charges power to boost the
electric move used next."
268,7,9,"The user charges
power to boost the
ELECTRIC move it
uses next."
268,8,9,"The user boosts the
power of the Electric
move it uses next.
It also raises the
user’s Sp. Def stat."
268,9,9,"The user boosts the
power of the Electric
move it uses next.
It also raises the
user’s Sp. Def stat."
268,10,9,"The user boosts the
power of the Electric
move it uses next.
It also raises the
user’s Sp. Def stat."
268,11,5,"Le lanceur concentre sa puissance pour
sa prochaine attaque Électrik.
Augmente sa Défense Spéciale."
268,11,9,"The user boosts the power of the Electric
move it uses on the next turn. It also
raises the user’s Sp. Def stat."
268,14,9,"The user boosts the power of the Electric
move it uses on the next turn. It also
raises the user’s Sp. Def stat."
268,15,1,"つぎの ターンに だす でんきタイプの
わざの いりょくを あげる。
じぶんの とくぼうも あがる。"
268,15,3,"다음 턴에 쓸 전기타입
기술의 위력을 올린다.
자신의 특수방어도 올라간다."
268,15,5,"Le lanceur concentre sa puissance pour
sa prochaine attaque Électrik. Augmente sa
Défense Spéciale."
268,15,6,"Lädt Energie für die kommende Elektro-Attacke
auf. Erhöht die Spezial-Verteidigung."
268,15,7,"Recarga energía para potenciar el siguiente
movimiento de tipo Eléctrico. También sube la
Defensa Especial."
268,15,8,"Potenzia la mossa di tipo Elettro usata subito
dopo. Aumenta anche la Difesa Speciale
di chi la usa."
268,15,9,"The user boosts the power of the Electric
move it uses on the next turn. This also
raises the user’s Sp. Def stat."
268,15,11,"次の ターンに だす でんきタイプの
技の 威力を あげる。
自分の 特防も あがる。"
269,5,9,"Taunts the foe into only
using attack moves."
269,6,9,"Taunts the foe into only
using attack moves."
269,7,9,"The foe is taunted
into a rage that
allows it to use
only attack moves."
269,8,9,"The foe is taunted
into a rage that
allows it to use only
attack moves for two
to four turns."
269,9,9,"The foe is taunted
into a rage that
allows it to use only
attack moves for two
to four turns."
269,10,9,"The foe is taunted
into a rage that
allows it to use only
attack moves for two
to four turns."
269,11,5,"Provoque l’ennemi. L’oblige à n’utiliser
que des attaques pendant 3 tours."
269,11,9,"The target is taunted into a rage that
allows it to use only attack moves
for three turns."
269,14,9,"The target is taunted into a rage that
allows it to use only attack moves
for three turns."
269,15,1,"あいてを おこらせる。3ターンの
あいだ あいては ダメージを
あたえる わざしか だせなく なる。"
269,15,3,"상대를 화나게 한다.
3턴 동안 상대는 데미지를
주는 기술밖에 쓸 수 없게 된다."
269,15,5,"Provoque l’ennemi. L’oblige à n’utiliser que des
attaques pendant trois tours."
269,15,6,"Bringt das Ziel in Rage. Dieses kann über
drei Runden hinweg nur noch angreifen."
269,15,7,"Enfurece al objetivo para que solo use
movimientos de ataque durante tres turnos."
269,15,8,"Provoca il bersaglio inducendolo a usare
solo mosse d’attacco per tre turni."
269,15,9,"The target is taunted into a rage that
allows it to use only attack moves
for three turns."
269,15,11,"相手を 怒らせる。3ターンの
あいだ 相手は ダメージを
与える 技しか だせなくなる。"
270,5,9,"Boosts the power of the
recipient’s moves."
270,6,9,"Boosts the power of the
recipient’s moves."
270,7,9,"A move that boosts
the power of the
ally’s attack in a
270,8,9,"A move that boosts
the power of the
ally’s attack in a
Double Battle.
270,9,9,"A move that boosts
the power of the
ally’s attack in a
Double Battle.
270,10,9,"A move that boosts
the power of the
ally’s attack in a
Double Battle.
270,11,5,"Une capacité qui augmente la puissance
d’attaque de l’allié pendant un tour."
270,11,9,"The user assists an ally by boosting
the power of its attack."
270,14,9,"The user assists an ally by boosting
the power of its attack."
270,15,1,"なかまを たすける。
てだすけ された ポケモンの わざの
いりょくは いつもより おおきく なる。"
270,15,3,"동료를 돕는다.
도움받은 포켓몬이 쓰는 기술의
위력은 여느 때보다 커진다."
270,15,5,"Une capacité qui augmente la puissance d’attaque
d’un allié."
270,15,6,"Anwender steigert die Kraft eines Angriffes
eines Freundes."
270,15,7,"El usuario ayuda a un aliado reforzando la
potencia de su ataque."
270,15,8,"Mossa che aumenta la potenza dell’attacco
di un alleato."
270,15,9,"The user assists an ally by boosting
the power of that ally’s attack."
270,15,11,"仲間を 助ける。
てだすけ された ポケモンの 技の
威力は いつもより 大きくなる。"
271,5,9,"Tricks the foe into trading
held items."
271,6,9,"Tricks the foe into trading
held items."
271,7,9,"A move that tricks
the foe into
trading held items
with the user."
271,8,9,"The user catches the
foe off guard and
swaps the foe’s held
item with its own.
271,9,9,"The user catches the
foe off guard and
swaps the foe’s held
item with its own.
271,10,9,"The user catches the
foe off guard and
swaps the foe’s held
item with its own.
271,11,5,"Le lanceur prend la cible au dépourvu et
l’oblige à échanger son objet contre
le sien."
271,11,9,"The user catches the target off guard
and swaps its held item with its own."
271,14,9,"The user catches the target off guard
and swaps its held item with its own."
271,15,1,"あいての すきを ついて
じぶんと あいての
もちものを こうかんする。"
271,15,3,"상대의 빈틈을 노려
자신과 상대가 지닌 물건을
271,15,5,"Le lanceur prend la cible au dépourvu et l’oblige
à échanger son objet contre le sien."
271,15,6,"Der Anwender überrumpelt das Ziel und
tauscht mit ihm die getragenen Items."
271,15,7,"Engaña al objetivo desprevenido e intercambia
271,15,8,"Chi la usa coglie il bersaglio in contropiede
e lo obbliga a cambiare il suo strumento
con il proprio."
271,15,9,"The user catches the target off guard
and swaps its held item with its own."
271,15,11,"相手の すきを ついて
自分と 相手の
持ち物を 交換する。"
272,5,9,"Mimics the target and
copies its special ability."
272,6,9,"Mimics the target and
copies its special ability."
272,7,9,"The user mimics the
foe completely and
copies the foe’s
272,8,9,"The user mimics the
foe completely,
copying the foe’s
natural ability.
272,9,9,"The user mimics the
foe completely,
copying the foe’s
natural ability.
272,10,9,"The user mimics the
foe completely,
copying the foe’s
natural ability.
272,11,5,"Imite la cible et copie
sa capacité spéciale."
272,11,9,"The user mimics the target completely,
copying the target’s natural Ability."
272,14,9,"The user mimics the target completely,
copying the target’s natural Ability."
272,15,1,"あいてに なりきって じぶんも あいてと
おなじ とくせいに へんかする。
272,15,3,"상대의 역할을 하여 자신도 상대와
같은 특성으로 변화한다."
272,15,5,Imite la cible et copie son talent.
272,15,6,Parodiert das Ziel und kopiert seine Fähigkeit.
272,15,7,Imita al objetivo por completo y copia su habilidad.
272,15,8,"Chi la usa mima in tutto il bersaglio, copiandone
272,15,9,"The user mimics the target completely,
copying the target’s natural Ability."
272,15,11,"相手に なりきって 自分も 相手と
同じ 特性に 変化する。
273,5,9,"A wish that restores HP.
It takes time to work."
273,6,9,"A wish that restores HP.
It takes time to work."
273,7,9,"A self-healing move
that restores half
the full HP on the
next turn."
273,8,9,"A self-healing move.
The user restores its
own HP by up to half
of its maximum HP
in the next turn."
273,9,9,"A self-healing move.
The user restores its
own HP by up to half
of its maximum HP
in the next turn."
273,10,9,"A self-healing move.
The user restores its
own HP by up to half
of its maximum HP
in the next turn."
273,11,5,"Un vœu qui permet de récupérer la
moitié des PV max au tour suivant."
273,11,9,"One turn after this move is used,
the target’s HP is restored by
half the user’s maximum HP."
273,14,9,"One turn after this move is used,
the target’s HP is restored by
half the user’s maximum HP."
273,15,1,"つぎの ターンに
じぶんの HPを さいだい HPの
はんぶん かいふく する。"
273,15,3,"다음 턴에
자신의 HP를 최대 HP의
절반만큼 회복한다."
273,15,5,"Un vœu qui permet de récupérer la moitié des
PV max au tour suivant."
273,15,6,"Ein Wunsch füllt in der nächsten Runde
50 % der KP des Anwenders bei diesem
oder einem eingewechselten Pokémon auf."
273,15,7,"Restaura la mitad de los PS máximos en el
siguiente turno."
273,15,8,"Permette di recuperare metà dei PS massimi
al turno successivo."
273,15,9,"One turn after this move is used,
the target’s HP is restored by
half the user’s max HP."
273,15,11,"次の ターンに
自分の HPを 最大HPの
半分 回復する。"
274,5,9,"Attacks randomly with one
of the partner’s moves."
274,6,9,"Attacks randomly with one
of the partner’s moves."
274,7,9,"The user randomly
picks and uses a
move of an allied
274,8,9,"The user hurriedly
and randomly uses a
move among those
known by other
Pokémon in the party."
274,9,9,"The user hurriedly
and randomly uses a
move among those
known by other
Pokémon in the party."
274,10,9,"The user hurriedly
and randomly uses a
move among those
known by other
Pokémon in the party."
274,11,5,"Le lanceur se dépêche d’utiliser une
capacité au hasard parmi celles des
Pokémon de l’équipe."
274,11,9,"The user hurriedly and randomly uses a
move among those known by other
Pokémon in the party."
274,14,9,"The user hurriedly and randomly uses a
move among those known by other
Pokémon in the party."
274,15,1,"おおいそぎで みかたの たすけを かりて
ひかえの ポケモンが おぼえている
わざを どれか 1つ つかう。"
274,15,3,"서둘러서 같은 편의 도움을 받아
교대 포켓몬이 기억하고 있는
기술 중 하나를 쓴다."
274,15,5,"Le lanceur se dépêche d’utiliser une capacité au
hasard parmi celles des Pokémon de l’équipe."
274,15,6,"Greift zufällig mit einer Attacke
eines Teampartners an."
274,15,7,"Usa un movimiento de un miembro del equipo
elegido al azar."
274,15,8,"Chi la usa utilizza in fretta e a caso una
delle mosse degli altri Pokémon della squadra."
274,15,9,"The user hurriedly and randomly
uses a move among those known
by other Pokémon in the party."
274,15,11,"大急ぎで 味方の 助けを かりて
控えの ポケモンが おぼえている
技を どれか 1つ 使う。"
275,5,9,"Lays roots that restore HP.
The user can’t switch out."
275,6,9,"Lays roots that restore HP.
The user can’t switch out."
275,7,9,"The user lays roots
that restore HP on
every turn.
It can’t switch out."
275,8,9,"The user lays roots
that restore HP on
every turn.
Because it is rooted,
it can’t switch out."
275,9,9,"The user lays roots
that restore HP on
every turn.
Because it is rooted,
it can’t switch out."
275,10,9,"The user lays roots
that restore HP on
every turn.
Because it is rooted,
it can’t switch out."
275,11,5,"Le lanceur plante ses racines et récupère
des PV à chaque tour. Une fois enraciné, il
ne peut plus fuir."
275,11,9,"The user lays roots that restore
its HP on every turn. Because it is
rooted, it can’t switch out."
275,14,9,"The user lays roots that restore
its HP on every turn. Because it is
rooted, it can’t switch out."
275,15,1,"だいちに ねを はり まいターン
じぶんの HPを かいふく する。
ねを はっているので いれかえられない。"
275,15,3,"대지에 뿌리를 박아
매 턴마다 자신의 HP를 회복한다.
뿌리 박고 있으므로 교체할 수 없다."
275,15,5,"Le lanceur plante ses racines et récupère des
PV à chaque tour. Une fois enraciné, il ne peut
plus fuir."
275,15,6,"Verwurzelung füllt jede Runde KP auf.
Austausch ist unmöglich."
275,15,7,"Echa raíces para recuperar PS en cada turno, pero
impide el relevo."
275,15,8,"Chi la usa mette delle radici che gli fanno
recuperare PS a ogni turno. Non può
essere sostituito."
275,15,9,"The user lays roots that restore
its HP on every turn. Because it is
rooted, it can’t switch out."
275,15,11,"大地に 根を 張り
毎ターン 自分の HPを 回復する。
根を 張っているので 入れ替えられない。"
276,5,9,"Boosts strength sharply,
but lowers abilities."
276,6,9,"Boosts strength sharply,
but lowers abilities."
276,7,9,"A powerful attack,
but it also lowers
the user’s ATTACK
and DEFENSE stats."
276,8,9,"The user attacks the
foe with great power.
However, it also
lowers the user’s
Attack and Defense."
276,9,9,"The user attacks the
foe with great power.
However, it also
lowers the user’s
Attack and Defense."
276,10,9,"The user attacks the
foe with great power.
However, it also
lowers the user’s
Attack and Defense."
276,11,5,"Une attaque puissante, mais qui baisse
l’Attaque et la Défense du lanceur."
276,11,9,"The user attacks the target with great
power. However, it also lowers the
user’s Attack and Defense."
276,14,9,"The user attacks the target with great
power. However, it also lowers the
user’s Attack and Defense."
276,15,1,"すごい ちからを はっきして
あいてを こうげきする。じぶんの
こうげきと ぼうぎょが さがる。"
276,15,3,"엄청난 힘을 발휘하여
상대를 공격한다. 자신의
공격과 방어가 떨어진다."
276,15,5,"Une attaque puissante, mais qui baisse l’Attaque
et la Défense du lanceur."
276,15,6,"Starke Attacke, die jedoch auch den Angriff
und die Verteidigung des Anwenders senkt."
276,15,7,"Ataque de gran potencia, pero que reduce el
Ataque y la Defensa del agresor."
276,15,8,"Chi la usa attacca il bersaglio con grande forza,
ma il suo Attacco e la sua Difesa diminuiscono."
276,15,9,"The user attacks the target with great
power. However, this also lowers the
user’s Attack and Defense stats."
276,15,11,"すごい 力を 発揮して
相手を 攻撃する。自分の
攻撃と 防御が さがる。"
277,5,9,"Reflects special effects
back to the attacker."
277,6,9,"Reflects special effects
back to the attacker."
277,7,9,"Reflects back the
and any status-
damaging move."
277,8,9,"A barrier reflects
back to the foe
moves like Leech
Seed and moves
that damage status."
277,9,9,"A barrier reflects
back to the foe
moves like Leech
Seed and moves
that damage status."
277,10,9,"A barrier reflects
back to the foe
moves like Leech
Seed and moves
that damage status."
277,11,5,"Une barrière qui renvoie les capacités
comme Vampigraine et celles affectant
le statut et les stats."
277,11,9,"A barrier reflects back to the target
moves like Leech Seed and moves
that damage status."
277,14,9,"A barrier reflects back to the target
moves like Leech Seed and moves
that damage status."
277,15,1,"じょうたい いじょうに なる ワザや
やどりぎのタネ などを
だされたとき あいてに はねかえす。"
277,15,3,"상대가 상태 이상이 되는 기술이나
씨뿌리기 등을 썼을 때 되받아친다."
277,15,5,"Une barrière qui renvoie les capacités comme
Vampigraine et celles affectant le statut et
les stats."
277,15,6,"Egelsamen und alle Attacken mit Status
verändernden Effekten prallen ab."
277,15,7,"Barrera capaz de devolver al agresor movimientos
como Drenadoras y otros que alteran el estado o
las características."
277,15,8,"Una barriera rimanda al mittente l’effetto
di mosse come Parassiseme e di mosse
che influenzano lo stato."
277,15,9,"A barrier reflects back to the target
moves like Leech Seed and moves
that damage status."
277,15,11,"状態異常に なる 技や
やどりぎのタネ などを
だされたとき 相手に 跳ね返す。"
278,5,9,"Recycles a used item for
one more use."
278,6,9,"Recycles a used item for
one more use."
278,7,9,"A move that
recycles a used
item for use once
278,8,9,"The user recycles a
single-use item that
has been used in
battle so it can be
used again."
278,9,9,"The user recycles a
single-use item that
has been used in
battle so it can be
used again."
278,10,9,"The user recycles a
held item that
has been used in
battle so it can be
used again."
278,11,5,"Recycle un objet tenu à usage unique
déjà utilisé lors du combat pour pouvoir
l’utiliser à nouveau."
278,11,9,"The user recycles a held item that
has been used in battle so it can be
used again."
278,14,9,"The user recycles a held item that
has been used in battle so it can be
used again."
278,15,1,"せんとうちゅうに つかって なくなった
じぶんの もちものを さいせい させて
つかえるように する。"
278,15,3,"배틀 중에 사용하여 없어진
자신의 지닌 물건을 재생시켜
사용할 수 있게 한다."
278,15,5,"Recycle un objet tenu à usage unique déjà utilisé
lors du combat pour pouvoir l’utiliser à nouveau."
278,15,6,"Recycling eines getragenen Items,
das zuvor im Kampf verwendet wurde."
278,15,7,"Recicla y así recupera un objeto equipado de un
solo uso que ya haya sido empleado durante el
278,15,8,"Chi la usa ricicla uno strumento già usato
nella lotta e lo può riutilizzare."
278,15,9,"The user recycles a held item that
has been used in battle so it can be
used again."
278,15,11,"戦闘中に 使って なくなった
自分の 持ち物を 再生させて
使えるように する。"
279,5,9,"An attack that gains power
if injured by the foe."
279,6,9,"An attack that gains power
if injured by the foe."
279,7,9,"An attack move that
gains in intensity if
the target has hurt
the user."
279,8,9,"An attack move that
inflicts double the
damage if the user
has been hurt by the
foe in the same turn."
279,9,9,"An attack move that
inflicts double the
damage if the user
has been hurt by the
foe in the same turn."
279,10,9,"An attack move that
inflicts double the
damage if the user
has been hurt by the
foe in the same turn."
279,11,5,"Une attaque deux fois plus puissante
si le lanceur a été blessé par l’ennemi
durant ce tour."
279,11,9,"An attack move that inflicts double the
damage if the user has been hurt by the
opponent in the same turn."
279,14,9,"An attack move that inflicts double the
damage if the user has been hurt by the
opponent in the same turn."
279,15,1,"あいてから わざを うけていると
その あいてに たいして
あたえる ダメージが 2ばいに なる。"
279,15,3,"상대에게 기술을 받으면
그 상대에게 주는 데미지가
2배가 된다."
279,15,5,"Une attaque deux fois plus puissante si le lanceur
a été blessé par l’ennemi durant ce tour."
279,15,6,"Schaden verdoppelt sich, wenn der Anwender
in der Runde bereits Schaden vom Ziel
des Angriffes genommen hat."
279,15,7,"Ataque que produce el doble de daño si el usuario
es herido en el mismo turno."
279,15,8,"Mossa d’attacco che infligge un danno doppio
se si è stati colpiti dal Pokémon bersaglio nello
stesso turno."
279,15,9,"An attack move that inflicts double the
damage if the user has been hurt by the
opponent in the same turn."
279,15,11,"相手から 技を 受けていると
その相手に 対して
与える ダメージが 2倍に なる。"
280,5,9,"Destroys barriers such as
REFLECT and causes damage."
280,6,9,"Destroys barriers such as
REFLECT and causes damage."
280,7,9,"An attack that also
breaks any barrier
280,8,9,"The user attacks with
tough fists, etc. It
can also break any
barrier such as Light
Screen and Reflect."
280,9,9,"The user attacks with
tough fists, etc. It
can also break any
barrier such as Light
Screen and Reflect."
280,10,9,"The user attacks with
tough fists, etc. It
can also break any
barrier such as Light
Screen and Reflect."
280,11,5,"Une attaque avec le tranchant de la main.
Permet aussi de  briser les barrières
comme Mur Lumière et Protection."
280,11,9,"The user attacks with a swift chop. It
can also break any barrier such as Light
Screen and Reflect."
280,14,9,"The user attacks with a swift chop. It
can also break any barrier such as Light
Screen and Reflect."
280,15,1,"しゅとうを いきおいよく ふりおろして
あいてを こうげきする。ひかりのかべや
リフレクターも はかいできる。"
280,15,3,"수도로 기세 좋게 내려쳐서
상대를 공격한다. 빛의장막이나
리플렉터도 파괴할 수 있다."
280,15,5,"Une attaque avec le tranchant de la main.
Permet aussi de briser les barrières comme
Mur Lumière et Protection."
280,15,6,"Ein beherzter Handkantenschlag. Durchbricht
Barrieren wie Lichtschild und Reflektor."
280,15,7,"Potente ataque que también es capaz de destruir
barreras como Pantalla de Luz y Reflejo."
280,15,8,"Colpisce il bersaglio con una mano e rompe
barriere come Riflesso e Schermoluce."
280,15,9,"The user attacks with a swift chop. It
can also break barriers, such as Light
Screen and Reflect."
280,15,11,"手刀を 勢いよく 振りおろして
相手を 攻撃する。ひかりのかべや
リフレクターも 破壊できる。"
281,5,9,"Lulls the foe into yawning,
then sleeping next turn."
281,6,9,"Lulls the foe into yawning,
then sleeping next turn."
281,7,9,"A huge yawn lulls
the foe into falling
asleep on the next
281,8,9,"The user lets loose a
huge yawn that lulls
the foe into falling
asleep on the next
281,9,9,"The user lets loose a
huge yawn that lulls
the foe into falling
asleep on the next
281,10,9,"The user lets loose a
huge yawn that lulls
the foe into falling
asleep on the next
281,11,5,"Fait bâiller l’ennemi qui
s’endort au tour suivant."
281,11,9,"The user lets loose a huge yawn that
lulls the target into falling asleep
on the next turn."
281,14,9,"The user lets loose a huge yawn that
lulls the target into falling asleep
on the next turn."
281,15,1,"おおきな あくびで ねむけを さそう。
つぎの ターンに
あいてを ねむり じょうたいに する。"
281,15,3,"큰 하품으로 졸음을 유도한다.
다음 턴에 상대를
잠듦 상태로 만든다."
281,15,5,Fait bâiller l’ennemi qui s’endort au tour suivant.
281,15,6,"Angreifer gähnt und das Ziel schläft
in der nächsten Runde ein."
281,15,7,"Gran bostezo que induce al sueño al objetivo en
el siguiente turno."
281,15,8,"Chi la usa fa un grande sbadiglio che
addormenta il bersaglio al turno seguente."
281,15,9,"The user lets loose a huge yawn that
lulls the target into falling asleep
on the next turn."
281,15,11,"大きな あくびで 眠気を 誘う。
次の ターンに
相手を 眠り状態に する。"
282,5,9,"Knocks down the foe’s held
item to prevent its use."
282,6,9,"Knocks down the foe’s held
item to prevent its use."
282,7,9,"Knocks down the
foe’s held item to
prevent its use
during the battle."
282,8,9,"The user slaps down
the foe’s held item,
preventing the item
from being used
during the battle."
282,9,9,"The user slaps down
the foe’s held item,
preventing the item
from being used
during the battle."
282,10,9,"The user slaps down
the foe’s held item,
preventing the item
from being used
during the battle."
282,11,5,"Le lanceur fait tomber l’objet tenu
par l’ennemi pour le rendre inutilisable
durant le combat."
282,11,9,"The user slaps down the target’s
held item, preventing that item
from being used in the battle."
282,14,9,"The user slaps down the target’s
held item, preventing that item
from being used in the battle."
282,15,1,"あいての もちものを はたき おとして
せんとうが おわるまで つかえなくする。
ものをもつ あいてには ダメージがます。"
282,15,3,"상대의 지닌 물건을 탁 쳐서 떨어뜨려
배틀이 끝날 때까지 사용할 수 없게 한다.
물건을 가진 상대에게는 데미지를 더 준다."
282,15,5,"Fait plus de dégâts aux cibles qui tiennent un
objet. De plus, fait tomber cet objet et empêche
la cible de l’utiliser jusqu’à la fin du combat."
282,15,6,"Schlägt das Item des Zieles weg und vereitelt so
dessen Gebrauch während des Kampfes. Mehr
Schaden gegen Ziele, die ein Item bei sich tragen."
282,15,7,"Impide al objetivo usar el objeto que lleva durante
el combate. La potencia del movimiento se
multiplica si el objetivo lleva un objeto."
282,15,8,"Attacco che blocca lo strumento del bersaglio,
impedendone l’uso nella lotta. La sua potenza
aumenta se il Pokémon colpito ha uno strumento."
282,15,9,"The user slaps down the target’s held item, and
that item can’t be used in that battle. The move
does more damage if the target has a held item."
282,15,11,"相手の 持ち物を はたき 落として
戦闘が 終わるまで 使えなくする。
物を持つ 相手には ダメージが増す。"
283,5,9,"Gains power if the user’s HP
is lower than the foe’s HP."
283,6,9,"Gains power if the user’s HP
is lower than the foe’s HP."
283,7,9,"Gains power the
fewer HP the user
has compared with
the foe."
283,8,9,"An attack move that
cuts down the foe’s
HP to equal the
user’s HP.
283,9,9,"An attack move that
cuts down the foe’s
HP to equal the
user’s HP.
283,10,9,"An attack move that
cuts down the foe’s
HP to equal the
user’s HP.
283,11,5,"Une attaque qui réduit les PV de
l’ennemi au niveau des PV du lanceur."
283,11,9,"An attack move that cuts down the
target’s HP to equal the user’s HP."
283,14,9,"An attack move that cuts down the
target’s HP to equal the user’s HP."
283,15,1,"あいての HPが じぶんの HPと
おなじ くらいに なるように
ダメージを あたえる。"
283,15,3,"상대의 HP가 자신의 HP와
데미지를 준다."
283,15,5,"Une attaque qui réduit les PV de l’ennemi au
niveau des PV du lanceur."
283,15,6,"Trifft nur, wenn KP des Anwenders geringer
als KP des Zieles sind. Senkt dessen KP auf
die Höhe der KP des Anwenders."
283,15,7,"Reduce los PS del objetivo para que igualen a los
del atacante."
283,15,8,"Attacco che riduce i PS del bersaglio a una
quantità pari ai PS di chi la usa."
283,15,9,"An attack move that cuts down the
target’s HP to equal the user’s HP."
283,15,11,"相手の HPが 自分の HPと
同じくらいに なるように
ダメージを 与える。"
284,5,9,"The higher the user’s HP,
the more damage caused."
284,6,9,"The higher the user’s HP,
the more damage caused."
284,7,9,"The higher the
user’s HP, the more
powerful this
attack becomes."
284,8,9,"The user attacks in
an explosive fury.
The lower the user’s
HP, the less powerful
this attack becomes."
284,9,9,"The user attacks in
an explosive fury.
The lower the user’s
HP, the less powerful
this attack becomes."
284,10,9,"The user attacks in
an explosive fury.
The lower the user’s
HP, the less powerful
this attack becomes."
284,11,5,"Le lanceur laisse exploser sa colère.
Plus ses PV sont bas et moins l’attaque
est puissante."
284,11,9,"The user attacks the opposing team with
explosive fury. The lower the user’s HP,
the less powerful this attack becomes."
284,14,9,"The user attacks the opposing team with
explosive fury. The lower the user’s HP,
the less powerful this attack becomes."
284,15,1,"いかりを ばくはつ させて あいてを
こうげきする。じぶんの HPが すくない
ほど わざの いりょくは さがる。"
284,15,3,"분노를 폭발시켜 상대를
공격한다. 자신의 HP가
적을수록 기술의 위력이 떨어진다."
284,15,5,"Le lanceur laisse exploser sa colère.
Plus ses PV sont bas et moins l’attaque est
284,15,6,"Explosiver Angriff. Je höher die KP des Anwenders
sind, desto mehr Schaden wird angerichtet."
284,15,7,"Furia explosiva. Cuanto menor sea el número de
PS del usuario, menos daño hará el ataque."
284,15,8,"Attacco impetuoso ed esplosivo la cui potenza
è proporzionale ai PS di chi lo usa."
284,15,9,"The user attacks opposing Pokémon with
explosive fury. The lower the user’s HP,
the lower the move’s power."
284,15,11,"怒りを 爆発させて 相手を
攻撃する。自分の HPが
少ないほど 技の 威力は さがる。"
285,5,9,"The user swaps special
abilities with the target."
285,6,9,"The user swaps special
abilities with the target."
285,7,9,"The user employs
its psychic power
to swap abilities
with the foe."
285,8,9,"The user employs its
psychic power to
exchange abilities
with the foe.
285,9,9,"The user employs its
psychic power to
exchange abilities
with the foe.
285,10,9,"The user employs its
psychic power to
exchange abilities
with the foe.
285,11,5,"Le lanceur utilise ses pouvoirs psychiques
pour échanger sa capacité spéciale
avec la cible."
285,11,9,"The user employs its psychic power to
exchange Abilities with the target."
285,14,9,"The user employs its psychic power to
exchange Abilities with the target."
285,15,1,"ちょうのうりょくで じぶんの とくせいと
あいての とくせいを いれかえる。
285,15,3,"초능력으로 자신의 특성과
상대의 특성을 바꾼다."
285,15,5,"Le lanceur utilise ses pouvoirs psychiques pour
échanger son talent avec la cible."
285,15,6,Anwender tauscht Fähigkeit mit dem Ziel.
285,15,7,"Usa el poder psíquico para intercambiar
habilidades con el objetivo."
285,15,8,"Chi la usa sfrutta le sue facoltà mentali
per scambiare l’abilità con il bersaglio."
285,15,9,"The user employs its psychic power to
exchange Abilities with the target."
285,15,11,"超能力で 自分の 特性と
相手の 特性を 入れ替える。
286,5,9,"Prevents foes from using
moves known by the user."
286,6,9,"Prevents foes from using
moves known by the user."
286,7,9,"Prevents foes from
using any move
that is also known
by the user."
286,8,9,"If the foe knows any
move also known by
the user, the foe
is prevented
from using it."
286,9,9,"If the foe knows any
move also known by
the user, the foe
is prevented
from using it."
286,10,9,"If the foe knows any
move also known by
the user, the foe
is prevented
from using it."
286,11,5,"Si l’ennemi et le lanceur ont des
capacités en commun, l’ennemi ne
pourra pas les utiliser."
286,11,9,"If the opponents know any move also known
by the user, the opponents are prevented
from using it."
286,14,9,"If the opponents know any move also known
by the user, the opponents are prevented
from using it."
286,15,1,"あいてが じぶんと おなじ わざを
おぼえていたら あいてだけ
そのわざを つかえなく する。"
286,15,3,"상대가 자신과 같은 기술을
기억하고 있으면 상대만
그 기술을 사용할 수 없게 한다."
286,15,5,"Si l’ennemi et le lanceur ont des capacités en
commun, l’ennemi ne pourra pas les utiliser."
286,15,6,"Hindert Gegner am Einsatz von Attacken,
die der Anwender selbst auch kennt."
286,15,7,"Impide a los contrincantes usar ataques conocidos
por el usuario durante el combate."
286,15,8,"Chi la usa impedisce al nemico di usare mosse
che conoscono entrambi."
286,15,9,"If opposing Pokémon know any move
also known by the user,
they are prevented from using it."
286,15,11,"相手が 自分と 同じ 技を
おぼえていたら 相手だけ
その技を 使えなくする。"
287,5,9,"Heals poisoning, paralysis,
or a burn."
287,6,9,"Heals poisoning, paralysis,
or a burn."
287,7,9,"A self-healing move
that cures the user
of a poisoning,
burn, or paralysis."
287,8,9,"The user rests
to cure itself of a
poisoning, burn, or
287,9,9,"The user rests
to cure itself of a
poisoning, burn, or
287,10,9,"The user rests
to cure itself of a
poisoning, burn, or
287,11,5,"Le lanceur se repose pour guérir
d’un empoisonnement, d’une brûlure
ou d’une paralysie."
287,11,9,"The user rests to cure itself of a
poisoning, burn, or paralysis."
287,14,9,"The user rests to cure itself of a
poisoning, burn, or paralysis."
287,15,1,"からだを やすめて じぶんが おっている
どく まひ やけどの
じょうたい いじょうを なおす。"
287,15,3,"몸을 쉬게 하여 자신이 입은
독, 마비, 화상의
상태 이상을 치료한다."
287,15,5,"Le lanceur se repose pour guérir d’un
empoisonnement, d’une brûlure ou d’une
287,15,6,"Selbstheilung bei Vergiftung,
Paralyse und Verbrennung."
287,15,7,"Descansa para curar parálisis, envenenamiento o
287,15,8,"Chi la usa riposa per guarire da avvelenamento,
paralisi e scottatura."
287,15,9,"The user rests to cure itself of a
poisoning, burn, or paralysis."
287,15,11,"体を やすめて 自分が おっている
毒 まひ やけどの
状態異常を 治す。"
288,5,9,"If the user faints, deletes
the PP of the final move."
288,6,9,"If the user faints, deletes
all PP of foe’s last move."
288,7,9,"If the user faints,
this move deletes
the PP of the move
that finished it."
288,8,9,"If the user faints,
the user’s grudge
fully depletes the PP
of the foe’s move
that knocked it out."
288,9,9,"If the user faints,
the user’s grudge
fully depletes the PP
of the foe’s move
that knocked it out."
288,10,9,"If the user faints,
the user’s grudge
fully depletes the PP
of the foe’s move
that knocked it out."
288,11,5,"Si le lanceur est mis K.O., sa rancune
épuise les PP de la capacité utilisée
pour le mettre K.O."
288,11,9,"If the user faints, the user’s grudge
fully depletes the PP of the opponent’s
move that knocked it out."
288,14,9,"If the user faints, the user’s grudge
fully depletes the PP of the opponent’s
move that knocked it out."
288,15,1,"あいての わざで ひんしに されたとき
おんねんを かけて
そのわざの PPを 0に する。"
288,15,3,"상대의 기술로 기절하면
원념을 담아
그 기술의 PP를 0으로 만든다."
288,15,5,"Si le lanceur est mis K.O., sa rancune épuise les
PP de la capacité utilisée par l’ennemi pour le
mettre K.O."
288,15,6,"Bei K.O. des Anwenders werden die AP
der Attacke, durch die er besiegt wurde,
auf 0 herabgesetzt."
288,15,7,"Si el usuario se debilita al recibir un ataque, todos
los PP de este último ataque serán eliminados."
288,15,8,"Se chi la usa va KO, i PP della mossa nemica
che lo ha messo fuori gioco si azzerano."
288,15,9,"If the user faints, the user’s grudge
fully depletes the PP of the opponent’s
move that knocked it out."
288,15,11,"相手の 技で ひんしに されたとき
おんねんを かけて
その技の PPを 0に する。"
289,5,9,"Steals the effects of the
move the foe uses next."
289,6,9,"Steals the effects of the
move the target uses next."
289,7,9,"Steals the effects
of the foe’s
healing or status-
changing move."
289,8,9,"The user steals the
effects of any
healing or status-
changing move the foe
attempts to use."
289,9,9,"The user steals the
effects of any
healing or stat-
changing move the foe
attempts to use."
289,10,9,"The user steals the
effects of any
healing or stat-
changing move the foe
attempts to use."
289,11,5,"Le lanceur vole l’effet des capacités
de soin ou de changement de stats
utilisées par la cible."
289,11,9,"The user steals the effects of any
healing or stat-changing move the
opponent attempts to use."
289,14,9,"The user steals the effects of any
healing or stat-changing move the
opponent attempts to use."
289,15,1,"あいてが つかおうと した
かいふくわざや のうりょく へんかの
わざを うばって じぶんに つかう。"
289,15,3,"상대가 사용하려고 한
회복 기술이나 능력 변화의
기술을 빼앗아 자신에게 쓴다."
289,15,5,"Lorsqu’une capacité de soin ou de changement
de stats est utilisée, le lanceur vole ses effets."
289,15,6,"Raubt den Effekt eingesetzter heilender
oder Werte verändernder Attacken."
289,15,7,"Roba el efecto de los movimientos de curación
o de cambio de características que se usen."
289,15,8,"Chi la usa ruba e utilizza la mossa curativa
o modifica-statistiche che un altro Pokémon
stava per usare."
289,15,9,"The user steals the effects of any attempts
to use a healing or stat-changing move."
289,15,11,"相手が 使おうと した
回復技や 能力変化の
技を うばって 自分に 使う。"
290,5,9,"An attack with effects
that vary by location."
290,6,9,"An attack with effects
that vary by location."
290,7,9,"An attack that may
have an additional
effect that varies
with the terrain."
290,8,9,"The user attacks with
a secret power. Its
added effects vary
depending on the
user’s environment."
290,9,9,"The user attacks with
a secret power. Its
added effects vary
depending on the
user’s environment."
290,10,9,"The user attacks with
a secret power. Its
added effects vary
depending on the
user’s environment."
290,11,5,"Les effets de cette attaque varient en
fonction de l’environnement."
290,11,9,"The user attacks the target with a
secret power. Its added effects vary
depending on the user’s environment."
290,14,9,"The user attacks the target with a
secret power. Its added effects vary
depending on the user’s environment."
290,15,1,"ひみつの ちからで
あいてを こうげきする。つかう ばしょで
ついかこうかが へんかする。"
290,15,3,"비밀의 힘으로 상대를
공격한다. 사용 장소에 따라
추가 효과가 변화한다."
290,15,5,"Les effets de cette attaque varient en fonction de
290,15,6,"Angriff, der abhängig vom Anwendungsort
einen unterschiedlichen Zusatz-Effekt hat."
290,15,7,"Ataque con poder secreto cuyos efectos
secundarios varían según el entorno de combate."
290,15,8,"Attacco che può avere un effetto aggiuntivo
a seconda del luogo in cui si trova chi lo usa."
290,15,9,"The user attacks the target with a
secret power. Its additional effects vary
depending on the user’s environment."
290,15,11,"秘密の 力で
相手を 攻撃する。使う 場所で
追加効果が 変化する。"
291,5,9,"Dives underwater the first
turn and strikes next turn."
291,6,9,"Dives underwater the first
turn and strikes next turn."
291,7,9,"The user dives
underwater on the
first turn and
strikes next turn."
291,8,9,"A two-turn attack.
The user dives
underwater on the
first turn, then hits
on the next turn."
291,9,9,"A two-turn attack.
The user dives
underwater on the
first turn, then hits
on the next turn."
291,10,9,"A two-turn attack.
The user dives
underwater on the
first turn, then hits
on the next turn."
291,11,5,"Le lanceur plonge sous l’eau au
1er tour et frappe au 2è. Permet
aussi de plonger au fond de l’eau."
291,11,9,"Diving on the first turn, the user floats
up and attacks on the second turn.
It can be used to dive deep in the ocean."
291,14,9,"Diving on the first turn, the user floats
up and attacks on the second turn.
It can be used to dive deep in the ocean."
291,15,1,"1ターンめで もぐり 2ターンめに
うきあがって こうげきする。"
291,15,3,"1턴째에 잠수했다가 2턴째에
떠올라 공격한다."
291,15,5,"Le lanceur plonge sous l’eau au premier tour et
frappe au second."
291,15,6,"Taucht in Runde 1 ab und greift in Runde 2
aus der Tiefe an."
291,15,7,"El usuario se sumerge en el primer turno
y ataca en el segundo."
291,15,8,"Chi la usa si tuffa in acqua per emergere e
attaccare al turno seguente."
291,15,9,"Diving on the first turn, the user floats
up and attacks on the next turn."
291,15,11,"1ターン目で 潜り 2ターン目に
浮きあがって 攻撃する。"
292,5,9,"Straight-arm punches that
strike the foe 2 to 5 times."
292,6,9,"Straight-arm punches that
strike the foe 2 to 5 times."
292,7,9,"A quick flurry of
punches that hit
two to five times."
292,8,9,"The user looses a
flurry of open-palmed
arm thrusts that hit
two to five times in a
292,9,9,"The user looses a
flurry of open-palmed
arm thrusts that hit
two to five times in a
292,10,9,"The user looses a
flurry of open-palmed
arm thrusts that hit
two to five times in a
292,11,5,"Un déluge de coups adressés avec la
paume qui frappe de 2 à 5 fois d’affilée."
292,11,9,"The user looses a flurry of open-palmed
arm thrusts that hit two to five times in
a row."
292,14,9,"The user looses a flurry of open-palmed
arm thrusts that hit two to five times in
a row."
292,15,1,"ひらいた りょうてで
あいてを つっぱって こうげきする。
2ー5かいの あいだ れんぞくで だす。"
292,15,3,"펼친 양손으로
상대를 번갈아 쳐서 공격한다.
2-5회 동안 연속으로 쓴다."
292,15,5,"Un déluge de coups adressés avec la paume qui
frappe de deux à cinq fois d’affilée."
292,15,6,"Schläge mit geradem Arm, die das Ziel
zwei- bis fünfmal treffen."
292,15,7,"Empujones directos que golpean de dos a cinco
veces seguidas."
292,15,8,"Raffica di ceffoni che colpisce da due a
cinque volte di fila."
292,15,9,"The user lets loose a flurry of open-palmed
arm thrusts that hit two to five times in
a row."
292,15,11,"ひらいた 両手で
相手を つっぱって 攻撃する。
2ー5回の あいだ 連続で だす。"
293,5,9,"Alters the POKéMON’s type
depending on the location."
293,6,9,"Alters the POKéMON’s type
depending on the location."
293,7,9,"Alters the user’s
type depending on
the location’s
293,8,9,"The user’s type is
changed depending on
its environment, such
as at water’s edge, in
grass, or in a cave."
293,9,9,"The user’s type is
changed depending on
its environment, such
as at water’s edge, in
grass, or in a cave."
293,10,9,"The user’s type is
changed depending on
its environment, such
as at water’s edge, in
grass, or in a cave."
293,11,5,"Modifie le type du lanceur en fonction
du terrain, comme une berge, une
grotte, l’herbe, etc."
293,11,9,"The user’s type is changed depending on
its environment, such as at water’s edge,
in grass, or in a cave."
293,14,9,"The user’s type is changed depending on
its environment, such as at water’s edge,
in grass, or in a cave."
293,15,1,"みずべや くさむら どうくつなど
いる ばしょに あわせて
じぶんの タイプを かえる。"
293,15,3,"물가나 풀밭, 동굴 등
있는 장소에 맞춰서
자신의 타입을 바꾼다."
293,15,5,"Modifie le type du lanceur en fonction du terrain,
comme une berge, une grotte, l’herbe, etc."
293,15,6,"Der Typ des Anwenders passt sich der Umgebung
an, sei es im Wasser, im Gras oder in einer Höhle."
293,15,7,"Modifica el tipo del Pokémon según el terreno de
combate donde esté."
293,15,8,"Modifica il tipo di chi la usa a seconda del luogo,
ad esempio sull’acqua, nell’erba o in una grotta."
293,15,9,"The user’s type is changed depending on
its environment, such as at water’s edge,
in grass, or in a cave."
293,15,11,"水辺や 草むら どうくつなど
いる 場所に あわせて
自分の タイプを 変える。"
294,5,9,"Flashes a light that sharply
raises SP. ATK."
294,6,9,"Flashes a light that sharply
raises SP. ATK."
294,7,9,"The user flashes a
light that sharply
raises its SP. ATK
294,8,9,"The user stares at
flashing lights to
focus its mind,
sharply raising its
Sp. Atk stat."
294,9,9,"The user stares at
flashing lights to
focus its mind,
sharply raising its
Sp. Atk stat."
294,10,9,"The user stares at
flashing lights to
focus its mind,
sharply raising its
Sp. Atk stat."
294,11,5,"Le lanceur regarde un flash lumineux
fixement. Augmente considérablement
son Attaque Spéciale."
294,11,9,"The user stares at flashing lights to
focus its mind, drastically raising its
Sp. Atk stat."
294,14,9,"The user stares at flashing lights to
focus its mind, drastically raising its
Sp. Atk stat."
294,15,1,"てんめつする ひかりを ながめて
じぶんの せいしんを とういつし
とくこうを ぐぐーんと あげる。"
294,15,3,"깜빡거리는 빛을 바라보고
자신의 정신을 통일하여
특수공격을 매우 크게 올린다."
294,15,5,"Le lanceur regarde un flash lumineux fixement.
Augmente considérablement son Attaque Spéciale."
294,15,6,"Ein blinkendes Licht, das den Spezial-Angriff
drastisch erhöht."
294,15,7,"Se concentra en una ráfaga de luz que sube
muchísimo el Ataque Especial."
294,15,8,"Chi la usa fissa una luce forte per concentrarsi
e aumentare moltissimo l’Attacco Speciale."
294,15,9,"The user stares at flashing lights to
focus its mind, drastically raising its
Sp. Atk stat."
294,15,11,"点滅する 光を 眺めて
自分の 精神を 統一し
特攻を ぐぐーんと あげる。"
295,5,9,"Attacks with a burst of
light. May lower SP. DEF."
295,6,9,"Attacks with a burst of
light. May lower SP. DEF."
295,7,9,"A burst of light
injures the foe. It
may also lower the
foe’s SP. DEF."
295,8,9,"The user looses a
damaging burst of
light. It may also
reduce the target’s
Sp. Def stat."
295,9,9,"The user looses a
damaging burst of
light. It may also
reduce the target’s
Sp. Def stat."
295,10,9,"The user looses a
damaging burst of
light. It may also
reduce the target’s
Sp. Def stat."
295,11,5,"Le lanceur libère un éclair lumineux.
Peut aussi baisser la Défense
Spéciale de l’ennemi."
295,11,9,"The user lets loose a damaging burst
of light. It may also reduce the target’s
Sp. Def stat."
295,14,9,"The user lets loose a damaging burst
of light. It may also reduce the target’s
Sp. Def stat."
295,15,1,"まばゆい ひかりを ときはなって
こうげきする。あいての とくぼうを
さげることが ある。"
295,15,3,"눈부신 빛을 발산하여
공격한다. 상대의 특수방어를
떨어뜨릴 때가 있다."
295,15,5,"Le lanceur libère un éclair lumineux.
Peut aussi baisser la Défense Spéciale de l’ennemi."
295,15,6,"Angriff mit grellem Licht, der die
Spezial-Verteidigung des Zieles
eventuell senkt."
295,15,7,"Fogonazo de luz que puede bajar la Defensa
Especial del objetivo."
295,15,8,"Chi la usa scatena un’esplosione abbagliante
che può anche ridurre la Difesa Speciale
del Pokémon colpito."
295,15,9,"The user lets loose a damaging burst
of light. This may also lower the target’s
Sp. Def stat."
295,15,11,"まばゆい 光を
解放して 攻撃する。
相手の 特防を さげることが ある。"
296,5,9,"Attacks with a flurry of
down. May lower SP. ATK."
296,6,9,"Attacks with a flurry of
down. May lower SP. ATK."
296,7,9,"A flurry of down
hits the foe. It
may also lower the
foe’s SP. ATK."
296,8,9,"A mistlike flurry of
down envelops and
damages the foe. It
may also lower the
target’s Sp. Atk."
296,9,9,"A mistlike flurry of
down envelops and
damages the foe. It
may also lower the
target’s Sp. Atk."
296,10,9,"A mistlike flurry of
down envelops and
damages the foe. It
may also lower the
target’s Sp. Atk."
296,11,5,"Une bulle de brume inflige des dégâts
à l’ennemi. Peut aussi réduire son
Attaque Spéciale."
296,11,9,"A mistlike flurry of down envelops and
damages the target. It may also lower
the target’s Sp. Atk."
296,14,9,"A mistlike flurry of down envelops and
damages the target. It may also lower
the target’s Sp. Atk."
296,15,1,"きりじょうの うもうで つつみこみ
こうげきする。あいての とくこうを
さげることが ある。"
296,15,3,"안개의 깃털로 둘러싸
공격한다. 상대의 특수공격을
떨어뜨릴 때가 있다."
296,15,5,"Une bulle de brume inflige des dégâts à l’ennemi.
Peut aussi réduire son Attaque Spéciale."
296,15,6,"Angriff mit einer Kugel aus Wasser,
die Nebel enthält. Senkt eventuell
den Spezial-Angriff des Zieles."
296,15,7,"Banco de niebla que puede bajar el Ataque
Especial del objetivo."
296,15,8,"Una sfera di nebbia avvolge e danneggia il bersaglio.
Può anche ridurne l’Attacco Speciale."
296,15,9,"A mist-like flurry of down envelops and
damages the target. This may also lower
the target’s Sp. Atk stat."
296,15,11,"霧状の 羽毛で 包みこみ
相手の 特攻を さげることが ある。"
297,5,9,"Envelops the foe with down
to sharply reduce ATTACK."
297,6,9,"Envelops the foe with down
to sharply reduce ATTACK."
297,7,9,"The foe is covered
with a mass of down
that sharply cuts
the ATTACK stat."
297,8,9,"The user covers the
foe with a mass of
down that sharply
lowers the Attack
297,9,9,"The user covers the
foe with a mass of
down that sharply
lowers the Attack
297,10,9,"The user covers the
foe with a mass of
down that sharply
lowers the Attack
297,11,5,"Une montagne de plumes ensevelit
l’ennemi et réduit considérablement
son Attaque."
297,11,9,"The user covers the target’s body with a
mass of down that harshly lowers its
Attack stat."
297,14,9,"The user covers the target’s body with a
mass of down that harshly lowers its
Attack stat."
297,15,1,"うもうを ふりまいて
あいての からだに からませる。
あいての こうげきを がくっと さげる。"
297,15,3,"깃털을 흩뿌려
상대의 몸에 휘감는다.
상대의 공격을 크게 떨어뜨린다."
297,15,5,"Une montagne de plumes ensevelit l’ennemi et
réduit considérablement son Attaque."
297,15,6,"Hüllt das Ziel in Daunen und senkt
dessen Angriffs-Wert stark."
297,15,7,"Envuelve al objetivo con un manto de plumas para
reducir mucho su Ataque."
297,15,8,"Chi la usa copre il bersaglio con un manto di piume
che riduce di molto il suo Attacco."
297,15,9,"The user covers the target’s body with a
mass of down that harshly lowers its
Attack stat."
297,15,11,"羽毛を ふりまいて
相手の 体に からませる。
相手の 攻撃を がくっと さげる。"
298,5,9,"Confuses all POKéMON on
the scene."
298,6,9,"Confuses all POKéMON on
the scene."
298,7,9,"A wobbly dance
that confuses all
the POKéMON in
298,8,9,"The user performs a
wobbly dance that
confuses all the
Pokémon in battle.
298,9,9,"The user performs a
wobbly dance that
confuses all the
Pokémon in battle.
298,10,9,"The user performs a
wobbly dance that
confuses all the
Pokémon in battle.
298,11,5,"Danse qui rend confus tous les
Pokémon autour du lanceur."
298,11,9,"The user performs a wobbly dance that
confuses the Pokémon around it."
298,14,9,"The user performs a wobbly dance that
confuses the Pokémon around it."
298,15,1,"フラフラと ダンスを おどって
じぶんの まわりに いるものを
こんらん じょうたいに させる。"
298,15,3,"흔들흔들 댄스를 춰서
주위에 있는 포켓몬을
혼란 상태로 만든다."
298,15,5,"Danse qui rend confus tous les Pokémon autour
du lanceur."
298,15,6,"Ein Wackeltanz, der andere Pokémon
in der Umgebung des Anwenders verwirrt."
298,15,7,"Danza histérica que confunde a los Pokémon que
están alrededor del usuario."
298,15,8,"Chi la usa esegue una danza goffa che confonde
tutti i Pokémon attorno."
298,15,9,"The user performs a wobbly dance that
confuses the Pokémon around it."
298,15,11,"フラフラと ダンスを おどって
自分の 周りに いるものを
混乱状態に させる。"
299,5,9,"A kick with a high critical-
hit ratio. May cause a burn."
299,6,9,"A kick with a high critical-
hit ratio. May cause a burn."
299,7,9,"A fiery kick with a
high critical-hit
ratio. It may also
burn the foe."
299,8,9,"The user launches a
kick with a high
critical-hit ratio.
It may also leave the
target with a burn."
299,9,9,"The user launches a
kick with a high
critical-hit ratio.
It may also leave the
target with a burn."
299,10,9,"The user launches a
kick with a high
critical-hit ratio.
It may also leave the
target with a burn."
299,11,5,"Le lanceur envoie un coup de pied
au taux de critiques élevé.
Peut aussi brûler la cible."
299,11,9,"The user launches a kick that lands a
critical hit more easily.
It may also leave the target with a burn."
299,14,9,"The user launches a kick that lands a
critical hit more easily.
It may also leave the target with a burn."
299,15,1,"こうげきした あいてを
やけど じょうたいに することが ある。
きゅうしょにも あたりやすい。"
299,15,3,"공격한 상대를
화상 상태로 만들 때가 있다.
급소에도 맞기 쉽다."
299,15,5,"Le lanceur envoie un coup de pied au taux de
critiques élevé. Peut aussi brûler la cible."
299,15,6,"Starker Tritt mit hoher Volltrefferquote.
Verursacht eventuell Verbrennung."
299,15,7,"Patada que suele ser un golpe crítico y puede
causar quemaduras."
299,15,8,"Chi la usa tira un calcio. Probabile brutto colpo.
Può anche scottare il bersaglio."
299,15,9,"The user launches a kick that lands a
critical hit more easily.
This may also leave the target with a burn."
299,15,11,"攻撃した 相手を
やけど状態に することが ある。
急所にも 当たりやすい。"
300,5,9,"Covers the user in mud to
raise electrical resistance."
300,6,9,"Covers the user in mud to
raise electrical resistance."
300,7,9,"Weakens ELECTRIC-
type attacks while
the user is in the
300,8,9,"The user covers
itself with mud. It
weakens Electric-
type moves while the
user is in the battle."
300,9,9,"The user covers
itself with mud. It
weakens Electric-
type moves while the
user is in the battle."
300,10,9,"The user covers
itself with mud. It
weakens Electric-
type moves while the
user is in the battle."
300,11,5,"Le lanceur se couvre de boue
pour affaiblir les capacités
Électrik quand il combat."
300,11,9,"The user covers itself with mud. It
weakens Electric-type moves while the
user is in the battle."
300,14,9,"The user covers itself with mud. It
weakens Electric-type moves while the
user is in the battle."
300,15,1,"あたりを どろまみれにする。
5ターンの あいだ
でんきタイプの わざを よわめる。"
300,15,3,"주위를 진흙투성이로 만든다.
5턴 동안
전기타입의 기술을 약하게 한다."
300,15,5,"Asperge les alentours de boue.
Affaiblit les capacités Électrik pendant cinq tours."
300,15,6,"Schwächt Elektro-Attacken, solang der Anwender
am Kampf teilnimmt."
300,15,7,"El usuario esparce lodo a su alrededor, lo que
debilita los movimientos de tipo Eléctrico durante
cinco turnos."
300,15,8,"Chi la usa sparge fango sul campo di lotta
indebolendo per cinque turni le mosse
di tipo Elettro."
300,15,9,"The user covers itself with mud.
This weakens Electric-type moves
for five turns."
300,15,11,"あたりを 泥まみれにする。
5ターンの あいだ
でんきタイプの 技を 弱める。"
301,5,9,"A 5-turn attack that gains
power on successive hits."
301,6,9,"A 5-turn attack that gains
power on successive hits."
301,7,9,"A 5-turn rolling
attack that becomes
stronger each time
it rolls."
301,8,9,"The user continually
rolls into the foe
over five turns. It
becomes stronger
each time it hits."
301,9,9,"The user continually
rolls into the foe
over five turns. It
becomes stronger
each time it hits."
301,10,9,"The user continually
rolls into the foe
over five turns. It
becomes stronger
each time it hits."
301,11,5,"Envoie une balle de glace pendant 5 tours.
L’attaque gagne en puissance
à chaque coup."
301,11,9,"The user continually rolls into the target
over five turns. It becomes stronger
each time it hits."
301,14,9,"The user continually rolls into the target
over five turns. It becomes stronger
each time it hits."
301,15,1,"5ターンの あいだ ころがりつづけて
あいてを こうげきする。わざが
あたるたび いりょくが あがる。"
301,15,3,"5턴 동안 구르기를 반복하여
상대를 공격한다. 기술이 맞을 때마다
위력이 올라간다."
301,15,5,"Envoie une balle de glace pendant cinq tours.
L’attaque gagne en puissance à chaque coup."
301,15,6,"Attacke, die fünf Runden dauert.
Die Härte nimmt von Mal zu Mal zu."
301,15,7,"El atacante rueda contra el objetivo durante cinco
turnos, cada vez con mayor fuerza."
301,15,8,"Chi la usa attacca il bersaglio rotolando
per cinque turni, con aumento progressivo
della potenza ogni volta che va a segno."
301,15,9,"The user continually rolls into the target
over five turns. It becomes stronger
each time it hits."
301,15,11,"5ターンの あいだ 転がり続けて
相手を 攻撃する。技が 当たるたび
威力が あがる。"
302,5,9,"Attacks with thorny arms.
May cause flinching."
302,6,9,"Attacks with thorny arms.
May cause flinching."
302,7,9,"An attack using
thorny arms.
It may make the
foe flinch."
302,8,9,"The user attacks by
wildly swinging its
thorny arms.
It may also make the
target flinch."
302,9,9,"The user attacks by
wildly swinging its
thorny arms.
It may also make the
target flinch."
302,10,9,"The user attacks by
wildly swinging its
thorny arms.
It may also make the
target flinch."
302,11,5,"Le lanceur attaque en fouettant l’ennemi
de ses bras épineux. Peut aussi l’apeurer."
302,11,9,"The user attacks by wildly swinging its
thorny arms. It may also make the
target flinch."
302,14,9,"The user attacks by wildly swinging its
thorny arms. It may also make the
target flinch."
302,15,1,"トゲの うでを
はげしく ふるって こうげきする。
あいてを ひるませる ことが ある。"
세차게 흔들어 공격한다.
상대를 풀죽게 만들 때가 있다."
302,15,5,"Le lanceur attaque en fouettant l’ennemi de ses
bras épineux. Peut aussi l’apeurer."
302,15,6,"Angriff mit dornigen Armen.
Das Ziel schreckt eventuell zurück."
302,15,7,"Pega con brazos de pinchos y puede hacer
retroceder al objetivo."
302,15,8,"Chi la usa attacca colpendo il bersaglio con i suoi
arti pieni di spine. Può far tentennare il Pokémon
302,15,9,"The user attacks by wildly swinging its
thorny arms. This may also make the
target flinch."
302,15,11,"トゲの 腕を
激しく ふるって 攻撃する。
相手を ひるませることが ある。"
303,5,9,"Slacks off and restores
half the maximum HP."
303,6,9,"Slacks off and restores
half the maximum HP."
303,7,9,"The user slacks off
and restores its HP
by half its full
303,8,9,"The user slacks off,
restoring its own HP
by up to half of its
maximum HP.
303,9,9,"The user slacks off,
restoring its own HP
by up to half of its
maximum HP.
303,10,9,"The user slacks off,
restoring its own HP
by up to half of its
maximum HP.
303,11,5,"Le lanceur se tourne les pouces et
récupère jusqu’à la moitié de ses PV max."
303,11,9,"The user slacks off, restoring its own HP
by up to half of its maximum HP."
303,14,9,"The user slacks off, restoring its own HP
by up to half of its maximum HP."
303,15,1,"なまけて やすむ。
じぶんの HPを さいだい HPの
はんぶん かいふく する。"
303,15,3,"게으름 피우며 쉰다.
자신의 HP를 최대 HP의
절반만큼 회복한다."
303,15,5,"Le lanceur se tourne les pouces et récupère
jusqu’à la moitié de ses PV max."
303,15,6,"Durch Müßiggang werden KP des Anwenders
um 50 % der maximalen KP aufgefüllt."
303,15,7,"El usuario se relaja y restaura la mitad de sus PS
303,15,8,"Chi la usa si rilassa recuperando metà dei propri
PS massimi."
303,15,9,"The user slacks off, restoring its own HP
by up to half of its max HP."
303,15,11,"怠けて やすむ。
自分の HPを 最大HPの
半分 回復する。"
304,5,9,"A loud attack that uses
sound waves to injure."
304,6,9,"A loud attack that uses
sound waves to injure."
304,7,9,"The user lets loose
a horribly loud
shout with the
power to damage."
304,8,9,"The user lets loose
a horribly echoing
shout with the
power to inflict
304,9,9,"The user lets loose
a horribly echoing
shout with the
power to inflict
304,10,9,"The user lets loose
a horribly echoing
shout with the
power to inflict
304,11,5,"Le lanceur pousse un cri dont l’écho
terrifiant a le pouvoir d’infliger
des dégâts."
304,11,9,"The user lets loose a horribly echoing
shout with the power to inflict damage."
304,14,9,"The user lets loose a horribly echoing
shout with the power to inflict damage."
304,15,1,"うるさく ひびく おおきな しんどうを
あいてに あたえて こうげきする。
304,15,3,"시끄럽게 울려서 큰 진동을
상대에게 전달하여 공격한다."
304,15,5,"Le lanceur pousse un cri dont l’écho terrifiant a le
pouvoir d’infliger des dégâts."
304,15,6,Laute Attacke mit Schallwellen.
304,15,7,Grito desgarrador que inflige daño al objetivo.
304,15,8,"Chi la usa lancia un urlo straziante che danneggia
i nemici intorno a sé."
304,15,9,"The user lets loose a horribly echoing
shout with the power to inflict damage."
304,15,11,"うるさく 響く 大きな 振動を
相手に 与えて 攻撃する。
305,5,9,"A sharp-fanged attack.
May badly poison the foe."
305,6,9,"A sharp-fanged attack.
May badly poison the foe."
305,7,9,"The foe is bitten
with toxic fangs.
It may also badly
poison the foe."
305,8,9,"The user bites the
foe with toxic fangs.
It may also leave the
foe badly poisoned.
305,9,9,"The user bites the
foe with toxic fangs.
It may also leave the
foe badly poisoned.
305,10,9,"The user bites the
foe with toxic fangs.
It may also leave the
foe badly poisoned.
305,11,5,"Le lanceur mord l’ennemi de ses crocs
toxiques. Peut aussi l’empoisonner
305,11,9,"The user bites the target with toxic
fangs. It may also leave the target
badly poisoned."
305,14,9,"The user bites the target with toxic
fangs. It may also leave the target
badly poisoned."
305,15,1,"どくの ある キバで
あいてに かみついて こうげきする。
もうどくを おわせる ことが ある。"
305,15,3,"독이 있는 이빨로
상대를 물어서 공격한다.
맹독을 주입할 때가 있다."
305,15,5,"Le lanceur mord l’ennemi de ses crocs toxiques.
Peut aussi l’empoisonner gravement."
305,15,6,"Angriff mit giftigen Reißzähnen.
Das Ziel wird eventuell schwer vergiftet."
305,15,7,"Colmillos tóxicos que pueden envenenar
gravemente al objetivo."
305,15,8,"Chi la usa morde il bersaglio con denti avvelenati
che possono anche iperavvelenarlo."
305,15,9,"The user bites the target with toxic
fangs. This may also leave the target
badly poisoned."
305,15,11,"毒の ある キバで
相手に かみついて 攻撃する。
猛毒を おわせる ことが ある。"
306,5,9,"Tears at the foe with sharp
claws. May lower DEFENSE."
306,6,9,"Tears at the foe with sharp
claws. May lower DEFENSE."
306,7,9,"The foe is attacked
with sharp claws.
It may also lower
the foe’s DEFENSE."
306,8,9,"The user slashes the
foe with hard and
sharp claws.
It may also lower the
target’s Defense."
306,9,9,"The user slashes the
foe with hard and
sharp claws.
It may also lower the
target’s Defense."
306,10,9,"The user slashes the
foe with hard and
sharp claws.
It may also lower the
target’s Defense."
306,11,5,"Lacère l’ennemi avec des griffes
solides et aiguisées.
Peut aussi baisser sa Défense."
306,11,9,"The user slashes the target with hard
and sharp claws.
It may also lower the target’s Defense."
306,14,9,"The user slashes the target with hard
and sharp claws.
It may also lower the target’s Defense."
306,15,1,"かたく するどい ツメで きりさいて
こうげきする。あいての ぼうぎょを
さげることが ある。"
306,15,3,"단단하고 날카로운 손톱으로
베어 갈라서 공격한다.
상대의 방어를 떨어뜨릴 때가 있다."
306,15,5,"Lacère l’ennemi avec des griffes solides et
aiguisées. Peut aussi baisser sa Défense."
306,15,6,"Angriff mit scharfen Klauen.
Senkt eventuell den Verteidigungs-Wert."
306,15,7,"Hace trizas al objetivo con garras afiladas y puede
bajar su Defensa."
306,15,8,"Colpisce il bersaglio con artigli robusti e affilati
che possono ridurne la Difesa."
306,15,9,"The user slashes the target with hard
and sharp claws. This may also lower
the target’s Defense stat."
306,15,11,"硬く 鋭い ツメで
切り裂いて 攻撃する。
相手の 防御を さげることが ある。"
307,5,9,"Powerful, but leaves the
user immobile the next turn."
307,6,9,"Powerful, but leaves the
user immobile the next turn."
307,7,9,"The foe is hit with
a huge explosion.
The user can’t move
on the next turn."
307,8,9,"The foe is razed by
a fiery explosion.
The user must rest
on the next turn,
307,9,9,"The foe is razed by
a fiery explosion.
The user must rest
on the next turn,
307,10,9,"The foe is razed by
a fiery explosion.
The user must rest
on the next turn,
307,11,5,"Une explosion ardente souffle
l’adversaire. Le lanceur doit
se reposer au tour suivant."
307,11,9,"The target is razed by a fiery explosion.
The user must rest on the
next turn, however."
307,14,9,"The target is razed by a fiery explosion.
The user must rest on the
next turn, however."
307,15,1,"ばくはつの ほのおで
あいてを やきつくして こうげきする。
つぎの ターンは うごけなく なる。"
307,15,3,"폭발하는 불꽃으로
상대를 태워서 공격한다.
다음 턴은 움직일 수 없다."
307,15,5,"Une explosion ardente souffle l’adversaire.
Le lanceur doit se reposer au tour suivant."
307,15,6,"Das Ziel wird von starker Explosion getroffen.
Angreifer setzt eine Runde aus."
307,15,7,"Explosión de fuego. El atacante debe descansar el
siguiente turno."
307,15,8,"Potente esplosione che danneggia il bersaglio,
ma fa saltare il turno successivo a chi la provoca."
307,15,9,"The target is razed by a fiery explosion.
The user can’t move on the next turn."
307,15,11,"爆発の 炎で
相手を 焼きつくして 攻撃する。
次の ターンは 動けなくなる。"
308,5,9,"Powerful, but leaves the
user immobile the next turn."
308,6,9,"Powerful, but leaves the
user immobile the next turn."
308,7,9,"The foe is hit with
a watery cannon.
The user can’t move
on the next turn."
308,8,9,"The foe is hit with
a watery blast.
The user must rest
on the next turn,
308,9,9,"The foe is hit with
a watery blast.
The user must rest
on the next turn,
308,10,9,"The foe is hit with
a watery blast.
The user must rest
on the next turn,
308,11,5,"Une trombe d’eau heurte l’ennemi.
Le lanceur doit se reposer au tour
308,11,9,"The target is hit with a watery blast.
The user must rest on the
next turn, however."
308,14,9,"The target is hit with a watery blast.
The user must rest on the
next turn, however."
308,15,1,"みずの たいほうを
あいてに はっしゃして こうげきする。
つぎの ターンは うごけなく なる。"
308,15,3,"물의 대포를
상대에게 발사해서 공격한다.
다음 턴은 움직일 수 없다."
308,15,5,"Une trombe d’eau heurte l’ennemi.
Le lanceur doit se reposer au tour suivant."
308,15,6,"Das Ziel wird von Wasserkanone getroffen.
Angreifer setzt eine Runde aus."
308,15,7,"Disparo de agua. El atacante debe descansar el
siguiente turno."
308,15,8,"Colpisce il bersaglio con un potente getto d’acqua.
Chi la usa salta il turno successivo."
308,15,9,"The target is hit with a watery blast.
The user can’t move on the next turn."
308,15,11,"水の 大砲を
相手に 発射して 攻撃する。
次の ターンは 動けなくなる。"
309,5,9,"Fires a meteor-like punch.
May raise ATTACK."
309,6,9,"Fires a meteor-like punch.
May raise ATTACK."
309,7,9,"The foe is hit with
a hard, fast punch.
It may also raise
the user’s ATTACK."
309,8,9,"The foe is hit with a
hard punch fired
like a meteor.
It may also raise
the user’s Attack."
309,9,9,"The foe is hit with a
hard punch fired
like a meteor.
It may also raise
the user’s Attack."
309,10,9,"The foe is hit with a
hard punch fired
like a meteor.
It may also raise
the user’s Attack."
309,11,5,"Un coup de poing lancé à la vitesse d’un
météore. Peut aussi augmenter l’Attaque
du lanceur."
309,11,9,"The target is hit with a hard punch fired
like a meteor. It may also raise
the user’s Attack."
309,14,9,"The target is hit with a hard punch fired
like a meteor. It may also raise
the user’s Attack."
309,15,1,"すいせいの ごとく パンチを くりだして
あいてを こうげきする。じぶんの
こうげきが あがることが ある。"
309,15,3,"혜성과 같은 펀치를 날려서
상대를 공격한다. 자신의
공격이 올라갈 때가 있다."
309,15,5,"Un coup de poing lancé à la vitesse d’un météore.
Peut aussi augmenter l’Attaque du lanceur."
309,15,6,"Angriff mit einem harten, schnellen Schlag.
Erhöht eventuell Angriffs-Wert des Anwenders."
309,15,7,"Puñetazo que impacta como un meteorito y puede
subir el Ataque del agresor."
309,15,8,"Colpisce il bersaglio con un pugno veloce come
una meteora. Può far salire l’Attacco di chi la usa."
309,15,9,"The target is hit with a hard punch fired
like a meteor. This may also raise
the user’s Attack stat."
309,15,11,"すい星の ごとく パンチを くりだして
相手を 攻撃する。自分の
攻撃が あがることが ある。"
310,5,9,"An attack that may shock
the foe into flinching."
310,6,9,"An attack that may shock
the foe into flinching."
310,7,9,"An attack using a
startling shout.
It also may make
the foe flinch."
310,8,9,"The user attacks the
foe while shouting in
a startling fashion.
It may also make the
target flinch."
310,9,9,"The user attacks the
foe while shouting in
a startling fashion.
It may also make the
target flinch."
310,10,9,"The user attacks the
foe while shouting in
a startling fashion.
It may also make the
target flinch."
310,11,5,"Le lanceur attaque l’ennemi en poussant
un cri terrifiant. Peut aussi l’apeurer."
310,11,9,"The user attacks the target while shouting
in a startling fashion.
It may also make the target flinch."
310,14,9,"The user attacks the target while shouting
in a startling fashion.
It may also make the target flinch."
310,15,1,"おおきな こえなどで
ふいに おどろかして こうげきする。
あいてを ひるませる ことが ある。"
310,15,3,"큰 소리 등으로
불시에 놀래켜서 공격한다.
상대를 풀죽게 만들 때가 있다."
310,15,5,"Le lanceur attaque l’ennemi en poussant un cri
terrifiant. Peut aussi l’apeurer."
310,15,6,"Anwender greift mit einem Schrei an. Ein Angriff,
der das Ziel eventuell zurückschrecken lässt."
310,15,7,"Impresiona tanto que puede hacer retroceder al
310,15,8,"Chi la usa attacca il bersaglio emettendo un verso
terrificante. Può anche farlo tentennare."
310,15,9,"The user attacks the target while shouting
in a startling fashion.
This may also make the target flinch."
310,15,11,"大きな 声などで
不意に 驚かして 攻撃する。
相手を ひるませることが ある。"
311,5,9,"The move’s type and power
change with the weather."
311,6,9,"The move’s type and power
change with the weather."
311,7,9,"An attack that
varies in power and
type depending on
the weather."
311,8,9,"An attack move that
varies in power and
type depending on
the weather.
311,9,9,"An attack move that
varies in power and
type depending on
the weather.
311,10,9,"An attack move that
varies in power and
type depending on
the weather.
311,11,5,"Une attaque dont la puissance et le type
varient en fonction du temps qu’il fait."
311,11,9,"An attack move that varies in power and
type depending on the weather."
311,14,9,"An attack move that varies in power and
type depending on the weather."
311,15,1,"つかった ときの てんきに よって
わざの タイプと いりょくが かわる。
311,15,3,"사용했을 때의 날씨에 따라서
기술 타입과 위력이 바뀐다."
311,15,5,"Une attaque dont la puissance et le type varient
en fonction du temps qu’il fait."
311,15,6,"Typ und Stärke der Attacke sind vom Wetter
zum Zeitpunkt der Anwendung abhängig."
311,15,7,"El tipo y fuerza del ataque varían según el tiempo
que haga."
311,15,8,"Mossa d’attacco che varia tipo e forza in base
alle condizioni atmosferiche."
311,15,9,"An attack move that varies in power and
type depending on the weather."
311,15,11,"使ったときの 天気に よって
技の タイプと 威力が 変わる。
312,5,9,"Heals all status problems
with a soothing scent."
312,6,9,"Heals all status problems
with a soothing scent."
312,7,9,"A soothing scent is
released to heal
all status problems
in the user’s party."
312,8,9,"The user releases a
soothing scent that
heals all status
problems affecting
the user’s party."
312,9,9,"The user releases a
soothing scent that
heals all status
problems affecting
the user’s party."
312,10,9,"The user releases a
soothing scent that
heals all status
problems affecting
the user’s party."
312,11,5,"Le lanceur libère un parfum apaisant
qui guérit tous les problèmes de
statut de l’équipe."
312,11,9,"The user releases a soothing scent that
heals all status problems affecting
the user’s party."
312,14,9,"The user releases a soothing scent that
heals all status problems affecting
the user’s party."
312,15,1,"ここちよい やすらぐ かおりを かがせて
みかた ぜんいんの
じょうたい いじょうを かいふく する。"
312,15,3,"기분 좋은 평온한 향기를 맡게 하여
같은 편 모두의 상태 이상을 회복한다."
312,15,5,"Le lanceur libère un parfum apaisant qui guérit
tous les problèmes de statut de l’équipe."
312,15,6,"Heilt alle Statusprobleme des Teams
mit beruhigendem Duft."
312,15,7,"Cura todos los problemas de estado del equipo
con un suave aroma."
312,15,8,"Chi la usa rilascia un dolce profumo che cura
tutti i problemi di stato propri e degli alleati."
312,15,9,"The user releases a soothing scent that
heals all status conditions affecting
the user’s party."
312,15,11,"心地好い やすらぐ 香りを かがせて
味方全員の 状態異常を 回復する。
313,5,9,"Feigns crying to sharply
lower the foe’s SP. DEF."
313,6,9,"Feigns crying to sharply
lower the foe’s SP. DEF."
313,7,9,"The user feigns
crying to sharply
lower the foe’s
SP. DEF stat."
313,8,9,"The user feigns
crying to make the
foe feel flustered,
sharply lowering its
Sp. Def stat."
313,9,9,"The user feigns
crying to make the
foe feel flustered,
sharply lowering its
Sp. Def stat."
313,10,9,"The user feigns
crying to make the
foe feel flustered,
sharply lowering its
Sp. Def stat."
313,11,5,"Le lanceur fait semblant de pleurer
pour troubler l’ennemi et baisser
fortement sa Défense Spéciale."
313,11,9,"The user feigns crying to fluster
the target, harshly lowering its
Sp. Def stat."
313,14,9,"The user feigns crying to fluster
the target, harshly lowering its
Sp. Def stat."
313,15,1,"ないた ふりをして なみだを ながす。
こまらせる ことで
あいての とくぼうを がくっと さげる。"
313,15,3,"우는 척을 하며 눈물을 흘린다.
난처하게 만들어
상대의 특수방어를 크게 떨어뜨린다."
313,15,5,"Le lanceur fait semblant de pleurer pour troubler
l’ennemi et baisser fortement sa Défense Spéciale."
313,15,6,"Täuscht Weinen vor, um die Spezial-Verteidigung
des Zieles stark zu senken."
313,15,7,"Lágrimas de cocodrilo que bajan mucho la
Defensa Especial del objetivo."
313,15,8,"Chi la usa inscena un pianto teatrale per
commuovere il bersaglio. Ne riduce di molto la
Difesa Speciale."
313,15,9,"The user feigns crying to fluster
the target, harshly lowering its
Sp. Def stat."
313,15,11,"ないた ふりをして 涙を 流す。
こまらせる ことで
相手の 特防を がくっと さげる。"
314,5,9,"Hacks with razorlike wind.
High critical-hit ratio."
314,6,9,"Hacks with razorlike wind.
High critical-hit ratio."
314,7,9,"The foe is hit with
razor-like wind.
It has a high
critical-hit ratio."
314,8,9,"The user launches
razorlike wind to
slash the foe.
It has a high
critical-hit ratio."
314,9,9,"The user launches
razorlike wind to
slash the foe.
It has a high
critical-hit ratio."
314,10,9,"The user launches
razorlike wind to
slash the foe.
It has a high
critical-hit ratio."
314,11,5,"Le lanceur appelle des vents tranchants
qui lacèrent l’ennemi.
Taux de critiques élevé."
314,11,9,"The user launches razor-like wind to
slash the opposing team.
Critical hits land more easily."
314,14,9,"The user launches razor-like wind to
slash the opposing team.
Critical hits land more easily."
314,15,1,"するどい かぜで
あいてを きりつけて こうげきする。
きゅうしょに あたりやすい。"
314,15,3,"날카로운 바람으로
상대를 베어 공격한다.
급소에 맞기 쉽다."
314,15,5,"Le lanceur appelle des vents tranchants qui
lacèrent l’ennemi. Taux de critiques élevé."
314,15,6,"Greift mit rasierklingenartigem Wind an.
Hohe Volltrefferquote."
314,15,7,"Viento cortante que azota. Suele ser un golpe
314,15,8,"Chi la usa provoca un vento tagliente che sferza
i nemici intorno. Probabile brutto colpo."
314,15,9,"The user launches razor-like wind
to slash the opposing Pokémon.
Critical hits land more easily."
314,15,11,"鋭い 風で
相手を 切りつけて 攻撃する。
急所に 当たりやすい。"
315,5,9,"Allows a full-power attack,
but sharply lowers SP. ATK."
315,6,9,"Allows a full-power attack,
but sharply lowers SP. ATK."
315,7,9,"An intense attack
that also sharply
reduces the user’s
SP. ATK stat."
315,8,9,"The user attacks the
foe at full power.
The attack’s recoil
sharply reduces the
user’s Sp. Atk stat."
315,9,9,"The user attacks the
foe at full power.
The attack’s recoil
sharply reduces the
user’s Sp. Atk stat."
315,10,9,"The user attacks the
foe at full power.
The attack’s recoil
sharply reduces the
user’s Sp. Atk stat."
315,11,5,"Attaque l’ennemi à pleine puissance.
Le contrecoup baisse énormément
l’Attaque Spéciale du lanceur."
315,11,9,"The user attacks the target at full power.
The attack’s recoil harshly reduces the
user’s Sp. Atk stat."
315,14,9,"The user attacks the target at full power.
The attack’s recoil harshly reduces the
user’s Sp. Atk stat."
315,15,1,"フルパワーで あいてを こうげきする。
つかうと はんどうで
じぶんの とくこうが がくっと さがる。"
315,15,3,"풀 파워로 상대를 공격한다.
쓰면 반동으로
자신의 특수공격이 크게 떨어진다."
315,15,5,"Attaque l’ennemi à pleine puissance.
Le contrecoup baisse énormément l’Attaque
Spéciale du lanceur."
315,15,6,"Angriff mit voller Kraft, der den Spezial-Angriff
des Anwenders durch den Rückstoß stark senkt."
315,15,7,"Ataque en toda regla que baja mucho el Ataque
Especial de quien lo usa."
315,15,8,"Chi la usa sferra un potente attacco, ma
il contraccolpo riduce di molto il suo
Attacco Speciale."
315,15,9,"The user attacks the target at full power.
The attack’s recoil harshly lowers the
user’s Sp. Atk stat."
315,15,11,"フルパワーで 相手を 攻撃する。
使うと 反動で
自分の 特攻が がくっと さがる。"
316,5,9,"Negates the foe’s efforts
to heighten evasiveness."
316,6,9,"Negates the foe’s efforts
to heighten evasiveness."
316,7,9,"Completely negates
the foe’s efforts to
heighten its ability
to evade."
316,8,9,"Enables the user to
hit a Ghost type with
any type of move. It
also enables the user
to hit an evasive foe."
316,9,9,"Enables the user to
hit a Ghost type with
any type of move. It
also enables the user
to hit an evasive foe."
316,10,9,"Enables the user to
hit a Ghost type with
any type of move. It
also enables the user
to hit an evasive foe."
316,11,5,"Permet de toucher un Pokémon Spectre
avec n’importe quelle capacité et de
toucher un ennemi insaisissable."
316,11,9,"Enables a Ghost-type target to be hit with
Normal- and Fighting-type attacks. It also
enables an evasive target to be hit."
316,14,9,"Enables a Ghost-type target to be hit with
Normal- and Fighting-type attacks. It also
enables an evasive target to be hit."
316,15,1,"ゴーストタイプに こうかがない わざや
かいひりつの たかい あいてに
こうげきが あたるように なる。"
316,15,3,"고스트타입에 효과가 없는 기술이나
회피율이 높은 상대라 할지라도
공격이 맞게 된다."
316,15,5,"Permet de toucher un Pokémon Spectre avec
n’importe quelle capacité ou de toucher un
ennemi insaisissable."
316,15,6,"Erlaubt es, Geist-Pokémon mit Normal-
und Kampf-Attacken anzugreifen.
Ignoriert den Fluchtwert des Zieles."
316,15,7,"Permite atacar con cualquier movimiento a
objetivos de tipo Fantasma y golpear a Pokémon
316,15,8,"Chi la usa rende i Pokémon di tipo Spettro
vulnerabili a qualsiasi tipo di mossa e può,
inoltre, colpire i nemici sfuggenti."
316,15,9,"Enables a Ghost-type target to be hit by
Normal- and Fighting-type attacks. This also
enables an evasive target to be hit."
316,15,11,"ゴーストタイプに 効果がない 技や
回避率の 高い 相手に
攻撃が 当たるように なる。"
317,5,9,"Stops the foe from moving
with rocks and cuts SPEED."
317,6,9,"Stops the foe from moving
with rocks and cuts SPEED."
317,7,9,"Boulders are hurled
at the foe. It also
lowers the foe’s
SPEED if it hits."
317,8,9,"Boulders are hurled
at the foe. It also
lowers the foe’s
Speed by preventing
its movement."
317,9,9,"Boulders are hurled
at the foe. It also
lowers the foe’s
Speed by preventing
its movement."
317,10,9,"Boulders are hurled
at the foe. It also
lowers the foe’s
Speed by preventing
its movement."
317,11,5,"Des rochers frappent l’ennemi. Réduit
aussi sa Vitesse en l’empêchant
de se déplacer."
317,11,9,"Boulders are hurled at the target. It also
lowers the target’s Speed by preventing
its movement."
317,14,9,"Boulders are hurled at the target. It also
lowers the target’s Speed by preventing
its movement."
317,15,1,"がんせきを なげつけて こうげきする。
あいての うごきを ふうじることで
すばやさを さげる。"
317,15,3,"암석을 내던져서 공격한다.
상대의 움직임을 봉인함으로써
스피드를 떨어뜨린다."
317,15,5,"Des rochers frappent l’ennemi.
Réduit aussi sa Vitesse."
317,15,6,"Angriff mit Felsen. Bei Erfolg wird der Initiative-Wert
des Zieles gesenkt."
317,15,7,"Tira rocas que detienen al objetivo y bajan su
317,15,8,"Colpisce il bersaglio con rocce. Inoltre, lo rallenta
riducendone la Velocità."
317,15,9,"Boulders are hurled at the target. This also
lowers the target’s Speed stat by preventing
its movement."
317,15,11,"岩石を 投げつけて 攻撃する。
相手の 動きを 封じることで
素早さを さげる。"
318,5,9,"A powdery attack that may
raise abilities."
318,6,9,"A powdery attack that may
raise abilities."
318,7,9,"The foe is attacked
with a silver dust.
It may raise all
the user’s stats."
318,8,9,"The foe is attacked
with powdery scales
blown by wind.
It may also raise all
the user’s stats."
318,9,9,"The foe is attacked
with powdery scales
blown by wind.
It may also raise all
the user’s stats."
318,10,9,"The foe is attacked
with powdery scales
blown by wind.
It may also raise all
the user’s stats."
318,11,5,"Vent qui projette des écailles poudreuses
sur l’ennemi. Peut aussi monter toutes
les stats du lanceur."
318,11,9,"The target is attacked with powdery
scales blown by wind.
It may also raise all the user’s stats."
318,14,9,"The target is attacked with powdery
scales blown by wind.
It may also raise all the user’s stats."
318,15,1,"かぜに りんぷんを のせて あいてを
こうげきする。じぶんの すべての
のうりょくが あがることが ある。"
318,15,3,"바람에 날개 가루를 날려서 상대를
공격한다. 자신의 모든
능력이 올라갈 때가 있다."
318,15,5,"Vent qui projette des écailles poudreuses sur
l’ennemi. Peut aussi monter toutes les stats
du lanceur."
318,15,6,"Angriff mit Silberstaub. Eventuell werden
alle Statuswerte des Anwenders erhöht."
318,15,7,"Fuerte viento con polvo de escamas. Puede subir
todas las características de quien lo usa."
318,15,8,"Attacca con un forte vento di polvere di squame.
Tutte le statistiche di chi la usa possono salire."
318,15,9,"The target is attacked with powdery
scales blown by wind.
This may also raise all the user’s stats."
318,15,11,"風に りんぷんを のせて 相手を
攻撃する。自分の すべての
能力が あがることが ある。"
319,5,9,"Emits a horrible screech
that sharply lowers SP. DEF."
319,6,9,"Emits a horrible screech
that sharply lowers SP. DEF."
319,7,9,"A horrible metallic
screech is used to
sharply lower the
foe’s SP. DEF."
319,8,9,"A horrible sound like
scraping metal is
emitted to sharply
reduce the foe’s
Sp. Def stat."
319,9,9,"A horrible sound like
scraping metal is
emitted to sharply
reduce the foe’s
Sp. Def stat."
319,10,9,"A horrible sound like
scraping metal is
emitted to sharply
reduce the foe’s
Sp. Def stat."
319,11,5,"Un cri horrible tel un crissement
métallique qui réduit fortement
la Défense Spéciale de l’ennemi."
319,11,9,"A horrible sound like scraping metal
harshly reduces the target’s
Sp. Def stat."
319,14,9,"A horrible sound like scraping metal
harshly reduces the target’s
Sp. Def stat."
319,15,1,"きんぞくを こすって でるような
いやな おとを きかせる。
あいての とくぼうを がくっと さげる。"
319,15,3,"금속을 긁을 때 나는 듯한
싫은 소리를 들려준다.
상대의 특수방어를 크게 떨어뜨린다."
319,15,5,"Un cri horrible tel un crissement métallique qui
réduit fortement la Défense Spéciale de l’ennemi."
319,15,6,"Stößt einen spitzen Schrei aus, der die
Spezial-Verteidigung des Zieles stark senkt."
319,15,7,"Horrible chirrido metálico que baja mucho la
Defensa Especial del objetivo."
319,15,8,"Orribile stridio, simile a quello prodotto dal
metallo, che riduce di molto la Difesa Speciale
del bersaglio."
319,15,9,"A horrible sound like scraping metal
harshly lowers the target’s
Sp. Def stat."
319,15,11,"金属を こすって でるような
いやな 音を 聞かせる。
相手の 特防を がくっと さげる。"
320,5,9,"Lulls the foe into sleep
with a pleasant melody."
320,6,9,"Lulls the foe into sleep
with a pleasant melody."
320,7,9,"A pleasant melody
is played to lull
the foe into a deep
320,8,9,"The user plays a
pleasant melody that
lulls the foe into a
deep sleep.
320,9,9,"The user plays a
pleasant melody that
lulls the foe into a
deep sleep.
320,10,9,"The user plays a
pleasant melody that
lulls the foe into a
deep sleep.
320,11,5,"Le lanceur joue une douce mélodie qui
plonge l’ennemi dans un profond sommeil."
320,11,9,"The user plays a pleasant melody that
lulls the target into a deep sleep."
320,14,9,"The user plays a pleasant melody that
lulls the target into a deep sleep."
320,15,1,"ここちよい ふえの ねいろを きかせて
あいてを ねむりの じょうたいに する。
320,15,3,"기분 좋은 피리 소리를 들려주어
상대를 잠듦 상태로 만든다."
320,15,5,"Le lanceur joue une douce mélodie qui plonge
l’ennemi dans un profond sommeil."
320,15,6,"Versetzt das Ziel durch eine schöne Melodie
in Tiefschlaf."
320,15,7,Agradable melodía que adormece al objetivo.
320,15,8,"Una dolce melodia culla il bersaglio e lo costringe
ad addormentarsi."
320,15,9,"The user plays a pleasant melody that
lulls the target into a deep sleep."
320,15,11,"心地好い 笛の 音色を 聞かせて
相手を 眠りの 状態に する。
321,5,9,"Makes the foe laugh to
lower ATTACK and DEFENSE."
321,6,9,"Makes the foe laugh to
lower ATTACK and DEFENSE."
321,7,9,"The foe is made to
laugh, reducing its
321,8,9,"The user tickles the
foe into laughing,
reducing its Attack
and Defense stats.
321,9,9,"The user tickles the
foe into laughing,
reducing its Attack
and Defense stats.
321,10,9,"The user tickles the
foe into laughing,
reducing its Attack
and Defense stats.
321,11,5,"Le lanceur chatouille l’ennemi, ce qui
baisse son Attaque et sa Défense."
321,11,9,"The user tickles the target into laughing,
reducing its Attack and Defense stats."
321,14,9,"The user tickles the target into laughing,
reducing its Attack and Defense stats."
321,15,1,"からだを くすぐり わらわせる ことで
あいての こうげきと ぼうぎょを
321,15,3,"몸을 간질여 웃게 만들어서
상대의 공격과 방어를 떨어뜨린다."
321,15,5,"Le lanceur chatouille l’ennemi, ce qui baisse son
Attaque et sa Défense."
321,15,6,"Bringt das Ziel zum Lachen und senkt
dadurch dessen Angriff und Verteidigung."
321,15,7,"Hace reír al objetivo para bajar su Ataque y
321,15,8,"Chi la usa solletica il bersaglio e lo fa ridere,
riducendo il suo Attacco e la sua Difesa."
321,15,9,"The user tickles the target into laughing,
reducing its Attack and Defense stats."
321,15,11,"体を くすぐり 笑わせる ことで
相手の 攻撃と 防御を さげる。
322,5,9,"Raises DEFENSE and SP. DEF
with a mystic power."
322,6,9,"Raises DEFENSE and SP. DEF
with a mystic power."
322,7,9,"The user absorbs a
mystic power to
raise its DEFENSE
and SP. DEF."
322,8,9,"The user absorbs a
mystical power from
space to raise its
Defense and Sp. Def
322,9,9,"The user absorbs a
mystical power from
space to raise its
Defense and Sp. Def
322,10,9,"The user absorbs a
mystical power from
space to raise its
Defense and Sp. Def
322,11,5,"Le lanceur absorbe un pouvoir mystique
spatial qui augmente sa Défense
et sa Défense Spéciale."
322,11,9,"The user absorbs a mystical power from
space to raise its Defense and
Sp. Def stats."
322,14,9,"The user absorbs a mystical power from
space to raise its Defense and
Sp. Def stats."
322,15,1,"うちゅう から しんぴの ちからを
とりこむ ことで じぶんの
ぼうぎょと とくぼうを あげる。"
322,15,3,"우주로부터 신비한 힘을
손에 넣음으로써
자신의 방어와 특수방어를 올린다."
322,15,5,"Le lanceur absorbe un pouvoir mystique spatial qui
augmente sa Défense et sa Défense Spéciale."
322,15,6,"Erhöht Verteidigung und Spezial-Verteidigung
durch eine mystische Kraft."
322,15,7,"Sube la Defensa y la Defensa Especial propias con
energía mística."
322,15,8,"Chi la usa assorbe una forza mistica dallo spazio
che aumenta la Difesa e la Difesa Speciale."
322,15,9,"The user absorbs a mystical power from
space to raise its Defense and
Sp. Def stats."
322,15,11,"宇宙から 神秘の 力を
とりこむ ことで
自分の 防御と 特防を あげる。"
323,5,9,"Inflicts more damage if the
user’s HP is high."
323,6,9,"Inflicts more damage if the
user’s HP is high."
323,7,9,"The higher the
user’s HP, the more
powerful this
attack becomes."
323,8,9,"The user spouts
water to damage the
foe. The lower the
user’s HP, the less
powerful it becomes."
323,9,9,"The user spouts
water to damage the
foe. The lower the
user’s HP, the less
powerful it becomes."
323,10,9,"The user spouts
water to damage the
foe. The lower the
user’s HP, the less
powerful it becomes."
323,11,5,"Le lanceur attaque avec un jet d’eau.
Moins il a de PV et moins l’attaque
est puissante."
323,11,9,"The user spouts water to damage the
opposing team. The lower the user’s HP,
the less powerful it becomes."
323,14,9,"The user spouts water to damage the
opposing team. The lower the user’s HP,
the less powerful it becomes."
323,15,1,"しおを ふきつけて こうげきする。
じぶんの HPが すくないほど
わざの いりょくは さがる。"
323,15,3,"바닷물을 내뿜어 공격한다.
자신의 HP가 적을수록
기술의 위력이 떨어진다."
323,15,5,"Le lanceur attaque avec un jet d’eau.
Moins il a de PV et moins l’attaque est puissante."
323,15,6,"Wasser-Attacke, die wirkungsvoller ist,
wenn KP des Anwenders hoch sind."
323,15,7,"Chorro de agua. Cuantos menos PS tenga el
usuario, menos dañino será."
323,15,8,"Lancia un getto d’acqua contro il nemico che ha
davanti e quelli adiacenti. La potenza è
proporzionale al numero di PS di chi la usa."
323,15,9,"The user spouts water to damage opposing
Pokémon. The lower the user’s HP,
the lower the move’s power."
323,15,11,"潮を 吹きつけて 攻撃する。
自分の HPが 少ないほど
技の 威力は さがる。"
324,5,9,"A strange beam attack that
may confuse the foe."
324,6,9,"A strange beam attack that
may confuse the foe."
324,7,9,"The foe is hit with
a flashing beam
that may also
cause confusion."
324,8,9,"The user attacks with
a sinister beam of
light. It may also
confuse the target.
324,9,9,"The user attacks with
a sinister beam of
light. It may also
confuse the target.
324,10,9,"The user attacks with
a sinister beam of
light. It may also
confuse the target.
324,11,5,"Le lanceur projette un rayon de
lumière sinistre. Peut aussi
rendre l’ennemi confus."
324,11,9,"The user attacks with a sinister beam of
light. It may also confuse the target."
324,14,9,"The user attacks with a sinister beam of
light. It may also confuse the target."
324,15,1,"ふしぎな ひかりを
はっしゃして こうげきする。
あいてを こんらん させることが ある。"
324,15,3,"이상한 빛을
발사해서 공격한다.
상대를 혼란시킬 때가 있다."
324,15,5,"Le lanceur projette un rayon de lumière sinistre.
Peut aussi rendre l’ennemi confus."
324,15,6,"Strahlenattacke, die das Ziel eventuell verwirrt."
324,15,7,"Ataca con un rayo de luz siniestro. Puede
confundir al objetivo."
324,15,8,"Chi la usa attacca con uno strano raggio di luce
che può anche confondere il Pokémon colpito."
324,15,9,"The user attacks with a sinister beam of
light. This may also confuse the target."
324,15,11,"不思議な 光を
発射して 攻撃する。
相手を 混乱させることが ある。"
325,5,9,"An unavoidable punch that
is thrown from shadows."
325,6,9,"An unavoidable punch that
is thrown from shadows."
325,7,9,"The user throws a
punch from the
shadows. It cannot
be evaded."
325,8,9,"The user throws a
punch at the foe from
the shadows.
The punch lands
without fail."
325,9,9,"The user throws a
punch at the foe from
the shadows.
The punch lands
without fail."
325,10,9,"The user throws a
punch at the foe from
the shadows.
The punch lands
without fail."
325,11,5,"Le lanceur surgit des ombres et donne
un coup de poing. N’échoue jamais."
325,11,9,"The user throws a punch from the shadows.
The punch lands without fail."
325,14,9,"The user throws a punch from the shadows.
The punch lands without fail."
325,15,1,"かげに まぎれて パンチを くりだす。
こうげきは かならず めいちゅう する。
325,15,3,"그림자에 섞여 펀치를 날린다.
공격은 반드시 명중한다."
325,15,5,"Le lanceur surgit des ombres et donne un coup
de poing. N’échoue jamais."
325,15,6,"Angriff mit der Faust aus dem Schattenreich.
Ausweichen unmöglich."
325,15,7,Puñetazo ineludible procedente de las sombras.
325,15,8,"Il bersaglio riceve un pugno proveniente
dalle tenebre. Questa mossa è infallibile."
325,15,9,"The user throws a punch from the shadows.
This attack never misses."
325,15,11,"影に まぎれて パンチを くりだす。
攻撃は 必ず 命中する。
326,5,9,"Attacks with a peculiar
power. May cause flinching."
326,6,9,"Attacks with a peculiar
power. May cause flinching."
326,7,9,"The user attacks
with an odd power
that may make the
foe flinch."
326,8,9,"The user attacks with
an odd, unseeable
It may also make the
foe flinch."
326,9,9,"The user attacks with
an odd, unseeable
It may also make the
foe flinch."
326,10,9,"The user attacks with
an odd, unseeable
It may also make the
foe flinch."
326,11,5,"Le lanceur attaque avec un pouvoir
étrange et invisible. Peut aussi
apeurer l’ennemi."
326,11,9,"The user attacks with an odd,
unseeable power.
It may also make the target flinch."
326,14,9,"The user attacks with an odd,
unseeable power.
It may also make the target flinch."
326,15,1,"みえない ふしぎな ちからを
おくって こうげきする。
あいてを ひるませる ことが ある。"
326,15,3,"보이지 않는 이상한 힘을
보내어 공격한다.
상대를 풀죽게 만들 때가 있다."
326,15,5,"Le lanceur attaque avec un pouvoir étrange et
invisible. Peut aussi apeurer l’ennemi."
326,15,6,"Besonderer Angriff mit einer unsichtbaren Kraft,
die das Ziel eventuell zurückschrecken lässt."
326,15,7,"Energía muy extraña que puede hacer retroceder
al objetivo."
326,15,8,"Chi la usa attacca con una misteriosa
forza invisibile. Può far tentennare il bersaglio."
326,15,9,"The user attacks with an odd,
unseeable power.
This may also make the target flinch."
326,15,11,"みえない 不思議な 力を
送って 攻撃する。
相手を ひるませることが ある。"
327,5,9,"An uppercut thrown as if
leaping into the sky."
327,6,9,"An uppercut thrown as if
leaping into the sky."
327,7,9,"The user attacks
with an uppercut
thrown skywards
with force."
327,8,9,"The user attacks the
foe with an uppercut
thrown skyward
with force.
327,9,9,"The user attacks the
foe with an uppercut
thrown skyward
with force.
327,10,9,"The user attacks the
foe with an uppercut
thrown skyward
with force.
327,11,5,"Le lanceur attaque avec un uppercut.
Il envoie son poing vers le ciel de
toutes ses forces."
327,11,9,"The user attacks the target with an
uppercut thrown skyward with force."
327,14,9,"The user attacks the target with an
uppercut thrown skyward with force."
327,15,1,"そらに むかうような たかい アッパーで
あいてを つきあげて こうげきする。
327,15,3,"하늘을 향하는 듯한 높은 업퍼로
상대를 밀어올려 공격한다."
327,15,5,"Le lanceur attaque avec un uppercut.
Il envoie son poing vers le ciel de toutes ses
327,15,6,"Kinnhaken, der das Ziel gen Himmel schickt."
327,15,7,Gancho ascendente de gran ímpetu.
327,15,8,"Chi la usa attacca il bersaglio con un
montante che può arrivare fino al cielo."
327,15,9,"The user attacks the target with an
uppercut thrown skyward with force."
327,15,11,"空に むかうような 高い アッパーで
相手を 突きあげて 攻撃する。
328,5,9,"Traps and hurts the foe in
quicksand for 2 to 5 turns."
328,6,9,"Traps and hurts the foe in
quicksand for 2 to 5 turns."
328,7,9,"The foe is trapped
inside a painful
sandstorm for two
to five turns."
328,8,9,"The user traps the
foe inside a harshly
raging sandstorm for
two to five turns.
328,9,9,"The user traps the
foe inside a harshly
raging sandstorm for
two to five turns.
328,10,9,"The user traps the
foe inside a harshly
raging sandstorm for
two to five turns.
328,11,5,"Le lanceur emprisonne l’ennemi dans
une tempête de sable terrifiante qui
dure de 4 à 5 tours."
328,11,9,"The user traps the target inside a harshly
raging sandstorm for four to five turns."
328,14,9,"The user traps the target inside a harshly
raging sandstorm for four to five turns."
328,15,1,"はげしく ふきあれる すなあらしの
なかに 4ー5ターンの あいだ
あいてを とじこめて こうげきする。"
328,15,3,"세차게 불어대는
모래바람 속에 4-5턴 동안
상대를 가두어 공격한다."
328,15,5,"Le lanceur emprisonne l’ennemi dans une tempête
de sable terrifiante qui dure de quatre à cinq tours."
328,15,6,"Das Ziel leidet für vier bis fünf Runden
in einer Sandhose."
328,15,7,"Enreda al objetivo en un remolino de arena de
cuatro a cinco turnos."
328,15,8,"Chi la usa intrappola il bersaglio in un turbine
di sabbia per quattro o cinque turni."
328,15,9,"The user traps the target inside a harshly
raging sandstorm for four to five turns."
328,15,11,"激しく 吹きあれる 砂あらしの
中に 4ー5ターンの あいだ
相手を 閉じこめて 攻撃する。"
329,5,9,"A chilling attack that
causes fainting if it hits."
329,6,9,"A chilling attack that
causes fainting if it hits."
329,7,9,"The foe is attacked
with ultimate cold
that causes fainting
if it hits."
329,8,9,"The foe is attacked
with a blast of
absolute-zero cold.
The foe instantly
faints if it hits."
329,9,9,"The foe is attacked
with a blast of
absolute-zero cold.
The foe instantly
faints if it hits."
329,10,9,"The foe is attacked
with a blast of
absolute-zero cold.
The foe instantly
faints if it hits."
329,11,5,"Une vague de froid glacial frappe
l’ennemi. S’il est touché, il est mis
K.O. sur le coup."
329,11,9,"The target is attacked with a blast of
absolute-zero cold.
The target instantly faints if it hits."
329,14,9,"The target is attacked with a blast of
absolute-zero cold.
The target instantly faints if it hits."
329,15,1,"ぜったいれいどの つめたさで
あいてを こうげきする。
あたれば いちげきで ひんしに する。"
329,15,3,"절대영도의 추위로
상대를 공격한다.
맞으면 일격에 기절한다."
329,15,5,"Une vague de froid glacial frappe l’ennemi.
S’il est touché, il est mis K.O. sur le coup."
329,15,6,"Angriff mit Kälte, die das Ziel bei Erfolg besiegt."
329,15,7,"Ataque de frío polar que debilita al objetivo si le
329,15,8,"Ondata di freddo penetrante che, se va a segno,
fa andare KO il bersaglio."
329,15,9,"The target is attacked with a blast of
absolute-zero cold. The target faints
instantly if this attack hits."
329,15,11,"絶対零度の 冷たさで
相手を 攻撃する。
当たれば 一撃で ひんしに する。"
330,5,9,"Attacks with muddy water.
May lower accuracy."
330,6,9,"Attacks with muddy water.
May lower accuracy."
330,7,9,"The user attacks
with muddy water.
It may also lower
the foe’s accuracy."
330,8,9,"The user attacks by
shooting out muddy
It may also lower the
foe’s accuracy."
330,9,9,"The user attacks by
shooting out muddy
It may also lower the
foe’s accuracy."
330,10,9,"The user attacks by
shooting out muddy
It may also lower the
foe’s accuracy."
330,11,5,"Le lanceur attaque en projetant de l’eau
boueuse. Peut aussi réduire la Précision
de l’ennemi."
330,11,9,"The user attacks by shooting muddy water
at the opposing team.
It may also lower the targets’ accuracy."
330,14,9,"The user attacks by shooting muddy water
at the opposing team.
It may also lower the targets’ accuracy."
330,15,1,"にごった みずを
あいてに はっしゃして こうげきする。
めいちゅうりつを さげることが ある。"
330,15,3,"탁해진 물을
상대에게 발사하여 공격한다.
명중률을 떨어뜨릴 때가 있다."
330,15,5,"Le lanceur attaque en projetant de l’eau boueuse.
Peut aussi réduire la Précision de l’ennemi."
330,15,6,"Greift mit Matsch an und senkt eventuell
die Genauigkeit des Zieles."
330,15,7,"Ataque con agua lodosa que puede bajar la
Precisión del equipo rival."
330,15,8,"Chi la usa attacca i nemici che ha intorno con un
getto di fango che può anche ridurne la precisione."
330,15,9,"The user attacks by shooting muddy water
at the opposing Pokémon.
This may also lower their accuracy."
330,15,11,"濁った 水を
相手に 発射して 攻撃する。
命中率を さげることが ある。"
331,5,9,"Shoots 2 to 5 seeds in a row
to strike the foe."
331,6,9,"Shoots 2 to 5 seeds in a row
to strike the foe."
331,7,9,"The user shoots
seeds at the foe.
Two to five seeds
are shot at once."
331,8,9,"The user forcefully
shoots seeds at the
foe. Two to five
seeds are shot in
rapid succession."
331,9,9,"The user forcefully
shoots seeds at the
foe. Two to five
seeds are shot in
rapid succession."
331,10,9,"The user forcefully
shoots seeds at the
foe. Two to five
seeds are shot in
rapid succession."
331,11,5,"Le lanceur mitraille l’ennemi avec une
rafale de graines. De 2 à 5 rafales sont
lancées à la suite."
331,11,9,"The user forcefully shoots seeds at the
target. Two to five seeds are shot in
rapid succession."
331,14,9,"The user forcefully shoots seeds at the
target. Two to five seeds are shot in
rapid succession."
331,15,1,"タネを いきおいよく
あいてに はっしゃして こうげきする。
2ー5かいの あいだ れんぞくで だす。"
331,15,3,"씨앗을 기세 좋게
상대에게 발사하여 공격한다.
2-5회 동안 연속으로 쓴다."
331,15,5,"Le lanceur mitraille l’ennemi avec une rafale de
graines. De deux à cinq rafales sont lancées à
la suite."
331,15,6,"Der Anwender wirft zwei- bis fünfmal
in rascher Folge Samen auf das Ziel."
331,15,7,"Dispara rápido de dos a cinco ráfagas de semillas
de manera consecutiva."
331,15,8,"Chi la usa spara da due a cinque raffiche di semi
contro il bersaglio in successione."
331,15,9,"The user forcefully shoots seeds at the
target two to five times in a row."
331,15,11,"タネを 勢いよく
相手に 発射して 攻撃する。
2ー5回の あいだ 連続で だす。"
332,5,9,"An extremely speedy and
unavoidable attack."
332,6,9,"An extremely speedy and
unavoidable attack."
332,7,9,"An extremely fast
attack against one
target. It can’t be
332,8,9,"The user confounds
the foe with speed,
then slashes.
The attack lands
without fail."
332,9,9,"The user confounds
the foe with speed,
then slashes.
The attack lands
without fail."
332,10,9,"The user confounds
the foe with speed,
then slashes.
The attack lands
without fail."
332,11,5,"Le lanceur prend l’ennemi de vitesse
et le lacère. N’échoue jamais."
332,11,9,"The user confounds the target with speed,
then slashes.
The attack lands without fail."
332,14,9,"The user confounds the target with speed,
then slashes.
The attack lands without fail."
332,15,1,"すばやい うごきで
あいてを ほんろうして きりつける。
こうげきは かならず めいちゅう する。"
332,15,3,"재빠른 움직임으로
상대를 농락해 벤다.
공격은 반드시 명중한다."
332,15,5,"Le lanceur prend l’ennemi de vitesse et le lacère.
N’échoue jamais."
332,15,6,"Eine extrem schnelle Attacke, der das Ziel
nicht ausweichen kann."
332,15,7,El usuario lanza un ataque muy rápido e ineludible.
332,15,8,"Chi la usa attacca il bersaglio a grande velocità.
Questa mossa è infallibile."
332,15,9,"The user confounds the target with speed,
then slashes.
This attack never misses."
332,15,11,"素早い 動きで
相手を ほんろうして 切りつける。
攻撃は 必ず 命中する。"
333,5,9,"Attacks the foe by firing
2 to 5 icicles in a row."
333,6,9,"Attacks the foe by firing
2 to 5 icicles in a row."
333,7,9,"Sharp icicles are
fired at the foe.
It strikes two to
five times."
333,8,9,"The user launches
sharp icicles at the
foe. It strikes two
to five times in a
333,9,9,"The user launches
sharp icicles at the
foe. It strikes two
to five times in a
333,10,9,"The user launches
sharp icicles at the
foe. It strikes two
to five times in a
333,11,5,"Le lanceur jette des pics de glace sur
l’ennemi, de 2 à 5 fois de suite."
333,11,9,"The user launches sharp icicles at the
target. It strikes two to five times in
a row."
333,14,9,"The user launches sharp icicles at the
target. It strikes two to five times in
a row."
333,15,1,"するどい つららを
あいてに はっしゃして こうげきする。
2ー5かいの あいだ れんぞくで だす。"
333,15,3,"날카로운 고드름을
상대에게 발사하여 공격한다.
2-5회 동안 연속으로 쓴다."
333,15,5,"Le lanceur jette des pics de glace sur l’ennemi,
de deux à cinq fois de suite."
333,15,6,Feuert zwei bis fünf Eiszapfen auf das Ziel.
333,15,7,"Ataca lanzando de dos a cinco ráfagas
consecutivas de carámbanos."
333,15,8,"Chi la usa spara ghiaccioli affilati contro il bersaglio
da due a cinque volte di fila."
333,15,9,"The user launches sharp icicles at the
target two to five times in a row."
333,15,11,"鋭い 氷柱を
相手に 発射して 攻撃する。
2ー5回の あいだ 連続で だす。"
334,5,9,"Hardens the body’s surface
to sharply raise DEFENSE."
334,6,9,"Hardens the body’s surface
to sharply raise DEFENSE."
334,7,9,"The user hardens
its body’s surface
to sharply raise its
DEFENSE stat."
334,8,9,"The user hardens
its body’s surface
like iron, sharply
raising its Defense
334,9,9,"The user hardens
its body’s surface
like iron, sharply
raising its Defense
334,10,9,"The user hardens
its body’s surface
like iron, sharply
raising its Defense
334,11,5,"L’épiderme du lanceur devient dur comme
du fer, ce qui augmente considérablement
sa Défense."
334,11,9,"The user hardens its body’s surface
like iron, sharply raising its
Defense stat."
334,14,9,"The user hardens its body’s surface
like iron, sharply raising its
Defense stat."
334,15,1,"ひふを てつのように
かたくする ことで
じぶんの ぼうぎょを ぐーんと あげる。"
334,15,3,"피부를 쇠처럼
단단하게 함으로써
자신의 방어를 크게 올린다."
334,15,5,"L’épiderme du lanceur devient dur comme du fer,
ce qui augmente considérablement sa Défense."
334,15,6,"Anwender stärkt den Körper, um den
Verteidigungs-Wert stark zu erhöhen."
334,15,7,"Fortalece el cuerpo como si fuera de hierro y sube
mucho la Defensa."
334,15,8,"Il corpo di chi la usa si indurisce come il ferro,
facendone salire di molto la Difesa."
334,15,9,"The user hardens its body’s surface
like iron, sharply raising its
Defense stat."
334,15,11,"皮膚を 鉄のように
硬くする ことで
自分の 防御を ぐーんと あげる。"
335,5,9,"Blocks the foe’s way to
prevent escape."
335,6,9,"Blocks the foe’s way to
prevent escape."
335,7,9,"The user blocks the
foe’s way with arms
spread wide to
prevent escape."
335,8,9,"The user blocks the
foe’s way with arms
spread wide to
prevent escape.
335,9,9,"The user blocks the
foe’s way with arms
spread wide to
prevent escape.
335,10,9,"The user blocks the
foe’s way with arms
spread wide to
prevent escape.
335,11,5,"Le lanceur bloque la route de l’ennemi
pour empêcher sa fuite."
335,11,9,"The user blocks the target’s way with arms
spread wide to prevent escape."
335,14,9,"The user blocks the target’s way with arms
spread wide to prevent escape."
335,15,1,"りょうてを ひろげて たちはだかり
あいての にげみちを ふさいで
にげられなく する。"
335,15,3,"양팔을 벌려 막아서서
상대의 도주로를 가로막아
도망칠 수 없게 한다."
335,15,5,"Le lanceur bloque la route de l’ennemi pour
empêcher sa fuite."
335,15,6,Anwender versperrt den Fluchtweg des Zieles.
335,15,7,"Le corta el paso al objetivo para que no pueda
335,15,8,"Chi la usa sbarra la strada al bersaglio
impedendone la fuga o la sostituzione."
335,15,9,"The user blocks the target’s way with arms
spread wide to prevent escape."
335,15,11,"両手を ひろげて たちはだかり
相手の 逃げ道を ふさいで
336,5,9,"Howls to raise the spirit
and boosts ATTACK."
336,6,9,"Howls to raise the spirit
and boosts ATTACK."
336,7,9,"The user howls to
raise its spirit and
boost its ATTACK
336,8,9,"The user howls loudly
to raise its spirit,
boosting its Attack
336,9,9,"The user howls loudly
to raise its spirit,
boosting its Attack
336,10,9,"The user howls loudly
to raise its spirit,
boosting its Attack
336,11,5,"Le lanceur hurle pour se rassurer, ce qui
augmente son Attaque."
336,11,9,"The user howls loudly to raise its spirit,
boosting its Attack stat."
336,14,9,"The user howls loudly to raise its spirit,
boosting its Attack stat."
336,15,1,"おおごえで ほえて きあいを たかめ
じぶんの こうげきを あげる。
336,15,3,"큰 소리로 짖고 기합을 높여
자신의 공격을 올린다."
336,15,5,"Le lanceur hurle pour se rassurer, ce qui augmente
son Attaque."
336,15,6,"Anwender jault, um seinen Kampfgeist
und seinen Angriffs-Wert zu erhöhen."
336,15,7,Aullido que sube el ánimo y aumenta el Ataque.
336,15,8,"Chi la usa emette un forte verso per darsi
coraggio e aumentare l’Attacco."
336,15,9,"The user howls loudly to raise its spirit,
which raises its Attack stat."
336,15,11,"大声で ほえて 気合を 高め
自分の 攻撃を あげる。
337,5,9,"Slashes the foe with sharp
337,6,9,"Slashes the foe with sharp
337,7,9,"Sharp, huge claws
hook and slash the
foe quickly and
with great power."
337,8,9,"The user slashes the
foe with huge, sharp

337,9,9,"The user slashes the
foe with huge, sharp

337,10,9,"The user slashes the
foe with huge, sharp

337,11,5,"Le lanceur lacère l’ennemi de ses
grandes griffes aiguisées."
337,11,9,"The user slashes the target with huge,
sharp claws."
337,14,9,"The user slashes the target with huge,
sharp claws."
337,15,1,"するどく とがった きょだいな ツメで
あいてを きりさいて こうげきする。
337,15,3,"날카롭고 뾰족한 거대한 발톱으로
상대를 베어 갈라서 공격한다."
337,15,5,"Le lanceur lacère l’ennemi de ses grandes griffes
337,15,6,"Das Ziel wird mit riesigen, scharfen Klauen
stark verletzt."
337,15,7,Araña al objetivo con garras afiladas.
337,15,8,"Chi la usa attacca con artigli affilati che graffiano
il bersaglio rapidamente e con grande forza."
337,15,9,"The user slashes the target with huge,
sharp claws."
337,15,11,"鋭く とがった 巨大な ツメで
相手を 切り裂いて 攻撃する。
338,5,9,"Powerful, but leaves the
user immobile the next turn."
338,6,9,"Powerful, but leaves the
user immobile the next turn."
338,7,9,"The foe is hit with
an enormous branch.
The user can’t move
on the next turn."
338,8,9,"The foe is slammed
with an enormous
The user can’t move
on the next turn."
338,9,9,"The foe is slammed
with an enormous
The user can’t move
on the next turn."
338,10,9,"The foe is slammed
with an enormous
The user can’t move
on the next turn."
338,11,5,"Un violent coup de racines s’abat sur
l’ennemi. Immobilise le lanceur au tour
338,11,9,"The user slams the target with
an enormous tree.
The user can’t move on the next turn."
338,14,9,"The user slams the target with
an enormous tree.
The user can’t move on the next turn."
338,15,1,"おおきな じゅもくで
あいてを たたきつけて こうげきする。
つぎの ターンは うごけなく なる。"
338,15,3,"큰 나무로
상대를 힘껏 쳐서 공격한다.
다음 턴은 움직일 수 없게 된다."
338,15,5,"Un violent coup de racines s’abat sur l’ennemi.
Immobilise le lanceur au tour suivant."
338,15,6,"Angriff mit dickem Ast. Der Angreifer muss
eine Runde aussetzen."
338,15,7,"Golpea con una enorme planta. Quien lo usa no
puede moverse en el siguiente turno."
338,15,8,"Un groviglio di radici colpisce il bersaglio.
Chi la usa salta il turno successivo."
338,15,9,"The user slams the target with
an enormous tree.
The user can’t move on the next turn."
338,15,11,"大きな 樹木で
相手を たたきつけて 攻撃する。
次の ターンは 動けなくなる。"
339,5,9,"Bulks up the body to boost
339,6,9,"Bulks up the body to boost
339,7,9,"The user bulks up
its body to boost
both its ATTACK and
DEFENSE stats."
339,8,9,"The user tenses its
muscles to bulk up
its body, boosting
both its Attack and
Defense stats."
339,9,9,"The user tenses its
muscles to bulk up
its body, boosting
both its Attack and
Defense stats."
339,10,9,"The user tenses its
muscles to bulk up
its body, boosting
both its Attack and
Defense stats."
339,11,5,"Le lanceur tend ses muscles pour se
gonfler, ce qui booste son Attaque
et sa Défense."
339,11,9,"The user tenses its muscles to bulk up
its body, boosting both its Attack and
Defense stats."
339,14,9,"The user tenses its muscles to bulk up
its body, boosting both its Attack and
Defense stats."
339,15,1,"からだに ちからを こめて きんにくを
ぶあつく することで じぶんの
こうげきと ぼうぎょを あげる。"
339,15,3,"몸에 힘을 담아
근육을 두껍게 해서
자신의 공격과 방어를 올린다."
339,15,5,"Le lanceur tend ses muscles pour se gonfler,
ce qui booste son Attaque et sa Défense."
339,15,6,"Pumpt den Körper auf, um den Angriff
und die Verteidigung zu erhöhen."
339,15,7,"Robustece el cuerpo para subir el Ataque y la
339,15,8,"Chi la usa tende i muscoli per gonfiare il corpo,
aumentando Difesa e Attacco."
339,15,9,"The user tenses its muscles to bulk up
its body, raising both its Attack and
Defense stats."
339,15,11,"体に 力を こめて
筋肉を ぶあつく することで
自分の 攻撃と 防御を あげる。"
340,5,9,"Bounces up, then down the
next turn. May paralyze."
340,6,9,"Bounces up, then down the
next turn. May paralyze."
340,7,9,"The user bounces
on the foe on the
2nd turn. It may
paralyze the foe."
340,8,9,"The user bounces up
high, then drops on
the foe on the second
turn. It may also
paralyze the foe."
340,9,9,"The user bounces up
high, then drops on
the foe on the second
turn. It may also
paralyze the foe."
340,10,9,"The user bounces up
high, then drops on
the foe on the second
turn. It may also
paralyze the foe."
340,11,5,"Le lanceur bondit très haut et plonge
sur l’ennemi au 2è tour. Peut aussi
paralyser l’ennemi."
340,11,9,"The user bounces up high, then drops on
the target on the second turn. It may
also leave the target with paralysis."
340,14,9,"The user bounces up high, then drops on
the target on the second turn. It may
also leave the target with paralysis."
340,15,1,"そらたかく とびはねて
2ターンめに あいてを こうげきする。
まひ じょうたいに することが ある。"
340,15,3,"하늘 높이 뛰어올라
2턴째에 상대를 공격한다.
마비 상태로 만들 때가 있다."
340,15,5,"Le lanceur bondit très haut et plonge sur l’ennemi
au second tour. Peut aussi le paralyser."
340,15,6,"Angreifer springt und landet in der nächsten Runde
auf dem Ziel. Das Ziel wird eventuell paralysiert."
340,15,7,"Primer turno: bota. Segundo turno: golpea. Puede
340,15,8,"Chi la usa balza in alto e ricade sul bersaglio dopo
un turno. Può anche paralizzarlo."
340,15,9,"The user bounces up high, then drops on
the target on the second turn. This may
also leave the target with paralysis."
340,15,11,"空高く 飛び跳ねて
2ターン目に 相手を 攻撃する。
まひ状態に することが ある。"
341,5,9,"Hurls mud at the foe and
reduces SPEED."
341,6,9,"Hurls mud at the foe and
reduces SPEED."
341,7,9,"The user attacks by
hurling mud.
It also reduces the
foe’s SPEED."
341,8,9,"The user attacks by
hurling a blob of mud
at the foe.
It also reduces the
target’s Speed."
341,9,9,"The user attacks by
hurling a blob of mud
at the foe.
It also reduces the
target’s Speed."
341,10,9,"The user attacks by
hurling a blob of mud
at the foe.
It also reduces the
target’s Speed."
341,11,5,"Le lanceur attaque en projetant
de la boue sur l’ennemi. Réduit
aussi la Vitesse de la cible."
341,11,9,"The user attacks by hurling a blob of mud
at the target.
It also reduces the target’s Speed."
341,14,9,"The user attacks by hurling a blob of mud
at the target.
It also reduces the target’s Speed."
341,15,1,"どろの かたまりを
あいてに なげつけて こうげきする。
どうじに あいての すばやさを さげる。"
341,15,3,"진흙 덩어리를
상대에게 내던져서 공격한다.
동시에 상대의 스피드를 떨어뜨린다."
341,15,5,"Le lanceur attaque en projetant de la boue sur
l’ennemi. Réduit aussi la Vitesse de la cible."
341,15,6,"Angriff mit Lehm, der den Initiative-Wert
des Zieles senkt."
341,15,7,"El usuario lanza lodo al objetivo y reduce su
341,15,8,"Chi la usa attacca lanciando fango sul bersaglio,
riducendone anche la Velocità."
341,15,9,"The user attacks by hurling a blob of mud
at the target.
This also lowers the target’s Speed stat."
341,15,11,"泥の 塊を
相手に 投げつけて 攻撃する。
同時に 相手の 素早さを さげる。"
342,5,9,"Has a high critical-hit
ratio. May also poison."
342,6,9,"Has a high critical-hit
ratio. May also poison."
342,7,9,"An attack with a
high critical-hit
ratio. It may also
poison the foe."
342,8,9,"An attack with a
high critical-hit
ratio. This tail 
attack may also 
poison the foe."
342,9,9,"An attack with a
high critical-hit
ratio. This tail 
attack may also 
poison the foe."
342,10,9,"An attack with a
high critical-hit
ratio. This tail 
attack may also 
poison the foe."
342,11,5,"Attaque à taux de critiques élevé.
Peut aussi empoisonner l’ennemi."
342,11,9,"The user hits the target with its tail.
It may also poison the target.
Critical hits land more easily."
342,14,9,"The user hits the target with its tail.
It may also poison the target.
Critical hits land more easily."
342,15,1,"しっぽで たたく。
どく じょうたいに することが あり
きゅうしょにも あたりやすい。"
342,15,3,"꼬리로 때린다.
독 상태로 만들 때가 있고
급소에도 맞기 쉽다."
342,15,5,"Attaque à taux de critiques élevé.
Peut aussi empoisonner l’ennemi."
342,15,6,"Angriff mit hoher Volltrefferquote.
Diese Schweifattacke vergiftet das Ziel eventuell."
342,15,7,Puede envenenar y dar un golpe crítico.
342,15,8,"Chi la usa colpisce con la coda e può avvelenare
il bersaglio. Probabile brutto colpo."
342,15,9,"The user hits the target with its tail.
This may also poison the target.
Critical hits land more easily."
342,15,11,"しっぽで たたく。
毒状態に することが あり
急所にも 当たりやすい。"
343,5,9,"Cutely begs to obtain an
item held by the foe."
343,6,9,"Cutely begs to obtain an
item held by the foe."
343,7,9,"A cutely executed
attack that also
steals the foe’s
hold item."
343,8,9,"The user endearingly
approaches the foe,
then steals the item
the foe is holding.
343,9,9,"The user endearingly
approaches the foe,
then steals the item
the foe is holding.
343,10,9,"The user endearingly
approaches the foe,
then steals the item
the foe is holding.
343,11,5,"Le lanceur s’approche de la cible avec
un air angélique afin de dérober l’objet
qu’elle tient."
343,11,9,"The user endearingly approaches
the target, then steals the target’s
held item."
343,14,9,"The user endearingly approaches
the target, then steals the target’s
held item."
343,15,1,"かわいく あまえながら
あいてに ちかづき
もっている どうぐを うばう。"
343,15,3,"귀엽게 애교부리며
상대에게 다가가
지니고 있는 도구를 뺏는다."
343,15,5,"Le lanceur s’approche de la cible avec un air
angélique afin de dérober l’objet qu’elle tient."
343,15,6,"Bittet charmant um das getragene Item
des Zieles und stiehlt es dann."
343,15,7,"Se acerca con ternura al objetivo, pero le ataca
y le roba el objeto que lleve."
343,15,8,"Chi la usa attacca il bersaglio sorridendo e
gli ruba lo strumento."
343,15,9,"The user endearingly approaches
the target, then steals the target’s
held item."
343,15,11,"かわいく あまえながら
相手に ちかづき
持っている 道具を うばう。"
344,5,9,"A life-risking tackle that
slightly hurts the user."
344,6,9,"A life-risking tackle that
slightly hurts the user."
344,7,9,"The user throws an
electrified tackle.
It hurts the user
a little."
344,8,9,"The user electrifies
itself, then charges
at the foe. It causes
considerable damage
to the user as well."
344,9,9,"The user electrifies
itself, then charges
at the foe. It causes
considerable damage
to the user as well."
344,10,9,"The user electrifies
itself, then charges
at the foe. It causes
considerable damage
to the user as well."
344,11,5,"Le lanceur électrifie son corps avant de
charger. Le choc blesse aussi beaucoup
le lanceur et peut paralyser l’ennemi."
344,11,9,"The user electrifies itself, then charges. 
It causes considerable damage to the user
and may leave the target with paralysis."
344,14,9,"The user electrifies itself, then charges.
It causes considerable damage to the user
and may leave the target with paralysis."
344,15,1,"でんきを まとって とっしんする。
じぶんも かなり ダメージを うける。
まひ じょうたいに することが ある。"
344,15,3,"전기를 한데 모아 돌진한다.
자신도 상당한 데미지를 입는다.
마비 상태로 만들 때가 있다."
344,15,5,"Le lanceur électrifie son corps avant de charger.
Le choc blesse aussi gravement le lanceur et peut
paralyser l’ennemi."
344,15,6,"Angriff mit Elektro-Tackle. Der Anwender verletzt
sich dabei. Das Ziel wird eventuell paralysiert."
344,15,7,"Quien lo usa electrifica su cuerpo para luego atacar.
Se hiere mucho a sí mismo, pero puede paralizar al
344,15,8,"Chi la usa si carica di elettricità e poi attacca.
Può paralizzare il bersaglio. Il contraccolpo causa
seri danni."
344,15,9,"The user electrifies itself, then charges.
This also damages the user quite a lot.
This may leave the target with paralysis."
344,15,11,"電気を まとって 突進する。
自分も かなり ダメージを 受ける。
まひ状態に することが ある。"
345,5,9,"Attacks with a strange leaf
that cannot be evaded."
345,6,9,"Attacks with a strange leaf
that cannot be evaded."
345,7,9,"The foe is attacked
with a strange leaf
that cannot be
345,8,9,"The user scatters
curious leaves that
chase the foe.
This attack will not
345,9,9,"The user scatters
curious leaves that
chase the foe.
This attack will not
345,10,9,"The user scatters
curious leaves that
chase the foe.
This attack will not
345,11,5,"Le lanceur disperse d’étranges feuilles
qui poursuivent l’ennemi. N’échoue jamais."
345,11,9,"The user scatters curious leaves
that chase the target.
This attack will not miss."
345,14,9,"The user scatters curious leaves
that chase the target.
This attack will not miss."
345,15,1,"あいてを ついせきする
ふしぎな はっぱを まきちらす。
こうげきは かならず めいちゅう する。"
345,15,3,"상대를 추적하는
이상한 잎사귀를 흩뿌린다.
공격은 반드시 명중한다."
345,15,5,"Le lanceur disperse d’étranges feuilles qui
poursuivent l’ennemi. N’échoue jamais."
345,15,6,"Magischer Blattangriff, dem nicht auszuweichen ist."
345,15,7,"Esparce extrañas hojas que persiguen al objetivo.
No se puede esquivar."
345,15,8,"Chi la usa sparpaglia strane foglie che inseguono
il bersaglio. Questa mossa è infallibile."
345,15,9,"The user scatters curious leaves
that chase the target.
This attack never misses."
345,15,11,"相手を 追跡する
不思議な はっぱを まきちらす。
攻撃は 必ず 命中する。"
346,5,9,"The user becomes soaked to
raise resistance to fire."
346,6,9,"The user becomes soaked to
raise resistance to fire."
346,7,9,"Weakens FIRE-type
attacks while the
user is in the
346,8,9,"The user soaks itself
with water. The move
weakens Fire-type
moves while the user
is in the battle."
346,9,9,"The user soaks itself
with water. The move
weakens Fire-type
moves while the user
is in the battle."
346,10,9,"The user soaks itself
with water. The move
weakens Fire-type
moves while the user
is in the battle."
346,11,5,"Le lanceur s’asperge d’eau. Affaiblit
les capacités Feu quand le lanceur
est au combat."
346,11,9,"The user soaks itself with water. The move
weakens Fire-type moves while the user
is in the battle."
346,14,9,"The user soaks itself with water. The move
weakens Fire-type moves while the user
is in the battle."
346,15,1,"あたりを みずで びしょびしょにする。
5ターンの あいだ
ほのおタイプの わざを よわめる。"
346,15,3,"주위를 물로 흠뻑 젖게 만든다.
5턴 동안
불꽃타입의 기술을 약하게 한다."
346,15,5,"Asperge d’eau les alentours.
Affaiblit les capacités Feu pendant cinq tours."
346,15,6,"Der Anwender lässt Wasser herabregnen und
schwächt damit fünf Runden lang Feuer-Attacken."
346,15,7,"El usuario se empapa en agua, lo que debilita
los movimientos de tipo Fuego durante cinco
346,15,8,"Chi la usa sparge acqua sul campo di lotta
indebolendo per cinque turni le mosse
di tipo Fuoco."
346,15,9,"The user soaks itself with water.
This weakens Fire-type moves
for five turns."
346,15,11,"あたりを 水で びしょびしょにする。
5ターンの あいだ
ほのおタイプの 技を 弱める。"
347,5,9,"Raises SP. ATK and SP. DEF
by focusing the mind."
347,6,9,"Raises SP. ATK and SP. DEF
by focusing the mind."
347,7,9,"The user focuses
its mind to raise
the SP. ATK and
SP. DEF stats."
347,8,9,"The user quietly
focuses its mind and
calms its spirit to
raise its Sp. Atk and
Sp. Def stats."
347,9,9,"The user quietly
focuses its mind and
calms its spirit to
raise its Sp. Atk and
Sp. Def stats."
347,10,9,"The user quietly
focuses its mind and
calms its spirit to
raise its Sp. Atk and
Sp. Def stats."
347,11,5,"Le lanceur se concentre et fait le vide
dans son esprit pour monter son
Attaque Spéciale et sa Défense Spéciale."
347,11,9,"The user quietly focuses its mind and
calms its spirit to raise its Sp. Atk and
Sp. Def stats."
347,14,9,"The user quietly focuses its mind and
calms its spirit to raise its Sp. Atk and
Sp. Def stats."
347,15,1,"しずかに せいしんを とういつし
こころを しずめる ことで じぶんの
とくこうと とくぼうを あげる。"
347,15,3,"조용히 정신을 통일하고
마음을 가라앉혀서 자신의
특수공격과 특수방어를 올린다."
347,15,5,"Le lanceur se concentre et fait le vide dans son
esprit pour augmenter son Attaque Spéciale et
sa Défense Spéciale."
347,15,6,"Erhöht Spezial-Angriff und Spezial-Verteidigung
durch Konzentration."
347,15,7,"Aumenta la concentración y calma el espíritu para
subir el Ataque Especial y la Defensa Especial."
347,15,8,"Chi la usa, meditando, placa il proprio spirito per
aumentare l’Attacco Speciale e la Difesa Speciale."
347,15,9,"The user quietly focuses its mind and
calms its spirit to raise its Sp. Atk and
Sp. Def stats."
347,15,11,"静かに 精神を 統一し
心を 鎮めることで 自分の
特攻と 特防を あげる。"
348,5,9,"Slashes with a sharp leaf.
High critical-hit ratio."
348,6,9,"Slashes with a sharp leaf.
High critical-hit ratio."
348,7,9,"The foe is slashed
with a sharp leaf.
It has a high
critical-hit ratio."
348,8,9,"The foe is slashed
with a sharp leaf.
It has a high
critical-hit ratio.
348,9,9,"The foe is slashed
with a sharp leaf.
It has a high
critical-hit ratio.
348,10,9,"The foe is slashed
with a sharp leaf.
It has a high
critical-hit ratio.
348,11,5,"Une feuille coupante comme une lame
entaille l’ennemi. Taux de critiques élevé."
348,11,9,"The user handles a sharp leaf like a
sword and attacks by cutting its target.
Critical hits land more easily."
348,14,9,"The user handles a sharp leaf like a
sword and attacks by cutting its target.
Critical hits land more easily."
348,15,1,"はっぱを つるぎのように あやつり
あいてを きりつけて こうげきする。
きゅうしょに あたりやすい。"
348,15,3,"잎사귀를 칼처럼 이용해
상대를 베어 공격한다.
급소에 맞기 쉽다."
348,15,5,"Une feuille coupante comme une lame entaille
l’ennemi. Taux de critiques élevé."
348,15,6,"Hieb mit scharfkantigem Blatt.
Hohe Volltrefferquote."
348,15,7,"Acuchilla con una hoja fina. Suele dar un golpe
348,15,8,"Colpisce il bersaglio usando una foglia affilata
come una spada. Probabile brutto colpo."
348,15,9,"The user handles a sharp leaf like a
sword and attacks by cutting its target.
Critical hits land more easily."
348,15,11,"はっぱを 剣のように あやつり
相手を 切りつけて 攻撃する。
急所に 当たりやすい。"
349,5,9,"A mystical dance that ups
349,6,9,"A mystical dance that ups
349,7,9,"A mystic, powerful
dance that boosts
the user’s ATTACK
and SPEED stats."
349,8,9,"The user vigorously
performs a mystic,
powerful dance that
boosts its Attack and
Speed stats."
349,9,9,"The user vigorously
performs a mystic,
powerful dance that
boosts its Attack and
Speed stats."
349,10,9,"The user vigorously
performs a mystic,
powerful dance that
boosts its Attack and
Speed stats."
349,11,5,"Une danse mystique dont le rythme
effréné augmente l’Attaque et la
Vitesse du lanceur."
349,11,9,"The user vigorously performs a mystic,
powerful dance that boosts its Attack and
Speed stats."
349,14,9,"The user vigorously performs a mystic,
powerful dance that boosts its Attack and
Speed stats."
349,15,1,"しんぴてきで ちからづよい まいを
はげしく おどる。じぶんの
こうげきと すばやさを あげる。"
349,15,3,"신비롭고 힘센 춤을
격렬하게 춘다. 자신의
공격과 스피드를 올린다."
349,15,5,"Une danse mystique dont le rythme effréné
augmente l’Attaque et la Vitesse du lanceur."
349,15,6,"Ein mystischer Tanz, der den
Angriffs- und Initiative-Wert erhöht."
349,15,7,Danza mística que sube el Ataque y la Velocidad.
349,15,8,"Danza mistica e vigorosa che aumenta l’Attacco
e la Velocità di chi la usa."
349,15,9,"The user vigorously performs a mystic,
powerful dance that raises its Attack and
Speed stats."
349,15,11,"神秘的で 力強い 舞を
激しく おどる。自分の
攻撃と 素早さを あげる。"
350,5,9,"Hurls boulders at the foe
2 to 5 times in a row."
350,6,9,"Hurls boulders at the foe
2 to 5 times in a row."
350,7,9,"The user hurls two
to five hard rocks
at the foe to
350,8,9,"The user hurls hard
rocks at the foe.
Two to five rocks are
launched in quick
350,9,9,"The user hurls hard
rocks at the foe.
Two to five rocks are
launched in quick
350,10,9,"The user hurls hard
rocks at the foe.
Two to five rocks are
launched in quick
350,11,5,"Le lanceur projette un rocher sur
l’ennemi de 2 à 5 fois d’affilée."
350,11,9,"The user hurls hard rocks at the target.
Two to five rocks are launched in quick
350,14,9,"The user hurls hard rocks at the target.
Two to five rocks are launched in quick
350,15,1,"かたい がんせきを
あいてに はっしゃして こうげきする。
2ー5かいの あいだ れんぞくで だす。"
350,15,3,"단단한 암석을
상대에게 발사하여 공격한다.
2-5회 동안 연속으로 쓴다."
350,15,5,"Le lanceur projette un rocher sur l’ennemi de
deux à cinq fois d’affilée."
350,15,6,"Wirft zwei- bis fünfmal in Folge Felsblöcke
auf das Ziel."
350,15,7,"Lanza pedruscos al objetivo de dos a cinco veces
350,15,8,"Colpisce il bersaglio con dei massi pesanti lanciati
in rapida successione. Il numero di massi varia
da due a cinque."
350,15,9,"The user hurls hard rocks at the target.
Two to five rocks are launched in a row."
350,15,11,"硬い 岩石を
相手に 発射して 攻撃する。
2ー5回の あいだ 連続で だす。"
351,5,9,"A fast and unavoidable
electric attack."
351,6,9,"A fast and unavoidable
electric attack."
351,7,9,"A rapid jolt of
electricity strikes
the foe. It can’t
be evaded."
351,8,9,"The user strikes the
foe with a quick jolt
of electricity.
This attack cannot be
351,9,9,"The user strikes the
foe with a quick jolt
of electricity.
This attack cannot be
351,10,9,"The user strikes the
foe with a quick jolt
of electricity.
This attack cannot be
351,11,5,"Le lanceur envoie un choc électrique
rapide à l’ennemi. Impossible à esquiver."
351,11,9,"The user strikes the target with a quick
jolt of electricity.
This attack cannot be evaded."
351,14,9,"The user strikes the target with a quick
jolt of electricity.
This attack cannot be evaded."
351,15,1,"でんげきを すばやく
あいてに あびせる。
こうげきは かならず めいちゅう する。"
351,15,3,"전격을 재빠르게
상대에게 날린다.
공격은 반드시 명중한다."
351,15,5,"Le lanceur envoie un choc électrique rapide à
l’ennemi. Impossible à esquiver."
351,15,6,"Angriff mit schnellem Elektro-Schlag.
Ausweichen nicht möglich."
351,15,7,Ataque eléctrico muy rápido e ineludible.
351,15,8,"Chi la usa colpisce il bersaglio con una scossa
di elettricità. È impossibile eludere questa mossa."
351,15,9,"The user strikes the target with a quick
jolt of electricity.
This attack never misses."
351,15,11,"電撃を 素早く
相手に 浴びせる。
攻撃は 必ず 命中する。"
352,5,9,"Attacks with ultrasonic
waves. May confuse the foe"
352,6,9,"Attacks with ultrasonic
waves. May confuse the foe."
352,7,9,"An attack with a
pulsing blast of
water. It may also
confuse the foe."
352,8,9,"The user attacks the
foe with a pulsing
blast of water.
It may also confuse
the foe."
352,9,9,"The user attacks the
foe with a pulsing
blast of water.
It may also confuse
the foe."
352,10,9,"The user attacks the
foe with a pulsing
blast of water.
It may also confuse
the foe."
352,11,5,"Le lanceur envoie un puissant
jet d’eau sur l’ennemi. Peut
rendre l’ennemi confus."
352,11,9,"The user attacks the target with
a pulsing blast of water.
It may also confuse the target."
352,14,9,"The user attacks the target with
a pulsing blast of water.
It may also confuse the target."
352,15,1,"みずの しんどうを
あいてに あたえて こうげきする。
あいてを こんらん させることが ある。"
352,15,3,"물의 진동을
상대에게 가하여 공격한다.
상대를 혼란시킬 때가 있다."
352,15,5,"Le lanceur envoie un puissant jet d’eau sur
l’ennemi. Peut le rendre confus."
352,15,6,"Angriff mit Wasserwelle, die das Ziel eventuell
verwirren kann."
352,15,7,"Ataca con un potente chorro de agua. Puede
confundir al objetivo."
352,15,8,"Il bersaglio viene colpito da un getto d’acqua
potentissimo che può anche confonderlo."
352,15,9,"The user attacks the target with
a pulsing blast of water.
This may also confuse the target."
352,15,11,"水の 振動を
相手に 与えて 攻撃する。
相手を 混乱させることが ある。"
353,5,9,"Summons strong sunlight to
attack 2 turns later."
353,6,9,"Summons strong sunlight to
attack 2 turns later."
353,7,9,"A move that attacks
the foe with a
blast of light two
turns after use."
353,8,9,"Two turns after this
move is used, the
user blasts the foe
with a concentrated
bundle of light."
353,9,9,"Two turns after this
move is used, the
user blasts the foe
with a concentrated
bundle of light."
353,10,9,"Two turns after this
move is used, the
user blasts the foe
with a concentrated
bundle of light."
353,11,5,"Le lanceur génère une sphère lumineuse
qu’il projette sur l’ennemi 2 tours
plus tard."
353,11,9,"Two turns after this move is used, the
user blasts the target with a
concentrated bundle of light."
353,14,9,"Two turns after this move is used, the
user blasts the target with a
concentrated bundle of light."
353,15,1,"わざを つかった 2ターン あとに
むすうの ひかりの たばで
あいてを こうげきする。"
353,15,3,"기술을 사용한 2턴 뒤에
무수한 빛의 다발이
상대를 공격한다."
353,15,5,"Le lanceur génère une sphère lumineuse qu’il
projette sur l’ennemi deux tours plus tard."
353,15,6,"Angriff mit gebündeltem Licht erfolgt zwei Runden
nach Attackeneinsatz."
353,15,7,"Concentra un haz de luz y ataca dos turnos
353,15,8,"Intensa luce solare che colpisce il bersaglio
dopo due turni dall’uso della mossa."
353,15,9,"Two turns after this move is used, the
user blasts the target with a
concentrated bundle of light."
353,15,11,"技を 使った 2ターン後に
無数の 光の 束で
相手を 攻撃する。"
354,5,9,"Allows a full-power attack,
but sharply lowers SP. ATK."
354,6,9,"Allows a full-power attack,
but sharply lowers SP. ATK.
354,7,9,"An intense attack
that also sharply
reduces the user’s
SP. ATK stat."
354,8,9,"The user attacks the
foe at full power.
The attack’s recoil
sharply reduces the
user’s Sp. Atk stat."
354,9,9,"The user attacks the
foe at full power.
The attack’s recoil
sharply reduces the
user’s Sp. Atk stat."
354,10,9,"The user attacks the
foe at full power.
The attack’s recoil
sharply reduces the
user’s Sp. Atk stat."
354,11,5,"Attaque l’ennemi à pleine puissance.
Le contrecoup baisse énormément
l’Attaque Spéciale du lanceur."
354,11,9,"The user attacks the target at full power.
The attack’s recoil harshly reduces the
user’s Sp. Atk stat."
354,14,9,"The user attacks the target at full power.
The attack’s recoil harshly reduces the
user’s Sp. Atk stat."
354,15,1,"フルパワーで あいてを こうげきする。
つかうと はんどうで
じぶんの とくこうが がくっと さがる。"
354,15,3,"풀 파워로 상대를 공격한다.
쓰면 반동으로
자신의 특수공격이 크게 떨어진다."
354,15,5,"Attaque l’ennemi à pleine puissance.
Le contrecoup baisse énormément l’Attaque
Spéciale du lanceur."
354,15,6,"Angriff mit voller Kraft, der den Spezial-Angriff
des Anwenders durch den Rückstoß stark senkt."
354,15,7,"Ataque en toda regla que baja mucho el Ataque
Especial de quien lo usa."
354,15,8,"Chi la usa sferra un potente attacco, ma
il contraccolpo riduce di molto il suo
Attacco Speciale."
354,15,9,"The user attacks the target at full power.
The attack’s recoil harshly lowers the
user’s Sp. Atk stat."
354,15,11,"フルパワーで 相手を 攻撃する。
使うと 反動で
自分の 特攻が がくっと さがる。"
355,8,9,"The user lands and
rests its body.
It restores the
user’s HP by up to
half of its max HP."
355,9,9,"The user lands and
rests its body.
It restores the
user’s HP by up to
half of its max HP."
355,10,9,"The user lands and
rests its body.
It restores the
user’s HP by up to
half of its max HP."
355,11,5,"Le lanceur atterrit et se repose.
Restaure jusqu’à la moitié
de ses PV max."
355,11,9,"The user lands and rests its body.
It restores the user’s HP by up to
half of its max HP."
355,14,9,"The user lands and rests its body.
It restores the user’s HP by up to
half of its max HP."
355,15,1,"じめんに おりて からだを やすめる。
さいだい HPの はんぶんの
HPを かいふく する。"
355,15,3,"땅에 내려와 몸을 쉬게 한다.
최대 HP의 절반만큼
HP를 회복한다."
355,15,5,"Le lanceur atterrit et se repose.
Restaure jusqu’à la moitié de ses PV max."
355,15,6,"Anwender landet und ruht sich aus.
KP des Anwenders werden um 50 %
der maximalen KP aufgefüllt."
355,15,7,"Aterriza sobre la superficie para descansar.
Recupera hasta la mitad del total de sus PS."
355,15,8,"Chi la usa sta fermo e riposa, recuperando
metà dei propri PS massimi."
355,15,9,"The user lands and rests its body.
It restores the user’s HP by up to
half of its max HP."
355,15,11,"地面に 降りて 体を やすめる。
最大HPの 半分の
HPを 回復する。"
356,8,9,"Gravity is intensified
for five turns, making
moves involving flying
unusable and
negating Levitation."
356,9,9,"Gravity is intensified
for five turns, making
moves involving flying
unusable and
negating Levitation."
356,10,9,"Gravity is intensified
for five turns, making
moves involving flying
unusable and
negating Levitation."
356,11,5,"La gravité augmente pendant 5 tours,
ce qui empêche les capacités volantes
et annule Lévitation."
356,11,9,"Gravity is intensified for five turns,
making moves involving flying unusable
and negating Levitate."
356,14,9,"Gravity is intensified for five turns,
making moves involving flying unusable
and negating Levitate."
356,15,1,"5ターンの あいだ
じゅうりょくを つよくして ふゆうや
そらへ とぶ わざを つかえなく する。"
356,15,3,"5턴 동안 중력을
강하게 해서 부유나 하늘을 나는
기술을 사용할 수 없게 한다."
356,15,5,"La gravité augmente pendant cinq tours, ce qui
empêche les capacités volantes et annule
356,15,6,"Die Gravitation wird für fünf Runden erhöht.
Macht Fliegen unmöglich und verhindert Schwebe."
356,15,7,"La gravedad aumenta durante cinco turnos, lo que
impide acciones que impliquen volar o levitar."
356,15,8,"Intensifica la gravità per cinque turni. Le mosse
che fanno volare sono inutilizzabili e l’abilità
Levitazione non ha effetto."
356,15,9,"Gravity is intensified for five turns,
making moves involving flying unusable
and negating Levitate."
356,15,11,"5ターンの あいだ
重力を 強くして ふゆうや
空へ 飛ぶ 技を 使えなくする。"
357,8,9,"Enables the user to
hit a Ghost type with
any type of move. It
also enables the user
to hit an evasive foe."
357,9,9,"Enables the user to
hit a Dark type with
any type of move. It
also enables the user
to hit an evasive foe."
357,10,9,"Enables the user to
hit a Dark type with
any type of move. It
also enables the user
to hit an evasive foe."
357,11,5,"Permet de toucher un Pokémon Ténèbres
avec toute capacité et de toucher un
ennemi insaisissable."
357,11,9,"Enables a Dark-type target to be hit by
Psychic-type attacks. It also enables
an evasive target to be hit."
357,14,9,"Enables a Dark-type target to be hit by
Psychic-type attacks. It also enables
an evasive target to be hit."
357,15,1,"あくタイプに こうかがない わざや
かいひりつの たかい あいてに
こうげきが あたるように なる。"
357,15,3,"악타입에 효과가 없는 기술이나
회피율이 높은 상대라 할지라도
공격이 맞게 된다."
357,15,5,"Permet de toucher un Pokémon Ténèbres avec
les capacités de type Psy ou de toucher un ennemi
357,15,6,"Erlaubt es, Unlicht-Pokémon mit Psycho-Attacken
anzugreifen. Ignoriert den Fluchtwert des Zieles."
357,15,7,"Permite atacar con cualquier movimiento a
objetivos de tipo Siniestro y golpear a Pokémon
357,15,8,"Chi la usa rende i Pokémon di tipo Buio vulnerabili
a qualsiasi tipo di mossa e può, inoltre, colpire
i nemici sfuggenti."
357,15,9,"Enables a Dark-type target to be hit by
Psychic-type attacks. This also enables
an evasive target to be hit."
357,15,11,"あくタイプに 効果がない 技や
回避率の 高い 相手に
攻撃が 当たるように なる。"
358,8,9,"This attack inflicts
high damage on a
sleeping foe. It
also wakes the foe
up, however."
358,9,9,"This attack inflicts
high damage on a
sleeping foe. It
also wakes the foe
up, however."
358,10,9,"This attack inflicts
high damage on a
sleeping foe. It
also wakes the foe
up, however."
358,11,5,"Cette attaque inflige d’importants
dégâts à un Pokémon endormi.
Mais elle le réveille également."
358,11,9,"This attack inflicts big damage on a
sleeping target. It also wakes the target
up, however."
358,14,9,"This attack inflicts big damage on a
sleeping target. It also wakes the target
up, however."
358,15,1,"ねむり じょうたいの あいてに
おおきな ダメージを あたえる。
かわりに あいては ねむりから さめる。"
358,15,3,"잠듦 상태의 상대에게
큰 데미지를 준다.
대신 상대는 잠에서 깬다."
358,15,5,"Cette attaque inflige d’importants dégâts à un
Pokémon endormi. Mais elle le réveille également."
358,15,6,"Richtet großen Schaden bei einem schlafenden Ziel
an, weckt es aber auch auf."
358,15,7,"Inflige gran daño a objetivos dormidos.
Sin embargo, los bofetones también los despiertan."
358,15,8,"Questa mossa infligge un danno doppio a un
bersaglio addormentato, ma allo stesso tempo
lo risveglia."
358,15,9,"This attack inflicts big damage on a
sleeping target. This also wakes the target
up, however."
358,15,11,"眠り状態の 相手に
大きな ダメージを 与える。
かわりに 相手は 眠りから さめる。"
359,8,9,"The user swings and
hits with its strong
and heavy fist.
It lowers the user’s
Speed, however."
359,9,9,"The user swings and
hits with its strong
and heavy fist.
It lowers the user’s
Speed, however."
359,10,9,"The user swings and
hits with its strong
and heavy fist.
It lowers the user’s
Speed, however."
359,11,5,"Le lanceur lâche un puissant coup de
poing sur l’ennemi. Réduit la vitesse
du lanceur."
359,11,9,"The user swings and hits with its strong
and heavy fist.
It lowers the user’s Speed, however."
359,14,9,"The user swings and hits with its strong
and heavy fist.
It lowers the user’s Speed, however."
359,15,1,"つよくて おもい こぶしを
ふるって ダメージを あたえる。
じぶんの すばやさが さがる。"
359,15,3,"강하고 무거운 주먹을
휘둘러 데미지를 준다.
자신의 스피드가 떨어진다."
359,15,5,"Le lanceur lâche un puissant coup de poing sur
l’ennemi. Réduit la vitesse du lanceur."
359,15,6,"Anwender trifft mit einem starken Hieb.
Senkt Initiative des Anwenders."
359,15,7,"Gira con fuerza el puño y da un gran golpe. No
obstante, baja la Velocidad."
359,15,8,"Chi la usa colpisce il bersaglio con il suo pugno
forte e pesante, ma perde Velocità."
359,15,9,"The user swings and hits with its strong
and heavy fist.
It lowers the user’s Speed, however."
359,15,11,"強くて 重い こぶしを
ふるって ダメージを 与える。
自分の 素早さが さがる。"
360,8,9,"The user tackles the
foe with a high-speed
spin. The slower the
user, the greater
the damage."
360,9,9,"The user tackles the
foe with a high-speed
spin. The slower the
user, the greater
the damage."
360,10,9,"The user tackles the
foe with a high-speed
spin. The slower the
user, the greater
the damage."
360,11,5,"Le lanceur effectue une rotation et
frappe l’ennemi. Plus le lanceur est
lent, plus il fait de dégâts."
360,11,9,"The user tackles the target with a
high-speed spin. The slower the
user, the greater the damage."
360,14,9,"The user tackles the target with a
high-speed spin. The slower the
user, the greater the damage."
360,15,1,"からだを こうそくに かいてん させて
たいあたりする。あいてより すばやさが
ひくいほど つよい。"
360,15,3,"몸을 고속으로 회전시켜
몸통박치기한다. 상대보다 스피드가
낮을수록 위력은 올라간다."
360,15,5,"Le lanceur effectue une rotation et frappe l’ennemi.
Plus la Vitesse du lanceur est basse, plus il fait
de dégâts."
360,15,6,"Angriff mit hoher Geschwindigkeit. Je niedriger
die Initiative des Anwenders, desto höher
der Schaden."
360,15,7,"Embiste al objetivo con un potente ataque giratorio.
Cuanto más lento es el usuario, más daño causa."
360,15,8,"Chi la usa colpisce il bersaglio con un vortice
rapidissimo. Più lento è chi la usa, maggiore
è il danno."
360,15,9,"The user tackles the target with a high-speed
spin. The slower the user compared to the
target, the greater the move’s power."
360,15,11,"体を 高速に 回転させて
体当たりする。相手より 素早さが
低いほど 強い。"
361,8,9,"The user faints. In
return, the Pokémon
taking its place will
have its HP restored
and status cured."
361,9,9,"The user faints. In
return, the Pokémon
taking its place will
have its HP restored
and status cured."
361,10,9,"The user faints. In
return, the Pokémon
taking its place will
have its HP restored
and status cured."
361,11,5,"Le lanceur tombe K.O. pour soigner les
PV et le statut du Pokémon qui passe
après lui."
361,11,9,"The user faints. In return, the Pokémon
taking its place will have its HP restored
and status cured."
361,14,9,"The user faints. In return, the Pokémon
taking its place will have its HP restored
and status cured."
361,15,1,"じぶんは ひんしに なるが ひかえから
でてくる ポケモンの じょうたい
いじょうと HPを かいふく する。"
361,15,3,"자신은 기절하지만
교대하여 나오는 포켓몬의
상태 이상과 HP를 회복한다."
361,15,5,"Le lanceur tombe K.O. pour soigner les PV et le
statut du Pokémon qui passe après lui."
361,15,6,"Anwender geht K.O. Das an seine Stelle tretende
Pokémon hat volle KP. Statusprobleme werden
361,15,7,"El Pokémon cae debilitado, pero su sustituto
recupera su estado y los PS."
361,15,8,"Chi la usa va KO, ma il Pokémon che lo sostituisce
recupera tutti i PS e guarisce dai problemi di stato."
361,15,9,"The user faints. In return, the Pokémon
taking its place will have its HP restored
and status conditions cured."
361,15,11,"自分は ひんしに なるが
控えから でてくる ポケモンの
状態異常と HPを 回復する。"
362,8,9,"If the foe’s HP is
down to about half,
this attack will hit
with double the
362,9,9,"If the foe’s HP is
down to about half,
this attack will hit
with double the
362,10,9,"If the foe’s HP is
down to about half,
this attack will hit
with double the
362,11,5,"Cette attaque est deux fois plus
puissante lorsque l’ennemi a moins
de la moitié de ses PV."
362,11,9,"If the target’s HP is down to about half,
this attack will hit with double
the power."
362,14,9,"If the target’s HP is down to about half,
this attack will hit with double
the power."
362,15,1,"あいてが HPの はんぶん くらい
きずを おっていると わざの いりょくが
2ばいに なる。"
362,15,3,"상대가 HP의 절반 정도
상처를 입고 있으면 기술의
위력이 2배가 된다."
362,15,5,"Cette attaque est deux fois plus puissante lorsque
l’ennemi a moins de la moitié de ses PV."
362,15,6,"Hat das Ziel die Hälfte oder weniger
seiner maximalen KP, trifft diese Attacke
mit doppelter Kraft."
362,15,7,"Si al objetivo le queda la mitad o menos de sus PS,
el ataque será el doble de fuerte."
362,15,8,"Se i PS del bersaglio sono scesi a metà o meno,
questa mossa colpirà con il doppio della potenza."
362,15,9,"If the target’s HP is half or less,
this attack will hit with double
the power."
362,15,11,"相手が HPの 半分くらい
きずを おっていると 技の 威力が
2倍に なる。"
363,8,9,"The user draws power
to attack by using
its held Berry.
The Berry determines
its type and power."
363,9,9,"The user draws power
to attack by using
its held Berry.
The Berry determines
its type and power."
363,10,9,"The user draws power
to attack by using
its held Berry.
The Berry determines
its type and power."
363,11,5,"Avant d’attaquer, le lanceur rassemble
ses forces grâce à sa Baie. Elle
détermine le type et la puissance."
363,11,9,"The user draws power to attack by using
its held Berry.
The Berry determines its type and power."
363,14,9,"The user draws power to attack by using
its held Berry.
The Berry determines its type and power."
363,15,1,"きのみから ちからを もらい
こうげきする。もたせた きのみで
わざの タイプと いりょくが かわる。"
363,15,3,"나무열매에서 힘을 얻어
공격한다. 지니게 한 나무열매에 따라
기술의 타입과 위력이 바뀐다."
363,15,5,"Avant d’attaquer, le lanceur rassemble ses forces
grâce à sa Baie. Elle détermine le type et la
puissance de l’attaque."
363,15,6,"Anwender zieht aus seiner derzeitigen Beere Kraft.
Sie bestimmt Typ und Stärke der Attacke."
363,15,7,"La baya que lleva presta su fuerza para atacar. El
tipo de ataque y su fuerza dependen de la baya."
363,15,8,"Chi la usa trae forza dalla bacca che ha. Da questa
dipendono il tipo e la potenza dell’attacco."
363,15,9,"The user draws power to attack by using
its held Berry.
The Berry determines the move’s type and power."
363,15,11,"きのみから 力を もらい
攻撃する。持たせた きのみで
技の タイプと 威力が 変わる。"
364,8,9,"An attack that hits a
foe using Protect or
Detect. It also lifts
the effects of those
364,9,9,"An attack that hits a
foe using Protect or
Detect. It also lifts
the effects of those
364,10,9,"An attack that hits a
foe using Protect or
Detect. It also lifts
the effects of those
364,11,5,"Une attaque capable de toucher un ennemi
qui utilise Détection ou Abri. Annule aussi
leur effet."
364,11,9,"An attack that hits a target using
Protect or Detect. It also lifts
the effects of those moves."
364,14,9,"An attack that hits a target using
Protect or Detect. It also lifts
the effects of those moves."
364,15,1,"まもるや みきりを している
あいてに こうげきが できる。
まもりの こうかを かいじょ させる。"
364,15,3,"방어나 판별을 하고 있는
상대에게 공격할 수 있다.
방어 효과를 해제시킨다."
364,15,5,"Une attaque capable de toucher un ennemi qui
utilise Détection ou Abri. Annule aussi leur effet."
364,15,6,"Ziele, die Schutzschild oder Scanner verwenden,
werden getroffen. Entfernt Effekte dieser Attacken."
364,15,7,"Permite golpear a objetivos que usan Protección o
Detección y anula dichos movimientos."
364,15,8,"Mossa che colpisce anche un bersaglio che ha
usato Protezione o Individua, annullandone
gli effetti."
364,15,9,"An attack that hits a target using
Protect or Detect. This also lifts
the effects of those moves."
364,15,11,"まもるや みきりを している
相手に 攻撃が できる。
守りの 効果を 解除させる。"
365,8,9,"The user pecks the
foe. If the foe is
holding a Berry, the
user plucks it and
gains its effect."
365,9,9,"The user pecks the
foe. If the foe is
holding a Berry, the
user plucks it and
gains its effect."
365,10,9,"The user pecks the
foe. If the foe is
holding a Berry, the
user plucks it and
gains its effect."
365,11,5,"Le lanceur picore la cible. Si cette
dernière tient une Baie, le lanceur
la mange et profite de ses effets."
365,11,9,"The user pecks the target. If the target
is holding a Berry, the user eats it and
gains its effect."
365,14,9,"The user pecks the target. If the target
is holding a Berry, the user eats it and
gains its effect."
365,15,1,"くちばしで こうげき。
あいてが きのみを もっている とき
たべて きのみの こうかを うけられる。"
365,15,3,"부리로 공격한다.
상대가 나무열매를 지니고 있을 때
먹어서 나무열매의 효과를 받을 수 있다."
365,15,5,"Le lanceur picore la cible.
Si cette dernière tient une Baie, le lanceur la mange
et profite de ses effets."
365,15,6,"Anwender pickt das Ziel, nimmt die Beere,
falls das Ziel eine trägt, und erhält ihren Effekt."
365,15,7,"Picotea al objetivo. Si este sostiene una baya, la
picotea también y obtiene sus efectos."
365,15,8,"Chi la usa becca il bersaglio. Inoltre, se questi ha
una bacca, gliela ruba e ne sfrutta gli effetti."
365,15,9,"The user pecks the target. If the target
is holding a Berry, the user eats it and
gains its effect."
365,15,11,"くちばしで 攻撃。
相手が きのみを 持っているとき
食べて きのみの 効果を 受けられる。"
366,8,9,"The user whips up a
turbulent whirlwind
that ups the Speed
of all party Pokémon
for three turns."
366,9,9,"The user whips up a
turbulent whirlwind
that ups the Speed
of all party Pokémon
for three turns."
366,10,9,"The user whips up a
turbulent whirlwind
that ups the Speed
of all party Pokémon
for three turns."
366,11,5,"Génère une rafale de vent qui augmente la
Vitesse des Pokémon de l’équipe pendant 4
366,11,9,"The user whips up a turbulent whirlwind
that ups the Speed of all party Pokémon
for four turns."
366,14,9,"The user whips up a turbulent whirlwind
that ups the Speed of all party Pokémon
for four turns."
366,15,1,"はげしく ふきあれる
かぜのうずを つくり 4ターンの あいだ
みかた ぜんいんの すばやさを あげる。"
366,15,3,"세차게 불어대는
바람의 소용돌이를 만들어 4턴 동안
같은 편 모두의 스피드를 올린다."
366,15,5,"Génère une rafale de vent qui augmente la Vitesse
des Pokémon de l’équipe pendant 4 tours."
366,15,6,"Anwender erzeugt einen Wirbelwind,
der die Initiative aller Pokémon im Team
für vier Runden steigert."
366,15,7,"Crea un fuerte remolino que aumenta la Velocidad
de los Pokémon de tu equipo durante cuatro
366,15,8,"Chi la usa scatena un turbine che aumenta
la Velocità di tutti i Pokémon della squadra
per quattro turni."
366,15,9,"The user whips up a turbulent whirlwind
that ups the Speed stat of the user and
its allies for four turns."
366,15,11,"激しく 吹きあれる
風の渦を つくり 4ターンの あいだ
味方 全員の 素早さを あげる。"
367,8,9,"The user applies
pressure to stress
points, sharply
boosting one of its
367,9,9,"The user applies
pressure to stress
points, sharply
boosting one of its
367,10,9,"The user applies
pressure to stress
points, sharply
boosting one of its
367,11,5,"Le lanceur effectue des pressions
pour augmenter fortement l’une
de ses stats."
367,11,9,"The user applies pressure to stress
points, sharply boosting one of
its stats."
367,14,9,"The user applies pressure to stress
points, sharply boosting one of
its stats."
367,15,1,"つぼおしで からだを
かっせいか させる。のうりょくの
どれか 1つを ぐーんと あげる。"
367,15,3,"경혈을 눌러 몸을 활성화시킨다.
능력 중 하나를 크게 올린다."
367,15,5,"Le lanceur utilise sa connaissance des
points de pression pour augmenter
fortement une stat."
367,15,6,"Anwender erhöht Druck auf Stresspunkte
und steigert einen Statuswert stark."
367,15,7,"Aplica presión en puntos clave de su cuerpo o de
los aliados para potenciar un parámetro de sus
367,15,8,"Chi la usa esercita pressione su alcuni punti
nevralgici e aumenta di molto una statistica a caso."
367,15,9,"The user applies pressure to stress
points, sharply boosting one of its or
its allies’ stats."
367,15,11,"つぼおしで 体を 活性化させる。
能力の どれか 1つを
ぐーんと あげる。"
368,8,9,"The user retaliates
against the foe that
last inflicted damage
on it with much
greater power."
368,9,9,"The user retaliates
against the foe that
last inflicted damage
on it with much
greater power."
368,10,9,"The user retaliates
against the foe that
last inflicted damage
on it with much
greater power."
368,11,5,"Le lanceur attaque le dernier ennemi
l’ayant blessé durant le même tour
en frappant plus fort."
368,11,9,"The user retaliates with much greater
power against the target
that last inflicted damage on it."
368,14,9,"The user retaliates with much greater
power against the target
that last inflicted damage on it."
368,15,1,"わざを だすまえに
さいごに うけた わざの ダメージを
おおきくして だした あいてに かえす。"
368,15,3,"기술을 쓰기 전에
마지막으로 받은 기술의 데미지를
늘려서 기술을 쓴 상대에게 돌려준다."
368,15,5,"Le lanceur attaque le dernier ennemi l’ayant blessé
durant le même tour en frappant plus fort."
368,15,6,"Attacke mit großer Kraft gegen das Ziel,
das dem Anwender in derselben Runde
zuletzt Schaden zufügte."
368,15,7,"Devuelve al objetivo el último ataque recibido,
pero con mucha más fuerza."
368,15,8,"Chi la usa si vendica sul nemico che l’ha appena
ferito con una mossa anche più potente."
368,15,9,"The user retaliates with much greater
power against the target
that last inflicted damage on it."
368,15,11,"技を だす前に
最後に 受けた 技の ダメージを
大きくして だした 相手に 返す。"
369,8,9,"After making its
attack, the user
rushes back to switch
places with a party
Pokémon in waiting."
369,9,9,"After making its
attack, the user
rushes back to switch
places with a party
Pokémon in waiting."
369,10,9,"After making its
attack, the user
rushes back to switch
places with a party
Pokémon in waiting."
369,11,5,"Après son attaque, le lanceur revient à
toute vitesse et change de place avec
un Pokémon de l’équipe prêt au combat."
369,11,9,"After making its attack, the user
rushes back to switch places with
a party Pokémon in waiting."
369,14,9,"After making its attack, the user
rushes back to switch places with
a party Pokémon in waiting."
369,15,1,"こうげき したあと
ものすごい スピードで もどってきて
ひかえ ポケモンと いれかわる。"
369,15,3,"공격한 뒤
굉장한 스피드로 돌아와서
교대 포켓몬과 교체한다."
369,15,5,"Après son attaque, le lanceur revient à toute
vitesse et change de place avec un Pokémon
de l’équipe prêt au combat."
369,15,6,"Nach der Attacke eilt der Anwender zurück und
tauscht den Platz mit einem anderen Pokémon."
369,15,7,"Tras atacar, vuelve a toda prisa para dar paso a
otro Pokémon del equipo."
369,15,8,"Chi usa questa mossa fa marcia indietro per farsi
sostituire dopo aver sferrato l’attacco."
369,15,9,"After making its attack, the user
rushes back to switch places with
a party Pokémon in waiting."
ものすごい スピードで もどってきて
控えの ポケモンと 入れ替わる。"
370,8,9,"The user fights the
foe in close without
guarding itself. It
also cuts the user’s
Defense and Sp. Def."
370,9,9,"The user fights the
foe in close without
guarding itself. It
also cuts the user’s
Defense and Sp. Def."
370,10,9,"The user fights the
foe up close without
guarding itself. It
also cuts the user’s
Defense and Sp. Def."
370,11,5,"Le lanceur combat au corps à corps sans
se protéger. Baisse aussi sa Défense et
sa Défense Spéciale."
370,11,9,"The user fights the target up close
without guarding itself. It also cuts
the user’s Defense and Sp. Def."
370,14,9,"The user fights the target up close
without guarding itself. It also cuts
the user’s Defense and Sp. Def."
370,15,1,"まもりを すてて あいての ふところに
ぼうぎょと とくぼうが さがる。"
370,15,3,"방어를 포기하고 상대 깊숙이
돌격한다. 자신의
방어와 특수방어가 떨어진다."
370,15,5,"Le lanceur combat au corps à corps sans se
protéger. Baisse aussi sa Défense et sa Défense
370,15,6,"Nahkampf-Attacke ohne Rücksicht auf Verluste.
Senkt Verteidigung und Spezial-Verteidigung
des Anwenders."
370,15,7,"Lucha abiertamente contra el objetivo sin
protegerse. También reduce la Defensa y la
Defensa Especial del usuario."
370,15,8,"Chi la usa attacca abbassando la guardia.
La propria Difesa e la Difesa Speciale si riducono."
370,15,9,"The user fights the target up close
without guarding itself. This also lowers
the user’s Defense and Sp. Def stats."
370,15,11,"守りを 捨てて 相手の ふところに
防御と 特防が さがる。"
371,8,9,"If the user can use
this attack after the
foe attacks, its
power is doubled.
371,9,9,"If the user can use
this attack after the
foe attacks, its
power is doubled.
371,10,9,"If the user can use
this attack after the
foe attacks, its
power is doubled.
371,11,5,"Le lanceur charge son énergie, puis
attaque. La puissance est doublée
si le lanceur agit après l’ennemi."
371,11,9,"If the user moves after the target,
this attack’s power will be doubled."
371,14,9,"If the user moves after the target,
this attack’s power will be doubled."
371,15,1,"ためこんで こうげきする。
あいてより あとに こうげき できると
わざの いりょくは 2ばいに なる。"
371,15,3,"모아서 공격한다.
상대보다 뒤에 공격할 수 있으면
기술의 위력은 2배가 된다."
371,15,5,"Le lanceur charge son énergie, puis attaque.
La puissance est doublée si le lanceur agit après
371,15,6,"Der Anwender lädt die Attacke auf.
Handelt das Ziel vor dem Anwender,
verdoppelt sich die Kraft der Attacke."
371,15,7,"El usuario contraataca con el doble de fuerza si el
objetivo usa un movimiento antes."
371,15,8,"Chi la usa accumula forza, poi attacca. La potenza
raddoppia se agisce dopo il Pokémon colpito."
371,15,9,"The user stores power, then attacks.
If the user moves after the target,
this attack’s power will be doubled."
371,15,11,"ためこんで 攻撃する。
相手より あとに 攻撃できると
技の 威力は 2倍に なる。"
372,8,9,"If the foe has
already taken some
damage in the same
turn, this attack’s
power is doubled."
372,9,9,"If the foe has
already taken some
damage in the same
turn, this attack’s
power is doubled."
372,10,9,"If the foe has
already taken some
damage in the same
turn, this attack’s
power is doubled."
372,11,5,"Cette attaque est deux fois plus
efficace si l’ennemi a déjà été blessé
durant ce tour."
372,11,9,"If the target has already taken some
damage in the same turn, this attack’s
power is doubled."
372,14,9,"If the target has already taken some
damage in the same turn, this attack’s
power is doubled."
372,15,1,"そのターンに あいてが
すでに ダメージを うけて いたら
わざの いりょくは 2ばいに なる。"
372,15,3,"그 턴에 상대가
이미 데미지를 입었다면
기술의 위력은 2배가 된다."
372,15,5,"Cette attaque est deux fois plus efficace si
l’ennemi a déjà été blessé durant ce tour."
372,15,6,"Hat das Ziel während der Runde schon Schaden
genommen, wird die Kraft der Attacke verdoppelt."
372,15,7,"Si el objetivo ya ha sufrido daño en ese turno, la
fuerza del ataque se duplica."
372,15,8,"Se il bersaglio ha già subito dei danni nello stesso
turno, la potenza di questa mossa raddoppia."
372,15,9,"If the target has already taken some
damage in the same turn, this attack’s
power is doubled."
372,15,11,"そのターンに 相手が
すでに ダメージを 受けていたら
技の 威力は 2倍に なる。"
373,8,9,"It prevents the foe
from using its held
item. Its Trainer is
also prevented from
using items on it."
373,9,9,"It prevents the foe
from using its held
item. Its Trainer is
also prevented from
using items on it."
373,10,9,"It prevents the foe
from using its held
item. Its Trainer is
also prevented from
using items on it."
373,11,5,"Empêche l’ennemi d’utiliser un
objet tenu et son Dresseur
d’utiliser un objet sur lui."
373,11,9,"It prevents the target from using its held
item. Its Trainer is also prevented from
using items on it."
373,14,9,"It prevents the target from using its held
item. Its Trainer is also prevented from
using items on it."
373,15,1,"もたせた どうぐを つかえなくする。
トレーナーも その ポケモンには
どうぐを つかえない。"
373,15,3,"지니게 한 도구를 쓸 수 없게 한다.
트레이너도 그 포켓몬에게는
도구를 쓸 수 없다."
373,15,5,"Empêche l’ennemi d’utiliser un objet tenu et son
Dresseur d’utiliser un objet sur lui."
373,15,6,"Verhindert, dass auf das Ziel Items verwendet
373,15,7,"Impide al objetivo usar el objeto que lleva. Su
Entrenador tampoco puede usar objetos con él."
373,15,8,"Impedisce al bersaglio di usare il suo strumento
e al suo Allenatore di usarne altri sul Pokémon."
373,15,9,"This move prevents the target from
using its held item. Its Trainer is
also prevented from using items on it."
373,15,11,"持たせた 道具を 使えなくする。
トレーナーも その ポケモンには
道具を 使えない。"
374,8,9,"The user flings its
held item at the foe
to attack. Its power
and effects depend
on the item."
374,9,9,"The user flings its
held item at the foe
to attack. Its power
and effects depend
on the item."
374,10,9,"The user flings its
held item at the foe
to attack. Its power
and effects depend
on the item."
374,11,5,"Le lanceur envoie l’objet qu’il tient
sur l’ennemi. La puissance et les
effets dépendent de l’objet."
374,11,9,"The user flings its held item at the target
to attack. Its power and effects depend
on the item."
374,14,9,"The user flings its held item at the target
to attack. Its power and effects depend
on the item."
374,15,1,"もたせた どうぐを
すばやく なげつけて こうげきする。
どうぐで いりょくと こうかが かわる。"
374,15,3,"지니게 한 도구를
재빠르게 내던져서 공격한다.
도구에 따라 위력과 효과가 바뀐다."
374,15,5,"Le lanceur envoie l’objet qu’il tient sur l’ennemi.
La puissance et les effets dépendent de l’objet."
374,15,6,"Anwender schleudert sein Item auf das Ziel.
Kraft und Effekt der Attacke hängen vom Item ab."
374,15,7,"Lanza contra el objetivo el objeto que lleva. La
fuerza del ataque y su efecto varían según el
374,15,8,"Chi la usa lancia il suo strumento addosso
al bersaglio. La forza e l’effetto dipendono
dallo strumento."
374,15,9,"The user flings its held item at the target
to attack. This move’s power and effects
depend on the item."
374,15,11,"持たせた 道具を
素早く 投げつけて 攻撃する。
道具で 威力と 効果が 変わる。"
375,8,9,"Using its psychic
power of suggestion,
the user transfers
its status problems
to the target."
375,9,9,"Using its psychic
power of suggestion,
the user transfers
its status problems
to the target."
375,10,9,"Using its psychic
power of suggestion,
the user transfers
its status problems
to the target."
375,11,5,"Le lanceur transfère ses problèmes de
statut à l’ennemi grâce à son pouvoir
de suggestion."
375,11,9,"Using its psychic power of suggestion,
the user transfers its status problems
to the target."
375,14,9,"Using its psychic power of suggestion,
the user transfers its status problems
to the target."
375,15,1,"ちょうのうりょくで あんじを かけて
じぶんの うけている じょうたい
いじょうを あいてに うつす。"
375,15,3,"초능력으로 암시를 걸어서
자신에게 걸려 있는 상태 이상을
상대에게 옮긴다."
375,15,5,"Le lanceur transfère ses problèmes de statut à
l’ennemi grâce à son pouvoir de suggestion."
375,15,6,"Anwender nutzt seine Suggestivkräfte, um eigene
Statusprobleme auf das Ziel zu transferieren."
375,15,7,"Usa su poder mental para transferir al objetivo sus
problemas de estado."
375,15,8,"Con la forza psichica e la suggestione, chi la usa
può trasferire i suoi problemi di stato al Pokémon
375,15,9,"Using its psychic power of suggestion,
the user transfers its status conditions
to the target."
375,15,11,"超能力で 暗示を かけて
自分の 受けている 状態異常を
相手に うつす。"
376,8,9,"The fewer PP this
move has, the more
power it has for
376,9,9,"The fewer PP this
move has, the more
power it has for
376,10,9,"The fewer PP this
move has, the more
power it has for
376,11,5,"Moins cette capacité possède de PP,
plus elle est puissante."
376,11,9,"The fewer PP this move has, the greater
its attack power."
376,14,9,"The fewer PP this move has, the greater
its attack power."
376,15,1,"きりふだの のこり PPが
すくなければ すくないほど
わざの いりょくが あがる。"
376,15,3,"마지막수단의 남은 PP가
적으면 적을수록
기술의 위력이 올라간다."
376,15,5,"Moins cette capacité possède de PP, plus elle est
376,15,6,"Je weniger AP diese Attacke hat,
desto mehr Angriffskraft besitzt sie."
376,15,7,"Cuantos menos PP tenga el movimiento, mayor
será la fuerza para atacar."
376,15,8,"La potenza di questa mossa aumenta man mano
che i suoi PP diminuiscono."
376,15,9,"The fewer PP this move has,
the greater its power."
376,15,11,"きりふだの 残り PPが
少なければ 少ないほど
技の 威力が あがる。"
377,8,9,"The user prevents
the foe from using
any HP-recovery
moves for five turns.
377,9,9,"The user prevents
the foe from using
any HP-recovery
moves for five turns.
377,10,9,"The user prevents
the foe from using
any HP-recovery
moves for five turns.
377,11,5,"Le lanceur empêche l’ennemi d’utiliser ses
capacités, cap. spé. ou objets tenus pour
récupérer des PV pendant 5 tours."
377,11,9,"For five turns, the user prevents the
opposing team from using any moves,
Abilities, or held items that recover HP."
377,14,9,"For five turns, the user prevents the
opposing team from using any moves,
Abilities, or held items that recover HP."
377,15,1,"5ターンの あいだ わざや
とくせいや もっている どうぐによって
HPを かいふく できなく する。"
377,15,3,"5턴 동안 기술이나 특성,
지니고 있는 도구에 의한
HP 회복을 할 수 없게 한다."
377,15,5,"Le lanceur empêche l’ennemi de récupérer
des PV à l’aide de capacités, talents ou
objets tenus, pendant cinq tours."
377,15,6,"Anwender verhindert für fünf Runden,
dass Ziele durch Attacken, Fähigkeiten
oder Items KP regenerieren."
377,15,7,"Impide al objetivo usar movimientos, habilidades
y objetos equipados que recuperan PS durante
cinco turnos."
377,15,8,"Chi la usa impedisce ai nemici che ha intorno
di utilizzare mosse o abilità recupera-PS
per cinque turni."
377,15,9,"For five turns, the user prevents the
opposing team from using any moves,
Abilities, or held items that recover HP."
377,15,11,"5ターンの あいだ 技や
特性や 持っている 道具によって
HPを 回復 できなくする。"
378,8,9,"The user powerfully
wrings the foe.
The more HP the foe
has, the greater this
attack’s power."
378,9,9,"The user powerfully
wrings the foe.
The more HP the foe
has, the greater this
attack’s power."
378,10,9,"The user powerfully
wrings the foe.
The more HP the foe
has, the greater this
attack’s power."
378,11,5,"Le lanceur essore l’ennemi. Plus
l’ennemi a de PV, plus cette attaque
est puissante."
378,11,9,"The user powerfully wrings the target.
The more HP the target has, the greater
this attack’s power."
378,14,9,"The user powerfully wrings the target.
The more HP the target has, the greater
this attack’s power."
378,15,1,"つよく しめあげて こうげきを する。
あいての HPが のこっている ほど
いりょくは あがる。"
378,15,3,"강하게 조여 공격을 한다.
상대의 HP가 많이 남아 있을수록
위력이 올라간다."
378,15,5,"Le lanceur essore l’ennemi. Plus l’ennemi a de PV,
plus cette attaque est puissante."
378,15,6,"Anwender presst sein Ziel aus. Je höher die KP
des Zieles, desto kraftvoller die Attacke."
378,15,7,"Estruja con fuerza al objetivo. Cuantos más PS
tenga el objetivo, más fuerza tendrá el ataque."
378,15,8,"Chi la usa stritola con forza il bersaglio. Più PS ha
il Pokémon colpito, maggiore è la potenza
della mossa."
378,15,9,"The user powerfully wrings the target.
The more HP the target has, the greater
the move’s power."
378,15,11,"強く 締めあげて 攻撃を する。
相手の HPが 残っているほど
威力は あがる。"
379,8,9,"The user employs its
psychic power to
switch its Attack
with its Defense
379,9,9,"The user employs its
psychic power to
switch its Attack
with its Defense
379,10,9,"The user employs its
psychic power to
switch its Attack
with its Defense
379,11,5,"Le lanceur utilise ses pouvoirs psychiques
pour échanger sa stat Défense et sa
stat Attaque."
379,11,9,"The user employs its psychic power to
switch its Attack with its Defense stat."
379,14,9,"The user employs its psychic power to
switch its Attack with its Defense stat."
じぶんの こうげきと ぼうぎょの
ちからを こうかん する。"
자신의 공격과 방어의
힘을 교환한다."
379,15,5,"Le lanceur utilise ses pouvoirs psychiques pour
échanger sa Défense et son Attaque."
379,15,6,"Anwender setzt Psycho-Kräfte ein, um eigenen
Angriffs- mit Verteidigungs-Wert auszutauschen."
379,15,7,"Usa sus poderes mentales para intercambiar su
característica de Ataque por Defensa."
379,15,8,"Mossa psichica che permette a chi la usa
di scambiare i valori delle sue statistiche
di Attacco e Difesa."
379,15,9,"The user employs its psychic power to
switch its Attack with its Defense stat."
自分の 攻撃と 防御の
力を 交換する。"
380,8,9,"The user hurls up its
stomach acids on
the foe. The fluid
eliminates the effect
of the foe’s ability."
380,9,9,"The user hurls up its
stomach acids on
the foe. The fluid
eliminates the effect
of the foe’s ability."
380,10,9,"The user hurls up its
stomach acids on
the foe. The fluid
eliminates the effect
of the foe’s ability."
380,11,5,"Le lanceur répand ses sucs digestifs sur
l’ennemi. Le fluide neutralise la capacité
spéciale de l’ennemi."
380,11,9,"The user hurls up its stomach acids on
the target. The fluid eliminates the effect
of the target’s Ability."
380,14,9,"The user hurls up its stomach acids on
the target. The fluid eliminates the effect
of the target’s Ability."
380,15,1,"いえきを あいての
からだに はきつける。ついた いえきは
あいての とくせいの こうかを けす。"
380,15,3,"상대의 몸에 위액을 내뱉는다.
달라붙은 위액은 상대의
특성 효과를 지운다."
380,15,5,"Le lanceur répand ses sucs digestifs sur l’ennemi.
Le fluide neutralise le talent de l’ennemi."
380,15,6,"Anwender greift das Ziel mit eigenen Magensäften
an. Entfernt Effekte von dessen Fähigkeit."
380,15,7,"El usuario arroja sus jugos biliares al objetivo, lo
que anula el efecto de la habilidad en uso."
380,15,8,"Chi la usa lancia acidi gastrici sul bersaglio.
Il fluido annulla l’abilità del Pokémon colpito."
380,15,9,"The user hurls up its stomach acids on
the target. The fluid eliminates the effect
of the target’s Ability."
380,15,11,"胃液を 相手の
体に 吐きつける。ついた 胃液は
相手の 特性の 効果を 消す。"
381,8,9,"The user chants an
incantation toward
the sky, preventing
the foe from landing
critical hits."
381,9,9,"The user chants an
incantation toward
the sky, preventing
the foe from landing
critical hits."
381,10,9,"The user chants an
incantation toward
the sky, preventing
the foe from landing
critical hits."
381,11,5,"Le lanceur envoie une incantation vers le
ciel pour empêcher l’ennemi d’effectuer
des coups critiques."
381,11,9,"The user chants an incantation toward
the sky, preventing opposing Pokémon
from landing critical hits."
381,14,9,"The user chants an incantation toward
the sky, preventing opposing Pokémon
from landing critical hits."
381,15,1,"てんに むかって おいのりを ささげ
あいての こうげきを
きゅうしょに あたらなく する。"
381,15,3,"하늘을 향해 기도를 올려
상대의 공격을
급소에 맞지 않게 한다."
381,15,5,"Le lanceur envoie une incantation vers le ciel pour
empêcher l’ennemi d’effectuer des coups critiques."
381,15,6,"Anwender singt eine Beschwörungsformel,
die Volltreffer gegen ihn verhindert."
381,15,7,"Lanza al cielo un conjuro que impide al objetivo
asestar golpes críticos."
381,15,8,"Chi la usa rivolge un incantesimo al cielo,
impedendo al nemico di sferrare brutti colpi
alla squadra."
381,15,9,"The user chants an incantation toward
the sky, preventing opposing Pokémon
from landing critical hits."
381,15,11,"天に むかって おいのりを ささげ
相手の 攻撃を
急所に 当たらなくする。"
382,8,9,"The user tries to cut
ahead of the foe to
steal and use the
foe’s intended move
with greater power."
382,9,9,"The user tries to cut
ahead of the foe to
steal and use the
foe’s intended move
with greater power."
382,10,9,"The user tries to cut
ahead of the foe to
steal and use the
foe’s intended move
with greater power."
382,11,5,"Le lanceur vole la capacité prévue par
l’ennemi et l’utilise en faisant plus de
dégâts. Il doit frapper en premier."
382,11,9,"The user tries to cut ahead of the target
to steal and use the target’s intended
move with greater power."
382,14,9,"The user tries to cut ahead of the target
to steal and use the target’s intended
move with greater power."
382,15,1,"いりょくを あげて あいてが
だそうとする わざを さきにだす。
さきに だせないと しっぱい する。"
382,15,3,"위력을 올려 상대가
쓰려고 하는 기술을 먼저 쓴다.
먼저 쓰지 않으면 실패한다."
382,15,5,"Le lanceur vole la capacité prévue par l’ennemi et
l’utilise en faisant plus de dégâts. Il doit frapper en
382,15,6,"Anwender stiehlt und führt die Attacke eines
langsameren Zieles zuerst und mit größerer
Kraft aus."
382,15,7,"Se adelanta al movimiento que pretende usar el
objetivo y lo lanza antes con más fuerza. Si el
usuario es más lento, falla."
382,15,8,"Se chi la usa è più veloce del nemico, gli ruba
la mossa e gliela ritorce contro con potenza
persino maggiore."
382,15,9,"The user cuts ahead of the target to steal and
use the target’s intended move with greater power.
This move fails if it isn’t used first."
382,15,11,"威力を あげて 相手が
だそうとする 技を 先にだす。
先に だせないと 失敗する。"
383,8,9,"The user mimics the
move used immediately
before it. The move
fails if no other move
has been used yet."
383,9,9,"The user mimics the
move used immediately
before it. The move
fails if no other move
has been used yet."
383,10,9,"The user mimics the
move used immediately
before it. The move
fails if no other move
has been used yet."
383,11,5,"Le lanceur imite la dernière capacité
employée. Échoue si aucune capacité
n’a été utilisée."
383,11,9,"The user mimics the move used immediately
before it. The move fails if no other move
has been used yet."
383,14,9,"The user mimics the move used immediately
before it. The move fails if no other move
has been used yet."
383,15,1,"ちょくぜんに でた わざを まねして
おなじ わざを だす。
わざが でていないと しっぱい する。"
383,15,3,"직전에 나온 기술을 흉내 내어
같은 기술을 쓴다.
기술이 나오지 않았으면 실패한다."
383,15,5,"Le lanceur imite la dernière capacité employée.
Échoue si aucune capacité n’a été utilisée."
383,15,6,"Anwender imitiert gerade verwendete Attacke.
Dies schlägt fehl, falls zuvor keine Attacke
verwendet wurde."
383,15,7,"Imita el movimiento usado justo antes.
El movimiento falla si no se ha usado aún ninguno."
383,15,8,"Chi la usa mima l’ultima mossa eseguita.
Fallisce se non è stata ancora usata alcuna
383,15,9,"The user mimics the move used immediately
before it. The move fails if no other move
has been used yet."
383,15,11,"直前に でた 技を まねして
同じ 技を だす。
技が でていないと 失敗する。"
384,8,9,"The user employs its
psychic power to
switch changes to
its Attack and
Sp. Atk with the foe."
384,9,9,"The user employs its
psychic power to
switch changes to
its Attack and
Sp. Atk with the foe."
384,10,9,"The user employs its
psychic power to
switch changes to
its Attack and
Sp. Atk with the foe."
384,11,5,"Pouvoir qui échange les modifications
de l’Attaque Spéciale et de l’Attaque
du lanceur avec la cible."
384,11,9,"The user employs its psychic power to
switch changes to its Attack and
Sp. Atk with the target."
384,14,9,"The user employs its psychic power to
switch changes to its Attack and
Sp. Atk with the target."
384,15,1,"ちょうのうりょくで じぶんと あいての
こうげきと とくこうの
のうりょく へんかを いれかえる。"
384,15,3,"초능력으로 자신과 상대의
공격과 특수공격의
능력 변화를 교체한다."
384,15,5,"Pouvoir qui échange les modifications de
l’Attaque Spéciale et de l’Attaque du lanceur
avec la cible."
384,15,6,"Psychische Kräfte tauschen Änderungen an Angriff
und Spezial-Angriff mit denen des Zieles."
384,15,7,"El usuario emplea su poder mental para
intercambiar los cambios en Ataque y Ataque
Especial con el objetivo."
384,15,8,"Chi la usa sfrutta la sua forza psichica
per scambiare le modifiche ad Attacco e
Attacco Speciale con il bersaglio."
384,15,9,"The user employs its psychic power to
switch changes to its Attack and
Sp. Atk stats with the target."
384,15,11,"超能力で 自分と 相手の
攻撃と 特攻の
能力変化を 入れ替える。"
385,8,9,"The user employs its
psychic power to
switch changes to
its Defense and
Sp. Def with the foe."
385,9,9,"The user employs its
psychic power to
switch changes to
its Defense and
Sp. Def with the foe."
385,10,9,"The user employs its
psychic power to
switch changes to
its Defense and
Sp. Def with the foe."
385,11,5,"Pouvoir qui échange les modifications de
la Défense Spéciale et de la Défense
avec la cible."
385,11,9,"The user employs its psychic power to
switch changes to its Defense and
Sp. Def with the target."
385,14,9,"The user employs its psychic power to
switch changes to its Defense and
Sp. Def with the target."
385,15,1,"ちょうのうりょくで じぶんと あいての
ぼうぎょと とくぼうの
のうりょく へんかを いれかえる。"
385,15,3,"초능력으로 자신과 상대의
방어와 특수방어의
능력 변화를 교체한다."
385,15,5,"Pouvoir qui échange les modifications de
la Défense Spéciale et de la Défense avec la cible."
385,15,6,"Psychische Kräfte tauschen Änderungen
an Verteidigung und Spezial-Verteidigung
mit denen des Zieles."
385,15,7,"El usuario emplea su poder mental para
intercambiar los cambios en Defensa y
Defensa Especial con el objetivo."
385,15,8,"Chi la usa sfrutta la sua forza psichica
per scambiare le modifiche a Difesa e
Difesa Speciale con il bersaglio."
385,15,9,"The user employs its psychic power to
switch changes to its Defense and
Sp. Def stats with the target."
385,15,11,"超能力で 自分と 相手の
防御と 特防の
能力変化を 入れ替える。"
386,8,9,"This attack’s power
increases the more
the foe has powered
up with stat changes.
386,9,9,"This attack’s power
increases the more
the foe has powered
up with stat changes.
386,10,9,"This attack’s power
increases the more
the foe has powered
up with stat changes.
386,11,5,"Plus l’ennemi a utilisé des augmentations
de stats et plus cette capacité est
386,11,9,"This attack’s power increases
the more the target has powered
up with stat changes."
386,14,9,"This attack’s power increases
the more the target has powered
up with stat changes."
386,15,1,"のうりょく へんかで
あいてが パワーアップ しているほど
わざの いりょくが あがる。"
386,15,3,"능력 변화로
상대가 파워업한 만큼
기술의 위력이 올라간다."
386,15,5,"Plus l’ennemi a utilisé d’augmentations de stats
et plus cette capacité est puissante."
386,15,6,"Je stärker das Ziel durch Statusveränderungen ist,
desto stärker wirkt diese Attacke."
386,15,7,"La fuerza del ataque aumenta cuanto más se ha
fortalecido el objetivo con cambios de
386,15,8,"Questa mossa diventa più potente ogni volta che
il bersaglio aumenta le proprie statistiche."
386,15,9,"The more the target has powered
up with stat changes, the greater
the move’s power."
相手が パワーアップ しているほど
技の 威力が あがる。"
387,8,9,"This move can be used
only after the user
has used all the
other moves it knows
in the battle."
387,9,9,"This move can be used
only after the user
has used all the
other moves it knows
in the battle."
387,10,9,"This move can be used
only after the user
has used all the
other moves it knows
in the battle."
387,11,5,"Cette capacité ne peut être utilisée
qu’après que le lanceur a utilisé
toutes les autres."
387,11,9,"This move can be used only after the user
has used all the other moves it knows
in the battle."
387,14,9,"This move can be used only after the user
has used all the other moves it knows
in the battle."
387,15,1,"せんとうちゅうに おぼえている わざを
すべて つかうと はじめて だせる
とっておきの わざ。"
387,15,3,"배틀 중에 기억하고 있는 기술을
모두 사용하면 그때부터 쓸 수 있는
387,15,5,"Cette capacité ne peut être utilisée qu’après que
le lanceur a utilisé toutes les autres."
387,15,6,"Diese Attacke kann nur eingesetzt werden,
nachdem alle verfügbaren Attacken ausgeführt
worden sind."
387,15,7,"Este movimiento solo puede utilizarse tras haber
usado al menos una vez todos los demás
conocidos por el Pokémon."
387,15,8,"Per usare questa mossa, bisogna prima avvalersi
in lotta di tutte le altre mosse conosciute."
387,15,9,"This move can be used only after the user
has used all the other moves it knows
in the battle."
387,15,11,"戦闘中に おぼえている 技を
すべて 使うと はじめて だせる
とっておきの 技。"
388,8,9,"A seed that causes
worry is planted on
the foe. It prevents
sleep by making its
ability Insomnia."
388,9,9,"A seed that causes
worry is planted on
the foe. It prevents
sleep by making its
ability Insomnia."
388,10,9,"A seed that causes
worry is planted on
the foe. It prevents
sleep by making its
ability Insomnia."
388,11,5,"Plante sur la cible une graine qui la rend
soucieuse et remplace sa capacité spéciale
par Insomnia, l’empêchant ainsi de dormir."
388,11,9,"A seed that causes worry is planted on
the target. It prevents sleep by making
its Ability Insomnia."
388,14,9,"A seed that causes worry is planted on
the target. It prevents sleep by making
its Ability Insomnia."
388,15,1,"こころを なやませる タネを
うえつける。あいてを ねむれなく して
とくせいを ふみんに する。"
388,15,3,"마음을 괴롭히는 씨앗을
심는다. 상대를 잠잘 수 없게 해서
특성을 불면으로 만든다."
388,15,5,"Plante sur la cible une graine qui la rend soucieuse
et remplace son talent par Insomnia, l’empêchant
ainsi de dormir."
388,15,6,"Ziel wird bepflanzt. Wandelt Fähigkeit
in Insomnia um. Verhindert so Schlaf."
388,15,7,"Se planta una semilla en el objetivo que le causa
pesar. Evita el sueño gracias a la habilidad
388,15,8,"Un seme che causa ansia viene piantato
sul bersaglio. Ne muta l’abilità in Insonnia
e ne previene o rimuove il sonno."
388,15,9,"A seed that causes worry is planted on
the target. It prevents sleep by making
the target’s Ability Insomnia."
388,15,11,"心を なやませる タネを
植えつける。相手を 眠れなくして
特性を ふみんに する。"
389,8,9,"This move enables the
user to attack first.
It fails if the foe is
not readying an
attack, however."
389,9,9,"This move enables the
user to attack first.
It fails if the foe is
not readying an
attack, however."
389,10,9,"This move enables the
user to attack first.
It fails if the foe is
not readying an
attack, however."
389,11,5,"Permet au lanceur de frapper en premier.
Échoue si l’ennemi ne prépare pas
une attaque."
389,11,9,"This move enables the user to attack
first. It fails if the target is not
readying an attack, however."
389,14,9,"This move enables the user to attack
first. It fails if the target is not
readying an attack, however."
389,15,1,"あいてより さきに こうげき できる。
あいてが だすわざが
こうげきわざ でないと しっぱい する。"
389,15,3,"상대보다 먼저 공격할 수 있다.
상대가 쓴 기술이
공격기술이 아니면 실패한다."
389,15,5,"Permet au lanceur de frapper en premier.
Échoue si l’ennemi ne prépare pas une attaque."
389,15,6,"Ermöglicht den Erstschlag. Gelingt aber nur,
wenn das Ziel gerade eine Attacke vorbereitet."
389,15,7,"Permite atacar primero. Falla si el objetivo no está
preparando ningún ataque."
389,15,8,"Chi la usa può attaccare per primo. Fallisce
se il bersaglio non sta preparando un attacco."
389,15,9,"This move enables the user to attack
first. This move fails if the target is not
readying an attack."
389,15,11,"相手より 先に 攻撃 できる。
相手が だす技が
攻撃技でないと 失敗する。"
390,8,9,"The user lays a trap
of poison spikes at
the foe’s feet. They
poison foes that
switch into battle."
390,9,9,"The user lays a trap
of poison spikes at
the foe’s feet. They
poison foes that
switch into battle."
390,10,9,"The user lays a trap
of poison spikes at
the foe’s feet. They
poison foes that
switch into battle."
390,11,5,"Lance des pics autour de l’ennemi. Ils
empoisonnent les ennemis qui entrent
au combat."
390,11,9,"The user lays a trap of poison spikes at
the opponent’s feet. They poison
opponents that switch into battle."
390,14,9,"The user lays a trap of poison spikes at
the opponent’s feet. They poison
opponents that switch into battle."
390,15,1,"あいての あしもとに どくびしを
しかける。こうたいで でてきた あいての
ポケモンに どくを おわせる。"
390,15,3,"상대의 발밑에 독압정을
뿌린다. 교체로 나온 상대
포켓몬에 독을 덮어씌운다."
390,15,5,"Lance des pics autour de l’ennemi.
Ils empoisonnent les ennemis qui entrent au
390,15,6,"Anwender legt eine Falle mit Giftdornen aus.
In den Kampf eingewechselte gegnerische
Pokémon werden vergiftet."
390,15,7,"Lanza una trampa de púas tóxicas a los pies del
objetivo. El veneno afecta a los Pokémon que
entran en combate."
390,15,8,"Chi la usa piazza una trappola di punte che
avvelenano i nemici che scendono in campo."
390,15,9,"The user lays a trap of poison spikes at the
opposing team’s feet. They poison
opposing Pokémon that switch into battle."
390,15,11,"相手の 足下に どくびしを
しかける。交代で でてきた 相手の
ポケモンに 毒を おわせる。"
391,8,9,"The user employs its
psychic power to
switch stat changes
with the foe.
391,9,9,"The user employs its
psychic power to
switch stat changes
with the foe.
391,10,9,"The user employs its
psychic power to
switch stat changes
with the foe.
391,11,5,"Le lanceur utilise un pouvoir psychique
pour échanger ses changements de
stats avec la cible."
391,11,9,"The user employs its psychic power to
switch stat changes with the target."
391,14,9,"The user employs its psychic power to
switch stat changes with the target."
じぶんと あいてに かかっている
のうりょく へんかを いれかえる。"
자신과 상대에 걸려있는
능력 변화를 교체한다."
391,15,5,"Le lanceur utilise un pouvoir psychique pour
échanger ses changements de stats avec la cible."
391,15,6,"Anwender setzt Psycho-Kräfte ein,
um Statusveränderungen des Zieles
mit den eigenen zu tauschen."
391,15,7,"Usa la fuerza mental para intercambiar con el
objetivo los cambios en las características."
391,15,8,"Chi la usa sfrutta la sua forza psichica per
scambiare le modifiche alle statistiche con
il bersaglio."
391,15,9,"The user employs its psychic power to
switch stat changes with the target."
自分と 相手に かかっている
能力変化を 入れ替える。"
392,8,9,"The user envelops
itself in a veil made
of water. It regains
some HP on every
392,9,9,"The user envelops
itself in a veil made
of water. It regains
some HP on every
392,10,9,"The user envelops
itself in a veil made
of water. It regains
some HP on every
392,11,5,"Un voile liquide enveloppe le lanceur.
Il récupère des PV à chaque tour."
392,11,9,"The user envelops itself in a veil made
of water. It regains some HP on
every turn."
392,14,9,"The user envelops itself in a veil made
of water. It regains some HP on
every turn."
392,15,1,"じぶんの からだの まわりを
みずで つくった ベールで おおう。
まいターン HPを かいふく する。"
392,15,3,"자신의 몸 주변을
물로 만든 베일로 덮는다.
매 턴 HP를 회복한다."
392,15,5,"Un voile liquide enveloppe le lanceur.
Il récupère des PV à chaque tour."
392,15,6,"Anwender umgibt sich mit einem Schleier aus
Wasser. Dabei regeneriert er einige KP pro Runde."
392,15,7,"Un manto de agua cubre al Pokémon que lo usa.
Recupera algunos PS en cada turno."
392,15,8,"Chi la usa si avvolge in un velo d’acqua. Recupera
alcuni PS a ogni turno."
392,15,9,"The user envelops itself in a veil made
of water. It regains some HP every turn."
392,15,11,"自分の 体の 周りを
水で つくった ベールで おおう。
毎ターン HPを 回復する。"
393,8,9,"The user levitates
using electrically
generated magnetism
for five turns.
393,9,9,"The user levitates
using electrically
generated magnetism
for five turns.
393,10,9,"The user levitates
using electrically
generated magnetism
for five turns.
393,11,5,"Le lanceur utilise l’électricité pour
générer un champ magnétique
et léviter durant 5 tours."
393,11,9,"The user levitates using electrically
generated magnetism for five turns."
393,14,9,"The user levitates using electrically
generated magnetism for five turns."
393,15,1,"でんきで つくった じりょくの ちからで
ちゅうに うかぶ。
5ターンの あいだ ふゆう できる。"
393,15,3,"전기로 만든 자력의 힘으로
허공에 뜬다.
5턴 동안 부유할 수 있다."
393,15,5,"Le lanceur utilise l’électricité pour générer un
champ magnétique et léviter durant cinq tours."
393,15,6,"Anwender schwebt für fünf Runden
durch elektrisch erzeugten Magnetismus."
393,15,7,"Levita gracias a un campo magnético generado por
electricidad durante cinco turnos."
393,15,8,"Chi la usa si solleva in aria per cinque turni
grazie a un campo elettromagnetico."
393,15,9,"The user levitates using electrically
generated magnetism for five turns."
393,15,11,"電気で つくった 磁力の 力で
宙に 浮かぶ。
5ターンの あいだ 浮遊できる。"
394,8,9,"The user cloaks
itself in fire and
charges at the foe.
The user sustains
serious damage, too."
394,9,9,"The user cloaks
itself in fire and
charges at the foe.
The user sustains
serious damage, too."
394,10,9,"The user cloaks
itself in fire and
charges at the foe.
The user sustains
serious damage, too."
394,11,5,"Le lanceur s’embrase avant de charger
l’ennemi. Le choc blesse aussi gravement
le lanceur. Peut brûler l’ennemi."
394,11,9,"The user cloaks itself in fire and charges
at the target. The user sustains serious
damage and may leave the target burned."
394,14,9,"The user cloaks itself in fire and charges
at the target. The user sustains serious
damage and may leave the target burned."
394,15,1,"ほのおを まとって とっしんする。
じぶんも かなり ダメージを うける。
やけど じょうたいに することが ある。"
394,15,3,"불꽃을 두르고 돌진한다.
자신도 상당한 데미지를 입는다.
화상 상태로 만들 때가 있다."
394,15,5,"Le lanceur s’embrase avant de charger l’ennemi.
Le choc blesse aussi gravement le lanceur.
Peut brûler l’ennemi."
394,15,6,"Anwender hüllt sich in Flammen und stürmt
auf das Ziel zu, das sich eventuell verbrennt.
Anwender nimmt selbst großen Schaden."
394,15,7,"El Pokémon se cubre de llamas y carga contra el
objetivo, aunque él también recibe daños. Puede
394,15,8,"Chi la usa si ricopre di fuoco e carica il bersaglio,
ma subisce il contraccolpo. Può anche scottare
il Pokémon colpito."
394,15,9,"The user cloaks itself in fire and charges the target.
This also damages the user quite a lot.
This may leave the target with a burn."
394,15,11,"炎を まとって 突進する。
自分も かなり ダメージを 受ける。
やけど状態に することが ある。"
395,8,9,"The foe is attacked
with a shock wave.
It may also leave the
target paralyzed.
395,9,9,"The foe is attacked
with a shock wave.
It may also leave the
target paralyzed.
395,10,9,"The foe is attacked
with a shock wave.
It may also leave the
target paralyzed.
395,11,5,"Une onde de choc frappe l’ennemi.
Peut aussi paralyser la cible."
395,11,9,"The target is attacked with a shock wave.
It may also leave the target
with paralysis."
395,14,9,"The target is attacked with a shock wave.
It may also leave the target
with paralysis."
395,15,1,"あいての からだに
しょうげきはを あてて こうげきする。
まひ じょうたいに することが ある。"
395,15,3,"상대의 몸에
충격파를 부딪쳐 공격한다.
마비 상태로 만들 때가 있다."
395,15,5,"Une onde de choc frappe l’ennemi.
Peut aussi paralyser la cible."
395,15,6,"Das Ziel wird mit einer Schockwelle angegriffen,
die es eventuell paralysiert."
395,15,7,"Ataca al objetivo con una onda de choque y
puede llegar a paralizarlo."
395,15,8,"Chi la usa attacca con un’onda d’urto che
può anche paralizzare il bersaglio."
395,15,9,"The target is attacked with a shock wave.
This may also leave the target
with paralysis."
395,15,11,"相手の 体に
衝撃波を 当てて 攻撃する。
まひ状態に することが ある。"
396,8,9,"The user looses a
blast of aura power
from deep within its
body. This move is
certain to hit."
396,9,9,"The user looses a
blast of aura power
from deep within its
body. This move is
certain to hit."
396,10,9,"The user looses a
blast of aura power
from deep within its
body. This move is
certain to hit."
396,11,5,"Le lanceur dégage une aura et projette
de l’énergie. N’échoue jamais."
396,11,9,"The user looses a blast of aura power
from deep within its body at the target.
This move is certain to hit."
396,14,9,"The user looses a blast of aura power
from deep within its body at the target.
This move is certain to hit."
396,15,1,"からだの おくから はどうの ちからを
あいてに うちはなつ。
こうげきは かならず めいちゅう する。"
396,15,3,"몸속에서 파동의 힘을
끌어내 쏜다.
공격은 반드시 명중한다."
396,15,5,"Le lanceur dégage une aura et projette de
l’énergie. N’échoue jamais."
396,15,6,"Tief aus dem Inneren des Anwenders
löst sich ein kraftvoller Stoß Auraenergie.
Trifft in jedem Fall."
396,15,7,"Libera una descarga de la fuerza del aura desde
su interior. Es infalible."
396,15,8,"Chi la usa rilascia una forza eterea dal profondo
del corpo. La mossa è infallibile."
396,15,9,"The user lets loose a blast of aura power
from deep within its body at the target.
This attack never misses."
396,15,11,"体の 奥から 波導の 力を
相手に うち放つ。
攻撃は 必ず 命中する。"
397,8,9,"The user polishes its
body to reduce drag.
It can sharply raise
the Speed stat.
397,9,9,"The user polishes its
body to reduce drag.
It can sharply raise
the Speed stat.
397,10,9,"The user polishes its
body to reduce drag.
It can sharply raise
the Speed stat.
397,11,5,"Le lanceur polit son corps pour
diminuer sa résistance au vent.
Augmente fortement la Vitesse."
397,11,9,"The user polishes its body to reduce drag.
It can sharply raise the Speed stat."
397,14,9,"The user polishes its body to reduce drag.
It can sharply raise the Speed stat."
397,15,1,"じぶんの からだを みがいて くうきの
ていこうを すくなくする。すばやさを
ぐーんと あげることが できる。"
397,15,3,"자신의 몸을 갈아 공기의
저항을 적게 한다. 스피드를
크게 올릴 수 있다."
397,15,5,"Le lanceur polit son corps pour diminuer sa
résistance au vent. Augmente fortement la Vitesse."
397,15,6,"Anwender reduziert so gut wie möglich den
Luftwiderstand. Kann Initiative-Wert stark steigern."
397,15,7,"Reduce la resistencia puliendo su cuerpo. Aumenta
la Velocidad considerablemente."
397,15,8,"Chi la usa leviga il proprio corpo per ridurne
l’attrito. Aumenta di molto la Velocità."
397,15,9,"The user polishes its body to reduce drag.
This can sharply raise the Speed stat."
397,15,11,"自分の 体を 磨いて 空気の
抵抗を 少なくする。素早さを
ぐーんと あげることが できる。"
398,8,9,"The foe is stabbed
with a tentacle or
arm steeped in
poison. It may also
poison the foe."
398,9,9,"The foe is stabbed
with a tentacle or
arm steeped in
poison. It may also
poison the foe."
398,10,9,"The foe is stabbed
with a tentacle or
arm steeped in
poison. It may also
poison the foe."
398,11,5,"Attaque l’ennemi avec un tentacule ou
un bras plein de poison. Peut aussi
398,11,9,"The target is stabbed with a tentacle or
arm steeped in poison. It may also
poison the target."
398,14,9,"The target is stabbed with a tentacle or
arm steeped in poison. It may also
poison the target."
398,15,1,"どくに そまった しょくしゅや うでで
あいてを つきさす。
どく じょうたいに することが ある。"
398,15,3,"독에 물든 촉수나 팔로
상대를 꿰찌른다.
독 상태로 만들 때가 있다."
398,15,5,"Attaque l’ennemi avec un tentacule ou un bras
plein de poison. Peut aussi l’empoisonner."
398,15,6,"Ziel wird mit vergiftetem Arm oder Tentakel
verletzt. Es wird dabei eventuell vergiftet."
398,15,7,"Pincha al objetivo con un tentáculo o brazo
envenenado. Puede llegar a envenenar al objetivo."
398,15,8,"Il bersaglio è colpito da un tentacolo o da un arto
intriso di una sostanza tossica che può anche
398,15,9,"The target is stabbed with a tentacle or
arm steeped in poison. This may also
poison the target."
398,15,11,"毒に そまった 触手や 腕で
相手を 突き刺す。
毒状態に することが ある。"
399,8,9,"The user releases a
horrible aura imbued
with dark thoughts.
It may also make the
target flinch."
399,9,9,"The user releases a
horrible aura imbued
with dark thoughts.
It may also make the
target flinch."
399,10,9,"The user releases a
horrible aura imbued
with dark thoughts.
It may also make the
target flinch."
399,11,5,"Le lanceur dégage une horrible
aura chargée d’idées noires.
Peut aussi apeurer l’ennemi."
399,11,9,"The user releases a horrible aura imbued
with dark thoughts.
It may also make the target flinch."
399,14,9,"The user releases a horrible aura imbued
with dark thoughts.
It may also make the target flinch."
399,15,1,"からだから あくいに
みちた おそろしい オーラを はっする。
あいてを ひるませる ことが ある。"
399,15,3,"몸에서 악의로 가득한
무서운 오라를 발한다.
상대를 풀죽게 만들 때가 있다."
399,15,5,"Le lanceur dégage une horrible aura chargée
d’idées noires. Peut aussi apeurer l’ennemi."
399,15,6,"Anwender greift mit fürchterlicher Aura
schlechter Gedanken an.
Ziel schreckt eventuell zurück."
399,15,7,"Libera una horrible aura llena de malos
pensamientos y puede hacer retroceder al objetivo."
399,15,8,"Chi la usa emana un’aura impregnata di oscuri
pensieri. Può anche far tentennare il Pokémon
399,15,9,"The user releases a horrible aura imbued
with dark thoughts.
This may also make the target flinch."
399,15,11,"体から 悪意に みちた
恐ろしい オーラを 発する。
相手を ひるませることが ある。"
400,8,9,"The user slashes the
foe the instant an
opportunity arises.
It has a high
critical-hit ratio."
400,9,9,"The user slashes the
foe the instant an
opportunity arises.
It has a high
critical-hit ratio."
400,10,9,"The user slashes the
foe the instant an
opportunity arises.
It has a high
critical-hit ratio."
400,11,5,"Le lanceur lacère l’ennemi à la
première occasion. Taux de
critiques élevé."
400,11,9,"The user slashes the target
the instant an opportunity arises.
Critical hits land more easily."
400,14,9,"The user slashes the target
the instant an opportunity arises.
Critical hits land more easily."
400,15,1,"いっしゅんの すきを ついて
あいてを きりはらう。
きゅうしょに あたりやすい。"
400,15,3,"순간적으로 틈을 노려
상대를 베어 버린다.
급소에 맞기 쉽다."
400,15,5,"Le lanceur lacère l’ennemi à la première occasion.
Taux de critiques élevé."
400,15,6,"Anwender greift bei der ersten Gelegenheit mit
scharfen Klauen an. Hohe Volltrefferquote."
400,15,7,"Ataca al objetivo a la primera oportunidad. Suele
ser crítico."
400,15,8,"Chi la usa colpisce il bersaglio appena si presenta
l’occasione. Probabile brutto colpo."
400,15,9,"The user slashes the target
the instant an opportunity arises.
Critical hits land more easily."
400,15,11,"一瞬の すきを ついて
相手を 切りはらう。
急所に 当たりやすい。"
401,8,9,"The user attacks by
swinging its tail as if
it were a vicious wave
in a raging storm.
401,9,9,"The user attacks by
swinging its tail as if
it were a vicious wave
in a raging storm.
401,10,9,"The user attacks by
swinging its tail as if
it were a vicious wave
in a raging storm.
401,11,5,"Le lanceur attaque en balançant sa
queue comme une lame de fond en
pleine tempête."
401,11,9,"The user attacks by swinging its tail as if
it were a vicious wave in a raging storm."
401,14,9,"The user attacks by swinging its tail as if
it were a vicious wave in a raging storm."
401,15,1,"はげしく あれくるう あらなみの ように
おおきな しっぽを ふって
あいてを こうげきする。"
401,15,3,"세차게 날뛰는 거친 파도와 같이
큰 꼬리를 흔들어서
상대를 공격한다."
401,15,5,"Le lanceur attaque en balançant sa queue comme
une lame de fond en pleine tempête."
401,15,6,"Anwender attackiert mit dem Schweif, als ob dieser
eine brutale Welle in einem tosenden Sturm sei."
401,15,7,"Ataca agitando la cola como si fuera una ola
rabiosa en una tormenta devastadora."
401,15,8,"Chi la usa attacca agitando la coda come se fosse
una violenta ondata in una tempesta furiosa."
401,15,9,"The user attacks by swinging its tail as if
it were a vicious wave in a raging storm."
401,15,11,"激しく あれくるう 荒波の ように
大きな しっぽを ふって
相手を 攻撃する。"
402,8,9,"The user slams a
barrage of hard-
shelled seeds
down on the foe
from above."
402,9,9,"The user slams a
barrage of hard-
shelled seeds
down on the foe
from above."
402,10,9,"The user slams a
barrage of hard-
shelled seeds
down on the foe
from above."
402,11,5,"Le lanceur fait pleuvoir un déluge
de graines solides sur l’ennemi."
402,11,9,"The user slams a barrage of hard-shelled
seeds down on the target from above."
402,14,9,"The user slams a barrage of hard-shelled
seeds down on the target from above."
402,15,1,"かたい からを もつ おおきな タネを
うえから たたきつけて
あいてを こうげきする。"
402,15,3,"단단한 껍질을 가지고 있는
큰 씨앗을 힘껏 내던져
상대를 공격한다."
402,15,5,"Le lanceur fait pleuvoir un déluge de graines
explosives sur l’ennemi."
402,15,6,"Anwender lässt eine Menge Samen mit
harter Schale von oben auf das Ziel fallen."
402,15,7,"Lanza al objetivo una descarga de semillas
explosivas desde arriba."
402,15,8,"Chi la usa emette una raffica di semi dal guscio
duro che colpiscono il bersaglio dall’alto."
402,15,9,"The user slams a barrage of hard-shelled
seeds down on the target from above."
402,15,11,"硬い 殻を もつ 大きな タネを
上から たたきつけて
相手を 攻撃する。"
403,8,9,"The user attacks with
a blade of air that
slices even the sky.
It may also make the
target flinch."
403,9,9,"The user attacks with
a blade of air that
slices even the sky.
It may also make the
target flinch."
403,10,9,"The user attacks with
a blade of air that
slices even the sky.
It may also make the
target flinch."
403,11,5,"Le lanceur attaque avec une lame d’air
qui fend tout. Peut aussi apeurer l’ennemi."
403,11,9,"The user attacks with a blade of air that
slices even the sky. It may also make the
target flinch."
403,14,9,"The user attacks with a blade of air that
slices even the sky. It may also make the
target flinch."
403,15,1,"そらをも きりさく
くうきの やいばで こうげきする。
あいてを ひるませる ことが ある。"
403,15,3,"하늘까지 베어 가르는
공기의 칼날로 공격한다.
상대를 풀죽게 만들 때가 있다."
403,15,5,"Le lanceur attaque avec une lame d’air qui fend
tout. Peut aussi apeurer l’ennemi."
403,15,6,"Das Ziel wird mit einer Luftklinge angegriffen.
Ziel schreckt eventuell zurück."
403,15,7,"Ataca con una hoja de aire que incluso corta el
cielo. También puede hacer retroceder al objetivo."
403,15,8,"Chi la usa attacca con un vento tagliente
che squarcia il cielo. Può anche far tentennare
il Pokémon colpito."
403,15,9,"The user attacks with a blade of air that
slices even the sky. This may also make the
target flinch."
403,15,11,"空をも 切り裂く
空気の 刃で 攻撃する。
相手を ひるませることが ある。"
404,8,9,"The user slashes at
the foe by crossing
its scythes or claws
as if they were a pair
of scissors."
404,9,9,"The user slashes at
the foe by crossing
its scythes or claws
as if they were a pair
of scissors."
404,10,9,"The user slashes at
the foe by crossing
its scythes or claws
as if they were a pair
of scissors."
404,11,5,"Le lanceur taillade l’ennemi en
utilisant ses faux ou ses griffes
comme une paire de ciseaux."
404,11,9,"The user slashes at the target by
crossing its scythes or claws as if
they were a pair of scissors."
404,14,9,"The user slashes at the target by
crossing its scythes or claws as if
they were a pair of scissors."
404,15,1,"カマや ツメを ハサミのように
こうさ させながら あいてを きりさく。
404,15,3,"낫이나 발톱을 가위처럼
교차시키면서 상대를 베어 가른다."
404,15,5,"Le lanceur taillade l’ennemi en utilisant ses faux ou
ses griffes comme une paire de ciseaux."
404,15,6,"Der Anwender führt eine Attacke aus,
die einer Scherenbewegung ähnelt."
404,15,7,"Cruza las guadañas o las garras para atacar al
objetivo como si fueran unas tijeras."
404,15,8,"Chi la usa colpisce il bersaglio usando le sue falci
o i suoi artigli come se fossero delle forbici."
404,15,9,"The user slashes at the target by
crossing its scythes or claws as if
they were a pair of scissors."
404,15,11,"カマや ツメを ハサミのように
交差させながら 相手を 切り裂く。
405,8,9,"The user vibrates its
wings to generate a
damaging sound wave.
It may also lower the
foe’s Sp. Def stat."
405,9,9,"The user vibrates its
wings to generate a
damaging sound wave.
It may also lower the
foe’s Sp. Def stat."
405,10,9,"The user vibrates its
wings to generate a
damaging sound wave.
It may also lower the
foe’s Sp. Def stat."
405,11,5,"Le lanceur fait vibrer ses ailes pour
lancer une vague sonique. Peut aussi
baisser la Défense Spéciale de l’ennemi."
405,11,9,"The user vibrates its wings to generate a
damaging sound wave. It may also lower
the target’s Sp. Def stat."
405,14,9,"The user vibrates its wings to generate a
damaging sound wave. It may also lower
the target’s Sp. Def stat."
405,15,1,"はねの しんどうで おんぱを おこして
こうげきする。あいての とくぼうを
さげることが ある。"
405,15,3,"날개의 진동으로 음파를 일으켜서
공격한다. 상대의 특수방어를
떨어뜨릴 때가 있다."
405,15,5,"Le lanceur fait vibrer ses ailes pour lancer une
vague sonique. Peut aussi baisser la Défense
Spéciale de l’ennemi."
405,15,6,"Anwender schlägt mit den Flügeln und
erzeugt eine Schockwelle. Senkt eventuell
Spezial-Verteidigung des Zieles."
405,15,7,"El movimiento de las alas crea una onda sónica
dañina. También puede disminuir la Defensa
Especial del objetivo."
405,15,8,"Chi la usa fa vibrare le ali creando un’onda sonora
pericolosa. Può anche ridurre la Difesa Speciale
del bersaglio."
405,15,9,"The user vibrates its wings to generate a
damaging sound wave. This may also lower
the target’s Sp. Def stat."
405,15,11,"はねの 振動で 音波を おこして
攻撃する。相手の 特防を
さげることが ある。"
406,8,9,"The foe is attacked
with a shock wave
generated by the
user’s gaping mouth.
406,9,9,"The foe is attacked
with a shock wave
generated by the
user’s gaping mouth.
406,10,9,"The foe is attacked
with a shock wave
generated by the
user’s gaping mouth.
406,11,5,"Le lanceur ouvre la bouche pour envoyer
une onde de choc qui frappe l’ennemi."
406,11,9,"The target is attacked with a shock wave
generated by the user’s gaping mouth."
406,14,9,"The target is attacked with a shock wave
generated by the user’s gaping mouth."
406,15,1,"おおきな くちから しょうげきはを
まきおこして あいてを こうげきする。
406,15,3,"큰 입으로 충격파를
일으켜서 상대를 공격한다."
406,15,5,"Le lanceur ouvre la bouche pour envoyer une onde
de choc qui frappe l’ennemi."
406,15,6,"Das Ziel wird mit einer Schockwelle angegriffen,
die aus dem offenen Maul des Anwenders kommt."
406,15,7,"Abre mucho la boca y libera una onda de choque
que ataca al objetivo."
406,15,8,"Chi la usa spalanca la bocca e genera un’onda
d’urto che colpisce il bersaglio."
406,15,9,"The target is attacked with a shock wave
generated by the user’s gaping mouth."
406,15,11,"大きな 口から 衝撃波を
まきおこして 相手を 攻撃する。
407,8,9,"The user tackles the
foe while exhibiting
overwhelming menace.
It may also make the
target flinch."
407,9,9,"The user tackles the
foe while exhibiting
overwhelming menace.
It may also make the
target flinch."
407,10,9,"The user tackles the
foe while exhibiting
overwhelming menace.
It may also make the
target flinch."
407,11,5,"Le lanceur frappe l’ennemi d’un air
menaçant. Peut aussi apeurer l’ennemi."
407,11,9,"The user tackles the target while
exhibiting overwhelming menace.
It may also make the target flinch."
407,14,9,"The user tackles the target while
exhibiting overwhelming menace.
It may also make the target flinch."
407,15,1,"すさまじい さっきで いあつ しながら
あいてを ひるませる ことが ある。"
407,15,3,"굉장한 살기로 위압하면서
상대를 풀죽게 만들 때가 있다."
407,15,5,"Le lanceur frappe l’ennemi en prenant un air
menaçant. Peut aussi l’apeurer."
407,15,6,"Anwender führt einen gefährlichen Angriff aus.
Das Ziel schreckt eventuell zurück."
407,15,7,"Ataca de forma brutal mientras intimida al objetivo.
También puede hacerlo retroceder."
407,15,8,"Chi la usa attacca con fare minaccioso e in questo
modo può anche far tentennare il bersaglio."
407,15,9,"The user tackles the target while
exhibiting overwhelming menace.
This may also make the target flinch."
407,15,11,"すさまじい 殺気で 威圧しながら
相手を ひるませることが ある。"
408,8,9,"The user attacks with
a ray of light that
sparkles as if it were
made of gemstones.
408,9,9,"The user attacks with
a ray of light that
sparkles as if it were
made of gemstones.
408,10,9,"The user attacks with
a ray of light that
sparkles as if it were
made of gemstones.
408,11,5,"Le lanceur attaque avec un rayon de
lumière qui scintille comme s’il était
composé de gemmes."
408,11,9,"The user attacks with a ray of light that
sparkles as if it were made of gemstones."
408,14,9,"The user attacks with a ray of light that
sparkles as if it were made of gemstones."
408,15,1,"ほうせきの ように きらめく ひかりを
はっしゃして あいてを こうげきする。
408,15,3,"보석처럼 반짝이는 빛을
발사하여 상대를 공격한다."
408,15,5,"Le lanceur attaque avec un rayon de lumière qui
scintille comme s’il était composé de gemmes."
408,15,6,"Anwender attackiert mit einem Lichtstrahl,
der funkelt, als sei er aus Juwelen."
408,15,7,"Ataca con un rayo de luz que centellea como si lo
formaran miles de joyas."
408,15,8,"Chi la usa attacca con un raggio di luce che brilla
come se fosse fatto di pietre preziose."
408,15,9,"The user attacks with a ray of light that
sparkles as if it were made of gemstones."
408,15,11,"宝石のように きらめく 光を
発射して 相手を 攻撃する。
409,8,9,"An energy-draining
punch. The user’s
HP is restored by
half the damage taken
by the target."
409,9,9,"An energy-draining
punch. The user’s
HP is restored by
half the damage taken
by the target."
409,10,9,"An energy-draining
punch. The user’s
HP is restored by
half the damage taken
by the target."
409,11,5,"Un coup de poing qui draine l’énergie.
Convertit la moitié des dégâts infligés
en PV pour le lanceur."
409,11,9,"An energy-draining punch. The user’s
HP is restored by half the damage taken
by the target."
409,14,9,"An energy-draining punch. The user’s
HP is restored by half the damage taken
by the target."
409,15,1,"こぶしから あいての ちからを
すいとる。あたえた ダメージの
はんぶんの HPを かいふく できる。"
409,15,3,"주먹으로 상대의 힘을 흡수한다.
입힌 데미지의 절반에
해당하는 HP를 회복할 수 있다."
409,15,5,"Un coup de poing qui draine l’énergie.
Convertit la moitié des dégâts infligés en PV pour
le lanceur."
409,15,6,"Entzieht dem Ziel Energie. Die Hälfte des
Schadens wird den KP des Anwenders
409,15,7,"Un golpe que drena energía. El Pokémon recupera
la mitad de los PS arrebatados al objetivo."
409,15,8,"Pugno che assorbe energia. Fa recuperare una
quantità di PS pari alla metà del danno inferto."
409,15,9,"An energy-draining punch. The user’s
HP is restored by half the damage taken
by the target."
409,15,11,"こぶしから 相手の 力を 吸い取る。
与えた ダメージの
半分の HPを 回復できる。"
410,8,9,"The user whirls its
fists to send a wave
of pure vacuum at
the foe. This move
always goes first."
410,9,9,"The user whirls its
fists to send a wave
of pure vacuum at
the foe. This move
always goes first."
410,10,9,"The user whirls its
fists to send a wave
of pure vacuum at
the foe. This move
always goes first."
410,11,5,"Le lanceur agite son poing pour projeter
une onde de vide. Frappe toujours en
410,11,9,"The user whirls its fists to send a wave
of pure vacuum at the target. This move
always goes first."
410,14,9,"The user whirls its fists to send a wave
of pure vacuum at the target. This move
always goes first."
410,15,1,"こぶしを ふって
しんくうの なみを まきおこす。
かならず せんせい こうげき できる。"
410,15,3,"주먹을 흔들어
진공의 파도를 일으킨다.
반드시 선제공격을 할 수 있다."
410,15,5,"Le lanceur agite son poing pour projeter une onde
de vide. Frappe toujours en premier."
410,15,6,"Ein Faustwirbel sendet eine Vakuumwelle
auf das Ziel. Erstschlaggarantie."
410,15,7,"Gira los puños y libera una onda de vacío contra
el objetivo. Este movimiento siempre va primero."
410,15,8,"Chi la usa rotea i pugni per lanciare un’onda di
vuoto assoluto verso il bersaglio e attacca
per primo."
410,15,9,"The user whirls its fists to send a wave
of pure vacuum at the target.
This move always goes first."
410,15,11,"こぶしを ふって
真空の 波を まきおこす。
必ず 先制攻撃できる。"
411,8,9,"The user heightens
its mental focus and
unleashes its power.
It may also lower the
target’s Sp. Def."
411,9,9,"The user heightens
its mental focus and
unleashes its power.
It may also lower the
target’s Sp. Def."
411,10,9,"The user heightens
its mental focus and
unleashes its power.
It may also lower the
target’s Sp. Def."
411,11,5,"Le lanceur rassemble ses forces et laisse
éclater son pouvoir. Peut aussi baisser la
Défense Spéciale de l’ennemi."
411,11,9,"The user heightens its mental focus and
unleashes its power.
It may also lower the target’s Sp. Def."
411,14,9,"The user heightens its mental focus and
unleashes its power.
It may also lower the target’s Sp. Def."
411,15,1,"きあいを たかめて こんしんの ちからを
ほうしゅつする。あいての とくぼうを
さげることが ある。"
411,15,3,"기합을 높여서
혼신의 힘을 방출한다. 상대의
특수방어를 떨어뜨릴 때가 있다."
411,15,5,"Le lanceur rassemble ses forces et laisse éclater
son pouvoir. Peut aussi baisser la Défense Spéciale
de l’ennemi."
411,15,6,"Anwender erhöht seinen mentalen Fokus
und greift dann an. Senkt eventuell
Spezial-Verteidigung des Zieles."
411,15,7,"Agudiza la concentración mental y libera su poder.
Puede disminuir la Defensa Especial del objetivo."
411,15,8,"Chi la usa si concentra e rilascia la sua forza.
Può ridurre la Difesa Speciale del Pokémon
411,15,9,"The user heightens its mental focus and
unleashes its power.
This may also lower the target’s Sp. Def."
411,15,11,"気合を 高めて
ありったけの 力を 放出する。
相手の 特防を さげることが ある。"
412,8,9,"The user draws power
from nature and
fires it at the foe.
It may also lower the
target’s Sp. Def."
412,9,9,"The user draws power
from nature and
fires it at the foe.
It may also lower the
target’s Sp. Def."
412,10,9,"The user draws power
from nature and
fires it at the foe.
It may also lower the
target’s Sp. Def."
412,11,5,"Utilise les pouvoirs de la nature pour
attaquer l’ennemi. Peut aussi baisser
la Défense Spéciale de l’ennemi."
412,11,9,"The user draws power from nature and
fires it at the target.
It may also lower the target’s Sp. Def."
412,14,9,"The user draws power from nature and
fires it at the target.
It may also lower the target’s Sp. Def."
412,15,1,"しぜんから あつめた
いのちの ちからを はっしゃする。
あいての とくぼうを さげることがある。"
412,15,3,"자연으로부터 모은
생명의 힘을 발사한다.
상대의 특수방어를 떨어뜨릴 때가 있다."
412,15,5,"Utilise les pouvoirs de la nature pour attaquer
l’ennemi. Peut aussi baisser sa Défense Spéciale."
412,15,6,"Anwender zieht Kraft aus der Natur
und feuert sie auf das Ziel. Senkt eventuell
Spezial-Verteidigung des Zieles."
412,15,7,"Aúna fuerzas de la naturaleza y libera su ataque.
Puede disminuir la Defensa Especial del objetivo."
412,15,8,"Chi la usa attinge energia dalla natura e la
scaglia contro il bersaglio. Può anche ridurne
la Difesa Speciale."
412,15,9,"The user draws power from nature and
fires it at the target.
This may also lower the target’s Sp. Def."
412,15,11,"自然から 集めた
命の力を 発射する。
相手の 特防を さげることがある。"
413,8,9,"The user tucks in
its wings and charges
from a low altitude.
The user also takes
serious damage."
413,9,9,"The user tucks in
its wings and charges
from a low altitude.
The user also takes
serious damage."
413,10,9,"The user tucks in
its wings and charges
from a low altitude.
The user also takes
serious damage."
413,11,5,"Le lanceur replie ses ailes et charge
en rase-mottes. Le lanceur subit aussi
de graves dégâts."
413,11,9,"The user tucks in its wings and charges
from a low altitude.
The user also takes serious damage."
413,14,9,"The user tucks in its wings and charges
from a low altitude.
The user also takes serious damage."
413,15,1,"はねを おりたたみ
ていくう ひこうで とつげきする。
じぶんも かなり ダメージを うける。"
413,15,3,"날개를 접어
저공비행으로 돌격한다.
자신도 상당한 데미지를 입는다."
413,15,5,"Le lanceur replie ses ailes et charge en
rase-mottes. Blesse gravement le lanceur."
413,15,6,"Anwender greift aus niedriger Höhe an. Er erleidet
bei dieser Attacke selbst großen Schaden."
413,15,7,"Pliega sus alas y ataca con un vuelo rasante. El
Pokémon que lo usa también resulta seriamente
413,15,8,"Chi la usa si nasconde sotto le ali e carica da
bassa quota. Tuttavia, subisce considerevoli danni."
413,15,9,"The user tucks in its wings and charges
from a low altitude.
This also damages the user quite a lot."
413,15,11,"はねを おりたたみ
低空飛行で 突撃する。
自分も かなり ダメージを 受ける。"
414,8,9,"The user makes the
ground under the foe
erupt with power.
It may also lower the
target’s Sp. Def."
414,9,9,"The user makes the
ground under the foe
erupt with power.
It may also lower the
target’s Sp. Def."
414,10,9,"The user makes the
ground under the foe
erupt with power.
It may also lower the
target’s Sp. Def."
414,11,5,"Des éruptions volcaniques ont lieu
sous l’ennemi. Peut aussi baisser
la Défense Spéciale de l’ennemi."
414,11,9,"The user makes the ground under
the target erupt with power.
It may also lower the target’s Sp. Def."
414,14,9,"The user makes the ground under
the target erupt with power.
It may also lower the target’s Sp. Def."
414,15,1,"あいての あしもとへ だいちの ちからを
ほうしゅつする。あいての とくぼうを
さげることが ある。"
414,15,3,"상대의 발밑에 대지의 힘을
방출한다. 상대의 특수방어를
떨어뜨릴 때가 있다."
414,15,5,"Des éruptions volcaniques ont lieu sous l’ennemi.
Peut aussi baisser sa Défense Spéciale."
414,15,6,"Der Boden unter dem Ziel erzittert durch die Kraft
der Erde. Senkt eventuell Spezial-Verteidigung."
414,15,7,"La tierra a los pies del objetivo erupciona
violentamente. Puede disminuir la Defensa Especial
del objetivo."
414,15,8,"Dal terreno sotto il bersaglio si sprigiona una forza
devastante. Può anche ridurne la Difesa Speciale."
414,15,9,"The user makes the ground under
the target erupt with power.
This may also lower the target’s Sp. Def."
414,15,11,"相手の 足下へ 大地の力を
放出する。相手の 特防を
さげることが ある。"
415,8,9,"The user trades held
items with the foe
faster than the eye
can follow.
415,9,9,"The user trades held
items with the foe
faster than the eye
can follow.
415,10,9,"The user trades held
items with the foe
faster than the eye
can follow.
415,11,5,"Le lanceur échange son objet avec
celui de la cible à une vitesse que
l’œil a du mal à suivre."
415,11,9,"The user trades held items with the target
faster than the eye can follow."
415,14,9,"The user trades held items with the target
faster than the eye can follow."
415,15,1,"めにも とまらぬ はやさで
じぶんと あいての
もちものを こうかんする。"
415,15,3,"눈에 보이지 않는 속도로
자신과 상대가
지닌 물건을 교환한다."
415,15,5,"Le lanceur échange son objet avec celui de la
cible à une vitesse que l’œil a du mal à suivre."
415,15,6,Item wird in Windeseile mit dem Ziel getauscht.
415,15,7,"Intercambia con el objetivo los objetos que llevan
tan rápido que es imposible verlo a simple vista."
415,15,8,"Chi la usa scambia lo strumento che ha con quello
del bersaglio a una velocità impressionante."
415,15,9,"The user trades held items with the target
faster than the eye can follow."
415,15,11,"目にも とまらぬ 速さで
自分と 相手の
持ち物を 交換する。"
416,8,9,"The user charges at
the foe using every
bit of its power.
The user must rest
on the next turn."
416,9,9,"The user charges at
the foe using every
bit of its power.
The user must rest
on the next turn."
416,10,9,"The user charges at
the foe using every
bit of its power.
The user must rest
on the next turn."
416,11,5,"Le lanceur charge l’ennemi de toute sa
puissance. Il doit ensuite se reposer
au tour suivant."
416,11,9,"The user charges at the target using
every bit of its power.
The user must rest on the next turn."
416,14,9,"The user charges at the target using
every bit of its power.
The user must rest on the next turn."
416,15,1,"もてる ちからを すべて つかって
あいてに とつげきする。
つぎの ターンは うごけなく なる。"
416,15,3,"가진 힘을 모두 사용해서
상대에게 돌격한다.
다음 턴은 움직일 수 없다."
416,15,5,"Le lanceur charge l’ennemi de toute sa puissance
et doit ensuite se reposer au tour suivant."
416,15,6,"Anwender rennt mit seiner ganzen Kraft gegen
das Ziel an und muss dann eine Runde ruhen."
416,15,7,"Carga contra el objetivo usando toda la fuerza que
tiene. El Pokémon descansa el turno siguiente."
416,15,8,"Chi la usa carica il bersaglio usando tutta la sua
forza, ma al turno successivo deve riposarsi."
416,15,9,"The user charges at the target using
every bit of its power.
The user can’t move on the next turn."
416,15,11,"持てる 力を すべて 使って
相手に 突撃する。
次の ターンは 動けなくなる。"
417,8,9,"The user stimulates
its brain by thinking
bad thoughts.
It sharply raises the
user’s Sp. Atk."
417,9,9,"The user stimulates
its brain by thinking
bad thoughts.
It sharply raises the
user’s Sp. Atk."
417,10,9,"The user stimulates
its brain by thinking
bad thoughts.
It sharply raises the
user’s Sp. Atk."
417,11,5,"Stimule l’esprit par de mauvaises pensées.
Augmente fortement l’Attaque Spéciale
du lanceur."
417,11,9,"The user stimulates its brain by thinking
bad thoughts.
It sharply raises the user’s Sp. Atk."
417,14,9,"The user stimulates its brain by thinking
bad thoughts.
It sharply raises the user’s Sp. Atk."
417,15,1,"わるいことを かんがえて
あたまを かっせいか させる。
じぶんの とくこうを ぐーんと あげる。"
417,15,3,"나쁜 일을 생각해서
머리를 활성화시킨다.
자신의 특수공격을 크게 올린다."
417,15,5,"Stimule l’esprit par de mauvaises pensées.
Augmente fortement l’Attaque Spéciale du lanceur."
417,15,6,"Anwender stimuliert sein Gehirn und hat
finstere Gedanken. Steigert Spezial-Angriff stark."
417,15,7,"Estimula su cerebro pensando en cosas malas.
Aumenta considerablemente el Ataque Especial."
417,15,8,"Chi la usa stimola il cervello pensando a cose
cattive. Aumenta di molto l’Attacco Speciale."
417,15,9,"The user stimulates its brain by thinking
bad thoughts.
This sharply raises the user’s Sp. Atk."
417,15,11,"悪いことを 考えて
頭を 活性化させる。
自分の 特攻を ぐーんと あげる。"
418,8,9,"The user strikes
with a tough punch as
fast as a bullet.
This move always goes
418,9,9,"The user strikes
with a tough punch as
fast as a bullet.
This move always goes
418,10,9,"The user strikes
with a tough punch as
fast as a bullet.
This move always goes
418,11,5,"Le lanceur envoie des coups de poing aussi
rapides que des balles de revolver. Frappe
toujours en premier."
418,11,9,"The user strikes the target
with tough punches as fast as bullets.
This move always goes first."
418,14,9,"The user strikes the target
with tough punches as fast as bullets.
This move always goes first."
418,15,1,"だんがんの ような はやくて かたい
パンチを あいてに くりだす。
かならず せんせい こうげき できる。"
418,15,3,"탄환처럼 빠르고 단단한
펀치를 상대에게 날린다.
반드시 선제공격을 할 수 있다."
418,15,5,"Le lanceur envoie des coups de poing aussi
rapides que des balles de revolver.
Frappe toujours en premier."
418,15,6,"Das Ziel wird von ultraschnellen Hieben getroffen.
418,15,7,"Ataca con fuertes puñetazos tan rápidos como
proyectiles. Este movimiento siempre va primero."
418,15,8,"Chi la usa attacca con una scarica di pugni
veloci come proiettili. Con questa mossa
si colpisce per primi."
418,15,9,"The user strikes the target
with tough punches as fast as bullets.
This move always goes first."
418,15,11,"弾丸の ような 速くて 硬い
パンチを 相手に くりだす。
必ず 先制攻撃 できる。"
419,8,9,"An attack move that
inflicts double the
damage if the user
has been hurt by the
foe in the same turn."
419,9,9,"An attack move that
inflicts double the
damage if the user
has been hurt by the
foe in the same turn."
419,10,9,"An attack move that
inflicts double the
damage if the user
has been hurt by the
foe in the same turn."
419,11,5,"Une attaque deux fois plus puissante si le
lanceur a été blessé par l’ennemi durant
le tour."
419,11,9,"An attack move that inflicts double the
damage if the user has been hurt by the
target in the same turn."
419,14,9,"An attack move that inflicts double the
damage if the user has been hurt by the
target in the same turn."
419,15,1,"あいてから わざを うけていると
その あいてに たいして
わざの いりょくが 2ばいに なる。"
419,15,3,"상대로부터 기술을 받으면
그 상대에 대해서
기술의 위력이 2배가 된다."
419,15,5,"Une attaque deux fois plus puissante si le lanceur
a été blessé par l’ennemi durant le tour."
419,15,6,"Wurde der Anwender in dieser Runde vom Ziel
getroffen, macht diese Attacke doppelten
419,15,7,"Este ataque inflige el doble de daño a un objetivo
que haya golpeado al usuario en ese mismo turno."
419,15,8,"Mossa d’attacco che infligge doppi danni se chi
la usa è stato ferito dal Pokémon bersaglio nello
stesso turno."
419,15,9,"An attack move that inflicts double the
damage if the user has been hurt by the
target in the same turn."
419,15,11,"相手から 技を 受けていると
その 相手に 対して
技の 威力が 2倍に なる。"
420,8,9,"The user flash
freezes chunks of
ice and hurls them.
This move always goes
420,9,9,"The user flash
freezes chunks of
ice and hurls them.
This move always goes
420,10,9,"The user flash
freezes chunks of
ice and hurls them.
This move always goes
420,11,5,"Le lanceur crée des éclats de glace qu’il
envoie sur l’ennemi. Frappe toujours en
420,11,9,"The user flash freezes chunks of
ice and hurls them at the target.
This move always goes first."
420,14,9,"The user flash freezes chunks of
ice and hurls them at the target.
This move always goes first."
420,15,1,"こおりの かたまりを いっしゅんで
つくり あいてに すばやく はなつ。
かならず せんせい こうげき できる。"
420,15,3,"얼음 덩어리를 순식간에 만들어
상대에게 빠르게 쏜다.
반드시 선제공격을 할 수 있다."
420,15,5,"Le lanceur crée des éclats de glace qu’il envoie
sur l’ennemi. Frappe toujours en premier."
420,15,6,"Das Ziel wird mit Eisklumpen beworfen.
Diese Attacke hat Erstschlaggarantie."
420,15,7,"Crea bolas de hielo y las lanza a gran velocidad.
Este movimiento siempre va primero."
420,15,8,"Chi la usa crea dei pezzi di ghiaccio e li lancia.
Con questa mossa si colpisce per primi."
420,15,9,"The user flash-freezes chunks of
ice and hurls them at the target.
This move always goes first."
420,15,11,"氷の塊を 一瞬で つくり
相手に 素早く 放つ。
必ず 先制攻撃 できる。"
421,8,9,"The user slashes with
a sharp claw made
from shadows.
It has a high
critical-hit ratio."
421,9,9,"The user slashes with
a sharp claw made
from shadows.
It has a high
critical-hit ratio."
421,10,9,"The user slashes with
a sharp claw made
from shadows.
It has a high
critical-hit ratio."
421,11,5,"Attaque avec une griffe puissante faite
d’ombres. Taux de critiques élevé."
421,11,9,"The user slashes with a sharp claw made
from shadows.
Critical hits land more easily."
421,14,9,"The user slashes with a sharp claw made
from shadows.
Critical hits land more easily."
421,15,1,"かげから つくった するどい ツメで
あいてを きりさく。
きゅうしょに あたりやすい。"
421,15,3,"그림자로 만든 날카로운 발톱으로
상대를 베어 가른다.
급소에 맞기 쉽다."
421,15,5,"Attaque avec une griffe puissante faite d’ombres.
Taux de critiques élevé."
421,15,6,"Das Ziel wird mit scharfen Klauen aus der
Schattenwelt attackiert. Hohe Volltrefferquote."
421,15,7,"Ataca con una garra afilada hecha de sombras.
Suele ser crítico."
421,15,8,"Chi la usa attacca con artigli d’ombra che
colpiscono con gran forza. Probabile brutto colpo."
421,15,9,"The user slashes with a sharp claw made
from shadows.
Critical hits land more easily."
421,15,11,"影から つくった 鋭い ツメで
相手を 切り裂く。
急所に 当たりやすい。"
422,8,9,"The user bites with
electrified fangs.
It may also make the
foe flinch or become
422,9,9,"The user bites with
electrified fangs.
It may also make the
foe flinch or become
422,10,9,"The user bites with
electrified fangs.
It may also make the
foe flinch or become
422,11,5,"Le lanceur utilise une morsure électrifiée.
Peut aussi paralyser ou apeurer l’ennemi."
422,11,9,"The user bites with electrified fangs.
It may also make the target flinch or
leave it with paralysis."
422,14,9,"The user bites with electrified fangs.
It may also make the target flinch or
leave it with paralysis."
422,15,1,"でんきを ためた キバで かみつく。
あいてを ひるませたり
まひ じょうたいに することが ある。"
422,15,3,"전기를 모은 이빨로 문다.
상대를 풀죽게 하거나
마비 상태로 만들 때가 있다."
422,15,5,"Le lanceur utilise une morsure électrifiée.
Peut aussi paralyser ou apeurer l’ennemi."
422,15,6,"Anwender beißt mit elektrifizierten Reißzähnen zu.
Das Ziel schreckt eventuell zurück oder wird
422,15,7,"Usa colmillos electrificados para morder. Puede
hacer que el objetivo retroceda o se paralice."
422,15,8,"Chi la usa morde con denti elettrificati che
possono anche paralizzare o far tentennare
il bersaglio."
422,15,9,"The user bites with electrified fangs.
This may also make the target flinch or
leave it with paralysis."
422,15,11,"電気を ためた キバで かみつく。
相手を ひるませたり
まひ状態に することが ある。"
423,8,9,"The user bites with
cold-infused fangs.
It may also make the
foe flinch or freeze.
423,9,9,"The user bites with
cold-infused fangs.
It may also make the
foe flinch or freeze.
423,10,9,"The user bites with
cold-infused fangs.
It may also make the
foe flinch or freeze.
423,11,5,"Le lanceur utilise une morsure glaciale.
Peut aussi geler ou apeurer l’ennemi."
423,11,9,"The user bites with cold-infused fangs.
It may also make the target flinch or
leave it frozen."
423,14,9,"The user bites with cold-infused fangs.
It may also make the target flinch or
leave it frozen."
423,15,1,"れいきを ひめた キバで かみつく。
あいてを ひるませたり
こおり じょうたいに することが ある。"
423,15,3,"냉기를 품은 이빨로 문다.
상대를 풀죽게 하거나
얼음 상태로 만들 때가 있다."
423,15,5,"Le lanceur utilise une morsure glaciale.
Peut aussi geler ou apeurer l’ennemi."
423,15,6,"Anwender beißt mit eiskalten Reißzähnen zu.
Ziel schreckt eventuell zurück oder friert ein."
423,15,7,"Usa colmillos helados para morder. Puede hacer
que el objetivo retroceda o se congele."
423,15,8,"Chi la usa morde con denti ghiacciati. Può anche
congelare o far tentennare il bersaglio."
423,15,9,"The user bites with cold-infused fangs.
This may also make the target flinch or
leave it frozen."
423,15,11,"冷気を ひめた キバで かみつく。
相手を ひるませたり
こおり状態に することが ある。"
424,8,9,"The user bites with
flame-cloaked fangs.
It may also make the
foe flinch or sustain
a burn."
424,9,9,"The user bites with
flame-cloaked fangs.
It may also make the
foe flinch or sustain
a burn."
424,10,9,"The user bites with
flame-cloaked fangs.
It may also make the
foe flinch or sustain
a burn."
424,11,5,"Le lanceur utilise une morsure enflammée.
Peut aussi brûler ou apeurer l’ennemi."
424,11,9,"The user bites with flame-cloaked fangs.
It may also make the target flinch or leave
it burned."
424,14,9,"The user bites with flame-cloaked fangs.
It may also make the target flinch or leave
it burned."
424,15,1,"ほのおを まとった キバで かみつく。
あいてを ひるませたり
やけど じょうたいに することが ある。"
424,15,3,"불꽃을 두른 이빨로 문다.
상대를 풀죽게 하거나
화상 상태로 만들 때가 있다."
424,15,5,"Le lanceur utilise une morsure enflammée.
Peut aussi brûler ou apeurer l’ennemi."
424,15,6,"Anwender beißt mit flammenden Reißzähnen zu.
Ziel schreckt eventuell zurück oder verbrennt sich."
424,15,7,"Usa colmillos en llamas para morder. Puede hacer
que el objetivo retroceda o reciba quemaduras."
424,15,8,"Chi la usa morde con denti infuocati. Può anche
scottare o far tentennare il bersaglio."
424,15,9,"The user bites with flame-cloaked fangs.
This may also make the target flinch or leave
it with a burn."
424,15,11,"炎を まとった キバで かみつく。
相手を ひるませたり
やけど状態に することが ある。"
425,8,9,"The user extends its
shadow and attacks
the foe from behind.
This move always goes
425,9,9,"The user extends its
shadow and attacks
the foe from behind.
This move always goes
425,10,9,"The user extends its
shadow and attacks
the foe from behind.
This move always goes
425,11,5,"Le lanceur étend son ombre pour frapper
par derrière. Frappe toujours en premier."
425,11,9,"The user extends its shadow and attacks
the target from behind.
This move always goes first."
425,14,9,"The user extends its shadow and attacks
the target from behind.
This move always goes first."
425,15,1,"かげを のばして
あいての はいごから こうげきする。
かならず せんせい こうげき できる。"
425,15,3,"그림자를 늘려
상대의 배후에서 공격한다.
반드시 선제공격할 수 있다."
425,15,5,"Le lanceur étend son ombre pour frapper
par-derrière. Frappe toujours en premier."
425,15,6,"Anwender erweitert Schatten und greift das Ziel
von hinten an. Erstschlaggarantie."
425,15,7,"Extiende su sombra y ataca al objetivo por la
espalda. Este movimiento siempre va primero."
425,15,8,"Chi la usa estende la sua ombra e attacca
il nemico alle spalle.
Con questa mossa si colpisce per primi."
425,15,9,"The user extends its shadow and attacks
the target from behind.
This move always goes first."
425,15,11,"影を のばして
相手の 背後から 攻撃する。
必ず 先制攻撃 できる。"
426,8,9,"The user launches a
hard-packed mud ball
to attack.
It may also lower the
target’s accuracy."
426,9,9,"The user launches a
hard-packed mud ball
to attack.
It may also lower the
target’s accuracy."
426,10,9,"The user launches a
hard-packed mud ball
to attack.
It may also lower the
target’s accuracy."
426,11,5,"Le lanceur attaque à l’aide d’une boule
de boue solidifiée. Peut aussi baisser
la Précision de l’ennemi."
426,11,9,"The user launches a hard-packed
mud ball to attack.
It may also lower the target’s accuracy."
426,14,9,"The user launches a hard-packed
mud ball to attack.
It may also lower the target’s accuracy."
426,15,1,"かたい どろのたまを
あいてに はっしゃして こうげきする。
めいちゅうりつを さげることが ある。"
426,15,3,"단단한 진흙구슬을
상대에게 발사하여 공격한다.
명중률을 떨어뜨릴 때가 있다."
426,15,5,"Le lanceur attaque à l’aide d’une boule de
boue solidifiée. Peut aussi baisser la Précision
de l’ennemi."
426,15,6,"Anwender greift mit einem festen Schlammklumpen
an. Senkt eventuell Genauigkeit des Zieles."
426,15,7,"Ataca lanzando una compacta bola de fango.
Puede bajar la Precisión del objetivo."
426,15,8,"Chi la usa lancia una compatta palla di fango. Può
anche ridurre la precisione del Pokémon colpito."
426,15,9,"The user launches a hard-packed
mud ball to attack.
This may also lower the target’s accuracy."
426,15,11,"硬い 泥の 弾を
相手に 発射して 攻撃する。
命中率を さげることが ある。"
427,8,9,"The user tears at
the foe with blades
formed by psychic
power. It has a high
critical-hit ratio."
427,9,9,"The user tears at
the foe with blades
formed by psychic
power. It has a high
critical-hit ratio."
427,10,9,"The user tears at
the foe with blades
formed by psychic
power. It has a high
critical-hit ratio."
427,11,5,"Le lanceur entaille l’ennemi grâce à des
lames faites de pouvoir psychique.
Taux de critiques élevé."
427,11,9,"The user tears at the target with blades
formed by psychic power.
Critical hits land more easily."
427,14,9,"The user tears at the target with blades
formed by psychic power.
Critical hits land more easily."
427,15,1,"じったいか させた
こころの やいばで あいてを きりさく。
きゅうしょに あたりやすい。"
마음의 칼날로 상대를 베어 가른다.
급소에 맞기 쉽다."
427,15,5,"Le lanceur entaille l’ennemi grâce à des lames
faites de pouvoir psychique. Taux de critiques
427,15,6,"Das Ziel wird mit Klingen attackiert, die aus
Psycho-Energie bestehen. Hohe Volltrefferquote."
427,15,7,"Ataca al objetivo con cuchillas formadas por
energía psíquica. Suele ser crítico."
427,15,8,"Chi la usa colpisce il bersaglio con lame fatte
di forza psichica. Probabile brutto colpo."
427,15,9,"The user tears at the target with blades
formed by psychic power.
Critical hits land more easily."
心の 刃で 相手を 切り裂く。
急所に 当たりやすい。"
428,8,9,"The user focuses its
willpower to its head
and rams the foe.
It may also make the
target flinch."
428,9,9,"The user focuses its
willpower to its head
and rams the foe.
It may also make the
target flinch."
428,10,9,"The user focuses its
willpower to its head
and rams the foe.
It may also make the
target flinch."
428,11,5,"Le lanceur concentre sa volonté et
donne un coup de tête. Peut aussi
apeurer l’ennemi."
428,11,9,"The user focuses its willpower to its head
and attacks the target.
It may also make the target flinch."
428,14,9,"The user focuses its willpower to its head
and attacks the target.
It may also make the target flinch."
428,15,1,"しねんの ちからを
ひたいに あつめて こうげきする。
あいてを ひるませる ことが ある。"
428,15,3,"사념의 힘을
이마에 모아서 공격한다.
상대를 풀죽게 만들 때가 있다."
428,15,5,"Le lanceur concentre sa volonté et donne un coup
de tête. Peut aussi apeurer l’ennemi."
428,15,6,"Anwender konzentriert seinen Willen und rammt
das Ziel. Dieses schreckt eventuell zurück."
428,15,7,"Concentra su energía psíquica en la cabeza para
golpear. Puede hacer que el objetivo retroceda."
428,15,8,"Chi la usa concentra la forza nella testa e si lancia
contro il bersaglio. Può anche farlo tentennare."
428,15,9,"The user focuses its willpower to its head
and attacks the target.
This may also make the target flinch."
428,15,11,"思念の 力を
額に 集めて 攻撃する。
相手を ひるませることが ある。"
429,8,9,"The user looses a
flash of energy from
its polished body.
It may also lower the
target’s accuracy."
429,9,9,"The user looses a
flash of energy from
its polished body.
It may also lower the
target’s accuracy."
429,10,9,"The user looses a
flash of energy from
its polished body.
It may also lower the
target’s accuracy."
429,11,5,"Le corps poli du lanceur libère un
éclair d’énergie. Peut aussi baisser
la Précision de l’ennemi."
429,11,9,"The user looses a flash of energy at
the target from its polished body.
It may also lower the target’s accuracy."
429,14,9,"The user looses a flash of energy at
the target from its polished body.
It may also lower the target’s accuracy."
429,15,1,"みがき あげられた からだから
せんこうの ちからを あいてに はなつ。
めいちゅうりつを さげることが ある。"
429,15,3,"갈고 닦은 몸에서
섬광의 힘을 상대에게 쏜다.
명중률을 떨어뜨릴 때가 있다."
429,15,5,"Le corps poli du lanceur libère un éclair d’énergie.
Peut aussi baisser la Précision de l’ennemi."
429,15,6,"Anwender feuert Energiestrahl aus seinem Körper
ab. Senkt eventuell Genauigkeit des Zieles."
429,15,7,"El usuario libera un haz de energía desde su
pulido cuerpo. Puede bajar la Precisión."
429,15,8,"Chi la usa rilascia fasci d’energia dal corpo
levigato. Può anche ridurre la precisione
del bersaglio."
429,15,9,"The user lets loose a flash of energy at
the target from its polished body.
This may also lower the target’s accuracy."
429,15,11,"磨きあげられた 体から
せん光の 力を 相手に 放つ。
命中率を さげることが ある。"
430,8,9,"The user gathers all
its light energy and
releases it at once.
It may also lower the
foe’s Sp. Def stat."
430,9,9,"The user gathers all
its light energy and
releases it at once.
It may also lower the
foe’s Sp. Def stat."
430,10,9,"The user gathers all
its light energy and
releases it at once.
It may also lower the
foe’s Sp. Def stat."
430,11,5,"Le lanceur concentre son énergie
lumineuse et la fait exploser. Peut aussi
baisser la Défense Spéciale de l’ennemi."
430,11,9,"The user gathers all its light energy and
releases it at once. It may also lower the
target’s Sp. Def stat."
430,14,9,"The user gathers all its light energy and
releases it at once. It may also lower the
target’s Sp. Def stat."
430,15,1,"からだの ひかりを いってんに あつめて
ちからを はなつ。あいての とくぼうを
さげることが ある。"
430,15,3,"몸의 빛을 한곳에 모아서
힘을 쏜다. 상대의
특수방어를 떨어뜨릴 때가 있다."
430,15,5,"Le lanceur concentre son énergie lumineuse et
la fait exploser. Peut aussi baisser la Défense
Spéciale de l’ennemi."
430,15,6,"Anwender sammelt Lichtenergie und feuert sie auf
einmal ab. Senkt eventuell Spezial-Verteidigung
des Zieles."
430,15,7,"El usuario concentra toda la luz del cuerpo y la
libera. Puede bajar la Defensa Especial del
430,15,8,"Chi la usa attacca raccogliendo e rilasciando
energia luminosa. Può ridurre la Difesa Speciale
del nemico."
430,15,9,"The user gathers all its light energy and
releases it at once. This may also lower the
target’s Sp. Def stat."
430,15,11,"体の 光を 一点に 集めて
力を 放つ。
相手の 特防を さげることが ある。"
431,8,9,"A charging attack
that may also leave
the foe confused.
It can also be used
to scale rocky walls."
431,9,9,"A charging attack
that may also leave
the foe confused.
It can also be used
to scale rocky walls."
431,10,9,"A charging attack
that may also leave
the foe confused.
It can also be used
to scale rocky walls."
431,11,5,"Le lanceur se jette violemment sur
l’ennemi. Peut aussi le rendre confus."
431,11,9,"The user attacks the target by smashing
into it with incredible force.
It may also confuse the target."
431,14,9,"The user attacks the target by smashing
into it with incredible force.
It may also confuse the target."
431,15,1,"すごい いきおいで あいてに
つっこみ こうげきする。
あいてを こんらん させることが ある。"
431,15,3,"굉장한 기세로 상대에게
돌진하여 공격한다.
상대를 혼란시킬 때가 있다."
431,15,5,"Le lanceur se jette violemment sur l’ennemi.
Peut aussi le rendre confus."
431,15,6,"Eine stürmische Attacke, die das Ziel eventuell
431,15,7,"Ataca con una gran embestida. Puede confundir al
431,15,8,"Chi la usa carica con impeto incredibile.
Il colpo può confondere il bersaglio."
431,15,9,"The user attacks the target by smashing
into it with incredible force.
This may also confuse the target."
431,15,11,"すごい 勢いで 相手に
つっこみ 攻撃する。
相手を 混乱させることが ある。"
432,8,9,"Obstacles are moved,
reducing the foe’s
evasion stat. It can
also be used to
clear deep fog, etc."
432,9,9,"Obstacles are moved,
reducing the foe’s
evasion stat. It can
also be used to
clear deep fog, etc."
432,10,9,"It reduces the foe’s
evasion stat. It also
removes spikes,
light screens, etc."
432,11,5,"Un grand coup de vent qui disperse la
Protection ou le Mur Lumière de l’ennemi.
Diminue aussi son Esquive."
432,11,9,"A strong wind blows away the target’s
obstacles such as Reflect or Light Screen.
It also lowers the target’s evasiveness."
432,14,9,"A strong wind blows away the target’s
obstacles such as Reflect or Light Screen.
It also lowers the target’s evasiveness."
432,15,1,"つよいかぜで あいての リフレクターや
ひかりのかべ などを はらいのける。
かいひりつも さげる。"
432,15,3,"강한 바람으로 상대의 리플렉터나
빛의장막 등을 제거한다.
회피율도 떨어뜨린다."
432,15,5,"Un grand coup de vent qui disperse la Protection
ou le Mur Lumière de l’ennemi. Diminue aussi
son Esquive."
432,15,6,"Starker Wind hebt Attacken wie Reflektor und
Lichtschild des Zieles auf. Senkt außerdem
den Fluchtwert."
432,15,7,"Potente viento que barre el Reflejo o Pantalla de
Luz del objetivo y puede reducir su Evasión."
432,15,8,"Chi la usa spazza via barriere come Riflesso e
Schermoluce con un forte vento e riduce
la capacità d’elusione del bersaglio."
432,15,9,"A strong wind blows away the target’s
barriers such as Reflect or Light Screen.
This also lowers the target’s evasiveness."
432,15,11,"強い風で 相手の リフレクターや
ひかりのかべ などを はらいのける。
回避率も さげる。"
433,8,9,"The user creates a
bizarre area in which
slower Pokémon get
to move first for five
433,9,9,"The user creates a
bizarre area in which
slower Pokémon get
to move first for five
433,10,9,"The user creates a
bizarre area in which
slower Pokémon get
to move first for five
433,11,5,"Le lanceur crée une zone étrange où
les Pokémon les plus lents frappent
en 1er pendant 5 tours."
433,11,9,"The user creates a bizarre area in which
slower Pokémon get to move first for
five turns."
433,14,9,"The user creates a bizarre area in which
slower Pokémon get to move first for
five turns."
433,15,1,"まかふしぎな くうかんを つくる。
5ターンの あいだ
おそい ポケモンから こうどう できる。"
433,15,3,"이상한 공간을 만든다.
5턴 동안 느린 포켓몬부터
행동할 수 있다."
433,15,5,"Le lanceur crée une zone étrange où les Pokémon
les plus lents frappent en premier pendant cinq
433,15,6,"Anwender erzeugt einen bizarren Raum,
in dem langsame Pokémon fünf Runden
lang zuerst agieren."
433,15,7,"Se crea un espacio extraño en el que los Pokémon
lentos se mueven primero durante cinco turnos."
433,15,8,"Chi la usa crea una dimensione in cui i Pokémon
più lenti agiscono per primi per cinque turni."
433,15,9,"The user creates a bizarre area in which
slower Pokémon get to move first for
five turns."
433,15,11,"まか不思議な 空間を つくる。
5ターンの あいだ
遅い ポケモンから 行動できる。"
434,8,9,"Comets are summoned
down from the sky.
The attack’s recoil
sharply reduces the
user’s Sp. Atk stat."
434,9,9,"Comets are summoned
down from the sky.
The attack’s recoil
sharply reduces the
user’s Sp. Atk stat."
434,10,9,"Comets are summoned
down from the sky.
The attack’s recoil
sharply reduces the
user’s Sp. Atk stat."
434,11,5,"Le lanceur invoque des comètes.
Le contrecoup réduit fortement
son Attaque Spéciale."
434,11,9,"Comets are summoned down from the sky
onto the target. The attack’s recoil
harshly reduces the user’s Sp. Atk stat."
434,14,9,"Comets are summoned down from the sky
onto the target. The attack’s recoil
harshly reduces the user’s Sp. Atk stat."
434,15,1,"てんくうから いんせきを
あいてに おとす。つかうと はんどうで
じぶんの とくこうが がくっと さがる。"
434,15,3,"천공에서 운석을 상대에게
떨어뜨린다. 사용하면 반동으로
자신의 특수공격이 크게 떨어진다."
434,15,5,"Le lanceur invoque des comètes.
Le contrecoup réduit fortement son Attaque
434,15,6,"Kometen werden heraufbeschworen. Der Rückstoß
reduziert den Spezial-Angriff des Anwenders stark."
434,15,7,"Hace que grandes cometas caigan del cielo sobre
el objetivo. Baja mucho el Ataque Especial del
que lo usa."
434,15,8,"Attacca con meteore che cadono dal cielo.
Il contraccolpo fa calare di molto
l’Attacco Speciale di chi la usa."
434,15,9,"Comets are summoned down from the sky
onto the target. The attack’s recoil
harshly lowers the user’s Sp. Atk stat."
434,15,11,"天空から 隕石を
相手に 落とす。使うと 反動で
自分の 特攻が がくっと さがる。"
435,8,9,"A flare of electricity
is loosed to strike
all Pokémon in battle.
It may also cause
435,9,9,"A flare of electricity
is loosed to strike
all Pokémon in battle.
It may also cause
435,10,9,"A flare of electricity
is loosed to strike
all Pokémon in battle.
It may also cause
435,11,5,"Un flamboiement d’électricité frappe
tous les Pokémon autour du lanceur.
Peut aussi paralyser."
435,11,9,"A flare of electricity is loosed to strike
the area around the user.
It may also cause paralysis."
435,14,9,"A flare of electricity is loosed to strike
the area around the user.
It may also cause paralysis."
435,15,1,"まばゆい でんげきで じぶんの
まわりに いるものを こうげきする。
まひ じょうたいに することが ある。"
435,15,3,"눈부신 전격으로 자신의
주위에 있는 포켓몬을 공격한다.
마비 상태로 만들 때가 있다."
435,15,5,"Un flamboiement d’électricité frappe tous les
Pokémon autour du lanceur. Peut aussi les paralyser."
435,15,6,"Anwender greift die Pokémon in seiner Umgebung
mit Elektrizität an. Paralysiert eventuell."
435,15,7,"Una deslumbradora onda eléctrica afecta a los
Pokémon que hay combatiendo alrededor. Puede
435,15,8,"Chi la usa colpisce i Pokémon che ha intorno
con un bagliore elettrico. Può anche paralizzarli."
435,15,9,"The user strikes everything around it
by letting loose a flare of electricity.
This may also cause paralysis."
435,15,11,"まばゆい 電撃で 自分の
周りに いるものを 攻撃する。
まひ状態に することが ある。"
436,8,9,"An inferno of scarlet
flames washes over
all Pokémon in battle.
It may also inflict
436,9,9,"An inferno of scarlet
flames washes over
all Pokémon in battle.
It may also inflict
436,10,9,"An inferno of scarlet
flames washes over
all Pokémon in battle.
It may also inflict
436,11,5,"Des boules de feu s’abattent sur tous
les Pokémon autour du lanceur.
Peut aussi brûler."
436,11,9,"An inferno of scarlet flames torches
everything around the user. It may
leave targets with a burn."
436,14,9,"An inferno of scarlet flames torches
everything around the user. It may
leave targets with a burn."
436,15,1,"まっかな ほのおで じぶんの
まわりに いるものを こうげきする。
やけど じょうたいに することが ある。"
436,15,3,"새빨간 불꽃으로 자신의
주위에 있는 포켓몬을 공격한다.
화상 상태로 만들 때가 있다."
436,15,5,"Des boules de feu s’abattent sur tous les Pokémon
autour du lanceur. Peut aussi les brûler."
436,15,6,"Greift alles in seiner Umgebung mit tiefroten
Flammen an. Ziel kann Verbrennungen erleiden."
436,15,7,"Un infierno de llamas daña a los Pokémon
adyacentes en combate. Puede quemar."
436,15,8,"Chi la usa lancia fiamme scarlatte su tutti i
Pokémon nelle vicinanze, danneggiandoli.
Può anche scottarli."
436,15,9,"The user torches everything around it
with an inferno of scarlet flames.
This may also leave those hit with a burn."
436,15,11,"真っ赤な 炎で 自分の
周りに いるものを 攻撃する。
やけど状態に することが ある。"
437,8,9,"A storm of sharp
leaves is whipped up.
The attack’s recoil
sharply reduces the
user’s Sp. Atk stat."
437,9,9,"A storm of sharp
leaves is whipped up.
The attack’s recoil
sharply reduces the
user’s Sp. Atk stat."
437,10,9,"A storm of sharp
leaves is whipped up.
The attack’s recoil
sharply reduces the
user’s Sp. Atk stat."
437,11,5,"Invoque une tempête de feuilles acérées.
Le contrecoup réduit fortement l’Attaque
Spéciale du lanceur."
437,11,9,"The user whips up a storm of leaves around
the target. The attack’s recoil harshly
reduces the user’s Sp. Atk stat."
437,14,9,"The user whips up a storm of leaves around
the target. The attack’s recoil harshly
reduces the user’s Sp. Atk stat."
437,15,1,"とがった はっぱで あいてに あらしを
おこす。つかうと はんどうで
じぶんの とくこうが がくっと さがる。"
437,15,3,"뾰족한 잎사귀로 상대에게 바람을
일으킨다. 사용하면 반동으로
자신의 특수공격이 크게 떨어진다."
437,15,5,"Invoque une tempête de feuilles acérées.
Le contrecoup réduit fortement l’Attaque Spéciale
du lanceur."
437,15,6,"Anwender erzeugt einen Sturm aus scharfen
Blättern. Rückstoß senkt Spezial-Angriff des
Anwenders stark."
437,15,7,"Cae una lluvia de hojas afiladas. Baja mucho el
Ataque Especial de quien lo usa."
437,15,8,"Si forma una tempesta di foglie affilate.
Il contraccolpo riduce di molto l’Attacco Speciale
di chi la usa."
437,15,9,"The user whips up a storm of leaves around
the target. The attack’s recoil harshly
lowers the user’s Sp. Atk stat."
437,15,11,"とがった はっぱで 相手に あらしを
おこす。使うと 反動で
自分の 特攻が がくっと さがる。"
438,8,9,"The user violently
whirls its vines or
tentacles to harshly
lash the foe.
438,9,9,"The user violently
whirls its vines or
tentacles to harshly
lash the foe.
438,10,9,"The user violently
whirls its vines or
tentacles to harshly
lash the foe.
438,11,5,"Le lanceur fait virevolter violemment
ses lianes ou ses tentacules pour
fouetter l’ennemi."
438,11,9,"The user violently whirls its vines or
tentacles to harshly lash the target."
438,14,9,"The user violently whirls its vines or
tentacles to harshly lash the target."
438,15,1,"ツタや しょくしゅを はげしく ふるって
あいてを たたきつけ こうげきする。
438,15,3,"덩굴이나 촉수를 세차게 흔들어
상대를 힘껏 쳐서 공격한다."
438,15,5,"Le lanceur fait virevolter violemment ses lianes ou
ses tentacules pour fouetter l’ennemi."
438,15,6,"Anwender wirbelt seine Ranken oder Tentakel
peitschenartig gegen das Ziel."
438,15,7,"El usuario agita violentamente sus lianas o
tentáculos para golpear al objetivo."
438,15,8,"Chi la usa agita violentemente liane o tentacoli
per sferzare il bersaglio."
438,15,9,"The user violently whirls its vines or
tentacles to harshly lash the target."
438,15,11,"ツタや 触手を 激しく ふるって
相手を たたきつけ 攻撃する。
439,8,9,"The user launches a
huge boulder at the
foe to attack.
It must rest on the
next turn, however."
439,9,9,"The user launches a
huge boulder at the
foe to attack.
It must rest on the
next turn, however."
439,10,9,"The user launches a
huge boulder at the
foe to attack.
It must rest on the
next turn, however."
439,11,5,"Le lanceur attaque en projetant un
gros rocher sur l’ennemi. Il doit se
reposer au tour suivant."
439,11,9,"The user launches a huge boulder at the
target to attack. It must rest on the
next turn, however."
439,14,9,"The user launches a huge boulder at the
target to attack. It must rest on the
next turn, however."
439,15,1,"きょだいな いわを
あいてに はっしゃして こうげきする。
つぎの ターンは うごけなく なる。"
439,15,3,"거대한 바위를
상대에게 발사하여 공격한다.
다음 턴은 움직일 수 없게 된다."
439,15,5,"Le lanceur attaque en projetant un gros rocher sur
l’ennemi. Il doit se reposer au tour suivant."
439,15,6,"Anwender wirft einen riesigen Felsen auf das Ziel.
In der nächsten Runde muss der Anwender ruhen."
439,15,7,"Lanza una piedra enorme contra el objetivo, pero
tiene que descansar el siguiente turno."
439,15,8,"Chi la usa attacca il bersaglio con un enorme
masso, ma si deve riposare al turno successivo."
439,15,9,"The user launches a huge boulder at the
target to attack.
The user can’t move on the next turn."
439,15,11,"巨大な 岩を
相手に 発射して 攻撃する。
次の ターンは 動けなくなる。"
440,8,9,"A slashing attack
that may also leave
the target poisoned.
It has a high
critical-hit ratio."
440,9,9,"A slashing attack
that may also leave
the target poisoned.
It has a high
critical-hit ratio."
440,10,9,"A slashing attack
that may also leave
the target poisoned.
It has a high
critical-hit ratio."
440,11,5,"Un coup tranchant qui peut empoisonner
l’ennemi. Taux de critiques élevé."
440,11,9,"A slashing attack with a poisonous blade
that may also leave the target poisoned.
Critical hits land more easily."
440,14,9,"A slashing attack with a poisonous blade
that may also leave the target poisoned.
Critical hits land more easily."
440,15,1,"どくの やいばで あいてを きりさく。
どく じょうたいに することが あり
きゅうしょにも あたりやすい。"
440,15,3,"독 칼날로 상대를 베어 가른다.
독 상태로 만들 때가 있고
급소에도 맞기 쉽다."
440,15,5,"Un coup tranchant qui peut empoisonner l’ennemi.
Taux de critiques élevé."
440,15,6,"Ein schneidender Hieb, der das Ziel eventuell
vergiftet. Hat eine hohe Volltrefferquote."
440,15,7,"Tajo que puede envenenar al objetivo. Suele ser
440,15,8,"Attacco con zanne avvelenate che può anche
avvelenare il Pokémon colpito. Probabile
brutto colpo."
440,15,9,"A slashing attack with a poisonous blade
that may also poison the target.
Critical hits land more easily."
440,15,11,"毒の 刃で 相手を 切り裂く。
毒状態に することが あり
急所にも 当たりやすい。"
441,8,9,"The user shoots
filthy garbage at the
foe to attack.
It may also poison
the target."
441,9,9,"The user shoots
filthy garbage at the
foe to attack.
It may also poison
the target."
441,10,9,"The user shoots
filthy garbage at the
foe to attack.
It may also poison
the target."
441,11,5,"Le lanceur envoie des détritus sur
l’ennemi. Peut aussi l’empoisonner."
441,11,9,"The user shoots filthy garbage
at the target to attack.
It may also poison the target."
441,14,9,"The user shoots filthy garbage
at the target to attack.
It may also poison the target."
441,15,1,"きたない ゴミを
あいてに ぶつけて こうげきする。
どく じょうたいに することが ある。"
441,15,3,"더러운 쓰레기를
상대에게 부딪쳐서 공격한다.
독 상태로 만들 때가 있다."
441,15,5,"Le lanceur envoie des détritus sur l’ennemi.
Peut aussi l’empoisonner."
441,15,6,"Anwender schießt mit Müll auf das Ziel.
Vergiftet dieses eventuell."
441,15,7,"Lanza contra el objetivo basura asquerosa. Puede
envenenar al objetivo."
441,15,8,"Chi la usa attacca il bersaglio con rifiuti sudici
che possono anche avvelenarlo."
441,15,9,"The user shoots filthy garbage
at the target to attack.
This may also poison the target."
441,15,11,"汚い ゴミを
相手に ぶつけて 攻撃する。
毒状態に することが ある。"
442,8,9,"The foe slams the
target with its
steel-hard head.
It may also make the
target flinch."
442,9,9,"The foe slams the
target with its
steel-hard head.
It may also make the
target flinch."
442,10,9,"The foe slams the
target with its
steel-hard head.
It may also make the
target flinch."
442,11,5,"Le lanceur heurte l’ennemi avec sa tête
dure comme de l’acier. Peut aussi
apeurer l’ennemi."
442,11,9,"The user slams the target
with its steel-hard head.
It may also make the target flinch."
442,14,9,"The user slams the target
with its steel-hard head.
It may also make the target flinch."
442,15,1,"はがねの ような
かたい あたまで こうげきする。
あいてを ひるませる ことが ある。"
442,15,3,"강철과 같은
단단한 머리로 공격한다.
상대를 풀죽게 만들 때가 있다."
442,15,5,"Le lanceur heurte l’ennemi avec sa tête dure
comme de l’acier. Peut aussi l’apeurer."
442,15,6,"Ziel wird durch stahlharten Kopf des Anwenders
getroffen und schreckt eventuell zurück."
442,15,7,"Ataca con su dura cabeza de hierro. Puede hacer
que el objetivo retroceda."
442,15,8,"Chi la usa colpisce il bersaglio con la sua testa
dura come l’acciaio. Può anche farlo tentennare."
442,15,9,"The user slams the target
with its steel-hard head.
This may also make the target flinch."
442,15,11,"鋼の ような
硬い 頭で 攻撃する。
相手を ひるませることが ある。"
443,8,9,"The user launches a
steel bomb that
sticks to the target.
This attack will not
443,9,9,"The user launches a
steel bomb that
sticks to the target.
This attack will not
443,10,9,"The user launches a
steel bomb that
sticks to the target.
This attack will not
443,11,5,"Le lanceur projette des bombes d’acier
qui collent à l’ennemi. N’échoue jamais."
443,11,9,"The user launches steel bombs that
stick to the target.
This attack will not miss."
443,14,9,"The user launches steel bombs that
stick to the target.
This attack will not miss."
443,15,1,"あいてに すいつく
はがねの ばくだんを はっしゃする。
こうげきは かならず めいちゅう する。"
443,15,3,"상대에게 달라붙는
강철의 폭탄을 발사한다.
공격은 반드시 명중한다."
443,15,5,"Le lanceur projette des bombes d’acier qui collent
à l’ennemi. N’échoue jamais."
443,15,6,"Ziel wird durch Haftbomben getroffen.
Diese Attacke trifft immer."
443,15,7,"Lanza unas bombas de hierro que se pegan al
adversario. No se puede esquivar."
443,15,8,"Chi la usa lancia bombe d’acciaio che si attaccano
al bersaglio. Una mossa infallibile."
443,15,9,"The user launches steel bombs that
stick to the target.
This attack never misses."
443,15,11,"相手に 吸いつく
鋼の 爆弾を 発射する。
攻撃は 必ず 命中 する。"
444,8,9,"The user stabs the
foe with a sharpened
stone. It has a high
critical-hit ratio.
444,9,9,"The user stabs the
foe with a sharpened
stone. It has a high
critical-hit ratio.
444,10,9,"The user stabs the
foe with a sharpened
stone. It has a high
critical-hit ratio.
444,11,5,"Fait surgir des pierres aiguisées sous
l’ennemi. Taux de critiques élevé."
444,11,9,"The user stabs the foe with
sharpened stones from below.
It has a high critical-hit ratio."
444,14,9,"The user stabs the foe with
sharpened stones from below.
It has a high critical-hit ratio."
444,15,1,"とがった いわを
あいてに つきさして こうげきする。
きゅうしょに あたりやすい。"
444,15,3,"뾰족한 바위를
상대에게 꿰찔러서 공격한다.
급소에 맞기 쉽다."
444,15,5,"Fait surgir des pierres aiguisées sous l’ennemi.
Taux de critiques élevé."
444,15,6,"Anwender sticht das Ziel mit spitzen Steinen.
Hohe Volltrefferquote."
444,15,7,"Clava piedras muy afiladas al objetivo. Suele ser
444,15,8,"Chi la usa colpisce il bersaglio dal basso con
pietre affilate. Probabile brutto colpo."
444,15,9,"The user stabs the target with
sharpened stones from below.
Critical hits land more easily."
444,15,11,"とがった 岩を
相手に 突き刺して 攻撃する。
急所に 当たりやすい。"
445,8,9,"If it is the opposite
gender of the user,
the foe is charmed
into sharply lowering
its Sp. Atk stat."
445,9,9,"If it is the opposite
gender of the user,
the foe is charmed
into sharply lowering
its Sp. Atk stat."
445,10,9,"If it is the opposite
gender of the user,
the foe is charmed
into sharply lowering
its Sp. Atk stat."
445,11,5,"Si l’ennemi est de sexe opposé au
lanceur, il est séduit et son Attaque
Spéciale baisse fortement."
445,11,9,"If it is the opposite gender of the user,
the target is charmed into harshly
lowering its Sp. Atk stat."
445,14,9,"If it is the opposite gender of the user,
the target is charmed into harshly
lowering its Sp. Atk stat."
445,15,1,"♂なら♀を ♀なら♂を ゆうわくして
あいての とくこうを がくっと さげる。
445,15,3,"수컷은 암컷을 암컷은 수컷을 유혹하여
상대의 특수공격을 크게 떨어뜨린다."
445,15,5,"Si l’ennemi est de sexe opposé au lanceur, il est
séduit et son Attaque Spéciale baisse fortement."
445,15,6,"Charme-Attacke, die den Spezial-Angriff des Zieles
stark senkt, falls es dem anderen Geschlecht
445,15,7,"Si el objetivo es del sexo opuesto, queda
embelesado y baja mucho su Ataque Especial."
445,15,8,"Se i nemici che ha intorno sono del sesso opposto
a chi la usa, saranno ammaliati e il loro Attacco
Speciale diminuirà di molto."
445,15,9,"If any opposing Pokémon is the opposite
gender of the user, it is charmed, which
harshly lowers its Sp. Atk stat."
445,15,11,"♂なら♀を ♀なら♂を 誘惑して
相手の 特攻を がくっと さげる。
446,8,9,"The user lays a trap
of levitating stones
around the foe. The
trap hurts foes that
switch into battle."
446,9,9,"The user lays a trap
of levitating stones
around the foe. The
trap hurts foes that
switch into battle."
446,10,9,"The user lays a trap
of levitating stones
around the foe. The
trap hurts foes that
switch into battle."
446,11,5,"Lance des pierres flottantes autour
de l’ennemi, qui blessent tout ennemi
entrant au combat."
446,11,9,"The user lays a trap of levitating stones
around the opponent’s team. The trap
hurts opponents that switch into battle."
446,14,9,"The user lays a trap of levitating stones
around the opponent’s team. The trap
hurts opponents that switch into battle."
446,15,1,"あいての まわりに むすうの いわを
うかべて こうたいで でてきた あいての
ポケモンに ダメージを あたえる。"
446,15,3,"상대의 주위에 무수한 바위를
띄워 교체해서 나온 상대
포켓몬에게 데미지를 준다."
446,15,5,"Lance des pierres flottantes autour de l’ennemi,
qui blessent tout adversaire entrant au combat."
446,15,6,"Falle mit schwebenden Steinen. In den Kampf
eingewechselte Ziele nehmen Schaden."
446,15,7,"Una trampa de rocas que flota en el aire y daña a
los objetivos que entran en combate."
446,15,8,"Chi la usa piazza una trappola di rocce sospese
che danneggia i nemici che entrano in campo."
446,15,9,"The user lays a trap of levitating stones
around the opposing team. The trap hurts
opposing Pokémon that switch into battle."
446,15,11,"相手の 周りに 無数の 岩を
浮かべて 交代で でてきた 相手の
ポケモンに ダメージを 与える。"
447,8,9,"The user snares the
foe with grass and
trips it. The heavier
the foe, the greater
the damage."
447,9,9,"The user snares the
foe with grass and
trips it. The heavier
the foe, the greater
the damage."
447,10,9,"The user snares the
foe with grass and
trips it. The heavier
the foe, the greater
the damage."
447,11,5,"L’ennemi est piégé dans de l’herbe qui
le fait trébucher. Plus il est lourd,
plus il subit de dégâts."
447,11,9,"The user snares the target with grass and
trips it. The heavier the target,
the greater the damage."
447,14,9,"The user snares the target with grass and
trips it. The heavier the target,
the greater the damage."
447,15,1,"くさを からませて あいてを
ころばせる。あいてが おもいほど
いりょくが あがる。"
447,15,3,"풀을 휘감아서 상대를
쓰러뜨린다. 상대가 무거울수록
위력이 올라간다."
447,15,5,"L’ennemi est piégé dans de l’herbe qui le fait
trébucher. Plus il est lourd, plus il subit de dégâts."
447,15,6,"Ziel wird durch Gras ins Straucheln gebracht.
Je schwerer das Ziel, desto mehr Schaden."
447,15,7,"Enreda al objetivo con hierba y lo derriba.
Cuanto más pesado es el objetivo, más daño
447,15,8,"Chi la usa intrappola il bersaglio con l’erba e lo fa
cadere. Danneggia maggiormente i Pokémon
più pesanti."
447,15,9,"The user snares the target with grass and
trips it. The heavier the target,
the greater the move’s power."
447,15,11,"草を からませて 相手を
転ばせる。相手が 重いほど
威力が あがる。"
448,8,9,"The user attacks
using a sound wave
based on words it has
learned. It may also
confuse the foe."
448,9,9,"The user attacks
using a sound wave
based on words it has
learned. It may also
confuse the foe."
448,10,9,"The user attacks
using a sound wave
based on words it has
learned. It may also
confuse the foe."
448,11,5,"Le lanceur envoie une onde musicale en
récitant des mots. Peut aussi rendre
l’ennemi confus."
448,11,9,"The user attacks using a sound wave
based on words it has learned.
It may also confuse the target."
448,14,9,"The user attacks using a sound wave
based on words it has learned.
It may also confuse the target."
448,15,1,"おぼえた ことばで
おんぱを おこして こうげきする。
あいてを こんらん させる。"
448,15,3,"기억한 말로
음파를 일으켜서 공격한다.
상대를 혼란시킨다."
448,15,5,"Le lanceur envoie une onde musicale en récitant
des mots. Rend l’ennemi confus."
448,15,6,Attacke mit Schallwellen. Verwirrt das Ziel.
448,15,7,"Ataca con una onda sónica compuesta por
palabras que ha aprendido y confunde al objetivo."
448,15,8,"Chi la usa attacca creando un’onda sonora
con le parole imparate e confonde il bersaglio."
448,15,9,"The user attacks using a sound wave
based on words it has learned.
This confuses the target."
448,15,11,"おぼえた 言葉で
音波を おこして 攻撃する。
相手を 混乱させる。"
449,8,9,"The user releases
countless shots of
light. Its type varies
with the kind of Plate
the user is holding."
449,9,9,"The user releases
countless shots of
light. Its type varies
with the kind of Plate
the user is holding."
449,10,9,"The user releases
countless shots of
light. Its type varies
with the kind of Plate
the user is holding."
449,11,5,"Le lanceur libère une myriade de rayons de
lumière. Le type varie selon la Plaque
que tient le lanceur."
449,11,9,"The user releases countless shots of
light at the target. Its type varies with
the kind of Plate the user is holding."
449,14,9,"The user releases countless shots of
light at the target. Its type varies with
the kind of Plate the user is holding."
449,15,1,"むすうの こうだんを あいてに
ほうしゅつする。じぶんの もつ
プレートに より タイプが かわる。"
449,15,3,"무수한 광탄을 상대에게 방출한다.
자신이 가지고 있는 플레이트에 따라
타입이 바뀐다."
449,15,5,"Le lanceur libère une myriade de rayons de
lumière. Le type varie selon la Plaque que
tient le lanceur."
449,15,6,"Anwender feuert unzählige Lichtstrahlen ab.
Deren Typ hängt von der gehaltenen Tafel ab."
449,15,7,"Emite incontables haces de luz. Varía según el tipo
de tabla que lleve el usuario."
449,15,8,"Chi la usa rilascia numerosi colpi di luce. Il tipo
varia a seconda della lastra che ha."
449,15,9,"The user releases countless shots of
light at the target. This move’s type varies
depending on the kind of Plate the user is holding."
449,15,11,"無数の 光弾を 相手に 放出する。
自分の 持つ プレートに より
タイプが 変わる。"
450,8,9,"The user bites the
foe. If the foe is
holding a Berry, the
user eats it and
gains its effect."
450,9,9,"The user bites the
foe. If the foe is
holding a Berry, the
user eats it and
gains its effect."
450,10,9,"The user bites the
foe. If the foe is
holding a Berry, the
user eats it and
gains its effect."
450,11,5,"Le lanceur pique l’ennemi. Si ce dernier
tient une Baie, le lanceur la dévore et
obtient son effet."
450,11,9,"The user bites the target. If the target
is holding a Berry, the user eats it and
gains its effect."
450,14,9,"The user bites the target. If the target
is holding a Berry, the user eats it and
gains its effect."
450,15,1,"かみついて こうげきする。
あいてが きのみを もっている とき
たべて きのみの こうかを うけられる。"
450,15,3,"물어서 공격한다.
상대가 나무열매를 지니고 있을 때
먹어서 나무열매의 효과를 받을 수 있다."
450,15,5,"Le lanceur pique l’ennemi.
Si ce dernier tient une Baie, le lanceur la dévore
et obtient son effet."
450,15,6,"Anwender beißt das Ziel. Trägt dieses eine Beere,
isst der Anwender sie und erhält ihren Effekt."
450,15,7,"Pica al objetivo. Si el objetivo lleva una baya, el
usuario se la come y se beneficia de su efecto."
450,15,8,"Chi la usa morde il bersaglio. Inoltre, se questi ha
una bacca, gliela ruba e ne sfrutta gli effetti."
450,15,9,"The user bites the target. If the target
is holding a Berry, the user eats it and
gains its effect."
450,15,11,"かみついて 攻撃する。
相手が きのみを 持っているとき
食べて きのみの 効果を 受けられる。"
451,8,9,"The user fires a
concentrated bundle
of electricity. It may
also raise the user’s
Sp. Atk stat."
451,9,9,"The user fires a
concentrated bundle
of electricity. It may
also raise the user’s
Sp. Atk stat."
451,10,9,"The user fires a
concentrated bundle
of electricity. It may
also raise the user’s
Sp. Atk stat."
451,11,5,"Le lanceur tire un rayon chargé
d’électricité. Peut aussi augmenter
son Attaque Spéciale."
451,11,9,"The user attacks with an electric
charge. The user may use any remaining
electricity to raise its Sp. Atk stat."
451,14,9,"The user attacks with an electric
charge. The user may use any remaining
electricity to raise its Sp. Atk stat."
451,15,1,"でんげきの たばを あいてに
はっしゃする。でんきを ためて じぶんの
とくこうを あげることが ある。"
451,15,3,"전격의 다발을 상대에게
발사한다. 전기를 모아서 자신의
특수공격을 올릴 때가 있다."
451,15,5,"Le lanceur tire un rayon chargé d’électricité.
Peut aussi augmenter son Attaque Spéciale."
451,15,6,"Ziel wird von einem Elektrostrahl getroffen.
Steigert eventuell Spezial-Angriff des Anwenders."
451,15,7,"Lanza un rayo eléctrico contra el objetivo. Puede
subir el Ataque Especial de quien lo usa."
451,15,8,"Chi la usa lancia un fascio di elettricità molto
intensa. Può anche aumentare il suo Attacco
451,15,9,"The user attacks with an electric
charge. The user may use any remaining
electricity to raise its Sp. Atk stat."
451,15,11,"電撃の 束を 相手に
発射する。電気を ためて 自分の
特攻を あげることが ある。"
452,8,9,"The user slams its
rugged body into the
foe to attack. The
user also sustains
serious damage."
452,9,9,"The user slams its
rugged body into the
foe to attack. The
user also sustains
serious damage."
452,10,9,"The user slams its
rugged body into the
foe to attack. The
user also sustains
serious damage."
452,11,5,"Le lanceur heurte l’ennemi de son corps
robuste. Inflige de sérieux dégâts au
lanceur aussi."
452,11,9,"The user slams its rugged body into the
target to attack. The user also sustains
serious damage."
452,14,9,"The user slams its rugged body into the
target to attack. The user also sustains
serious damage."
452,15,1,"かたい どうたいを
あいてに たたきつけて こうげきする。
じぶんも かなり ダメージを うける。"
452,15,3,"단단한 몸통을
상대에게 부딪쳐서 공격한다.
자신도 상당한 데미지를 입는다."
452,15,5,"Le lanceur heurte l’ennemi de son corps robuste.
Blesse aussi gravement le lanceur."
452,15,6,"Anwender attackiert mit seinem robusten Körper.
Er erleidet dabei auch selbst großen Schaden."
452,15,7,"Arremete contra el objetivo con su robusto cuerpo.
El agresor también sufre bastante daño."
452,15,8,"Chi la usa si lancia con tutto il corpo contro
il bersaglio, ma subisce anche considerevoli danni."
452,15,9,"The user slams its rugged body into the
target to attack. This also damages
the user quite a lot."
452,15,11,"硬い 胴体を
相手に たたきつけて 攻撃する。
自分も かなり ダメージを 受ける。"
453,8,9,"The user lunges at
the foe at a speed
that makes it almost
invisible. It is sure
to strike first."
453,9,9,"The user lunges at
the foe at a speed
that makes it almost
invisible. It is sure
to strike first."
453,10,9,"The user lunges at
the foe at a speed
that makes it almost
invisible. It is sure
to strike first."
453,11,5,"Le lanceur fonce sur l’ennemi si
rapidement qu’on parvient à peine
à le discerner. Frappe en premier."
453,11,9,"The user lunges at the target at a speed
that makes it almost invisible. It is sure
to strike first."
453,14,9,"The user lunges at the target at a speed
that makes it almost invisible. It is sure
to strike first."
453,15,1,"めにも とまらぬ ものすごい はやさで
あいてに つっこむ。
かならず せんせい こうげき できる。"
453,15,3,"눈에 보이지 않는 굉장한 속도로
상대에게 돌진한다.
반드시 선제공격할 수 있다."
453,15,5,"Le lanceur fonce sur l’ennemi si rapidement qu’on
parvient à peine à le discerner. Frappe toujours en
453,15,6,Sehr schneller Angriff mit Erstschlaggarantie.
453,15,7,Ataque rápido que permite golpear en primer lugar.
453,15,8,"Chi la usa colpisce sempre per primo e a una tale
velocità da rendersi quasi invisibile."
453,15,9,"The user lunges at the target at a speed
that makes it almost invisible.
This move always goes first."
453,15,11,"目にも 留まらぬ ものすごい 速さで
相手に つっこむ。
必ず 先制攻撃 できる。"
454,8,9,"The user calls out
its underlings to
pummel the foe.
It has a high
critical-hit ratio."
454,9,9,"The user calls out
its underlings to
pummel the foe.
It has a high
critical-hit ratio."
454,10,9,"The user calls out
its underlings to
pummel the foe.
It has a high
critical-hit ratio."
454,11,5,"Le lanceur appelle ses sous-fifres pour
frapper l’ennemi. Taux de critiques
454,11,9,"The user calls out its underlings to
pummel the target.
Critical hits land more easily."
454,14,9,"The user calls out its underlings to
pummel the target.
Critical hits land more easily."
454,15,1,"しもべを よびだして
あいてに むかって こうげき させる。
きゅうしょに あたりやすい。"
454,15,3,"부하를 불러내어
상대를 향해서 공격시킨다.
급소에 맞기 쉽다."
454,15,5,"Le lanceur appelle ses sous-fifres pour frapper
l’ennemi. Taux de critiques élevé."
454,15,6,"Anwender ruft seine Untergebenen zum Angriff.
Hat eine hohe Volltrefferquote."
454,15,7,"El usuario llama a sus súbditos para que ataquen
al objetivo. Suele ser crítico."
454,15,8,"Chi la usa raduna i suoi sgherri per colpire
il bersaglio. Probabile brutto colpo."
454,15,9,"The user calls out its underlings to
pummel the target.
Critical hits land more easily."
454,15,11,"しもべを 呼びだして
相手に むかって 攻撃させる。
急所に 当たりやすい。"
455,8,9,"The user calls out
its underlings to
make a living shield,
raising its Defense
and Sp. Def stats."
455,9,9,"The user calls out
its underlings to
shield its body,
raising its Defense
and Sp. Def stats."
455,10,9,"The user calls out
its underlings to
shield its body,
raising its Defense
and Sp. Def stats."
455,11,5,"Le lanceur appelle ses sous-fifres pour
former un bouclier qui augmente sa Défense
et sa Défense Spéciale."
455,11,9,"The user calls out its underlings to
shield its body, raising its Defense
and Sp. Def stats."
455,14,9,"The user calls out its underlings to
shield its body, raising its Defense
and Sp. Def stats."
455,15,1,"しもべを よびだして じぶんの からだに
おおい つかせる。ぼうぎょと とくぼうを
あげることが できる。"
455,15,3,"부하를 불러내어 자신의 몸을
뒤덮게 한다. 방어와 특수방어를
올릴 수 있다."
455,15,5,"Le lanceur appelle ses sous-fifres pour former un
bouclier qui augmente sa Défense et sa Défense
455,15,6,"Untergebene bilden einen lebenden Schild
um den Anwender. Steigert Verteidigung
und Spezial-Verteidigung."
455,15,7,"El usuario llama a sus súbditos para que formen
un escudo viviente. Sube la Defensa y la Defensa
455,15,8,"Chi la usa raduna i suoi sgherri per creare
uno scudo, aumentando Difesa e Difesa Speciale."
455,15,9,"The user calls out its underlings to
shield its body, raising its Defense
and Sp. Def stats."
455,15,11,"しもべを 呼びだして 自分の 体に
おおい つかせる。防御と 特防を
あげることが できる。"
456,8,9,"The user calls out
its underlings to heal
it. The user regains
up to half of its
max HP."
456,9,9,"The user calls out
its underlings to heal
it. The user regains
up to half of its
max HP."
456,10,9,"The user calls out
its underlings to heal
it. The user regains
up to half of its
max HP."
456,11,5,"Le lanceur appelle ses sous-fifres pour
le soigner. Il récupère jusqu’à la moitié
de ses PV max."
456,11,9,"The user calls out its underlings to
heal it. The user regains up to half of its
max HP."
456,14,9,"The user calls out its underlings to
heal it. The user regains up to half of its
max HP."
456,15,1,"しもべを よびだして きずを なおす。
さいだい HPの はんぶん
じぶんの HPを かいふく する。"
456,15,3,"부하를 불러내어 상처를 회복한다.
최대 HP의 절반만큼
자신의 HP를 회복한다."
456,15,5,"Le lanceur appelle ses sous-fifres pour le soigner.
Il récupère jusqu’à la moitié de ses PV max."
456,15,6,"Untergebene heilen den Anwender.
KP des Anwenders werden um 50 %
der maximalen KP aufgefüllt."
456,15,7,"El usuario llama a sus súbditos para que lo curen.
Recupera hasta la mitad de los PS máximos."
456,15,8,"Chi la usa raduna i suoi sgherri per farsi curare.
Recupera metà dei PS massimi."
456,15,9,"The user calls out its underlings to
heal it. The user regains up to half of its
max HP."
456,15,11,"しもべを 呼びだして きずを 治す。
最大HPの 半分
自分の HPを 回復する。"
457,8,9,"The user delivers a
life-endangering head
butt at full power.
The user also takes
terrible damage."
457,9,9,"The user delivers a
life-endangering head
butt at full power.
The user also takes
terrible damage."
457,10,9,"The user delivers a
attack at full power.
The user also takes
terrible damage."
457,11,5,"Le lanceur assène un coup de tête
désespéré. Blesse aussi gravement
le lanceur."
457,11,9,"The user attacks the target with a
hazardous, full-power headbutt.
The user also takes terrible damage."
457,14,9,"The user attacks the target with a
hazardous, full-power headbutt.
The user also takes terrible damage."
457,15,1,"いのちを かけて こんしんの ちからで
あいてに ずつきを する。じぶんも
ものすごい ダメージを うける。"
457,15,3,"목숨을 걸고 혼신의 힘으로
상대에게 박치기를 한다.
자신도 굉장한 데미지를 입는다."
457,15,5,"Le lanceur assène un coup de tête désespéré.
Blesse aussi gravement le lanceur."
457,15,6,"Anwender greift unter Einsatz seines Lebens
mit einem Kopfstoß an und nimmt dabei selbst
jede Menge Schaden."
457,15,7,"El usuario arriesga su vida y lanza un cabezazo
con toda su fuerza. El agresor resulta seriamente
457,15,8,"Chi la usa attacca con tutta la potenza di cui
dispone, ma subisce danni considerevoli."
457,15,9,"The user attacks the target with a
hazardous, full-power headbutt.
This also damages the user terribly."
457,15,11,"命を 懸けて こん身の 力で
相手に ずつきを する。自分も
ものすごい ダメージを 受ける。"
458,8,9,"The user slams the
foe with a tail, etc.
The target is hit
twice in a row.
458,9,9,"The user slams the
foe with a tail, etc.
The target is hit
twice in a row.
458,10,9,"The user slams the
foe with a long tail,
vines, etc. The
target is hit
twice in a row."
458,11,5,"Un coup de queue ou de liane qui frappe
l’ennemi deux fois d’affilée."
458,11,9,"The user slams the target with a long tail,
vines, or tentacle.
The target is hit twice in a row."
458,14,9,"The user slams the target with a long tail,
vines, or tentacle.
The target is hit twice in a row."
458,15,1,"しっぽなどを つかい あいてを たたいて
こうげきする。2かい れんぞくで
ダメージを あたえる。"
458,15,3,"꼬리 등을 써서
상대를 때려 공격한다.
2회 연속으로 데미지를 준다."
458,15,5,"Un coup de queue ou de liane qui frappe l’ennemi
deux fois d’affilée."
458,15,6,"Anwender trifft das Ziel mit dem Schweif
oder Ähnlichem. Ziel wird doppelt getroffen."
458,15,7,"Golpea al objetivo dos veces seguidas con la cola
u otras partes de su cuerpo."
458,15,8,"Chi la usa colpisce il bersaglio due volte di fila
con la coda, una liana o simili."
458,15,9,"The user slams the target with a long tail,
vines, or a tentacle.
The target is hit twice in a row."
458,15,11,"しっぽなどを 使い
相手を たたいて 攻撃する。
2回連続で ダメージを 与える。"
459,8,9,"The user blasts the
foe with power that
distorts even time.
The user must rest
on the next turn."
459,9,9,"The user blasts the
foe with power that
distorts even time.
The user must rest
on the next turn."
459,10,9,"The user blasts the
foe with power that
distorts even time.
The user must rest
on the next turn."
459,11,5,"Le lanceur frappe si fort qu’il affecte
le cours du temps. Il se repose au
tour suivant."
459,11,9,"The user blasts the target with power
that distorts even time.
The user must rest on the next turn."
459,14,9,"The user blasts the target with power
that distorts even time.
The user must rest on the next turn."
459,15,1,"じかんが ゆがむほどの ちからを
うちだして あいてを こうげきする。
つぎの ターンは うごけなく なる。"
459,15,3,"시간이 뒤틀릴 정도의 힘을
사용해서 상대를 공격한다.
다음 턴은 움직일 수 없다."
459,15,5,"Le lanceur frappe si fort qu’il affecte le cours du
temps. Il se repose au tour suivant."
459,15,6,"Anwender attackiert mit einer Kraft, die selbst
die Zeit verzerrt. In der nächsten Runde muss er
459,15,7,"Ataca al objetivo usando tal energía que el tiempo
se distorsiona. El usuario descansa el siguiente
459,15,8,"Chi la usa colpisce il bersaglio con una forza
capace di alterare il tempo, ma deve stare fermo
al turno successivo."
459,15,9,"The user blasts the target with power
that distorts even time.
The user can’t move on the next turn."
459,15,11,"時間が ゆがむほどの 力を
うちだして 相手を 攻撃する。
次の ターンは 動けなくなる。"
460,8,9,"The user tears the
foe along with the
space around it.
This move has a high
critical-hit ratio."
460,9,9,"The user tears the
foe along with the
space around it.
This move has a high
critical-hit ratio."
460,10,9,"The user tears the
foe along with the
space around it.
This move has a high
critical-hit ratio."
460,11,5,"Le lanceur déchire l’ennemi et l’espace
autour de lui. Taux de critiques élevé."
460,11,9,"The user tears the target along with the
space around it.
Critical hits land more easily."
460,14,9,"The user tears the target along with the
space around it.
Critical hits land more easily."
460,15,1,"まわりの くうかんごと あいてを
ひきさき ダメージを あたえる。
きゅうしょに あたりやすい。"
460,15,3,"주위의 공간과 더불어 상대를
찢어서 데미지를 준다.
급소에 맞기 쉽다."
460,15,5,"Le lanceur déchire l’ennemi et l’espace autour
de lui. Taux de critiques élevé."
460,15,6,"Schwere, raumgreifende Attacke.
Hohe Volltrefferquote."
460,15,7,"Desgarra al objetivo y el espacio a su alrededor.
Suele ser crítico."
460,15,8,"Chi la usa lacera il bersaglio e lo spazio che
lo circonda. Probabile brutto colpo."
460,15,9,"The user tears the target along with the
space around it.
Critical hits land more easily."
460,15,11,"周りの 空間ごと 相手を
引き裂き ダメージを 与える。
急所に 当たりやすい。"
461,8,9,"The user faints. In
return, the Pokémon
taking its place will
have its status and
HP fully restored."
461,9,9,"The user faints. In
return, the Pokémon
taking its place will
have its status and
HP fully restored."
461,10,9,"The user faints. In
return, the Pokémon
taking its place will
have its status and
HP fully restored."
461,11,5,"Le lanceur tombe K.O. pour soigner le
statut et les PV du Pokémon qui prendra
sa place au combat."
461,11,9,"The user faints. In return, the Pokémon
taking its place will have its status and
HP fully restored."
461,14,9,"The user faints. In return, the Pokémon
taking its place will have its status and
HP fully restored."
461,15,1,"じぶんは ひんしに なるが
ひかえから でてくる ポケモンの
すべての じょうたいを かいふく する。"
461,15,3,"자신은 기절하지만
교대하여 나오는 포켓몬의
모든 상태를 회복한다."
461,15,5,"Le lanceur tombe K.O. pour soigner le statut et les
PV du Pokémon qui prendra sa place au combat."
461,15,6,"Anwender geht K.O. Das an seine Stelle
tretende Pokémon hat dafür volle KP und AP.
Statusprobleme werden geheilt."
461,15,7,"El usuario se debilita, pero el Pokémon que lo
sustituye recupera su estado, los PS y los PP."
461,15,8,"Chi la usa va KO. Il Pokémon che lo sostituisce
guarisce dai propri problemi di stato e recupera
PS e PP."
461,15,9,"The user faints. In return, the Pokémon
taking its place will have its status and
HP fully restored."
461,15,11,"自分は ひんしに なるが
控えから でてくる ポケモンの
すべての 状態を 回復する。"
462,8,9,"The foe is crushed
with great force.
The attack is more
powerful the more HP
the foe has left."
462,9,9,"The foe is crushed
with great force.
The attack is more
powerful the more HP
the foe has left."
462,10,9,"The foe is crushed
with great force.
The attack is more
powerful the more HP
the foe has left."
462,11,5,"Une force puissante écrase l’ennemi.
Plus il lui reste de PV et plus l’attaque
est puissante."
462,11,9,"The target is crushed with great force.
The attack is more powerful the more
HP the target has left."
462,14,9,"The target is crushed with great force.
The attack is more powerful the more
HP the target has left."
462,15,1,"すさまじい ちからで あいてを にぎり
つぶす。あいての HPが のこっている
ほど いりょくが あがる。"
462,15,3,"굉장한 힘으로 상대를 묵사발로
만든다. 상대의 HP가 남아 있을수록
위력이 올라간다."
462,15,5,"Une force puissante écrase l’ennemi. Plus il lui
reste de PV et plus l’attaque est puissante."
462,15,6,"Ziel wird mit großer Kraft getroffen. Je höher
die KP des Zieles, desto stärker die Attacke."
462,15,7,"Estruja al objetivo con gran fuerza. Cuantos más
PS le queden al objetivo, más fuerte será el
462,15,8,"Colpisce il bersaglio con grande forza. Più PS
ha il Pokémon colpito, maggiore è la potenza
della mossa."
462,15,9,"The target is crushed with great force.
The more HP the target has left,
the greater this move’s power."
462,15,11,"すさまじい 力で 相手を にぎりつぶす。
相手の HPが 残っているほど
威力が あがる。"
463,8,9,"The foe becomes
trapped within a
maelstrom of fire
that rages for two
to five turns."
463,9,9,"The foe becomes
trapped within a
maelstrom of fire
that rages for two
to five turns."
463,10,9,"The foe becomes
trapped within a
maelstrom of fire
that rages for two
to five turns."
463,11,5,"L’ennemi est pris dans un tourbillon
de feu qui dure de 4 à 5 tours."
463,11,9,"The target becomes trapped
within a maelstrom of fire that rages
for four to five turns."
463,14,9,"The target becomes trapped
within a maelstrom of fire that rages
for four to five turns."
463,15,1,"はげしく もえたぎる ほのおの なかに
4ー5ターンの あいだ
あいてを とじこめて こうげきする。"
463,15,3,"세차게 타오르는 불꽃 속에
4-5턴 동안 상대를
가두어 공격한다."
463,15,5,"L’ennemi est pris dans un tourbillon de feu qui
dure de quatre à cinq tours."
463,15,6,"Das Ziel wird in einen Feuersog gezogen,
der vier bis fünf Runden aktiv ist."
463,15,7,"El objetivo queda atrapado en una tormenta de
fuego que dura de cuatro a cinco turnos."
463,15,8,"Intrappola il bersaglio in un turbine di fuoco che
dura per quattro o cinque turni."
463,15,9,"The target becomes trapped
within a maelstrom of fire that rages
for four to five turns."
463,15,11,"激しく 燃えたぎる 炎の なかに
4ー5ターンの あいだ
相手を 閉じこめて 攻撃する。"
464,8,9,"The foe is dragged
into a world of total
darkness that puts it
to sleep.
464,9,9,"The foe is dragged
into a world of total
darkness that puts it
to sleep.
464,10,9,"The foe is dragged
into a world of total
darkness that puts it
to sleep.
464,11,5,"L’ennemi est plongé dans les ténèbres.
Il tombe dans un profond sommeil."
464,11,9,"Opposing Pokémon are dragged into
a world of total darkness that makes
them sleep."
464,14,9,"Opposing Pokémon are dragged into
a world of total darkness that makes
them sleep."
464,15,1,"あんこくの せかいに ひきずり おとして
あいてを ねむり じょうたいに する。
464,15,3,"암흑의 세계로 끌고 가서 떨어뜨려
상대를 잠듦 상태로 만든다."
464,15,5,"L’ennemi est plongé dans les ténèbres.
Il tombe dans un profond sommeil."
464,15,6,"Das Ziel wird in eine Welt der Dunkelheit gezogen
und in Schlaf versetzt."
464,15,7,"El objetivo es enviado a un mundo de tinieblas
que lo hace dormir."
464,15,8,"Trascina i nemici intorno in un mondo
di totale oscurità e li fa addormentare."
464,15,9,"Opposing Pokémon are dragged into
a world of total darkness that makes
them sleep."
464,15,11,"暗黒の 世界に ひきずり 落として
相手を 眠り状態に する。
465,8,9,"The user generates
a shock wave from
within its body.
It may also lower the
target’s Sp. Def."
465,9,9,"The user generates
a shock wave from
within its body.
It may also lower the
target’s Sp. Def."
465,10,9,"The user generates
a shock wave from
within its body.
It may also lower the
target’s Sp. Def."
465,11,5,"Le corps du lanceur émet une onde de
choc. Peut aussi baisser grandement
la Défense Spéciale de la cible."
465,11,9,"The user emits a shock wave from
its body to attack its target. It may
harshly lower the target’s Sp. Def."
465,14,9,"The user emits a shock wave from
its body to attack its target. It may
harshly lower the target’s Sp. Def."
465,15,1,"からだの なかから しょうげきはを
はっせい させる。あいての とくぼうを
がくっと さげることが ある。"
465,15,3,"몸속에서 충격파를
발생시킨다. 상대의 특수방어를
크게 떨어뜨릴 때가 있다."
465,15,5,"Le corps du lanceur émet une onde de choc.
Peut aussi baisser grandement la Défense Spéciale
de la cible."
465,15,6,"Anwender erzeugt eine Schockwelle.
Spezial-Verteidigung des Zieles wird stark gesenkt."
465,15,7,"Una onda de choque se libera del cuerpo. Puede
bajar mucho la Defensa Especial del objetivo."
465,15,8,"Chi la usa genera un’onda d’urto dal suo corpo.
Può anche ridurre di molto la Difesa Speciale
del bersaglio."
465,15,9,"The user emits a shock wave from
its body to attack its target. This may
also harshly lower the target’s Sp. Def."
465,15,11,"体の 中から 衝撃波を
発生させる。相手の 特防を
がくっと さげることが ある。"
466,8,9,"The user creates a
gust of repulsive
wind. It may also
raise all the user’s
stats at once."
466,9,9,"The user creates a
gust of repulsive
wind. It may also
raise all the user’s
stats at once."
466,10,9,"The user creates a
gust of repulsive
wind. It may also
raise all the user’s
stats at once."
466,11,5,"Le lanceur crée une violente bourrasque.
Peut aussi augmenter toutes ses stats."
466,11,9,"The user blasts the target with a gust of
repulsive wind. It may also raise all the
user’s stats at once."
466,14,9,"The user blasts the target with a gust of
repulsive wind. It may also raise all the
user’s stats at once."
466,15,1,"みのけも よだつ とっぷうで あいてを
こうげきする。じぶんの すべての
のうりょくが あがることが ある。"
466,15,3,"소름이 끼칠 만한 돌풍으로 상대를
공격한다. 자신의 모든
능력이 올라갈 때가 있다."
466,15,5,"Le lanceur crée une violente bourrasque.
Peut aussi augmenter toutes ses stats."
466,15,6,"Das Ziel treffen abscheuliche Winde.
Steigert eventuell alle Statuswerte des Anwenders."
466,15,7,"Produce un viento horripilante. Puede subir de
golpe todas las características del usuario."
466,15,8,"Chi la usa attacca con una forte raffica di vento
che può aumentare tutte le sue statistiche."
466,15,9,"The user blasts the target with a gust of
repulsive wind. This may also raise all the
user’s stats at once."
466,15,11,"みのけも よだつ 突風で 相手を
攻撃する。自分の すべての
能力が あがることが ある。"
467,8,9,"The user disappears,
then strikes the foe
on the second turn.
It hits even if the
foe used Protect."
467,9,9,"The user disappears,
then strikes the foe
on the second turn.
It hits even if the
foe used Protect."
467,10,9,"The user disappears,
then strikes the foe
on the second turn.
It hits even if the
foe protects itself."
467,11,5,"Le lanceur disparaît et frappe l’ennemi
au second tour. Fonctionne même si
l’ennemi se protège."
467,11,9,"The user disappears, then strikes the
target on the second turn.
It hits even if the target protects itself."
467,14,9,"The user disappears, then strikes the
target on the second turn.
It hits even if the target protects itself."
467,15,1,"1ターンめで すがたを けして
2ターンめに あいてを こうげきする。
まもっていても こうげきは あたる。"
467,15,3,"1턴째에 모습을 감춰
2턴째에 상대를 공격한다.
방어하고 있어도 공격은 맞는다."
467,15,5,"Le lanceur disparaît et frappe l’ennemi au second
tour. Fonctionne même si l’ennemi se protège."
467,15,6,"Anwender verschwindet in Runde 1
und attackiert in Runde 2. Trifft auch,
wenn sich das Ziel selbst schützt."
467,15,7,"En el primer turno, desaparece. En el segundo,
golpea al objetivo aunque se esté protegiendo."
467,15,8,"Chi la usa sparisce e poi colpisce il bersaglio
al turno successivo. Colpisce anche un Pokémon
che ha usato Protezione o Individua."
467,15,9,"The user disappears, then strikes the
target on the next turn.
This move hits even if the target protects itself."
467,15,11,"1ターン目で 姿を 消して
2ターン目に 相手を 攻撃する。
守っていても 攻撃は 当たる。"
468,11,5,"Le lanceur s’aiguise les griffes.
Augmente l’Attaque et la Précision."
468,11,9,"The user sharpens its claws to
boost its Attack stat and accuracy."
468,14,9,"The user sharpens its claws to
boost its Attack stat and accuracy."
468,15,1,"ツメを みがいて するどく する。
じぶんの こうげきと
めいちゅうりつを あげる。"
468,15,3,"손톱을 갈아 날카롭게 한다.
자신의 공격과
명중률을 올린다."
468,15,5,"Le lanceur s’aiguise les griffes.
Augmente l’Attaque et la Précision."
468,15,6,"Wetzt seine Klauen, um sie zu schärfen.
Erhöht Angriff und Genauigkeit des Anwenders."
468,15,7,"El usuario se afila las garras para aumentar su
Ataque y Precisión."
468,15,8,"Chi la usa affila i propri artigli aumentando
Attacco e precisione."
468,15,9,"The user sharpens its claws to
boost its Attack stat and accuracy."
468,15,11,"ツメを 磨いて 鋭く する。
自分の 攻撃と
命中率を あげる。"
469,11,5,"Annule les attaques visant toute l’équipe
pendant 1 tour. Peut échouer si utilisée
plusieurs fois de suite."
469,11,9,"The user and its allies are protected from
wide-ranging attacks for one turn. If used
in succession, its chance of failing rises."
469,14,9,"The user and its allies are protected from
wide-ranging attacks for one turn. If used
in succession, its chance of failing rises."
469,15,1,"みかた ぜんいんに あたる こうげきを
1ターンの あいだ ふせぐ。
469,15,3,"같은 편 전원에게 향하는 공격을
1턴 동안 막는다.
469,15,5,"Annule les attaques visant toute l’équipe
pendant un tour."
469,15,6,"Schützt eine Runde lang vor Angriffen,
die alle Pokémon auf deiner Seite treffen."
469,15,7,"Bloquea los ataques de objetivo múltiple
lanzados contra tu equipo durante un turno."
469,15,8,"Chi la usa protegge sé e gli alleati da colpi
ad ampio raggio."
469,15,9,"The user and its allies are protected from
wide-ranging attacks for one turn."
469,15,11,"味方全員に 当たる 攻撃を
1ターンの あいだ 防ぐ。
470,11,5,"Additionne la Défense et la Défense
Spéciale du lanceur et de sa cible et les
redistribue équitablement entre les deux."
470,11,9,"The user employs its psychic power to
average its Defense and Sp. Def stats
with those of its target’s."
470,14,9,"The user employs its psychic power to
average its Defense and Sp. Def stats
with those of its target’s."
470,15,1,"ちょうのうりょくで じぶんと あいての
ぼうぎょと とくぼうを たして
はんぶんに わける。"
470,15,3,"초능력으로 자신과 상대의
방어와 특수방어를 더해서
반으로 나눈다."
470,15,5,"Additionne la Défense et la Défense Spéciale
du lanceur et de sa cible et les redistribue
équitablement entre les deux."
470,15,6,"Durch Psycho-Kräfte werden Verteidigung und
Spezial-Verteidigung des Anwenders und des
Zieles addiert und in zwei gleiche Hälften geteilt."
470,15,7,"El usuario emplea sus poderes para hacer la media
de su Defensa y Defensa Especial con las de su
objetivo y compartirlas."
470,15,8,"Chi la usa sfrutta la sua forza psichica per sommare
Difesa e Difesa Speciale a quelle del bersaglio
e dividerle equamente."
470,15,9,"The user employs its psychic power to
average its Defense and Sp. Def stats
with those of the target."
470,15,11,"超能力で 自分と 相手の
防御と 特防を たして
半分に わける。"
471,11,5,"Additionne l’Attaque Spéciale et l’Attaque
du lanceur et de sa cible et les
redistribue équitablement entre les deux."
471,11,9,"The user employs its psychic power to
average its Attack and Sp. Atk stats
with those of the target’s."
471,14,9,"The user employs its psychic power to
average its Attack and Sp. Atk stats
with those of the target’s."
471,15,1,"ちょうのうりょくで じぶんと あいての
こうげきと とくこうを たして
はんぶんに わける。"
471,15,3,"초능력으로 자신과 상대의
공격과 특수공격을 더해서
반으로 나눈다."
471,15,5,"Additionne l’Attaque Spéciale et l’Attaque
du lanceur et de sa cible et les redistribue
équitablement entre les deux."
471,15,6,"Durch Psycho-Kräfte werden Angriff und
Spezial-Angriff des Anwenders und des Zieles
addiert und in zwei gleiche Hälften geteilt."
471,15,7,"El usuario emplea sus poderes para hacer la media
de su Ataque y Ataque Especial con los de su
objetivo y compartirlos."
471,15,8,"Chi la usa sfrutta la sua forza psichica per sommare
Attacco e Attacco Speciale a quelli del bersaglio
e dividerli equamente."
471,15,9,"The user employs its psychic power to
average its Attack and Sp. Atk stats
with those of the target."
471,15,11,"超能力で 自分と 相手の
攻撃と 特攻を たして
半分に わける。"
472,11,5,"Crée une zone étrange où pendant 5 tours,
la Défense et la Défense Spéciale de tous
les Pokémon sont inversées."
472,11,9,"The user creates a bizarre area in which
Pokémon’s Defense and Sp. Def
stats are swapped for five turns."
472,14,9,"The user creates a bizarre area in which
Pokémon’s Defense and Sp. Def
stats are swapped for five turns."
472,15,1,"まかふしぎな くうかんを つくる。
5ターンのあいだ すべてのポケモンの
ぼうぎょと とくぼうが いれかわる。"
472,15,3,"이상한 공간을 만든다.
5턴 동안 모든 포켓몬의
방어와 특수방어가 바뀐다."
472,15,5,"Crée une zone étrange où pendant cinq tours,
la Défense et la Défense Spéciale de tous les
Pokémon sont inversées."
472,15,6,"Anwender erzeugt bizarren Raum, in dem über
fünf Runden die Verteidigung aller Pokémon
mit ihrer Spezial-Verteidigung getauscht wird."
472,15,7,"Crea una zona misteriosa donde se intercambian
la Defensa y la Defensa Especial de todos los
Pokémon durante cinco turnos."
472,15,8,"Chi la usa crea una dimensione in cui Difesa
e Difesa Speciale di tutti i Pokémon vengono
scambiate per cinque turni."
472,15,9,"The user creates a bizarre area in which
Pokémon’s Defense and Sp. Def
stats are swapped for five turns."
472,15,11,"まか不思議な 空間を つくる。
5ターンのあいだ すべてのポケモンの
防御と 特防が 入れ替わる。"
473,11,5,"Le lanceur matérialise des ondes
mystérieuses qu’il projette sur
l’ennemi. Inflige des dégâts physiques."
473,11,9,"The user materializes an odd
psychic wave to attack the target.
This attack does physical damage."
473,14,9,"The user materializes an odd
psychic wave to attack the target.
This attack does physical damage."
473,15,1,"ふしぎな ねんぱを じったいかして
あいてを こうげきする。
ぶつりてきな ダメージを あたえる。"
473,15,3,"이상한 염력파를 실체화하여
상대를 공격한다.
물리적인 데미지를 준다."
473,15,5,"Le lanceur matérialise des ondes mystérieuses
qu’il projette sur l’ennemi. Inflige des dégâts
473,15,6,"Anwender erzeugt eine seltsame Energiewelle,
die dem Ziel physischen Schaden zufügt."
473,15,7,"Crea una onda psíquica que causa daño físico al
473,15,8,"Chi la usa attacca il bersaglio facendo
materializzare un misterioso raggio psichico
che provoca danni fisici."
473,15,9,"The user materializes an odd
psychic wave to attack the target.
This attack does physical damage."
473,15,11,"不思議な 念波を 実体化して
相手を 攻撃する。
物理的な ダメージを 与える。"
474,11,5,"Le lanceur inocule un poison spécial
à l’ennemi. L’effet est doublé si
l’ennemi est déjà empoisonné."
474,11,9,"The user drenches the target in a special
poisonous liquid. Its power is doubled
if the target is poisoned."
474,14,9,"The user drenches the target in a special
poisonous liquid. Its power is doubled
if the target is poisoned."
474,15,1,"とくしゅな どくえきを あびせかける。
どく じょうたいの あいてには
いりょくが 2ばいに なる。"
474,15,3,"특수한 독액을 끼얹는다.
독 상태의 상대에게는
위력이 2배가 된다."
474,15,5,"Le lanceur inocule un poison spécial à l’ennemi.
L’effet est doublé si l’ennemi est déjà empoisonné."
474,15,6,"Überschüttet das Ziel mit einer speziellen
toxischen Flüssigkeit. Doppelt so stark gegen
vergiftete Ziele."
474,15,7,"Ataca cubriendo al objetivo con un líquido
venenoso. El daño será doble si este ya está
474,15,8,"Lancia uno speciale liquido tossico sul bersaglio.
Se questi è avvelenato, il danno provocato
474,15,9,"The user drenches the target in a special
poisonous liquid. This move’s power is doubled
if the target is poisoned."
474,15,11,"特殊な 毒液を 浴びせかける。
毒状態の 相手には
威力が 2倍に なる。"
475,11,5,"Le lanceur se débarrasse des parties
inutiles de son corps. Son poids diminue
et sa Vitesse augmente fortement."
475,11,9,"The user sheds part of its body
to make itself lighter and sharply
raise its Speed stat."
475,14,9,"The user sheds part of its body
to make itself lighter and sharply
raise its Speed stat."
475,15,1,"からだの ムダな ぶぶんを けずる。
じぶんの すばやさを ぐーんと あげて
たいじゅうも かるく なる。"
475,15,3,"몸의 쓸모없는 부분을 깎는다.
자신의 스피드를 크게 올리고
체중도 가벼워진다."
475,15,5,"Le lanceur se débarrasse des parties inutiles de
son corps. Son poids diminue et sa Vitesse
augmente fortement."
475,15,6,"Anwender trennt sich von überflüssigen
Körperteilen und steigert seine Initiative
stark. Sein Gewicht nimmt deutlich ab."
475,15,7,"El usuario se sacude para hacerse más ligero y
aumentar mucho su Velocidad."
475,15,8,"Chi la usa si libera di tutti i pesi in eccesso,
alleggerendosi e aumentando di molto la propria
475,15,9,"The user sheds part of its body
to make itself lighter and sharply
raise its Speed stat."
475,15,11,"体の ムダな 部分を 削る。
自分の 素早さを ぐーんと あげて
体重も 軽くなる。"
476,11,5,"Le lanceur s’asperge d’une poudre
irritante pour attirer l’attention. Il
attire toutes les attaques ennemies."
476,11,9,"The user scatters a cloud of irritating
powder to draw attention to itself.
Opponents aim only at the user."
476,14,9,"The user scatters a cloud of irritating
powder to draw attention to itself.
Opponents aim only at the user."
476,15,1,"イライラさせる こなを じぶんに
ふりかけて ちゅういを ひく。あいての
こうげきを すべて じぶんに むける。"
476,15,3,"안절부절못하게 하는 가루를
자신에게 뿌려서 주의를 끈다.
상대의 공격은 모두 자신에게 향한다."
476,15,5,"Le lanceur s’asperge d’une poudre irritante pour
attirer l’attention. Il attire toutes les attaques
476,15,6,"Anwender zieht gegnerische Aufmerksamkeit und
Angriffe auf sich, indem er ein Wut erzeugendes
Pulver über sich streut."
476,15,7,"Usa un polvo que irrita y centra en el usuario la
atención y los ataques de los rivales."
476,15,8,"Chi la usa attira l’attenzione dei nemici
cospargendosi di una polvere irritante e diventando
bersaglio di tutti gli attacchi."
476,15,9,"The user scatters a cloud of irritating
powder to draw attention to itself.
Opponents aim only at the user."
476,15,11,"イライラさせる 粉を 自分に
ふりかけて 注意を ひく。相手の
攻撃を すべて 自分に むける。"
477,11,5,"Un pouvoir qui fait flotter l’ennemi dans
les airs. Pendant 3 tours, il devient plus
facile à atteindre."
477,11,9,"The user makes the target float with its
psychic power. The target is easier to
hit for three turns."
477,14,9,"The user makes the target float with its
psychic power. The target is easier to
hit for three turns."
477,15,1,"ちょうのうりょくで あいてを うかせる。
3ターンの あいだ こうげきが
あいてに あたりやすく なる。"
477,15,3,"초능력으로 상대를 띄운다.
3턴 동안 공격이
상대에게 맞기 쉬워진다."
477,15,5,"Un pouvoir qui fait flotter l’ennemi dans les airs.
Pendant trois tours, il devient plus facile à
477,15,6,"Bringt das Ziel durch Psycho-Kräfte zum
Schweben. Dieses lässt sich so über drei
Runden hinweg besonders leicht treffen."
477,15,7,"El usuario emplea su poder mental para hacer
flotar al objetivo, y lo convierte en un blanco
fácil durante tres turnos."
477,15,8,"Chi la usa fa fluttuare in aria il bersaglio,
rendendolo facile da colpire per tre turni."
477,15,9,"The user makes the target float with its
psychic power. The target is easier to
hit for three turns."
477,15,11,"超能力で 相手を 浮かせる。
3ターンの あいだ 攻撃が
相手に 当たりやすく なる。"
478,11,5,"Le lanceur crée une zone étrange. Pendant
5 tours, les objets tenus par tous les
Pokémon n’ont plus aucun effet."
478,11,9,"The user creates a bizarre area
in which Pokémon’s held items
lose their effects for five turns."
478,14,9,"The user creates a bizarre area
in which Pokémon’s held items
lose their effects for five turns."
478,15,1,"まかふしぎな くうかんを つくる。
5ターンのあいだ すべてのポケモンの
どうぐの こうかが なくなる。"
478,15,3,"이상한 공간을 만든다.
5턴 동안 모든 포켓몬의
도구의 효과가 사라진다."
478,15,5,"Le lanceur crée une zone étrange.
Pendant cinq tours, les objets tenus par tous
les Pokémon n’ont plus aucun effet."
478,15,6,"Anwender erzeugt einen bizarren Raum,
in dem über fünf Runden die Wirkung aller von
Pokémon getragenen Items aufgehoben ist."
478,15,7,"Crea un espacio misterioso que inutiliza todos los
objetos de los Pokémon durante cinco turnos."
478,15,8,"Chi la usa crea una dimensione in cui l’effetto
degli strumenti di tutti i Pokémon è annullato
per cinque turni."
478,15,9,"The user creates a bizarre area
in which Pokémon’s held items
lose their effects for five turns."
478,15,11,"まか不思議な 空間を つくる。
5ターンのあいだ すべてのポケモンの
道具の 効果が なくなる。"
479,11,5,"Le lanceur jette toutes sortes
de projectiles à un ennemi. Si ce
dernier vole, il tombe au sol."
479,11,9,"The user throws a stone or projectile to
attack an opponent. A flying Pokémon will
fall to the ground when hit."
479,14,9,"The user throws a stone or projectile to
attack an opponent. A flying Pokémon will
fall to the ground when hit."
479,15,1,"いしや たまを なげて とんでいる
あいてを こうげきする。あいては
うちおとされて じめんに おちる。"
479,15,3,"돌이나 구슬을 던져서 날고 있는
상대를 공격한다.
맞은 상대는 땅에 떨어진다."
479,15,5,"Le lanceur jette toutes sortes de projectiles à
un ennemi. Si ce dernier vole, il tombe au sol."
479,15,6,"Greift das Ziel mit Steinen und Wurfgeschossen an.
Fliegende Ziele fallen dabei vom Himmel und
landen auf dem Boden."
479,15,7,"El usuario ataca lanzando una piedra o un proyectil.
Puede estrellar contra el suelo al objetivo si vuela."
479,15,8,"Chi la usa lancia una pietra o un proiettile.
Può colpire anche un bersaglio in volo
e farlo cadere."
479,15,9,"The user throws a stone or similar projectile
to attack an opponent. A flying Pokémon
will fall to the ground when it’s hit."
479,15,11,"石や 弾を 投げて 飛んでいる
相手を 攻撃する。相手は
うち落とされて 地面に 落ちる。"
480,11,5,"Un coup très puissant dont l’effet
est toujours critique."
480,11,9,"The user strikes the target with a fierce
blow. This attack always results in a
critical hit."
480,14,9,"The user strikes the target with a fierce
blow. This attack always results in a
critical hit."
480,15,1,"きょうれつな いちげきを
あいてに くりだす。こうげきは
かならず きゅうしょに あたる。"
480,15,3,"강렬한 일격을
상대에게 날린다. 공격은
반드시 급소에 맞는다."
480,15,5,"Un coup très puissant dont l’effet est toujours
480,15,6,Ein Angriff mit voller Wucht und Volltreffergarantie.
480,15,7,"Lanza un golpe fulminante. Siempre resulta en un
golpe crítico."
480,15,8,"Chi la usa sferra un colpo micidiale al bersaglio,
stritolandolo. Brutto colpo assicurato."
480,15,9,"The user strikes the target with a fierce
blow. This attack always results in a
critical hit."
480,15,11,"強烈な 一撃を
相手に くりだす。攻撃は
必ず 急所に 当たる。"
481,11,5,"Quand l’attaque atteint sa cible, elle
projette des flammes qui touchent
tout ennemi situé à côté."
481,11,9,"The user attacks the target with a
bursting flame. The bursting flame damages
Pokémon next to the target as well."
481,14,9,"The user attacks the target with a
bursting flame. The bursting flame damages
Pokémon next to the target as well."
481,15,1,"あたると はじける ほのおで あいてを
こうげきする。はじけた ほのおは
となりの あいてにも ふりかかる。"
481,15,3,"맞으면 튀는 불꽃으로 상대를
공격한다. 튕긴 불꽃은
옆의 상대에게도 쏟아진다."
481,15,5,"Quand l’attaque atteint sa cible, elle projette des
flammes qui touchent tout ennemi situé à côté."
481,15,6,"Bei Erfolg greift der Anwender mit berstenden
Feuerblasen an. Die Funken der geplatzten Blasen
treffen auch benachbarte Ziele."
481,15,7,"Golpea al objetivo con una llamarada que afecta
también a los Pokémon adyacentes."
481,15,8,"Chi la usa emana una fiammata che colpisce
il bersaglio e si propaga fino a raggiungere
i Pokémon vicini."
481,15,9,"The user attacks the target with a
bursting flame. The bursting flame damages
Pokémon next to the target as well."
481,15,11,"当たると はじける 炎で 相手を
攻撃する。はじけた 炎は
隣の 相手にも ふりかかる。"
482,11,5,"Une vague de détritus attaque tous
les Pokémon autour du lanceur.
Peut aussi empoisonner."
482,11,9,"It swamps the area around the user with a
giant sludge wave.
It may also poison those hit."
482,14,9,"It swamps the area around the user with a
giant sludge wave.
It may also poison those hit."
482,15,1,"ヘドロの なみで じぶんの
まわりに いるものを こうげきする。
どく じょうたいに することが ある。"
482,15,3,"오물 파도로 자신의
주위에 있는 포켓몬을 공격한다.
독 상태로 만들 때가 있다."
482,15,5,"Une vague de détritus attaque tous les Pokémon
autour du lanceur. Peut aussi empoisonner."
482,15,6,"Greift Pokémon in der Nähe des Anwenders mit
einer Schlammwelle an. Diese werden eventuell
482,15,7,"Una onda tóxica que daña a los Pokémon de
alrededor. Puede envenenar."
482,15,8,"Lancia un’onda di fango che attacca tutti
i Pokémon nelle vicinanze. Può anche avvelenarli."
482,15,9,"The user strikes everything around it
by swamping the area with a giant sludge wave.
This may also poison those hit."
482,15,11,"ヘドロの 波で 自分の
周りに いるものを 攻撃する。
毒状態に することが ある。"
483,11,5,"Une danse mystique dont le rythme parfait
augmente l’Attaque Spéciale, la Défense
Spéciale et la Vitesse du lanceur."
483,11,9,"The user lightly performs a beautiful,
mystic dance. It boosts the user’s
Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, and Speed stats."
483,14,9,"The user lightly performs a beautiful,
mystic dance. It boosts the user’s
Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, and Speed stats."
483,15,1,"しんぴてきで うつくしい まいを
かろやかに おどる。じぶんの とくこうと
とくぼうと すばやさを あげる。"
483,15,3,"신비롭고 아름다운 춤을
경쾌하게 춘다. 자신의 특수공격과
특수방어와 스피드를 올린다."
483,15,5,"Une danse mystique dont le rythme parfait
augmente l’Attaque Spéciale, la Défense Spéciale
et la Vitesse du lanceur."
483,15,6,"Anwender legt behände einen mystischen,
formvollendeten Tanz aufs Parkett. Spezial-Angriff,
Spezial-Verteidigung und Initiative steigen."
483,15,7,"Danza mística que sube el Ataque Especial, la
Defensa Especial y la Velocidad."
483,15,8,"Danza leggiadra ed elegante che aumenta
l’Attacco Speciale, la Difesa Speciale e la Velocità
di chi la usa."
483,15,9,"The user lightly performs a beautiful,
mystic dance. This boosts the user’s
Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, and Speed stats."
483,15,11,"神秘的で 美しい 舞を
軽やかに おどる。自分の 特攻と
特防と 素早さを あげる。"
484,11,5,"Le lanceur se jette sur l’ennemi de tout
son poids. S’il est plus lourd que l’ennemi,
l’effet augmente en conséquence."
484,11,9,"The user slams into the target with its
heavy body. The more the user outweighs
the target, the greater its damage."
484,14,9,"The user slams into the target with its
heavy body. The more the user outweighs
the target, the greater its damage."
484,15,1,"おもたい からだで あいてに ぶつかって
こうげきする。じぶんが あいてより
おもいほど いりょくが あがる。"
484,15,3,"무거운 몸으로 상대에게 부딪쳐
공격한다. 자신이 상대보다
무거울수록 위력이 올라간다."
484,15,5,"Le lanceur se jette sur l’ennemi de tout son poids.
S’il est plus lourd que l’ennemi, l’effet augmente
en conséquence."
484,15,6,"Anwender rammt das Ziel mit massivem Körper.
Je schwerer er im Vergleich zum Ziel ist,
desto stärker die Attacke."
484,15,7,"El usuario golpea con todo su cuerpo. Cuanto
mayor sea su peso comparado con el del objetivo,
más daño causará."
484,15,8,"Chi la usa si lancia contro il bersaglio con tutto
il proprio peso. Più è pesante rispetto ad esso,
più danni causa."
484,15,9,"The user slams into the target with its
heavy body. The more the user outweighs
the target, the greater the move’s power."
484,15,11,"重たい 体で 相手に ぶつかって
攻撃する。自分が 相手より
重いほど 威力が あがる。"
485,11,5,"Des ondes mystérieuses blessent tous
les Pokémon alentour qui sont du même
type que le lanceur."
485,11,9,"Using an odd shock wave, the user
inflicts damage on any Pokémon of the same
type in the area around it."
485,14,9,"Using an odd shock wave, the user
inflicts damage on any Pokémon of the same
type in the area around it."
485,15,1,"ふしぎな でんぱで まわりに いる
じぶんと おなじ タイプの
ポケモンに ダメージを あたえる。"
485,15,3,"이상한 전파로 주위에 있는
자신과 같은 타입의
포켓몬에게 데미지를 준다."
485,15,5,"Des ondes mystérieuses blessent tous les
Pokémon alentour qui sont du même type que
le lanceur."
485,15,6,"Fügt Pokémon vom selben Typ, die sich in der
Nähe des Anwenders aufhalten, mit seltsamen
Druckwellen Schaden zu."
485,15,7,"Una extraña onda que daña a todos los Pokémon
adyacentes del mismo tipo que el que la ejecuta."
485,15,8,"Chi la usa infligge danni a tutti i Pokémon
dello stesso tipo che si trovano nelle vicinanze
usando misteriose onde elettromagnetiche."
485,15,9,"Using an odd shock wave, the user
inflicts damage on any Pokémon of the same
type in the area around it."
485,15,11,"不思議な 電波で 周りに いる
自分と 同じ タイプの
ポケモンに ダメージを 与える。"
486,11,5,"Le lanceur envoie une boule d’électricité.
Si sa Vitesse est plus grande que celle de
l’ennemi, les dégâts augmentent d’autant."
486,11,9,"The user hurls an electric orb
at the target. The faster the user is
than the target, the greater the damage."
486,14,9,"The user hurls an electric orb
at the target. The faster the user is
than the target, the greater the damage."
486,15,1,"でんきの かたまりを あいてに
ぶつける。あいてより すばやさが
はやいほど いりょくが あがる。"
486,15,3,"전기 덩어리를 상대에게 부딪쳐서
공격한다. 상대보다 스피드가
빠를수록 위력이 올라간다."
486,15,5,"Le lanceur envoie une boule d’électricité.
Si sa Vitesse est plus grande que celle de
l’ennemi, les dégâts augmentent d’autant."
486,15,6,"Je höher die Initiative des Anwenders im Vergleich
zum Ziel ist, desto stärker trifft dieses eine
geballte Ladung Strom."
486,15,7,"Lanza una bola eléctrica. Cuanto mayor sea la
Velocidad del usuario en comparación con la del
objetivo, mayor será el daño causado."
486,15,8,"Chi la usa attacca con una sfera d’energia elettrica.
Più è rapido rispetto al bersaglio, più danni arreca."
486,15,9,"The user hurls an electric orb
at the target. The faster the user is
than the target, the greater the move’s power."
486,15,11,"電気の 塊を 相手に
ぶつける。相手より 素早さが
速いほど 威力が あがる。"
487,11,5,"Le lanceur projette beaucoup d’eau sur
sa cible, qui devient de type Eau."
487,11,9,"The user shoots a torrent of water
at the target and changes
the target’s type to Water."
487,14,9,"The user shoots a torrent of water
at the target and changes
the target’s type to Water."
487,15,1,"たくさんの みずを あびせかけて
あいてを みずタイプに する。
487,15,3,"많은 물을 끼얹어서
상대를 물타입으로 바꾼다."
487,15,5,"Le lanceur projette beaucoup d’eau sur sa cible,
qui devient de type Eau."
487,15,6,"Überschüttet das Ziel mit Unmengen an Wasser
und ändert den Typ damit in Wasser um."
487,15,7,"Potente lluvia que transforma al objetivo en un
Pokémon de tipo Agua."
487,15,8,"Chi la usa proietta un lungo getto d’acqua contro
il bersaglio e lo rende un Pokémon di tipo Acqua."
487,15,9,"The user shoots a torrent of water
at the target and changes
the target’s type to Water."
487,15,11,"たくさんの 水を 浴びせかけて
相手を みずタイプに する。
488,11,5,"Le lanceur s’entoure de flammes pour
attaquer l’ennemi. Il se concentre
et sa Vitesse augmente."
488,11,9,"The user cloaks itself with flame and
attacks. Building up more power,
it raises the user’s Speed stat."
488,14,9,"The user cloaks itself with flame and
attacks. Building up more power,
it raises the user’s Speed stat."
488,15,1,"ほのおを まとい あいてを
こうげきする。ちからを ためて じぶんの
すばやさを あげる。"
488,15,3,"불꽃을 둘러 상대를 공격한다.
힘을 모아서 자신의
스피드를 올린다."
488,15,5,"Le lanceur s’entoure de flammes pour attaquer
l’ennemi. Il se concentre et sa Vitesse augmente."
488,15,6,"Anwender hüllt sich in Flammen und
greift das Ziel an. Sammelt seine Energie
und erhöht dadurch die eigene Initiative."
488,15,7,"Llamas que golpean al objetivo y aumentan la
Velocidad del atacante."
488,15,8,"Chi la usa si copre di fuoco e attacca il bersaglio.
Concentrandosi aumenta, inoltre, la propria
488,15,9,"Cloaking itself in flame, the user attacks.
Then, building up more power,
the user raises its Speed stat."
488,15,11,"炎を まとい 相手を 攻撃する。
力を ためて 自分の
素早さを あげる。"
489,11,5,"Le lanceur s’enroule sur lui-même et se
concentre. Son Attaque, sa Défense et
sa Précision augmentent."
489,11,9,"The user coils up and concentrates.
This raises its Attack and Defense stats
as well as its accuracy."
489,14,9,"The user coils up and concentrates.
This raises its Attack and Defense stats
as well as its accuracy."
489,15,1,"とぐろを まいて しゅうちゅう する。
じぶんの こうげきと ぼうぎょと
めいちゅうりつを あげる。"
489,15,3,"똬리를 틀어서 집중한다.
자신의 공격과 방어와
명중률을 올린다."
489,15,5,"Le lanceur s’enroule sur lui-même et se concentre.
Son Attaque, sa Défense et sa Précision
489,15,6,"Anwender rollt sich zusammen und sammelt sich.
Dabei werden Angriff, Verteidigung und
Genauigkeit erhöht."
489,15,7,"El usuario se concentra, lo que le permite
aumentar su Ataque, Defensa y Precisión."
489,15,8,"Chi la usa si concentra aumentando Attacco,
Difesa e precisione."
489,15,9,"The user coils up and concentrates.
This raises its Attack and Defense stats
as well as its accuracy."
489,15,11,"とぐろを まいて 集中する。
自分の 攻撃と 防御と
命中率を あげる。"
490,11,5,"Un coup rapide qui vise les pieds
de l’ennemi et diminue sa Vitesse."
490,11,9,"The user attacks the target’s legs
swiftly, reducing the target’s
Speed stat."
490,14,9,"The user attacks the target’s legs
swiftly, reducing the target’s
Speed stat."
490,15,1,"すばやい うごきで あいての あしを
ねらって こうげきする。
あいての すばやさを さげる。"
490,15,3,"재빠른 움직임으로 상대의 다리를
노려 공격한다.
상대의 스피드를 떨어뜨린다."
490,15,5,"Un coup rapide qui vise les pieds de l’ennemi
et diminue sa Vitesse."
490,15,6,"Anwender greift mit blitzschnellen Bewegungen
die Beine des Zieles an und senkt dessen Initiative."
490,15,7,"Ataque rápido dirigido a los pies del objetivo que
le hace perder Velocidad."
490,15,8,"Chi la usa colpisce con un attacco fulmineo
la parte inferiore del corpo del bersaglio,
riducendone la Velocità."
490,15,9,"The user makes a swift attack on the target’s legs,
which lowers the target’s Speed stat."
490,15,11,"素早い 動きで 相手の 足を
ねらって 攻撃する。
相手の 素早さを さげる。"
491,11,5,"Un liquide acide qui fait fondre l’ennemi.
Sa Défense Spéciale diminue beaucoup."
491,11,9,"The user spits fluid that works to melt
the target. This harshly reduces
the target’s Sp. Def stat."
491,14,9,"The user spits fluid that works to melt
the target. This harshly reduces
the target’s Sp. Def stat."
491,15,1,"あいてを とかす えきたいを
はきだして こうげきする。
あいての とくぼうを がくっと さげる。"
491,15,3,"상대를 녹이는 액체를
토해내서 공격한다.
상대의 특수방어를 크게 떨어뜨린다."
491,15,5,"Projette un liquide acide qui fait fondre l’ennemi.
Sa Défense Spéciale diminue beaucoup."
491,15,6,"Anwender greift an, indem er eine ätzende
Flüssigkeit auf das Ziel speit. Senkt dessen
Spezial-Verteidigung stark."
491,15,7,"Ataca con un líquido corrosivo, reduciendo mucho
la Defensa Especial del objetivo."
491,15,8,"Chi la usa attacca il bersaglio con un acido
altamente corrosivo. Il fluido riduce di molto
la Difesa Speciale del bersaglio."
491,15,9,"The user spits fluid that works to melt
the target. This harshly lowers
the target’s Sp. Def stat."
491,15,11,"相手を とかす 液体を
吐きだして 攻撃する。
相手の 特防を がくっと さげる。"
492,11,5,"Le lanceur utilise la force de l’ennemi.
Plus l’Attaque de l’ennemi est élevée,
plus le lanceur inflige de dégâts."
492,11,9,"The user turns the target’s power
against it. The higher the target’s
Attack stat, the greater the damage."
492,14,9,"The user turns the target’s power
against it. The higher the target’s
Attack stat, the greater the damage."
492,15,1,"あいての ちからを りようする。
たたかっている あいての こうげきが
たかいほど ダメージが あがる。"
492,15,3,"상대의 힘을 이용한다.
싸우고 있는 상대의 공격이
높을수록 데미지가 올라간다."
492,15,5,"Le lanceur utilise la force de l’ennemi.
Plus l’Attaque de l’ennemi est élevée, plus le
lanceur inflige de dégâts."
492,15,6,"Anwender macht sich die Kraft des Zieles zunutze.
Je höher dessen Angriff, desto mehr Schaden
richtet die Attacke an."
492,15,7,"El usuario emplea la fuerza del objetivo para
atacarlo. Cuanto mayor es el Ataque del objetivo,
más daño provoca."
492,15,8,"Chi la usa sfrutta la forza del bersaglio. Il danno
inflitto è proporzionale all’Attacco del nemico."
492,15,9,"The user turns the target’s power
against it. The higher the target’s Attack stat,
the greater the move’s power."
492,15,11,"相手の 力を 利用する。
戦っている 相手の 攻撃が
高いほど ダメージが あがる。"
493,11,5,"Le lanceur envoie des ondes
mystérieuses à l’ennemi. Sa
capacité spéciale devient Simple."
493,11,9,"The user’s mysterious psychic wave
changes the target’s Ability to Simple."
493,14,9,"The user’s mysterious psychic wave
changes the target’s Ability to Simple."
493,15,1,"なぞの ねんぱを あいてに おくる。
ねんぱを うけとった あいては
とくせいが たんじゅんに なる。"
493,15,3,"수수께끼의 염력파를 상대에게 보낸다.
염력파를 받은 상대는
특성이 단순으로 바뀐다."
493,15,5,"Le lanceur envoie des ondes mystérieuses à
l’ennemi. Son talent devient Simple."
493,15,6,"Bestrahlt das Ziel mit mysteriösen Energiewellen.
Bei einem Treffer wird dessen Fähigkeit
zu Wankelmut."
493,15,7,"Lanza una onda psíquica que hace que la habilidad
del objetivo pase a ser Simple."
493,15,8,"Chi la usa emette un misterioso raggio psichico
che trasforma l’abilità del Pokémon colpito in
493,15,9,"The user’s mysterious psychic wave
changes the target’s Ability to Simple."
493,15,11,"なぞの 念波を 相手に 送る。
念波を 受けとった 相手は
特性が たんじゅんに なる。"
494,11,5,"Le lanceur danse sur un rythme étrange.
Il force sa cible à l’imiter, ce qui lui fait
adopter sa capacité spéciale."
494,11,9,"The user dances with an odd rhythm that
compels the target to mimic it, making the
target’s Ability the same as the user’s."
494,14,9,"The user dances with an odd rhythm that
compels the target to mimic it, making the
target’s Ability the same as the user’s."
494,15,1,"ふしぎな リズムで おどる。
うごきを まねさせて じぶんと あいての
とくせいを おなじに する。"
494,15,3,"이상한 리듬으로 춤춘다.
움직임을 흉내 내게 해서
자신과 상대의 특성을 똑같게 만든다."
494,15,5,"Le lanceur danse sur un rythme étrange.
Il force sa cible à l’imiter, ce qui lui fait adopter
son talent."
494,15,6,"Anwender tanzt zu einem seltsamem Rhythmus
und zwingt das Ziel mitzumachen. Dieses nimmt
dabei die Fähigkeit des Anwenders an."
494,15,7,"Una extraña danza que hace que el usuario y el
objetivo tengan la misma habilidad."
494,15,8,"Chi la usa saltella con un buffo ritmo, inducendo
il bersaglio a imitarlo e rendendo la sua abilità
identica alla propria."
494,15,9,"The user dances with an odd rhythm that
compels the target to mimic it, making the
target’s Ability the same as the user’s."
494,15,11,"不思議な リズムで おどる。
動きを まねさせて 自分と 相手の
特性を 同じに する。"
495,11,5,"S’il est le premier à agir, le lanceur
permet à sa cible d’utiliser une
capacité juste après lui."
495,11,9,"The user helps the target and makes it
use its move right after the user."
495,14,9,"The user helps the target and makes it
use its move right after the user."
495,15,1,"あいての こうどうを サポートして
じぶんの こうどうの あとに
つづけて うごけるように する。"
495,15,3,"상대의 행동을 도와서
자신이 행동한 뒤에 바로
움직일 수 있도록 한다."
495,15,5,"S’il est le premier à agir, le lanceur permet à sa
cible d’utiliser une capacité juste après lui."
495,15,6,"Anwender ermöglicht dem Ziel direkt nach ihm
zu handeln, solange der Anwender als Erstes
zum Zug kommt."
495,15,7,"Si el usuario es el más rápido, permite al objetivo
usar un movimiento justo tras él, adelantándose a
Pokémon más rápidos."
495,15,8,"Chi la usa aiuta un bersaglio più lento
permettendogli di agire subito dopo."
495,15,9,"The user helps the target and makes it
use its move right after the user."
495,15,11,"相手の 行動を サポートして
自分の 行動の あとに
続けて 動けるように する。"
496,11,5,"Le lanceur attaque l’ennemi en chantant.
Si plusieurs Pokémon déclenchent cette
attaque à la suite, l’effet augmente."
496,11,9,"The user attacks the target with a song.
Others can join in the Round and make
the attack do greater damage."
496,14,9,"The user attacks the target with a song.
Others can join in the Round and make
the attack do greater damage."
496,15,1,"うたで あいてを こうげきする。
みんなで りんしょう すると つづけて
だすことが でき いりょくも あがる。"
496,15,3,"노래로 상대를 공격한다.
함께 돌림노래를 하면 계속해서
쓸 수 있고 위력도 올라간다."
496,15,5,"Le lanceur attaque l’ennemi en chantant.
Si plusieurs Pokémon déclenchent cette attaque à
la suite, l’effet augmente."
496,15,6,"Angriff mit Gesang. Singt der Anwender mit allen
im Kanon, steigt die Stärke."
496,15,7,"Un canto que ataca al objetivo. Cuantos más
Pokémon lo usan, más aumenta de potencia."
496,15,8,"Attacca il bersaglio con una melodia. Se usata
durante lo stesso turno da più Pokémon, i danni
inflitti aumentano."
496,15,9,"The user attacks the target with a song.
Others can join in the Round and make
the attack do greater damage."
496,15,11,"歌で 相手を 攻撃する。
みんなで 輪唱すると 続けて
だすことが でき 威力も あがる。"
497,11,5,"Un cri retentissant blesse l’ennemi. Si le
lanceur ou d’autres Pokémon l’utilisent
à chaque tour, l’effet augmente."
497,11,9,"The user attacks the target with an
echoing voice. If this move is used
every turn, it does greater damage."
497,14,9,"The user attacks the target with an
echoing voice. If this move is used
every turn, it does greater damage."
497,15,1,"ひびく こえで あいてを こうげきする。
まいターン だれかが わざを
つかい つづけると いりょくが あがる。"
497,15,3,"울리는 목소리로 상대를 공격한다.
매 턴 누군가 기술을
계속해서 쓰면 위력이 올라간다."
497,15,5,"Un cri retentissant blesse l’ennemi.
Si le lanceur ou d’autres Pokémon l’utilisent à
chaque tour, l’effet augmente."
497,15,6,"Angriff mit widerhallender Stimme. Wenn in
jeder Runde ein Teilnehmer wiederholt
die Attacke einsetzt, steigt die Stärke."
497,15,7,"Un susurro que aumenta de potencia conforme el
usuario y otros Pokémon lo van utilizando."
497,15,8,"Attacca il bersaglio con la propria voce
echeggiante. Se usata a ripetizione da uno
o più Pokémon il danno aumenta."
497,15,9,"The user attacks the target with an
echoing voice. If this move is used
every turn, it does greater damage."
497,15,11,"響く 声で 相手を 攻撃する。
毎ターン だれかが 技を
使い続けると 威力が あがる。"
498,11,5,"Une attaque puissante quand l’ennemi
baisse sa garde. Inflige des dégâts sans
tenir compte des changements de stats."
498,11,9,"Looking for an opening, the user strikes
continually. The target’s stat changes
don’t affect this attack’s damage."
498,14,9,"Looking for an opening, the user strikes
continually. The target’s stat changes
don’t affect this attack’s damage."
498,15,1,"すきを みて けんじつに こうげきする。
あいての のうりょく へんかに
かんけいなく ダメージを あたえる。"
498,15,3,"틈을 보며 착실하게 공격한다.
상대의 능력 변화에
관계없이 데미지를 준다."
498,15,5,"Une attaque puissante quand l’ennemi baisse
sa garde. Inflige des dégâts sans tenir compte
des changements de stats."
498,15,6,"Eine durchdachte Attacke zu rechter Zeit.
Richtet unabhängig von den Statusveränderungen
des Zieles Schaden an."
498,15,7,"Un ataque que busca los puntos débiles del
objetivo y puede causarle daño aunque cambien
sus características."
498,15,8,"Chi la usa attacca non appena il bersaglio
abbassa la guardia. Il danno inflitto prescinde
dalle modifiche alle statistiche del bersaglio."
498,15,9,"Looking for an opening, the user strikes
consistently. The target’s stat changes
don’t affect this attack’s damage."
498,15,11,"すきを みて 堅実に 攻撃する。
相手の 能力変化に
関係なく ダメージを 与える。"
499,11,5,"Le lanceur jette un tas de détritus
spéciaux sur la cible. Les changements
de stats de la cible sont annulés."
499,11,9,"The user attacks by throwing a clump of
special mud. All status changes are
returned to normal."
499,14,9,"The user attacks by throwing a clump of
special mud. All status changes are
returned to normal."
499,15,1,"とくしゅな どろの かたまりを
あいてに なげつけて こうげきする。
のうりょく へんかを もとに もどす。"
499,15,3,"특수한 진흙 덩어리를
상대에게 내던져서 공격한다.
능력 변화를 원래대로 돌린다."
499,15,5,"Le lanceur jette un tas de détritus spéciaux sur
la cible. Les changements de stats de la cible
sont annulés."
499,15,6,"Anwender greift das Ziel mit spezialgefertigten
Schlammklumpen an. Setzt Statusveränderungen
499,15,7,"Ataca al objetivo con una extraña niebla que
elimina sus cambios de características."
499,15,8,"Attacca il bersaglio lanciandogli contro una nuvola
di fumo speciale, che annulla ogni modifica
alle statistiche."
499,15,9,"The user attacks by throwing a clump of
special mud. All stat changes are
returned to normal."
499,15,11,"特殊な 泥の 塊を
相手に 投げつけて 攻撃する。
能力変化を もとに もどす。"
500,11,5,"Le lanceur attaque l’ennemi avec une force
accumulée. Plus les stats du lanceur sont
augmentées, plus le coup est efficace."
500,11,9,"The user attacks the target with stored
power. The more the user’s stats are
raised, the greater the damage."
500,14,9,"The user attacks the target with stored
power. The more the user’s stats are
raised, the greater the damage."
500,15,1,"ちくせき された パワーで あいてを
こうげきする。じぶんの のうりょくが
あがって いるほど いりょくが あがる。"
500,15,3,"축적된 파워로 상대를
공격한다. 자신의 능력이
올라가 있는 만큼 위력이 오른다."
500,15,5,"Le lanceur attaque l’ennemi avec une force
accumulée. Plus les stats du lanceur sont
augmentées, plus le coup est efficace."
500,15,6,"Angriff mit angesparter Energie.
Je höher die Statuswerte des Anwenders,
desto stärker fällt die Attacke aus."
500,15,7,"Acumula poder para golpear. Cuanto más suban
las características del usuario, mayor será el daño."
500,15,8,"Attacca il bersaglio con l’energia accumulata.
Più sono state aumentate le statistiche, maggiore
è il danno inflitto."
500,15,9,"The user attacks the target with stored
power. The more the user’s stats are
raised, the greater the move’s power."
500,15,11,"蓄積された パワーで 相手を
攻撃する。自分の 能力が
あがっているほど 威力が あがる。"
501,11,5,"Le lanceur et son équipe sont protégés
contre les attaques prioritaires. Peut
échouer si utilisée plusieurs fois de suite."
501,11,9,"The user protects itself and its allies
from priority moves. If used in
succession, its chance of failing rises."
501,14,9,"The user protects itself and its allies
from priority moves. If used in
succession, its chance of failing rises."
501,15,1,"じぶんと みかたを あいての
せんせい こうげきから まもる。
501,15,3,"자신과 같은 편을 상대의
선제공격으로부터 지킨다.
501,15,5,"Le lanceur et son équipe sont protégés contre
les attaques prioritaires."
501,15,6,"Schützt Anwender und Mitstreiter vor gegnerischen
501,15,7,"Protege a todo el equipo de los movimientos que
se adelantan y atacan primero."
501,15,8,"Chi la usa protegge sé e gli alleati dalle mosse
dei nemici che fanno colpire per primi."
501,15,9,"The user protects itself and its allies
from priority moves."
501,15,11,"自分と 味方を 相手の
先制攻撃から 守る。
502,11,5,"Le lanceur se téléporte à l’aide d’un
pouvoir mystérieux. Il échange sa place
avec celle d’un allié sur le terrain."
502,11,9,"The user teleports using a strange power
and switches its place with one of
its allies."
502,14,9,"The user teleports using a strange power
and switches its place with one of
its allies."
502,15,1,"ふしぎな ちからで テレポートして
じぶんと みかたの いばしょを
502,15,3,"이상한 힘으로 순간이동하여
자신과 같은 편이 있는 장소를
502,15,5,"Le lanceur se téléporte à l’aide d’un pouvoir
mystérieux. Il échange sa place avec celle d’un
allié sur le terrain."
502,15,6,"Wundersame Kräfte teleportieren den Anwender
an den Platz eines Mitstreiters."
502,15,7,"Extraño poder que intercambia la posición del
usuario con la de un aliado sobre el terreno de
502,15,8,"Chi la usa si teletrasporta al posto di un alleato
in campo, grazie a un misterioso potere."
502,15,9,"The user teleports using a strange
power and switches places with one of
its allies."
502,15,11,"不思議な 力で テレポートして
自分と 味方の 居場所を
503,11,5,"L’ennemi est attaqué par un jet d’eau
bouillante. Peut aussi le brûler."
503,11,9,"The user shoots boiling hot water at
its target. It may also leave the target
with a burn."
503,14,9,"The user shoots boiling hot water at
its target. It may also leave the target
with a burn."
503,15,1,"あつく にえたぎる みずを
あいてに はっしゃして こうげきする。
やけど じょうたいに することが ある。"
503,15,3,"뜨겁게 끓어오르는 물을
상대에게 발사해서 공격한다.
화상 상태로 만들 때가 있다."
503,15,5,"L’ennemi est attaqué par un jet d’eau bouillante.
Peut aussi le brûler."
503,15,6,"Heizt dem Ziel mit einem Schwall siedend heißen
Kochwassers ein. Das Ziel erleidet dabei eventuell
503,15,7,"Ataca arrojando agua hirviendo al objetivo.
Puede causar quemaduras."
503,15,8,"Chi la usa attacca il bersaglio con un getto
d’acqua bollente che può anche scottarlo."
503,15,9,"The user shoots boiling hot water at
its target. This may also leave the target
with a burn."
503,15,11,"熱く 煮えたぎる 水を
相手に 発射して 攻撃する。
やけど状態に することが ある。"
504,11,5,"Le lanceur brise sa coquille. Il baisse sa
Défense et Déf. Spé., mais augmente forte-
ment son Attaque, Atq. Spé. et Vitesse."
504,11,9,"The user breaks its shell, lowering its
Defense and Sp. Def stats but sharply
raising Attack, Sp. Atk, and Speed stats."
504,14,9,"The user breaks its shell, lowering its
Defense and Sp. Def stats but sharply
raising Attack, Sp. Atk, and Speed stats."
504,15,1,"からを やぶって じぶんの ぼうぎょ
とくぼうを さげるが こうげき とくこう
すばやさを ぐーんと あげる。"
504,15,3,"껍질을 깨서 자신의 방어와
특수방어를 떨어뜨리지만 공격과
특수공격, 스피드를 크게 올린다."
504,15,5,"Le lanceur brise sa coquille. Il baisse sa Défense
et Défense Spéciale, mais augmente fortement
son Attaque, Attaque Spéciale et Vitesse."
504,15,6,"Anwender zerbricht seine Schale und senkt seine
Verteidigung und Spezial-Verteidigung, aber dafür
steigen Angriff, Spezial-Angriff und Initiative stark."
504,15,7,"El usuario rompe su coraza y baja su Defensa y
Defensa Especial, pero aumenta mucho su Ataque,
Ataque Especial y Velocidad."
504,15,8,"Chi la usa si disfa del guscio. Difesa e Difesa
Speciale calano, ma aumentano di molto Attacco,
Attacco Speciale e Velocità."
504,15,9,"The user breaks its shell, which lowers
Defense and Sp. Def stats but sharply
raises its Attack, Sp. Atk, and Speed stats."
504,15,11,"殻を やぶって 自分の 防御
特防を さげるが 攻撃 特攻
素早さを ぐーんと あげる。"
505,11,5,"Une aura de bien-être fait récupérer
la moitié de ses PV max à la cible."
505,11,9,"The user emits a healing pulse which
restores the target’s HP by up to
half of its max HP."
505,14,9,"The user emits a healing pulse which
restores the target’s HP by up to
half of its max HP."
505,15,1,"いやしのはどうを とばして
さいだい HPの はんぶん
あいての HPを かいふく する。"
505,15,3,"치유파동을 날려서
최대 HP의 절반만큼
상대의 HP를 회복한다."
505,15,5,"Une aura de bien-être fait récupérer la moitié de
ses PV max à la cible."
505,15,6,"Anwender löst eine Schmerzen lindernde Welle aus
und heilt dabei das Ziel mit der Hälfte seiner
maximalen KP."
505,15,7,"Una onda curativa restaura los PS del objetivo a la
mitad de su máximo."
505,15,8,"Chi la usa lancia un’onda rilassante che fa
recuperare al bersaglio metà dei suoi PS massimi."
505,15,9,"The user emits a healing pulse which
restores the target’s HP by up to
half of its max HP."
505,15,11,"いやしのはどうを とばして
最大HPの 半分
相手の HPを 回復する。"
506,11,5,"Attaque acharnée qui cause
davantage de dégâts à l’ennemi
s’il a un problème de statut."
506,11,9,"This relentless attack does massive
damage to a target affected
by status problems."
506,14,9,"This relentless attack does massive
damage to a target affected
by status problems."
506,15,1,"たたみかける ように こうげきする。
じょうたい いじょうの あいてに
おおきな ダメージを あたえる。"
506,15,3,"엎친 데 덮친 격으로 공격한다.
상태 이상인 상대에게
큰 데미지를 준다."
506,15,5,"Attaque acharnée qui cause davantage de dégâts
à l’ennemi s’il a un problème de statut."
506,15,6,"Eine Attacke, bei der der Anwender das Ziel
bedrängt. Fügt Zielen mit Statusproblemen
hohen Schaden zu."
506,15,7,"Ataque que causa un gran daño a los objetivos
que sufren problemas de estado."
506,15,8,"Attacco che causa un danno enorme se il bersaglio
ha problemi di stato."
506,15,9,"This relentless attack does massive
damage to a target affected
by status conditions."
506,15,11,"たたみかける ように 攻撃する。
状態異常の 相手に
大きな ダメージを 与える。"
507,11,5,"Le lanceur emmène l’ennemi dans les airs
au 1er tour et le lâche dans le vide au
2è. L’ennemi saisi ne peut pas attaquer."
507,11,9,"The user takes the target into the sky,
then drops it during the next turn.
The target cannot attack while in the sky."
507,14,9,"The user takes the target into the sky,
then drops it during the next turn.
The target cannot attack while in the sky."
507,15,1,"1ターンめで あいてを そらへ つれさり
2ターンめに おとして こうげきする。
つれさられた あいては うごけない。"
507,15,3,"1턴째에 상대를 하늘로 끌고 가서
2턴째에 떨어뜨려 공격한다.
끌려간 상대는 움직일 수 없다."
507,15,5,"Le lanceur emmène l’ennemi dans les airs au
premier tour et le lâche dans le vide au second.
L’ennemi saisi ne peut pas attaquer."
507,15,6,"Steigt in Runde 1 mit dem Ziel in die Luft auf
und lässt es in Runde 2 fallen. Das Ziel kann
dabei nicht angreifen."
507,15,7,"Primer turno: lanza al objetivo al aire. Segundo
turno: lo hace caer. Mientras está en el aire, no lo
deja moverse."
507,15,8,"Porta il bersaglio in cielo e lo scaglia a terra
al turno successivo. Il bersaglio catturato non può
507,15,9,"The user takes the target into the sky,
then drops it during the next turn.
The target cannot attack while in the sky."
507,15,11,"1ターン目で 相手を 空へ 連れさり
2ターン目に 落として 攻撃する。
連れさられた 相手は 動けない。"
508,11,5,"Le lanceur fait tourner ses engrenages.
Ceci augmente son Attaque et augmente
fortement sa Vitesse."
508,11,9,"The user rotates its gears, raising its
Attack and sharply raising its Speed."
508,14,9,"The user rotates its gears, raising its
Attack and sharply raising its Speed."
508,15,1,"はぐるまを まわして
じぶんの こうげきを あげる だけでなく
すばやさも ぐーんと あげる。"
508,15,3,"톱니바퀴를 돌려서 자신의
공격을 올리는 것뿐만 아니라
스피드도 크게 올린다."
508,15,5,"Le lanceur fait tourner ses engrenages.
Ceci augmente son Attaque et augmente fortement
sa Vitesse."
508,15,6,"Durch Drehen der Zahnräder erhöht sich nicht nur
der Angriffs-Wert, sondern auch die Initiative
des Anwenders stark."
508,15,7,"Al hacer girar los engranajes, el usuario
mejora su Ataque y aumenta su Velocidad
508,15,8,"Facendo ruotare gli ingranaggi, chi la usa aumenta
non solo il proprio Attacco, ma anche di molto
la propria Velocità."
508,15,9,"The user rotates its gears, raising its
Attack and sharply raising its Speed."
508,15,11,"歯車を 回して
自分の 攻撃を あげる だけでなく
素早さも ぐーんと あげる。"
509,11,5,"Projette le Pokémon ennemi et le
remplace par un autre. Dans la
nature, met fin au combat."
509,11,9,"The user throws the target and drags out
another Pokémon in its party.
In the wild, the battle ends."
509,14,9,"The target is thrown and switched.
In the wild, a battle against a single
Pokémon ends."
509,15,1,"あいてを なげとばして
ひかえの ポケモンを ひきずりだす。
やせいの ばあいは せんとうが おわる。"
509,15,3,"상대를 내던져서
교대할 포켓몬을 끌어낸다.
야생의 경우에는 배틀이 끝난다."
509,15,5,"Projette le Pokémon ennemi et le remplace par
un autre. Dans la nature, met fin au combat."
509,15,6,"Schleudert das Ziel davon und bewirkt damit,
dass ein anderes Pokémon eingewechselt wird.
Beendet Kämpfe gegen wilde Pokémon."
509,15,7,"Lanza por los aires al objetivo y hace que salga
otro Pokémon. Si es uno salvaje, acaba el
509,15,8,"Il bersaglio è scaraventato via ed è costretto
a lasciare il posto a un altro. Mette fine alle lotte
contro singoli Pokémon selvatici."
509,15,9,"The target is thrown, and a different
Pokémon is dragged out. In the wild,
this ends a battle against a single Pokémon."
509,15,11,"相手を 投げとばして
控えの ポケモンを ひきずりだす。
野生の 場合は 戦闘が 終わる。"
510,11,5,"Des flammes calcinent l’ennemi.
S’il tient une Baie, elle est
brûlée et devient inutilisable."
510,11,9,"The user attacks the target with fire.
If the target is holding a Berry, the
Berry becomes burnt up and unusable."
510,14,9,"The user attacks the target with fire.
If the target is holding a Berry, the
Berry becomes burnt up and unusable."
510,15,1,"ほのおで あいてを こうげきする。
あいてが きのみなどを もっている とき
もやして つかえなく する。"
510,15,3,"불꽃으로 상대를 공격한다.
상대가 나무열매 등을 지니고 있을 때
불태워서 쓸 수 없게 만든다."
510,15,5,"Des flammes calcinent l’ennemi.
S’il tient un objet, une Baie par exemple, celui-ci
est brûlé et devient inutilisable."
510,15,6,"Eine Feuer-Attacke. Trägt das Ziel eine Beere
oder ein ähnliches Item bei sich, wird dieses
von den Flammen verzehrt und geht verloren."
510,15,7,"Llamas que golpean a los objetivos adyacentes.
Si estos llevan bayas u otros objetos, estos se
quemarán y ya no se podrán usar."
510,15,8,"Attacca i nemici che ha intorno con una fiammata.
Il fuoco distruggerà le bacche o alcuni tipi di
strumenti che i Pokémon hanno con sé."
510,15,9,"The user attacks opposing Pokémon with fire.
If a Pokémon is holding a certain item, such as a
Berry, the item becomes burned up and unusable."
510,15,11,"炎で 相手を 攻撃する。
相手が きのみなどを 持っているとき
燃やして 使えなくする。"
511,11,5,"Retient la cible de force,
l’obligeant à agir en dernier."
511,11,9,"The user suppresses the target and
makes its move go last."
511,14,9,"The user suppresses the target and
makes its move go last."
511,15,1,"あいてを おさえつけて
こうどうの じゅんばんを
さいごに する。"
511,15,3,"상대를 억눌러서
행동의 순서를
마지막으로 만든다."
511,15,5,"Retient la cible de force, l’obligeant à agir
en dernier."
511,15,6,"Anwender stemmt sich gegen das Ziel und bewirkt,
dass dieses erst als Letztes angreift."
511,15,7,Consigue que el objetivo sea el último en moverse.
511,15,8,"Chi la usa spinge via il bersaglio, costringendolo
ad agire per ultimo."
511,15,9,"The user suppresses the target and
makes its move go last."
511,15,11,"相手を おさえつけて
行動の 順番を
最後に する。"
512,11,5,"Attaque agile. Si le lanceur ne tient
pas d’objet, l’attaque inflige
davantage de dégâts."
512,11,9,"The user nimbly strikes the target.
If the user is not holding an item,
this attack inflicts massive damage."
512,14,9,"The user nimbly strikes the target.
If the user is not holding an item,
this attack inflicts massive damage."
512,15,1,"かろやかに あいてを こうげきする。
じぶんが どうぐを もっていない とき
おおきな ダメージを あたえる。"
512,15,3,"경쾌하게 상대를 공격한다.
자신이 도구를 지니고 있지 않을 때
큰 데미지를 준다."
512,15,5,"Attaque agile. Si le lanceur ne tient pas d’objet,
l’attaque inflige davantage de dégâts."
512,15,6,"Ein graziler Angriff auf das Ziel.
Trägt der Anwender kein Item bei sich,
richtet die Attacke großen Schaden an."
512,15,7,"Golpea ágilmente. Si el usuario no porta ningún
objeto, el objetivo resulta seriamente dañado."
512,15,8,"Attacca rapidamente il bersaglio. Se chi la usa non
ha uno strumento, infligge al nemico grossi danni."
512,15,9,"The user nimbly strikes the target.
If the user is not holding an item,
this attack inflicts massive damage."
512,15,11,"軽やかに 相手を 攻撃する。
自分が 道具を 持っていないとき
大きな ダメージを 与える。"
513,11,5,"Le lanceur copie le type de la cible
et devient du même type."
513,11,9,"The user reflects the target’s type,
making it the same type as the target."
513,14,9,"The user reflects the target’s type,
making it the same type as the target."
513,15,1,"あいての タイプを はんしゃして
じぶんも おなじ タイプに なる。
513,15,3,"상대의 타입을 반사해서
자신도 똑같은 타입이 된다."
513,15,5,"Le lanceur copie le type de la cible et devient du
même type."
513,15,6,"Anwender bildet das Ziel nach und nimmt dabei
dessen Typ an."
513,15,7,"Cambia el tipo del Pokémon al mismo tipo que
el del objetivo."
513,15,8,"Chi la usa cambia il proprio tipo in quello
del bersaglio."
513,15,9,"The user reflects the target’s type,
making it the same type as the target."
513,15,11,"相手の タイプを 反射して
自分も 同じ タイプに なる。
514,11,5,"Venge un Pokémon de l’équipe mis K.O.
Si un Pokémon de l’équipe a été mis
K.O. au tour d’avant, l’effet augmente."
514,11,9,"The user gets revenge for a fainted ally.
If an ally fainted in the previous turn,
this attack’s damage increases."
514,14,9,"The user gets revenge for a fainted ally.
If an ally fainted in the previous turn,
this attack’s damage increases."
514,15,1,"たおれた みかたの かたきを うつ。
まえの ターンに みかたが たおされて
いると いりょくが あがる。"
514,15,3,"쓰러진 같은 편의 원수를 갚는다.
앞 턴에서 같은 편이
쓰러졌다면 위력이 올라간다."
514,15,5,"Venge un Pokémon de l’équipe mis K.O.
Si un Pokémon de l’équipe a été mis K.O. au tour
d’avant, l’effet augmente."
514,15,6,"Anwender nimmt Rache für einen besiegten
Mitstreiter. Wurde in der vorigen Runde ein
Mitstreiter besiegt, steigt die Kraft."
514,15,7,"Venga a los amigos derrotados. Si en el turno
anterior han derrotado a uno, la potencia del
ataque aumentará."
514,15,8,"Vendica un alleato messo KO. Se ciò è
accaduto al turno precedente, il danno è
514,15,9,"The user gets revenge for a fainted ally.
If an ally fainted in the previous turn,
this move becomes more powerful."
514,15,11,"倒れた 味方の かたきを 討つ。
前の ターンに 味方が
倒されていると 威力が あがる。"
515,11,5,"Une attaque très risquée. Le lanceur perd
tous ses PV restants et inflige autant de
dégâts à l’ennemi."
515,11,9,"The user risks everything to attack its
target. The user faints but does damage
equal to the user’s HP."
515,14,9,"The user risks everything to attack its
target. The user faints but does damage
equal to the user’s HP."
515,15,1,"いのちがけで あいてを こうげきする。
じぶんは ひんしに なるが あいてに
HPぶんの ダメージを あたえる。"
515,15,3,"목숨을 걸고 상대를 공격한다.
자신은 기절하게 되지만 상대에게
HP만큼의 데미지를 준다."
515,15,5,"Une attaque très risquée.
Le lanceur perd tous ses PV restants et inflige
autant de dégâts à l’ennemi."
515,15,6,"Ein Angriff, der dem Ziel Schaden in Höhe
der aktuellen KP des Anwenders zufügt.
Letzterer wird dadurch selbst besiegt."
515,15,7,"El usuario se sacrifica causándole un daño al
objetivo equivalente a sus propios PS perdidos."
515,15,8,"Chi la usa attacca con tutta la potenza di cui
dispone e va KO, ma infligge al bersaglio un danno
pari ai PS che ha perso."
515,15,9,"The user risks everything to attack its
target. The user faints but does damage
equal to its HP."
515,15,11,"命懸けで 相手を 攻撃する。
自分は ひんしに なるが 相手に
HP分の ダメージを 与える。"
516,11,5,"Si la cible ne tient pas d’objet, le
lanceur lui donne l’objet qu’il tient."
516,11,9,"The user passes its held item to the
target when the target isn’t holding
an item."
516,14,9,"The user passes its held item to the
target when the target isn’t holding
an item."
516,15,1,"あいてが どうぐを もっていない とき
じぶんが もっている どうぐを
あいてに わたす。"
516,15,3,"상대가 도구를 지니고 있지 않을 때
자신이 지니고 있는 도구를
상대에게 건넨다."
516,15,5,"Si la cible ne tient pas d’objet, le lanceur lui
donne l’objet qu’il tient."
516,15,6,"Trägt das Ziel gerade kein Item bei sich,
erhält es das Item, das sich aktuell im Besitz
des Anwenders befindet."
516,15,7,"Entrega el objeto que lleva al objetivo en caso de
que este no tenga ninguno."
516,15,8,"Chi la usa consegna il proprio strumento
al bersaglio, se questi ne è sprovvisto."
516,15,9,"The user passes its held item to the
target when the target isn’t holding
an item."
516,15,11,"相手が 道具を 持っていないとき
自分が 持っている 道具を
相手に わたす。"
517,11,5,"L’ennemi est entouré d’un torrent de
flammes ardentes qui le brûlent."
517,11,9,"The user attacks by engulfing the target
in an intense fire. It leaves the target
with a burn."
517,14,9,"The user attacks by engulfing the target
in an intense fire. It leaves the target
with a burn."
517,15,1,"はげしい ほのおで
あいてを つつみこみ こうげきする。
やけど じょうたいに する。"
517,15,3,"격렬한 불꽃으로
상대를 둘러싸 공격한다.
화상 상태로 만든다."
517,15,5,"L’ennemi est entouré d’un torrent de flammes
ardentes qui le brûlent."
517,15,6,"Anwender greift das Ziel an, indem er es
mit dichten Flammen umhüllt. Ziel erleidet
517,15,7,"Ataca con una gran ráfaga de fuego que causa
517,15,8,"Il bersaglio viene avvolto da intense fiammate
che causano scottature."
517,15,9,"The user attacks by engulfing the target
in an intense fire. This leaves the target
with a burn."
517,15,11,"激しい 炎で
相手を 包みこみ 攻撃する。
やけど状態に する。"
518,11,5,"Une masse d’eau s’abat sur l’ennemi.
En l’utilisant avec Aire de Feu, l’effet
augmente et un arc-en-ciel apparaît."
518,11,9,"A column of water strikes the target. When
combined with its fire equivalent, the
damage increases and a rainbow appears."
518,14,9,"A column of water strikes the target. When
combined with its fire equivalent, the
damage increases and a rainbow appears."
518,15,1,"みずの はしらで こうげきする。
ほのおと くみあわせると いりょくが
あがって そらに にじが かかる。"
518,15,3,"물기둥으로 공격한다.
불꽃과 조합하면 위력이
올라가고 하늘에 무지개가 걸린다."
518,15,5,"Une masse d’eau s’abat sur l’ennemi.
En l’utilisant avec Aire de Feu, l’effet augmente
et un arc-en-ciel apparaît."
518,15,6,"Ein Angriff mit Wassersäulen. Mit Feuersäulen
kombiniert steigt die Wirkung und ein Regenbogen
518,15,7,"Ataca con columnas de agua. Combinado con
Voto Fuego, crea un arcoíris y aumenta su
518,15,8,"Attacca il bersaglio con una colonna d’acqua.
Se usata con Fiammapatto, gli effetti aumentano
e appare un arcobaleno."
518,15,9,"A column of water strikes the target. When
combined with its fire equivalent, the
damage increases and a rainbow appears."
518,15,11,"水の柱で 攻撃する。
ほのおと 組みあわせると 威力が
あがって 空に にじが かかる。"
519,11,5,"Une masse de feu s’abat sur l’ennemi.
En l’utilisant avec Aire d’Herbe, l’effet
augmente et une mer de feu apparaît."
519,11,9,"A column of fire hits opposing Pokémon.
When used with its Grass equivalent, its
damage increases into a vast sea of fire."
519,14,9,"A column of fire hits opposing Pokémon.
When used with its Grass equivalent, its
damage increases into a vast sea of fire."
519,15,1,"ほのおの はしらで こうげきする。
くさと くみあわせると いりょくが
あがって あたりが ひの うみに なる。"
519,15,3,"불꽃기둥으로 공격한다.
풀과 조합하면 위력이
올라가고 주위가 불바다가 된다."
519,15,5,"Une masse de feu s’abat sur l’ennemi.
En l’utilisant avec Aire d’Herbe, l’effet augmente
et une mer de feu apparaît."
519,15,6,"Ein Angriff mit Feuersäulen. Mit Pflanzsäulen
kombiniert steigt die Wirkung und die Umgebung
wird zu einem Meer aus Feuer."
519,15,7,"Ataca con columnas de fuego. Combinado con
Voto Planta, crea un mar de llamas y aumenta su
519,15,8,"Attacca il bersaglio con una colonna di fuoco.
Se usata con Erbapatto, gli effetti aumentano
e il campo diventa un mare di fuoco."
519,15,9,"A column of fire hits the target. When used with
its grass equivalent, its damage increases and
a vast sea of fire appears."
519,15,11,"炎の柱で 攻撃する。
くさと 組みあわせると 威力が
あがって 周りが 火の海に なる。"
520,11,5,"Une masse végétale s’abat sur l’ennemi.
En l’utilisant avec Aire d’Eau, l’effet
augmente et un marécage apparaît."
520,11,9,"A column of grass hits opposing Pokémon.
When used with its water equivalent, its
damage increases into a vast swamp."
520,14,9,"A column of grass hits opposing Pokémon.
When used with its water equivalent, its
damage increases into a vast swamp."
520,15,1,"くさの はしらで こうげきする。
みずと くみあわせると いりょくが
あがって あたりが しつげんに なる。"
520,15,3,"풀기둥으로 공격한다.
물과 조합하면 위력이
올라가고 주변이 습지초원이 된다."
520,15,5,"Une masse végétale s’abat sur l’ennemi.
En l’utilisant avec Aire d’Eau, l’effet augmente
et un marécage apparaît."
520,15,6,"Ein Angriff mit Pflanzsäulen. Mit Wassersäulen
kombiniert steigt die Wirkung und die Umgebung
wird zu einem Sumpf."
520,15,7,"Ataca con columnas de hojas. Combinado con
Voto Agua, crea un pantano y aumenta su
520,15,8,"Attacca il bersaglio con una colonna d’erba.
Se usata con Acquapatto, gli effetti aumentano
e il campo diventa una palude."
520,15,9,"A column of grass hits the target. When used with
its water equivalent, its damage increases and
a vast swamp appears."
520,15,11,"草の柱で 攻撃する。
みずと 組みあわせると 威力が
あがって あたりが 湿原に なる。"
521,11,5,"Après son attaque, le lanceur revient à
toute vitesse et change de place avec
un Pokémon de l’équipe prêt au combat."
521,11,9,"After making its attack, the user
rushes back to switch places with
a party Pokémon in waiting."
521,14,9,"After making its attack, the user
rushes back to switch places with
a party Pokémon in waiting."
521,15,1,"こうげき したあと
ものすごい スピードで もどってきて
ひかえ ポケモンと いれかわる。"
521,15,3,"공격한 뒤
굉장한 스피드로 돌아와서
교대 포켓몬과 교체한다."
521,15,5,"Après son attaque, le lanceur revient à toute
vitesse et change de place avec un Pokémon
de l’équipe prêt au combat."
521,15,6,"Anwender kehrt nach dem Angriff mit
atemberaubender Geschwindigkeit zurück
und tauscht Platz mit einem anderen Pokémon."
521,15,7,"Tras atacar, vuelve a toda prisa para dar paso a
otro Pokémon del equipo."
521,15,8,"Chi usa questa mossa si tira indietro per farsi
sostituire dopo aver sferrato l’attacco."
521,15,9,"After making its attack, the user
rushes back to switch places with
a party Pokémon in waiting."
ものすごい スピードで もどってきて
控えポケモンと 入れ替わる。"
522,11,5,"Le lanceur se débat de toutes ses forces,
et baisse l’Attaque Spéciale de l’ennemi."
522,11,9,"While resisting, the user attacks the
opposing Pokémon. The targets’
Sp. Atk stat is reduced."
522,14,9,"While resisting, the user attacks the
opposing Pokémon. The targets’
Sp. Atk stat is reduced."
522,15,1,"ていこう して あいてを こうげきする。
あいての とくこうを さげる。
522,15,3,"저항해서 상대를 공격한다.
상대의 특수공격을 떨어뜨린다."
522,15,5,"Le lanceur se débat de toutes ses forces, et
baisse l’Attaque Spéciale de l’ennemi."
522,15,6,"Anwender leistet Widerstand und greift an.
Der Spezial-Angriff der Ziele sinkt."
522,15,7,"El usuario opone resistencia y ataca a los
oponentes. También reduce su Ataque Especial.
522,15,8,"Colpisce i nemici intorno opponendo resistenza
e riducendo il loro Attacco Speciale."
522,15,9,"While resisting, the user attacks the
opposing Pokémon. This lowers the
Sp. Atk stat of those hit."
522,15,11,"抵抗して 相手を 攻撃する。
相手の 特攻を さげる。
523,11,5,"Le lanceur piétine le sol et inflige des
dégâts à tous les Pokémon autour
de lui. Baisse aussi la Vitesse."
523,11,9,"The user stomps down on the ground
and attacks everything in the area. Hit
Pokémon’s Speed stat is reduced."
523,14,9,"The user stomps down on the ground
and attacks everything in the area. Hit
Pokémon’s Speed stat is reduced."
523,15,1,"じめんを ふみならして じぶんの
まわりに いるものを こうげきする。
あいての すばやさを さげる。"
523,15,3,"땅을 힘껏 밟아 자신의
주위에 있는 포켓몬을 공격한다.
상대의 스피드를 떨어뜨린다."
523,15,5,"Le lanceur piétine le sol et inflige des dégâts à
tous les Pokémon autour de lui. Baisse aussi leur
523,15,6,"Anwender greift an, indem er den Boden
um sich herum plattwalzt. Die Initiative aller
betroffenen Pokémon sinkt."
523,15,7,"Sacudida sísmica que afecta a los demás Pokémon
adyacentes y también reduce su Velocidad."
523,15,8,"Chi la usa calpesta il terreno e scatena un
terremoto che danneggia i Pokémon nei paraggi,
riducendone la Velocità."
523,15,9,"The user strikes everything around it
by stomping down on the ground.
This lowers the Speed stat of those hit."
523,15,11,"地面を 踏みならして 自分の
周りに いるものを 攻撃する。
相手の 素早さを さげる。"
524,11,5,"Un souffle froid blesse l’ennemi.
L’effet est toujours critique."
524,11,9,"The user blows a cold breath on the
target. This attack always results in
a critical hit."
524,14,9,"The user blows a cold breath on the
target. This attack always results in
a critical hit."
524,15,1,"つめたい いきを
あいてに ふきつけて こうげきする。
かならず きゅうしょに あたる。"
524,15,3,"차가운 숨결을
상대에게 내뿜어 공격한다.
반드시 급소에 맞는다."
524,15,5,"Un souffle froid blesse l’ennemi.
L’effet est toujours critique."
524,15,6,"Anwender greift an, indem er dem Ziel eisigen
Atem entgegenhaucht. Volltreffergarantie."
524,15,7,"Quien lo usa ataca lanzando un aliento gélido.
Siempre resulta en un golpe crítico."
524,15,8,"Chi la usa attacca il bersaglio con un soffio
d’aria gelida. Brutto colpo assicurato."
524,15,9,"The user blows its cold breath on the
target. This attack always results in
a critical hit."
524,15,11,"冷たい 息を
相手に 吹きつけて 攻撃する。
必ず 急所に 当たる。"
525,11,5,"Un coup puissant qui blesse la cible
et l’envoie balader. Dans la nature,
met fin au combat."
525,11,9,"The user knocks away the target and
drags out another Pokémon in its party.
In the wild, the battle ends."
525,14,9,"The target is knocked away and switched.
In the wild, a battle against a single
Pokémon ends."
525,15,1,"あいてを はじきとばして
ひかえの ポケモンを ひきずりだす。
やせいの ばあいは せんとうが おわる。"
525,15,3,"상대를 튕겨내서
교대할 포켓몬을 끌어낸다.
야생의 경우에는 배틀이 끝난다."
525,15,5,"Un coup puissant qui blesse la cible et l’envoie
au loin. Dans la nature, met fin au combat."
525,15,6,"Putzt das Ziel vom Feld und wechselt
es mit einem anderen Pokémon aus.
Beendet Kämpfe gegen wilde Pokémon."
525,15,7,"Ataca al objetivo y lo obliga a cambiarse por otro
Pokémon. Si es uno salvaje, acaba el combate."
525,15,8,"Chi la usa fa volar via il bersaglio in modo che
venga sostituito. Se il bersaglio è un singolo
Pokémon selvatico, la lotta finisce."
525,15,9,"The target is knocked away, and a different
Pokémon is dragged out. In the wild,
this ends a battle against a single Pokémon."
525,15,11,"相手を はじきとばして
控えの ポケモンを ひきずりだす。
野生の 場合は 戦闘が 終わる。"
526,11,5,"Le lanceur se rengorge.
Augmente l’Attaque et l’Attaque Spéciale."
526,11,9,"The user is roused, and its Attack
and Sp. Atk stats increase."
526,14,9,"The user is roused, and its Attack
and Sp. Atk stats increase."
526,15,1,"じぶんを ふるいたてて
こうげきと とくこうを あげる。
526,15,3,"스스로 분발해서
공격과 특수공격을 올린다."
526,15,5,"Le lanceur se rengorge.
Augmente l’Attaque et l’Attaque Spéciale."
526,15,6,"Anwender erhält einen Kraftschub,
der seinen Angriff und Spezial-Angriff erhöht."
526,15,7,"Quien lo usa se concentra y potencia su Ataque y
su Ataque Especial."
526,15,8,"Chi la usa si tira su di morale, aumentando
il proprio Attacco e l’Attacco Speciale."
526,15,9,"The user is roused, and its Attack
and Sp. Atk stats increase."
526,15,11,"自分を 奮いたてて
攻撃と 特攻を あげる。
527,11,5,"Attrape l’ennemi dans un filet électrique.
Baisse aussi la Vitesse de l’ennemi."
527,11,9,"The user captures and attacks opposing
Pokémon by using an electric net. It
reduces the targets’ Speed stat."
527,14,9,"The user captures and attacks opposing
Pokémon by using an electric net. It
reduces the targets’ Speed stat."
527,15,1,"でんきの ネットで
あいてを つかまえて こうげきする。
あいての すばやさを さげる。"
527,15,3,"전기 네트로
상대를 붙잡아서 공격한다.
상대의 스피드를 떨어뜨린다."
527,15,5,"Attrape l’ennemi dans un filet électrique.
Baisse aussi la Vitesse de l’ennemi."
527,15,6,"Fängt Ziele mit einem elektrischen Netz
und senkt deren Initiative."
527,15,7,"Atrapa y ataca a los objetivos con una telaraña
eléctrica. También reduce su Velocidad."
527,15,8,"Chi la usa attacca i nemici intorno a sé
catturandoli con una ragnatela elettrica
e riducendone la Velocità."
527,15,9,"The user attacks and captures opposing
Pokémon using an electric net.
This lowers their Speed stat."
527,15,11,"電気の ネットで
相手を 捕まえて 攻撃する。
相手の 素早さを さげる。"
528,11,5,"Une charge électrique violente qui blesse
aussi légèrement le lanceur."
528,11,9,"The user shrouds itself in electricity
and smashes into its target.
It also damages the user a little."
528,14,9,"The user shrouds itself in electricity
and smashes into its target.
It also damages the user a little."
528,15,1,"でんきを まとって
あいてに ぶつかって こうげきする。
じぶんも すこし ダメージを うける。"
528,15,3,"전기를 두르고
상대에게 부딪쳐 공격한다.
자신도 조금 데미지를 입는다."
528,15,5,"Une charge électrique violente qui blesse aussi
légèrement le lanceur."
528,15,6,"Anwender erzeugt Spannung und greift an,
indem er auf Kollisionskurs geht. Er selbst
erleidet dabei ebenfalls leichten Schaden."
528,15,7,"Carga eléctrica muy potente que también hiere
ligeramente a quien la usa."
528,15,8,"Chi la usa si carica di elettricità per poi scagliarsi
sul bersaglio, ma subisce dei danni per
il contraccolpo."
528,15,9,"The user shrouds itself in electricity
and smashes into its target.
This also damages the user a little."
528,15,11,"電気を まとって
相手に ぶつかって 攻撃する。
自分も 少し ダメージを 受ける。"
529,11,5,"Le lanceur tourne sur lui-même comme
une perceuse et se jette sur l’ennemi.
Taux de critiques élevé."
529,11,9,"The user crashes into its target while
rotating its body like a drill.
Critical hits land more easily."
529,14,9,"The user crashes into its target while
rotating its body like a drill.
Critical hits land more easily."
529,15,1,"ドリルのように からだを かいてん
しながら あいてに たいあたりする。
きゅうしょに あたりやすい。"
529,15,3,"드릴처럼 몸을 회전시켜서
상대에게 몸통박치기한다.
급소에 맞기 쉽다."
529,15,5,"Le lanceur tourne sur lui-même comme une
perceuse et se jette sur l’ennemi.
Taux de critiques élevé."
529,15,6,"Anwender rammt das Ziel, während er
seinen Körper wie einen Bohrer dreht.
Hohe Volltrefferquote."
529,15,7,"El usuario golpea usando su cuerpo como un
taladro. Suele ser crítico."
529,15,8,"Chi la usa si scaglia sul bersaglio ruotando su se
stesso come un trapano perforante. Probabile
brutto colpo."
529,15,9,"The user crashes into its target while
rotating its body like a drill.
Critical hits land more easily."
529,15,11,"ドリルのように 体を 回転しながら
相手に 体当たりする。
急所に 当たりやすい。"
530,11,5,"Le lanceur frappe l’ennemi deux fois
d’affilée avec les parties les plus
robustes de son corps."
530,11,9,"The user attacks its target by hitting
it with brutal strikes.
The target is hit twice in a row."
530,14,9,"The user attacks its target by hitting
it with brutal strikes.
The target is hit twice in a row."
530,15,1,"からだの かたいぶぶんで あいてを
たたいて こうげきする。2かい
れんぞくで ダメージを あたえる。"
530,15,3,"몸의 단단한 부분으로 상대를
때려 공격한다. 2회 연속으로
데미지를 준다."
530,15,5,"Le lanceur frappe l’ennemi deux fois d’affilée avec
les parties les plus robustes de son corps."
530,15,6,"Versetzt dem Ziel mit massiven Extremitäten Hiebe.
Angriff erfolgt zweimal hintereinander."
530,15,7,"Golpea dos veces seguidas con la cola u otras
partes de su cuerpo."
530,15,8,"Chi la usa attacca due volte il bersaglio con dei
colpi estremamente forti."
530,15,9,"The user attacks its target by hitting
it with brutal strikes.
The target is hit twice in a row."
530,15,11,"体の 硬い部分で 相手を
たたいて 攻撃する。
2回連続で ダメージを 与える。"
531,11,5,"Déconcentre l’ennemi avec des mouvements
mignons avant de le frapper violemment.
Peut apeurer l’ennemi."
531,11,9,"The user unleashes a vicious blow after
its cute act makes the target less wary.
It may also make the target flinch."
531,14,9,"The user unleashes a vicious blow after
its cute act makes the target less wary.
It may also make the target flinch."
531,15,1,"かわいい しぐさで ゆだん させて
きょうれつな いちげきを あびせる。
あいてを ひるませる ことが ある。"
531,15,3,"귀여운 모습으로 방심시켜서
강렬한 일격을 날린다.
상대를 풀죽게 만들 때가 있다."
531,15,5,"Déconcentre l’ennemi avec des mouvements
mignons avant de le frapper violemment.
Peut aussi l’apeurer."
531,15,6,"Verleitet Ziel durch Kokettieren zu Unachtsamkeit
und verpasst ihm dann einen harten Schlag.
Ziel schreckt eventuell zurück."
531,15,7,"Grácil gesto que asesta un golpe tremendo al
objetivo y puede hacerlo retroceder."
531,15,8,"Chi la usa distrae il bersaglio con un faccino
innocente per poi sferrargli un colpo devastante
che può farlo tentennare."
531,15,9,"The user unleashes a vicious blow after
its cute act makes the target less wary.
This may also make the target flinch."
531,15,11,"かわいい しぐさで 油断させて
強烈な 一撃を 浴びせる。
相手を ひるませることが ある。"
532,11,5,"Un coup de corne qui draine l’énergie
de l’ennemi. Convertit la moitié des dégâts
infligés en PV pour le lanceur."
532,11,9,"The user drains the target’s energy with
its horns. The user’s HP is restored
by half the damage taken by the target."
532,14,9,"The user drains the target’s energy with
its horns. The user’s HP is restored
by half the damage taken by the target."
532,15,1,"つのを つきさして あいての ようぶんを
すいとる。あたえた ダメージの
はんぶんの HPを かいふく できる。"
532,15,3,"뿔을 꿰찔러서 상대의 양분을
흡수한다. 입힌 데미지의 절반에
해당하는 HP를 회복할 수 있다."
532,15,5,"Un coup de corne qui draine l’énergie de l’ennemi.
Convertit la moitié des dégâts infligés en PV pour
le lanceur."
532,15,6,"Greift Ziel mit Astgeweih an und zapft diesem
Nährstoffe ab. Anwender wird um die Hälfte
des zugefügten Schadens geheilt."
532,15,7,"Un golpe que drena energía. El Pokémon recupera
la mitad de los PS arrebatados al objetivo."
532,15,8,"Chi la usa infilza il bersaglio con le corna e
assorbe una quantità di PS pari a metà
del danno inferto."
532,15,9,"The user drains the target’s energy with
its horns. The user’s HP is restored
by half the damage taken by the target."
532,15,11,"つのを 突き刺して 相手の 養分を
吸い取る。与えた ダメージの
半分の HPを 回復できる。"
533,11,5,"Un coup de lame violent qui lacère
l’ennemi et lui inflige des dégâts quels
que soient ses changements de stats."
533,11,9,"The user attacks by slicing with its long
horns. The target’s stat changes
don’t affect this attack’s damage."
533,14,9,"The user attacks by slicing with its long
horns. The target’s stat changes
don’t affect this attack’s damage."
533,15,1,"ながい つので きりつけ こうげきする。
あいての のうりょく へんかに
かんけいなく ダメージを あたえる。"
533,15,3,"긴 뿔로 베어 공격한다.
상대의 능력 변화에
관계없이 데미지를 준다."
533,15,5,"Un coup de corne violent qui lacère l’ennemi
et lui inflige des dégâts quels que soient ses
changements de stats."
533,15,6,"Schneideangriff mit langem Horn.
Richtet Schaden unabhängig von
Statusveränderungen des Zieles an."
533,15,7,"El usuario ataca con una espada, ignorando
cualquier cambio en las características del
533,15,8,"Chi la usa taglia il bersaglio con una spada magica.
Il danno inflitto ignora le modifiche alle statistiche
del Pokémon colpito."
533,15,9,"The user attacks by slicing with a long
horn. The target’s stat changes
don’t affect this attack’s damage."
533,15,11,"長い つので 切りつけ 攻撃する。
相手の 能力変化に
関係なく ダメージを 与える。"
534,11,5,"Un coquillage aiguisé lacère l’ennemi.
Peut aussi baisser sa Défense."
534,11,9,"The user cuts its target with sharp
shells. This attack may also lower the
target’s Defense stat."
534,14,9,"The user cuts its target with sharp
shells. This attack may also lower the
target’s Defense stat."
534,15,1,"するどい かいがらで きりつけて
こうげきする。あいての ぼうぎょを
さげることが ある。"
534,15,3,"날카로운 조개껍질로 베어
공격한다. 상대의 방어를
떨어뜨릴 때가 있다."
534,15,5,"Un coquillage aiguisé lacère l’ennemi.
Peut aussi baisser sa Défense."
534,15,6,"Schneideangriff mit einer scharfen Muschelschale.
Senkt eventuell die Verteidigung des Zieles."
534,15,7,"Una afilada vieira ataca al objetivo. También puede
hacer disminuir su Defensa."
534,15,8,"Chi la usa colpisce il bersaglio con il suo guscio
affilato. Il colpo può anche ridurre la Difesa
del bersaglio."
534,15,9,"The user cuts its target with sharp
shells. This may also lower
the target’s Defense stat."
534,15,11,"鋭い 貝殻で 切りつけて
攻撃する。相手の 防御を
さげることが ある。"
535,11,5,"Le lanceur projette son corps enflammé
contre l’ennemi. S’il est plus lourd que
l’ennemi, l’effet augmente en conséquence."
535,11,9,"The user slams its target with its flame-
covered body. The more the user outweighs
the target, the greater the damage."
535,14,9,"The user slams its target with its flame-
covered body. The more the user outweighs
the target, the greater the damage."
535,15,1,"もえる からだで あいてに ぶつかって
こうげきする。じぶんが あいてより
おもいほど いりょくが あがる。"
535,15,3,"불타는 몸으로 상대에게 부딪쳐서
공격한다. 자신이 상대보다
무거울수록 위력이 올라간다."
535,15,5,"Le lanceur projette son corps enflammé contre
l’ennemi. S’il est plus lourd que l’ennemi, l’effet
augmente en conséquence."
535,15,6,"Rempelattacke mit brennendem Körper.
Je schwerer der Anwender im Vergleich
zum Ziel ist, desto stärker die Attacke."
535,15,7,"El usuario ataca con su cuerpo ardiente. Cuanto
mayor sea su peso comparado con el del objetivo,
más daño causará."
535,15,8,"Chi la usa carica con il suo corpo rovente. Più è
pesante rispetto al bersaglio e più danni causa."
535,15,9,"The user slams its target with its flame-
covered body. The more the user outweighs
the target, the greater the move’s power."
535,15,11,"燃える 体で 相手に ぶつかって
攻撃する。自分が 相手より
重いほど 威力が あがる。"
536,11,5,"L’ennemi est pris dans un tourbillon de
feuilles acérées. Peut aussi baisser
la Précision de l’ennemi."
536,11,9,"The user attacks its target by
encircling it in sharp leaves. This attack
may also lower the target’s accuracy."
536,14,9,"The user attacks its target by
encircling it in sharp leaves. This attack
may also lower the target’s accuracy."
536,15,1,"するどい はっぱで あいてを
つつみこんで こうげきする。
めいちゅうりつを さげることが ある。"
536,15,3,"날카로운 잎사귀로 상대를
둘러싸서 공격한다.
명중률을 떨어뜨릴 때가 있다."
536,15,5,"L’ennemi est pris dans un tourbillon de feuilles
acérées. Peut aussi baisser sa Précision."
536,15,6,"Anwender greift an, indem er das Ziel in scharfes
Blattwerk einwickelt. Kann die Genauigkeit senken."
536,15,7,"Tritura con afiladas hojas y puede bajar la
Precisión del objetivo."
536,15,8,"Chi la usa avvolge e attacca il bersaglio con foglie
affilate che possono anche ridurne la precisione."
536,15,9,"The user attacks its target by
encircling it in sharp leaves. This attack
may also lower the target’s accuracy."
536,15,11,"鋭い はっぱで 相手を
包みこんで 攻撃する。
命中率を さげることが ある。"
537,11,5,"Le lanceur se roule en boule et
écrase son ennemi. Peut aussi
apeurer l’ennemi."
537,11,9,"The user crushes its targets by rolling
over them with its rolled-up body.
This attack may make the target flinch."
537,14,9,"The user crushes its targets by rolling
over them with its rolled-up body.
This attack may make the target flinch."
537,15,1,"まるめた からだで かいてんして
あいてを おしつぶす。
あいてを ひるませる ことが ある。"
537,15,3,"둥글게 뭉친 몸을 회전하여
상대를 뭉개 버린다.
상대를 풀죽게 만들 때가 있다."
537,15,5,"Le lanceur se roule en boule et écrase son ennemi.
Peut aussi l’apeurer."
537,15,6,"Anwender rollt mit rundlichem Körper über das Ziel
und drückt es platt. Ziel schreckt eventuell zurück."
537,15,7,"El usuario se hace una bola y arrolla al objetivo
con su cuerpo. Puede hacerlo retroceder."
537,15,8,"Chi la usa ruota su se stesso ad alta velocità e
schiaccia il bersaglio. Può anche farlo tentennare."
537,15,9,"The user crushes its targets by rolling
over them with its rolled-up body.
This may also make the target flinch."
537,15,11,"まるめた 体で 回転して
相手を おしつぶす。
相手を ひるませることが ある。"
538,11,5,"Le lanceur se protège en s’emmitouflant
dans du coton. Sa Défense augmente
538,11,9,"The user protects itself by wrapping
its body in soft cotton, drastically
raising the user’s Defense stat."
538,14,9,"The user protects itself by wrapping
its body in soft cotton, drastically
raising the user’s Defense stat."
538,15,1,"フワフワの わたげで じぶんの
からだを つつみこんで まもる。
ぼうぎょを ぐぐーんと あげる。"
538,15,3,"푹신푹신한 솜털로 자신의
몸을 둘러싸서 지킨다.
방어를 매우 크게 올린다."
538,15,5,"Le lanceur se protège en s’emmitouflant dans du
coton. Sa Défense augmente fortement."
538,15,6,"Anwender schützt sich, indem er
sich in einen luftigen Flaum hüllt.
Erhöht die Verteidigung drastisch."
538,15,7,"Cubre al Pokémon con una madeja protectora.
Aumenta muchísimo la Defensa."
538,15,8,"Chi la usa avvolge il proprio corpo con del cotone
molto morbido, proteggendosi e aumentando
moltissimo la propria Difesa."
538,15,9,"The user protects itself by wrapping
its body in soft cotton, which drastically
raises the user’s Defense stat."
538,15,11,"フワフワの 綿毛で 自分の
体を 包みこんで 守る。
防御を ぐぐーんと あげる。"
539,11,5,"Le lanceur attaque l’ennemi avec une onde
de choc ténébreuse. Peut aussi baisser la
Précision de l’ennemi."
539,11,9,"The user lets loose a pitch-black shock
wave at its target. It may also lower the
target’s accuracy."
539,14,9,"The user lets loose a pitch-black shock
wave at its target. It may also lower the
target’s accuracy."
539,15,1,"あんこくの しょうげきはを
とばして あいてを こうげきする。
めいちゅうりつを さげることが ある。"
539,15,3,"암흑의 충격파를
날려서 상대를 공격한다.
명중률을 떨어뜨릴 때가 있다."
539,15,5,"Le lanceur attaque l’ennemi avec une onde de
choc ténébreuse. Peut aussi baisser sa Précision."
539,15,6,"Anwender greift Ziel mit finsteren Schockwellen an.
Senkt eventuell die Genauigkeit."
539,15,7,"Ataca al objetivo con una onda siniestra.
Puede bajar su Precisión."
539,15,8,"Chi la usa attacca il bersaglio con un’onda d’urto
oscura che può ridurne la precisione."
539,15,9,"The user lets loose a pitch-black shock
wave at its target. This may also lower the
target’s accuracy."
539,15,11,"暗黒の 衝撃波を
とばして 相手を 攻撃する。
命中率を さげることが ある。"
540,11,5,"Le lanceur matérialise des ondes
mystérieuses qu’il projette sur
l’ennemi. Inflige des dégâts physiques."
540,11,9,"The user materializes an odd
psychic wave to attack the target.
This attack does physical damage."
540,14,9,"The user materializes an odd
psychic wave to attack the target.
This attack does physical damage."
540,15,1,"ふしぎな ねんぱを じったいかして
あいてを こうげきする。
ぶつりてきな ダメージを あたえる。"
540,15,3,"이상한 염력파를 실체화하여
상대를 공격한다.
물리적인 데미지를 준다."
540,15,5,"Le lanceur matérialise des ondes mystérieuses
qu’il projette sur l’ennemi. Inflige des dégâts
540,15,6,"Anwender erzeugt seltsame Energiewellen,
die dem Ziel physischen Schaden zufügen."
540,15,7,"Crea una onda psíquica que causa daño físico al
540,15,8,"Chi la usa attacca il bersaglio facendo
materializzare un misterioso raggio psichico
che provoca danni fisici."
540,15,9,"The user materializes an odd
psychic wave to attack the target.
This attack does physical damage."
540,15,11,"不思議な 念波を 実体化して
相手を 攻撃する。
物理的な ダメージを 与える。"
541,11,5,"Le lanceur frappe l’ennemi de 2 à 5 fois
d’affilée avec sa queue robuste."
541,11,9,"The user attacks by striking the target
with its hard tail. It hits the target two
to five times in a row."
541,14,9,"The user attacks by striking the target
with its hard tail. It hits the target two
to five times in a row."
541,15,1,"かたい しっぽで
あいてを たたいて こうげきする。
2ー5かいの あいだ れんぞくで だす。"
541,15,3,"단단한 꼬리로
상대를 때려서 공격한다.
2-5회 동안 연속으로 쓴다."
541,15,5,"Le lanceur frappe l’ennemi de deux à cinq fois
d’affilée avec sa queue robuste."
541,15,6,"Anwender greift das Ziel mit seiner schlagfesten
Rute zwei- bis fünfmal hintereinander an."
541,15,7,"Golpea con la cola u otras partes de su cuerpo de
dos a cinco veces seguidas."
541,15,8,"Chi la usa colpisce il bersaglio con la sua coda
dura da due a cinque volte di fila."
541,15,9,"The user attacks by striking the target
with its hard tail. It hits the target two
to five times in a row."
541,15,11,"硬い しっぽで
相手を たたいて 攻撃する。
2ー5回の あいだ 連続で だす。"
542,11,5,"Le lanceur déclenche une tempête de
vents violents qui s’abat sur l’ennemi.
Peut aussi le rendre confus."
542,11,9,"The user attacks by wrapping its opponent
in a fierce wind that flies up into the sky.
It may also confuse the target."
542,14,9,"The user attacks by wrapping its opponent
in a fierce wind that flies up into the sky.
It may also confuse the target."
542,15,1,"きょうれつな かぜで あいてを
つつみこんで こうげきする。
あいてを こんらん させることが ある。"
542,15,3,"강렬한 바람으로 상대를
둘러싸서 공격한다.
상대를 혼란시킬 때가 있다."
542,15,5,"Le lanceur déclenche une tempête de vents
violents qui s’abat sur l’ennemi. Peut aussi le
rendre confus."
542,15,6,"Anwender greift das Ziel an, indem er es mit
heftigen Windböen umgibt. Ziel wird eventuell
542,15,7,"Golpea al objetivo con un fuerte torbellino que
envuelve al rival y puede confundirlo."
542,15,8,"Chi la usa attacca il bersaglio avvolgendolo con
un vento fortissimo. Può anche confonderlo."
542,15,9,"The user attacks by wrapping its opponent
in a fierce wind that flies up into the sky.
This may also confuse the target."
542,15,11,"強烈な 風で 相手を
包みこんで 攻撃する。
相手を 混乱させることが ある。"
543,11,5,"Le lanceur donne un coup avec sa tête
couronnée d’une fière crinière.
Blesse aussi légèrement le lanceur."
543,11,9,"The user charges its head into its
target, using its powerful guard hair.
It also damages the user a little."
543,14,9,"The user charges its head into its
target, using its powerful guard hair.
It also damages the user a little."
543,15,1,"すごい アフロの あたまで
あいてに とっしんして こうげきする。
じぶんも すこし ダメージを うける。"
543,15,3,"굉장한 아프로 머리로
상대에게 돌진하여 공격한다.
자신도 조금 데미지를 입는다."
543,15,5,"Le lanceur donne un coup avec sa tête couronnée
d’une fière crinière. Blesse aussi légèrement
le lanceur."
543,15,6,"Rempelattacke mit ausgeflippter Retrofrisur.
Anwender nimmt selbst leichten Schaden."
543,15,7,"Propina un tremendo cabezazo. También daña al
usuario un poco."
543,15,8,"Chi la usa carica il bersaglio con la testa in
stile afro, ma subisce un po’ di danni per il
543,15,9,"The user charges its head into its
target, using its powerful guard hair.
This also damages the user a little."
543,15,11,"すごい アフロの 頭で
相手に 突進して 攻撃する。
自分も 少し ダメージを 受ける。"
544,11,5,"Le lanceur jette deux écrous d’acier qui
frappent l’ennemi deux fois d’affilée."
544,11,9,"The user attacks by throwing
two steel gears at its target."
544,14,9,"The user attacks by throwing
two steel gears at its target."
544,15,1,"こうてつの ギアを あいてに
なげつけて こうげきする。2かい
れんぞくで ダメージを あたえる。"
544,15,3,"강철의 기어를 상대에게
던져서 공격한다.
2회 연속으로 데미지를 준다."
544,15,5,"Le lanceur jette deux écrous d’acier qui frappent
l’ennemi deux fois d’affilée."
544,15,6,"Anwender greift an, indem er stählerne Zahnräder
auf das Ziel schleudert. Angriff erfolgt zweimal
544,15,7,"Rota dos engranajes de hierro sobre el objetivo.
Golpea dos veces."
544,15,8,"Chi la usa colpisce il bersaglio due volte di fila
lanciandogli contro dei dischi d’acciaio."
544,15,9,"The user attacks by throwing
steel gears at its target twice."
544,15,11,"鋼鉄の ギアを 相手に
投げつけて 攻撃する。
2回連続で ダメージを 与える。"
545,11,5,"Des flammes rougeoyantes s’abattent
sur tous les Pokémon autour du lanceur.
Peut aussi brûler."
545,11,9,"An inferno of scarlet flames torches
everything around the user. It may
leave targets with a burn."
545,14,9,"An inferno of scarlet flames torches
everything around the user. It may
leave targets with a burn."
545,15,1,"まっかな ほのおで じぶんの
まわりに いるものを こうげきする。
やけど じょうたいに することが ある。"
545,15,3,"새빨간 불꽃으로 자신의
주위에 있는 포켓몬을 공격한다.
화상 상태로 만들 때가 있다."
545,15,5,"Des boules de feu s’abattent sur tous les Pokémon
autour du lanceur. Peut aussi les brûler."
545,15,6,"Greift alles in seiner Umgebung mit tiefroten
Flammen an. Ziel kann Verbrennungen erleiden."
545,15,7,"Un infierno de llamas daña a los Pokémon
adyacentes en combate. Puede quemar."
545,15,8,"Chi la usa lancia fiamme scarlatte su tutti i Pokémon
nelle vicinanze, danneggiandoli. Può anche scottarli."
545,15,9,"The user torches everything around it
with an inferno of scarlet flames.
This may also leave those hit with a burn."
545,15,11,"真っ赤な 炎で 自分の
周りに いるものを 攻撃する。
やけど状態に することが ある。"
546,11,5,"Le lanceur projette un rayon lumineux sur
l’ennemi. Le type varie selon le Module
que tient le lanceur."
546,11,9,"The user fires a beam of light at
its target. The type changes depending
on the Drive the user holds."
546,14,9,"The user fires a beam of light at
its target. The type changes depending
on the Drive the user holds."
546,15,1,"こうだんを あいてに
ほうしゅつする。じぶんの もつ
カセットに より タイプが かわる。"
546,15,3,"광탄을 상대에게 방출한다.
자신이 지니고 있는
카세트에 의해 타입이 바뀐다."
546,15,5,"Le lanceur projette un rayon lumineux sur l’ennemi.
Le type varie selon le Module que tient le lanceur."
546,15,6,"Anwender feuert ein Lichtgeschoss auf das
Ziel ab. Der Typ der Attacke hängt von dem
des Moduls ab."
546,15,7,"Ataca al objetivo con un gran láser. El tipo del
ataque lo determina el cartucho que porta el
546,15,8,"Chi la usa rilascia un colpo di luce contro
il bersaglio. Il tipo varia a seconda del modulo
che ha."
546,15,9,"The user fires a beam of light at
its target. The move’s type changes
depending on the Drive the user holds."
546,15,11,"光弾を 相手に 放出する。
自分の 持つ
カセットにより タイプが 変わる。"
547,11,5,"Le lanceur attaque l’ennemi en lui
chantant une chanson d’un autre temps.
Peut endormir l’ennemi."
547,11,9,"The user sings an ancient song and attacks
by appealing to the hearts of those
listening. It may also induce sleep."
547,14,9,"The user sings an ancient song and attacks
by appealing to the hearts of those
listening. It may also induce sleep."
547,15,1,"いにしえのうたを あいてに きかせて
こころに うったえて こうげきする。
ねむり じょうたいに することが ある。"
547,15,3,"옛노래를 상대에게 들려주고
마음에 호소하여 공격한다.
잠듦 상태로 만들 때가 있다."
547,15,5,"Le lanceur attaque l’ennemi en lui chantant une
chanson d’un autre temps. Peut l’endormir."
547,15,6,"Anwender greift mit Urgesang an, der Ziele
in der Nähe im tiefsten Inneren anspricht.
Diese schlafen eventuell ein."
547,15,7,"Ataca conmoviendo a los rivales de alrededor con
un antiguo canto. Puede dormirlos."
547,15,8,"Chi la usa attacca i nemici intorno a sé
intonando un’antica melodia che colpisce
il loro spirito. Può anche farli addormentare."
547,15,9,"The user sings an ancient song and attacks
by appealing to the hearts of the listening
opposing Pokémon. This may also induce sleep."
547,15,11,"いにしえのうたを 相手に 聞かせて
心に うったえて 攻撃する。
眠り状態に することが ある。"
548,11,5,"L’ennemi est lacéré par une longue lame.
Le pouvoir mystérieux de la lame inflige
des dégâts physiques."
548,11,9,"The user cuts with its long horn. The odd
power contained in the horn does physical
damage to the target."
548,14,9,"The user cuts with its long horn. The odd
power contained in the horn does physical
damage to the target."
548,15,1,"ながい つので きりつけ こうげきする。
つのが まとった ふしぎな ちからは
ぶつりてきな ダメージを あたえる。"
548,15,3,"긴 뿔로 베어 공격한다.
뿔이 머금은 이상한 힘은
물리적인 데미지를 준다."
548,15,5,"L’ennemi est lacéré par une longue corne.
Son pouvoir mystérieux inflige des dégâts
548,15,6,"Schneideangriff mit dem langen Schwert
des Anwenders. Die mysteriöse Kraft aus
dem Horn erzeugt physischen Schaden."
548,15,7,"Ensarta al objetivo con un sable, hiriéndolo con su
místico poder. Produce daño físico."
548,15,8,"Chi la usa attacca il bersaglio tagliandolo con una
spada mistica. La misteriosa energia sprigionata
provoca danni fisici."
548,15,9,"The user cuts with its long horn. The odd
power contained in the horn does physical
damage to the target."
548,15,11,"長い つので 切りつけ 攻撃する。
つのが まとった 不思議な 力は
物理的な ダメージを 与える。"
549,11,5,"Un souffle de vent qui congèle tout
sur son passage s’abat sur l’ennemi.
Réduit aussi sa Vitesse."
549,11,9,"The user attacks by blowing freezing cold
air at opposing Pokémon. This attack
reduces the targets’ Speed stat."
549,14,9,"The user attacks by blowing freezing cold
air at opposing Pokémon. This attack
reduces the targets’ Speed stat."
549,15,1,"こごえる ような れいきを
あいてに ふきつけて こうげきする。
あいての すばやさを さげる。"
549,15,3,"차가운 냉기를
상대에게 내뿜어 공격한다.
상대의 스피드를 떨어뜨린다."
549,15,5,"Un souffle de vent qui congèle tout sur son
passage s’abat sur l’ennemi. Réduit aussi sa
549,15,6,"Anwender greift an, indem er dem Ziel klirrend
kalte Luft entgegenbläst. Senkt die Initiative des
549,15,7,"Ataque con aire helado que baja la Velocidad del
549,15,8,"Chi la usa attacca i nemici intorno con una
folata d’aria gelida e ne riduce anche
la Velocità."
549,15,9,"The user attacks by blowing freezing
cold air at opposing Pokémon.
This lowers their Speed stat."
549,15,11,"凍えるような 冷気を
相手に 吹きつけて 攻撃する。
相手の 素早さを さげる。"
550,11,5,"S’enveloppe d’une charge électrique
surpuissante et se jette sur l’ennemi.
Peut aussi le paralyser."
550,11,9,"The user charges its target, surrounding
itself with a great amount of electricity.
It may leave the target with paralysis."
550,14,9,"The user charges its target, surrounding
itself with a great amount of electricity.
It may leave the target with paralysis."
550,15,1,"ぼうだいな でんきを みに まとって
あいてに とっしんして こうげきする。
まひ じょうたいに することが ある。"
550,15,3,"방대한 전기를 몸에 둘러
상대에게 돌진해서 공격한다.
마비 상태로 만들 때가 있다."
550,15,5,"Le lanceur s’enveloppe d’une charge électrique
surpuissante et se jette sur l’ennemi. Peut aussi
le paralyser."
550,15,6,"Lädt seinen Körper mit einer gewaltigen Menge
an Elektrizität auf und rammt damit das Ziel.
Ziel wird eventuell paralysiert."
550,15,7,"Ataca envolviéndose de una gran carga eléctrica y
embistiendo al objetivo con ella. Puede paralizar."
550,15,8,"Colpisce il bersaglio con una possente carica
elettrica e può anche paralizzarlo."
550,15,9,"The user surrounds itself with a great amount
of electricity and charges its target.
This may also leave the target with paralysis."
550,15,11,"ぼうだいな 電気を 身に まとって
相手に 突進して 攻撃する。
まひ状態に することが ある。"
551,11,5,"De magnifiques et redoutables flammes
bleues fondent sur l’ennemi.
Peut aussi le brûler."
551,11,9,"The user attacks by engulfing the target
in an intense, yet beautiful, blue flame.
It may leave the target with a burn."
551,14,9,"The user attacks by engulfing the target
in an intense, yet beautiful, blue flame.
It may leave the target with a burn."
551,15,1,"うつくしくも はげしい あおいほのおで
あいてを つつみこんで こうげきする。
やけど じょうたいに することが ある。"
551,15,3,"아름다우면서도 격렬한 푸른불꽃으로
상대를 둘러싸서 공격한다.
화상 상태로 만들 때가 있다."
551,15,5,"De magnifiques et redoutables flammes bleues
fondent sur l’ennemi. Peut aussi le brûler."
551,15,6,"Anwender greift an, indem er das Ziel in
wunderschöne, intensivblaue Flammen hüllt,
die es eventuell verbrennen."
551,15,7,"Ataca con una bella pero potente llama azul que
rodea al objetivo. Puede quemarlo."
551,15,8,"Chi la usa attacca il bersaglio avvolgendolo con
magnifiche e intense fiamme blu che possono
anche scottarlo."
551,15,9,"The user attacks by engulfing the target
in an intense, yet beautiful, blue flame.
This may also leave the target with a burn."
551,15,11,"美しくも 激しい 青い炎で
相手を 包みこんで 攻撃する。
やけど状態に することが ある。"
552,11,5,"Le lanceur enveloppe l’ennemi de flammes.
Peut aussi augmenter l’Attaque Spéciale
du lanceur."
552,11,9,"Cloaked in flames, the user dances
and flaps its wings. It may also
raise the user’s Sp. Atk stat."
552,14,9,"Cloaked in flames, the user dances
and flaps its wings. It may also
raise the user’s Sp. Atk stat."
552,15,1,"ほのおを まとい はばたいて あいてを
こうげきする。じぶんの とくこうが
あがることが ある。"
552,15,3,"불꽃을 둘러 날개를 쳐서
공격한다. 자신의 특수공격이
오를 때가 있다."
552,15,5,"Le lanceur enveloppe l’ennemi de flammes.
Peut aussi augmenter l’Attaque Spéciale du
552,15,6,"Hüllt das Ziel mit einer Feuerhose in Flammen.
Kann den Spezial-Angriff des Anwenders erhöhen."
552,15,7,"Envuelve en llamas y daña al objetivo. Puede
aumentar el Ataque Especial de quien lo usa."
552,15,8,"Chi la usa viene avvolto da fiamme che scaglia
contro il bersaglio, sbattendo le ali. Può anche
aumentare l’Attacco Speciale."
552,15,9,"Cloaked in flames, the user dances
and flaps its wings. This may also
raise the user’s Sp. Atk stat."
552,15,11,"炎を まとい はばたいて 相手を
攻撃する。自分の 特攻が
あがることが ある。"
553,11,5,"Projette un bloc de glace électrifié
sur l’ennemi au second tour.
Peut aussi le paralyser."
553,11,9,"On the second turn, the user hits the
target with electrically charged ice.
It may leave the target with paralysis."
553,14,9,"On the second turn, the user hits the
target with electrically charged ice.
It may leave the target with paralysis."
553,15,1,"でんきを まとった こおりの かたまりで
2ターンめに あいてを たたきつける。
まひ じょうたいに することが ある。"
553,15,3,"전기를 두른 얼음 덩어리로
2턴째에 상대를 내리친다.
마비 상태로 만들 때가 있다."
553,15,5,"Projette un bloc de glace électrifié sur l’ennemi au
second tour. Peut aussi le paralyser."
553,15,6,"Feuert in der zweiten Runde elektrisch
geladene Eisklumpen auf das Ziel ab.
Paralysiert das Ziel eventuell."
553,15,7,"El usuario carga un bloque de hielo con
electricidad en el primer turno y ataca con él
en el segundo. Puede paralizar."
553,15,8,"Chi la usa lancia contro il bersaglio al turno
successivo una sfera di ghiaccio ricoperta di
elettricità. Può anche paralizzarlo."
553,15,9,"On the second turn, the user hits the
target with electrically charged ice.
This may also leave the target with paralysis."
553,15,11,"電気を まとった 氷の 塊で
2ターン目に 相手を たたきつける。
まひ状態に することが ある。"
554,11,5,"Au second tour, le lanceur projette un
souffle de vent glacial dévastateur
sur l’ennemi. Peut le brûler."
554,11,9,"On the second turn, an ultracold,
freezing wind surrounds the target.
This may leave the target with a burn."
554,14,9,"On the second turn, an ultracold,
freezing wind surrounds the target.
This may leave the target with a burn."
554,15,1,"すべてを こおらせる はげしい れいきで
2ターンめに あいてを つつみこむ。
やけど じょうたいに することが ある。"
554,15,3,"모든 것을 얼려버리는 격렬한 냉기로
2턴째에 상대를 둘러싼다.
화상 상태로 만들 때가 있다."
554,15,5,"Au second tour, le lanceur projette un souffle de
vent glacial dévastateur sur l’ennemi. Peut aussi le
554,15,6,"Umgibt das Ziel in der nächsten Runde mit
heftigen, alles gefrierenden Eisböen. Fügt
dem Ziel eventuell Verbrennungen zu."
554,15,7,"Ataca al objetivo en el segundo turno rodeándolo
de un aire gélido. Puede causar quemaduras."
554,15,8,"Chi la usa attacca il bersaglio al turno successivo
e lo avvolge in un soffio d’aria gelida.
Può anche scottarlo."
554,15,9,"On the second turn, an ultracold,
freezing wind surrounds the target.
This may leave the target with a burn."
554,15,11,"すべてを 凍らせる 激しい 冷気で
2ターン目に 相手を 包みこむ。
やけど状態に することが ある。"
555,11,5,"Le lanceur hurle sur l’ennemi.
Baisse l’Attaque Spéciale de l’ennemi."
555,11,9,"The user yells as if it is ranting about
something, making the target’s Sp. Atk
stat decrease."
555,14,9,"The user yells as if it is ranting about
something, making the targets’ Sp. Atk
stat decrease."
555,15,1,"まくしたてる ように どなりつけて
あいての とくこうを さげる。
555,15,3,"호되게 호통을 쳐서
상대의 특수공격을 떨어뜨린다."
555,15,5,"Le lanceur hurle sur l’ennemi.
Baisse l’Attaque Spéciale de l’ennemi."
555,15,6,"Wäscht Zielen in der Nähe mit einer
ausführlichen Standpauke den Kopf und
senkt dabei deren Spezial-Angriff."
555,15,7,"Ataca con un chillido desagradable que baja el
Ataque Especial del rival."
555,15,8,"Chi la usa si mette a urlare per un po’,
riducendo l’Attacco Speciale dei nemici intorno."
555,15,9,"The user yells as if it’s ranting about
something, which lowers the Sp. Atk stat
of opposing Pokémon."
555,15,11,"まくしたてる ように 怒鳴りつけて
相手の 特攻を さげる。
556,11,5,"Envoie de gros blocs de glace sur
l’ennemi pour lui infliger des dégâts.
Peut aussi l’apeurer."
556,11,9,"The user attacks by harshly dropping
an icicle onto the target.
It may also make the target flinch."
556,14,9,"The user attacks by harshly dropping
an icicle onto the target.
It may also make the target flinch."
556,15,1,"おおきな つららを
はげしく ぶつけて こうげきする。
あいてを ひるませる ことが ある。"
556,15,3,"큰 고드름을
격렬하게 부딪쳐서 공격한다.
상대를 풀죽게 만들 때가 있다."
556,15,5,"Envoie de gros blocs de glace sur l’ennemi pour
lui infliger des dégâts. Peut aussi l’apeurer."
556,15,6,"Lässt große, schwere Eiszapfen auf das Ziel
herabregnen. Ziel schreckt eventuell zurück."
556,15,7,"Lanza grandes carámbanos. Puede hacer
retroceder al objetivo."
556,15,8,"Chi la usa attacca violentemente il bersaglio con
grosse stalattiti di ghiaccio che possono anche
farlo tentennare."
556,15,9,"The user attacks by harshly dropping
large icicles onto the target.
This may also make the target flinch."
556,15,11,"大きな 氷柱を
激しく ぶつけて 攻撃する。
相手を ひるませることが ある。"
557,11,5,"Le lanceur projette une flamme ardente de
son front et se jette sur l’ennemi. Baisse
la Défense, la Déf. Spé. et la Vitesse."
557,11,9,"With a hot flame on its forehead, the user
hurls itself at its target. It lowers the
user’s Defense, Sp. Def, and Speed stats."
557,14,9,"With a hot flame on its forehead, the user
hurls itself at its target. It lowers the
user’s Defense, Sp. Def, and Speed stats."
557,15,1,"しゃくねつの ほのおを ひたいから
はっせいさせて すてみの たいあたり。
ぼうぎょ とくぼう すばやさが さがる。"
557,15,3,"작열하는 불꽃을 이마에서
발생시켜 이판사판으로 몸통박치기한다.
방어, 특수방어, 스피드가 떨어진다."
557,15,5,"Le lanceur projette une flamme ardente de son
front et se jette sur l’ennemi. Baisse la Défense,
la Défense Spéciale et la Vitesse."
557,15,6,"Eine Verzweiflungsattacke. Anwender entfacht
glühend heißes Feuer. Senkt dessen Verteidigung,
Spezial-Verteidigung und Initiative."
557,15,7,"Golpea con una V de llamas al objetivo. Baja la
Defensa, la Defensa Especial y la Velocidad de
quien lo usa."
557,15,8,"Chi la usa carica emettendo fiamme ardenti dalla
fronte, a costo di una riduzione di Difesa,
Difesa Speciale e Velocità."
557,15,9,"With a hot flame on its forehead, the user
hurls itself at its target. This lowers the
user’s Defense, Sp. Def, and Speed stats."
557,15,11,"灼熱の 炎を 額から
発生させて 捨て身の 体当たり。
防御 特防 素早さが さがる。"
558,11,5,"Projette une boule de feu
gigantesque. L’effet augmente
sous l’influence d’Éclair Croix."
558,11,9,"The user brings down a giant flame.
This attack does greater damage when
influenced by an enormous thunderbolt."
558,14,9,"The user brings down a giant flame.
This attack does greater damage when
influenced by an enormous thunderbolt."
558,15,1,"きょだいな ほのおを たたきつける。
きょだいな いかずちの えいきょうをうけ
わざの いりょくが あがる。"
558,15,3,"거대한 불꽃을 내리친다.
거대한 천둥의 영향을 받아
기술의 위력이 올라간다."
558,15,5,"Projette une boule de feu gigantesque.
L’effet augmente sous l’influence d’Éclair Croix."
558,15,6,"Feuert eine monströse Flamme ab.
Wird die Attacke durch einen gigantischen
Blitz modifiziert, steigt die Stärke."
558,15,7,"Ataca con una llamarada gigantesca. Aumenta su
potencia si es influenciada por una gran energía
558,15,8,"Chi la usa lancia una fiammata enorme. Se usata in
combinazione con Incrotuono, il danno provocato
dalla mossa aumenta."
558,15,9,"The user brings down a giant flame.
This move is more powerful when
influenced by an enormous thunderbolt."
558,15,11,"巨大な 炎を たたきつける。
巨大な 雷の 影響を受け
技の 威力が あがる。"
559,11,5,"Projette un orbe électrique
gigantesque. L’effet augmente
sous l’influence de Flamme Croix."
559,11,9,"The user throws down a giant thunderbolt.
This attack does greater damage
when influenced by an enormous flame."
559,14,9,"The user throws down a giant thunderbolt.
This attack does greater damage
when influenced by an enormous flame."
559,15,1,"きょだいな いかずちを たたきつける。
きょだいな ほのおの えいきょうをうけ
わざの いりょくが あがる。"
559,15,3,"거대한 천둥을 내리친다.
거대한 불꽃의 영향을 받아
기술의 위력이 올라간다."
559,15,5,"Projette un orbe électrique gigantesque.
L’effet augmente sous l’influence de Flamme Croix."
559,15,6,"Feuert einen monströsen Blitz ab.
Wird die Attacke durch eine gigantische
Flamme modifiziert, steigt die Stärke."
559,15,7,"Ataca con una enorme descarga eléctrica.
Aumenta su potencia si es influenciada por
una gigantesca llamarada."
559,15,8,"Chi la usa lancia un fulmine enorme. Se usata in
combinazione con Incrofiamma, il danno provocato
dalla mossa aumenta."
559,15,9,"The user throws down a giant thunderbolt.
This move is more powerful when
influenced by an enormous flame."
559,15,11,"巨大な 雷を たたきつける。
巨大な 炎の 影響を受け
技の 威力が あがる。"
560,15,1,"くうちゅうから あいてに ダイブする。
このわざは かくとうタイプと どうじに
ひこうタイプでも ある。"
560,15,3,"공중에서 상대에게 다이브한다.
이 기술은 격투타입임과 동시에
비행타입이기도 하다."
560,15,5,"Une attaque en piqué depuis le ciel, à la fois de
type Combat et de type Vol."
560,15,6,"Der Anwender stürzt sich aus der Luft auf
das Ziel. Die Attacke gehört sowohl dem Typ
Kampf als auch dem Typ Flug an."
560,15,7,"El Pokémon que lo usa se lanza sobre su
oponente. Este movimiento es de tipo Lucha y
tipo Volador al mismo tiempo."
560,15,8,"Chi la usa si tuffa sul bersaglio dall’alto. È una
mossa di tipo Lotta e Volante allo stesso tempo."
560,15,9,"The user dives down onto the target
from the sky. This move is Fighting
and Flying type simultaneously."
560,15,11,"空中から 相手に ダイブする。
この技は かくとうタイプと 同時に
ひこうタイプでも ある。"
561,15,1,"かえした タタミを たてにして じぶんや
みかたへの わざの ダメージを ふせぐ。
へんかわざは ふせぐことが できない。"
561,15,3,"뒤집어 세운 마룻바닥을 방패로 하여 자신과
같은 편으로 향하는 기술 데미지를 막는다.
변화 기술은 막을 수 없다."
561,15,5,"Retourne un tatami pour bloquer, comme avec un
bouclier, les capacités visant le lanceur ou ses
alliés. N’a pas d’effet sur les attaques de statut."
561,15,6,"Der Anwender richtet eine Tatami-Matte auf,
um sich und sein Team vor Schaden zu schützen.
Kein Schutz vor Status-Attacken."
561,15,7,"El usuario usa un tatami para escudarse de los
movimientos enemigos. Protege también a los
aliados. No funciona contra ataques de estado."
561,15,8,"Chi la usa protegge se stesso e i propri alleati dai
danni di mosse nemiche, adoperando un tappetino
come scudo. Non è efficace contro mosse di stato."
561,15,9,"Using a pulled-up mat as a shield, the user
protects itself and its allies from damaging moves.
This does not stop status moves."
561,15,11,"かえした タタミを 盾にして 自分や
味方への 技の ダメージを 防ぐ。
変化技は 防ぐことが できない。"
562,15,1,"あいてに むかって ゲップを
あびせて ダメージを あたえる。
きのみを たべないと だせない。"
562,15,3,"상대를 향해 트림을 하여
데미지를 준다.
나무열매를 먹지 않으면 쓸 수 없다."
562,15,5,"Le lanceur se tourne vers l’ennemi et lui éructe
dessus, infligeant des dégâts. Ne fonctionne
que si le lanceur consomme la Baie qu’il tient."
562,15,6,"Der Anwender fügt dem Ziel Schaden zu,
indem er es anrülpst. Diese Attacke gelingt
nur nach dem Konsum einer getragenen Beere."
562,15,7,"El Pokémon causa daño a su oponente lanzándole
un eructo. Para poder utilizar este movimiento
tiene que llevar una baya y comérsela."
562,15,8,"Chi la usa attacca il bersaglio con un rutto potente.
Per utilizzare questa mossa, il Pokémon deve
mangiare la bacca che possiede."
562,15,9,"The user lets out a damaging belch
at the target. The user must eat a held
Berry to use this move."
562,15,11,"相手に 向かって ゲップを
浴びせて ダメージを 与える。
きのみを 食べないと だせない。"
563,15,1,"じめんを たがやして くさきが
こうげきと とくこうが あがる。"
563,15,3,"땅을 일구어 초목이
자라기 쉽게 한다. 풀타입의
공격과 특수공격이 오른다."
563,15,5,"Laboure le sol et le rend plus fertile.
Augmente l’Attaque et l’Attaque Spéciale des
Pokémon de type Plante."
563,15,6,"Der Anwender pflügt den Boden und macht
die Erde fruchtbarer. Erhöht den Angriff und
den Spezial-Angriff von Pflanzen-Pokémon."
563,15,7,"Labra la tierra haciendo que sea más fácil cultivarla
y consigue que aumente el Ataque y el Ataque
Especial de los Pokémon de tipo Planta."
563,15,8,"Chi la usa dissoda la terra per far crescere meglio
l’erba. Questa mossa aumenta l’Attacco e
l’Attacco Speciale dei Pokémon di tipo Erba."
563,15,9,"Tilling the soil, the user makes it easier
for plants to grow. This raises the Attack
and Sp. Atk stats of Grass-type Pokémon."
563,15,11,"地面を 耕して 草木が
攻撃と 特攻が あがる。"
564,15,1,"あいての まわりに ねばねばした
ネットを はりめぐらせ こうたいで
でてきた あいての すばやさを さげる。"
564,15,3,"상대의 주위에 끈적끈적한
네트를 둘러 펼쳐 교체되어
나온 상대의 스피드를 떨어뜨린다."
564,15,5,"Déploie une toile visqueuse autour de l’ennemi
qui ralentit la Vitesse de tout adversaire entrant
au combat."
564,15,6,"Der Anwender spinnt in der Umgebung des
gegnerischen Teams ein klebriges Netz und senkt
so die Initiative neu eingewechselter Pokémon."
564,15,7,"Coloca una red pegajosa alrededor del equipo
rival, haciendo que baje la Velocidad de cualquier
Pokémon adversario que entre al combate."
564,15,8,"Chi la usa intreccia una rete appiccicosa attorno
alla squadra avversaria, diminuendo la Velocità dei
Pokémon nemici che entreranno in campo."
564,15,9,"The user weaves a sticky net around
the opposing team, which lowers their
Speed stat upon switching into battle."
564,15,11,"相手の 周りに ねばねばした
ネットを はりめぐらせ 交代で
でてきた 相手の 素早さを さげる。"
565,15,1,"この わざを つかって
あいてを たおすと
こうげきが ぐーんと あがる。"
565,15,3,"이 기술을 사용하여
상대를 쓰러뜨리면
공격이 크게 오른다."
565,15,5,"Augmente fortement l’Attaque du lanceur si un
ennemi est mis K.O. avec cette capacité."
565,15,6,"Gelingt es dem Anwender, das Ziel mit dieser
Attacke zu besiegen, steigt sein Angriffs-Wert
565,15,7,"Al derrotar al objetivo utilizando este movimiento,
aumenta mucho el Ataque del usuario."
565,15,8,"L’Attacco di chi la usa aumenta notevolmente se
grazie alla mossa il bersaglio va KO."
565,15,9,"When the user knocks out a target
with this move, the user’s Attack stat
rises sharply."
565,15,11,"この 技を 使って
相手を 倒すと
攻撃が ぐーんと あがる。"
566,15,1,"1ターンめで どこかに きえて
2ターンめに あいてを こうげきする。
まもりを むしして こうげきできる。"
566,15,3,"1턴째에 어디론가 사라져서
2턴째에 상대를 공격한다.
기술 방어를 무시하고 공격할 수 있다."
566,15,5,"Le lanceur disparaît au premier tour et frappe au
second. Cette attaque passe outre les protections."
566,15,6,"Der Anwender verschwindet, um eine Runde lang
seine Kraft zu sammeln und in der nächsten Runde
anzugreifen. Durchbricht die Defensive des Zieles."
566,15,7,"El usuario desaparece en el primer turno y ataca
a su objetivo en el segundo. Permite acertar
aunque el objetivo esté protegiéndose."
566,15,8,"Chi la usa scompare improvvisamente per attaccare
poi nel turno seguente. Questa mossa neutralizza
le difese del bersaglio."
566,15,9,"The user vanishes somewhere, then strikes
the target on the next turn.
This move hits even if the target protects itself."
566,15,11,"1ターンめで どこかに 消えて
2ターンめに 相手を 攻撃する。
守りを 無視して 攻撃できる。"
567,15,1,"あいてを ハロウィンに さそう。
あいての タイプに
ゴーストタイプが ついかされる。"
567,15,3,"상대를 핼러윈으로 초대한다.
상대 타입에
고스트타입이 추가된다."
567,15,5,"Insuffle à la cible l’esprit d’Halloween, et
ajoute le type Spectre à ses types actuels."
567,15,6,"Der Anwender lehrt das Ziel das Fürchten.
Dieses nimmt dadurch zusätzlich den Typ Geist an."
567,15,7,"Invita al objetivo a celebrar Halloween, haciendo
que pase a ser también de tipo Fantasma además
de conservar sus propios tipos."
567,15,8,"Il bersaglio viene invitato a festeggiare Halloween
e aggiunge così al proprio tipo anche il tipo
567,15,9,"The user takes the target trick-or-treating.
This adds Ghost type to the target’s type."
567,15,11,"相手を ハロウィンに 誘う。
相手の タイプに
ゴーストタイプが 追加される。"
568,15,1,"おたけびを あげて
あいてを いかくし あいての
こうげきと とくこうを さげる。"
568,15,3,"우렁차게 부르짖어서
상대를 위협하여 상대의 공격과
특수공격을 떨어뜨린다."
568,15,5,"Le lanceur pousse un rugissement qui intimide
l’ennemi et diminue son Attaque et son Attaque
568,15,6,"Der Anwender stößt ein Kampfgebrüll aus,
das das Ziel einschüchtert und zugleich seinen
Angriffs- und Spezial-Angriffs-Wert senkt."
568,15,7,"Intimida a su oponente con un rugido de guerra,
haciendo que disminuyan tanto su Ataque como
su Ataque Especial."
568,15,8,"Chi la usa emette un urlo potente che intimidisce
il bersaglio, riducendone l’Attacco e l’Attacco
568,15,9,"Letting out a noble roar, the user
intimidates the target and lowers
its Attack and Sp. Atk stats."
568,15,11,"おたけびを あげて
相手を 威嚇し 相手の
攻撃と 特攻を さげる。"
569,15,1,"でんきを おびた りゅうしを
かくさんし ノーマルタイプの わざを
でんきタイプに してしまう。"
569,15,3,"전기를 띤 입자를
확산시켜 노말타입 기술을
전기타입으로 바꿔버린다."
569,15,5,"Diffuse des particules saturées d’électricité qui
transforment les capacités de type Normal en
capacités de type Électrik."
569,15,6,"Versprüht elektrisch geladene Partikel und bewirkt,
dass Normal-Attacken den Typ Elektro annehmen."
569,15,7,"El Pokémon disemina partículas con carga eléctrica
que convierten los movimientos de tipo Normal en
tipo Eléctrico."
569,15,8,"Chi la usa disperde delle particelle elettrizzate che
trasformano le mosse di tipo Normale in mosse
di tipo Elettro."
569,15,9,"The user disperses electrically charged
particles, which changes Normal-type
moves to Electric-type moves."
569,15,11,"電気を 帯びた 粒子を
拡散し ノーマルタイプの 技を
でんきタイプに してしまう。"
570,15,1,"まわりにいる ポケモン ぜんいんに
ダメージ。 あたえた ダメージの
はんぶんを じぶんが かいふくする。"
570,15,3,"주위에 있는 모든 포켓몬에게
데미지를 준다. 준 데미지의
절반을 자신이 회복한다."
570,15,5,"Inflige des dégâts à tous les Pokémon autour du
lanceur. Il récupère en PV la moitié des dégâts
570,15,6,"Fügt allen Pokémon in der Umgebung Schaden zu.
Der Anwender wird um die Hälfte des insgesamt
angerichteten Schadens geheilt."
570,15,7,"Inflige daño a todos los Pokémon a su alrededor.
El usuario absorbe la mitad del daño producido
para restaurar sus propios PS."
570,15,8,"Infligge danni a tutti i Pokémon vicini. Chi la
usa recupera una quantità di PS pari alla metà
del danno inferto."
570,15,9,"The user attacks everything around it.
The user’s HP is restored by half
the damage taken by those hit."
570,15,11,"周りにいる ポケモン 全員に
ダメージ。与えた ダメージの
半分を 自分が 回復する。"
571,15,1,"あいてに もりののろいを かける。
のろいを かけられた あいては
タイプに くさタイプが ついかされる。"
571,15,3,"상대에게 숲의 저주를 건다.
저주에 걸린 상대는
타입에 풀타입이 추가된다."
571,15,5,"La cible est charmée par l’esprit de la forêt.
Le type Plante est ajouté à ses types actuels."
571,15,6,"Der Anwender belegt das Ziel mit einem
Waldesfluch, durch den dieses zusätzlich
den Typ Pflanze annimmt."
571,15,7,"El objetivo es presa de la maldición del bosque,
por lo que pasa a ser un Pokémon de tipo Planta,
además de conservar sus tipos habituales."
571,15,8,"Chi la usa invoca la maledizione del bosco sul
bersaglio, che acquisisce così anche il tipo Erba."
571,15,9,"The user puts a forest curse on the target.
Afflicted targets are now Grass type as well."
571,15,11,"相手に 森ののろいを かける。
のろいを かけられた 相手は
タイプに くさタイプが 追加される。"
572,15,1,"はげしい はなふぶきを おこし
まわりに いるものに こうげきして
ダメージを あたえる。"
572,15,3,"세찬 꽃보라를 일으켜서
주위에 있는 포켓몬을 공격하여
데미지를 준다."
572,15,5,"Déclenche une violente tempête de fleurs qui
inflige des dégâts à tous les Pokémon alentour."
572,15,6,"Der Anwender erzeugt einen turbulenten
Blütenwirbel, der alle Pokémon in der Nähe
erfasst und ihnen Schaden zufügt."
572,15,7,"El usuario desata un intenso vendaval de pétalos
que daña a los Pokémon a su alrededor."
572,15,8,"Infligge danni ai Pokémon che ha intorno
attaccandoli con una tempesta di fiori."
572,15,9,"The user stirs up a violent petal blizzard
and attacks everything around it."
572,15,11,"激しい 花吹雪を 起こし
周りに いるものに 攻撃して
ダメージを 与える。"
573,15,1,"あいてを きゅうげきに ひやして
こおり じょうたいに することが ある。
みずタイプにも こうかばつぐんに なる。"
573,15,3,"상대를 급격히 차갑게 하여
얼음 상태로 만들 때가 있다.
물타입 포켓몬에게도 효과가 굉장해진다."
573,15,5,"Refroidit violemment l’ennemi et peut le geler.
Super efficace sur les Pokémon de type Eau."
573,15,6,"Das Ziel wird stark abgekühlt und manchmal
sogar eingefroren. Die Attacke ist sehr effektiv
gegen Wasser-Pokémon."
573,15,7,"Enfría súbitamente al objetivo e incluso puede
congelarlo. Es supereficaz contra Pokémon de
tipo Agua."
573,15,8,"Chi la usa raffredda istantaneamente il bersaglio
e può congelarlo. Risulta superefficace contro
i Pokémon di tipo Acqua."
573,15,9,"The user rapidly cools the target.
This may also leave the target frozen.
This move is super effective on Water types."
573,15,11,"相手を 急激に 冷やして
こおり 状態に することが ある。
みずタイプにも 効果抜群になる。"
574,15,1,"みわくの なきごえを だして あいてに
せいしんてきな ダメージを あたえる。
こうげきは かならず めいちゅう する。"
574,15,3,"매혹적인 울음소리를 내어
상대에게 정신적 데미지를 준다.
공격은 반드시 명중한다."
574,15,5,"Laisse s’échapper une voix enchanteresse qui
inflige des dégâts psychiques à l’ennemi.
Touche à coup sûr."
574,15,6,"Der Anwender stößt einen bezirzenden Ruf aus,
mit dem er das Ziel in seinen Bann schlägt und
ihm immer mentalen Schaden zufügt."
574,15,7,"Obnubila a los oponentes con su fascinante voz y
les provoca daños emocionales. Siempre acierta
al objetivo."
574,15,8,"Chi la usa infligge un danno spirituale ai nemici nei
paraggi con una voce suadente. L’attacco andrà
immancabilmente a segno."
574,15,9,"Letting out a charming cry, the user does
emotional damage to opposing Pokémon.
This attack never misses."
574,15,11,"魅惑の 鳴き声を だして 相手に
精神的な ダメージを 与える。
攻撃は 必ず 命中 する。"
575,15,1,"すてゼリフで あいてを いかくし
こうげきと とくこうを さげたのち
ひかえの ポケモンと いれかわる。"
575,15,3,"막말을 내뱉어 상대를 위협하여
공격과 특수공격을 떨어뜨린 후
교대 포켓몬과 교체한다."
575,15,5,"Menace l’ennemi dans une ultime tirade avant
de changer de place avec un autre Pokémon.
Réduit l’Attaque et l’Attaque Spéciale de l’ennemi."
575,15,6,"Schüchtert das Ziel mit einer Abgangstirade ein,
sodass dessen Angriffs- und Spezial-Angriffs-Wert
sinken. Danach wird der Anwender ausgewechselt."
575,15,7,"El usuario se cambia por otro Pokémon de su
equipo, pero antes amedrenta a su oponente y
hace que disminuyan su Ataque y Ataque Especial."
575,15,8,"Chi la usa lancia un monito intimidatorio al bersaglio,
riducendone l’Attacco e l’Attacco Speciale, e si fa
sostituire da un altro Pokémon della squadra."
575,15,9,"With a parting threat, the user lowers
the target’s Attack and Sp. Atk stats.
Then it switches with a party Pokémon."
575,15,11,"すてゼリフで 相手を いかくし
攻撃と 特攻を さげたのち
控えの ポケモンと 入れ替わる。"
576,15,1,"あいてに かかっている
すべての のうりょくへんかを
ひっくりかえして ぎゃくにする。"
576,15,3,"상대에게 걸려 있는
모든 능력 변화를
뒤집어서 반대로 만든다."
576,15,5,"Inverse tous les changements de stats de
la cible."
576,15,6,Invertiert alle Statusveränderungen des Zieles.
576,15,7,"Invierte por completo los cambios en las
características del Pokémon objetivo."
576,15,8,"Inverte tutte le modifiche alle statistiche
del Pokémon bersaglio."
576,15,9,"All stat changes affecting the target
turn topsy-turvy and become the
opposite of what they were."
576,15,11,"相手に かかっている
すべての 能力変化を
ひっくり返して 逆にする。"
577,15,1,"キッスによって あいてから HPを
すいとる。あたえた ダメージの
はんぶんいじょう HPを かいふくする。"
577,15,3,"키스로 상대로부터 HP를
흡수한다. 준 데미지의
반 이상 HP를 회복한다."
577,15,5,"Aspire la force vitale de l’ennemi par un baiser.
Rend au lanceur un nombre de PV supérieur ou
égal à la moitié des dégâts infligés."
577,15,6,"Der Anwender stiehlt dem Ziel mit einem Kuss KP.
Die Höhe der Heilung beträgt mehr als die Hälfte
des beim Ziel angerichteten Schadens."
577,15,7,"Absorbe PS del objetivo con un beso y restaura
su propia energía en una cantidad igual o superior
a la mitad del daño infligido."
577,15,8,"Chi la usa assorbe energia dal bersaglio con
un bacio, recuperando così PS in quantità pari
a più della metà del danno inferto."
577,15,9,"The user steals the target’s energy with a kiss.
The user’s HP is restored by over half
of the damage taken by the target."
577,15,11,"キッスによって 相手から HPを
吸い取る。与えた ダメージの
半分以上 HPを 回復する。"
578,15,1,"ふしぎな ちからを つかって
みかたへの へんかわざを ふせぐ。
ダメージわざは うけてしまう。"
578,15,3,"이상한 힘을 사용하여
같은 편을 공격하는 변화 기술을 막는다.
데미지 기술은 받는다."
578,15,5,"Utilise une force mystérieuse pour protéger
l’équipe des attaques de statut. Ne protège
pas des autres capacités."
578,15,6,"Schützt sich und Mitstreiter mit einer
mysteriösen Macht vor Status-Attacken.
Es werden jedoch weiterhin KP-Schäden erlitten."
578,15,7,"Usa unos misteriosos poderes para protegerse a sí
mismo y a sus aliados de ataques de estado, pero
no de otro tipo de ataques."
578,15,8,"Grazie a un misterioso potere, protegge chi la usa
e gli alleati dalle mosse di stato. È tuttavia
inefficace contro mosse che infliggono danni."
578,15,9,"The user protects itself and its allies from
status moves with a mysterious power.
This does not stop moves that do damage."
578,15,11,"不思議な 力を 使って
味方への 変化技を 防ぐ。
ダメージ技は 受けてしまう。"
579,15,1,"ふしぎな ちからを つかって
ばにいる くさタイプの ポケモン
ぜんいんの ぼうぎょを あげる。"
579,15,3,"이상한 힘을 사용하여
배틀에 나와있는 모든
풀타입 포켓몬의 방어를 올린다."
579,15,5,"Grâce à une force mystérieuse, la Défense de tous
les Pokémon Plante au combat augmente."
579,15,6,"Erhöht mit einer mysteriösen Macht die
Verteidigung aller am Kampf beteiligten
579,15,7,"Aumenta la Defensa de todos los Pokémon de tipo
Planta que hay en el combate usando unos
misteriosos poderes."
579,15,8,"Grazie a un misterioso potere, aumenta la Difesa
di tutti i Pokémon di tipo Erba presenti in campo."
579,15,9,"The user raises the Defense stat
of all Grass-type Pokémon in battle
with a mysterious power."
579,15,11,"不思議な 力を 使って
場にいる くさタイプの ポケモン
全員の 防御を あげる。"
580,15,1,"5ターンの あいだ あしもとを
グラスフィールドにする。 じめんにいる
ポケモンは まいターン かいふくする。"
580,15,3,"5턴 동안 발밑을
그래스필드로 만든다. 땅에 있는
포켓몬은 매 턴 회복한다."
580,15,5,"Pendant cinq tours, le terrain aux pieds du lanceur
se transforme en gazon. Les Pokémon au sol
récupèrent des PV à chaque tour."
580,15,6,"Verwandelt den Untergrund fünf Runden lang
in ein Grasfeld und heilt in jeder neuen Runde
alle Pokémon, die den Boden berühren."
580,15,7,"Convierte el terreno de combate en un campo de
hierba durante cinco turnos. Los Pokémon que
estén en el suelo recuperan PS en cada turno."
580,15,8,"Per cinque turni trasforma il terreno di lotta
in un campo erboso, facendo recuperare PS
ai Pokémon a terra in ogni turno."
580,15,9,"The user turns the ground under everyone’s feet
to grass for five turns. This restores the HP of
Pokémon on the ground a little every turn."
580,15,11,"5ターンの あいだ 足元を
ポケモンは 毎ターン 回復する。"
581,15,1,"5ターンの あいだ あしもとを
ミストフィールドにする。 じめんにいると
じょうたいいじょうに ならない。"
581,15,3,"5턴 동안 발밑을
미스트필드로 만든다. 땅에 있으면
상태 이상이 되지 않는다."
581,15,5,"Pendant cinq tours, le terrain aux pieds du lanceur
se couvre de brume. Les Pokémon au sol ne
peuvent pas subir d’altération de statut."
581,15,6,"Verwandelt den Untergrund fünf Runden lang
in ein Nebelfeld und schützt alle Pokémon,
die den Boden berühren, vor Statusproblemen."
581,15,7,"Cubre de niebla el terreno de combate durante
cinco turnos. Los Pokémon que estén en el suelo
no se ven afectados por cambios de estado."
581,15,8,"Per cinque turni trasforma il terreno di lotta
in un campo nebbioso, impedendo ai Pokémon
a terra di essere colpiti da problemi di stato."
581,15,9,"The user covers the ground under everyone’s feet
with mist for five turns. This protects Pokémon
on the ground from status conditions."
581,15,11,"5ターンの あいだ 足元を
状態異常に ならない。"
582,15,1,"あいてが わざを だすまえに
そうでん すると そのターン
あいての わざは でんきタイプになる。"
582,15,3,"상대가 기술을 쓰기 전에
송전하면 그 턴에 상대가
사용하는 기술은 전기타입이 된다."
582,15,5,"Si le lanceur attaque avant l’ennemi, les capacités
de ce dernier seront de type Électrik jusqu’à la fin
du tour."
582,15,6,"Kommt die Attacke zum Einsatz, bevor das Ziel
seine Attacke ausführt, nimmt diese für die Dauer
dieser Runde den Typ Elektro an."
582,15,7,"Si el Pokémon objetivo queda electrificado antes
de usar un movimiento, este será de tipo Eléctrico."
582,15,8,"Se si contagia il bersaglio prima che usi la sua mossa,
per quel turno le sue mosse saranno di tipo Elettro."
582,15,9,"If the target is electrified before it uses
a move during that turn, the target’s
move becomes Electric type."
582,15,11,"相手が 技を だす前に
そうでん すると そのターン
相手の 技は でんきタイプになる。"
583,15,1,"あいてに じゃれついて
こうげきする。 あいての
こうげきを さげる ことがある。"
583,15,3,"상대에게 치근거리며
공격한다. 상대의
공격을 떨어뜨릴 때가 있다."
583,15,5,"Attaque l’ennemi avec un câlin.
Peut diminuer son Attaque."
583,15,6,"Der Anwender knuddelt das Ziel und greift es an.
Gelegentlich sinkt dabei auch dessen
583,15,7,"El Pokémon que lo usa le hace cucamonas al
objetivo y lo ataca. Puede disminuir el Ataque
del objetivo."
583,15,8,"Chi la usa attacca il bersaglio con delle carinerie.
Può anche ridurne l’Attacco."
583,15,9,"The user plays rough with the target
and attacks it. This may also lower
the target’s Attack stat."
583,15,11,"相手に じゃれついて
攻撃する。 相手の
攻撃を さげる ことがある。"
584,15,1,"ようせいのかぜを おこし
あいてに ふきつけて こうげきする。
584,15,3,"요정의 바람을 일으켜
상대에게 몰아쳐서 공격한다."
584,15,5,Déchaîne un vent magique qui cingle l’ennemi.
584,15,6,"Lässt eine Feenbrise aufkommen, die das Ziel
erfasst und ihm Schaden zufügt."
584,15,7,"El Pokémon que lo usa desata un vendaval feérico
que arremete contra el objetivo."
584,15,8,"Chi la usa solleva un vento fatato che investe
il bersaglio."
584,15,9,"The user stirs up a fairy wind
and strikes the target with it."
584,15,11,"ようせいのかぜを 起こし
相手に 吹きつけて 攻撃する。
585,15,1,"つきの パワーを かりて
あいてを こうげきする。 あいての
とくこうを さげる ことがある。"
585,15,3,"달의 파워를 빌려서
상대를 공격한다. 상대의
특수공격을 떨어뜨릴 때가 있다."
585,15,5,"Attaque l’ennemi grâce au pouvoir de la lune.
Peut diminuer son Attaque Spéciale."
585,15,6,"Der Anwender macht sich die Kraft des Mondes
zunutze, um anzugreifen. Gelegentlich wird dabei
der Spezial-Angriff des Zieles gesenkt."
585,15,7,"Invoca el poder de la luna para atacar al objetivo.
Puede disminuir el Ataque Especial del objetivo."
585,15,8,"Chi la usa sfrutta il potere della luna per attaccare
il bersaglio. Può anche ridurne l’Attacco Speciale."
585,15,9,"Borrowing the power of the moon,
the user attacks the target.
This may also lower the target’s Sp. Atk stat."
585,15,11,"月の パワーを かりて
相手を 攻撃する。 相手の
特攻を さげる ことがある。"
586,15,1,"すさまじい ばくおんの
はかいりょくに よって
まわりに いるものを こうげきする。"
586,15,3,"무시무시한 폭음의
주위에 있는 포켓몬을 공격한다."
586,15,5,"Attaque les Pokémon alentour grâce à une onde
sonore assourdissante qui détruit tout sur son
586,15,6,"Der Anwender greift alle Pokémon in der
Umgebung mit einem gewaltigen Knall an."
586,15,7,"Ataca a todos los Pokémon a su alrededor con
una potentísima onda sonora."
586,15,8,"Colpisce i Pokémon che ha intorno
con la forza di un boato distruttivo."
586,15,9,"The user attacks everything around it
with the destructive power of a terrible,
explosive sound."
586,15,11,"すさまじい 爆音の
破壊力に よって
周りに いるものを 攻撃する。"
587,15,1,"ロックを かけることによって
つぎのターン すべての
ポケモンを にげられなくする。"
587,15,3,"록을 걸어
다음 턴의 모든 포켓몬을
도망가지 못하게 한다."
587,15,5,"Des chaînes entourent la zone de combat,
empêchant tous les Pokémon de fuir au
prochain tour."
587,15,6,"Der Anwender sperrt alle Pokémon ein und hindert
sie damit in der nächsten Runde an der Flucht."
587,15,7,"Consigue que ningún Pokémon pueda huir en el
siguiente turno echando un cerrojo."
587,15,8,"Impone un blocco al terreno di lotta che nel turno
successivo impedisce a tutti i Pokémon di fuggire."
587,15,9,"By locking down the battlefield,
the user keeps all Pokémon from
fleeing during the next turn."
587,15,11,"ロックを かけることによって
次のターン すべての
ポケモンを 逃げられなくする。"
588,15,1,"あいての こうげきを ふせぐと どうじに
ぼうぎょたいせいになる。 ふれた
あいての こうげきを がくっと さげる。"
588,15,3,"상대의 공격을 막음과 동시에
방어 태세를 갖춘다. 접촉한
상대의 공격을 크게 떨어뜨린다."
588,15,5,"Prend une posture défensive pour bloquer les
dégâts. Diminue fortement l’Attaque de tout
Pokémon qui entre en contact avec le lanceur."
588,15,6,"Der Anwender weicht dem gegnerischen Angriff
aus und geht in die Defensive. Berührt ihn nun ein
Pokémon, sinkt der Angriffs-Wert dieses Gegners."
588,15,7,"Asume una estrategia defensiva a la par que
se protege de cualquier daño. Disminuye mucho
el Ataque de cualquier Pokémon que lo toque."
588,15,8,"Chi la usa si protegge, assumendo una posizione
di difesa e riducendo di molto l’Attacco di nemici o
alleati con cui entra in contatto."
588,15,9,"The user takes a defensive stance while it protects
itself from damage. It also harshly lowers the Attack
stat of any attacker who makes direct contact."
588,15,11,"相手の 攻撃を 防ぐと 同時に
防御態勢になる。 触れた
相手の 攻撃を がくっと さげる。"
589,15,1,"あいてと なかよくなって
たたかう きりょくを うしなわせ
あいての こうげきを さげる。"
589,15,3,"상대와 친해져서
싸울 마음을 잃게 하여
상대의 공격을 떨어뜨린다."
589,15,5,"L’ennemi se lie d’amitié avec le lanceur et perd
sa combativité, diminuant son Attaque."
589,15,6,"Der Anwender schließt mit dem Ziel Freundschaft
und nimmt ihm seine Angriffslust. Der Angriffs-Wert
des Zieles sinkt."
589,15,7,"Se hace amigo de su oponente y consigue que a
este se le quiten las ganas de combatir. Además,
reduce su Ataque."
589,15,8,"Chi la usa diventa amico del bersaglio,
rabbonendolo e riducendone così l’Attacco."
589,15,9,"The user and the target become friends,
and the target loses its will to fight.
This lowers the target’s Attack stat."
589,15,11,"相手と 仲良くなって
戦う 気力を 失わせ
相手の 攻撃を さげる。"
590,15,1,"ないしょばなしを することで あいての
しゅうちゅうりょくを うしなわせ
あいての とくこうを さげる。"
590,15,3,"비밀 이야기를 하면서 상대의
집중력을 잃게 하여
상대의 특수공격을 떨어뜨린다."
590,15,5,"Dévoile des secrets à l’ennemi qui perd sa
concentration et voit son Attaque Spéciale
590,15,6,"Der Anwender vertraut dem Ziel ein Geheimnis an
und stört auf diese Weise seine Konzentration.
Der Spezial-Angriff des Zieles sinkt."
590,15,7,"Hace que el objetivo pierda la concentración
contándole un secreto. Disminuye el Ataque
Especial del oponente."
590,15,8,"Chi la usa svela dei segreti al bersaglio,
distraendolo e riducendone l’Attacco Speciale."
590,15,9,"The user tells the target a secret, and the target
loses its ability to concentrate. This lowers
the target’s Sp. Atk stat."
590,15,11,"ないしょばなしを することで 相手の
集中力を 失わせ
相手の 特攻を さげる。"
591,15,1,"ダイヤの あらしを まきおこし
ダメージを あたえる。 じぶんの
ぼうぎょを あげることが ある。"
591,15,3,"다이아 폭풍을 일으켜
데미지를 준다. 자신의
방어를 올릴 때가 있다."
591,15,5,"Provoque une tempête de diamants qui
inflige des dégâts. Peut augmenter la Défense
du lanceur."
591,15,6,"Der Anwender beschwört einen zerstörerischen
Diamantsturm herauf. Kann die Verteidigung des
Anwenders erhöhen."
591,15,7,"Desata un devastador vendaval de diamantes
para dañar a los oponentes. Puede aumentar
la Defensa del usuario."
591,15,8,"Colpisce i nemici che ha intorno con una tempesta
di diamanti. Può anche aumentare la Difesa di chi
la usa."
591,15,9,"The user whips up a storm of diamonds
to damage opposing Pokémon. This may
also raise the user’s Defense stat."
591,15,11,"ダイヤの 嵐を 巻き起こし
ダメージを 与える。 自分の
防御を あげることが ある。"
594,15,1,"ねんえきで できた しゅりけんを
2ー5かいの あいだ れんぞくで だす。
かならず せんせい こうげき できる。"
594,15,3,"점액으로 만든 수리검을
2-5회 동안 연속으로 던진다.
반드시 선제공격할 수 있다."
594,15,5,"Attaque l’ennemi avec des shuriken de mucus.
Frappe deux à cinq fois d’affilée en un tour, et
toujours en premier."
594,15,6,"Der Anwender schleudert dem Ziel Wurfsterne
aus einem verdickten Sekret entgegen.
Eine Serien-Attacke, die zwei- bis fünfmal trifft."
594,15,7,"Golpea al oponente de 2 a 5 veces con estrellas
arrojadizas hechas de mucosidad. El que lo usa
siempre ataca primero."
594,15,8,"Chi la usa attacca sempre per primo, colpendo
il bersaglio con uno shuriken di muco da due
a cinque volte di fila."
594,15,9,"The user hits the target with throwing
stars two to five times in a row.
This move always goes first."
594,15,11,"粘液で できた 手裏剣を
2ー5回の あいだ 連続で だす。
必ず 先制攻撃 できる。"
595,15,1,"くちから はきだす とくべつ
あつい ほのおで こうげきする。
あいての とくこうを さげる。"
595,15,3,"입에서 내뱉는 아주
뜨거운 불꽃으로 공격한다.
상대의 특수공격을 떨어뜨린다."
595,15,5,"Attaque avec des flammes brûlantes soufflées
de la bouche du lanceur. Diminue l’Attaque
Spéciale de l’ennemi."
595,15,6,"Der Anwender greift das Ziel an, indem er ihm
eine besondere, heiße Flamme entgegenbläst.
Der Spezial-Angriff des Zieles sinkt."
595,15,7,"Lanza por su boca una singular llama a gran
temperatura con la que ataca a su oponente y
baja su Ataque Especial."
595,15,8,"Colpisce il bersaglio soffiandogli contro delle
fiammate incredibilmente roventi, riducendone
l’Attacco Speciale."
595,15,9,"The user attacks by breathing
a special, hot fire. This also
lowers the target’s Sp. Atk stat."
595,15,11,"口から 吐きだす 特別
熱い 炎で 攻撃する。
相手の 特攻を さげる。"
596,15,1,"あいての こうげきを ふせぐと
どうじに ふれた あいての
たいりょくを けずって しまう。"
596,15,3,"상대의 공격을 막음과
동시에 접촉한 상대의
체력을 떨어뜨린다."
596,15,5,"Protège des attaques, et diminue les PV
de tout attaquant qui entre en contact
avec le lanceur."
596,15,6,"Der Anwender weicht gegnerischen Angriffen aus.
Gleichzeitig nehmen alle Pokémon, die mit ihm in
Berührung kommen, Schaden."
596,15,7,"Evita el ataque de su oponente y, al mismo tiempo,
le inflige daño si ha entrado en contacto con él."
596,15,8,"Protegge dagli attacchi, riducendo inoltre i PS
dei Pokémon che entrano in contatto con
chi la usa."
596,15,9,"In addition to protecting the user from attacks,
this move also damages any attacker who
makes direct contact."
596,15,11,"相手の 攻撃を 防ぐと
同時に 触れた 相手の
体力を 削って しまう。"
597,15,1,"ふしぎな アロマの かおりによって
みかたの とくぼうを あげる。
597,15,3,"신비한 아로마 향으로
같은 편의 특수방어를 올린다.
597,15,5,"Grâce à un parfum mystérieux, augmente la
Défense Spéciale d’un allié."
597,15,6,"Der Anwender erhöht mithilfe eines mysteriösen
Duftes die Spezial-Verteidigung eines Mitstreiters."
597,15,7,"Consigue aumentar la Defensa Especial de
un Pokémon de su equipo con una fragancia
597,15,8,"Aumenta la Difesa Speciale di un alleato
tramite un misterioso aroma."
597,15,9,"The user raises the Sp. Def stat of an ally
Pokémon by using a mysterious aroma."
597,15,11,"不思議な アロマの 香りによって
味方の 特防を あげる。
598,15,1,"からだから かいでんぱを はなち
あいてに あびせる ことによって
とくこうを がくっと さげる。"
598,15,3,"몸에서 괴전파를 내어
상대에게 쏨으로써
특수공격을 크게 떨어뜨린다."
598,15,5,"Le corps du lanceur produit des ondes anormales
qui enveloppent l’ennemi et diminuent fortement
son Attaque Spéciale."
598,15,6,"Der Körper des Anwenders erzeugt mysteriöse
Wellen und senkt den Spezial-Angriff des Zieles
dadurch stark."
598,15,7,"Su cuerpo irradia unas raras ondas que, al alcanzar
a un oponente, hacen que disminuya mucho su
Ataque Especial."
598,15,8,"Il corpo di chi la usa emette onde anomale che
investono il bersaglio, riducendone di molto
l’Attacco Speciale."
598,15,9,"The user’s body generates an eerie impulse.
Exposing the target to it harshly lowers
the target’s Sp. Atk stat."
598,15,11,"体から かいでんぱを 放ち
相手に 浴びせる ことによって
特攻を がくっと さげる。"
599,15,1,"とくしゅな どくえきを あびせかける。
どく じょうたいの あいては
こうげき とくこう すばやさが さがる。"
599,15,3,"특수한 독액을 끼얹는다.
독 상태인 상대는
공격, 특수공격, 스피드가 떨어진다."
599,15,5,"Sécrète un liquide empoisonné.
Diminue l’Attaque, l’Attaque Spéciale et la Vitesse
de l’ennemi empoisonné."
599,15,6,"Anwender bespritzt das Ziel mit einer speziellen
Giftflüssigkeit. Senkt den Angriff, den Spezial-
Angriff und die Initiative von vergifteten Zielen."
599,15,7,"Impregna a su objetivo con un líquido venenoso
que disminuye el Ataque, el At. Esp. y la Velocidad.
Solo afecta a Pokémon ya envenenados."
599,15,8,"Emette un liquido particolare che riduce
l’Attacco, l’Attacco Speciale e la Velocità
dei nemici avvelenati intorno a chi la usa."
599,15,9,"Opposing Pokémon are drenched in an odd
poisonous liquid. This lowers the Attack,
Sp. Atk, and Speed stats of a poisoned target."
599,15,11,"特殊な 毒液を 浴びせかける。
毒状態の 相手は
攻撃 特攻 素早さが さがる。"
600,15,1,"ふんじんを あびせた あいてが
ほのおわざを つかうと
ばくはつして ダメージを あたえる。"
600,15,3,"분진을 뒤집어쓴 상대가
불꽃 기술을 쓰면
폭발하여 데미지를 준다."
600,15,5,"L’ennemi est pris dans un nuage de poudre.
S’il utilise une capacité de type Feu lors du même
tour, le nuage explose et lui inflige des dégâts."
600,15,6,"Setzt das Ziel nach Einsatz von Pulverschleuder
in derselben Runde eine Feuer-Attacke ein,
kommt es zu einer Explosion, die ihm schadet."
600,15,7,"Esparce un polvo sobre el Pokémon objetivo.
Si este usa un movimiento de tipo Fuego en el
mismo turno, el polvo explota y le inflige daño."
600,15,8,"Il bersaglio viene coperto da un pulviscolo che
esplode danneggiandolo se questi utilizza
una mossa di tipo Fuoco nello stesso turno."
600,15,9,"The user covers the target in a powder
that explodes and damages the target
if it uses a Fire-type move."
600,15,11,"ふんじんを 浴びせた 相手が
ほのお技を 使うと
爆発して ダメージを 与える。"
601,15,1,"1ターンめで エネルギーを
きゅうしゅうし 2ターンめに とくこう
とくぼう すばやさを ぐーんと あげる。"
601,15,3,"1턴째에 에너지를 흡수하여
2턴째에 특수공격, 특수방어,
스피드를 크게 올린다."
601,15,5,"Le lanceur absorbe de l’énergie au premier tour et
augmente fortement son Attaque Spéciale,
sa Défense Spéciale et sa Vitesse au second."
601,15,6,"Der Anwender saugt in Runde 1 Energie auf.
In Runde 2 steigen folgende Statuswerte stark:
Spezial-Angriff, Spezial-Verteidigung und Initiative."
601,15,7,"Concentra energía durante el primer turno, de
forma que su Velocidad, Ataque Especial y
Defensa Especial aumenten mucho en el segundo."
601,15,8,"Chi la usa assorbe energia nel primo turno per
aumentare poi notevolmente l’Attacco Speciale,
la Difesa Speciale e la Velocità in quello seguente."
601,15,9,"The user absorbs energy and sharply raises
its Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, and Speed stats
on the next turn."
601,15,11,"1ターン目で エネルギーを
吸収し 2ターン目に 特攻
特防 素早さを ぐーんと あげる。"
602,15,1,"じばを そうさ することによって
とくせい プラスと マイナスの
ぼうぎょ とくぼうが あがる。"
602,15,3,"자기장 조작으로 인해
특성 플러스와 마이너스의
방어, 특수방어가 오른다."
602,15,5,"Manipule les champs magnétiques pour augmenter
la Défense et la Défense Spéciale des Pokémon
alliés dotés du talent Plus ou du talent Minus."
602,15,6,"Das Magnetfeld wird so manipuliert, dass Spezial-
Verteidigung und Verteidigung von Team-Pokémon
mit der Fähigkeit Plus oder Minus steigen."
602,15,7,"Manipula el campo magnético y logra aumentar la
Defensa y la Def. Esp. de los Pokémon aliados
que cuenten con las habilidades Más y Menos."
602,15,8,"Tramite il controllo dei campi magnetici, aumenta
la Difesa e la Difesa Speciale dei Pokémon alleati
dotati dell’abilità Più o Meno."
602,15,9,"The user manipulates magnetic fields,
which raises the Defense and Sp. Def stats
of ally Pokémon with the Plus or Minus Ability."
602,15,11,"磁場を 操作 することによって
特性 プラスと マイナスの
防御 特防が あがる。"
603,15,1,"ハッピータイムの わざを つかうと
せんとうの あとで もらえる
おかねが ばいになる。"
603,15,3,"해피타임 기술을 쓰면
배틀 후에 받을 수 있는
돈이 배가 된다."
603,15,5,"Utilisé pendant un combat, multiplie par deux
l’argent gagné à la fin."
603,15,6,"Nach Einsatz der Attacke Goldene Zeiten
verdoppelt sich das Preisgeld, das du im
Falle eines Sieges erhältst."
603,15,7,"Al usar este movimiento se consigue duplicar
la recompensa recibida tras el combate."
603,15,8,"Questa mossa raddoppia la ricompensa ricevuta
dopo aver vinto una lotta."
603,15,9,"Using Happy Hour doubles
the amount of prize money
received after battle."
603,15,11,"ハッピータイムの 技を 使うと
戦闘の あとで もらえる
お金が 倍になる。"
604,15,1,"5ターンの あいだ あしもとを
エレキフィールドにする。 じめんにいる
ポケモンは ねむらなくなる。"
604,15,3,"5턴 동안 발밑을
일렉트릭필드로 만든다. 땅에 있는
포켓몬은 잠들지 않게 된다."
604,15,5,"Pendant cinq tours, le terrain aux pieds du lanceur
se charge d’électricité. Les Pokémon au sol ne
peuvent pas s’endormir."
604,15,6,"Verwandelt den Untergrund fünf Runden lang
in ein Elektrofeld und hindert alle Pokémon,
die den Boden berühren, am Einschlafen."
604,15,7,"Durante cinco turnos, crea un campo eléctrico en
el terreno de combate que impide dormirse a los
Pokémon que estén en contacto con el suelo."
604,15,8,"Per cinque turni trasforma il terreno di lotta
in un campo elettrico, impedendo ai Pokémon
a terra di addormentarsi."
604,15,9,"The user electrifies the ground under
everyone’s feet for five turns.
Pokémon on the ground no longer fall asleep."
604,15,11,"5ターンの あいだ 足元を
ポケモンは 眠らなくなる。"
605,15,1,"きょうりょくな ひかりを はなち
あいてに ダメージを あたえる。
605,15,3,"강력한 빛을 내어
상대에게 데미지를 준다."
605,15,5,"Libère une puissante décharge lumineuse qui
inflige des dégâts à l’ennemi."
605,15,6,"Der Anwender feuert einen mächtigen Lichtblitz ab,
der dem Ziel Schaden zufügt."
605,15,7,Inflige daño a los oponentes con una potente luz.
605,15,8,"Emette una luce potentissima che infligge danni
ai nemici che sono vicini a chi la usa."
605,15,9,"The user damages opposing Pokémon
by emitting a powerful flash."
605,15,11,"強力な 光を 放ち
相手に ダメージを 与える。
606,15,1,"ポケモンが とっても
ハッピーな あなたのことを
おいわい してくれる。"
606,15,3,"포켓몬이 매우
행복한 당신을
축하해 준다."
606,15,5,"Le Pokémon vous souhaite plein de bonnes
choses pour cet événement spécial."
606,15,6,Das Pokémon gratuliert dir zu deinem Geburtstag!
606,15,7,"El Pokémon te felicita en un día muy especial
para ti."
606,15,8,Il Pokémon ti fa gli auguri nel tuo giorno speciale.
606,15,9,"The Pokémon congratulates
you on your special day!"
606,15,11,"ポケモンが とっても
ハッピーな あなたのことを
お祝い してくれる。"
608,15,1,"つぶらなひとみで あいてを みつめて
こうげきを さげる。
かならず せんせい こうげき できる。"
608,15,3,"초롱초롱한 눈동자로 상대를
바라보며 공격을 떨어뜨린다.
반드시 선제공격할 수 있다."
608,15,5,"Fixe l’ennemi d’un air très attendrissant qui
le touche et diminue son Attaque. Agit toujours
en premier."
608,15,6,"Der Anwender erobert das Herz des Zieles,
indem er es mit Kulleraugen ansieht. Senkt den
Angriffs-Wert. Erstschlaggarantie."
608,15,7,"Lanza una mirada al Pokémon objetivo con ojos
acaramelados, con lo que logra que su Ataque se
reduzca. El que lo usa siempre ataca primero."
608,15,8,"Chi la usa rivolge i propri occhioni languidi
al bersaglio, riducendone l’Attacco.
Colpisce sempre per primo."
608,15,9,"The user stares at the target with its baby-doll
eyes, which lowers its Attack stat. This move
always goes first."
608,15,11,"つぶらなひとみで 相手を みつめて
攻撃を さげる。
必ず 先制攻撃 できる。"
609,15,1,"でんきを おびた ほっぺを
すりつけて こうげき。
あいてを まひ じょうたいに する。"
609,15,3,"전기가 흐르는 볼을
비벼서 공격한다.
상대를 마비 상태로 만든다."
609,15,5,"Le lanceur attaque en frottant ses bajoues
chargées d’électricité. Paralyse l’ennemi."
609,15,6,"Der Anwender lädt seine Wangen elektrisch auf
und greift an, indem er sich damit am Ziel reibt.
Das Ziel wird paralysiert."
609,15,7,"Quien lo usa frota sus mofletes cargados de
electricidad contra el Pokémon objetivo y
consigue paralizarlo."
609,15,8,"Chi la usa strofina le guance elettrizzate contro
il bersaglio, paralizzandolo."
609,15,9,"The user attacks by nuzzling its electrified
cheeks against the target. This also leaves
the target with paralysis."
609,15,11,"電気を 帯びた ほっぺを
すりつけて 攻撃。
相手を まひ状態に する。"
610,15,1,"てかげん した こうげきで
あいての HPを
かならず 1だけ のこす。"
610,15,3,"적당히 공격하여
상대의 HP를
반드시 1은 남긴다."
610,15,5,"Le lanceur attaque avec retenue, et laisse
l’ennemi à 1 PV."
610,15,6,"Der Anwender hält sich beim Angriff zurück
und sorgt auf diese Weise dafür, dass dem
Ziel danach mindestens 1 KP verbleibt."
610,15,7,"El usuario se contiene a la hora de atacar y deja
al Pokémon objetivo con al menos 1 PS."
610,15,8,"Chi la usa attacca il bersaglio, modulando il colpo
in modo da lasciargli almeno un PS."
610,15,9,"The user holds back when it attacks
and the target is left with at least 1 HP."
610,15,11,"手加減 した 攻撃で
相手の HPを
必ず 1だけ 残す。"
611,15,1,"4ー5ターンの あいだ あいてに
まとわりついて こうげきする。
そのあいだ あいては にげられない。"
611,15,3,"4-5턴 동안 상대에게
엉겨 붙어서 공격한다.
그동안 상대는 도망갈 수 없다."
611,15,5,"Cette attaque perdure pendant quatre à cinq
tours. L’ennemi ne peut pas fuir au cours de
cette période."
611,15,6,"Der Anwender fällt vier bis fünf Runden lang wie
eine Plage über das Ziel her und greift es an.
In diesem Zeitraum kann es nicht fliehen."
611,15,7,"Hostiga al Pokémon objetivo durante cuatro o
cinco turnos e impide que pueda huir mientras
611,15,8,"Chi la usa lancia un attacco che tormenta
il bersaglio per quattro o cinque turni, durante
i quali gli impedisce di fuggire."
611,15,9,"The target is infested and attacked for
four to five turns.
The target can’t flee during this time."
611,15,11,"4ー5ターンの あいだ 相手に
まとわりついて 攻撃する。
そのあいだ 相手は 逃げられない。"
612,15,1,"くりかえし うつことで
だんだん こぶしが かたくなる。
あいてに あてると こうげきが あがる。"
612,15,3,"반복하여 때리면
점점 주먹이 단단해진다.
상대를 때리면 공격이 오른다."
612,15,5,"À force de frapper, les poings deviennent plus
durs. Augmente l’Attaque du lanceur si l’ennemi
est touché."
612,15,6,"Die Fäuste des Anwenders härten durch
wiederholtes Zuschlagen ab. Mit jedem
Treffer steigt sein Angriffs-Wert."
612,15,7,"Cada vez que golpea a un oponente se endurecen
sus puños. Si acierta al objetivo, el Ataque del
usuario aumenta."
612,15,8,"Rende i pugni più duri a ogni colpo inferto.
Se i pugni vanno a segno, aumenta l’Attacco."
612,15,9,"Striking opponents over and over makes
the user’s fists harder.
Hitting a target raises the Attack stat."
612,15,11,"繰り返し 打つことで
だんだん こぶしが 固くなる。
相手に 当てると 攻撃が あがる。"
613,15,1,"ねらいを さだめた あいてから HPを
すいとる。あたえた ダメージの
はんぶんいじょう HPを かいふくする。"
613,15,3,"조준한 상대로부터 HP를
흡수한다. 준 데미지의
반 이상 HP를 회복한다."
613,15,5,"Vole l’énergie de la cible.
Rend au lanceur un nombre de PV supérieur ou
égal à la moitié des dégâts infligés."
613,15,6,"Der Anwender raubt dem Ziel KP.
Die Höhe der Heilung beträgt mehr als die Hälfte
des beim Ziel angerichteten Schadens."
613,15,7,"El usuario absorbe energía del Pokémon
objetivo y aumenta sus PS en una cantidad
igual o superior a la mitad del daño infligido."
613,15,8,"Chi la usa assorbe energia dal bersaglio
recuperando una quantità di PS pari a più
della metà del danno inferto."
613,15,9,"The user absorbs its target’s HP.
The user’s HP is restored by over half
of the damage taken by the target."
613,15,11,"ねらいを 定めた 相手から HPを
吸い取る。与えた ダメージの
半分以上 HPを 回復する。"
616,15,1,"だいちの パワーを あつめ
ちからを あいてに しゅうちゅう
させて ダメージを あたえる。"
616,15,3,"대지의 힘을 모으고
그 힘을 상대에게 집중시켜서
데미지를 준다."
616,15,5,"Utilise la puissance du sol et la concentre sur
l’ennemi pour infliger des dégâts."
616,15,6,"Der Anwender sammelt die Kraft des weiten
Landes und greift an, indem er sie gebündelt
auf das Ziel lenkt."
616,15,7,"Acumula energía de la corteza terrestre y la
concentra contra los oponentes, dañándolos."
616,15,8,"Chi la usa raccoglie energia tellurica e ne
concentra il potere sui nemici che ha intorno,
616,15,9,"The user gathers the energy of the land
and focuses that power on opposing
Pokémon to damage them."
616,15,11,"大地の パワーを 集め
力を 相手に 集中させて
ダメージを 与える。"