def merge_japanese_texts(kanji, kana, html=False): """Combine a (presuambly equivalent) pair of kanji and kana strings into a single string of kanji with furigana. If `html` is truthy, the return value will contain HTML ruby tags; otherwise it will use the Unicode "interlinear annotation" characters. This relies on the Needleman–Wunsch algorithm for sequence alignment: """ # TODO maybe this is faster, but then -1 doesn't work #table = [ # [None for _ in range(len(kana))] # for _ in range(len(kanji)) #] table = {} # continue left, continue up, are the characters equivalent, score for this # cell table[-1, -1] = False, False, True, 0 isjunk = {} for ch in kanji + kana: isjunk[ch] = ch.isspace() or ch in '。' # initialize, TODO, something about scoring compared to a gap for i, ch in enumerate(kanji): table[i, -1] = True, False, False, -1 - i for i, ch in enumerate(kana): table[-1, i] = False, True, False, -1 - i for a, ach in enumerate(kanji): for b, bch in enumerate(kana): options = [] # Continue diagonally means two characters together, either a match # or a mismatch if ach == bch or (isjunk[ach] and isjunk[bch]): equiv = True score = 1 else: equiv = False score = -1 options.append((True, True, equiv, table[a - 1, b - 1][2] + score)) # Continue from or side means an indel... -1 if isjunk[ach]: score = 0 else: score = -1 options.append((True, False, equiv, table[a - 1, b][2] + score)) if isjunk[bch]: score = 0 else: score = -1 options.append((False, True, equiv, table[a, b - 1][2] + score)) # Strictly speaking, in the case of a tie, all of the "best" # choices are supposed to be preserved. But we should never have a # tie, and we have an arbitrary choice of which to use in the end # anyway, so screw it. table[a, b] = max(options, key=lambda opt: opt[2]) if html: ruby_format = "<ruby><rb>{}</rb><rt>{}</rt></ruby>" else: ruby_format = "\ufff9{}\ufffa{}\ufffb" def add_mismatches(mismatch_a, mismatch_b, final): # Need to pop out any extra junk characters at the beginning or end -- # but only the kanji ones stay, since kanji is "canonical" while mismatch_a and isjunk[mismatch_a[0]]: final.append(mismatch_a.pop(0)) while mismatch_b and isjunk[mismatch_b[0]]: mismatch_b.pop(0) endjunk = [] while mismatch_a and isjunk[mismatch_a[-1]]: endjunk.append(mismatch_a.pop()) while mismatch_b and isjunk[mismatch_b[-1]]: mismatch_b.pop() final.append(ruby_format.format( ''.join(reversed(mismatch_a)), ''.join(reversed(mismatch_b)), )) final.extend(endjunk) del mismatch_a[:] del mismatch_b[:] final = [] mismatch_a = [] mismatch_b = [] a = len(kanji) - 1 b = len(kana) - 1 while True: walk_left, walk_up, equiv, score = table[a, b] if walk_left and walk_up: if equiv: if mismatch_a or mismatch_b: add_mismatches(mismatch_a, mismatch_b, final) final.append(kanji[a]) else: mismatch_a.append(kanji[a]) mismatch_b.append(kana[b]) a -= 1 b -= 1 elif walk_left: mismatch_a.append(kanji[a]) a -= 1 elif walk_up: mismatch_b.append(kana[b]) b -= 1 else: break if mismatch_a or mismatch_b: add_mismatches(mismatch_a, mismatch_b, final) return ''.join(reversed(final))