# encoding: utf8
import os, os.path
import random
import re
import unicodedata

from six import text_type
import whoosh
import whoosh.index
import whoosh.query
import whoosh.sorting
from whoosh.support import levenshtein

from pokedex.compatibility import namedtuple

from pokedex.db import connect
import pokedex.db.tables as tables
from pokedex.roomaji import romanize
from pokedex.defaults import get_default_index_dir

__all__ = ['PokedexLookup']

LookupResult = namedtuple('LookupResult', [
    'object', 'indexed_name', 'name', 'language', 'iso639', 'iso3166', 'exact',

class UninitializedIndex(object):
    class UninitializedIndexError(Exception):

    def __nonzero__(self):
        """Dummy object should identify itself as False."""
        return False

    def __bool__(self):
        """Python 3000 version of the above.  Future-proofing rules!"""
        return False

    def __getattr__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        raise self.UninitializedIndexError(
            "The lookup index does not exist.  Please use `pokedex setup` "
            "or lookup.rebuild_index() to create it."

def LanguageFacet(locale_ident, extra_weights={}):
    """Constructs a sorting function that bubbles results from the current
    locale (given by `locale_ident`) to the top of the list.

    `extra_weights` may be a dictionary of weights which will be factored in.
    Intended for use with spelling corrections, which come along with their own
    def score(searcher, docnum):
        doc = searcher.stored_fields(docnum)
        weight = extra_weights.get(doc['name'], 1.0)

        doc_language = doc['language']
        if doc_language == locale_ident:
            # Bump up names in the current locale
            weight *= 2.0
        elif doc_language == u'roomaji':
            # Given that the Japanese names are the originals, it seems likely
            # that basically anyone might want to look them up.  Boost them a
            # little bit.
            weight *= 1.4

        # Higher weights should come FIRST, but sorts are ascending.  Negate
        # the weight to fix this
        return -weight

    return whoosh.sorting.FunctionFacet(score)

_table_order = dict(
def _table_facet_impl(searcher, docnum):
    u"""Implements a sort that puts different "types" of results in a
    relatively natural order: Pokémon first, then moves, etc.
    doc = searcher.stored_fields(docnum)
    return _table_order[doc['table']]
table_facet = whoosh.sorting.FunctionFacet(_table_facet_impl)

class PokedexLookup(object):

    # Dictionary of table name => table class.
    # Need the table name so we can get the class from the table name after we
    # retrieve something from the index
    indexed_tables = dict(
        (cls.__tablename__, cls)
        for cls in (


    def __init__(self, directory=None, session=None):
        """Opens the whoosh index stored in the named directory.  If the index
        doesn't already exist, it will be created.

            Directory containing the index.  Defaults to a location within the
            `pokedex` egg directory.

            Used for creating the index and retrieving objects.  Defaults to an
            attempt to connect to the default SQLite database installed by
            `pokedex setup`.

        # By the time this returns, self.index and self.session must be set

        # If a directory was not given, use the default
        if directory is None:
            directory = get_default_index_dir()

        self.directory = directory

        if session:
            self.session = session
            self.session = connect()

        # Attempt to open or create the index
        if not os.path.exists(directory) or not os.listdir(directory):
            # Directory doesn't exist OR is empty; caller needs to use
            # rebuild_index before doing anything.  Provide a dummy object that
            # complains when used
            self.index = UninitializedIndex()

        # Otherwise, already exists; should be an index!  Bam, done.
        # Note that this will explode if the directory exists but doesn't
        # contain an index; that's a feature
            self.index = whoosh.index.open_dir(directory, indexname='MAIN')
        except whoosh.index.EmptyIndexError:
            raise IOError(
                "The index directory already contains files.  "
                "Please use a dedicated directory for the lookup index."

    def rebuild_index(self):
        """Creates the index from scratch."""

        schema = whoosh.fields.Schema(
            name=whoosh.fields.ID(sortable=True, stored=True, spelling=True),
            table=whoosh.fields.ID(sortable=True, stored=True),
            row_id=whoosh.fields.ID(sortable=True, stored=True),
            iso639=whoosh.fields.ID(sortable=True, stored=True),
            iso3166=whoosh.fields.ID(sortable=True, stored=True),
            display_name=whoosh.fields.STORED,  # non-lowercased name

        if os.path.exists(self.directory):
            # create_in() isn't totally reliable, so just nuke whatever's there
            # manually.  Try to be careful about this...
            for f in os.listdir(self.directory):
                if re.match('^_?(MAIN|SPELL)_', f):
                    os.remove(os.path.join(self.directory, f))

        self.index = whoosh.index.create_in(self.directory, schema=schema,
        writer = self.index.writer()

        # Index every name in all our tables of interest
        for cls in self.indexed_tables.values():
            q = self.session.query(cls).order_by(cls.id)

            for row in q:
                row_key = dict(table=text_type(cls.__tablename__),

                def add(name, language, iso639, iso3166):
                    normalized_name = self.normalize_name(name)

                        name=normalized_name, display_name=name,
                        language=language, iso639=iso639, iso3166=iso3166,

                if cls == tables.PokemonForm:
                    name_map = 'pokemon_name_map'
                    name_map = 'name_map'

                for language, name in getattr(row, name_map, {}).items():
                    if not name:

                    add(name, language.identifier,

                    # Add generated Roomaji too
                    # XXX this should be a first-class concept, not
                    # piggybacking on Japanese
                    if language.identifier == 'ja-Hrkt':
                        add(romanize(name), language.identifier, language.iso639, language.iso3166)


    def normalize_name(self, name):
        """Strips irrelevant formatting junk from name input.

        Specifically: everything is lowercased, and accents are removed.
        # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/517923/what-is-the-best-way-to-remove-accents-in-a-python-unicode-string
        # Makes sense to me.  Decompose by Unicode rules, then remove combining
        # characters, then recombine.  I'm explicitly doing it this way instead
        # of testing combining() because Korean characters apparently
        # decompose!  But the results are considered letters, not combining
        # characters, so testing for Mn works well, and combining them again
        # makes them look right.
        nkfd_form = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', text_type(name))
        name = u"".join(c for c in nkfd_form
                        if unicodedata.category(c) != 'Mn')
        name = unicodedata.normalize('NFC', name)

        name = name.strip()
        name = name.lower()

        return name

    def _apply_valid_types(self, name, valid_types):
        """Combines the enforced `valid_types` with any from the search string
        itself and updates the query.

        For example, a name of 'a,b:foo' and valid_types of b,c will search for
        only `b`s named "foo".

        Returns `(name, merged_valid_types, term)`, where `name` has had any type
        prefix stripped, `merged_valid_types` combines the original
        `valid_types` with the type prefix, and `term` is a query term for
        limited to just the allowed types.  If there are no type restrictions
        at all, `term` will be None.

        # Remove any type prefix (pokemon:133) first
        user_valid_types = []
        if ':' in name:
            prefix_chunk, name = name.split(':', 1)
            name = name.strip()

            prefixes = prefix_chunk.split(',')
            user_valid_types = []
            for prefix in prefixes:
                prefix = prefix.strip()
                if prefix:
                if prefix == 'pokemon':
                    # When the user says 'pokemon', they really meant both
                    # species & form.

        # Merge the valid types together.  Only types that appear in BOTH lists
        # may be used.
        # As a special case, if the user asked for types that are explicitly
        # forbidden, completely ignore what the user requested.
        # And, just to complicate matters: "type" and language need to be
        # considered separately.
        def merge_requirements(func):
            user = list(filter(func, user_valid_types))
            system = list(filter(func, valid_types))

            if user and system:
                merged = list(set(user) & set(system))
                if merged:
                    return merged
                    # No overlap; use the system restrictions
                    return system
                # One or the other is blank; use the one that's not
                return user or system

        # @foo means language must be foo; otherwise it's a table name
        lang_requirements = merge_requirements(lambda req: req[0] == u'@')
        type_requirements = merge_requirements(lambda req: req[0] != u'@')
        all_requirements = lang_requirements + type_requirements

        # Construct the term
        lang_terms = []
        for lang in lang_requirements:
            # Allow for either country or language codes
            lang_code = lang[1:]
            lang_terms.append(whoosh.query.Term(u'iso639', lang_code))
            lang_terms.append(whoosh.query.Term(u'iso3166', lang_code))

        type_terms = []
        for type in type_requirements:
            table_name = self._parse_table_name(type)

            # Quietly ignore bogus valid_types; more likely to DTRT
            if table_name:
                type_terms.append(whoosh.query.Term(u'table', table_name))

        # Combine both kinds of restriction
        all_terms = []
        if type_terms:
        if lang_terms:

        return name, all_requirements, whoosh.query.And(all_terms)

    def _parse_table_name(self, name):
        """Takes a singular table name, table name, or table object and returns
        the table name.

        Returns None for a bogus name.
        # Table object
        if hasattr(name, '__tablename__'):
            return getattr(name, '__tablename__')

        # Table name
        for table in self.indexed_tables.values():
            if name in (table.__tablename__, table.__singlename__):
                return table.__tablename__

        # Bogus.  Be nice and return dummy
        return None

    def _whoosh_records_to_results(self, records, exact=True):
        """Converts a list of whoosh's indexed records to LookupResult tuples
        containing database objects.
        # XXX cache me?
        languages = dict(
            (row.identifier, row)
            for row in self.session.query(tables.Language)
        # XXX this 'exact' thing is getting kinda leaky.  would like a better
        # way to handle it, since only lookup() cares about fuzzy results
        seen = {}
        results = []
        for record in records:
            # Skip dupes
            seen_key = record['table'], record['row_id']
            if seen_key in seen:
            seen[seen_key] = True

            # XXX minimize queries here?
            cls = self.indexed_tables[record['table']]
            obj = self.session.query(cls).get(record['row_id'])


        return results

    def _get_current_locale(self):
        """Returns the session's current default language, as an ORM row."""
        return self.session.query(tables.Language).get(

    def lookup(self, input, valid_types=[], exact_only=False):
        """Attempts to find some sort of object, given a name.

        Returns a list of named (object, name, language, iso639, iso3166,
        exact) tuples.  `object` is a database object, `name` is the name under
        which the object was found, `language` and the two isos are the name
        and country codes of the language in which the name was found, and
        `exact` is True iff this was an exact match.

        This function currently ONLY does fuzzy matching if there are no exact

        Extraneous whitespace is removed with extreme prejudice.

        - Names: "Eevee", "Surf", "Run Away", "Payapa Berry", etc.
        - Foreign names: "Iibui", "Eivui"
        - Fuzzy names in whatever language: "Evee", "Ibui"
        - IDs: "133", "192", "250"
        - Type restrictions.  "type:psychic" will only return the type.  This
          is how to make ID lookup useful.  Multiple type specs can be entered
          with commas, as "move,item:1".
        - Language restrictions.  "@fr:charge" will only return Tackle, which
          is called "Charge" in French.  These can be combined with type
          restrictions, e.g., "@fr,move:charge".

            Name of the thing to look for.

            A list of type or language restrictions, e.g., `['pokemon',
            '@ja']`.  If this is provided, only results in one of the given
            tables will be returned.

            If True, only exact matches are returned.  If set to False (the
            default), and the provided `name` doesn't match anything exactly,
            spelling correction will be attempted.

        name = self.normalize_name(input)
        exact = True

        # Pop off any type prefix and merge with valid_types
        name, merged_valid_types, type_term = \
            self._apply_valid_types(name, valid_types)

        # Random lookup
        if name == 'random':
            return self.random_lookup(valid_types=merged_valid_types)

        # Do different things depending what the query looks like
        # Note: Term objects do an exact match, so we don't have to worry about
        # a query parser tripping on weird characters in the input
            # Let Python try to convert to a number, so 0xff works
            name_as_number = int(name, base=0)
        except ValueError:
            # Oh well
            name_as_number = None

        if '*' in name or '?' in name:
            exact_only = True
            query = whoosh.query.Wildcard(u'name', name)
        elif name_as_number is not None:
            # Don't spell-check numbers!
            exact_only = True
            query = whoosh.query.Term(u'row_id', text_type(name_as_number))
            # Not an integer
            query = whoosh.query.Term(u'name', name)

        if type_term:
            query = query & type_term

        ### Actual searching
        # Limits; result limits are constants, and intermediate results (before
        # duplicate items are stripped out) are capped at the result limit
        # times another constant.
        # Fuzzy are capped at 10, beyond which something is probably very
        # wrong.  Exact matches -- that is, wildcards and ids -- are far less
        # constrained.
        if exact_only:
            max_results = self.MAX_EXACT_RESULTS
            max_results = self.MAX_FUZZY_RESULTS

        locale = self._get_current_locale()
        facet = whoosh.sorting.MultiFacet([
        searcher = self.index.searcher()
        results = searcher.search(
            limit=int(max_results * self.INTERMEDIATE_FACTOR),

        # Look for some fuzzy matches if necessary
        if not exact_only and not results:
            exact = False
            results = []

            fuzzy_query_parts = []
            fuzzy_weights = {}
            corrector = searcher.corrector('name')
            for suggestion in corrector.suggest(name, limit=max_results):
                fuzzy_query_parts.append(whoosh.query.Term('name', suggestion))
                distance = levenshtein.relative(name, suggestion)
                fuzzy_weights[suggestion] = distance

            if not fuzzy_query_parts:
                # Nothing at all; don't try querying
                return []

            fuzzy_query = whoosh.query.Or(fuzzy_query_parts)
            if type_term:
                fuzzy_query = fuzzy_query & type_term

            sorter = LanguageFacet(
                locale.identifier, extra_weights=fuzzy_weights)
            results = searcher.search(fuzzy_query, sortedby=sorter)

        ### Convert results to db objects
        objects = self._whoosh_records_to_results(results, exact=exact)

        # Truncate and return
        return objects[:max_results]

    def random_lookup(self, valid_types=[]):
        """Returns a random lookup result from one of the provided

        table_names = []
        for valid_type in valid_types:
            table_name = self._parse_table_name(valid_type)
            # Skip anything not recognized.  Could be, say, a language code.
            # XXX The vast majority of Pokémon forms are unnamed and unindexed,
            #     which can produce blank results.  So skip them too for now.
            if table_name and table_name != 'pokemon_forms':

        if not table_names:
            # n.b.: It's possible we got a list of valid_types and none of them
            # were valid, but this function is guaranteed to return
            # *something*, so it politely selects from the entire index instead
            table_names = list(self.indexed_tables)

        # Pick a random table, then pick a random item from it.  Small tables
        # like Type will have an unnatural bias.  The alternative is that a
        # simple search for "random" will do some eight queries, counting the
        # rows in every single indexed table, and that's awful.
        # XXX Can we improve on this, reasonably?
        table_name = random.choice(table_names)
        count = self.session.query(self.indexed_tables[table_name]).count()
        id, = self.session.query(self.indexed_tables[table_name].id) \
            .offset(random.randint(0, count - 1)) \

        return self.lookup(text_type(id), valid_types=[table_name])

    def prefix_lookup(self, prefix, valid_types=[]):
        """Returns terms starting with the given exact prefix.

        Type prefixes are recognized, but no other name munging is done.

        # Pop off any type prefix and merge with valid_types
        prefix, merged_valid_types, type_term = \
            self._apply_valid_types(prefix, valid_types)

        query = whoosh.query.Prefix(u'name', self.normalize_name(prefix))

        if type_term:
            query = query & type_term

        locale = self._get_current_locale()
        searcher = self.index.searcher()
        facet = LanguageFacet(locale.identifier)
        results = searcher.search(query, sortedby=facet)  # XXX , limit=self.MAX_LOOKUP_RESULTS)

        return self._whoosh_records_to_results(results)