from functools import partial from sqlalchemy.ext.associationproxy import association_proxy from sqlalchemy.orm import compile_mappers, mapper, relationship, synonym from sqlalchemy.orm.collections import attribute_mapped_collection from sqlalchemy.orm.session import Session, object_session from sqlalchemy.schema import Column, ForeignKey, Table from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import and_, bindparam from sqlalchemy.types import Integer def create_translation_table(_table_name, foreign_class, relation_name, language_class, **kwargs): """Creates a table that represents some kind of data attached to the given foreign class, but translated across several languages. Returns the new table's mapped class. It won't be declarative, but it will have a `__table__` attribute so you can retrieve the Table object. `foreign_class` must have a `__singlename__`, currently only used to create the name of the foreign key column. TODO remove this requirement Also supports the notion of a default language, which is attached to the session. This is English by default, for historical and practical reasons. Usage looks like this: class Foo(Base): ... create_translation_table('foo_bars', Foo, 'bars', name = Column(...), ) # Now you can do the following: foo.name_map['en'] foo.foo_bars['en'] foo.name_map['en'] = "new name" del foo.name_map['en'] q.options(joinedload(Foo.bars_local)) q.options(joinedload(Foo.bars)) The following properties are added to the passed class: - `(relation_name)`, a relation to the new table. It uses a dict-based collection class, where the keys are language identifiers and the values are rows in the created tables. - `(relation_name)_local`, a relation to the row in the new table that matches the current default language. Note that these are distinct relations. Even though the former necessarily includes the latter, SQLAlchemy doesn't treat them as linked; loading one will not load the other. Modifying both within the same transaction has undefined behavior. For each column provided, the following additional attributes are added to Foo: - `(column)_map`, an association proxy onto `foo_bars`. - `(column)`, an association proxy onto `foo_bars_local`. Pardon the naming disparity, but the grammar suffers otherwise. Modifying these directly is not likely to be a good idea. """ # n.b.: language_class only exists for the sake of tests, which sometimes # want to create tables entirely separate from the pokedex metadata foreign_key_name = foreign_class.__singlename__ + '_id' # A foreign key "language_id" will clash with the language_id we naturally # put in every table. Rename it something else if foreign_key_name == 'language_id': # TODO change language_id below instead and rename this foreign_key_name = 'lang_id' Translations = type(_table_name, (object,), { '_language_identifier': association_proxy('language', 'identifier'), }) # Create the table object table = Table(_table_name, foreign_class.__table__.metadata, Column(foreign_key_name, Integer, ForeignKey(, primary_key=True, nullable=False), Column('language_id', Integer, ForeignKey(, primary_key=True, nullable=False), ) Translations.__table__ = table # Add ye columns # Column objects have a _creation_order attribute in ascending order; use # this to get the (unordered) kwargs sorted correctly kwitems = kwargs.items() kwitems.sort(key=lambda kv: kv[1]._creation_order) for name, column in kwitems: = name table.append_column(column) # Construct ye mapper mapper(Translations, table, properties={ # TODO change to foreign_id 'object_id': synonym(foreign_key_name), # TODO change this as appropriate 'language': relationship(language_class, primaryjoin=table.c.language_id ==, lazy='joined', innerjoin=True), # TODO does this need to join to the original table? }) # Add full-table relations to the original class # Foo.bars setattr(foreign_class, relation_name, relationship(Translations, == Translations.object_id, collection_class=attribute_mapped_collection('language'), # TODO lazy='select', )) # Foo.bars_local # This is a bit clever; it uses bindparam() to make the join clause # modifiable on the fly. db sessions know the current language identifier # populates the bindparam. local_relation_name = relation_name + '_local' setattr(foreign_class, local_relation_name, relationship(Translations, primaryjoin=and_( == Translations.object_id, Translations._language_identifier == bindparam('_default_language', required=True), ), uselist=False, # TODO MORESO HERE lazy='select', )) # Add per-column proxies to the original class for name, column in kwitems: # Class.(column) -- accessor for the default language's value setattr(foreign_class, name, association_proxy(local_relation_name, name)) # Class.(column)_map -- accessor for the language dict # Need a custom creator since Translations doesn't have an init, and # these are passed as *args anyway def creator(language, value): row = Translations() row.language = language setattr(row, name, value) return row setattr(foreign_class, name + '_map', association_proxy(relation_name, name, creator=creator)) # Done return Translations class MultilangSession(Session): """A tiny Session subclass that adds support for a default language. Change the default_language attribute to whatever language's IDENTIFIER you would like to be the default. """ default_language = 'en' def execute(self, clause, params=None, *args, **kwargs): if not params: params = {} params.setdefault('_default_language', self.default_language) return super(MultilangSession, self).execute( clause, params, *args, **kwargs)