Start work on a moveset checker

This commit is contained in:
Petr Viktorin 2011-04-26 01:58:38 +03:00
parent b4f29e83d8
commit bca84867c8
3 changed files with 627 additions and 0 deletions

pokedex/util/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,299 @@
"""A pure-Python implementation of the A* search algorithm
import heapq
class Node(object):
"""Node for the A* search algorithm.
To get started, implement the `expand` method and call `search`.
N.B. Node object must be hashable.
def expand(self):
"""Return a list of (costs, transition, next_node) for next states
"Next states" are those reachable from this node.
May return any finite iterable.
raise NotImplementedError
def estimate(self, goal):
"""Return an *optimistic* estimate of the cost to the given goal node.
If there are multiple goal states, return the lowest estimate among all
of them.
return 0
def is_goal(self, goal):
"""Return true iff this is a goal node.
return self == goal
def find_path(self, goal=None, **kwargs):
"""Return the best path to the goal
Returns an iterator of (cost, transition, node) triples, in reverse
order (i.e. the first element will have the total cost and goal node).
If `goal` will be passed to the `estimate` and `is_goal` methods.
See a_star for the advanced keyword arguments, `notify` and
paths = self.find_all_paths(goal=goal, **kwargs)
except StopIteration:
return None
def find_all_paths(self, goal=None, **kwargs):
"""Yield the best path to each goal
Returns an iterator of paths. See the `search` method for how paths
Giving the `goal` argument will cause it to search for that goal,
instead of consulting the `is_goal` method.
This means that if you wish to find more than one path, you must not
pass a `goal` to this method, and instead reimplament `is_goal`.
See a_star for the advanced keyword arguments, `notify` and
return a_star(
expand=lambda s: s.expand(),
estimate=lambda s: s.estimate(goal),
is_goal=lambda s: s.is_goal(goal),
### The main algorithm
def a_star(initial, expand, is_goal, estimate=lambda x: 0, notify=None,
"""A* search algorithm for a consistent heuristic
General background:*_search_algorithm
This algorithm will work in large or infinite search spaces.
This version of the algorithm is modified for multiple possible goals:
it does not end when it reaches a goal. Rather, it yields the best path
for each goal.
(Exhausting the iterator is of course not recommended for large search
Returns an iterable of paths, where each path is an iterable of
(cummulative cost, transition, node) triples representing the path to
the goal. The transition is the one leading to the corresponding node.
The path is in reverse order, thus its first element will contain the
total cost and the goal node.
The initial node is not included in the returned path.
`initial`: the initial node
`expand`: function yielding a (cost of transition, transition, next node)
triple for each node reachable from its argument.
The `transition` element is application data; it is not touched, only
returned as part of the best path.
`estimate`: function(x) returning optimistic estimate of cost from node x
to a goal. If not given, 0 will be used for estimates.
`is_goal`: function(x) returning true iff x is a goal node
`notify`: If given, if is called at each step with three arguments:
- current cost (with estimate). The cost to the next goal will not be
smaller than this.
- current node
- open set cardinality: roughly, an estimate of the size of the
boundary between "explored" and "unexplored" parts of node space
- debug: stats that be useful for debugging or tuning (in this
implementation, this is the open heap size)
The number of calls to notify or the current cost can be useful as
stopping criteria; the other values may help in tuning estimators.
`estimate_error_callback`: function handling cases where an estimate was
detected not to be optimistic (as A* requires). The function is given a
path (as would be returned by a_star, except it does not lead to a goal
node). By default, nothing is done (indeed, an estimate that's not
strictly optimistic can be useful, esp. if the optimal path is not
# g: best cummulative cost (from initial node) found so far
# h: optimistic estimate of cost to goal
# f: g + h
closed = set() # nodes we don't want to visit again
est = estimate(initial) # estimate total cost
opened = _HeapDict() # node -> (f, g, h)
opened[initial] = (est, 0, est)
came_from = {initial: None} # node -> (prev_node, came_from[prev_node])
while True: # _HeapDict will raise StopIteration for us
x, (f, g, h) = opened.pop()
if notify is not None:
notify(f, x, len(opened.dict), len(opened.heap))
if is_goal(x):
yield _trace_path(came_from[x])
for cost, transition, y in expand(x):
if y in closed:
tentative_g = g + cost
old_f, old_g, h = opened.get(y, (None, None, None))
if old_f is None:
h = estimate(y)
elif tentative_g > old_g:
came_from[y] = ((tentative_g, transition, y), came_from[x])
new_f = tentative_g + h
opened[y] = new_f, tentative_g, h
if estimate_error_callback is not None and new_f < f:
def _trace_path(cdr):
"""Backtrace an A* result"""
# Convert a lispy list to a pythony iterator
while cdr:
car, cdr = cdr
yield car
class _HeapDict(object):
"""A custom parallel heap/dict structure -- the best of both worlds.
This is NOT a general-purpose class; it only supports what a_star needs.
# The dict has the definitive contents
# The heap has (value, key) pairs. It may have some extra elements.
def __init__(self):
self.dict = {}
self.heap = []
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
self.dict[key] = value
heapq.heappush(self.heap, (value, key))
def __delitem__(self, key):
del self.dict[key]
def get(self, key, default):
"""Return value for key, or default if not found
return self.dict.get(key, default)
def pop(self):
"""Return (key, value) with the smallest value.
Raise StopIteration (!!) if empty
while True:
value, key = heapq.heappop(self.heap)
if value is self.dict[key]:
del self.dict[key]
return key, value
except KeyError:
# deleted from dict = not here
except IndexError:
# nothing more to pop
raise StopIteration
### Example/test
def test_example_knights():
"""Test/example: the "knights" problem
Definition and another solution may be found at:
# Legal moves
moves = { 1: [4, 7],
2: [8, 10],
3: [9],
4: [1, 6, 10],
5: [7],
6: [4],
7: [1, 5],
8: [2, 9],
9: [8, 3],
10: [2, 4] }
class Positions(dict, Node):
"""Node class representing positions as a dictionary.
Keys are unique piece names, values are (color, position) where color
is True for white, False for black.
def expand(self):
for piece, (color, position) in self.items():
for new_position in moves[position]:
if new_position not in (p for c, p in self.values()):
new_node = Positions(self)
new_node.update({piece: (color, new_position)})
yield 1, None, new_node
def estimate(self, goal):
# Number of misplaced figures
misplaced = 0
for piece, (color, position) in self.items():
if (color, position) not in goal.values():
misplaced += 1
return misplaced
def is_goal(self, goal):
return self.estimate(goal) == 0
def __hash__(self):
return hash(tuple(sorted(self.items())))
initial = Positions({
'White 1': (True, 1),
'white 2': (True, 6),
'Black 1': (False, 5),
'black 2': (False, 7),
# Goal: colors should be switched
goal = Positions((piece, (not color, position))
for piece, (color, position) in initial.items())
def print_board(positions, linebreak='\n', extra=''):
board = dict((position, piece)
for piece, (color, position) in positions.items())
for i in range(1, 11):
# line breaks
if i in (2, 6, 9):
print linebreak,
print board.get(i, '_')[0],
print extra
def notify(cost, state, b, c):
print 'Looking at state with cost %s:' % cost,
print_board(state, '|', '(%s; %s; %s)' % (state.estimate(goal), b, c))
solution_path = list(, notify=notify))
print 'Step', 0
for i, (cost, transition, positions) in enumerate(reversed(solution_path)):
print 'Step', i + 1
# Check solution is correct
cost, transition, positions = solution_path[0]
assert set(positions.values()) == set(goal.values())
assert cost == 40

pokedex/util/ Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,327 @@
#! /usr/bin/env python
# Encoding: UTF-8
import sys
import argparse
from collections import defaultdict
from sqlalchemy.orm.exc import NoResultFound
from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import not_, and_, or_
from pokedex.db import connect, tables, util
from pokedex.util import querytimer
from pokedex.util.astar import a_star
class IllegalMoveCombination(ValueError): pass
class TooManyMoves(IllegalMoveCombination): pass
class NoMoves(IllegalMoveCombination): pass
class MovesNotLearnable(IllegalMoveCombination): pass
class NoParent(IllegalMoveCombination): pass
class TargetExcluded(IllegalMoveCombination): pass
class MovesetSearch(object):
def __init__(self, session, pokemon, version, moves, level=100, costs=None,
exclude_versions=(), exclude_pokemon=(), debug=False):
self.generator = self.error = None
if not moves:
self.error = NoMoves('No moves specified.')
elif len(moves) > 4:
self.error = NoMoves('Too many moves specified.')
self.debug = debug
self.session = session
if costs is None:
self.costs = default_costs
self.costs = costs
self.excluded_families = frozenset(p.evolution_chain_id
for p in exclude_pokemon)
if pokemon:
self.goal_evolution_chain = pokemon.evolution_chain_id
if self.goal_evolution_chain in self.excluded_families:
self.error = TargetExcluded('The target pokemon was excluded.')
self.goal_evolution_chain = None
if debug:
print 'Specified moves:', [ for move in moves]
self.goal_moves = frozenset( for move in moves)
self.goal_version_group = version.version_group_id
# Fill self.generation_id_by_version_group
[v.version_group_id for v in exclude_versions])
self.pokemon_moves = defaultdict( # key: pokemon
lambda: defaultdict( # key: move
lambda: defaultdict( # key: version_group
lambda: defaultdict( # key: method
list)))) # list of (level, cost)
self.movepools = defaultdict(dict) # evo chain -> move -> best cost
self.learnpools = defaultdict(set) # as above, but not egg moves
easy_moves, non_egg_moves = self.load_pokemon_moves(
self.goal_evolution_chain, 'family')
hard_moves = self.goal_moves - easy_moves
egg_moves = self.goal_moves - non_egg_moves
if hard_moves:
# Have to breed!
self.load_pokemon_moves(self.goal_evolution_chain, 'others')
def load_version_groups(self, version, excluded):
query = self.session.query(,
query = query.join(tables.Version.version_group)
if excluded:
query = query.filter(not_(
self.generation_id_by_version_group = dict(query)
def expand(v2):
for v1 in self.generation_id_by_version_group:
if self.trade_cost(v1, v2):
yield 0, None, v1
def is_goal(v):
return True
goal = self.goal_version_group
filtered_map = {goal: self.generation_id_by_version_group[goal]}
for result in a_star(self.goal_version_group, expand, is_goal):
for cost, transition, version in result:
filtered_map[version] = (
self.generation_id_by_version_group = filtered_map
if self.debug:
print 'Excluded version groups:', excluded
print 'Trade cost table:'
print '%03s' % '',
for g1 in sorted(self.generation_id_by_version_group):
print '%03s' % g1,
for g1 in sorted(self.generation_id_by_version_group):
print '%03s' % g1,
for g2 in sorted(self.generation_id_by_version_group):
print '%03s' % (self.trade_cost(g1, g2) or '---'),
def load_pokemon_moves(self, evolution_chain, selection):
"""Load pokemon_moves, movepools, learnpools
'family' for loading only pokemon in evolution_chain
'others' for loading only pokemon NOT in evolution_chain
Returns: (easy_moves, non_egg_moves)
If `selection` == 'family':
easy_moves is a set of moves that are easier to obtain than by
non_egg_moves is a set of moves that don't require breeding
Otherwise, these are empty sets.
if self.debug:
print 'Loading moves, c%s %s' % (evolution_chain, selection)
query = self.session.query(
query = query.join(tables.PokemonMove.pokemon)
query = query.filter( ==
query = query.filter(tables.PokemonMove.version_group_id.in_(
query = query.filter(or_(
tables.PokemonMove.level > 100, # XXX: Chaff?
if self.excluded_families:
query = query.filter(not_(tables.Pokemon.evolution_chain_id.in_(
if evolution_chain:
if selection == 'family':
query = query.filter(tables.Pokemon.evolution_chain_id == (
elif selection == 'others':
query = query.filter(tables.Pokemon.evolution_chain_id != (
query = query.order_by(tables.PokemonMove.level)
easy_moves = set()
non_egg_moves = set()
for pokemon, move, vg, method, level, chain in query:
if move in self.goal_moves:
cost = self.learn_cost(method, vg)
self.movepools[chain][move] = min(
self.movepools[chain].get(move, cost), cost)
if method != 'egg':
if cost < self.costs['breed']:
cost = 0
self.pokemon_moves[pokemon][move][vg][method].append((level, cost))
if self.debug and selection == 'family':
print 'Easy moves:', sorted(easy_moves)
print 'Non-egg moves:', sorted(non_egg_moves)
return easy_moves, non_egg_moves
def learn_cost(self, method, version_group):
"""Return cost of learning a move by method (identifier) in ver. group
if method == 'level-up':
return self.costs['level-up']
gen = self.generation_id_by_version_group[version_group]
if method == 'machine' and gen < 5:
return self.costs['machine-once']
elif method == 'tutor' and gen == 3:
return self.costs['tutor-once']
elif method == 'egg':
return self.costs['breed']
return self.costs[method]
def trade_cost(self, version_group_from, version_group_to, *thing_generations):
"""Return cost of trading between versions, None if impossibble
`thing_generations` should be the generation IDs of the pokemon and
moves being traded.
# XXX: this ignores HM transfer restrictions
gen_from = self.generation_id_by_version_group[version_group_from]
gen_to = self.generation_id_by_version_group[version_group_to]
if gen_from == gen_to:
return self.costs['trade']
elif any(gen > gen_to for gen in thing_generations):
return None
elif gen_from in (1, 2):
if gen_to in (1, 2):
return self.costs['trade']
return None
elif gen_to in (1, 2):
return None
elif gen_from > gen_to:
return None
elif gen_from < gen_to - 1:
return None
return self.costs['trade'] + self.costs['transfer']
default_costs = {
# Costs for learning a move in verious ways
'level-up': 20, # The normal way
'machine': 40, # Machines are slightly inconvenient.
'machine-once': 2000, # before gen. 5, TMs only work once. Avoid.
'tutor': 60, # Tutors are slightly more inconvenient than TMs can't carry them around
'tutor-once': 2100, # gen III: tutors only work once (well except Emerald frontier ones)
'sketch': 10, # Quite cheap. (Doesn't include learning Sketch itself)
# Gimmick moves we need to use this method to learn the move anyway,
# so make a big-ish dent in the score if missing
'stadium-surfing-pikachu': 100,
'light-ball-egg': 100, # …
# Ugh... I don't know?
'colosseum-purification': 100,
'xd-shadow': 100,
'xd-purification': 100,
'form-change': 100,
# Other actions.
# Breeding should cost more than 3 times than a lv-up/machine/tutor move.
'evolution': 100, # We have to do this anyway, usually.
'evolution-delayed': 50, # *in addition* to evolution. Who wants to mash B on every level.
'breed': 400, # Breeding's a pain.
'trade': 200, # Trading's a pain, but not as much as breeding.
'transfer': 200, # *in addition* to trade. For one-way cross-generation transfers
'delete': 300, # Deleting a move. (Not needed unless deleting an evolution move.)
'relearn': 150, # Also a pain, though not as big as breeding.
'per-level': 1, # Prefer less grinding. This is for all lv-ups but the final “grow”
def main(argv):
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=
'Find out if the specified moveset is valid, and provide a suggestion '
'on how to obtain it.')
parser.add_argument('pokemon', metavar='POKEMON', type=unicode,
help='Pokemon to check the moveset for')
parser.add_argument('move', metavar='MOVE', type=unicode, nargs='*',
help='Moves in the moveset')
parser.add_argument('-l', '--level', metavar='LV', type=int, default=100,
help='Level of the pokemon')
parser.add_argument('-v', '--version', metavar='VER', type=unicode,
help='Version to search in.')
parser.add_argument('-V', '--exclude-version', metavar='VER', type=unicode,
action='append', default=[],
help='Versions to exclude (along with their '
'counterparts, if any, e.g. `black` will also exclude White).')
parser.add_argument('-P', '--exclude-pokemon', metavar='PKM', type=unicode,
action='append', default=[],
help='Pokemon to exclude (along with their families, e.g. `pichu` '
'will also exclude Pikachu and Raichu).')
parser.add_argument('-d', '--debug', action='append_const', const=1,
help='Output timing and debugging information (can be specified more '
'than once).')
args = parser.parse_args(argv)
args.debug = len(args.debug)
if args.debug:
print 'Connecting'
session = connect(engine_args={'echo': args.debug > 1})
if args.debug:
print 'Parsing arguments'
def _get_list(table, idents, name):
result = []
for ident in idents:
result.append(util.get(session, table, identifier=ident))
except NoResultFound:
print>>sys.stderr, ('%s %s not found. Please use '
'the identifier.' % (name, ident))
return 2
return result
pokemon = _get_list(tables.Pokemon, [args.pokemon], 'Pokemon')[0]
moves = _get_list(tables.Move, args.move, 'Move')
version = _get_list(tables.Version, [args.version], 'Version')[0]
excl_versions = _get_list(tables.Version, args.exclude_version, 'Version')
excl_pokemon = _get_list(tables.Pokemon, args.exclude_pokemon, 'Pokemon')
if args.debug:
print 'Starting search'
search = MovesetSearch(session, pokemon, version, moves, args.level,
exclude_versions=excl_versions, exclude_pokemon=excl_pokemon,
if search.error:
print 'Error:', search.error
return 1
if __name__ == '__main__':

View file

@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ setup(
'whoosh>=2.2.2', 'whoosh>=2.2.2',
'markdown', 'markdown',
'construct', 'construct',
], ],
entry_points = { entry_points = {