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synced 2024-08-20 18:16:34 +00:00
Clean up ORAS Pokémon sprite ripping
Box sprites are now ripped paletted, complete with an sBIT chunk. Box sprites are also saved with the right form names. A lot of name-mangling and error-checking code was pulled out of the binary parsing stuff and shared between both types of sprites.
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 191 additions and 108 deletions
@ -85,21 +85,16 @@ def decode_rgba5551(data, *, start=0, count=None):
del _register_color_decoder
def apply_palette(palette, data, *, start=0):
# TODO i am annoyed that this does a pointless copy, but i assume islice()
# has even more overhead...
if start != 0:
data = data[start:]
def uncuddle_paletted_pixels(palette, data):
if len(palette) <= 16:
# Short palettes allow cramming two pixels into each byte
return (
for byte in data
for idx in (byte >> 4, byte & 0x0f)
return map(palette.__getitem__, data)
return data
def untile_pixels(raw_pixels, width, height):
@ -170,8 +165,9 @@ def decode_clim(data):
palette_length, = struct.unpack_from('<H', data, 2)
palette = list(color_decoder(data, start=4, count=palette_length))
data_start = 4 + palette_length * color_bpp
scrambled_pixels = apply_palette(palette, data[data_start:])
scrambled_pixels = uncuddle_paletted_pixels(palette, data[data_start:])
palette = None
scrambled_pixels = color_decoder(data)
pixels = untile_pixels(
@ -179,4 +175,4 @@ def decode_clim(data):
return imag_header.width, imag_header.height, color_depth, pixels
return imag_header.width, imag_header.height, color_depth, palette, pixels
@ -3,15 +3,20 @@
Filesystem reference: http://www.projectpokemon.org/wiki/ORAS_File_System
import argparse
from collections import Counter
from collections import OrderedDict
from collections import defaultdict
from contextlib import contextmanager
import io
import itertools
import math
from pathlib import Path
import re
import shutil
import struct
from construct import Array, BitField, Bitwise, Magic, OptionalGreedyRange, Padding, Pointer, Struct, SLInt8, SLInt16, ULInt8, ULInt16, ULInt32
import png
import yaml
from .lib.garc import GARCFile, decrypt_xy_text
@ -89,8 +94,8 @@ ORAS_EXTRA_SPRITE_NAMES = {
# Darmanitan
555: ('standard', 'zen',),
# Deerling and Sawsbuck
585: ('sprint', 'summer', 'autumn', 'winter'),
586: ('sprint', 'summer', 'autumn', 'winter'),
585: ('spring', 'summer', 'autumn', 'winter'),
586: ('spring', 'summer', 'autumn', 'winter'),
# Tornadus, Thundurus, and Landorus
641: ('incarnate', 'therian'),
642: ('incarnate', 'therian'),
@ -120,7 +125,8 @@ ORAS_EXTRA_SPRITE_NAMES = {
'la-reine', 'kabuki', 'pharaoh',
# Meowstic
#678: [male, female]
# TODO uh oh, this is handled as forms in boxes but as gender in sprites, maybe?
678: ('male', 'female'),
# Aegislash
681: ('shield', 'blade'),
# Pumpkaboo/Gourgeist
@ -573,21 +579,149 @@ def extract_data(root, out):
dump_to_yaml(movesets, f)
def get_mega_counts(root):
"""Return a dict mapping Pokémon ids to how many mega evolutions each one
mega_counts = {} # pokemonid => number of mega evos
with read_garc(root / 'rom/a/1/9/3') as garc:
for pokemonid, subfile in enumerate(garc):
mega_evos = pokemon_mega_evolutions_struct.parse_stream(subfile[0])
mega_counts[pokemonid] = max(
mega_evo.number for mega_evo in mega_evos)
return mega_counts
class SpriteFileNamer:
"""Do you have a big set of sprites, and a separate list of stuff
identifying them, as happens in XY and ORAS? I will sort that all out for
def __init__(self, out, mega_counts, form_names):
self.out = out
self.mega_counts = mega_counts
self.form_names = form_names
self.index_to_filenames = defaultdict(list)
self.seen = set()
def add(self, index, pokemonid, formid=0, right=False, back=False, shiny=False, female=False):
# Check that we don't try to do the same one twice
if index in self.index_to_filenames:
raise ValueError("Index {} is already {}".format(
index, self.index_to_filenames[index]))
key = (pokemonid, formid, right, back, shiny, female)
if key in self.seen:
raise ValueError("Duplicate sprite: {!r}".format(key))
# Figure out the form name
# TODO this assumes a Pokémon cannot have both forms and mega
# evolutions, which is true... for now
if pokemonid in self.form_names:
form = self.form_names[pokemonid][formid]
elif formid == 0:
form = None
elif self.mega_counts[pokemonid]:
if self.mega_counts[pokemonid] == 1:
form = ['mega'][formid - 1]
elif self.mega_counts[pokemonid] == 2:
form = ['mega-x', 'mega-y'][formid - 1]
raise ValueError(
"Don't know how to name {} mega evolutions for Pokémon {}"
.format(self.mega_counts[pokemonid], pokemonid))
raise ValueError("Pokemon {} doesn't have forms".format(pokemonid))
# Construct the directory
parts = []
if right:
if back:
if shiny:
if female:
# Build the final filename
bare_filename = "{}.png".format(pokemonid)
if form:
parts.append("{}-{}.png".format(pokemonid, form))
filename = '/'.join(parts)
# For named "default" forms, create two output files
if form and formid == 0:
parts[-1] = bare_filename
# Special case for Meowstic: duplicate its female form as a formless
# female sprite
if form == 'female' and not female:
parts.insert(-1, 'female')
parts[-1] = bare_filename
def inject(self, index, filename):
"""Manually specify the filename for an index. Helpful for edge cases
like egg sprites.
if index in self.index_to_filenames:
raise ValueError("Index {} is already {}".format(
index, self.index_to_filenames[index]))
# TODO we oughta create aliases for any that are missing?
# pumpkaboo/gourgeist and arceus don't have separate box icons, for
# example.
def open(self, index, prefix=None):
out = self.out
if prefix:
out /= prefix
filenames = self.index_to_filenames[index]
if len(filenames) == 0:
raise RuntimeError("Don't have filenames for index {}".format(index))
fn = out / filenames[0]
if not fn.parent.exists():
with fn.open('wb') as f:
yield f
for path in filenames[1:]:
fn2 = out / path
# TODO this duplication is annoying and we can probably do it in
# one fell swoop instead of constantly rechecking, maybe during the
# same timeframe that we fill in missing forms
if not fn2.parent.exists():
shutil.copyfile(str(fn), str(fn2))
def extract_box_sprites(root, out):
filenames = {}
namer = SpriteFileNamer(
out, get_mega_counts(root), ORAS_EXTRA_SPRITE_NAMES)
with (root / 'exe/code.bin').open('rb') as f:
# Form configuration, used to put sprites in the right order
# NOTE: in x/y the address is 0x0043ea98
# TODO need to do a different thing for main sprites
# TODO magic number
for n in range(722):
sprite = pokemon_sprite_struct.parse_stream(f)
assert sprite.index not in filenames
filenames[sprite.index] = "{}".format(n)
namer.add(sprite.index, n)
if sprite.female_index != sprite.index:
assert sprite.female_index not in filenames
filenames[sprite.female_index] = "{}-female".format(n)
namer.add(sprite.female_index, n, female=True)
# Note that these addresses are relative to RAM, and the binary is
# loaded into RAM starting at 0x100000, so we need to subtract that
# to get a file position
@ -608,8 +742,7 @@ def extract_box_sprites(root, out):
if form_idx == sprite.index:
assert form_idx not in filenames
filenames[form_idx] = "{}-form{}".format(n, form)
namer.add(form_idx, n, form)
if sprite.right_index_offset:
f.seek(sprite.right_index_offset - 0x100000)
@ -622,18 +755,12 @@ def extract_box_sprites(root, out):
for form, (form_idx, right_idx) in enumerate(zip(form_indices, right_indices)):
if form_idx == right_idx:
if form != 0:
suffix = "form{}-right".format(form)
suffix = 'right'
assert right_idx not in filenames
filenames[right_idx] = "{}-{}".format(n, suffix)
namer.add(right_idx, n, form, right=True)
assert sprite.right_count == 2
assert right_indices[0] == right_indices[1]
if right_indices[0] != sprite.index:
assert right_indices[0] not in filenames
filenames[right_indices[0]] = "{}-right".format(n)
namer.add(right_indices[0], n, right=True)
@ -646,29 +773,42 @@ def extract_box_sprites(root, out):
if i == 0:
# Dummy blank sprite, not interesting to us
elif i in filenames:
filename = filenames[i] + '.png'
elif i == 333:
# Duplicate Entei sprite that's not used
elif i == len(garc) - 1:
# Very last one is egg
filename = 'egg.png'
# This is a duplicate Entei sprite that's not used
assert i in (333,)
namer.inject(i, 'egg.png')
data = subfile[0].read()
width, height, color_depth, pixels = decode_clim(data)
width, height, color_depth, palette, pixels = decode_clim(data)
png_writer = png.Writer(
# this library is so fucking stupid
# TODO strictly speaking we could just write out a paletted PNG directly
# TODO add sBIT chunk indicating original bit depth
with (pokemon_sprites_dir / filename).open('wb') as f:
png_writer.write(f, (itertools.chain(*row) for row in pixels))
# TODO this is bad.
if 'right/' in namer.index_to_filenames[i][0]:
for row in pixels:
# I want to preserve Zhorken's good idea of indicating the original
# bit depth with an sBIT chunk, but PyPNG can't do that directly,
# so we need to do a bit of nonsense.
buf = io.BytesIO()
png_writer.write(buf, pixels)
# Read the PNG as chunks, and manually add an sBIT chunk
png_reader = png.Reader(buf)
chunks = list(png_reader.chunks())
sbit = bytes([color_depth] * 3)
chunks.insert(1, ('sBIT', sbit))
# Write chunks to an actual file
with namer.open(i) as f:
png.write_chunks(f, chunks)
def extract_dex_sprites(root, out):
@ -680,18 +820,9 @@ def extract_dex_sprites(root, out):
# are megas, and the rest are listed manually above as
# Grab the list of megas first
num_megas = {} # pokemonid => number of mega evos
with read_garc(root / 'rom/a/1/9/3') as garc:
for pokemonid, subfile in enumerate(garc):
mega_evos = pokemon_mega_evolutions_struct.parse_stream(subfile[0])
num_megas[pokemonid] = max(
mega_evo.number for mega_evo in mega_evos)
namer = SpriteFileNamer(
out, get_mega_counts(root), ORAS_EXTRA_SPRITE_NAMES)
# Then construct filenames, using num_megas plus information from the model
# index
filenames = {} # model/sprite number => filename, sans extension
duplicate_filenames = [] # pairs of (copy from, copy to)
with read_garc(root / 'rom/a/0/0/8') as garc:
f = garc[0][0]
# TODO magic number
@ -710,61 +841,35 @@ def extract_dex_sprites(root, out):
elif pokemonid >= 717:
model_num += 1
filenames[model_num] = str(pokemonid)
namer.add(model_num, pokemonid)
form_count = count - 1 # discount "base" form
total_model_count = model_num + count - 1
# Some "forms" have no real default, so we save the sprite both as
# nnn.png and nnn-form.png, to guarantee that nnn.png always exists
if pokemonid in ORAS_EXTRA_SPRITE_NAMES:
if ORAS_EXTRA_SPRITE_NAMES[pokemonid][0] is not None:
pokemonid, ORAS_EXTRA_SPRITE_NAMES[pokemonid][0]),
# Don't know what flag 1 is; everything has it.
# Flag 2 means the first alternate form is a female variant.
if flags & 2:
assert form_count > 0
form_count -= 1
model_num += 1
filenames[model_num] = "female/{}".format(pokemonid)
namer.add(model_num, pokemonid, female=True)
# Flag 4 just means there are more forms?
if flags & 4:
assert form_count
assert 1 or 1 == sum((
form_count == 0,
num_megas[pokemonid] > 0,
if num_megas[pokemonid]:
assert form_count == num_megas[pokemonid]
assert pokemonid not in ORAS_EXTRA_SPRITE_NAMES
for formid in range(1, form_count + 1):
model_num += 1
if form_count == 1:
filenames[model_num] = "{}-mega".format(pokemonid)
# Charizard and Mewtwo
assert form_count == 2
filenames[model_num] = "{}-mega-x".format(pokemonid)
filenames[model_num + 1] = "{}-mega-y".format(pokemonid)
elif pokemonid in ORAS_EXTRA_SPRITE_NAMES:
for form_name in ORAS_EXTRA_SPRITE_NAMES[pokemonid][1:]:
model_num += 1
filenames[model_num] = "{}-{}".format(pokemonid, form_name)
namer.add(model_num, pokemonid, formid)
# And now, do the ripping
# TODO This will save Unown A as 201.png, and not create a 201-a.png
pokemon_sprites_dir = out
with read_garc(root / 'rom/a/2/6/3') as garc:
from .lib.clim import decode_clim
for i, subfile in enumerate(garc):
shiny_prefix = ''
shiny_prefix = None
if i > total_model_count:
i -= total_model_count
# TODO this should be a real feature, as should the 'right'
# hack in the other code
shiny_prefix = 'shiny/'
if i == 0:
@ -774,37 +879,19 @@ def extract_dex_sprites(root, out):
# Cosplay Pikachu's outfits -- the sprites are blank, so saving
# these is not particularly useful
elif i in filenames:
filename = shiny_prefix + filenames[i] + '.png'
raise ValueError(
"Can't find a filename for sprite number {}".format(i))
data = subfile[0].read()
width, height, color_depth, pixels = decode_clim(data)
width, height, color_depth, palette, pixels = decode_clim(data)
assert not palette
png_writer = png.Writer(
# this library is so fucking stupid
# TODO strictly speaking we could just write out a paletted PNG directly
# TODO add sBIT chunk indicating original bit depth
path = pokemon_sprites_dir / filename
parent = path.parent
if not parent.exists():
with path.open('wb') as f:
with namer.open(i, prefix=shiny_prefix) as f:
png_writer.write(f, (itertools.chain(*row) for row in pixels))
for source, dest in duplicate_filenames:
str(pokemon_sprites_dir / source) + '.png',
str(pokemon_sprites_dir / dest) + '.png',
def _munge_source_arg(strpath):
path = Path(strpath)
Add table
Reference in a new issue