mirror of
synced 2024-08-20 18:16:34 +00:00
Reading, merging, and writing translations
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 1210 additions and 0 deletions
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,368 @@
#! /usr/bin/env python
# Encoding: UTF-8
u"""Creation and loading of GNU Gettext language files.
poupdate [options] [file1.csv file2.csv ...]
Use this script to
- Create .pot files (in pokedex/i18n/)
- Update the .po files (in pokedex/i18n/<lang>)
- Update the pokedex .csv files in (pokedex/data/csv/translations)
To make pos for a new language, make sure it is in the database, make
a directory for it in pokedex/i18n/, and run this.
You can also give one or more translation CSVs as arguments.
These are in the same format as veekun's main database CSVs, for example
pokedex/data/csv/ability_prose.csv. Be sure to set the correct language
ID (which implies the language must be in the database).
Also be sure to have the correct column order: first an appropriately named
foreign key, then local_language_id, and then the text columns.
# Everything related to Gettext files, and the CLI interface, is here.
# General message handling and CSV I/O is in the pokedex library.
# Notes on how we use PO format:
# The source information is stored in the occurences fields, using
# "table_name.column_name" for file and object ID for line number. This is used
# as a message key, instead of the source string. So it's important not to
# discard location information. It also means "obsolete" and "fuzzy" mean
# pretty much the same in our context.
# Also note that a pot file is just a po file with all strings untranslated.
# So some functions here will work on either.
# Gettext context (msgctxt) is written to the files so that tools don't merge
# unrelated strings together. It is ignored when reading the PO files.
# Also of note, "polib" means "(do) kiss!" in Czech.
import os
import re
import sys
from datetime import datetime
from optparse import OptionParser
from collections import defaultdict
import pkg_resources
from pokedex.db import tables, translations
from pokedex.defaults import get_default_csv_dir
import polib
except ImportError:
if __name__ == '__main__':
exit('This utility needs polib installed.\n$ pip install polib')
number_replacement_flag = '-pokedex-number-replacement'
default_gettext_directory = pkg_resources.resource_filename('pokedex', 'i18n')
mapped_class_dict = dict((c.__name__, c) for c in tables.mapped_classes)
for cls in tables.mapped_classes:
mapped_class_dict.update(dict((c.__name__, cls) for c in cls.translation_classes))
class PokedexPot(polib.POFile):
def __init__(self, name):
super(PokedexPot, self).__init__()
self.metadata = {
'Project-Id-Version': 'pokedex-%s 0.1' % name,
'Report-Msgid-Bugs-To': 'encukou@gmail.com',
'POT-Creation-Date': datetime.now().isoformat(),
'PO-Revision-Date': 'YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE',
'MIME-Version': '1.0',
'Content-Type': 'text/plain; charset=utf-8',
'Content-Transfer-Encoding': '8bit',
'Generated-By': "The pokedex",
self.seen_entries = {}
def append(self, entry):
"""Append an entry. POEntries that only differ in numbers are merged.
For example "Route 1", "Route 2", etc. are replaced by a single
"Route {num}".
Multiple numbers might be replaced, for example in "{num}--{num}
different Unown caught"
Entries without numbers are merged as well (e.g. "Has no overworld
effect" appears quite a few times in in AbilityChangelog)
replaced = translations.number_re.sub('{num}', entry.msgid)
common_entry = self.seen_entries[(entry.msgctxt, replaced)]
except KeyError:
self.seen_entries[(entry.msgctxt, replaced)] = entry
common_entry.occurrences += entry.occurrences
# Only now is the actual entry replaced. So we get
# "Route {num}", but "Porygon2" because there's no Porygon3.
common_entry.msgid = replaced
common_entry.msgstr = translations.number_re.sub('{num}', common_entry.msgstr)
if replaced != entry.msgid and number_replacement_flag not in common_entry.flags:
self += [entry]
class PotDict(dict):
"""A defaultdict of pot files"""
def __missing__(self, name):
pot = PokedexPot(name)
self[name] = pot
return pot
def yield_po_messages(pos):
"""Yield messages from all given .po files
merger = translations.Merge()
for po in pos.values():
merger.add_iterator(_yield_one_po_messages(po, merger))
return merger
def entry_sort_key(entry):
cls_col, line = entry.occurrences[0]
except IndexError:
if line:
classname, col = cls_col.split('.')
fuzzy = entry.obsolete or 'fuzzy' in entry.flags
cls = mapped_class_dict[classname]
except KeyError, k:
# Renamed table?
print 'Warning: Unknown class %s' % classname
return '', int(line), col, fuzzy
return cls.__name__, int(line), col, fuzzy
def _yield_one_po_messages(pofile, merger):
# Yield messages from one po file
# Messages in our po files are ordered by the first occurrence.
# The occurrences of a single message are also ordered.
# So just merge all the subsequences as we go
for entry in sorted(pofile, key=entry_sort_key):
if entry.msgstr:
fuzzy = (entry.obsolete or 'fuzzy' in entry.flags)
messages = []
for occurrence in entry.occurrences:
cls_colname, id = occurrence
if id:
clsname, colname = cls_colname.split('.')
cls = mapped_class_dict[clsname]
number_replacement=number_replacement_flag in entry.flags,
origin='PO file',
if messages[1:]:
# Spawn extra iterators before yielding
if messages:
yield messages[0]
def create_pots(source, *translation_streams):
"""Convert an iterator of Messages to a dictionary of pot/po files
If translations are given, they're merged, and any exact matches are put
in the po file. Give some for po files, don't give any for pot files.
obsolete = []
pots = PotDict()
merged = translations.merge_translations(source, *translation_streams, unused=obsolete.append)
for source, sourcehash, string, exact in merged:
ctxt = '.'.join((source.cls, source.colname))
entry = polib.POEntry(
occurrences=[(ctxt, source.id)],
if string:
entry.msgstr = string
if not exact:
for message in obsolete:
ctxt = '.'.join((message.cls, message.colname))
entry = polib.POEntry(
msgid=message.source or '???',
occurrences=[(ctxt, message.id)],
return pots
def save_pots(pots, gettext_directory=default_gettext_directory):
"""Save pot files to a directory."""
for name, pot in pots.items():
pot.save(os.path.join(gettext_directory, 'pokedex-%s.pot' % name))
def save_pos(pos, lang, gettext_directory=default_gettext_directory):
"""Save po files to the appropriate directory."""
for name, po in pos.items():
po.save(os.path.join(gettext_directory, lang, 'pokedex-%s.po' % name))
def read_pots(directory=default_gettext_directory, extension='.pot'):
"""Read all files from the given directory with the given extension as pofiles
Works on pos or pots.
pots = {}
for filename in os.listdir(directory):
basename, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
if ext == extension:
pots[basename] = polib.pofile(os.path.join(directory, filename))
return pots
def all_langs(gettext_directory=default_gettext_directory):
return [
d for d in os.listdir(gettext_directory)
if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(gettext_directory, d))
def merge_pos(transl, lang, language_directory):
"""Update all po files for the given language
Takes into account the source, the official translations from the database,
the existing PO files, and the current translation CSV, in that order.
Returns a name -> pofile dict
return create_pots(
yield_po_messages(pos=read_pots(language_directory, '.po')),
def bar(fraction, size, done_char='=', split_char='|', notdone_char='-'):
"""Build an ASCII art progress bar
size -= 1
if fraction == 1:
split_char = done_char
completed = int(round(size * fraction))
bar = [done_char] * completed
bar += notdone_char * (size - completed)
return ''.join(bar)
def print_stats(pos):
"""Print out some fun stats about a set of po files
template = u"{0:>10}: {1:4}/{2:4} {3:6.2f}% [{4}]"
total_translated = 0
total = 0
for name, po in pos.items():
num_translated = len(po.translated_entries())
total_translated += num_translated
fraction_translated = 1. * num_translated / len(po)
total += len(po)
print template.format(
100 * fraction_translated,
bar(fraction_translated, 47),
fraction_translated = 1. * total_translated / total
print template.format(
100 * fraction_translated,
bar(fraction_translated, 47),
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = OptionParser(__doc__)
parser.add_option('-l', '--langs', dest='langs',
help="List of languages to handle, separated by commas (example: -l 'en,de,ja') (default: all in gettext directory)")
parser.add_option('-P', '--no-pots', dest='pots', action='store_false', default=True,
help='Do not create POT files (templates)')
parser.add_option('-p', '--no-pos', dest='pos', action='store_false', default=True,
help='Do not update PO files (message catalogs)')
parser.add_option('-c', '--no-csv', dest='csv', action='store_false', default=True,
help='Do not update pokedex translations files')
parser.add_option('-d', '--directory', dest='directory',
help='Veekun data directory')
parser.add_option('-L', '--source-language', dest='source_lang',
help="Source language identifier (default: 'en')")
parser.add_option('-g', '--gettext-dir', dest='gettext_directory', default=default_gettext_directory,
help='Gettext directory (default: pokedex/i18n/)')
parser.add_option('-q', '--quiet', dest='verbose', default=True, action='store_false',
help="Don't print what's going on")
options, arguments = parser.parse_args()
transl = translations.Translations.from_parsed_options(options)
gettext_directory = options.gettext_directory
if options.pots:
if options.verbose:
print 'Creating pots in', gettext_directory
save_pots(create_pots(transl.source), gettext_directory=gettext_directory)
if options.pos or options.csv:
# Merge in CSV files from command line
csv_streams = defaultdict(translations.Merge)
for argument in arguments:
# Add each message in its own stream, to sort them.
file = open(argument, 'rb')
with file:
for message in translations.yield_guessed_csv_messages(file):
lang = transl.language_identifiers[message.language_id]
streams = defaultdict(list)
for lang, stream in csv_streams.items():
# Merge in the PO files
if options.langs:
langs = options.langs.split(',')
langs = all_langs(gettext_directory)
for lang in langs:
language_directory = os.path.join(gettext_directory, lang)
if options.verbose:
print 'Merging translations for %s in %s' % (lang, language_directory)
pos = merge_pos(transl, lang, language_directory)
if options.pos:
if options.verbose:
print 'Writing POs for %s' % lang
save_pos(pos, lang, gettext_directory=gettext_directory)
if options.verbose:
if options.csv:
for lang, lang_streams in streams.items():
if options.verbose:
print "Merging %s translation stream/s for '%s'" % (len(lang_streams), lang)
existing_messages = list(transl.yield_target_messages(lang))
transl.write_translations(lang, *lang_streams)
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,659 @@
#! /usr/bin/env python
u"""General handling of translations
The general idea is to get messages from somewhere: the source pokedex CSVs,
or the translation CSVs, etc., then merge them together in some way, and shove
them into the database.
If a message is translated, it has a source string attached to it, with the
original English version. Or at least it has a CRC of the original.
When that doesn't match, it means the English string changed and the
translation has to be updated.
Also this is why we can't dump translations from the database: there's no
original string info.
Some complications:
Flavor text is so repetitive that we take strings from all the version,
separate the unique ones by blank lines, let translators work on that, and then
put it in flavor_summary tables.
Routes names and other repetitive numeric things are replaced by e.g.
"Route {num}" so translators only have to work on each set once.
import binascii
import csv
import heapq
import itertools
import os
import re
import sys
from collections import defaultdict
from pokedex.db import tables
from pokedex.defaults import get_default_csv_dir
default_source_lang = 'en'
# Top-level classes we want translations for: in order, and by name
# These are all mapped_classes that have translatable texts and aren't summarized
toplevel_classes = []
toplevel_class_by_name = {}
# summary_map[pokemon_prose]['flavor_summary'] == PokemonFlavorTexts
summary_map = {}
# translation_class_by_column[class_name, column_name] == translation_class
translation_class_by_column = {}
for cls in tables.mapped_classes:
summary_class, col = cls.summary_column
except AttributeError:
if cls.translation_classes:
toplevel_class_by_name[cls.__name__] = cls
for translation_class in cls.translation_classes:
for column in translation_class.__table__.c:
translation_class_by_column[cls, column.name] = translation_class
summary_map.setdefault(summary_class, {})[col] = cls
number_re = re.compile("[0-9]+")
def crc(string):
"""Return a hash to we use in translation CSV files"""
return "%08x" % (binascii.crc32(string.encode('utf-8')) & 0xffffffff)
# Two special values are also used in source_crc:
# UNKNOWN: no source string was available
# OFFICIAL: an official string from the main database
class Message(object):
"""Holds all info about a translatable or translated string
cls: Name of the mapped class the message belongs to
id: The id of the thing the message belongs to
colname: name of the database column
strings: A list of strings in the message, usualy of length 1.
Optional attributes (None if not set):
colsize: Max length of the database column
source: The string this was translated from
number_replacement: True if this is a translation with {num} placeholders
pot: Name of the pot the message goes to (see pot_for_column)
source_crc: CRC of the source
origin: Some indication of where the string came from (CSV, PO, ...)
fuzzy: True for fuzzy translations
language_id: ID of the language
official: True if this is a known-good translation
__slots__ = 'cls id colname strings colsize source number_replacement pot source_crc origin fuzzy language_id official'.split()
def __init__(self, cls, id, colname, string,
colsize=None, source=None, number_replacement=None, pot=None,
source_crc=None, origin=None, fuzzy=None, language_id=None,
self.cls = cls
self.id = id
self.colname = colname
self.strings = [string]
self.colsize = colsize
self.source = source
self.number_replacement = number_replacement
self.pot = pot
self.source_crc = source_crc
if source and not source_crc:
self.source_crc = crc(source)
self.origin = origin
self.fuzzy = fuzzy
self.language_id = language_id
self.official = official
def merge(self, other):
"""Merge two messages, as required for flavor text summarizing
assert self.merge_key == other.merge_key
for string in other.strings:
if string not in self.strings:
self.colsize = self.colsize or other.colsize
self.pot = self.pot or other.pot
self.source = None
self.source_crc = None
self.number_replacement = None
def string(self):
return '\n\n'.join(self.strings)
def merge_key(self):
return self.cls, self.id, self.colname
def sort_key(self):
return self.merge_key, self.language_id, self.fuzzy
def eq_key(self):
return self.sort_key, self.strings
def __eq__(self, other): return self.eq_key == other.eq_key
def __ne__(self, other): return self.eq_key != other.eq_key
def __gt__(self, other): return self.sort_key > other.sort_key
def __lt__(self, other): return self.sort_key < other.sort_key
def __ge__(self, other): return self.sort_key >= other.sort_key
def __le__(self, other): return self.sort_key <= other.sort_key
def __unicode__(self):
string = '"%s"' % self.string
if len(string) > 20:
string = string[:15] + u'"...'
template = u'<Message from {self.origin} for {self.cls}.{self.colname}:{self.id} -- {string}>'
return template.format(self=self, string=string)
def __str__(self):
return unicode(self).encode('utf-8')
def __repr__(self):
return unicode(self).encode('utf-8')
class Translations(object):
"""Data and opertaions specific to a location on disk (and a source language)
def __init__(self, source_lang=default_source_lang, csv_directory=None, translation_directory=None):
if csv_directory is None:
csv_directory = get_default_csv_dir()
if translation_directory is None:
translation_directory = os.path.join(csv_directory, 'translations')
self.source_lang = default_source_lang
self.csv_directory = csv_directory
self.translation_directory = translation_directory
self.language_ids = {}
self.language_identifiers = {}
self.official_langs = []
for row in self.reader_for_class(tables.Language, reader_class=csv.DictReader):
self.language_ids[row['identifier']] = int(row['id'])
self.language_identifiers[int(row['id'])] = row['identifier']
if row['official'] and int(row['official']):
self.source_lang_id = self.language_ids[self.source_lang]
def from_parsed_options(cls, options):
return cls(options.source_lang, options.directory)
def source(self):
"""All source (i.e. English) messages
return self.official_messages(self.source_lang)
def official_messages(self, lang):
"""All official messages (i.e. from main database) for the given lang
# Cached as tuples, since they're used pretty often
lang_id = self.language_ids[lang]
return self._sources[lang_id]
except AttributeError:
self._sources = {}
for message in self.yield_source_messages():
self._sources.setdefault(message.language_id, []).append(message)
self._sources = dict((k, tuple(merge_adjacent(v))) for k, v in self._sources.items())
return self.official_messages(lang)
except KeyError:
# Looks like there are no messages in the DB for this language
# This should only happen for non-official languages
assert lang not in self.official_langs
return ()
def write_translations(self, lang, *streams):
"""Write a translation CSV containing messages from streams.
Streams should be ordered by priority, from highest to lowest.
Any official translations (from the main database) are added automatically.
writer = self.writer_for_lang(lang)
writer.writerow('language_id table id column source_crc string'.split())
messages = merge_translations(self.source, self.official_messages(lang), *streams)
warnings = {}
for source, sourcehash, string, exact in messages:
if string and sourcehash != 'OFFICIAL':
utf8len = len(string.encode('utf-8'))
if source.colsize and utf8len > source.colsize:
key = source.cls, source.colname
warnings[key] = max(warnings.get(key, (0,)), (utf8len, source, string))
for utf8len, source, string in warnings.values():
template = u'Error: {size}B value for {colsize}B column! {key[0]}.{key[2]}:{key[1]}: {string}'
warning = template.format(
if len(warning) > 79:
warning = warning[:76] + u'...'
print warning.encode('utf-8')
def reader_for_class(self, cls, reader_class=csv.reader):
tablename = cls.__table__.name
csvpath = os.path.join(self.csv_directory, tablename + '.csv')
return reader_class(open(csvpath, 'rb'), lineterminator='\n')
def writer_for_lang(self, lang):
csvpath = os.path.join(self.translation_directory, '%s.csv' % lang)
return csv.writer(open(csvpath, 'wb'), lineterminator='\n')
def yield_source_messages(self, language_id=None):
"""Yield all messages from source CSV files
Messages from all languages are returned. The messages are not ordered
properly, but splitting the stream by language (and filtering results
by merge_adjacent) will produce proper streams.
if language_id is None:
language_id = self.source_lang_id
for cls in sorted(toplevel_classes, key=lambda c: c.__name__):
streams = []
for translation_class in cls.translation_classes:
colmap = summary_map[translation_class]
except KeyError:
for colname, summary_class in colmap.items():
column = translation_class.__table__.c[colname]
for message in Merge(*streams):
yield message
def yield_target_messages(self, lang):
"""Yield messages from the data/csv/translations/<lang>.csv file
path = os.path.join(self.csv_directory, 'translations', '%s.csv' % lang)
file = open(path, 'rb')
except IOError:
return ()
return yield_translation_csv_messages(file)
def yield_all_translations(self):
stream = Merge()
for lang in self.language_identifiers.values():
return (message for message in stream if not message.official)
def get_load_data(self, langs=None):
"""Yield (translation_class, data for INSERT) pairs for loading into the DB
langs is either a list of language identifiers or None
if langs is None:
langs = self.language_identifiers.values()
stream = Merge()
for lang in self.language_identifiers.values():
stream = (message for message in stream if not message.official)
count = 0
class GroupDict(dict):
"""Dict to automatically set the foreign_id and local_language_id for new items
def __missing__(self, key):
# depends on `cls` from outside scope
id, language_id = key
data = self[key] = defaultdict(lambda: None)
column_names = (c.name for c in translation_class.__table__.columns)
'%s_id' % cls.__singlename__: id,
'local_language_id': language_id,
return data
# Nested dict:
# translation_class -> (lang, id) -> column -> value
everything = defaultdict(GroupDict)
# Group by object so we always have all of the messages for one DB row
for (cls_name, id), group in group_by_object(stream):
cls = toplevel_class_by_name[cls_name]
for message in group:
translation_class = translation_class_by_column[cls, message.colname]
key = id, message.language_id
colname = str(message.colname)
everything[translation_class][key][colname] = message.string
count += 1
if count > 1000:
for translation_class, key_data in everything.items():
yield translation_class, key_data.values()
count = 0
for translation_class, data_dict in everything.items():
yield translation_class, data_dict.values()
def group_by_object(stream):
"""Group stream by object
Yields ((class name, object ID), (list of messages)) pairs.
stream = iter(stream)
current = stream.next()
current_key = current.cls, current.id
group = [current]
for message in stream:
if (message.cls, message.id) != current_key:
yield current_key, group
group = []
current = message
current_key = current.cls, current.id
yield current_key, group
class Merge(object):
"""Merge several sorted iterators together
Additional iterators may be added at any time with add_iterator.
Accepts None for the initial iterators
If the same value appears in more iterators, there will be duplicates in
the output.
def __init__(self, *iterators):
self.next_values = []
for iterator in iterators:
if iterator is not None:
def add_iterator(self, iterator):
iterator = iter(iterator)
value = iterator.next()
except StopIteration:
heapq.heappush(self.next_values, (value, iterator))
def __iter__(self):
return self
def next(self):
if self.next_values:
value, iterator = heapq.heappop(self.next_values)
return value
raise StopIteration
def merge_adjacent(gen):
"""Merge adjacent messages that compare equal"""
gen = iter(gen)
last = gen.next()
for this in gen:
if this.merge_key == last.merge_key:
elif last < this:
yield last
last = this
raise AssertionError('Bad order, %s > %s' % (last, this))
yield last
def leftjoin(left_stream, right_stream, key=lambda x: x, unused=None):
"""A "left join" operation on sorted iterators
Yields (left, right) pairs, where left comes from left_stream and right
is the corresponding item from right, or None
Note that if there are duplicates in right_stream, you won't get duplicate
rows for them.
If given, unused should be a one-arg function that will get called on all
unused items in right_stream.
left_stream = iter(left_stream)
right_stream = iter(right_stream)
right = right_stream.next()
for left in left_stream:
while right and key(left) > key(right):
if unused is not None:
right = right_stream.next()
if key(left) == key(right):
yield left, right
del left
right = right_stream.next()
yield left, None
except StopIteration:
yield left, None
except NameError:
for left in left_stream:
yield left, None
if unused is not None:
except NameError:
for right in right_stream:
def synchronize(reference, stream, key=lambda x: x, unused=None):
"""Just the right side part of leftjoin(), Nones included"""
for left, right in leftjoin(reference, stream, key, unused):
yield right
def yield_source_csv_messages(cls, foreign_cls, csvreader, force_column=None):
"""Yield all messages from one source CSV file.
columns = list(cls.__table__.c)
column_names = csvreader.next()
# Assumptions: rows are in lexicographic order
# (taking numeric values as numbers of course)
# Assumptions about the order of columns:
# 1. It's the same in the table and in CSV
# 2. Primary key is at the beginning
# 3. First thing in the PK is the object id
# 4. Last thing in the PK is the language
# 5. Everything that follows is some translatable text
assert [cls.__table__.c[name] for name in column_names] == columns, ','.join(c.name for c in columns)
pk = columns[:len(cls.__table__.primary_key.columns)]
first_string_index = len(pk)
return _yield_csv_messages(foreign_cls, columns, first_string_index, csvreader, force_column=force_column)
def _yield_csv_messages(foreign_cls, columns, first_string_index, csvreader, origin='source CSV', crc_value='OFFICIAL', force_column=None):
language_index = first_string_index - 1
assert 'language' in columns[language_index].name, columns[language_index].name
string_columns = columns[first_string_index:]
if force_column is not None:
assert len(string_columns) == 1
string_columns = [force_column]
for values in csvreader:
id = int(values[0])
messages = []
for string, column in zip(values[first_string_index:], string_columns):
message = Message(
pot=pot_for_column(cls, column, force_column is not None),
for message in messages:
yield message
def yield_guessed_csv_messages(file):
"""Yield messages from a CSV file, using the header to figure out what the data means.
csvreader = csv.reader(file, lineterminator='\n')
column_names = csvreader.next()
if column_names == 'language_id,table,id,column,source_crc,string'.split(','):
# A translation CSV
return yield_translation_csv_messages(file, True)
# Not a translation CSV, figure out what the columns mean
assert column_names[0].endswith('_id')
assert column_names[1] == 'local_language_id'
first_string_index = 2
foreign_singlename = column_names[0][:-len('_id')]
columns = [None] * len(column_names)
column_indexes = dict((name, i) for i, name in enumerate(column_names))
for foreign_cls in toplevel_classes:
if foreign_cls.__singlename__ == foreign_singlename:
raise ValueError("Foreign key column name %s in %s doesn't correspond to a table" % (column_names[0], file))
for translation_class in foreign_cls.translation_classes:
for column in translation_class.__table__.c:
column_index = column_indexes.get(column.name)
if column_index is not None:
columns[column_index] = column
assert all([c is not None for c in columns[first_string_index:]])
return _yield_csv_messages(foreign_cls, columns, first_string_index, csvreader, origin=file.name, crc_value='UNKNOWN')
def yield_translation_csv_messages(file, no_header=False):
"""Yield messages from a translation CSV file
csvreader = csv.reader(file, lineterminator='\n')
if not no_header:
columns = csvreader.next()
assert columns == 'language_id,table,id,column,source_crc,string'.split(',')
for language_id, table, id, column, source_crc, string in csvreader:
yield Message(
origin='target CSV',
def pot_for_column(cls, column, summary=False):
"""Translatable texts get categorized into different POT files to help
translators prioritize. The pots are:
- flavor: Flavor texts: here, strings from multiple versions are summarized
- ripped: Strings ripped from the games; translators for "official"
languages don't need to bother with these
- effects: Fanon descriptions of things; they usually use technical
- misc: Everything else; usually small texts
Set source to true if this is a flavor summary column. Others are
determined by the column itself.
if summary:
return 'flavor'
elif column.info.get('ripped'):
return 'ripped'
elif column.name.endswith('effect'):
return 'effects'
return 'misc'
def number_replace(source, string):
numbers_iter = iter(number_re.findall(source))
next_number = lambda match: numbers_iter.next()
return re.sub(r'\{num\}', next_number, string)
def match_to_source(source, *translations):
"""Matches translated string(s) to source
The first translation whose source matches the source message, or whose CRC
matches, or which is official, and which is not fuzzy, it is used.
If thre's no such translation, the first translation is used.
Returns (source, source string CRC, string for CSV file, exact match?)
If there are no translations, returns (source, None, None, None)
Handles translations where numbers have been replaced by {num}, if they
have source information.
first = True
best_crc = None
for translation in translations:
if translation is None:
if translation.number_replacement:
current_string = number_replace(source.string, translation.string)
current_source = number_replace(source.string, translation.source)
current_crc = crc(current_source)
elif '{num}' in translation.string:
print (u'Warning: {num} appears in %s, but not marked for number replacement. Discarding!' % translation).encode('utf-8')
current_string = translation.string
current_source = translation.source
current_crc = translation.source_crc
if translation.fuzzy:
match = False
elif translation.official:
match = True
elif current_source:
match = source.string == current_source
match = current_crc == crc(source.string)
if first or match:
best_string = current_string
best_crc = current_crc
best_message = translation
if match:
first = False
if best_crc:
return source, best_crc, best_string, match
return source, None, None, None
def merge_translations(source_stream, *translation_streams, **kwargs):
"""For each source message, get its best translation from translations.
Translations should be ordered by priority, highest to lowest.
Messages that don't appear in translations at all aren't included.
source = tuple(source_stream)
streams = [
synchronize(source, t, key=lambda m: m.merge_key, unused=kwargs.get('unused'))
for t in translation_streams
for messages in itertools.izip(source, *streams):
yield match_to_source(*messages)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
# Encoding: UTF-8
import csv
from nose.tools import *
from pokedex.db import translations, tables
fake_version_names = (
'1,0,name1', '2,0,name2', '3,0,name3', '3,1,othername3',
fake_translation_csv = (
def test_yield_source_csv_messages():
def test_yield_guessed_csv_messages():
def test_yield_translation_csv_messages():
def check_version_message_stream(messages):
messages = list(messages)
assert messages[0].string == 'name1'
assert messages[1].string == 'name2'
assert messages[2].string == 'name3'
assert messages[3].string == 'othername3'
for message in messages[:3]:
assert message.language_id == 0
assert messages[3].language_id == 1
for id, message in zip((1, 2, 3, 3), messages):
assert message.merge_key == ('Version', id, 'name'), message.key
def get_messages(*rows):
return list(translations.yield_translation_csv_messages(iter(rows), True))
def test_merge_translations():
source = get_messages(
'0,Table,12,col,,"Numbers: 1, 2, and 003"',
'0,Table,13,col,,"Numbers: 3, 2, and 001"',
new = get_messages(
'0,Table,2,col,%s,new' % translations.crc('new'),
'0,Table,4,col,%s,new' % translations.crc('both'),
'0,Table,6,col,%s,new' % translations.crc('----'),
'0,Table,8,col,%s,new' % translations.crc('----'),
'0,Table,9,col,%s,new' % translations.crc('----'),
'0,Table,10,col,%s,new' % translations.crc('new-good-ex-bad'),
'0,Table,12,col,%s,{num} {num} {num}' % translations.crc('Numbers: {num}, {num}, and {num}'),
'0,Table,13,col,%s,{num} {num} {num}' % translations.crc('----'),
'0,Table,100,col,%s,unused' % translations.crc('----'),
new[-3].number_replacement = True
new[-3].source = 'Numbers: 1, 2, and 003'
new[-2].number_replacement = True
new[-2].source = '----'
existing = get_messages(
'0,Table,3,col,%s,existing' % translations.crc('existing'),
'0,Table,4,col,%s,existing' % translations.crc('both'),
'0,Table,7,col,%s,existing' % translations.crc('----'),
'0,Table,8,col,%s,existing' % translations.crc('----'),
'0,Table,9,col,%s,existing' % translations.crc('new-bad-ex-good'),
'0,Table,10,col,%s,existing' % translations.crc('----'),
'0,Table,100,col,%s,unused' % translations.crc('----'),
expected_list = (
('none', None, None),
('new', True, 'new'),
('existing', True, 'existing'),
('both', True, 'new'),
('(gap)', None, None),
('new-bad', False, 'new'),
('existing-bad', False, 'existing'),
('both-bad', False, 'new'),
('new-bad-ex-good', True, 'existing'),
('new-good-ex-bad', True, 'new'),
('(gap)', None, None),
('Numbers: 1, 2, and 003', True, '1 2 003'),
('Numbers: 3, 2, and 001', False, '3 2 001'),
unused = []
result_stream = list(translations.merge_translations(source, new, [], existing, unused=unused.append))
for result, expected in zip(result_stream, expected_list):
res_src, res_crc, res_str, res_match = result
exp_src, exp_match, exp_str = expected
print result, expected
assert res_src.string == exp_src
assert res_str == exp_str, (res_str, exp_str)
if exp_match is None:
assert res_crc is None
elif exp_match is True:
assert res_crc == translations.crc(res_src.string)
elif exp_match is False:
assert res_crc == translations.crc('----')
assert res_match == exp_match
print 'unused:', unused
for message in unused:
assert message.string == 'unused'
assert message.id == 100
def test_merge():
check_merge((0, 1, 2, 3))
check_merge((0, 1), (2, 3))
check_merge((2, 3), (0, 1))
check_merge((0, 2), (1, 3))
check_merge((0, 3), (1, 2))
check_merge((0, 1), (2, 3), (2, 3))
def check_merge(*sequences):
merged = list(translations.Merge(*sequences))
concatenated = [val for seq in sequences for val in seq]
assert merged == sorted(concatenated)
def test_merge_dynamic_add():
merge = translations.Merge((1, 2, 3))
def adder():
for val in (1, 2, 3):
yield val
assert tuple(merge) == (1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4)
def test_merge_adjacent():
messages = get_messages(
result = [m.string for m in translations.merge_adjacent(messages)]
expected = ['strA', 'strB\n\nstrC\n\nstrD', 'strE']
assert result == expected
def test_leftjoin():
check_leftjoin([], [], [], [])
check_leftjoin([], [1], [], [1])
check_leftjoin([], [1, 2], [], [1, 2])
check_leftjoin([1], [], [(1, None)], [])
check_leftjoin([1], [1], [(1, 1)], [])
check_leftjoin([1], [2], [(1, None)], [2])
check_leftjoin([1, 2], [1], [(1, 1), (2, None)], [])
check_leftjoin([1, 2], [1, 2], [(1, 1), (2, 2)], [])
check_leftjoin([1], [1, 2], [(1, 1)], [2])
check_leftjoin([1, 2], [1, 3], [(1, 1), (2, None)], [3])
check_leftjoin([1, 2, 3], [1, 3], [(1, 1), (2, None), (3, 3)], [])
check_leftjoin([1, 2, 2, 3], [1, 3], [(1, 1), (2, None), (2, None), (3, 3)], [])
check_leftjoin([1, 2, 2, 3], [2, 2, 2], [(1, None), (2, 2), (2, 2), (3, None)], [2])
def check_leftjoin(seqa, seqb, expected, expected_unused):
unused = []
result = list(translations.leftjoin(seqa, seqb, unused=unused.append))
assert result == list(expected)
assert unused == list(expected_unused)
Add table
Reference in a new issue