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synced 2024-08-20 18:16:34 +00:00
Rip Pokédex flavor text from Y.
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 136 additions and 83 deletions
@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ The plant sprouts and grows with this Pokémon."
せなかの タネから えいようを
せなかの タネから えいようを
もらって おおきく そだつ。"
もらって おおきく そだつ。"
1,24,6,"Nach der Geburt nimmt es für eine Weile Nährstoffe
1,24,6,"Nach der Geburt nimmt es für eine Weile Nährstoffe
über den Same auf seinem Rücken auf."
über den Samen auf seinem Rücken auf."
1,24,9,"For some time after its birth, it grows by gaining
1,24,9,"For some time after its birth, it grows by gaining
nourishment from the seed on its back."
nourishment from the seed on its back."
2,1,9,"When the bulb on
2,1,9,"When the bulb on
@ -319,7 +319,7 @@ with power."
太陽の 光を 浴びていると
太陽の 光を 浴びていると
体に 元気が みなぎっていく。"
体に 元気が みなぎっていく。"
3,24,6,"Nach einem Regentag riecht die Blume auf seinem
3,24,6,"Nach einem Regentag riecht die Blume auf seinem
Rücken internsiver. Das Aroma zieht andere
Rücken intensiver. Das Aroma zieht andere
Pokémon an."
Pokémon an."
3,24,9,"After a rainy day, the flower on its back smells
3,24,9,"After a rainy day, the flower on its back smells
stronger. The scent attracts other Pokémon."
stronger. The scent attracts other Pokémon."
@ -427,8 +427,9 @@ force. If it is healthy, the flame burns brightly."
4,24,1,"うまれたときから しっぽに ほのおが
4,24,1,"うまれたときから しっぽに ほのおが
ともっている。ほのおが きえたとき
ともっている。ほのおが きえたとき
その いのちは おわって しまう。"
その いのちは おわって しまう。"
4,24,8,"Dalla nascita una fiamma gli arde sulla punta della coda. Se si spegnesse, per lui sarebbe la fine."
4,24,8,"Dalla nascita una fiamma gli arde sulla punta della
4,24,9,"From the time is born, a flame burns at the tip of
coda. Se si spegnesse, per lui sarebbe la fine."
4,24,9,"From the time it is born, a flame burns at the tip of
its tail. Its life would end if the flame were to
its tail. Its life would end if the flame were to
go out."
go out."
5,1,9,"When it swings
5,1,9,"When it swings
@ -539,7 +540,8 @@ sharp claws."
5,24,1,"もえる しっぽを ふりまわすと
5,24,1,"もえる しっぽを ふりまわすと
まわりの おんどが どんどん
まわりの おんどが どんどん
あがって あいてを くるしめる。"
あがって あいてを くるしめる。"
5,24,8,Quando agita la sua coda infuocata porta la temperatura a livelli insostenibili.
5,24,8,"Quando agita la sua coda infuocata porta la
temperatura a livelli insostenibili."
5,24,9,"When it swings its burning tail, it elevates the air
5,24,9,"When it swings its burning tail, it elevates the air
temperature to unbearably high levels."
temperature to unbearably high levels."
6,1,9,"Spits fire that
6,1,9,"Spits fire that
@ -648,8 +650,10 @@ more intensely."
6,24,1,"ちじょう 1400メートル まで
6,24,1,"ちじょう 1400メートル まで
ハネを つかって とぶことができる。
ハネを つかって とぶことができる。
こうねつの ほのおを はく。"
こうねつの ほのおを はく。"
6,24,8,Grazie alle possenti ali può volare fino a 1400 m d’altezza. Sputa fuoco a una temperatura impressionante.
6,24,8,"Grazie alle possenti ali può volare fino a 1400 m
6,24,9,"Its wings can carry this pokemon close to an
d’altezza. Sputa fuoco a una temperatura
6,24,9,"Its wings can carry this Pokémon close to an
altitude of 4,600 feet. It blows out fire at very
altitude of 4,600 feet. It blows out fire at very
high temperatures."
high temperatures."
7,1,9,"After birth, its
7,1,9,"After birth, its
@ -1074,7 +1078,8 @@ the antennae on its head to drive away enemies."
10,24,1,"あしの さきは どんなところにも
10,24,1,"あしの さきは どんなところにも
すいつく きゅうばん。ひっしに
すいつく きゅうばん。ひっしに
きのぼりをして はっぱを たべる。"
きのぼりをして はっぱを たべる。"
10,24,8,Le sue zampe hanno ventose che possono aderire a ogni superificie. Sale sugli alberi cercando cibo.
10,24,8,"Le sue zampe hanno ventose che possono aderire
a ogni superficie. Sale sugli alberi cercando cibo."
10,24,9,"Its feet have suction cups designed to stick to any
10,24,9,"Its feet have suction cups designed to stick to any
surface. It tenaciously climbs trees to forage."
surface. It tenaciously climbs trees to forage."
11,1,9,"This POKéMON is
11,1,9,"This POKéMON is
@ -1180,7 +1185,7 @@ awaiting evolution."
11,23,11,"鋼鉄のように 硬い 殻で
11,23,11,"鋼鉄のように 硬い 殻で
やわらかい 中身を 守っている。
やわらかい 中身を 守っている。
進化するまで じっと 耐えている。"
進化するまで じっと 耐えている。"
11,24,1,"カラに かたくなるまえに
11,24,1,"カラが かたくなるまえに
つよい しょうげきを うけると
つよい しょうげきを うけると
なかみが でてしまうので ちゅうい。"
なかみが でてしまうので ちゅうい。"
11,24,9,"This Pokémon is vulnerable to attack while its shell
11,24,9,"This Pokémon is vulnerable to attack while its shell
@ -1402,7 +1407,9 @@ on top of its head."
13,24,1,"どくばりは とても きょうりょく。
13,24,1,"どくばりは とても きょうりょく。
めだつ からだの いろは
めだつ からだの いろは
あいてに けいかいを させるためだ。"
あいてに けいかいを させるためだ。"
13,24,8,Ha un pungiglione molto velenoso. La vivace colorazione del suo corpo è un avvertimento per i nemici.
13,24,8,"Ha un pungiglione molto velenoso. La vivace
colorazione del suo corpo è un avvertimento per i
13,24,9,"Its poison stinger is very powerful.
13,24,9,"Its poison stinger is very powerful.
Its bright-colored body is intended to
Its bright-colored body is intended to
warn off its enemies."
warn off its enemies."
@ -1714,7 +1721,8 @@ its wings at ground level to kick up blinding sand."
16,23,11,"森や 林に 多く 分布。
16,23,11,"森や 林に 多く 分布。
地上でも 激しく はばたいて
地上でも 激しく はばたいて
砂を かけたりする。"
砂を かけたりする。"
16,24,8,"È docile e preferisce evitare i conflitti. Ma se viene disturbato, contrattacca ferocemente."
16,24,8,"È docile e preferisce evitare i conflitti. Ma se viene
disturbato, contrattacca ferocemente."
16,24,9,"It is docile and prefers to avoid conflict.
16,24,9,"It is docile and prefers to avoid conflict.
If disturbed, however, it can ferociously strike back."
If disturbed, however, it can ferociously strike back."
17,1,9,"Very protective
17,1,9,"Very protective
@ -2654,7 +2662,8 @@ in this pose."
25,23,11,"尻尾を 立てて まわりの 様子を
25,23,11,"尻尾を 立てて まわりの 様子を
探っていると ときどき
探っていると ときどき
雷が 尻尾に 落ちてくる。"
雷が 尻尾に 落ちてくる。"
25,24,8,"Se spaventato, perde scariche elettriche dalle due sacche che ha sulle guance."
25,24,8,"Se spaventato, perde scariche elettriche dalle due
sacche che ha sulle guance."
25,24,9,"It has small electric sacs on both its cheeks.
25,24,9,"It has small electric sacs on both its cheeks.
If threatened, it looses electric charges from
If threatened, it looses electric charges from
the sacs."
the sacs."
@ -4516,9 +4525,11 @@ to avoid the sun. It grows by bathing in moonlight."
43,23,11,"昼間は 太陽を 避けるため
43,23,11,"昼間は 太陽を 避けるため
冷たい 地面に 潜っている。
冷たい 地面に 潜っている。
月の 光を 浴びて 育つ。"
月の 光を 浴びて 育つ。"
43,24,8,Nome scientifico: “Oddium Viandantis”. Percorre fino a 300 m in una notte sulle due radici fatte a piede.
43,24,8,"Nome scientifico: “Oddium Viandantis”. Percorre fino
a 300 m in una notte sulle due radici fatte a piede."
43,24,9,"Its scientific name is “Oddium Wanderus.” At night,
43,24,9,"Its scientific name is “Oddium Wanderus.” At night,
it is said to walk nearly 1,000 feet on its two roots."
it is said to walk nearly 1,000 feet on its two roots.
44,1,9,"The fluid that
44,1,9,"The fluid that
oozes from its
oozes from its
mouth isn't drool.It is a nectar
mouth isn't drool.It is a nectar
@ -6595,7 +6606,8 @@ extrasensory powers even while asleep."
63,23,11,"1日 18時間は 寝ている。
63,23,11,"1日 18時間は 寝ている。
眠ってる あいだでも
眠ってる あいだでも
さまざまな 超能力を 使う。"
さまざまな 超能力を 使う。"
63,24,8,Avverte gli attacchi imminenti e si teletrasporta in salvo prima che l’attacco lo possa colpire.
63,24,8,"Avverte gli attacchi imminenti e si teletrasporta in
salvo prima che l’attacco lo possa colpire."
63,24,9,"It senses impending attacks and teleports away to
63,24,9,"It senses impending attacks and teleports away to
safety before the actual attacks can strike."
safety before the actual attacks can strike."
64,1,9,"It emits special
64,1,9,"It emits special
@ -7952,7 +7964,7 @@ from peak to base. Stay clear of these grooves."
ゴローニャが 転がり落ちる
ゴローニャが 転がり落ちる
通り道なので 要注意。"
通り道なので 要注意。"
76,24,6,"Selbst Sprengstoff kann seinem harten Körper
76,24,6,"Selbst Sprengstoff kann seinem harten Körper
nichts anhaben. Häuter sich nur einmal jährlich."
nichts anhaben. Häutet sich nur einmal jährlich."
76,24,8,"Muta il guscio solo una volta all’anno. Neanche la
76,24,8,"Muta il guscio solo una volta all’anno. Neanche la
dinamite può scalfire il suo corpo durissimo."
dinamite può scalfire il suo corpo durissimo."
76,24,9,"Even dynamite can’t harm its hard, boulder-like
76,24,9,"Even dynamite can’t harm its hard, boulder-like
@ -8686,7 +8698,8 @@ used like a sword to cut all sorts of things."
83,23,11,"持っている 茎は 大切な
83,23,11,"持っている 茎は 大切な
武器でもあり 刀を 振るように
武器でもあり 刀を 振るように
いろんな ものを 切ることができる。"
いろんな ものを 切ることができる。"
83,24,8,Si sposta sempre tenendo un gambo con il becco. Gli serve per costruire il nido.
83,24,8,"Si sposta sempre tenendo un gambo con il becco.
Gli serve per costruire il nido."
83,24,9,"It always walks about with a plant stalk clamped in
83,24,9,"It always walks about with a plant stalk clamped in
its beak. The stalk is used for building its nest."
its beak. The stalk is used for building its nest."
84,1,9,"A bird that makes
84,1,9,"A bird that makes
@ -8792,7 +8805,8 @@ per hour."
84,23,11,"突然変異で 見つかった
84,23,11,"突然変異で 見つかった
2つの 頭を 持つ ポケモン。
2つの 頭を 持つ ポケモン。
時速100キロで 走る。"
時速100キロで 走る。"
84,24,8,I suoi due cervelli si comunicano le emozioni grazie ai poteri telepatici.
84,24,8,"I suoi due cervelli si comunicano le emozioni grazie
ai poteri telepatici."
84,24,9,"The brains in its two heads appear to communicate
84,24,9,"The brains in its two heads appear to communicate
emotions to each other with a telepathic power."
emotions to each other with a telepathic power."
85,1,9,"Uses its three
85,1,9,"Uses its three
@ -9208,7 +9222,7 @@ on filthy things."
88,23,11,"月からの エックス線を 浴びた
88,23,11,"月からの エックス線を 浴びた
ヘドロが ベトベターに 変化した。
ヘドロが ベトベターに 変化した。
汚いものが 大好物。"
汚いものが 大好物。"
88,24,9,"Appears in flithy areas. It thrives by sucking up
88,24,9,"Appears in filthy areas. It thrives by sucking up
polluted sludge that is pumped out of factories."
polluted sludge that is pumped out of factories."
89,1,9,"Thickly covered
89,1,9,"Thickly covered
with a filthy,
with a filthy,
@ -10879,7 +10893,8 @@ When it becomes lonesome, it is said to cry loudly."
104,23,11,"死に別れた 母親の 骨を
104,23,11,"死に別れた 母親の 骨を
頭に 覆っている。寂しいとき
頭に 覆っている。寂しいとき
大声で 泣くという。"
大声で 泣くという。"
104,24,8,Indossa sempre il teschio della mamma scomparsa: nessuno l’ha mai potuto vedere in faccia.
104,24,8,"Indossa sempre il teschio della mamma scomparsa:
nessuno l’ha mai potuto vedere in faccia."
104,24,9,"It always wears the skull of its dead mother, so no
104,24,9,"It always wears the skull of its dead mother, so no
one has any idea what its hidden face looks like."
one has any idea what its hidden face looks like."
105,1,9,"The bone it holds
105,1,9,"The bone it holds
@ -11611,7 +11626,8 @@ shatter even a skyscraper with its charging Tackles."
111,23,11,"頭は 悪いが 力が 強く
111,23,11,"頭は 悪いが 力が 強く
高層ビルも 体当たりで
高層ビルも 体当たりで
コナゴナに 粉砕する。"
コナゴナに 粉砕する。"
111,24,8,Le quattro piccole zampe gli impediscono di voltarsi. Così corre e attacca in una sola direzione.
111,24,8,"Le quattro piccole zampe gli impediscono di voltarsi.
Così corre e attacca in una sola direzione."
111,24,9,"It is inept at turning because of its four short legs.
111,24,9,"It is inept at turning because of its four short legs.
It can only charge and run in one direction."
It can only charge and run in one direction."
112,1,9,"Protected by an
112,1,9,"Protected by an
@ -11821,7 +11837,7 @@ with injured people."
113,23,11,"幸せを 運ぶと いわれている。
113,23,11,"幸せを 運ぶと いわれている。
傷ついた 人に タマゴを
傷ついた 人に タマゴを
分けてあげる 優しい ポケモン。"
分けてあげる 優しい ポケモン。"
113,24,9,"It lays several eggs in a day. The eggs are apparently
113,24,9,"It lays several eggs a day. The eggs are apparently
rich in nutrients and extremely delicious."
rich in nutrients and extremely delicious."
114,1,9,"The whole body is
114,1,9,"The whole body is
swathed with wide
swathed with wide
@ -12754,7 +12770,8 @@ invisible walls that repel even harsh attacks."
122,23,11,"指先から 出す 波動が
122,23,11,"指先から 出す 波動が
空気を 固めて 壁を 作る。
空気を 固めて 壁を 作る。
激しい 攻撃も 跳ね返す。"
激しい 攻撃も 跳ね返す。"
122,24,8,Si diletta a imbrogliare la gente. Si dice che sia in grado di creare pareti d’aria servendosi della mimica.
122,24,8,"Si diletta a imbrogliare la gente. Si dice che sia in
grado di creare pareti d’aria servendosi della mimica."
122,24,9,"It is adept at conning people. It is said to be able
122,24,9,"It is adept at conning people. It is said to be able
to create walls out of thin air by miming."
to create walls out of thin air by miming."
123,1,9,"With ninja-like
123,1,9,"With ninja-like
@ -13697,7 +13714,9 @@ has dwindled."
131,23,11,"優しい 心の 持ち主。
131,23,11,"優しい 心の 持ち主。
めったに 争わないため たくさん
めったに 争わないため たくさん
捕まえられ 数が 減った。"
捕まえられ 数が 減った。"
131,24,8,"La sua intelligenza gli permette di comprendere il linguaggio degli umani, che ama trasportare su suo dorso."
131,24,8,"La sua intelligenza gli permette di comprendere il
linguaggio degli umani, che ama trasportare sul suo
131,24,9,"Its high intelligence enables it to understand human
131,24,9,"Its high intelligence enables it to understand human
speech. It likes to ferry people on its back."
speech. It likes to ferry people on its back."
132,1,9,"Capable of copying
132,1,9,"Capable of copying
@ -13804,7 +13823,8 @@ structure to transform into whatever it sees."
変身する 能力を 持つ。"
変身する 能力を 持つ。"
132,24,6,"Es kann seine eigene Zellstruktur frei zusammensetzen
132,24,6,"Es kann seine eigene Zellstruktur frei zusammensetzen
und sich in jede andere Lebensform verwandeln."
und sich in jede andere Lebensform verwandeln."
132,24,8,Può ricombinare a piacere la propria struttura cellulare per trasformarsi in altri esseri viventi.
132,24,8,"Può ricombinare a piacere la propria struttura
cellulare per trasformarsi in altri esseri viventi."
132,24,9,"It can freely recombine its own cellular structure to
132,24,9,"It can freely recombine its own cellular structure to
transform into other life-forms."
transform into other life-forms."
133,1,9,"Its genetic code
133,1,9,"Its genetic code
@ -13908,11 +13928,15 @@ by taking on different evolutionary forms."
133,23,11,"進化のとき 姿と 能力が
133,23,11,"進化のとき 姿と 能力が
変わることで きびしい 環境に
変わることで きびしい 環境に
対応する 珍しい ポケモン。"
対応する 珍しい ポケモン。"
133,24,8,"È un Pokémon molto particolare. Dotato di un corredo genetico instabile, serba in sé le più varie possibilità evolutive."
133,24,8,"È un Pokémon molto particolare. Dotato di un corredo
genetico instabile, serba in sé le più varie possibilità
133,24,9,"Thanks to its unstable genetic makeup, this
133,24,9,"Thanks to its unstable genetic makeup, this
special Pokémon conceals many different
special Pokémon conceals many different
possible evolutions."
possible evolutions."
133,24,11,不安定な 遺伝子の おかげで さまざまな 進化の 可能性を 秘めている 特殊な ポケモン。
133,24,11,"不安定な 遺伝子の おかげで
さまざまな 進化の 可能性を
秘めている 特殊な ポケモン。"
134,1,9,"Lives close to
134,1,9,"Lives close to
water. Its long
water. Its long
tail is ridgedwith a fin which
tail is ridgedwith a fin which
@ -14120,7 +14144,9 @@ end if it becomes charged with electricity."
鋭く とがりはじめる。"
鋭く とがりはじめる。"
135,24,9,"It accumulates negative ions in the atmosphere to
135,24,9,"It accumulates negative ions in the atmosphere to
blast out 10,000-volt lightning bolts."
blast out 10,000-volt lightning bolts."
135,24,11,空気中の マイナスイオンを 吸いこんで 約10000ボルトの 電気を 吐き出すことがある。
135,24,11,"空気中の マイナスイオンを
吸いこんで 約10000ボルトの
電気を 吐き出すことがある。"
136,1,9,"When storing
136,1,9,"When storing
thermal energy in
thermal energy in
its body, itstemperature could
its body, itstemperature could
@ -14850,8 +14876,8 @@ high-pitched cries."
142,23,11,"こはくに 残された 恐竜の
142,23,11,"こはくに 残された 恐竜の
遺伝子から 復活させた。
遺伝子から 復活させた。
高い 声で 鳴きながら 飛ぶ。"
高い 声で 鳴きながら 飛ぶ。"
142,24,9,"This vicious Pokémon is said to have flown in
142,24,9,"This vicious Pokémon is said to have flown in
ancient skies while shrrieking high-pitched cries."
ancient skies while shrieking high-pitched cries."
143,1,9,"Very lazy. Just
143,1,9,"Very lazy. Just
eats and sleeps.
eats and sleeps.
As its rotundbulk builds, it
As its rotundbulk builds, it
@ -14956,7 +14982,8 @@ promptly to sleep."
143,23,11,"1日に 食べ物を 400キロ
143,23,11,"1日に 食べ物を 400キロ
食べないと 気がすまない。
食べないと 気がすまない。
食べ終わると 眠ってしまう。"
食べ終わると 眠ってしまう。"
143,24,8,"Il suo stomaco riesce a digerire qualsiasi tipo di cibo, anche se marcio o ammuffito."
143,24,8,"Il suo stomaco riesce a digerire qualsiasi tipo di cibo,
anche se marcio o ammuffito."
143,24,9,"Its stomach can digest any kind of food,
143,24,9,"Its stomach can digest any kind of food,
even if it happens to be moldy or rotten."
even if it happens to be moldy or rotten."
144,1,9,"A legendary bird
144,1,9,"A legendary bird
@ -15366,7 +15393,9 @@ have seen it. Its shed skin has been found."
脱皮した 皮が 見つかっている。"
脱皮した 皮が 見つかっている。"
147,24,9,"This Pokémon is full of life energy. It continually
147,24,9,"This Pokémon is full of life energy. It continually
sheds its skin and grows steadily larger."
sheds its skin and grows steadily larger."
147,24,11,脱皮を 繰り返しては どんどん 大きくなる 生命力 あふれる ポケモン。
147,24,11,"脱皮を 繰り返しては
どんどん 大きくなる
生命力 あふれる ポケモン。"
148,1,9,"A mystical POKéMON
148,1,9,"A mystical POKéMON
that exudes a
that exudes a
gentle aura.Has the ability
gentle aura.Has the ability
@ -15469,7 +15498,9 @@ the power to freely control the weather."
能力が 秘められているらしい。"
能力が 秘められているらしい。"
148,24,9,"A mystical Pokémon that exudes a gentle aura.
148,24,9,"A mystical Pokémon that exudes a gentle aura.
It is said to have the ability to change the weather."
It is said to have the ability to change the weather."
148,24,11,オーラに 包まれる 神聖な 生き物らしい。天気を 変える 力を 持つと 言われている。
148,24,11,"オーラに 包まれる 神聖な
生き物らしい。天気を 変える
力を 持つと 言われている。"
149,1,9,"An extremely
149,1,9,"An extremely
rarely seen
rarely seen
marine POKéMON.Its intelligence
marine POKéMON.Its intelligence
@ -15574,7 +15605,9 @@ It circles the globe in just 16 hours."
149,24,9,"It is said to make its home somewhere in the sea.
149,24,9,"It is said to make its home somewhere in the sea.
It guides crews of shipwrecks to shore."
It guides crews of shipwrecks to shore."
149,24,11,広い 海の どこかに 住処が あると 言われている。難破した 船を 陸まで 導いてくれる。
149,24,11,"広い 海の どこかに 住処が
あると 言われている。難破した
船を 陸まで 導いてくれる。"
150,1,9,"It was created by
150,1,9,"It was created by
a scientist after
a scientist after
years of horrificgene splicing and
years of horrificgene splicing and
@ -22929,7 +22962,7 @@ Its Tackle is strong enough to knock down a house."
さらに 頑丈な 皮膚で
さらに 頑丈な 皮膚で
体当たりは 家をも 壊すほど。"
体当たりは 家をも 壊すほど。"
232,24,9,"The longer and bigger its tusks, the higher its rank
232,24,9,"The longer and bigger its tusks, the higher its rank
in its herd. The tusks take long to grow,"
in its herd. The tusks take long to grow."
233,4,9,"This upgraded
233,4,9,"This upgraded
version of PORYGON
version of PORYGON
is designed forspace exploration.
is designed forspace exploration.
@ -25031,7 +25064,7 @@ Its fiery punches scorch its foes."
跳び越す 跳躍力。炎の パンチが
跳び越す 跳躍力。炎の パンチが
相手を 焼きつくす。"
相手を 焼きつくす。"
257,24,9,"When facing a tough foe, it looses flames from
257,24,9,"When facing a tough foe, it looses flames from
its wrists. Its powerful legs it jump clear
its wrists. Its powerful legs let it jump clear
over buildings."
over buildings."
258,7,9,"The fin on MUDKIP’s head acts as highly
258,7,9,"The fin on MUDKIP’s head acts as highly
sensitive radar. Using this fin to sense
sensitive radar. Using this fin to sense
@ -26588,7 +26621,7 @@ as if it were a glider. It folds its wings to rest."
グライダーのように 滑空する。
グライダーのように 滑空する。
休むときは 翼を 折り畳む。"
休むときは 翼を 折り畳む。"
278,24,6,"Es baut sein Nest auf steilen Klippen. Es nutzt die
278,24,6,"Es baut sein Nest auf steilen Klippen. Es nutzt die
Aufwinde, um in größeren Höhe fliegen zu können."
Aufwinde, um in größerer Höhe fliegen zu können."
278,24,9,"It makes its nest on steep sea cliffs.
278,24,9,"It makes its nest on steep sea cliffs.
Riding updrafts, it soars to great heights."
Riding updrafts, it soars to great heights."
279,7,9,"PELIPPER is a flying transporter that
279,7,9,"PELIPPER is a flying transporter that
@ -26738,7 +26771,7 @@ Pokémon, its body warms up slightly."
280,24,5,"Il est très sensible aux émotions des gens et
280,24,5,"Il est très sensible aux émotions des gens et
des Pokémon. Il se cache au moindre signe
des Pokémon. Il se cache au moindre signe
280,24,6,"Es nimmt die Gefühle der Meanschen und Pokémon
280,24,6,"Es nimmt die Gefühle der Menschen und Pokémon
mit großer Sorgfalt wahr. Spürt es Feindseligkeit,
mit großer Sorgfalt wahr. Spürt es Feindseligkeit,
versteckt es sich."
versteckt es sich."
280,24,9,"It is highly attuned to the emotions of people and
280,24,9,"It is highly attuned to the emotions of people and
@ -32359,7 +32392,7 @@ spectral ball of fire will have their spirit stolen away."
人魂を のぞきこむと
人魂を のぞきこむと
魂を 吸い取られてしまう。"
魂を 吸い取られてしまう。"
356,24,6,"Sein Körper ist hohl. Man sagt, dass diejenigen,
356,24,6,"Sein Körper ist hohl. Man sagt, dass diejenigen,
die in den Körper blicken, hineingezogen worden."
die in den Körper blicken, hineingezogen werden."
356,24,9,"Its body is hollow. It is said that those who look
356,24,9,"Its body is hollow. It is said that those who look
into its body are sucked into the void."
into its body are sucked into the void."
357,7,9,"The bunches of fruit around TROPIUS’s
357,7,9,"The bunches of fruit around TROPIUS’s
@ -35801,7 +35834,7 @@ result, its brain never gets the chance to grow."
409,23,11,"どんな 衝撃にも 耐えられる
409,23,11,"どんな 衝撃にも 耐えられる
分厚い 頭蓋骨に 押さえられて
分厚い 頭蓋骨に 押さえられて
脳みそは 大きく ならなかった。"
脳みそは 大きく ならなかった。"
409,24,9,"Its skull is a hard as iron. It is a brute that tears
409,24,9,"Its skull is as hard as iron. It is a brute that tears
down jungle trees while catching prey."
down jungle trees while catching prey."
410,12,9,"A Pokémon that lived in jungles
410,12,9,"A Pokémon that lived in jungles
around 100 million years ago. Its
around 100 million years ago. Its
@ -37367,7 +37400,7 @@ eyes to adjust its body’s fluid levels."
438,23,11,"乾燥した 場所を 好む。
438,23,11,"乾燥した 場所を 好む。
目から 水を 出して
目から 水を 出して
体の 水分を 調節する。"
体の 水分を 調節する。"
438,24,9,"It prefers and arid atmosphere. It leaks water that
438,24,9,"It prefers an arid atmosphere. It leaks water that
looks like tears when adjusting its moisture level."
looks like tears when adjusting its moisture level."
439,12,9,"It habitually mimics foes. Once
439,12,9,"It habitually mimics foes. Once
mimicked, the foe cannot take its
mimicked, the foe cannot take its
@ -37749,7 +37782,7 @@ it looks like a jet plane. It flies at sonic speed."
445,23,11,"体を 折り畳み 翼を 伸ばすと
445,23,11,"体を 折り畳み 翼を 伸ばすと
まるで ジェット機。
まるで ジェット機。
音速で 飛ぶことが できる。"
音速で 飛ぶことが できる。"
445,24,9,"It flies at speeds equals to a jet fighter plane.
445,24,9,"It flies at speeds equal to a jet fighter plane.
It never allows its prey to escape."
It never allows its prey to escape."
446,12,9,"It wolfs down its weight in food
446,12,9,"It wolfs down its weight in food
once a day, swallowing food whole
once a day, swallowing food whole
@ -41492,7 +41525,7 @@ is no war."
争いのない 平和な 国が あると
争いのない 平和な 国が あると
520,24,9,"No matter where in the world it goes, it knows
520,24,9,"No matter where in the world it goes, it knows
where its nest is, so it never gets seperated from
where its nest is, so it never gets separated from
its Trainer."
its Trainer."
521,17,5,"Le mâle intimide ses ennemis
521,17,5,"Le mâle intimide ses ennemis
avec ses caroncules.
avec ses caroncules.
@ -43014,7 +43047,7 @@ the bird Pokémon that prey on its flower seeds."
556,23,11,"アップテンポの 踊りと 音で
556,23,11,"アップテンポの 踊りと 音で
花の タネを ねらう 天敵の
花の タネを ねらう 天敵の
とりポケモンを 追い払うのだ。"
とりポケモンを 追い払うのだ。"
556,24,6,"Erzeugt durch rhztmische Bewegungen Laute,
556,24,6,"Erzeugt durch rhythmische Bewegungen Laute,
die dem Klang von Maracas ähneln. Lebt an
die dem Klang von Maracas ähneln. Lebt an
trockenen Orten."
trockenen Orten."
556,24,9,"Arid regions are their habitat. They move
556,24,9,"Arid regions are their habitat. They move
@ -44675,7 +44708,7 @@ static electricity."
他の 大きな ポケモンに
他の 大きな ポケモンに
とりつき 静電気を 吸いとる。"
とりつき 静電気を 吸いとる。"
595,24,9,"They attach themselves to large-bodied Pokémon
595,24,9,"They attach themselves to large-bodied Pokémon
and absorbs static electricity, which they store in an
and absorb static electricity, which they store in an
electric pouch."
electric pouch."
596,17,5,"Quand on l’attaque, il projette une
596,17,5,"Quand on l’attaque, il projette une
multitude de fils électrifiés pour
multitude de fils électrifiés pour
@ -45426,7 +45459,7 @@ its moves."
613,23,11,"いつも 鼻水を 垂らしている。
613,23,11,"いつも 鼻水を 垂らしている。
鼻水を すすって 技を 出す。
鼻水を すすって 技を 出す。
鼻水が 技の 素 なのだ。"
鼻水が 技の 素 なのだ。"
613,24,9,"Their snot is a barometer of health. When healthly,
613,24,9,"Their snot is a barometer of health. When healthy,
their snot is sticky and the power of their ice
their snot is sticky and the power of their ice
moves increases."
moves increases."
614,17,5,"Il fait lui-même geler son haleine. Il
614,17,5,"Il fait lui-même geler son haleine. Il
@ -45685,7 +45718,7 @@ in quantity."
たとえ パワーは 低くても
たとえ パワーは 低くても
手数の 多さで カバーする。"
手数の 多さで カバーする。"
619,24,6,"Es deckt seine Gegner mit filigranen Attacken in Serie
619,24,6,"Es deckt seine Gegner mit filigranen Attacken in Serie
ein und schlitzt sie mit seienen spitzen Klauen auf."
ein und schlitzt sie mit seinen spitzen Klauen auf."
619,24,9,"In fights, they dominate with onslaughts of flowing,
619,24,9,"In fights, they dominate with onslaughts of flowing,
continuous attacks. With their sharp claws, they
continuous attacks. With their sharp claws, they
cut enemies."
cut enemies."
@ -45729,7 +45762,7 @@ even be seen."
あつかう。両腕の 攻撃は
あつかう。両腕の 攻撃は
目にも 止まらぬ 速さ。"
目にも 止まらぬ 速さ。"
620,24,6,"Niemand kann es aufhalten, wenn es eine Angriffsserie
620,24,6,"Niemand kann es aufhalten, wenn es eine Angriffsserie
mit seinem peitschenartigen Armen startet."
mit seinen peitschenartigen Armen startet."
620,24,9,"Using the long fur on its arms like whips, it
620,24,9,"Using the long fur on its arms like whips, it
launches into combo attacks that, once started,
launches into combo attacks that, once started,
no one can stop."
no one can stop."
@ -45903,7 +45936,7 @@ stones by the river."
河原の 石で 刃を とぐ。"
河原の 石で 刃を とぐ。"
624,24,6,"Selbst wenn sie verletzt sind, greifen sie ihren Gegner
624,24,6,"Selbst wenn sie verletzt sind, greifen sie ihren Gegner
unbeirrt in der Gruppe an, indem sie ihre Klingen in ihn
unbeirrt in der Gruppe an, indem sie ihre Klingen in ihn
624,24,9,"Ignoring their injuries, groups attack by sinking
624,24,9,"Ignoring their injuries, groups attack by sinking
the blades that cover their bodies into their prey."
the blades that cover their bodies into their prey."
625,17,5,"Ils dirigent les groupes de Scalpion.
625,17,5,"Ils dirigent les groupes de Scalpion.
@ -46967,9 +47000,11 @@ so hard and sharp that they can pierce rock."
650,23,11,"普段 やわらかい 頭の トゲは
650,23,11,"普段 やわらかい 頭の トゲは
力を こめると 鋭く とがり
力を こめると 鋭く とがり
岩をも つらぬくほど 硬くなる。"
岩をも つらぬくほど 硬くなる。"
650,24,5,Sa tête et son dos sont recouverts d’une carapace tellement dure que même une collision avec un camion ne lui ferait rien.
650,24,5,"Sa tête et son dos sont recouverts d’une carapace
tellement dure que même une collision avec
un camion ne lui ferait rien."
650,24,8,"Ha schiena e testa coperte da un guscio talmente
650,24,8,"Ha schiena e testa coperte da un guscio talmente
resistente che non farebbe piega nemmeno se
resistente che non farebbe una piega nemmeno se
ci passasse sopra un tir."
ci passasse sopra un tir."
650,24,9,"Such a thick shell of wood covers its head and back
650,24,9,"Such a thick shell of wood covers its head and back
that even a direct hit from a truck wouldn’t faze it."
that even a direct hit from a truck wouldn’t faze it."
@ -46995,7 +47030,9 @@ attacks. It counterattacks with its sharp quills."
651,23,11,"体を 覆う 頑丈な 殻が
651,23,11,"体を 覆う 頑丈な 殻が
敵の 攻撃を 弾き返し
敵の 攻撃を 弾き返し
鋭い トゲで 反撃する。"
鋭い トゲで 反撃する。"
651,24,5,"Il renforce ses membres inférieurs en se ruant violemment sur ses congénères. Naturellement paisible, il ne provoque jamais un combat."
651,24,5,"Il renforce ses membres inférieurs en se ruant
violemment sur ses congénères. Naturellement
paisible, il ne provoque jamais un combat."
651,24,9,"They strengthen their lower bodies by
651,24,9,"They strengthen their lower bodies by
running into one another. They are very
running into one another. They are very
kind and won’t start fights."
kind and won’t start fights."
@ -47049,7 +47086,7 @@ hotter than 390 degrees Fahrenheit."
大きな 耳から 噴き出す。"
大きな 耳から 噴き出す。"
653,24,6,"Anstelle eines Snacks kaut es unterwegs auf einem
653,24,6,"Anstelle eines Snacks kaut es unterwegs auf einem
Zweig herum. Es schreckt Gegner ab, indem es über
Zweig herum. Es schreckt Gegner ab, indem es über
seine Ohren heiße Luft ausstößt"
seine Ohren heiße Luft ausstößt."
653,24,8,"Se ne va in giro sgranocchiando un rametto.
653,24,8,"Se ne va in giro sgranocchiando un rametto.
Intimidisce i nemici emettendo aria calda dalle
Intimidisce i nemici emettendo aria calda dalle
@ -47078,7 +47115,7 @@ twig on fire and launches into battle."
654,23,11,"木の枝を 尻尾に 挿している。
654,23,11,"木の枝を 尻尾に 挿している。
尻尾の 毛の 摩擦熱で
尻尾の 毛の 摩擦熱で
枝に 火をつけて 戦う。"
枝に 火をつけて 戦う。"
654,24,6,"Sein Zweig entzündet sich durch Reibung, die beim
654,24,6,"Sein Zweig entzündet sich durch die Reibung, die beim
Herausziehen aus seinem Schweif entsteht. Mit der
Herausziehen aus seinem Schweif entsteht. Mit der
Flamme sendet es Signale an Kameraden."
Flamme sendet es Signale an Kameraden."
654,24,8,"Incendia il rametto che ha nella coda semplicemente
654,24,8,"Incendia il rametto che ha nella coda semplicemente
@ -47141,7 +47178,7 @@ take when attacked."
ダメージを 減らす。"
ダメージを 減らす。"
656,24,6,"Es schützt seine Haut mit feinen Blasen, die seinen
656,24,6,"Es schützt seine Haut mit feinen Blasen, die seinen
Körper umhüllen. Es mag unbekümmert aussehen,
Körper umhüllen. Es mag unbekümmert aussehen,
behält die Umgebung immer aufmerksam im Auge."
behält die Umgebung aber immer aufmerksam im Auge."
656,24,9,"It protects its skin by covering its body in
656,24,9,"It protects its skin by covering its body in
delicate bubbles. Beneath its happy-go-lucky air,
delicate bubbles. Beneath its happy-go-lucky air,
it keeps a watchful eye on its surroundings."
it keeps a watchful eye on its surroundings."
@ -47219,7 +47256,9 @@ They will dig the whole night through."
659,23,11,"大きな 耳で 地面を 掘って
659,23,11,"大きな 耳で 地面を 掘って
巣穴を 作る。
巣穴を 作る。
一晩中 休まずに 掘り続けられる。"
一晩中 休まずに 掘り続けられる。"
659,24,5,"Il est doté d’oreiles ressemblant à des pelles. A force de creuser des galeries, leur puissance est telle qu’elles peuvent trancher de grosses racines."
659,24,5,"Il est doté d’oreilles ressemblant à des pelles.
À force de creuser des galeries, leur puissance est
telle qu’elles peuvent trancher de grosses racines."
659,24,8,"Usa le orecchie come pale per scavare buche
659,24,8,"Usa le orecchie come pale per scavare buche
nel terreno. Queste propaggini sono talmente potenti
nel terreno. Queste propaggini sono talmente potenti
da permettergli di strappare via enormi radici."
da permettergli di strappare via enormi radici."
@ -47276,7 +47315,9 @@ and tail-feather movements."
661,23,11,"人懐っこい 性格。美しい さえずりと
661,23,11,"人懐っこい 性格。美しい さえずりと
尾羽を 振る 動きで
尾羽を 振る 動きで
仲間に 合図を 送る。"
仲間に 合図を 送る。"
661,24,5,"Son chant est harmonieux, mais trompeur ! Les ennemis qui pénètrent sur son territoire se retrouvent confrontés à un déluge de violence."
661,24,5,"Son chant est harmonieux, mais trompeur !
Les ennemis qui pénètrent sur son territoire se
retrouvent confrontés à un déluge de violence."
661,24,8,"Cinguetta in modo meraviglioso, ma diventa
661,24,8,"Cinguetta in modo meraviglioso, ma diventa
estremamente aggressivo se un nemico invade
estremamente aggressivo se un nemico invade
il suo territorio."
il suo territorio."
@ -47305,10 +47346,12 @@ the bewildered prey that pop out of the grass."
662,23,11,"火の粉を クチバシから 飛ばして
662,23,11,"火の粉を クチバシから 飛ばして
草むらを 焦がし 驚いて
草むらを 焦がし 驚いて
飛び出した 獲物を 捕まえる。"
飛び出した 獲物を 捕まえる。"
662,24,5,"Il possède une poche remplie de feu sur son ventre. Plus elle émet de chaleur, plus il vole vite. Cependant, elle met quelque temps à chauffer."
662,24,5,"Il possède une poche remplie de feu sur son ventre.
Plus elle émet de chaleur, plus il vole vite.
Cependant, elle met quelque temps à chauffer."
662,24,8,"Nel ventre ha una sacca ardente che gli permette di
662,24,8,"Nel ventre ha una sacca ardente che gli permette di
volare più velocemente in base all’intensità del fuoco,
volare più velocemente in base all’intensità del fuoco,
ma per riscardarla al punto giusto occorre del tempo."
ma per riscaldarla al punto giusto occorre del tempo."
662,24,9,"The hotter the flame sac on its belly,
662,24,9,"The hotter the flame sac on its belly,
the faster it can fly, but it takes some
the faster it can fly, but it takes some
time to get the fire going."
time to get the fire going."
@ -47496,7 +47539,8 @@ is most likely part of its body."
669,23,11,"花の 秘めた 力を 引き出して
669,23,11,"花の 秘めた 力を 引き出して
自在に 操る。フラベベが 持つ 花は
自在に 操る。フラベベが 持つ 花は
もはや 体の 一部だ。"
もはや 体の 一部だ。"
669,24,5,"Après avoir trouvé une fleur à son goût, il ne la quitte plus de toute sa vie. Il se laisse porter au gré des vents."
669,24,5,"Après avoir trouvé une fleur à son goût, il ne la quitte
plus de toute sa vie. Il se laisse porter au gré du vent."
669,24,8,"Una volta trovato un fiore di suo gradimento, rimane
669,24,8,"Una volta trovato un fiore di suo gradimento, rimane
in simbiosi con esso per tutta la vita. Va in giro
in simbiosi con esso per tutta la vita. Va in giro
lasciandosi trasportare dal vento."
lasciandosi trasportare dal vento."
@ -47576,11 +47620,13 @@ harmony with humans, it has a placid disposition."
672,23,11,"人と 暮らすようになった
672,23,11,"人と 暮らすようになった
最初の ポケモンと 言われる。
最初の ポケモンと 言われる。
穏やかな 性格の ポケモン。"
穏やかな 性格の ポケモン。"
672,24,5,"Tant qu’il a de l’eau et du soleil en abondance, ce Pokémon n’a pas besoin de nourriture. Les feuilles sur son dos produisent son énergie par photosynthèse."
672,24,5,"Tant qu’il a de l’eau et du soleil en abondance, ce
Pokémon n’a pas besoin de nourriture. Les feuilles sur
son dos produisent son énergie par photosynthèse."
672,24,8,"Ricava energia dal sole e dall’acqua grazie alle foglie
672,24,8,"Ricava energia dal sole e dall’acqua grazie alle foglie
che ha sul dorso. In questo modo può sopravvivere
che ha sul dorso. In questo modo può sopravvivere
anche senza mangiare."
anche senza mangiare."
672,24,9,"If it has sunshine and water, it doesnt
672,24,9,"If it has sunshine and water, it doesn’t
need to eat, because it can generate
need to eat, because it can generate
energy from the leaves on its back."
energy from the leaves on its back."
673,23,1,"ツノを にぎる わずかな ちがいから
673,23,1,"ツノを にぎる わずかな ちがいから
@ -47634,7 +47680,8 @@ Chewing on a leaf is its trademark."
674,23,11,"敵に なめられないよう がんばって
674,23,11,"敵に なめられないよう がんばって
にらみつけるが 効果は 薄い。
にらみつけるが 効果は 薄い。
くわえた 葉っぱが トレードマーク。"
くわえた 葉っぱが トレードマーク。"
674,24,5,"Il fait de son mieux pour avoir un air patibulaire, mais il sourit béatement dès qu’on lui caresse la tête."
674,24,5,"Il fait de son mieux pour avoir un air patibulaire,
mais il sourit béatement dès qu’on lui caresse la tête."
674,24,8,"Ce la mette tutta per intimorire i nemici con uno
674,24,8,"Ce la mette tutta per intimorire i nemici con uno
sguardo truce, ma appena qualcuno gli accarezza
sguardo truce, ma appena qualcuno gli accarezza
la testa, diventa un tenerone."
la testa, diventa un tenerone."
@ -47692,7 +47739,8 @@ swiftness of its movements."
676,23,11,"ボサボサの 体毛を 刈りこむと
676,23,11,"ボサボサの 体毛を 刈りこむと
姿が 美しくなる だけでなく
姿が 美しくなる だけでなく
身体の キレが 良くなるのだ。"
身体の キレが 良くなるのだ。"
676,24,5,"Il y a fort longtemps dans la région de Kalos, ce Pokémon fut le gardien des rois et des reines."
676,24,5,"Il y a fort longtemps dans la région de Kalos,
ce Pokémon fut le gardien des rois et des reines."
676,24,6,"Vor langer Zeit wurde dieses Pokémon in der
676,24,6,"Vor langer Zeit wurde dieses Pokémon in der
Kalos-Region als Leibgarde des Königs eingesetzt."
Kalos-Region als Leibgarde des Königs eingesetzt."
676,24,8,"Nell’antica Kalos, questo Pokémon aveva il compito
676,24,8,"Nell’antica Kalos, questo Pokémon aveva il compito
@ -47721,7 +47769,9 @@ sheltered by its ears to keep power from leaking out."
677,23,11,"強力な サイコパワーが
677,23,11,"強力な サイコパワーが
漏れ出さないように 放出する 器官を
漏れ出さないように 放出する 器官を
耳で ふさいでいるのだ。"
耳で ふさいでいるのだ。"
677,24,5,"Il a quelques difficultés à contrôler son pouvoir psychique. Grâce à celui-ci, il peut projeter en l’air tous les objets dans un rayon de 100 m."
677,24,5,"Il a quelques difficultés à contrôler son pouvoir
psychique. Grâce à celui-ci, il peut projeter en l’air
tous les objets dans un rayon de 100 m."
677,24,8,"Controlla a fatica un potere psichico enorme, in grado
677,24,8,"Controlla a fatica un potere psichico enorme, in grado
di scaraventare in aria oggetti nel raggio di 100 m."
di scaraventare in aria oggetti nel raggio di 100 m."
677,24,9,"It has enough psychic energy to blast
677,24,9,"It has enough psychic energy to blast
@ -47779,7 +47829,7 @@ to people and drinks their life force."
宿って 生まれたらしい。
宿って 生まれたらしい。
人に とりつき 命を 吸う。"
人に とりつき 命を 吸う。"
679,24,8,"Avvolge il drappo blu attorno al braccio di chiunque
679,24,8,"Avvolge il drappo blu attorno al braccio di chiunque
si azzardi a impugnare l’elsa e assorbe la sua energia
si azzardi a impugnarne l’elsa e assorbe la sua energia
fino a fargli perdere i sensi."
fino a fargli perdere i sensi."
679,24,9,"If anyone dares to grab its hilt, it wraps
679,24,9,"If anyone dares to grab its hilt, it wraps
a blue cloth around that person’s arm and
a blue cloth around that person’s arm and
@ -47837,7 +47887,7 @@ manipulate and control people and Pokémon."
681,23,11,"歴代の 王が 連れていた。
681,23,11,"歴代の 王が 連れていた。
霊力で 人や ポケモンの
霊力で 人や ポケモンの
心を 操り 従わせる。"
心を 操り 従わせる。"
681,24,9,"Apparently, it can detect innate qualities
681,24,9,"Apparently, it can detect the innate qualities
of leadership. According to legend, whoever it
of leadership. According to legend, whoever it
recognizes is destined to become king."
recognizes is destined to become king."
682,23,1,"かいだ ものを うっとりさせる
682,23,1,"かいだ ものを うっとりさせる
@ -47863,7 +47913,7 @@ depending on what it has eaten."
食べた もので 香りが 変わる。"
食べた もので 香りが 変わる。"
682,24,8,"Si dice che nell’antichità, al posto del profumo,
682,24,8,"Si dice che nell’antichità, al posto del profumo,
le nobildonne portassero sempre con loro questo
le nobildonne portassero sempre con loro questo
Pokémon, che diffondeva la loro fraganza preferita."
Pokémon, che diffondeva la loro fragranza preferita."
682,24,9,"In the past, rather than using perfume,
682,24,9,"In the past, rather than using perfume,
royal ladies carried a Spritzee
royal ladies carried a Spritzee
that would waft a fragrance they liked."
that would waft a fragrance they liked."
@ -48176,7 +48226,8 @@ so eating food is not a requirement."
太陽の 光を 浴びて 発電すれば
太陽の 光を 浴びて 発電すれば
エサを 食べなくても 平気なのだ。"
エサを 食べなくても 平気なのだ。"
694,24,8,"Le pieghe ai due lati della testa contengono cellule
694,24,8,"Le pieghe ai due lati della testa contengono cellule
in grado di convertire la luce solare in energia elettrica."
in grado di convertire la luce solare in energia
694,24,9,"The frills on either side of its head have cells
694,24,9,"The frills on either side of its head have cells
that generate electricity when exposed to sunlight."
that generate electricity when exposed to sunlight."
695,23,1,"エリマキを ひろげて はつでんする。
695,23,1,"エリマキを ひろげて はつでんする。
@ -48280,7 +48331,9 @@ frozen in ice for over 100 million years."
698,23,11,"1億年前から 氷漬けに なっていた
698,23,11,"1億年前から 氷漬けに なっていた
体の 一部から 復活した
体の 一部から 復活した
古代の ポケモン。"
古代の ポケモン。"
698,24,5,"Ce Pokémon placide vivait dans des contrées au climat froid, loin de la menace d’un violent prédateur comme Rexilius."
698,24,5,"Ce Pokémon placide vivait dans des contrées
au climat froid, loin de la menace d’un violent
prédateur comme Rexillius."
698,24,8,"Pokémon dal carattere tranquillo.
698,24,8,"Pokémon dal carattere tranquillo.
Abitava in terre fredde, in cui non doveva temere
Abitava in terre fredde, in cui non doveva temere
la presenza di terribili predatori come i Tyrantrum."
la presenza di terribili predatori come i Tyrantrum."
@ -48456,7 +48509,7 @@ body doesn’t dry out."
ヌメヌメの 体が 乾かないよう
ヌメヌメの 体が 乾かないよう
ジメジメした 日陰で 暮らす。"
ジメジメした 日陰で 暮らす。"
704,24,8,"Il suo corpo è coperto da una membrana viscida
704,24,8,"Il suo corpo è coperto da una membrana viscida
che fa scivolare e devia i colpi dai nemici."
che fa scivolare e devia i colpi dei nemici."
704,24,9,"It’s covered in a slimy membrane that makes
704,24,9,"It’s covered in a slimy membrane that makes
any punches or kicks slide off it harmlessly."
any punches or kicks slide off it harmlessly."
705,23,1,"なんでも とかしてしまう ねんえきを
705,23,1,"なんでも とかしてしまう ねんえきを
@ -48483,9 +48536,9 @@ Its eyes devolved, so it can’t see anything."
705,23,11,"なんでも 溶かしてしまう 粘液を
705,23,11,"なんでも 溶かしてしまう 粘液を
分泌して 敵を 撃退する。
分泌して 敵を 撃退する。
目玉は 退化して 見えていない。"
目玉は 退化して 見えていない。"
705,24,6,"Seine vier Fühler fungieren als hockleistungsfähiges
705,24,6,"Seine vier Fühler fungieren als hochleistungsfähiges
Radarsystem. Es setzt sie anstelle von Nase und Ohren
Radarsystem. Es setzt sie anstelle von Nase und Ohren
zur Wahrnehmung von Gerüchen and Geräuschen ein."
zur Wahrnehmung von Gerüchen und Geräuschen ein."
705,24,8,"I quattro corni di questo Pokémon sono simili a un
705,24,8,"I quattro corni di questo Pokémon sono simili a un
potente radar e fungono da organi sensoriali al posto
potente radar e fungono da organi sensoriali al posto
di orecchie e naso."
di orecchie e naso."
@ -48619,7 +48672,7 @@ it becomes restless and active."
カボチャの 体に 入れている。
カボチャの 体に 入れている。
日暮れと ともに 動きはじめる。"
日暮れと ともに 動きはじめる。"
710,24,6,"Man sagt, es führe verlorene Seelen dem Ende ihres
710,24,6,"Man sagt, es führe verlorene Seelen dem Ende ihres
rastlosen irdischen Wandels entgegen und geleite sie
rastlosen irdischen Wandelns entgegen und geleite sie
sicher ins Jenseits."
sicher ins Jenseits."
710,24,9,"It is said to carry wandering spirits
710,24,9,"It is said to carry wandering spirits
to the place where they belong
to the place where they belong
@ -48678,7 +48731,7 @@ to repair any cracks with new ice."
712,24,6,"Es friert seine Gegner mittels eines -100 °C kalten
712,24,6,"Es friert seine Gegner mittels eines -100 °C kalten
Luftstromes ein. Mit seinen Artgenossen lebt es
Luftstromes ein. Mit seinen Artgenossen lebt es
herdenweise auf Bergen inmitten des ewigen Eises."
herdenweise auf Bergen inmitten des ewigen Eises."
712,24,9,"Using air of -150 degrees Farenheit, they
712,24,9,"Using air of -150 degrees Fahrenheit, they
freeze opponents solid. They live in herds
freeze opponents solid. They live in herds
above the snow line on mountains."
above the snow line on mountains."
713,23,1,"こおりついた からだは こうてつの
713,23,1,"こおりついた からだは こうてつの
@ -48816,8 +48869,8 @@ it absorbs the life force of living creatures."
717,23,11,"翼と 尾羽を 広げて 赤く 輝くとき
717,23,11,"翼と 尾羽を 広げて 赤く 輝くとき
生き物の 命を 吸い取る
生き物の 命を 吸い取る
伝説の ポケモン。"
伝説の ポケモン。"
717,24,6,"Neigt sich sein Lebensspanne dem Ende zu,
717,24,6,"Neigt sich seine Lebensspanne dem Ende zu,
entzieht es anderen Lebenwesen deren Energie
entzieht es anderen Lebewesen deren Energie
und verwandelt sich zurück in einen Kokon."
und verwandelt sich zurück in einen Kokon."
717,24,8,"Secondo la leggenda, quando la sua lunga esistenza
717,24,8,"Secondo la leggenda, quando la sua lunga esistenza
giunge al termine, assorbe l’energia di tutti gli esseri
giunge al termine, assorbe l’energia di tutti gli esseri
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