2011-04-26 01:58:38 +03:00
#! /usr/bin/env python
# Encoding: UTF-8
import sys
import argparse
2011-04-26 12:53:48 +03:00
import itertools
2011-04-26 16:11:11 +03:00
from collections import defaultdict, namedtuple
2011-04-26 01:58:38 +03:00
2011-04-26 02:50:09 +03:00
from sqlalchemy.orm import aliased
2011-04-26 01:58:38 +03:00
from sqlalchemy.orm.exc import NoResultFound
from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import not_, and_, or_
from pokedex.db import connect, tables, util
from pokedex.util import querytimer
2011-04-26 16:11:11 +03:00
from pokedex.util.astar import a_star, Node
### Illegal Moveset exceptions
2011-04-26 01:58:38 +03:00
class IllegalMoveCombination(ValueError): pass
class TooManyMoves(IllegalMoveCombination): pass
class NoMoves(IllegalMoveCombination): pass
class MovesNotLearnable(IllegalMoveCombination): pass
class NoParent(IllegalMoveCombination): pass
class TargetExcluded(IllegalMoveCombination): pass
2011-04-26 16:11:11 +03:00
### Generic helpers
2011-04-26 12:53:48 +03:00
def powerset(iterable):
# recipe from: http://docs.python.org/library/itertools.html
"powerset([1,2,3]) --> () (1,) (2,) (3,) (1,2) (1,3) (2,3) (1,2,3)"
s = list(iterable)
return itertools.chain.from_iterable(itertools.combinations(s, r)
for r in range(len(s)+1))
2011-04-26 16:11:11 +03:00
### Search information object
2011-04-26 01:58:38 +03:00
class MovesetSearch(object):
def __init__(self, session, pokemon, version, moves, level=100, costs=None,
exclude_versions=(), exclude_pokemon=(), debug=False):
self.generator = self.error = None
if not moves:
self.error = NoMoves('No moves specified.')
elif len(moves) > 4:
self.error = NoMoves('Too many moves specified.')
self.debug = debug
self.session = session
2011-04-26 02:50:09 +03:00
self.sketch = util.get(session, tables.Move, identifier=u'sketch').id
self.no_eggs_group = util.get(session, tables.EggGroup,
self.ditto_group = util.get(session, tables.EggGroup,
2011-04-26 01:58:38 +03:00
if costs is None:
self.costs = default_costs
self.costs = costs
2011-04-26 16:11:11 +03:00
2011-04-26 01:58:38 +03:00
self.excluded_families = frozenset(p.evolution_chain_id
for p in exclude_pokemon)
if pokemon:
self.goal_evolution_chain = pokemon.evolution_chain_id
if self.goal_evolution_chain in self.excluded_families:
self.error = TargetExcluded('The target pokemon was excluded.')
self.goal_evolution_chain = None
if debug:
print 'Specified moves:', [move.id for move in moves]
self.goal_moves = frozenset(move.id for move in moves)
self.goal_version_group = version.version_group_id
# Fill self.generation_id_by_version_group
[v.version_group_id for v in exclude_versions])
self.pokemon_moves = defaultdict( # key: pokemon
2011-04-26 13:32:25 +03:00
lambda: defaultdict( # key: version_group
lambda: defaultdict( # key: move
2011-04-26 01:58:38 +03:00
lambda: defaultdict( # key: method
2011-04-26 16:11:11 +03:00
list)))) # ordered list of (level, cost)
2011-04-26 01:58:38 +03:00
self.movepools = defaultdict(dict) # evo chain -> move -> best cost
2011-04-26 02:50:09 +03:00
self.learnpools = defaultdict(set) # evo chain -> move, w/o egg moves
2011-04-26 01:58:38 +03:00
easy_moves, non_egg_moves = self.load_pokemon_moves(
self.goal_evolution_chain, 'family')
hard_moves = self.goal_moves - easy_moves
2011-04-26 12:53:48 +03:00
self.egg_moves = self.goal_moves - non_egg_moves
2011-04-26 01:58:38 +03:00
if hard_moves:
# Have to breed!
self.load_pokemon_moves(self.goal_evolution_chain, 'others')
2011-04-26 03:14:32 +03:00
2011-04-26 13:32:25 +03:00
2011-04-26 16:11:11 +03:00
kwargs = dict()
if debug:
self._astar_debug_notify_counter = 0
kwargs['notify'] = self.astar_debug_notify
self.generator = InitialNode(self).find_all_paths(**kwargs)
2011-04-26 01:58:38 +03:00
def load_version_groups(self, version, excluded):
2011-04-26 02:50:09 +03:00
"""Load generation_id_by_version_group
2011-04-26 01:58:38 +03:00
query = self.session.query(tables.VersionGroup.id,
query = query.join(tables.Version.version_group)
if excluded:
query = query.filter(not_(tables.VersionGroup.id.in_(excluded)))
self.generation_id_by_version_group = dict(query)
def expand(v2):
for v1 in self.generation_id_by_version_group:
if self.trade_cost(v1, v2):
yield 0, None, v1
def is_goal(v):
return True
goal = self.goal_version_group
filtered_map = {goal: self.generation_id_by_version_group[goal]}
for result in a_star(self.goal_version_group, expand, is_goal):
for cost, transition, version in result:
filtered_map[version] = (
self.generation_id_by_version_group = filtered_map
if self.debug:
print 'Excluded version groups:', excluded
print 'Trade cost table:'
print '%03s' % '',
for g1 in sorted(self.generation_id_by_version_group):
print '%03s' % g1,
for g1 in sorted(self.generation_id_by_version_group):
print '%03s' % g1,
for g2 in sorted(self.generation_id_by_version_group):
print '%03s' % (self.trade_cost(g1, g2) or '---'),
def load_pokemon_moves(self, evolution_chain, selection):
2011-04-26 03:14:32 +03:00
"""Load pokemon_moves, movepools, learnpools, smeargle_families
2011-04-26 01:58:38 +03:00
'family' for loading only pokemon in evolution_chain
'others' for loading only pokemon NOT in evolution_chain
Returns: (easy_moves, non_egg_moves)
If `selection` == 'family':
easy_moves is a set of moves that are easier to obtain than by
non_egg_moves is a set of moves that don't require breeding
Otherwise, these are empty sets.
if self.debug:
print 'Loading moves, c%s %s' % (evolution_chain, selection)
query = self.session.query(
query = query.join(tables.PokemonMove.pokemon)
query = query.filter(tables.PokemonMoveMethod.id ==
query = query.filter(tables.PokemonMove.version_group_id.in_(
query = query.filter(or_(
tables.PokemonMove.level > 100, # XXX: Chaff?
2011-04-26 02:50:09 +03:00
tables.PokemonMove.move_id == self.sketch,
2011-04-26 01:58:38 +03:00
if self.excluded_families:
query = query.filter(not_(tables.Pokemon.evolution_chain_id.in_(
if evolution_chain:
if selection == 'family':
query = query.filter(tables.Pokemon.evolution_chain_id == (
elif selection == 'others':
query = query.filter(tables.Pokemon.evolution_chain_id != (
query = query.order_by(tables.PokemonMove.level)
easy_moves = set()
non_egg_moves = set()
2011-04-26 03:14:32 +03:00
self.smeargle_families = set()
2011-04-26 16:11:11 +03:00
costs = self.costs
movepools = self.movepools
learnpools = self.learnpools
sketch_cost = costs['sketch']
breed_cost = costs['breed']
2011-04-26 01:58:38 +03:00
for pokemon, move, vg, method, level, chain in query:
2011-04-26 16:11:11 +03:00
if move in self.goal_moves:
if method == 'level-up':
cost = costs['level-up']
gen = self.generation_id_by_version_group[vg]
if method == 'machine' and gen < 5:
cost = costs['machine-once']
elif method == 'tutor' and gen == 3:
cost = costs['tutor-once']
elif method == 'egg':
cost = costs['breed']
cost = costs[method]
movepools[chain][move] = min(
movepools[chain].get(move, cost), cost)
2011-04-26 01:58:38 +03:00
if method != 'egg':
2011-04-26 16:11:11 +03:00
2011-04-26 01:58:38 +03:00
2011-04-26 16:11:11 +03:00
if cost < breed_cost:
2011-04-26 01:58:38 +03:00
2011-04-26 16:11:11 +03:00
elif move == self.sketch:
cost = sketch_cost
2011-04-26 03:14:32 +03:00
2011-04-26 16:11:11 +03:00
# An evolution move. We need to use it anyway if we need
# the evolution, so the cost can be an arbitrary positive
# number. But, do check if this family actually needs the move.
evolution_chain = self.evolution_chains[pokemon]
if move != self.evolution_moves.get(evolution_chain):
cost = 1
2011-04-26 13:32:25 +03:00
self.pokemon_moves[pokemon][vg][move][method].append((level, cost))
2011-04-26 01:58:38 +03:00
if self.debug and selection == 'family':
print 'Easy moves:', sorted(easy_moves)
print 'Non-egg moves:', sorted(non_egg_moves)
2011-04-26 03:14:32 +03:00
if self.debug:
print 'Smeargle families:', sorted(self.smeargle_families)
2011-04-26 01:58:38 +03:00
return easy_moves, non_egg_moves
def trade_cost(self, version_group_from, version_group_to, *thing_generations):
"""Return cost of trading between versions, None if impossibble
`thing_generations` should be the generation IDs of the pokemon and
moves being traded.
# XXX: this ignores HM transfer restrictions
gen_from = self.generation_id_by_version_group[version_group_from]
gen_to = self.generation_id_by_version_group[version_group_to]
if gen_from == gen_to:
return self.costs['trade']
elif any(gen > gen_to for gen in thing_generations):
return None
elif gen_from in (1, 2):
if gen_to in (1, 2):
return self.costs['trade']
return None
elif gen_to in (1, 2):
return None
elif gen_from > gen_to:
return None
elif gen_from < gen_to - 1:
return None
return self.costs['trade'] + self.costs['transfer']
2011-04-26 02:50:09 +03:00
def load_pokemon(self):
"""Load pokemon breed groups and evolutions
2011-04-26 03:14:32 +03:00
self.egg_groups: maps evolution chains to their sorted egg groups
(wil contain empty tuple for no-eggs or ditto)
2011-04-26 02:50:09 +03:00
self.evolution_chains: maps pokemon to their evolution chains
self.pokemon_by_evolution_chain: maps evolution chains to their pokemon
self.unbreedable: set of unbreedable pokemon
2011-04-26 13:56:29 +03:00
self.evolution_parents[pokemon] = the pre-evolved form
self.evolutions[pokemon] = list of (trigger, move, level, child)
self.evolution_moves[evolution_chain] = move required for evolution
self.babies[egg_group_id] = set of baby pokemon
2011-04-26 02:50:09 +03:00
eg1 = tables.PokemonEggGroup
eg2 = aliased(tables.PokemonEggGroup)
query = self.session.query(
2011-04-26 13:56:29 +03:00
2011-04-26 02:50:09 +03:00
2011-04-26 13:56:29 +03:00
query = query.join(tables.Pokemon.evolution_chain)
2011-04-26 02:50:09 +03:00
query = query.join((eg1, eg1.pokemon_id == tables.Pokemon.id))
query = query.outerjoin((eg2, and_(
eg2.pokemon_id == tables.Pokemon.id,
eg1.egg_group_id < eg2.egg_group_id,
bad_groups = (self.no_eggs_group, self.ditto_group)
unbreedable = set()
self.evolution_parents = dict()
self.egg_groups = defaultdict(tuple)
self.evolution_chains = dict()
self.pokemon_by_evolution_chain = defaultdict(set)
2011-04-26 13:56:29 +03:00
self.babies = defaultdict(set)
item_baby_chains = set() # evolution chains with baby-trigger items
for pokemon, evolution_chain, parent, g1, g2, baby_item in query:
groups = (g1, g2) if g2 else (g1, )
2011-04-26 02:50:09 +03:00
if g1 in bad_groups:
2011-04-26 13:56:29 +03:00
if len(self.egg_groups.get(evolution_chain, ())) <= len(groups):
self.egg_groups[evolution_chain] = groups
2011-04-26 02:50:09 +03:00
self.evolution_chains[pokemon] = evolution_chain
if parent:
self.evolution_parents[pokemon] = parent
2011-04-26 13:56:29 +03:00
if baby_item:
for group in groups:
2011-04-26 02:50:09 +03:00
self.unbreedable = frozenset(unbreedable)
self.evolutions = defaultdict(set)
self.evolution_moves = dict()
query = self.session.query(
query = query.join(tables.PokemonEvolution.trigger)
for child, trigger, move, level in query:
(trigger, move, level, child))
if move:
self.evolution_moves[self.evolution_chains[child]] = move
if self.debug:
print 'Loaded %s pokemon: %s evo; %s families: %s breedable' % (
print 'Evolution moves: %s' % self.evolution_moves
2011-04-26 13:56:29 +03:00
# Chains with item-triggered alternate babies
for item_baby_chain in item_baby_chains:
for item_baby in self.pokemon_by_evolution_chain[item_baby_chain]:
if item_baby not in self.evolution_parents:
for regular_baby in self.evolutions[item_baby]:
for group in self.egg_groups[item_baby_chain]:
2011-04-26 03:14:32 +03:00
def construct_breed_graph(self):
2011-04-26 12:53:48 +03:00
"""Fills breeds_required
breeds_required[egg_group][moveset] = minimum number of breeds needed
from a pokemon in this group with this moveset to the goal pokemon
with the goal moveset.
The score cannot get lower by learning new moves, only by breeding.
If missing, breeding or raising the pokemon won't do any good.
2011-04-26 16:11:11 +03:00
2011-04-26 12:53:48 +03:00
For pokemon in the target family, breeds_required doesn't apply.
2011-04-26 16:11:11 +03:00
For the empty moveset just check if any moveset is worthwhile (i.e.
2011-04-26 12:53:48 +03:00
# Part I. Determining what moves can be passed/learned
2011-04-26 03:14:32 +03:00
# eg1_movepools[egg_group_id] = set of moves passable by pkmn in that group
eg1_movepools = defaultdict(set)
# eg2_movepools[b_g_id1, b_g_id2] = ditto for pkmn in *both* groups
eg2_movepools = defaultdict(set)
# non_egg_pools = as eg1_movepools but for *learnable* moves
learn_pools = defaultdict(set)
goal_egg_groups = self.egg_groups[self.goal_evolution_chain]
all_groups = set()
for family, groups in self.egg_groups.iteritems():
if not groups:
if family == self.goal_evolution_chain:
elif family in self.smeargle_families:
pool = self.goal_moves
pool = self.movepools[family]
pool = set(pool) & self.goal_moves
learnpool = self.learnpools[family] & pool
for group in groups:
if len(groups) >= 2:
if self.debug:
2011-04-26 13:32:25 +03:00
print 'Egg group summary:'
2011-04-26 03:14:32 +03:00
for group in sorted(all_groups):
print "%2s can pass: %s" % (group, sorted(eg1_movepools[group]))
if learn_pools[group] != eg1_movepools[group]:
print " but learn: %s" % sorted(learn_pools[group])
for g2 in sorted(all_groups):
for g1 in sorted(all_groups):
if eg2_movepools[g1, g2]:
print " %2s/%2s pass: %s" % (g1, g2, sorted(eg2_movepools[g1, g2]))
print 'Goal groups:', goal_egg_groups
2011-04-26 12:53:48 +03:00
# Part II. Determining which moves are worthwhile to pass
# We want *all* paths, not just shortest ones, so use DFS.
breeds_required = defaultdict(dict)
def handle(group, moves, path):
group: the group of the parent
moves: moves the parent should pass down
path: previously visited groups - to prevent cycles
if not moves:
# No more moves needed to pass down: success!
return True
if breeds_required[group].get(moves, 999) <= len(path):
# Already done
return True
success = False
# Breed some more
path = path + (group, )
for new_group in all_groups.difference(path):
new_groups = tuple(sorted([group, new_group]))
# Can we pass down all the requested moves?
if moves.issubset(eg1_movepools[new_group]):
# Learn some of the moves: they don't have to be passed to us
for learned in powerset(moves & learn_pools[new_group]):
new_moves = moves.difference(learned)
local_success = handle(new_group, new_moves, path)
# If this chain eventually ended up being successful,
# it means that it is useful to pass this moveset
# to this group.
if local_success:
breeds_required[group][moves] = min(breeds_required[group].get(moves, 999), len(path) - 1)
success = True
return success
for group in goal_egg_groups:
handle(group, self.goal_moves, ())
for moves in powerset(self.goal_moves.difference(self.egg_moves)):
if moves:
breeds_required[group][frozenset(moves) | self.egg_moves] = 1
self.breeds_required = breeds_required
if self.debug:
for group, movesetlist in breeds_required.items():
print 'From egg group', group
for moveset, cost in movesetlist.items():
print " %s breeds with %s" % (cost, sorted(moveset))
2011-04-26 13:32:25 +03:00
def find_duplicate_versions(self):
"""Fill `duplicate_versions`
duplicate_versions[pokemon][version_group] = set of version groups that
are identical as far as the pokemon learning those moves is
concerned, and are in the same generation.
Thus, trading between them is unnecessary.
self.duplicate_versions = dict()
counter = 0
for pokemon, vg_moves in self.pokemon_moves.items():
dupes = self.duplicate_versions[pokemon] = dict()
last = None
last_moves = None
last_gen = None
for version_group, moves in vg_moves.items():
gen = self.generation_id_by_version_group[version_group]
if gen == last_gen and moves == last_moves:
dupes[version_group] = last
counter += 1
last = set([version_group])
dupes[version_group] = last
last_moves = moves
last_gen = gen
if self.debug:
print 'Deduplicated %s version groups' % counter
2011-04-26 16:11:11 +03:00
def astar_debug_notify(self, cost, node, setsize, heapsize):
counter = self._astar_debug_notify_counter
if counter % 100 == 0:
print 'A* iteration %s, cost %s; remaining: %s(%s) \r' % (
counter, cost, setsize, heapsize),
self._astar_debug_notify_counter += 1
def __iter__(self):
if self.generator:
return self.generator
raise self.error
### Costs
2011-04-26 01:58:38 +03:00
default_costs = {
# Costs for learning a move in verious ways
'level-up': 20, # The normal way
'machine': 40, # Machines are slightly inconvenient.
'machine-once': 2000, # before gen. 5, TMs only work once. Avoid.
'tutor': 60, # Tutors are slightly more inconvenient than TMs – can't carry them around
'tutor-once': 2100, # gen III: tutors only work once (well except Emerald frontier ones)
2011-04-26 16:11:11 +03:00
# For technical reasons, 'sketch' is also used for learning Sketch and
# evolution-inducing moves by normal means, if they aren't included in the
# target moveset.
# So the actual cost of a sketched move will be double this number.
'sketch': 5, # Cheap. Exclude Smeargle if you think it's too cheap.
2011-04-26 01:58:38 +03:00
# Gimmick moves – we need to use this method to learn the move anyway,
# so make a big-ish dent in the score if missing
'stadium-surfing-pikachu': 100,
'light-ball-egg': 100, # …
# Ugh... I don't know?
'colosseum-purification': 100,
'xd-shadow': 100,
'xd-purification': 100,
'form-change': 100,
# Other actions.
# Breeding should cost more than 3 times than a lv-up/machine/tutor move.
'evolution': 100, # We have to do this anyway, usually.
'evolution-delayed': 50, # *in addition* to evolution. Who wants to mash B on every level.
'breed': 400, # Breeding's a pain.
'trade': 200, # Trading's a pain, but not as much as breeding.
'transfer': 200, # *in addition* to trade. For one-way cross-generation transfers
2011-04-26 16:11:11 +03:00
'forget': 300, # Deleting a move. (Not needed unless deleting an evolution move.)
2011-04-26 01:58:38 +03:00
'relearn': 150, # Also a pain, though not as big as breeding.
'per-level': 1, # Prefer less grinding. This is for all lv-ups but the final “grow”
2011-04-26 16:11:11 +03:00
### Search space transitions
class Action(object):
class StartAction(Action, namedtuple('StartAcion', 'pokemon version_group')):
keyword = 'start'
class LearnAction(Action, namedtuple('LearnAction', 'move method')):
keyword = 'start'
class ForgetAction(Action, namedtuple('ForgetAction', 'move')):
keyword = 'forget'
### Search space nodes
class InitialNode(Node, namedtuple('InitialNode', 'search')):
def expand(self):
search = self.search
for pokemon, version_groups in search.pokemon_moves.items():
egg_groups = search.egg_groups[search.evolution_chains[pokemon]]
if any(search.breeds_required[group] for group in egg_groups):
for version_group in version_groups:
yield 0, StartAction(pokemon, version_group), PokemonNode(
search, pokemon, 0, version_group, frozenset(), False)
class PokemonNode(Node, namedtuple('PokemonNode',
'search pokemon level version_group moves new_level')):
def expand(self):
#print 'expand', self
if not self.moves:
# Learn something first
# (other expand_* may rely on there being a move)
return self.expand_learn()
elif len(self.moves) < 4:
return self.expand_learn()
return self.expand_forget()
return ()
def expand_learn(self):
search = self.search
moves = search.pokemon_moves[self.pokemon][self.version_group]
for move, methods in moves.items():
if move in self.moves:
for method, levels_costs in methods.items():
if method == 'level-up':
for level, cost in levels_costs:
level_difference = level - self.level
if level_difference > 0 or (
level_difference == 0 and self.new_level):
cost += level_difference * search.costs['per-level']
yield self._learn(move, method, cost,
level=level, new_level=True)
yield self._learn(move, 'relearn',
search.costs['relearn'], new_level=False)
elif method in 'machine tutor'.split():
for level, cost in levels_costs:
yield self._learn(move, method, cost, new_level=False)
elif method == 'egg':
# ignored here
elif method == 'light-ball-egg':
if self.level == 0:
for level, cost in levels_costs:
yield self._learn(move, method, cost)
elif method == 'stadium-surfing-pikachu':
for level, cost in levels_costs:
yield self._learn(move, method, cost, new_level=False)
raise ValueError('Unknown move method %s' % method)
def _learn(self, move, method, cost, **kwargs):
kwargs['moves'] = self.moves.union([move])
return cost, LearnAction(move, method), self._replace(**kwargs)
def expand_forget(self):
cost = self.search.costs['forget']
for move in self.moves:
yield cost, ForgetAction(move), self._replace(
moves=self.moves.difference([move]), new_level=False)
### CLI interface
2011-04-26 01:58:38 +03:00
def main(argv):
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=
'Find out if the specified moveset is valid, and provide a suggestion '
'on how to obtain it.')
parser.add_argument('pokemon', metavar='POKEMON', type=unicode,
help='Pokemon to check the moveset for')
parser.add_argument('move', metavar='MOVE', type=unicode, nargs='*',
help='Moves in the moveset')
parser.add_argument('-l', '--level', metavar='LV', type=int, default=100,
help='Level of the pokemon')
parser.add_argument('-v', '--version', metavar='VER', type=unicode,
help='Version to search in.')
parser.add_argument('-V', '--exclude-version', metavar='VER', type=unicode,
action='append', default=[],
help='Versions to exclude (along with their '
'counterparts, if any, e.g. `black` will also exclude White).')
parser.add_argument('-P', '--exclude-pokemon', metavar='PKM', type=unicode,
action='append', default=[],
help='Pokemon to exclude (along with their families, e.g. `pichu` '
'will also exclude Pikachu and Raichu).')
parser.add_argument('-d', '--debug', action='append_const', const=1,
help='Output timing and debugging information (can be specified more '
'than once).')
args = parser.parse_args(argv)
args.debug = len(args.debug)
if args.debug:
print 'Connecting'
session = connect(engine_args={'echo': args.debug > 1})
if args.debug:
print 'Parsing arguments'
def _get_list(table, idents, name):
result = []
for ident in idents:
result.append(util.get(session, table, identifier=ident))
except NoResultFound:
print>>sys.stderr, ('%s %s not found. Please use '
'the identifier.' % (name, ident))
return 2
return result
pokemon = _get_list(tables.Pokemon, [args.pokemon], 'Pokemon')[0]
moves = _get_list(tables.Move, args.move, 'Move')
version = _get_list(tables.Version, [args.version], 'Version')[0]
excl_versions = _get_list(tables.Version, args.exclude_version, 'Version')
excl_pokemon = _get_list(tables.Pokemon, args.exclude_pokemon, 'Pokemon')
if args.debug:
print 'Starting search'
search = MovesetSearch(session, pokemon, version, moves, args.level,
exclude_versions=excl_versions, exclude_pokemon=excl_pokemon,
2011-04-26 16:11:11 +03:00
if args.debug:
print 'Setup done'
for result in search:
print result
2011-04-26 01:58:38 +03:00
2011-04-26 02:50:09 +03:00
if args.debug:
print 'Done'
2011-04-26 01:58:38 +03:00
if __name__ == '__main__':