2011-01-26 21:33:03 -08:00
from nose.tools import *
import unittest
from sqlalchemy.orm import aliased
2011-04-19 12:24:40 +03:00
from sqlalchemy.orm.exc import NoResultFound
2011-01-26 21:33:03 -08:00
2011-04-19 12:24:40 +03:00
from pokedex.db import connect, tables, util
2011-01-26 21:33:03 -08:00
def test_encounter_slots():
# Encounters have a version, which has a version group; encounters also
# have an encounter_slot, which has a version group. The two version
# groups should match, universally.
session = connect()
version_group_a = aliased(tables.VersionGroup)
version_group_b = aliased(tables.VersionGroup)
sanity_q = session.query(tables.Encounter) \
.join((tables.EncounterSlot, tables.Encounter.slot)) \
.join((version_group_a, tables.EncounterSlot.version_group)) \
.join((tables.Version, tables.Encounter.version)) \
.join((version_group_b, tables.Version.version_group)) \
.filter(version_group_a.id != version_group_b.id)
assert_equal(sanity_q.count(), 0,
"Encounter slots all match the encounters they belong to")
2011-04-19 12:24:40 +03:00
def test_nonzero_autoincrement_ids():
"""Check that autoincrementing ids don't contain zeroes
MySQL doesn't like these, see e.g. bug #580
session = connect()
for cls in tables.mapped_classes:
if 'id' in cls.__table__.c:
if cls.__table__.c.id.autoincrement:
def nonzero_id(cls):
util.get(session, cls, id=0)
nonzero_id.description = "No zero id in %s" % cls.__name__
yield nonzero_id, cls