2012-12-07 00:02:39 -08:00
#!/usr/bin/env python2
"""List the ways that pokemon forms differ from one another.
2012-12-07 02:52:22 -08:00
This is not a one-shot script--it is probably unmaintained though!
2012-12-07 00:02:39 -08:00
2012-12-07 00:04:16 -08:00
import itertools
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from pokedex.db import connect
import pokedex.db.tables as t
from sqlalchemy.orm import lazyload, joinedload, subqueryload
session = connect()
#session.bind.echo = True
def getstats(stats):
return dict((stat.stat_id, stat.base_stat) for stat in stats)
def geteffort(stats):
return dict((stat.stat_id, stat.effort) for stat in stats)
def getpokeathlon(stats):
return dict((stat.pokeathlon_stat_id, (stat.minimum_stat, stat.base_stat, stat.maximum_stat)) for stat in stats)
def getitems(items):
2012-12-07 00:04:16 -08:00
return sorted((item.version_id, item.item_id, item.rarity) for item in items)
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def getform(form):
return {
'ability': form.pokemon.all_abilities,
'items': getitems(form.pokemon.items),
'pokeathlon': getpokeathlon(form.pokeathlon_stats),
'stats': getstats(form.pokemon.stats),
'effort': geteffort(form.pokemon.stats),
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'type': form.pokemon.types,
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'exp': form.pokemon.base_experience,
'weight': form.pokemon.weight,
'height': form.pokemon.height,
2012-12-07 02:52:22 -08:00
def getmoves(form):
moves = sorted((move.version_group_id, move.method.identifier, move.move_id, move.level, move.order) for move in form.pokemon.pokemon_moves)
2012-12-07 00:04:16 -08:00
2012-12-07 02:52:22 -08:00
# {version: {method: moves}}
version_method_moves = {}
for version, group in itertools.groupby(moves, lambda x: x[0]):
version_method_moves[version] = method_moves = {}
for method, group in itertools.groupby(group, lambda x: x[1]):
method_moves[method] = list(group)
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return version_method_moves
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2012-12-07 02:52:22 -08:00
def dictacc(a, b):
for k in b:
if k not in a:
a[k] = []
a[k] += [b[k]]
return a
2012-12-07 00:04:16 -08:00
2012-12-07 02:52:22 -08:00
def union(sets):
return reduce(set.union, sets, set())
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2012-12-07 00:02:39 -08:00
def gcd(a, b):
2012-12-07 02:52:22 -08:00
"""Return a new dict containing only items which have the same value in both a and b."""
2012-12-07 00:02:39 -08:00
keys = set(a.keys()) & set(b.keys())
result = {}
for k in keys:
if a[k] == b[k]:
result[k] = a[k]
return result
2012-12-07 00:04:16 -08:00
def find_uncommon_keys(dicts):
2012-12-07 02:52:22 -08:00
keys = union(d.keys() for d in dicts)
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common_keys = set(reduce(gcd, dicts).keys())
unique_keys = keys - common_keys
return unique_keys
2012-12-07 00:02:39 -08:00
q = session.query(t.PokemonSpecies)
q = q.options(
for species in q.all():
forms = species.forms
if len(forms) == 1:
forms = (session.query(t.PokemonForm)
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2012-12-07 02:52:22 -08:00
### Okay, grab some info for each form and and find the differences
2012-12-07 00:04:16 -08:00
uncommon = sorted(find_uncommon_keys(map(getform, forms)))
2012-12-07 02:52:22 -08:00
### Moves are a bit different.
### First off, we want to split them up by method so we can narrow down the
### difference a little; this works the same as above. Second, if a form
### has no moves at all in some version group (because it didn't exist yet)
### then we don't want to count that as a difference.
# Start off by grabbing the movepool for each form
# This gives us pools = [{version: {method: moves}}]
pools = [getmoves(form) for form in forms]
# Next we combine the pools to get {version: [{method: moves}]}
version_pools = reduce(dictacc, pools, {})
# Now we can calculate the uncommon methods in each version.
uncommon_move_methods = union(map(find_uncommon_keys, version_pools.values()))
if uncommon_move_methods:
uncommon.append("moves ({})".format(", ".join(sorted(uncommon_move_methods))))
2012-12-07 00:02:39 -08:00
2012-12-07 00:04:16 -08:00
print "{}: {}".format(species.name, ", ".join(uncommon))