Splits main file for layout and color styles; updates Ruby fallback to official.
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 414 additions and 209 deletions
@ -11,9 +11,9 @@ Styles here cover primarily three aspects:
## Installation
## Installation
Copy [ao3-sitestyle-basicimproved.css] into a named Work Skin.
Create a new CSS file and ``cat`` or copy over the styles from the files you want.
Copy the styles you want from the various css files in [styles/].
Copy the resulting file into a named Work Skin.
Adjust as needed.
Adjust as needed.
@ -23,9 +23,32 @@ Decorate the elements of the chapter's HTML with the styles as needed. The [offi
## Contents
## Contents
* [ao3-sitestyle-basicimproved.css] — General layout and typography styles.
* [ao3-sitestyle-basicimproved.css] — General layout and typography styles used by default in my stories.
Some impirtant class names that are defined:
* ``print``: Applied to a ``div``, will format its children ``p`` with spacing between paragraphs.
* ``flashback`` for flashback sections, has left indent and wavy left border.
* ``epistolary`` for IU documents, has side margin and straight side borders.
* ``REDACTED`` for spans of lines and sections that are redacted over.
* ``EVIL`` for spans of red-speak as it's used in WAAPT.
* ``newspaper`` for <hX> elements with style.
* ``newsreel`` for <hX> elements with style.
* ``font-{fallback}``: styles general font fallbacks (eg.: "sans-serif") preferring Libre fonts where available.
* ``metric-{font}``: styles text with Libre fonts metric-compatible to proprietary fonts.
* ``reflink``: styles links so they are distinguishable when they point to select targets such as Wikipedia.
## Extensions
Each file in ``styles/`` contains a selection of styles that can be added together to realize various effects. These effects include:
* ``color-x11.css``: gives class name to X11 / SVG colours. Not needed if colour is used sparingly. (background-colors is pending)
* ``dl-sidenote.css``: implements paragraph-level footnotes by styling definition lists (``<dl>``).
* ``ruby.css``: Ruby presentation fallback, obsolete since late 2023.
* ``terminal.css``: styles content as if it were computer terminal output.
## License
## License
Creative Commons. See [LICENSE] for details.
Creative Commons **BY-NC-SA 4.0**. See [LICENSE] for details.
@ -11,30 +11,33 @@
* These need to be installed by the client to work on AO3 and other platforms, otherwise they fallback to the generics added here (usually 'fantasy')*/
* These need to be installed by the client to work on AO3 and other platforms, otherwise they fallback to the generics added here (usually 'fantasy')*/
#workskin .font.Pokemon {
#workskin .font.Pokemon {
font-family: 'Pokemon Fire Red Regular', 'Pokemon', fantasy;
font-family: 'Pokemon Fire Red Regular', 'Pokemon', monospace;
* Unown from: https://www.fontspace.com/unown-font-f44872 (Freeware license)
* Unown from: https://www.fontspace.com/unown-font-f44872 (Freeware license)
* */
* */
#workskin .font.Unown {
#workskin .font.Unown {
font-family: 'Unown', fantasy;
font-family: 'Unown Regular', 'Unown', fantasy;
#workskin .pokemon.msgbox {
#workskin .pokemon.msgbox {
margin: 0 16%;
margin: 0 24%;
min-width: 50%;
min-width: 30%;
padding: 4pt;
padding: 2pt;
background-color: #eee;
background-color: #eee;
border: 4pt double #444;
border: 4pt double #444;
#workskin .pokemon.msgbox p {
#workskin .pokemon.msgbox p {
padding: 0 auto;
width: 100%;
width: 100%;
font-family: "Pokemon Fire Red", "Pokemon", monospace;
font-family: "Pokemon Fire Red Regular", "Pokemon", monospace;
color: #444;
color: #444;
#workskin .pokemon.msgbox .p:last-child::after {
/* little prompt-thingy ▼ at the end of messageboxes */
content: '▼';
#workskin .pokemon.msgbox p:last-child::after {
margin-left: 8pt;
content: "\25bc ";
@ -3,55 +3,294 @@
* Inherits from "Basic Formatting"
* Inherits from "Basic Formatting"
* Revision 3
* Revision 3
* 2023-02-04
* 2024-02-29
* */
* */
#workskin span.htab {
display: inline-block;
width: 4ex;
#workskin span.vtab {
display: inline-block;
height: 4ex;
#workskin p.print {
white-space: pre-line;
#workskin div.print p {
white-space: pre-line;
#workskin .indent {
#workskin .indent {
padding: 0 5em 0 5em;
text-indent: 3em;
#workskin .indent-percent {
text-indent: 12%;
#workskin .book {
#workskin .book {
margin: 0 auto;
margin: 0 auto;
text-indent: 3em;
text-indent: 3em;
/* Modified to prefer libre fonts */
#workskin .dropcap {
* Modified to prefer libre/free distributable fonts.
font-family: 'Liberation Serif', 'DejaVu Serif', Georgia, serif;
font-size: 3em;
* Due to AO3 limitations, these fonts must be installed user-side.
* Gentium from: https://software.sil.org/gentium/ / Debian package fonts-sil-gentium
* Libra from: https://fontlibrary.org/en/font/libra-serif-modern
* Liberation from: https://github.com/liberationfonts/liberation-fonts/releases / Debian package fonts-liberation
* DejaVu from: https://dejavu-fonts.github.io/
* Caladea from: https://fontlibrary.org/en/font/caladea
* */
#workskin .font-serif {
font-family: 'Gentium Plus', 'Gentium Basic', 'Libra Serif', 'Libra Serif Modern', 'Liberation Serif', 'Nimbus Roman', 'FreeSerif', 'DejaVu Serif', 'Caladea', 'Cambria', 'Tinos', 'Constantia', 'Palatino', 'Times New Roman', 'Georgia'
, serif;
/* Modified to prefer libre fonts */
#workskin .flashback {
* Modified to prefer libre/free distributable fonts.
font-family: 'Lato', 'Nimbus', 'Palatino', serif;
/* uncomment if desired on white background; adjust on other background colors */
* Due to AO3 limitations, these fonts must be installed user-side.
/* background-color: #efe; */
* Isabella from: https://fontlibrary.org/en/font/isabella-sans
border-left: 8pt wavy gray;
* Metropolitano from: https://fontlibrary.org/en/font/metropolitano
padding-left: 12%;
* Gidole from: https://fontlibrary.org/en/font/gidole-regular
/* disable (comment) the following for print versions */
* Caladea from: https://fontlibrary.org/en/font/carlito
opacity: 75%;
* Lucida Grande is the default font on AO3
* */
#workskin .font-sansserif {
font-family: 'Isabella Sans', 'Metropolitano', 'Gidole', 'Open Sans', 'Nimbus Sans', 'Liberation Sans', 'Libra Sans', 'DejaVu Sans', 'Charis', 'Lucida Grande', 'Carlito', 'Calibri', 'Arimo', 'Verdana', 'Helvetica', 'Arial'
, sans-serif;
* Modified to prefer libre/free distributable fonts.
* Due to AO3 limitations, these fonts must be installed user-side.
* Iosevka from: https://typeof.net/Iosevka/ / Debian package fonts-iosevka
* Monoid from: https://github.com/larsenwork/monoid
* Inconsolata from: Debian package fonts-inconsolata
* */
#workskin .font-monospace {
font-family: 'Iosevka', 'Monoid', 'Liberation Mono', 'Inconsolata', 'Source Code Pro', 'Consolas', 'Courier Prime', 'Courier New', 'Courier'
, monospace;
* Modified to prefer libre/free distributable fonts.
* Due to AO3 limitations, these fonts must be installed user-side.
* Allura from: https://www.1001fonts.com/allura-font.html
* Sofia from: http://www.latinotype.com/
* Feltpen from: https://fontlibrary.org/en/font/feltpen
* */
#workskin .font-cursive {
font-family: 'Allura', 'Sofia Regular', 'Cursive', 'Feltpen Regular'
, cursive;
* Modified to prefer libre/free distributable fonts.
* Due to AO3 limitations, these fonts must be installed user-side.
* */
#workskin .font-fantasy {
font-family: fantasy;
#workskin .font-system-ui {
font-family: system-ui;
/* Metric compatibility; Prefers libre fonts */
#workskin .metric-arial {
font-family: 'Liberation Sans', 'Albany', 'Arimo', 'Arial', sans-serif;
#workskin .metric-courier {
font-family: 'Nimbus Mono', 'Liberation Mono', 'Cumberland', 'TeX Gyre Cursor', 'Cousine', 'Courier New', monospace;
#workskin .metric-helvetica {
font-family: 'Nimbus Sans', 'FreeSans', 'Helvetica', sans-serif;
#workskin .metric-times {
font-family: 'TeX Gyre Termes', 'Nimbus Roman', 'Tinos', 'Times', serif;
#workskin .metric-cambria {
font-family: 'Caladea', 'Cambria', sans-serif;
#workskin .metric-calibri {
font-family: 'Carlito', 'Calibri', serif;
* Typographical Styles
* Typographical Styles
* Apply to eg.: <p class="name">, <span class="name">, etc.
* Apply to eg.: <p class="name">, <span class="name">, etc.
* The section order is: size, color, weight, form variant, stretch, etc.
* */
* */
/* relative sizes */
#workskin .font-big {
font-size: 120%;
#workskin .font-x-big {
font-size: 155%;
#workskin .font-little {
font-size: 85%;
#workskin .font-x-little {
font-size: 65%;
/* absolute sizes */
#workskin .font-large {
font-size: large;
#workskin .font-x-large {
font-size: x-large;
#workskin .font-small {
font-size: small;
#workskin .font-x-small {
font-size: x-small;
/* relative keywords */
#workskin .font-larger {
font-size: larger;
#workskin .font-smaller {
font-size: smaller;
* font colors
* The listing from AO3 is supplemented with some SVG/X11 colornames.
* Priority is given to colors that distinguish themselves well on standard white-background pages.
* Official listing from:
* * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X11_color_names
* * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X11_color_names
* */
#workskin .color-red {
color: red;
#workskin .color-orange {
color: orange;
#workskin .color-yellow {
color: yellow;
#workskin .color-green {
color: green;
#workskin .color-blue {
color: blue;
#workskin .color-purple {
color: purple;
/* intentionally different */
#workskin .color-white {
color: #eee;
/* intentionally different */
#workskin .color-black {
color: #111;
#workskin .color-pink {
color: pink;
#workskin .color-teal {
color: #008282;
#workskin .fontweight-normal {
font-weight: normal;
#workskin .fontweight-lighter {
font-weight: lighter;
#workskin .fontweight-bolder {
font-weight: bolder;
#workskin .fontstretch-normal {
font-stretch: normal;
#workskin .fontstretch-condensed {
font-stretch: condensed;
#workskin .fontstretch-expanded {
font-stretch: expanded;
/* inherited */
/* inherited */
#workskin .caps {
#workskin .caps {
font-variant-caps: small-caps;
font-variant-caps: small-caps;
#workskin .all-small-caps {
#workskin .all-small-caps {
font-variant-caps: all-small-caps;
font-variant-caps: all-small-caps;
#workskin .spoiler {
#workskin .spoiler {
background: #333;
background: #333;
color: #333;
color: #333;
/* Prefers libre fonts */
#workskin .dropcap {
font-family: 'Liberation Serif', 'DejaVu Serif', 'Bitstream Serif', Georgia, serif;
font-size: 3em;
* Narrative layout sections
* */
/* Prefers libre fonts */
#workskin .flashback {
font-family: 'Lato', 'Nimbus', 'Palatino', serif;
border-left: 8pt wavy gray;
padding-left: 12%;
/* disable (comment) the following for print versions */
opacity: 75%;
#workskin .epistolary {
margin-left: 2ex;
margin-right: 2ex;
/* More "TLA"-like version of spoiler */
/* More "TLA"-like version of spoiler */
@ -70,112 +309,6 @@
color: red;
color: red;
* Modified to prefer libre/free distributable fonts
* Gentium from: https://software.sil.org/gentium/ / Debian package fonts-sil-gentium
* Libra from: https://fontlibrary.org/en/font/libra-serif-modern
* Liberation from: https://github.com/liberationfonts/liberation-fonts/releases / Debian package fonts-liberation
* DejaVu from: https://dejavu-fonts.github.io/
* Caladea from: https://fontlibrary.org/en/font/caladea
* */
#workskin .font-serif {
font-family: 'Gentium Plus', 'Gentium Basic', 'Libra Serif', 'Libra Serif Modern', 'Liberation Serif', 'Nimbus Roman', 'FreeSerif', 'DejaVu Serif', 'Caladea', 'Cambria', 'Tinos', 'Constantia', 'Palatino', 'Times New Roman', 'Georgia' , serif;
* Modified to prefer libre/free distributable fonts
* Isabella from: https://fontlibrary.org/en/font/isabella-sans
* Metropolitano from: https://fontlibrary.org/en/font/metropolitano
* Gidole from: https://fontlibrary.org/en/font/gidole-regular
* Caladea from: https://fontlibrary.org/en/font/carlito
* Lucida Grande is the default font on AO3
* */
#workskin .font-sansserif {
font-family: 'Isabella Sans', 'Metropolitano', 'Gidole', 'Open Sans', 'Nimbus Sans', 'Liberation Sans', 'Libra Sans', 'DejaVu Sans', 'Charis', 'Lucida Grande', 'Carlito', 'Calibri', 'Arimo', 'Verdana', 'Helvetica', 'Arial' , sans-serif;
* Modified to prefer libre/free distributable fonts
* Iosevka from: https://typeof.net/Iosevka/ / Debian package fonts-iosevka
* Monoid from: https://github.com/larsenwork/monoid
* Inconsolata from: Debian package fonts-inconsolata
* */
#workskin .font-monospace {
font-family: 'Iosevka', 'Monoid', 'Liberation Mono', 'Inconsolata', 'Source Code Pro', 'Consolas', 'Courier Prime', 'Courier New', 'Courier' , monospace;
* Modified to prefer libre/free distributable fonts
* Allura from: https://www.1001fonts.com/allura-font.html
* Sofia from: http://www.latinotype.com/
* Feltpen from: https://fontlibrary.org/en/font/feltpen
* */
#workskin .font-cursive {
font-family: 'Allura', 'Sofia Regular', 'Cursive', 'Feltpen Regular' , cursive;
* Modified to prefer libre/free distributable fonts
* */
#workskin .font-fantasy {
font-family: fantasy;
#workskin .font-system-ui {
font-family: system-ui;
/* relative sizes */
#workskin .font-big {
font-size: 120%;
#workskin .font-x-big {
font-size: 175%;
#workskin .font-little {
font-size: 80%;
#workskin .font-x-little {
font-size: 65%;
/* absolute sizes */
#workskin .font-large {
font-size: large;
#workskin .font-x-large {
font-size: x-large;
#workskin .font-small {
font-size: small;
#workskin .font-x-small {
font-size: x-small;
/* relative keywords */
#workskin .font-larger {
font-size: larger;
#workskin .font-smaller {
font-size: smaller;
@ -273,7 +406,7 @@
#workskin hr.twothirds {
#workskin hr.twothirds {
width: 66;
width: 66%;
margin: auto;
margin: auto;
@ -295,56 +428,6 @@
border-style: double;
border-style: double;
* font colors
* The listing from AO3 is supplemented with some SVG/X11 colornames.
* Priority is given to colors that distinguish themselves well on standard white-background pages.
* Official listing from:
* * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X11_color_names
* * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X11_color_names
* */
#workskin .color-red {
color: red;
#workskin .color-orange {
color: orange;
#workskin .color-yellow {
color: yellow;
#workskin .color-green {
color: green;
#workskin .color-blue {
color: blue;
#workskin .color-purple {
color: purple;
#workskin .color-white {
color: white;
#workskin .color-black {
color: black;
#workskin .color-pink {
color: pink;
#workskin .color-teal {
color: #008282;
* layout for boxes.
* layout for boxes.
@ -389,21 +472,6 @@
#workskin .Newsreel {
#workskin .Newsreel {
* apply to eg.: <div>
* then add content inside an *inner* <pre>
* */
#workskin .Terminal {
#workskin .Terminal.vt100 {
#workskin .Terminal.Matrix {
color: green;
font-weight: 500;
#workskin .initial {
#workskin .initial {
@ -424,4 +492,14 @@
text-decoration-style: wavy;
text-decoration-style: wavy;
#workskin a.reflink[href*="wikipedia.org/"] {
text-decoration-style: double;
#workskin a.reflink[href*="veniasilente.user.tropi.us/"] {
color: forestgreen;
#workskin a.reflink[href*="suoceverse.tropi.us/"] {
color: green;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
#workskin .layout-center {
margin: 0 auto;
#workskin .layout-vcenter {
margin: auto 0;
#workskin .layout-center.w80 {
margin: 0 auto;
max-width: 80%;
width: 80%;
#workskin .layout-center.w75 {
margin: 0 auto;
max-width: 75%;
width: 75%;
#workskin .float-clear
, #workskin .box-clear {
float: clear;
#workskin .float-left, #workskin .box-left {
float: left;
max-width: 33%;
margin-right: 0.8ex;
#workskin .float-right, #workskin .box-right {
float: right;
max-width: 33%;
margin-left: 0.8ex;
#workskin .float-left.box-border, #workskin .box-left.box-border {
border-right: 0.22ex dotted #333;
#workskin .float-right.box-border, #workskin .box-right.box-border {
border-left: 0.22ex dotted #333;
* table layout
* */
#workskin table.fixed {
table-layout: fixed;
#workskin table.x-wide {
width: 95%;
#workskin table.wide {
width: 75%;
#workskin table.narrow {
width: 55%;
#workskin table.x-narrow {
width: 35%;
#workskin table > col.rownum {
color: #ccc;
background-color: #222;
text-align: right;
padding-right: 0.5ex;
font-family: monospace;
* table zebraing
* */
#workskin table.zebra {
#workskin table.zebra > tbody > tr:nth-child(odd) > td {
background-color: rgba(242, 220, 220, 0.56);
#workskin table.zebra > tbody > tr:nth-child(even) > td {
background-color: rgba(220, 242, 242, 0.56);
#workskin table.zebra > tbody > tr > td.unzebra {
background-color: reset;
@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
* Ruby / Furigana Emulation
* Ruby / Furigana Emulation
* As of 2023-10, AO3 has now added support for <ruby>, making the span fallback obsolete. It is maintained here for posterity.
* As of 2022-12, AO3 does not support the <ruby> HTML tag, which is sanitized out of the usertext.
* As of 2022-12, AO3 does not support the <ruby> HTML tag, which is sanitized out of the usertext.
* To emulate ruby support in your usertext, build the HTML as follows:
* To emulate ruby support in your usertext, build the HTML as follows:
@ -22,13 +24,13 @@
* [3] https://old.reddit.com/r/AO3/comments/10e3js0/tired_of_not_being_able_to_use_furigana_on_ao3_be/
* [3] https://old.reddit.com/r/AO3/comments/10e3js0/tired_of_not_being_able_to_use_furigana_on_ao3_be/
* */
* */
#workskin span.ruby,
#workskin span.ruby
#workskin ruby {
/* , #workskin ruby */
display: inline-block;
display: inline-block;
#workskin span.ruby > span.rt
#workskin span.ruby > span.rt
/*, #workskin ruby > rt*/ {
font-family: sans-serif;
font-family: sans-serif;
font-size: 65%;
font-size: 65%;
color: gray;
color: gray;
Add table
Reference in a new issue