 * @typedef {object} Card Basic unit of information, also an "actor" in the programming system
 * @property {number} id Unique identifier
 * @property {Record<string, string>} fields Key-value properties on the card
 * @property {string} code Eventually: a markdown string containing code, but for now, just code

 * @typedef {"action" | "render"} ScriptType "Mode" of the environment a script runs in; determines access to mutability features and such.
 * "action": response to a UI action; allowed to modify card fields and access time and random numbers.
 * "render": deterministic generation of display markup from card and workspace state; can only modify temporary variables.
 * @typedef {object} Vm State for running a script in.
 * @property {ScriptType} mode Mutability status
 * @property {string} output Markup to render / output

 * @param {Vm} state VM state
 * @param {string} code Script to run
 * @returns {string} Markup to render / output
function renderCard(state, code) {
  const script = Notcl.parse(code);
  if (script[0]) {
    state.output = JSON.stringify(script[1], null, 2);
  } else {
    state.output = script[1];
  return state.output;

 * Global state: a single card
 * @type {Card}
let theCard = {
  id: 100,
  fields: {},
  code: String.raw`
    h1 "Hello, World!"
    para [2 + 2]
    block {
        This is a paragraph of text, with one [b bold] word. Yes, this means there has to be some magic in text processing... <b>this</b> won't work.
    block -red "Beware!"
    para "All text should be quoted, it's clearer that way. & blockquotes already should contain paragraphs. (maybe normalize nested paragraphs)"
    block {
        First block
    } {
        Second block

        Is this markdown-parsed?

        [button "No we want to render UI" {noop}]
    } {
      Since we want escapes to work, these blocks [i will] be subject to substitutions.
    # A comment
    para {
      line endings escaped\
      one slash

      not escaped if \\
      two slashes

      escaped with a slash if \\\
      three slashes

      not escaped with two slashes if \\\\
      four slashes

      escaped with two slashes if \\\\\
      five slashes

      not escaped with three slashes if \\\\\\
      six slashes

const state = document.createElement("pre");
const display = document.createElement("blockquote");
const debugDisplay = document.createElement("pre");

function render() {
  const vm = {
    mode: /** @type {ScriptType} */ ("render"),
    output: "",
  const html = renderCard(vm, theCard.code);

  state.textContent = JSON.stringify(theCard, null, 2);
  display.innerHTML = html;
  debugDisplay.textContent = html;

document.body.append(state, display, debugDisplay);