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This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 191 additions and 197 deletions
@ -5,9 +5,6 @@
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<script src="helpers.js"></script>
<script src="peg.js"></script>
<script src="notcl.js"></script>
<script src="3x5.js"></script>
<script src="bundle.js"></script>
@ -1,22 +1,35 @@
* @typedef {object} Card Basic unit of information, also an "actor" in the programming system
* @property {number} id Unique identifier
* @property {Record<string, string>} fields Key-value properties on the card
* @property {string} code Eventually: a markdown string containing code, but for now, just code
import { parse } from "./notcl";
* @typedef {"action" | "render"} ScriptType "Mode" of the environment a script runs in; determines access to mutability features and such.
* Basic unit of information, also an "actor" in the programming system
type Card = {
/** Unique identifier */
id: number;
/** Key-value properties on the card */
fields: Record<string, string>;
/** Eventually: a markdown string containing code, but for now, just code */
code: string;
* "Mode" of the environment a script runs in; determines access to mutability features and such.
* "action": response to a UI action; allowed to modify card fields and access time and random numbers.
* "render": deterministic generation of display markup from card and workspace state; can only modify temporary variables.
type ScriptType = "action" | "render";
* @typedef {object} Vm State for running a script in.
* @property {ScriptType} mode Mutability status
* @property {string} output Markup to render / output
* State for running a script in.
type Vm = {
/** Mutability status */
mode: ScriptType;
/** Markup to render / output */
output: string;
* @param {Vm} state VM state
@ -24,7 +37,7 @@
* @returns {string} Markup to render / output
function renderCard(state, code) {
const script = Notcl.parse(code);
const script = parse(code);
if (script[0]) {
state.output = JSON.stringify(script[1], null, 2);
} else {
@ -88,7 +101,7 @@ const debugDisplay = document.createElement("pre");
function render() {
const vm = {
mode: /** @type {ScriptType} */ ("render"),
mode: /** @type {ScriptType} */ "render",
output: "",
const html = renderCard(vm, theCard.code);
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
const escapeDiv = document.createElement("div");
* @param {string} text Potentially dangerous text
* @returns {string} Text safe to embed in HTML
* @param text Potentially dangerous text
* @returns Text safe to embed in HTML
function escapeHtml(text) {
export function escapeHtml(text: string): string {
escapeDiv.textContent = text;
return escapeDiv.innerHTML;
@ -1,115 +1,106 @@
import { escapeHtml } from "./helpers";
import { AtLeast, Choose, End, Regex, Sequence, Use } from "./peg";
export type Word = {
text: string;
export type Command = Word[];
export type Script = Command[];
const InterCommandWhitespace = Regex(/\s+/y).expects("whitespace");
const Comment = Regex(/#[^\n]*/y)
.map(() => []);
const PreCommand = AtLeast(0, InterCommandWhitespace);
const PreWordWhitespace = Regex(/[^\S\n;]+/y).expects("whitespace");
const BasicWord = Regex(/(?!\{)[^\s;]+/y)
.map(([word]) => ({ text: word }))
// WIP, need to be able to escape braces correctly
const Brace = Sequence(
Use(() => Brace)
.map((text) => `{${text}}`),
.map(([text]) => text)
).map(([_left, fragments, _right]) => fragments.join(""));
const Word = Choose(
Brace.map((text) => ({ text }))
const CommandTerminator = Regex(/[\n;]/y)
.expects("NEWLINE | ;")
.map(() => true);
const Command = Sequence(
Sequence(PreWordWhitespace, Word).map(([, word]) => word)
AtLeast(0, PreWordWhitespace)
).map(([word, moreWords]) => [word].concat(moreWords));
const Script = Sequence(
PreWordWhitespace.map(() => []),
CommandTerminator.map(() => []),
Sequence(Comment, Choose(CommandTerminator, End())).map(() => []),
Sequence(Command, Choose(CommandTerminator, End())).map(
([words]) => words
).map(([commands]) => commands.filter((command) => command.length > 0));
const ERROR_CONTEXT = /(?<=([^\n]{0,50}))([^\n]{0,50})/y;
* @typedef {Notcl.Command[]} Notcl.Script
* @typedef {Notcl.Word[]} Notcl.Command
* @typedef {object} Notcl.Word
* @property {string} text
* Parse out a Notcl script into an easier-to-interpret representation.
* No script is actually executed yet.
* @param - code to parse
* @returns - parsed list of commands, or error message on failure
export function parse(code: string): [true, Script] | [false, string] {
/* Preprocess */
// fold line endings
code = code.replace(/(?<!\\)((\\\\)*)\\\n/g, "$1");
var Notcl = (() => {
const { AtLeast, Choose, End, Regex, Sequence, Use } = Peg;
/* Parse */
const [commands, errorPos, expected] = Script(code, 0);
const InterCommandWhitespace = Regex(/\s+/y).expects("whitespace");
const Comment = Regex(/#[^\n]*/y)
.map(() => []);
const PreCommand = AtLeast(0, InterCommandWhitespace);
const PreWordWhitespace = Regex(/[^\S\n;]+/y).expects("whitespace");
const BasicWord = Regex(/(?!\{)[^\s;]+/y)
.map(([word]) => ({ text: word }))
// WIP, need to be able to escape braces correctly
/** @type {Peg.Pattern<string>} */
const Brace = Sequence(
Use(() => Brace)
.map((text) => `{${text}}`),
.map(([text]) => text)
).map(([_left, fragments, _right]) => fragments.join(""));
const Word = Choose(
Brace.map((text) => ({ text }))
const CommandTerminator = Regex(/[\n;]/y)
.expects("NEWLINE | ;")
.map(() => true);
/** @type {Peg.Pattern<Notcl.Command>} */
const Command = Sequence(
Sequence(PreWordWhitespace, Word).map(([, word]) => word)
AtLeast(0, PreWordWhitespace)
).map(([word, moreWords]) => [word].concat(moreWords));
/** @type {Peg.Pattern<Notcl.Script>} */
const Script = Sequence(
PreWordWhitespace.map(() => []),
CommandTerminator.map(() => []),
Sequence(Comment, Choose(CommandTerminator, End())).map(() => []),
Sequence(Command, Choose(CommandTerminator, End())).map(
([words]) => words
).map(([commands]) => commands.filter((command) => command.length > 0));
const ERROR_CONTEXT = /(?<=([^\n]{0,50}))([^\n]{0,50})/y;
return {
* Parse out a Notcl script into an easier-to-interpret representation.
* No script is actually executed yet.
* @param {string} code to parse
* @returns {[true, Notcl.Script] | [false, string]} parsed list of commands, or error message on failure
parse(code) {
/* Preprocess */
// fold line endings
code = code.replace(/(?<!\\)((\\\\)*)\\\n/g, "$1");
/* Parse */
const [commands, errorPos, expected] = Script(code, 0);
if (commands) {
return [true, commands[0]];
} else {
ERROR_CONTEXT.lastIndex = errorPos;
const [, before, after] = /** @type {RegExpExecArray} */ (
return [
`<pre>Error at position ${errorPos}
if (commands) {
return [true, commands[0]];
} else {
ERROR_CONTEXT.lastIndex = errorPos;
const [, before, after] = ERROR_CONTEXT.exec(code)!;
return [
`<pre>Error at position ${errorPos}
${escapeHtml(before + "" + after)}
Expected: ${escapeHtml(expected)}</pre>`,
@ -1,44 +1,48 @@
* A Pattern is a function that matches against a string starting at a given index.
* If it matches successfully, it returns some captured value, and the index following the match.
* On success or failure, it returns the furthest point the pattern could make sense of, and a description of what was expected next at that point.
* For simple patterns, the "furthest point" may just be the following index; however, some more complex patterns might succeed,
* but consume less input than they would have been able to if some other expected symbol was found. Reporting
* the furthest a pattern could hypothetically have gotten can help generate better error messages if no valid parse tree is found.
* @template T
* @callback Peg.PatternCall
* @param {string} source - the string being parsed
* @param {number} index - the index in the string to begin matching from
* @returns {[[T, number] | null, number, string]} - [successValue, furthest symbol attempted, expected pattern]
* @template T
* @typedef {object} Peg.PatternExt
* @property {<U>(map: (value: T) => U) => Peg.Pattern<U>} map Creates a pattern that wraps another pattern, transforming the returned value on a match
* @property {string} expectLabel A human-readable annotation describing the pattern for error messages
* @property {(label: string) => Peg.Pattern<T>} expects Adds a human-readable annotation describing the pattern
* @template T
* @typedef {Peg.PatternCall<T> & Peg.PatternExt<T>} Peg.Pattern
var Peg = window.Peg ?? {};
export type Pattern<T> = PatternFunc<T> & {
* Creates a pattern that wraps another pattern, transforming the returned value on a match.
* @param map - Mapping function
map<U>(map: (value: T) => U): Pattern<U>;
/** A human-readable annotation describing the pattern for error messages */
expectLabel: string;
/** Adds a human-readable annotation describing the pattern */
expects(label: string): Pattern<T>;
type PatternFunc<T> = {
* If the pattern matches successfully, it returns some captured value, and the index following the match.
* It may also return an error, if that error may have prevented the pattern from matching more than it did.
* Some more complex patterns might succeed, but consume less input than they would have been able to if some
* other expected symbol was found. Reporting the furthest a pattern could hypothetically have gotten can help generate
* better error messages if no valid parse tree is found.
* @param source - the string being parsed
* @param index - the index in the string to begin matching from
* @returns - [successValue, furthest symbol attempted, expected pattern]
(source: string, index: number): [[T, number] | null, number, string];
* Makes a pattern from a function, adding helper methods.
* @template T
* @param {(source: string, index: number) => ([[T, number] | null, number, string])} matchFunc
* @returns {Peg.Pattern<T>}
Peg.WrapPattern = function (matchFunc) {
const pattern = /** @type {Peg.Pattern<T>} */ (matchFunc);
pattern.map = function (map) {
return Peg.WrapPattern(function (source, index) {
function WrapPattern<T>(matchFunc: PatternFunc<T>) {
const pattern = matchFunc as Pattern<T>;
pattern.map = (map) => {
return WrapPattern((source, index) => {
const [value, furthest, expected] = pattern(source, index);
return [value ? [map(value[0]), value[1]] : null, furthest, expected];
@ -51,31 +55,26 @@ Peg.WrapPattern = function (matchFunc) {
return pattern;
* Proxies to a pattern retrieved from an accessor function.
* Allows using a pattern recursively in its own definition, by returning the value of the const assigned to.
* @template T
* @param {() => Peg.Pattern<T>} getPattern
* @returns {Peg.Pattern<T>}
* @param getPattern
Peg.Use = function (getPattern) {
return Peg.WrapPattern(function (source, index) {
return getPattern()(source, index);
export function Use<T>(getPattern: () => Pattern<T>): Pattern<T> {
return WrapPattern((source, index) => getPattern()(source, index)).expects(
* Creates a pattern matching a regex & returning any captures. The regex needs to be sticky (using the //y modifier)
* @param {RegExp} regex
* @return {Peg.Pattern<RegExpExecArray>}
Peg.Regex = function (regex) {
/** @type {Peg.Pattern<RegExpExecArray>} */
const pattern = Peg.WrapPattern(function (source, index) {
export function Regex(regex: RegExp): Pattern<RegExpExecArray> {
const pattern = WrapPattern((source, index) => {
regex.lastIndex = index;
const matches = regex.exec(source);
return matches
@ -83,19 +82,18 @@ Peg.Regex = function (regex) {
: [null, index, pattern.expectLabel];
return pattern;
* Creates a pattern that tries the given patterns, in order, until it finds one that matches at the current index.
* @template T
* @param {...Peg.Pattern<T>} patterns
* @return {Peg.Pattern<T>}
* @return {}
Peg.Choose = function (...patterns) {
export function Choose<T>(...patterns: Pattern<T>[]): Pattern<T> {
const genericExpected = patterns
.map((pattern) => pattern.expectLabel)
.join(" | ");
return Peg.WrapPattern(function (source, index) {
return WrapPattern((source, index) => {
let furthestFound = index;
let furthestExpected = genericExpected;
for (const pattern of patterns) {
@ -111,21 +109,20 @@ Peg.Choose = function (...patterns) {
return [null, furthestFound, furthestExpected];
* Creates a pattern that concatenates the given patterns, returning a tuple of their captured values.
* For example, if A matches "a" and captures 1, while B matches "b" and captures null,
* then `Sequence(A,B)` will match "ab" and capture [1, null]
* @template {unknown[]} T
* @param {{[K in keyof T]: Peg.Pattern<T[K]>}} patterns
* @return {Peg.Pattern<T>}
Peg.Sequence = function (...patterns) {
export function Sequence<T extends unknown[]>(
...patterns: { [K in keyof T]: Pattern<T[K]> }
): Pattern<T> {
const genericExpected = patterns[0]?.expectLabel ?? "(nothing)";
return Peg.WrapPattern(function (source, index) {
const values = /** @type {T} */ (/** @type {unknown} */ ([]));
return WrapPattern((source, index) => {
const values: unknown[] = [];
let furthestFound = index;
let furthestExpected = genericExpected;
for (const pattern of patterns) {
@ -142,9 +139,9 @@ Peg.Sequence = function (...patterns) {
index = value[1];
return [[values, index], furthestFound, furthestExpected];
return [[values as T, index], furthestFound, furthestExpected];
* Creates a pattern that matches consecutive runs of the given pattern, returning an array of all captures.
@ -154,14 +151,12 @@ Peg.Sequence = function (...patterns) {
* If the given pattern does not consume input, the matching will be terminated to prevent an eternal loop.
* Note that if the minimum run is zero, this pattern will always succeed, but might not consume any input.
* @template {unknown} T
* @param {number} min
* @param {Peg.Pattern<T>} pattern
* @return {Peg.Pattern<T[]>}
Peg.AtLeast = function (min, pattern) {
return Peg.WrapPattern(function (source, index) {
const values = /** @type {T[]} */ ([]);
export function AtLeast<T>(min, pattern: Pattern<T>): Pattern<T[]> {
return WrapPattern(function (source, index) {
const values: T[] = [];
let furthestFound = index;
let furthestExpected = pattern.expectLabel;
do {
@ -185,20 +180,18 @@ Peg.AtLeast = function (min, pattern) {
return [null, furthestFound, furthestExpected];
* Creates a pattern that matches the end of input
* @return {Peg.Pattern<true>}
Peg.End = () => {
/** @type {Peg.Pattern<true>} */
const end = Peg.WrapPattern(function End(source, index) {
export function End(): Pattern<true> {
const end = WrapPattern(function End(source, index) {
return [
source.length == index ? [/** @type {true} */ (true), index] : null,
source.length == index ? [true, index] : null,
return end;
Add table
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